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The Wingham Advance, 1913-07-17, Page 4
"t, � - - , 0 THE WINGIRAM AD-VANCE Tiiu'Rsi)Ay, JuLY 17,t 1913 E U M A EYES OF NEEDLES, The Safest Investment MAKING A CHAINO why They Never Rust Nor Cut the DRIVES OUT V*ry Finest, 6oftest Thread. On. Earth 111OUS of Ile0d)eA. are sold daily. It I S M T1, 119 Ones and the Heavy Ca- was not so long ago when the tbrend oteres tems OP In the needle was cut by the sh.arp RHEUMAT bles Are of Wrought Iron, edges left In the eye after ruanufac- Is The Earth Itself, tune. Tboomaller the needle the sharp. man After 25 Years of Misery, this er the edge and the greater the annoy. Matt Walks, Works and Feels SOFT STEEL FOR SMALL ONES. ince to users. Then, again, the eye Aft, would rust, for a woman will dampen Buy an Ontario Farm, We bave a ers. Fine Again, I the end of the thread on her tongue number of bargains on h4ud, Right away—'he first day you start Th6 Larger Si:Aes Are All Hand Forged, in order to, make a point so that the, UU to take RUHWMA—the Uric Acid and In This Work the Metal Must needle way be threaded more easily. We specially advertloo for two weeks poison begins to dissolve and leave the Be of Precisely the Riqht Heat and Complaint was loud and long, and or- only ,— the Slaws Quick and Sure. wa the line to pro- "Lot I and west d Lot 2, Con, 12, 'his is the place to buy rigbt by that we. Mean wire joints and museles, Its action is deer were passed do little less than 111agioal. duce an eye In the smallest needle that EI()wick, Close to school, * church and URRUMA works No speedily you act- The great bulk of chains, Including could not cut tbo'fluest and Softest rnarlwt. Farm coutwtns 160 gores, all the best possible goods fbr the least possible prices, il"Oly esti feel rho Rhoutuatitim leavitig all cable and mooring chains, are sold thread.in the world, and stand b --bind ever% thing we sell. We are the body, A bottle costs bur 50 et-nrs- by the pound. The price ranges from This was done by Inventing it new under grass with Brick House and Bank IdAh and it you are not, satiefled J. W. No. 31/.., to 12 cents A pound, according to machine in the shape of die cutters for 84rn with cemont stables, Drilled well, -flways {ho wing &omethin�,y especially gond wwch Kihbon will return your money. Rva(l the size, material and quality. P Rhis property will N sold cheap to thie: All cables and other very heavy the making of the ey4s. The points on u , our ,Ad.." or better still, watch our store, bas U1 Trade "I wish tostate to yon the facui and these minute augers are so small that wind p au estate," nothing but the facte. I blest, the -day chains are made of wrought Iron, and they cannot be seen with the naked friprid brought we a 50 cent battle it there are made wrought Iron cbaWs of Valuable town properties for sale in Now, pul-e, Clover Honey, the best quality on The market; 0 eye or detected by the most delicate RHHUNA. I need one-half of it and all sizes down to and including chains sense of touch. A microscope Is nec- Wingham and surrounding villages. it's good, and goes a long way towards taking the place of f material a quarter of an Inch In fruit. In Imperial quart jars, price including jar, 60c, and is did me move good than all the other o essary. So it was essential to Invent Fire, life, accident, health, boiler, yn,;dicinefi I ever tried, I had been diameter, but nowadays most of the, new machines to manufacture the dies each jar holds 3-,� to 4 lbs. honey, PIMInto(I with RheumAtism &II Over my chain used in comparatively smaller and to sharpen the tiny drills. tornado, live stock, plate glass, auto - body for more than 25 years; I could sizes Is made of soft steel, such chain be mobile and all other hinds of Insurance A, few pair Ladies' Summer Ladies' Lisle Thread Gloves not walk, and was ft broken-down Polishers and burnishers had to being made In sizes ranging by six- in, first-class Compnnies, at lowest rates. During chat tirne I spent a small for- made that would finish off every rough Gloves with lace tops in gray, in grey only, elbow length, a, of an tune trying to be Ad of the borriblo teenths from three-sixteenthsedge in an Instant almost because nee- black and tan, elbow length, very special value at 406 pr. disease, -but without help. 1fowever, Inch to an -Inch and a quarter. dies sell- a dozen or so for a few cents. KU EUM.