HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-07-17, Page 2a OR I - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - official uotIe I* given of Ili— per ewt.., wool 100 to 20'%'q ,,,11vation of Andrew Lorne H.,twittool, A GENERAL PLAN TTAV I 11 # 'In KE NER iprotnised as per lb., Idea lie per 1b.; calfsklus ox Portage 1% for a 41ivore-� troi ltcapi lae to 10. per Ih, ife, Alaud fonrillerl vi To. WOE Owen Sound, t)jjz.—jjak er, prints, ldt� N YnAcrWAT, a 0 1 1 , egg% 20Q dozent NEWS OF 4�0,E 100to. To Settle U. S. Wage Dis.- ­-V 20c to 21a per lb., Topic a t, hay, $1 ton; NVIleat, 9,0C bX131101'. QAtS, r CAIrl oC. 38.9 bush4el; dresBed hogs, $11,113.76 owt. haa NvIfe, thrc,e Aill(Iren wl hiii siRter Italian Excavator F inds Em. pites is Hop'ed For. wvre tlive 110gol $9.15 Cwt -11 DAY IN BRIE 1, 1,11111oll 119.011CY. Wt.- A Jew strawberrIes sold 4t $3.75 peror s Room. h201 TOPLONTO MARXBTS por crate. tilt- Whitt- iii-liptiulvil. for Monday ed out on the I iWWO11 4�; 10A life. 141VA. STOCRI At, it tit tho, 0,)bdt wils"ll. offi- 711i dex-i4oll for (lidd totilz varly 11ve liogs mine In to inarket to -day New Bishop of MuvAenzie Trttot WwWri-ol Discovery Work Is Still I)II0 is to Moicti io d0ivi-r T.4r aetive in all lines) Ills rmiguation to dis of tlao elil. - pf old NY41i paud'sold at $8.29 per cwt. Baled. lisLy the. appointinont of a fire 011of it) iMpl- S.- 1.4 was 010orred iiatil the t sold at $18 -per ton; do, loose at $12; Ricr Named., coed Chipf Going Forward. llloyet,41 ullioti-1, will taht" -1?4 111.111. age, AVI .1(111 lit', TOwarded libi Se-rvant,13 (iAf - J;",\POjt Choice. ..,Nq $ 6 GO w1jeat, .95o bushe14 oaW, 88e; farmers' : – ___ lied, ill Uillioutleemellt dellying c1loic-0 and elloice. 6 00 6 TO bides, 10o; butell�ral hes, Ile; pota- If hero wu a more day by Wi!v�on of the God ppl-are to I ) 0 0 40 for wrvlee. Tilt, Do., Illoilluill . .... A. 5 I toes, $1.10 bag­XQ fowl were offered, TORONTO Vl Ca KILLED off ill billidin operations lit une I'l0t, "), tall, 'I'lloth the of tile ull. except chlcke,6, which sold at $t.20 4tl, (3. 1 0.) 1. XQI)f the wis 1)0., 4 30 00 wi c,ompa.red with 11 1141 eviltillued W tho to tho pftmliar .11' 15 50 9 L .. Other month of ille pi-ment yp!tr avvortl- .11i still ut0wrs' vows, to) 00 tcr $1,40 pair. Butter as 27c and e9.9% 1111101I.Agt I tilt, ulliolls will be a 4, A0 5 00 ill- to th Finanelul Ilost of dator 110111, the excavator of the i'lle lire and. 4 (10 23c. Viarmers complain of Injury to L A For Biute at Conestogot Lon( iitof Lite J),)., callnera The big freipliter of nom Vol -11111, hali Ifeell visithig Herved I 1011) notifled 11w that tilt' grains q lack of I -Ain, 1laY OWN 11rie'A of itlialt -or ud of tit(, '.:,i oy ttf tile A4 ery Ilglit, crop, tile itebell lino, 1.4 Will 1,0 141A xv iil75 ont. of tilt* *,4. -till)(' Belleville, ud batter lga�e 1*1 To tile, flu. Itraoi M 6 5 0 tilt- Oggs, 24o dozen; blltter� iltill, irfill the vanailiall lOf t32e lb.; bogs, live, $9.25 owt.; 1109% Ail urilmnwil Illim -.1ropp('d at A; divoyered linder till% 11al- .t l(I r es, s e (1, $13-50 cwt,; fowl, 0-00 to o)y"Jil; F.4111th, tile 4 -It Ill 9 )rtli, the N"IA. iril. It wa by a 4 *2,) 4 $1.80; 11OLY, $11 to wheAt. 