HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-08-07, Page 5I THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1913 Wha t Impr-es Do You Have S1011 a With the people you, meet ? It must be either good, bad or indifferent, By wearing clothes that fit and give satisfaction you will have an excellent impression with those you meet in everyday life. Do not hesitate to order a Suit or Overcoat. Satis- faction guaranteed. Cleaning and pressing promptly attended to. To. A* M 0 0 N Phone 26. WILSON BLOCK 10) THE WING IIAM ADV A NCE •w.q.,r u=•,r„•w,r, G1 BigTorhado Sale e Us �r1a�. � Your -Next Job. Thousands of While dissolvingpartnership, 2000.0o worth of young Canadians have struck " stock must be sold from ou>� store within only from old conditions to higher and better things y by enrolling as students of our Business Col. 20 days. Therefore starting; Saturday morning, All kinds of Printinneatl and leges and Home Study Department. You can July 19th and ending August qth, we are going 9 y study all in your own home, or partly there to sell everything below cost. The cash is very artistically executed. and finish at College. NOW is a good time much necessary to us, to start. Every farmer's son who intends to We will have on sale Men's and Boys' Suits, Dodgers, Auction Sales, Station- remain• on the farm should have a business Men's Underwear, g Pants, Boots, Mens Raincoats, education. You can continue your work, and light and heavy, Men's Overalls and Socks, Hats ery, Envelopes, Bloffers, Buffer like Lincoln, prepare at the same time. Ask and Caps, Working Shirts and Fine Shirts. IIs now. Largest trainers in Canada. Thirty Wrappers, Church Reports, Etc. Remember, don't miss the chance. There would years experience. Seven Colleges. Two thou. This`' office has always had the reputation of turn. sand students annually: Positions guaranteed. not be another chance for you to buy goods as cheap Individual instruction. No vacation. Successful as you can do it in this Tornado Sale. This ing out nicer work than most others. Prices as people act NOW, not later. sale will be a big money -saving opportunity for low as the lowest. Call for prices. ' you. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE WINGHAM. THE ADVANCE GE Cooper & Herman 0. SPOTTON W. T. MORSE Windham -; Ontario PRESIDENT. PRINCIPAL, Opposite Presbyterian Church. Next to Picture Show. ' ,� ' ' • . •, +�, • •. ., . ' . ," .,. ' � AFRICA�A C1.05ED • "BOOK. ' All of Its Territory Now Farcelled Out _ a •. -'�-` b �(< �,� •- -^ .-�---- = Among the Fowel:. :1�•.'a. q, - '�!; a,aw <uwuu._ a, .0 aw <, a auauowai+Jy4!rt�•t � na�as w� n ,s. na),>,xu,`a, .<,tw onto ppoff ooSt,Pa)u ainn� '. _ _ �`•��' � �';`�0/, �' , = The statement made recently in the �jt - �, _ House of Commons by Sir Edward �" I J Grey, that the British Government a N�✓ + _ - _ EA proposed to recognize the Belgian an. Y t jw • vexation of the Congo, brings to a �; close one chapter in thehistory � .: � of that vast territory which, ever since its h �1!' 'l `\�' s� - ) a sac,aK,...Mwu. a,a.R,ua.,ac.a K,4lHh�NK �.�, .<,n .,�� K.a,.,,. ,r.,+,.��� .,.,<,. .,,.+h.a,�a,..•<,��..�,M.�a,.wo a. )... �.« a,..a, .)h�,�,.. u�• .)<. ,� - ;�,� lo. �e '� l „ , �La. c _ e2ploration some 35 years ago by Stan. ,4 _ _ `� _=�'��)�'\� ice'\"'�••r•'"\�� \\� ..�'�' M �� '�` i• ��• {, ley,has occupied such unique osi- ``�� ' I� ..•w.�. .. .Y ,..�/'�.� _ . -_. „.r , i. � �.� (� / <1C %%✓ I "o I - - tion as far as political a tatua is con. c�) cerned. Thirty-five years ago when BIG ROP IN PRICE: AT (DUiZ SUM'1ER SALE. OUR SALES are always hammers and this ; the international scramble for territor- A y r \ ial possessions in Africa was just be. one will be NO EXCEPTION. WAIT for this great sale = \\� r • _ _ ginning, no one seemed to be special- ` ly interested in the Congo. It was ®pn11id�1V��1 olvl SATURDAY, AUGUST 2nd cthe lue Belgians, Stanley that Leopold, I{ing d • d+/� .�� i d _ I 1 % �. 9;' the ntrnationals Associattiiono of the / ��y• y .: rI Congo, with t'.