-'� rt-acht-d my ctwF4. and I When the size of a chain is referred regular 50c for 38c. When this was done the needles were Lace Collitr and. ClAff sets in r -hank God I can again use rny fe8t 4nd to by those familiar with chains, it A -variety of dairity Lace C. 'I- wbito and cri-am. at $1 and placed in a rack, through which the ����� t,1 my work, always means not the linkbutbut the eyes projected and held so tightly that lars, splendid designs at 25c, "Before taking your mpdicine I wa, material used In it. Thus a one Inch when Immersed in water only the eyes X1.25. with a daughter on her farm. 35C and 50c. chain would be made of one Inch steel covered. In this -way the heads Men's Black Catibm.;,re Box, 4,TAd despite her loving effarts to temp` were c my appetite not eat. niter I or iron. The completed link would be L I 0-1111,(I o -O tile needles became the uetative REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE U] Children's "White Waah Tams See or sbr, t1mes, as long and kad taken REIRUMA two days my ap. about pole of a powerful battery, and in a only a few left., regular 25c an extra good welgli I t, regular A i Sao for 25c pair. oetite returned. Yours for prosperity." about three and a halt times as wide few moments the eyes of several mil- d 50c� at 16c. —Prof. H. B. Dolling, 7 S, Ninth St,, across as the thicknessof t4g! material lion needles were gold plated and a' Richmond, Ind., Oct. 10, 1912, of which It was made. WELLINGTON MUTUAL In other days all chains was hand- hence rendered must proofe—Harper's.. The man who works out doors and in the fields will find Mr. Farmer we want your wool and are prepared made, bit the modern chain is of soft FIRE INS. CO. some things bore wbich are right in his line. to give the very Highest Prices. We have some steel and machine made. There Is DAMP, DARK DAYS. Establlshed1840. Blue and white striped Overalls, bib and braces attached � 4 WHERE OUR PEOPLE WEPF, taken a long bar of steel, which is bent Head Of GUELPH, ONT. pockets, all seams double stitched, rivetted buttons, and re— very special values in all departments for you, cold around a mandril that is oval In And Their Depressing Effects Upon the enforced waist band, at only 01 pair. BORN. Risks taken on all classes of in. Burin the •wool season. It will pay you tO shape. The bar Is thus bent into what Human System. surable property on the cash or pre - looks like a spiral spring with its coils Next time it is a dark, dreary, day mium note system. An extra heavy blue and wbite striped Overall, the best take a day off and come to Wingham, go tbrough Seventy-eight per cent. of the pee- not round, but oblong. This spiral Is and you are sure that you have some G:Eo. $TF.r,,,Ar.kx, JonN DAVIDSON quality denim, perfect in the smallest detail at $1.50 pair. our new store which "is full of the newest goods. cut up cold in a cutting machine, which really terrible. ailment don't worry President. Secretary. Black Overalls, with and without bibe, a splendid wearing i3le living in Canada, when the last cen- cuts It into as many parts as there are Just cheer up and realize that there Is Overall at .$t pair. sus was taken were barn in this co- coils, each of these being the material nothing the matter with you except RITCHIE & COSENS. -entry. People born in the United for a link-, and at the same time the that the weather is damp, and the first Agents. Wingham, Ont Men's black and white striped Worldng Shirts, full sizes, Kingdom or British possessions out. machine spreads each of these sections sunny day will be sure to set you right. collars attached, and double stitched at 60c, 75c and $1. Ide of Canada made up 11-.