900 Doll jorga IMolitt, til. Of DoIllitill.1l." of the I Gy t allti eltilf.,' (I() 11 60 A A XMIAWAY c- of One of tile 1110tit into .9tatv Witt; Nick. Mollutall busliel; o4ts, none Mered; deAldu.s, 111000 11111de by JAigi 113 t(I tilt% njouni;jIll (it froill prosence, Aivim for a tlivine pilrpoio. The I.aljlb�s .. .. A. .... .. 60 10 00 viflent )iear Loclmo% ior ])oil! Av; t'll"It to alil ill tilt- threaten - I . A 6 # 900 to $1; s1leepskins 600 to $1; wasli. fornier Prosident Of tile repliblic, ho hall (Ilse ov trces of Oil, origri- traminen (j -.i' roads. MV11,111t 1111dor w1ilob iel, I fro -vi tile public merviell -.1fter -28 tile filet. tht (,(till C ed wool, 22c. Arehilmroii LUP'.1.4 'M14 but wzl..� to dipi-Ils-4 alld art of activity. dmiral (ItillL ba"I iI11,11((I oses Ilis cal U 1) 00 nal dining -room of Nero, wbleh to 11 01) 8 01.) T'XRL;AL LIVE I)lp11op. of be ri-volvoil, 11Y nuiclihi, y. Ill Ills vion lliall beo ('11 VPA .... .. hi -I stim(;4or. for OVID. 111111011110 I'00111 IIP hAd the group (if VaLrivia, 4;f C,olillaught i %11 ill tit(. soil sbeep alid lkilubs, - ,300', 1108S, NO. djsv0VcrVtl 1:4. 00 I *- 25 sed slow btit B111 -ark lie etllgt.l -fit flie Lom lit honin, ill 0 ting for a bti8t, to tho, Swedi,41i-A Nvtvq of t firip witt-ii, as the 011p, of w144,11 lie Ivent 120 feet iritli- willn'tti trolible.s. Do., light 12 41) 1,11 J)o good cAttle bro" I -Qd to '.\Ioqe(3 evell of this kint, was not ittrae. P)e gmiji. from Difluth to 331itr,. t Cial -4, 0 34 to 7 1-4, medlunis 4- )(Ywmt JOV01. often It, tile bottoill. olle Tlie,10111%, Anil till, it, tlicii- tte, tile Alait 11401 Inio beevc, l01 'A 3 1-4 to -1 lll11(twever, he le W ble lilaill tolilt. (of the (liville preswrice 7 28 o-4 to 6 or 1119 vovoll- 30 I --A 11"t for, . .... .. 2 j of tile Crown, Prilleo (if twelity -wot below disvu4,1011 at thik Whil(% llouoe vouter- A bur, I. Valves, 1 to do. 13,Y ti, lit, t ant mith Clout. ('Od I Slwpp, 4 to 4 14(l. horse lit his ralitll in sa%ka t else i119 *+4 ('11111IIIAT t\VMItV fept witle im whother tho propos -d jipiv b. -j -V Hogs, 10 1-1 to 10 1-2Q. h Ow stones ser. of vo livilit loll 161114 niciliatioll Shall be sprimy . A . - . .. . S' w volillni.Asioll or u part, of Xt I'll or�lhvl ry 81glit both to -,it. on a horizontal an iii(IL dolu for pirL- 2 1110 13 22,0W, TIIQ ild to pre Ile took to Ile the Ong Ile. tilt' 1)('I. 0 d. tile lilliolls d"ire till' for - for every 7 5 I A. A. ... CLEVER GALT 'COP of Nero alul Ills pred"mioro. all Itim for the iv-veltinll -BOO t'-) be 11"We- ueevvs.. Crop conditions lij 37ijiAox eomity rre room 00 S 10 ) Mate Beef mt.. 0 75 Texas steers. .. -, .. .: .. . I dilling-roolill aaill., lip foiill(l fol-tv vear bnforp. TTO know vot 0at CO. 7 M fire in the Ati- Ala cwt. 11 7,1 1 and reeders. tho bord lit -longs 'ill lihi department. ordilia-rily constalle all I 3 40 with a ylli it-ty of rooms for dif� rieli. jilight mec�Cuaw. The pny- Aft�4r r is )o., choikle, Sides, Qwt.. . 10 TI 5 I 1 125 850 r4 ba-shm witli'll Tonch. tiun of that ineilior- 110 sisked for tw"C' of tile revel 9 5 1000o Poo) Medium, cWt. Quich wit of Constable l"t"" t treatinent.4i 4. 8v),el, 'tile FaAv--!rhe ev#nit 13 Mile WZAA to Str011cytI1611 for ly docorate(l with various "OLD MASTERS DO., collirlion, ewt. J.) 9 25 Avere mde for the --cavatiowi, )VIlich Were under - Ire. Tbc. ex q0 21 Saves, His L*&' As it NVQI'e a MAII, wit) h1a Ahnoet Light.. ..*.. A. .. A, A. ... A, 8 S 9 .... ....... 