•re object of exploring itand ENDING SATURDAY AUGUST 16th : b ,� .� %'� = p g ' .� � 'K and developing its commercial 2 > >; •' - possi- bilities. The Belgian people, however, Just two weeks of wonderful price savings in 'our TWO STORES. It will be worth while �ti "` '-_�„'. as a whole, would have none of in •,. ,. � \..� and after the conference of Berlin is 1 » > 1884, when the independence of the buying largely for the future at the following "CUT PRICE`. Great value ia,Men s, Woo new territories was guaranteed, the mens, Boys and Girls Ready -to -Wear Clothing. Read the list of the Bargains and come �• ;; Belgian Parliament, while recognizing King Leopold as the head of the right along and get your share. Come in the morning if possible, but come any time. ® _ new state, definitely placed it on re coal that the union with Belgian' was only a personal one. For the next • fifteen years little was heard of the y g Bargains in Silks Ready -to -Wear Table Linen- s earn happenings u fa surface, asit tract of the as until Grocer Bargains. A large stock of Silks to be sold at sweeping reduc- Ladies' tailored made suits, separate coats and skirts, Heavy Table Linen, new pattern, sale 1901 that there began to filter through Art Baking Powder and Graniteware Premium :i0c y p le price, 2u^ into the European tions. We have the kind that will give good made of Panamas, Voiles, Broadcloths and Special one r peau press accounts of - value—a bargain ...... , .... <...... ....... . . .. . ... 30c a p piece extra wide Linen, 05c for ....... , .... a)Oc _ those outrages. on the vast native wear. , • too population, which for several years - - Canada Laundry Starch ............ . ............... . . 07c Sergee, 20°, oft all regular prices to reduce stock. One end choice pattern bleached, 50c for ......... , , . Royal Yeast Cakes ... .. .. . ... ................... • .. 03, 27 inch Japan Taffeta Silk, all colon?, regular value Bargains in Table Napkins and matched sets, large thereafter associated the name of the 10c B.,ttle Extract ...... .......... . ................... os3 o50c, sale price................................ , .... , 40c Linen Table Cloth with Napkins to match, b y + , , • , h•t p Como in the same way as Armenia; 353 Japan Tea . .... . . ................. . .... . ........... 253 Fancy colored Silk one yard wide, our regular price 1 ewear with the word atrocity. The adverse $1.25, sale price . . .... . ............... , ... , ....... $100 r report of the Congo commission in 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar . ..... . . . ............... • .....$1.00 Large stock of Whitewear to sell at reduced prices,, MEN'S WEAR STORE 1905 brought matters to a head, 2 Cans Salmon for .. 25c One piece 50 yds. Black a price Silk, yard wide, floe Ladies' white embroidered dresees, misses dyes• - regular value $1 2:i, sale price .. = and vigorous remonstrances of Great Large Bar Soap ” , girl:,' dresses. Corset covers, princess slips, Big stock of Clothing of the best makes. Buy your Britain and the United States in 1909 l0c g P• • Extra wide black or colored Silks, $1 60 reg, price, SeP - resulted in a scheme of reform which. Corn Starch per package . 08c underskirts, drawers, fancy lawn waists long Suit now and save money. - sale price ................ . . . . ...... . ..... ....... $125 g passed into law in the following year. Raisins per lb . .............................. . ......... 10c or short sleeves, top skirts. Alen's English Worsted Suits, regular $15.00,'clean Since then Belgium with a laudable Olive Oil Soap7 bare for . .. . ............ . ............. 25e 20% off regular prices of all lines of narrow silk. sweep price ............................ . .. ... $1.1.95 thoroughness, has undertaken the re - Good Broom for ............ . .. . .... ....... . . . ..... 25c - •L Men's Nancy Tweed Suits to clear, . , . , ... , , . , . , .... 8 00 - or, of the country. A short _ = 3 packages Seeded Raisins for ... .... .......:... . ... 