�% of our apart a little at the opening and cuts At least this is the opinion of Dr. Special values In on each of the two free ends a long Rankin, a London physician, who has DUDLEY HOLMES Cotton Box at 10o and 15c pair. total population in the census year, scarf or bevel and bends the; ends over been giving lectures on the subject of while those of foreign birth constitut- Barrister, Solicitor, etc. A splendid Mule Skin Harvest Boot at $1.50 pair. within the opening. health and happiness. He attributes Carpets Men's Clothing Ladies' Ready-to-wear ed 101% of the whole. Thus nearly This bent piece of steel is now In most of the ordin,.&ry woes of humanity Offlce : Meyer Block, Wingham. eight out of every ten people in the Rugs Boys' Clothing Summer Dress Goods shape, roughly speaking, like a letter to the damp weather and explains his Make our store your buying headquarters* Doyriinion were of Canadian birth, less U with rather long arms and with its theory scientifically' Linoleum Rain Coats Gloves, Ilosier3r and than twelve in hundred were British two ends bent over lawaxd. It needs "In damp weather,'' he says, "the R. VANSTONE oilcloths Hats & Caps Underwear, also the born, and nearly eleven in a hundred only to have those scarved endd weld- skin does not perform Its functions BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR were of alien birth. ed together to make it a link of chain. properly. Products which should be FARMERS! Curtains Underwear Best Wool Blankets Quebec stands first among the Pro. The chainmaker sits at a foot oper- thrown off in perspiration remain and Money to loan at lowest rates. Windoyr Boots •& Shoes Sheeting Yarns, etc, vinces in the percentage of native born ated power hammer, with a forge be- clog the skin. Under ordinary circum- WINGRAM. side him, In which he beats the open stances in a normal temperature the During the work on our main street, drive to the Shades within its borders, Of the people liv- links. amount of vapor passing from the skin rear of our store, there's lots of room. We'll look after ins * in Quebec 98 28% were born there. He takes from the fire a link suitably reaches thirty ounces per day. In you, Enter from.. Edward street. kRT11U J. IRWIN Prince Edward Island comes next with heated and hooks it into the chain as moist air the amount passing out from L, 4 98.12% of native birth. Nova Scotia' far as completed and then pinches the the skin is reduced, to seven or eight D.D.S., L,D.S. vanks third with 97.33%. New Bruns- open ends of the new link together un. Ounces. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen. wick and Ontario are practically equal 'der the hammer, and with three or "As perspiration contains polsono"S risylvanin College and Licent ate of in this respect with a little less than four quick blows be welds the link to- properties, it is not surprising that Dental Surgery of Ontario. AI 41% of her people native born. Alberta'gether. When he takes a hot link during damp weather these poisonous —Office in ;Macdonald Block- -Y from the Bre be puts a cold one in, axed properties which are retained in the 0 comes next to the bottom with 45.k so he continues to work. ' It Is alto- body lower the vitality and produce British Columbia stands third with gether a quick and more economical various temporary ailments-" G. E. ROSS, D.D.S, L.D.S. -A nearly 50%, -while Manitoba naturally process of manufacture than hand So it's really a comfort to know that PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 71 leads all the Western Provinces in forging, but It has not -yet been adapt- when we do not feel "well" in damp Honor Graduate of the Royal College . . . . . . . point of percentage of native born, ed to chains of the larger sizes. weather it is no sign of constitutional of Deb1al Surgeonq of Ontario, Honor Ui% of the population of that Province There are' wrought Iron chaind of BI health, but just the weather.—San Graduate of. University of Toronto having been born there. 