9, On 10 00 u uited airtt!c,t Wqit until '.\[o,,qC8 cted, beforp he f;tooll ill tile, VA, 1" collinloll, 00 11 no Ifeav% 0rjjIIjj I.-D(iw, ullat lie would do. olk-10 .11 94.) 9 07 1,4- A agara Falls man tall to W.4 death oil, Are eonducted Oil 1% it 00 14 00 8 45 115 -afford House Pic� Illiji.At. Of ille, ""s tempted to the cllteL, PRO- 9 "A to put ill a illdGw ralatille Ifill, which, froill Some St Lamb, (xt, 00 0wo 00 .. .... ...... .. . 7,10 10 la 911.1111clIt slirink froin aotion an.1 TIT)III Blulk of sales 8 85 10 Despera"do Who Threatened rep0titioll of tit'! It flatihoil lipon Ijbi Illind Sheep—lincelpts 15,000. will be tried fit 14410-171110 ifts important and tures Only Copies. Al arlci- t_Wronlav ,-4 eltarged' *ith vittempting to inurdew bor Him Suicided, tioll, 11111st havo been tho site, ild 11'.11110 initle.40-n t1le. hilpor ta live of tile tI.,At lie Ar'lq to arry olit Sugars are quotcA wholosale, !it Toi-oii- Xative A, �. .. ... P� 4 0 tllc� leotilrer, of tile I houses at to do. ("Od '811awed ilinli to, ill s follows: yearlingm .. A. . I id. oil t1lat 'Moie 9 00 York, Tuly London cable .IA 11.)t of tile hi- El tra grallul'outed, $1 40 Me .. ..... cc -lye. tq- 2,)�'Jtere that it W. Crop roporta froin iinportaut di%Qove riel, b(Id 1)(Til —ITad it not be Do, th's. 20-1b bar,% BUFFA W LIVE STOCK. kvt)r A 1r the lilt.; ul 13. oil for , show that Uio weather is, it of the PaInce of IlT al(Alreat urpr6c wid tlia coill- titl-lillielib tht waf4 to prevall, tho -(Ill j t. J)0., -, Irst Buffalo despatch: Cattle — RO- WgIl soureo d1c,played by had r,esulted'. 111111lit,-.1tioll is pot hifitionve of thp til'It tilillitt 4 40 tile 1),Ittck stooa t, V, For it itaticitt'A frocilotu. Do., St. Lawrence 20-11). hngi 4 50 celPts bead; at-tive, 10c to mi lilgl'ier. -,it the sale lit prime. Steers, ;9 to 5111pplax, Chief ot .Poliee Gramet saitl he woq1d jloll,�o Contablo 111111aln tills Doill, in tilt, dkovery or part. were Illallifest of tile Dukit (4 slithel-Will"A .10 aftt.1.110021, WbL of lit their acenni- Stall. 4 40 of tjl� t- 4 mitelier, $7.85 to bullR. $5,zo welcollie ,ill bivestitratioil o f 7 en lie ag w -lit to , hollae (TE virel.11111. Ilrain Put off Lily Sit 0 *from Stafford JIMNe. It 11.'14 ill the 111111 is still,' plis'llilleilt, 111111th-od years had gralitillited butchors'. ta $S.715, to0c politLa force, tit 11 401cirk street to Order out till loug that tlltk ollL�4-ti(ill C, f. 7 - A htalreage Itiove t);Q lipor" enterinq it 111AVe III bo. -Illi 0 ro. ... ... ... I I . . A t('lilt r M -s, v xo, fresh cows and sprhigers, Tile first of losertem of five cha-111berg, FRIP4111tet 1111111(11*011-4 flll(� VX11111144"i of old vollow .. ...... .. 4 00 oi d to 4" j, I L.. of Or upon pim-oaching till hu- 16k; to and Meath'. at $15 to $M arclie(i dorways, ill, whivil C, slow and tile pablic fostered the be. was -rend-red by 'idea z:eii ow V(-%a)s-1tPciA11)tq 1,r,00 helid-,. active, 25 doubtedly litive been inurdered. s it �4'rolllld e 0-0 Gide-ons will be - 4old ill Torouto i&.gin r , beld One of the persoli-Xv. 3101y o ToNver, $6 to $11.50, ning Jitly 24. N�ater M11 Avere preserved rold segre- EC fluit Stifflord lcalh � ra. I to their sIze Iiiville pre-qvilec. r I . Hogs--4tpcelPts V) 000* anti trong; fillest private gHerleii ill the place, A,�C- tiollal autiorin'r - r, lit _. U -e Is