25c Ribbons Youths' Fancy Tweed Suite, a ale price , . , ... , ... , , , , 5,95 time ago the Congo Reform Associa- Parasols ' : tion declared in effect that their work 1 lb. package Tea to clear at .......... ............... 253 Big range of Colored Ribbons to sell quick at reduced Men's strong wearing Punts, $175 and $2.00 for. , ... 139 Fancy Cakes per lb. .. , . • ........... . ..... " ........... Ioc Summer Parasols in white embroidery or fancy prices. Men's Fancy Stripe Pants, reg. $2 50 for ........ , ... 1 90 was finished, and the generous recof. _ = ' nition by Sir Edward Gxep o1 the ef- colored. $125 value for $1.00 ; $150 value for A lot of wide colored Toffuta Ribbon to clear at , ..... lox Boyr,' strong Pants, to clear .. . .. . . .......... . .•. .... 50 'forts of the Belgian Government to CORSETS $1.25 ; $175 value for $1,40 ; $2 00 value for Wide Taffeta Ribbon 20a value for .. . . . ............... 15c Men's strong Overalls, sale price............. 75 •, 853, 100 bring about a better state of things in $1.50 ; $2550 value for $2.00. Boys' Suits in small sizes, to clear at ..... .... . ..... 1.50 - their eir vast possession, will be approved 2Sa value for : , ...... 20c, 35c value for ... 28c )all those who recognize the diffi. 4 Big clean up in our Corset. depart men t• Broken lines Men s Fancy Worsted Suits, regular $12.50 ..... , ... 10.00 y and odd Sizes in Cromprons and D. & A, Corsets; �, culties with which the authorities in Men's line Rain Coate, sale price ... . . ....... . . . .. . . • 5 f):� Brussels had to contend. your pick uF the lot on centre table for only ...... 69c Carpet ]Department • Youths' Suite fancy patterns, sale r ice ........ 4 75 The book of the Hosiery hind Gloves ) Y P ) price . , • _ great African con - Buy ym, Floor Coverings now and save money, the tinent is fast- being closed. With the = PRINTS Several lines of Long Gloves, black, white or colored , Italians in possession of Tripoli, str , k is large and must be reduced so down goes to clear at reduced pricey. MENS HATS France and Spain in. possession of. Crum,' Englibh Prints, new patterns, light and dark tl.t j'rices of Ruge, Carpets and Linoleums,- _ Morocco, and now Belgium formally. _ colors, regular 121-c value; Clean Sweep Sale ..... 10c Womer.'a and Children'd Hose on sale at . . . . .. . . . . . .. . lOc Men's Straw Data to clear at a discount of 2��o c.ff. secure in her possession of the Congo; Men's and Boys' Felt .Flats will be sold at 20% off there remains little territory to be allo• _ MUSLINS < Boots and Shoes regular prices, ; " cated. Attention every now and again,' Bargains in Staples it is true, is called to the question of New patterns MuOins, light or dark colorings, on sale Big cut in prices of all • lines of Men's, Women's, + _ tr at ;Np% afE, Bu s' and Girls' +`ootwear ; se© the Bar sin English Cambric one yard wide, 15c value , ..... , ....•. 12!:c GENTS FURNI:'sHINGS Portuoal and her intentions of dispos: y g - ing of her colonies, but whatever may. Boxes, 30 inch Cambric, fine quality, 12l;e for . . . . . ..... . .. . .. 10a A line of men's Braces to clear... , . , , , ..... .... , , .. , .. • 193 happen in the future in this regard, it ' 2 doz. Crash Towels, reg. 12je each for ..... . . . ..... . . . 10c 5 doz men's Silk Ties to clear at .. , . , .. , . , ....... , .... 15c cannot alter the fact that practically; Y g .. , . b, Mens Fancy Print Shirts, sale pi ice .............. . . . . . 590 = the whole of Africa has been definitely' Dress Goods LACES AND EMBROIDERIES Heavy Crash Towelling, value for , . • ........... ' portion out among the powers of 1n order to reduce our large stock of Dress Goode, we Wide Flannelette to clear at ...... . . ................... 8c Men's Heavy Sox, black or grey, 2 pr. for.. , .... , . , ... , 25c Europe. will give a discount of 20% off our close price.-, Large stock of Embroideries and Laces to clear. Fine Factory Cotton, yard wide, 12J�c For .... . .... . ... . lOc Men's Cloth Cape, reg. 50c for ..... , ..... 