'some sizes that are machine made, but Francisco Chronicle. Faculty of Dentistry. The outstanding fact in all these all 'wrought chains of material above U oprqoR OVER 11. E. ISARD & CO'S. STORE blith place statistics, however, is that an inch and a quarter In diameter are Castle Garden. band forged. Castle Garden was built by thd Unit. LCA- I eight out of ten of our people first saw Of whatever size the, big chain Is to 'ed States in ISOT from the plans of We R. HAMBLY, B.Sc., M.D., G.M. a a the light within the Dominion's far. be the workmen cut up the Iron bears Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Williams, flung borders, This is their coxintr Special attention paid to diseases Z Into straight lengths, each suitable to C. ID., andwas called Fort Clinton. In of Women and Children, having 25 It has also become the country Of be made into a link. This length of o New York city. 0,3 0 0 `iM I --i -4- BANK' I:' IS22 it was ceded t taken pmtgraduate work in Snr- tbose of alien birth who have come iron is heated, one end at a time, amd in IS24 it became a place of amuse. fiery, Bacteriology and Scientific IDIR EDMUND 13. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE-pRESIDENT. % A here to make permanent homes for one after the other the ends are ha.m- ment and about 1826 got the -name of Medicine. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Ad themselveO. Of all these we can bop,4 mered down by hand on an anvil" to in 1845 there were Office in the Kerr residence, 00.. Castle Garden. an a the scarves or bevels, tweeze the Queen's Hotel and the o make good Canadians. We, cannot 'shape Is, Then Ethiopian minstrels there, in 1847-9 Capital.rpald up $5,000,000 hope to turn their eyes constantly to. this straight piece of heavy wroughit theatrical companies played there, and Baptist Church. se.000,000 Iron with s Reserve, Fund carved ends Is swaged 1xito All business, given careful attention. Total Assets $78,000,000 wards an Imperial capital from which link form, and if it is to be a stud or in 1850 Jenny Lind sang there. In we are separated by 3,000 miles of 1855 it was closed as a place of amuse- Phone 54. P. 0. Box I ocean. And Canadian and foreign. bar chain there Is placed within the, went, and the commissioners of 1raml- 18 In Large Quantitle�7 Business Men On Farms barn combined make up nearly link before It Is welded together the ration took- it as an immigrant depot US, KENNEDY & CALDER ni and cities—make good use of the 00 Out stud or bar. This is a stout little bar —like business men in tow In 1870 it suffered from fire, and on facilities which this Bank offers. In addition to their Savings of every hundred people living in of cast iron, with Its ends rounded in. July 0, 1876, It -was burned to the oipirims—Comer Patrick and Contra streets Accounts, they open Checking Accounts and make all payments by Canada.—Weekly Star. concaved to fit the rounding surface ground. It was rebuilt at once. lif Pxxoxl@s— Cash or Trade. Cheque. The Bank makes collections promptly, Discounts Sales of the link iron, the stud being placed 1892 the depot was moved to E Ills Is. Wilma 43 Notes and transacts every kind of banking business. across the link Inside of it and mid- land, and Castle Garden reverted to Residence, Dr. Kennedy 1,13 21 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 1 Are you conducting your affairs In this business -like way? way of its length. the city, which in 1896 opened an aqua. Brown's youngster went to Sunday Once in place and the lints pinched riuln there. Dr. KennedV specializes In Surgery. WINGHAM BRANCH: N. EVANS, Manager. school last week and the teacher asked together on its ends the stud could riot Dr. Calder devotes special attention to am prepared to buy any quan- qiw who who was the one man whose be got out except by breaking it out Diseases of the Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat. with a sledge. Its purpose Is to pre- lktyt"e"d. thoroughly tested. olmses propeMy t""ty of'Wool at the hiahest market When Father Sings. life was perfect, and he replied, .,My Little Iffildred lives on the ]ansa g mammWs first husband," vent the links from drawing together side and is four years old. She bas a .,at their sides and wedging under