One -Of 'Witt01-1003 01CICSt Citi/M.3 Mid is, the ma.n be -was sexit to ejN!t, lis gatc(I aevording oilers SoVil to R6511 ol Id it-i3lioIld Ile iiiell 4 OTHER MARKETS teavy, $9.55 to �Ilxed, t tile hospital wlih a bullet. in Ma bran, tinallty. lip to ' c tills to be it . al Is elites were pris to $9.70; pig, pioneer nflnic-,ter died in the person of NV11011 tbe pictures calne to be put lip I)y wark of reverenee. aw Pe yorkel, $0.65 -R, 65 to '10'. .gs, Rev. John ttischarg d by his own hand. and wM not, olliall VOYLAtruction. 4 cYlindrietil wall for alletio 'it tile cOraniercially they , r. rollprl.,!, �, it it Was foltild th Cod etc.—T11c 1") ined, religious were de- to stft 1.50 to ;7.501 NjillIlL Sil $9,25 to ;9.60., 1-jugo Rw, in the Brock- recover. of tilt, tillic, of cut right posed Old were in.reality inn'A I apolls.—I'V, v 11OURC., , Nvn.q introdueed hint -elf c; the Qod� generfitc. the ne- Sbeop and lambs—Tteceipts 5 000 heacl The ouloide gave his naine osoph through 11 copies. many not (,yen Served, 1.1 . )Ili cessit, ii(*a to 1-4c. Septembor 80 1-4c to 89 3.8e; Dc- a k - % t o $ a. rill ville loltekolus house, tiled After -,ill Milcras a ill t 6F tills 11011fie had y of tilt., lie, 0.1 otivo And jambs, $5.." - folilill Va 0011ber, 02c; I bard, 90 1.40; I \,eftrlfnq, % to $`I; wethers, $5-M to of a few hours of bcartjroublo. Maglian, and sald lie earne from Marles- �Alj trillcli.,d nij prescrved. libs yeoj)h� do, There All Over 2 nuluiwr of freAco00, Oil thO Walls, .. ,. I uorthern, to $r). 5: sl)QPP, Ia il j!'our supposed urillos wt,ut for 011il far. eallell Foiji-topil, %jexiaan bandits, bave bee bourg, Que. I'le Arrived here veiterday I rehinvil tile I)c.Ijlt1fi,l pur- pt over- 87o to 87 1-4e. LIMPUM PRODUCE. Wingod by - of merican vigllortfeq inoruing, and after 6curing whiell stil Ich, three for for thv. t- lilin to lie iwat, spot stetacly No. I 'Ile IIIIII-ex, And were lievorted ri. '- v,*' f or IT. \Joi4eR called to service (vR; I ii Nlan.- 9d. ple or t Ca avill "Iluiy lamil. 10), 7. Tile Affliction of MV PeOP10,­ 57c to �NTo. �., 4I the distrI& of t a loctil foundry went to tile 141110 of wall little j))iMlt hAV0 iiliO4ts—No. 3 �Yhlt 37 340 to :10 1-40. 0 jollt A. Cowan, 11 18011zirk street. where lie 1.14 alul hail, di%lnc 4 throtin 2, 50c to 580, The Orang.- aupported lanips. The discovery threw such a damper floll had scell their afflictiol poilited Out Futures, weak, JUIY��t$, 5 7-8d. a boarder. Dllrin,g the dia. -pr -tie -1 MIMI' hadgroanings, yet tile divitte - histrtiction, st( Aere lrely attencled na or- 01 illp S, tllnt OVell tilt IAP J)le lower oil account of de- get.---rts, 3�0,1-1d, c vening lie acted strangely, And to-dav of the nicifit relliarkabl derly. Q -t Offies in First pittents, to the police Were reque-Me io couip%l hilli purpose of their in Egypt was t1lat sucli elolitle corn, spot, stearjy Dev.