40c ........... Overlaces and silk trimminae to match all shades A number of ends of 27 inch Flouncing, regular value - Two yard wide Sheeting, 301 value for .... . .... . ... . . . 25c Boys'Summar Jerseys, short sleeve, sale prise ..... .. 20c nd 60c, sale of Drees Goods, A lot a ace to clear out at .... ... , .3oc Fan patterns Duck to clear at .. . . . .... ............ 1 c Men's driving Gloves, regular $ 2v for ....... , ..... , $ ,00 _ A few pieces Print, sale price 5c 'n G es re u • r 1 1 - t o t 1 o f . ;. 5 Fancy pa 0 Honor.,'.. Small Value To Ho -_ "- Apart from a certain appeal to item• • inine vanity presentations at court TERMS�� NOTICE TO FARMUS would hardly seem to be worth the OF SALE. _ j� bother and expense attached to the - function except for those really in the Cash or Produce at time 0 sale. Goods not court circle. The expense of a court q Produce of all kinds taken in at our back ea- dress, bouquet and other items is con. paid for will be charged at regular price. No trance ; drive in the lane off John street to eiderable, the passage through the throne room lasts only a moment and = goods sent out on approbation. -- ® d third door. Good accommodation here. = _ the eioccasio beyond is no other feature _ . y perhaps one urn .. ... , ... ,. ,. , . , . , , . .. ,_ . •. , , .. , , ... � . .. ,, � . • , , , y • .., . •..,', , . ., . ,. '. .- .. . `. , � . , ,^ . , •y-,. y . , .. , � . , . •...,, x , •. , _.-.,., ,... ..,..,. , ,,, ..... ,,. -... , , ,,.,....,• .,., . ,. �" openthrough the drawing -rooms thrown -.. ->� P to the general company and supper downstairs. Presentation does not entitle those so honored to any further recognition _. by the sovereigns, such as an invita. ` (j- tion to a state ball, or even a garden ' 1M 4E'rTlrnlq I W01-SlR party. ` I SA`t•S1FZ I'LL ATTEND 70 AN I SUPAU9ED SURE- N.L. PAWN 1 illiEO-51R! 1 CAWN'Y KEEP A Wireless Club. 'WILL ` oUUSE - -NOT ONE NL4 THE 'r"NT - l'LL TO Keep MI; —Ri15 AND THEN 1 (0Y TWO r ?HIS UP YeRY GIVE YOU WIN SO E I.ONq :SIR" The first "wireless" club in Britain i'etYN`f- YOU WI► -L fSCApE A CHANE Tv EAikrl FIN4ER pLV�y4ED IN M MORE DOLLhRS FOR 1`t • has been established at Sale, near LFT ME EIAVt; OOty!T tCNOW IP i0U TAKE In HE{�E Uwrlt.. A 1�kER BU'r 1 L0Vr- Manchester, and meetings are held A l.t'CTLE YOUR wg4 5: �. 4AME - rHSN I'LL. LQ7• MI! HAVE zc 9 ,.! AWI DCN'Y t3& every night. Members while in meet• CHANGE 0 NOW TO TTANk THA -r DOWN / �fOU RE7UF21y • ... - 4s7 17 0 +..� ! SO SION"r e r,ARe, or. 171 `atR? f 6r THE CHAIR - / CAr1'Y U gra ing tan the world's news and receive `�o `r , I°. .• ) BRING t�' ME 1,VG �WIL,u ,-�( ' 1'M THlAt-ry - There seventeen mmembe members, and IYON"L,OIT Be, CHAN n ILL 8R1Nel •YoU each Is the licensed owner of a wire. 13 less installation. "In respect of all 1?a `, ACK A bRINKt messages niciced up by wireless we i are pledged to secrecy," said a mem- ber. "We are tllso not allowed to use th3 commercial wave. We send f�9m9 U �` g • n ``p�' f �• �' C4 fes. _ e Out a Shorter length." Was Beam In Bishop's Sys. CJI There have been many quiet chue. hies during the last few days at the • l — + expense of Dr. Ingram, Bishop cf Lon. \��~• � dun. Ile stroumly of>jt�rts to ions;• 1 c ._...ti..: tt intled bishops, and told the students at Queens Colloge, a few Flays ago that lie n1way s tried to drliver are -..r • •, instead of two nlldre.4se:s at omfirma. "I thit)l.," he said, „%v,; rl all t1111011 ,t' t) lonl•'•lt it dcA " And 1 a 1 LE .r• _ __ - �..,.,..�..«,.,�.,..,..w:.«,:.-�,/' _„ ]r thcrl ht, w;),1:�� for ft,)ty ntil)tttor. A irav�ler Crab. " •� 11',<i' that lwou ht , t"1lt ' CIO. .,;f1t,li tt rill t t'h ilii' ]ja,] i' f.11ll('�117 ' ll ]. , Ill! 1 111 ti to _ . „ ,•.,; -t, lt;t� >t l,t t r t 1 � 1+1-Il.vit?3 t+iii• 1 .10 ,•r :)t Al),•t_1-tn 6w tt-,n+iuutl,,n, Pahl iw%% lY,•t'11 Ili -it tilt, • ' 1 ",11 lv +•+ i,i, r.de'l At DO irint•11, Xtal t. _ , . i�Yi liiY ,..•.,� -.,tea►j,... - _ _ ...... r.. n io Sl. 11I. t:itl% im