good voice and likes to sing. Her fa, price. Never has this store been in heavy strains. In a stud chain there flier has a very poor voice and wouldn't DR,, H, J. ADAMS OVER 66 YEARS- Is a stud in every link. It carry a tune on his shoulders. He iq Late member House Staff Tor- a -better position to serve the wants EXPERIENCE WANTED With this stud in place -und tbo lin aware of his falling. So is Mildred.' onto General Hospital. -Post grad - beat to shape with the scarves over- Whenever he starts to sing the rasp. GOOD LOCAL AGENT lapping, the link Is again put In the ing nolse grates on her music loving nate London and Dublin. of the people than at the present. :Canadia n' fire to be'finally heated for the weld- Snceessor to Dr. Agnew I ears, and whenever Mildred Is naughty at once to represent ihe OLD AND Ing, which is done by hand. It takes We, have Wroxeter YarD Sheets, father threatens her thus: 0VV1(3U- IN MODONALD BLOCK a blacksmith to handle It and on big RELIBABLE FONTHILL NUR- "'Alildred, if you don't behave papa -a striking National chains two or three belpet TRADE MARKS SERIES. Splendid list of fruit and with sledges to do the welding. The will sing." Sheeting, and Blankets of all the DEMNS ornamental stock for Fall delivery the "right Mildred immediately turns up her DR. ROBT. EDMOND COPMewrs &C. o n Iron must be of precisely' )e quick nose, puts her hands behind her back Any=0 sending'a alcateb and description may 1913 and Spring delivery 1914. Exhibid beat, and the blows must I Eng.) air es quIcItly uscortaln oitr opinion free Whether an and walks away. But she always be- M. R. 0. S. best m to probably patentable, ommunleft• and sure to complete the work perfect- L. R. C. P. (Loud-) It',IOVIII,Snl3ltlroil,eti3reonfideiit al. HANDBOd Start at once an 4 secure exclusive haves.—Kansas City Star. on Patents EXPANSION YEAR ly before the Iron cools. cont free. Oldest a onoyforaeourl q and Surgeon. ,pate? . Patents taken t9rough Mum T 0. recolve t.err torY. We suptly handsome free Stud chaffi, is sometimes oracle of Physician ovecial notice, witbout charge, In 010 outfit and pay hig est commissions. New Livestock Department Iron as small as five-etghths of an The Hetes Were Jealous. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand), 40M Everything in Agriculture the Iron y dear," said the professor's wife; Scientific America, Write for full particulars. Jxh . ibits by the Provinces Inch In diameter. From that V "the bens have scratched up all that Men's and BOys' Suits made &,handsotnely Jillistrated weekly. Largest eir. used runs through various diameters 'a ation of any scientific JournaL Terins for Canada, $3.75 a year, pobtage prepam sold by Exhibits by Dominion Government up to three Inches and more. A three eggplant seed you sowed." W, J. MOON s inch chain makes a tremendous cable, "Ab, Jealousyll, mused the professor. VETERINARY SURGEON notradealeta STONE & WELLINGTON Exhibits by Foreign Countrit wenty. ERINA to f *t, and fit to wear. 'MUNN & C0.3010roildway, New York Acres of Manufactures suitable for a gve ton anchor.—Har- And he sat down and Wrote a t plaV, otil LATE DR, WILSON. Branch Omee. 6% IP St.. Washington, D- 0- TORONTO ONTARIO page article on the "Development of °r' RES pATRIC%K & PRANCIS - MAGNwICENT ART EURVIis De�r'$ Weel.'Iy'. Envy In the 211nds of the Lower B1. S 7 'L, ojgd,3 Phone 1.79. nwidencePhono ir peds.11—Ladies' Home Journal. Ex Gov. Vat. Inspeetoll, Ladies' Waists, Sk* ts, and Paintings from Germany, nritai .n. U"Lawful. Electric Restorer for Men United States and Canada What the man spent for :doweCs axed Is. A Handy Woman, Dress Materia CENT�AE Phosphoncil relft)rcs every nervp in 6a body Educational Exhibits clattery before his wedding was 4ulte to Its ptop6r tension; restores Cadet Review some. Mrs. lJousewifey—I never had 6i *D]R. E. H. COOK vim and vitality. Pretnature decay and allsextial weakness averted at once. rhospholk0l Will Japanese Firent/orks But not it red aftetwar(L laundress who could do up white •VFTr4,tvTXA.R)r SURGEON' STBATrORD, ONT. make you a now man. Price $21a box or two Mr Accordingly the florists and coAfee, dresses as nicely, as your wife - does. rTJ00gSq0R To Dm. WILWX �,LIfgae- and Carpets, Linoleums, Nttfledt= address. 