-Xts, 4 coveric4; under the iturvi brought ilary quali. n mixed now lclln-ttrled-5a 5 d. for 11aul. Only now fulfilleil. They wer;' kept a necessary "Wils bilt it 5000n' ' loll to $4.75; _�eeond patenO, $4.111 to $4.50). oAlnerle. ,;i vlotor flyin from Berlill, to tlarl tiall wils tile orginal frerc00%, r(ItIler -1,110 bot price, $6,750, wa ate, people, being an enslaved peo- fication. lie turiled hit, attent Ainericau mixed, old -6g. S to leave, d- Ills Diselplei At 20 to $3.60; second clears, Futures old, Irlm Galveston- --5s, lact . PrenCh J;irdnian oil Ills Wiy from Colistable Dryan -iveiii to flie house Ihis shepher(l'i - staff and, taught that a T C) the Uase- 1�njjjjlls 1, hile -ill( tiler Esy, Sept.,, (La it 7.8d. 3,'10, And i.dinty the niiii. half "Irr 'Of Ilelell t r y 19 ple, rwil they had itiot become corrupted $2,70 to about fli M ntile idolatrotii any thing use(I of (,loll would do the Oct. (La X>Iata)-5s, 3 3-4d. -Oo were found the rernaitis of \,e.netia N�'01)lemall,) brought lillour, -%%,Intel, patents -29s, 9d. Ont.�rlo will lwxe Over dreesed n l0is bedroom,,' informed 111111 Milt, e 8 as S Iniperial Throne. Whell tl'G 100turcr 1pilibrandt's of till ()Ill Ip of 'tilp I th4t 11 in Nvag a si I -mbol ofAbe great lDULr.Tlt 11ops ill 1,0ndoll -(pacific Coast) -44, 15s. new tertelt r it, re tilt o would have to get out. 'Magliall s' poi a a t r) 1-2d. the contre of tile of 11cynold. fit O, I hard, lichol exandilfttiofts. rss qttlt�ilv. it. Avalk- de,;e(IlIded merititirt his dwelling- was ab(Ait 10. ill). It Will.; WAY exta, Indla, Mss -121s, oil. 16 [ , alld "Otiven Charlotte ill voine (lown--Rep M , T ing across the room, It(% suddenly hip. ittrium of the P41Ace 110 fOlu'll '$Cle()Tg(' Ill-, K place 110avell. God (011108 down to to show Ills hilhipoildellep of 81) 01 1.8c; No. I nortlicril, 90 149c: N 0, I)oi',Ic, prillio wess western -10s. of OIATO-M IQ collections' of Vorolilltion Robeo," fetlted only $1,400. 11ains, short '14 to 16 lbs. , sl"q ill lied out a'�8-callbre revolver and t-breat. beitutifully 1)la%teTed, R is oppressp Iis sovoreign power hi appoillting northern, 87-5-8c to 88 1-8c; 81) lir 0 ill I iindertalte for It! a people oil and I . Do .5-80 fo [)o 1pacon, Cnibe�iia'�d cut, 26 to W -IN. 70s. m. clip(I bef ore a e con-regatrIon ened to blow out the police-maii's brains bones of injilials, pottery, a magnificent earth. r.uto a good land nd a large and employing the)". What At. 5-8c aked; septemi)cr, Short ribs, 10 to 24 lbs. -784. IV4�tminster All.,bey, le in cla, ll ON ­Tbe land ot Go,Mien had b000me ready -possessed becanic tile subject -of 34c asked; Docernber, 02 3-4c, noininalA Clear bellies, 14 to 10 tbs._70s. Captain aild Ills w1re of Tor- if lie remailied. yol Maitre Of a 111011 Model VE a A RUSS APOLOGY Long clear middleso light, 2S to l Ills.— "All right," wiswere i dolic in terra-cotta, and the )lead cro%vpd. Nvith the rapidly ninqWIT. it the token of 778. were drowned when A, coRl a.re gohig to plug, go abead, ]jilt there ellilel, wilich nlas.t have dated froll, ille (T. R was to lie tile- �e 1; Q of tbP ITebrews. and ille himl a offli Close Long clear middles, heavY, 33 to 40 lbs. foundered in Lal ri.. is *nnotlier nin wAiting for secoull' century B.C. anti, hich Arft,4 to be their posseselon, Symbol of a, powc-1, tile I)i A Toronto bo, in yoii.1 ' Althouggli tlie officer there 1-2c, "opt., F.8 Doe,, 03 Vu �VdLqj For Insult to British Army phecy of A, freedom, Tito rod k.c*Ltl r �:r Fif-ming with inilk AM xqueLre 11'to U. -Ills, -41s. fell f,11-ty fevt frow a window, ;Ingle -banded, the bluff Avorked" and et r It cast down aild up P1.11110 western, in \Vfts a friliffill land. I 1. liort).W.Vu., 0. _- was j�6i�. in' %, ininred. Magnan dropped l6i *weaplon mid agreed ROASTS OFFICERS rf%QA0' inv%% & on I 0 , Awl usl Officer. Q 11fA wt Americn m, -vVell Adal�fetl to razinz, ellE IV A I _%, I . , V , V. A P - still hoMing, . � Tia Meese, to go, * hlllj.ipply. of milk aud oth�j, pr6Z.1117ets to (joij. rty th4jt rod -1 ellOw. 