'tho U;16eU Drug Canada's Biggest Dog Sl -.,o -vv 'w. DOGS AND SPECIALTY r,y Cahada's best Busintsa College. Iwo &.9 St, or* nagb out# America's Greatest Cat Show boners filed a bill In the feder4l court us (grinning admirably) "This merger," they protested, Avis in. Mandy's a right handy looman, 0110 Xtesidonce and Mee in J)r. Mol)onald's kin do me up e ast easY, 44 0110 d' old real -Pt, D6xt to Floor Oale�OthS, etc• have thorough courses and competqpt deuce on Centre Stat ©t. 260. ed Instruotors. We do more re�tralnt ot trade.11—Ure. B'ngllsh Churl3h. ,exporlehe A N bNEROTim, dem air dregses.—Puok. for our dents and graduates than do Other 'eth"oola. At A Corn Cure, regent we have BURNING OF hIOMB made it C11310.1 t�'Oplieattons offbarin rem ;(;CO(} to r1tr 19 C Best grade of Flour trained help. Duainons P.-ILW TIA Y—VI.rl Soak Leet In -warm water to wb1ch a per annum for trafy The Musical Surprise Mrs. Youngbride (to grocer}--ShariT men know where they get the best help. : little borax and soda havo been Added. an Of It Wo liave threo depart Men t s—Commer- The Musical Ride open art, account, or do you prefer to always in stock. clal, Shortband and Telegraphy. Got Auto -Polo Matches Rdpelit several days a%id co= NVIII Ilave me pay fol! What I get? Grocef GENERAL AGE' NT our free Catalogue. RAILWAY TIME -TABLE come out-Naflobal Magazine. , Circus and Ilippodrome Both, madanL—BostoJa Trans issuor of Marriage MenSeS- loll V D. A. XcLACHLAN Plindpid Roman Charlot Races 'HaVe sonlethIng to do, xomethitig to Train* I.... grinkham statiom dgily as Athletic Sports to Aftkitig a friend laugh to often *9 Fire $ Life, Accident, Plate Glass , i 106 and somethbag to bopo r." Grtat Water Girt I bast help, wo can g1vo hinu and 'Weath,-Ar Insurance., coupled Phone 89 Thomas C110111aft and Money R"I Estate BUS"'INESS A" G. 1p, U. If, GUARDS RA N 1) Loaning WSIMSS- PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WANTtD. TO TORONTO and Intermediate - Score of othor Varnous Bands WIN0HAM SHORTIML" Points; —PAwbgerl 6.46 1%,m-' POA809- . TwOlVe Band C'OnUrtS Daily 11 Woll Supplied. 99tate. get, 11.00 mra.; pasisonger, 2.30 p.m. par, 2, _��* .. subjt&A tAught by expett instructOrg TO toxnox:—Pawngor 0.86 a. Wreck of the Afrililp 16 JdgU68 rA -newspapers and "Ednanna turko mid, that there at the )),nd the Peench depaxto were Three Estates in P011awelit, It, pas"Ilgerf 8 80 withijigton's Zouaves General Hospital. TO XINOAM)Wn ftsabuger, Now Glant Midway w--nitAorpr,vinesa8,M, PArisdaillea but In the Roportere' GidlerY Yonder (Under OovarnmeO tnBV1Wt10n-) ills 11.60 twu.; pusenger, 9.80 p.m.; ad- Grimd Double Bili of vitewofks "Umber olglaty. th6re oat a ft.Vourth Itstat811 vaore lin- y 91 0. A. 15LDO-0 selogeto 0 15 P.m I I "I'' - 111. . 11 . I W 11 1 11, 1' � , portant far than they all, 11,11CAOyles 'Plomtmtly 141tuM04. g0&,1t1ft111y T. A. M 11, LS) LPATHICK EONAVAVS It —Lecture (Successor to t6JR00M, or4r; At a little'vurol spob ealled HOI'o 110V001j &,ncl Ilero Worship." op6fk to all MUI&VIf iipenpdd VYWIM184 4 c rAelude oArd and 0000 Lb I t 9 1 r W I wanted d uy ING BROS & J.1. 0 K ER 14 .1 W , 106160,00, couagot t Xorkier 'a (ttaw flied up on.dytimnito V, Ratem for rdontm 4NAA 61111 stadmitts "gisted to t 'J 16,0o per wook, 6,06ording, in Se4sion from Sept grid. CatAlogue TO TORONTO 4nd IntermofilAle r6t futtherf Infoma. Aug. 23 1913 Sept,,S,� imil thea clod. lucky the cow didn't, of At. I fete, noter nay t1rat. tiou—Addr60 WN Pofnt6*._PAmeuger1 640 aau.; pie Jori- try to do the turkey trot, 6r she might When sonic men feol like cointauft MW Is, NIATIREW.AM i1w, w6sta"63 W. W690#61 ro got in. or *00VIOW T 0 R 0 N T 1LJ i 'nava knookea torne of the corners off Ing with the spirits th I Sulporintsantssutti Ch TO TUROWATIM Pmwgor 1i WWI I I i -,the villatti.—Lhok Catuak, thil wan bablud the whiter 00.0, $A WixglLWA, OAt6 12A p,va,; pm*eug6rj 10.82 pm. IV I a� 4