570 to 51 1-2c. GIR. �l lvkild� Magnan ivent downifti" be abundaut. Tile provo in and to .2o to 37c. (!olored, t Ora I To 0 pay Mrs, f (I t o .9 CA Tallow, prinic 11111 Hon. Sam Hughes Ledu I'llit till abounds ill 'both wild lie had notilbritv 36 1 . . TP Mt I res Australlan in Lontlon--ri.q. 10 Comm for I ight'is ill I l�atoppe*d !d. jill(I areat stores of doubt Got?d perev the soil of I 111111111 ill oi+ : is n A!l � , � I -md doinestieuti: Th e 1) olit 11 ...... Kegu gWe-&—amad -c, rod sould what--, )pf�j '0 to re- Ma 11-11.9, O(L t ftftwft Re r. W.. J. Neely, It live 4 houev ill uced. com 0� Petroleum, reflned-9 Toronto, wlis 4rowjit-d off Jj,,A)�010 it, nniq of the Qeacoast aud Jordan body SO4 ll; 2 . . pit lillo ilia own gtOly ordei Magnan 0 - im, Inbabit. " , F Phraoh rst to to -jo, fl%] (O' ellin­ land, I)II t ill) hig did IL%.A —. I P 1) . , d 4% 'to cj�s Xviij. & Ilitti, I)l d w r�a� CA O Parth—TN're arn 1,200 bo.\-eA of (!ottoneed oil, 11till, rM., spot -31g. but tile minute he raised bis arnia, pull - be takeit lit wIlite f! nortfit of Phenicin and Tj."')-' -11,CL -ho Holl. AtatainS' alat sacrifice, off0vil 1)v 1.4 rz L, I woujil ill. '.Intl 400 colore(l boarded here this .k. ell tile t riggrer of Ills Own weapon and BRADSTREET'S TRADE REVIEW. lawyer., wbo' ceidentitil Sam 11 it') Min, ter of Militia, vu- orites—Dwelers ill thVM­j ipir first, act ot obedience.. a few were old; ruling'pri,eb 12- fill0t 111""Is"If droppeti to the Ifloo with � ill I& -6 I �t .�- . Tile Ft�,,Ypt dicate t 01fly two buyers were present, Toronto, looking back ov( a \Iwit . a bullet - 1"Ind west of crizol slavery Three fournov- their de, 1� IV 1r tue whHe elmning a revolver, died ill fle. W41ji, removed to ttie ho )it I iert-iitleil tit(-. perulatlent nad etivO tie *tl-�,qllpst [if Wer 1,590 white 'The pollee hav e r' ti t1t et�i of tile Halifax garri- t'�ecn employed ili niakintr 'parture, .1 forded tilt,, years' bsluess says manufacturers The tMilted S�,n,te Co. eell lliili�hl, OfFt and in great �ubli Nvorks. 10 leasti-pos"kible for Plini-A011 to ad 7i5 co'lored offered; 900 Arldite sold (it and the wholesale trade say they baye 111111tte(I able to learil 11011 ing of Ilia past recora, _,�`Vnto Pharaoh ::�- rrobabi Menepth: harden Ill% beal t. t ille Milo time 13 1-80 Alld 500 white colored at very little reason, for pessimism. Dry liasioned to inveRtigatc the M" 11111,111 but it is supposedi that he is a desperate soil at (Iiiner t -night, nd y som,-Miat of it enmtiun by roundly goods houses are one In tile statement the on of 11ainespA IT. it was a- ­bold mid opert t%-,ertion of 13 1416c. lance refulsed is I -10c. cliarge after a4fig,ht wit-ji the,, jjouAc 'criiiiinal and preferred (loath rather than lecturing tba reg�lar ' officeris for Iff. Objee-tions A-ftsworea 7; lt-i; liberty. T. n� i�_ 11yaeinthe—There were 450 piek. that the year has been better so far 004ninittee, arrest. I'). 11. Who ain I—Moses pleaded .119110 of butter boarded aiid soM t 24. tha;x last. Wholesalers are occupied . The at-&t1stics of the celialis of oil- idling aii(I neglecting thl.-Ir duties. 110 11, that In; inability to' perform so great I)ONG, - .checc so tit 12 5.8c. mostlY now witli, delivering fa.11 or- show that the 1,1117.11 i re 11r, for nw-ii who to Work. Vort VeMIR" to!] in the iv London—TI)ere were 420 boxes. offer.. ders, sniall offies for local trade and 10 deereashity while farill T 11- 0 to S. WOOL PLAN npend their thlic in protiloncy lit'. Illy' have iliour-lit, hhd Ied; no sftles; bidding froill, 124c to 12 7-8c heavy ones for tile north. Settlements vnbiea are, 0 WIRK .1al in(I vy men w1io TO AVOID— STRIKE trom baekwa�rd to litormal froln the .-Iijeagro Was ehoA'll for t e I n ffflti,I�Qiirrl tit 4tand beforp CowixnRville--At t1i ftre loxt 1) 1 o i �, � V e ineetint, of t 1. failed it) d4r), tht-ir work could loolk for wA-, t1tefri.4 of Zur Easteeki Townships, east, but low frojil the west, with, no on.1 se6siou of tile Triternational Chris - at). epublican mendment IS very Mile smpathr. Ite referred to that rtiLsed to Mis .11tion ll(.Id horp this aftei'llooll 17 factor- Promise of Improvement unti crop tiali Endeavor in July, Toronto R%a. i - betwcP31 poilltnivilt. Ile hail . proper viciv -or i(1,3 offered lJ42 of blitter. 110turns re to hand. Lea(Ji.er. market at was, t, otrong compet-Itor. frietinti Which lity(I 0.-, 111P o P RAwaynien in Conference Four is Quiet for horne but activia for for- Z.$ Their Lowest Bid, [lie futivo 111111fla and flip lit, I. niall fill t of Lilt% task beforp hiTa bil'yers Prosent. Tr1irteenJctorieg sold Albert, the soil of Pre id. antl lip bad iin dispositinit to ovew.Ak- t ')4 I 2o, Four'factorles not sold. elgil account, Wool trade imsier nd XorflAtrorn, St. olin,'N, B., fell froln his poliey (if appointing nien luate Ills Own abilitv. 12. I be With U. S. President, hide slow. Bond InArIcet dull, and se- wbqrf it York oint sill) nd Ivaq Wasbing,ton, July 14.—.8,enator uloot, Republicail i-ne'ni-ber of tile Fitinnee Com- to Roclidollq with thee—Ife who ws speakhqv,�, to 000 at 13 auritles tending IoNver. floill tile lifilititt froin ill(! flaine in -the mL(,Lst of L021DO-1 WQOL SALE'S. Montreal—the state of trade is quiet. The of Governors f the wost,-� mittee, Introduced to -day a substitut whieli. men of the corpi wore w. I M In some lines because-, or tile uslial . 1ftr -he viliffed to fill. the ituoutimped buAi wout(I lie Newlands -6111 Acceptance have Plially t . Zol schedule of tile Underwood. qi don—Thero were 11 832 balos Mill him to guldil aud trengthen. ye 4all n-% I Of- stImMer lull, Yet taken altogether tj.ol assAlluell Coll' Simmons bil), proposing rates based di- Col. Mi-hei said this cowlitimi fered at the wool. sales to -day, of ilia 111adical Collego, upon tbe, report of -tile Tariff bi"ell I'll"'t Wit It lit!- over but ho Witt Prevent irouble. there is eiidenee of substantial 16X- T on it oil. I- inetl from ot fl; rve upon this iiIo Yeiiiterday's f4eadier tone was nialiltain- im- ir:, , econd answer to panslon, erslleclallY Ill whoJesale houg� "I'l r frt' 110ard, and adopthigr ill eit-li the ill A bitt-ket 11011SQ8 fl'011 lowest rate. The.schedule. iti lower ilitIll til IM Cratid (10 o ill jectioll. I'llon that ver Mount"Chl lie Pd linder .good from ll see- ea. Money continues stringent nd ",111p (,,,Oij with the 1104ts 01 Wasliftigton My 14.�—Wliethef a tions. Aintwica parchased , few lots bill-nin W "veral bundred cords of tiltit ititro(luced hist ear by enator wolilil wor, Of hierli peraentagas have been paid for 110.11 B reds. Tile best rades tj 0 Oil tile Lak-e Shore Ilenrotie, aA a substitute, for tilts. t7ilde.r. whom ho was ar)Out to strike of trainmen and conductors of "Osib ment loa-ria. Altogetber the Altua' out of bonda,& I isollers' fWvor. The sales follow; ti ' - i oa d, Toonto. Wood Wool Bill, and is the lowest of it force exigted I)iir(4,v for instructional Ile. hthe easteril. railroads ulay be avoided "I )C(l 'I' . on I -Las asguined a Ynore optimistic Now South Wales, 2,400 scour- - outlook, unto t1win---The Egyptians hall vfli*16 Quebil. Alexandrx reveliled Wool. 'A"lletitilei ever introduced by a Re- that, tbPN1 "ras the subjeet'of a conference at the Oils, nd long used to ell, Is 0%d tgo 101/pd�, Winnipeg—wIdle such statements of tile ex- 'Seliator. Illore flum ry110TY sell 01111.,is; tpr';t, woul(I. be sure, to uk afier Mite I -louse to -day between, President to' I I I/jad. As It $UbStitll.t(l for free, raw wool, t1w of bilinper crop conditions eveyw1jerel nt of the God bose me-ssng i silloot cliedule llividt�s raw Wool into Ilip Foreog, high eoinpfl- er Wilson nd r,epreselliatIves of the eni- seoured, ls Should not 'be twed concerning the Ifemse. Mosp.s was. 11ow was lie to Tle ita, " to 2s 2il; 0 1-1-1 fo-I 2d. !hree grades anti rates imit-4 to the local med ployes nd tlia­rallroads concerned, pratrie provinces, nevertlieless pre8- 3olin rowned 500 bales; areay, 10d to 1a qnt -couditIMIS DOInt, to a � slight in. in pond t. Tia 0 v i)ei West of Ing the Thilifax reginiontiq Nvoic fully lip 0 fo, second ob- Seth Law, preuldent of tho. Civic 011,03 m from M cents it pound. jection waii Weed 111)011 hi's lfieom,�11A,� Federation, -Nile'll has endorsed the 4 1-2d, crease In the output of wheat over all 1441161neir, 011t,, whill) with tile shindard of tile, bozit corps throilil- So of tile naturr. of t j(.111 Newlands bill -for amending the Lilrd- lee; - oureil, -lous oilt tile 1'. lith Australia, 700 ba prev records. Retall ttade is oil-er . g wen and boya. 4 d to 1.4 8d, 1041 to Is *21 ROPS Xamoh- under flio Igjd4- inaill. Act to provId-e arb1tration of I. qlatte active litif 'Wholesale buslileso PI -Mite' OsIvIt, of ille Royal WESTERN OBJECT TO WOMIEN CAR it( -.q Wore illdleative Of eliftraoter n t! road wag d1sPitt(,s in inaliner satis- We.,it Auitralia, 100 bales; gr-msyj Od In Winnipeg is seasonably quiet, ot use4 dmired the name. by whi�i factory to tile rallroad men, )so was ' to 10d. tl,6 coast pr(;ond7AtOITV­Win-,1OW t the WoMing-ton. CLEANERS. In ho 6, 00 balc%; scoured. haq Ide he B I 0 ollwa,, to be proclainied te) iftein in tilL, xpectd to fiqlze part t f r. .3 14 been on Me quiet s T tr k Ifittifx, nit killed. Prospects in Manitob Are 1A Isv, $I - vriiiil. 14- 1 IM that r Uri —01 enec, d to 2s ld; 4.d. to Is, 3 1-2d. ting 9t, it the experiment of the in, the coal MITIOS 11AVIng hd a de. 0111 41. - dus al1luel of flip 1, term denote", hi.q `iffi� *To -day's conference between the CaPo of' Good 110pe " and Atal, 200 pressing effect Packers are plarining '01 po ro Excellent. ell alwo.abl eliei;q 0 rtaff of ille f4r&at Wesiern Itailway Company ill Nu - And Ill's railroad men nd ther President mi- seoured, 1,� 6 1-2d to 2,i 1.34 1-12d; for -a record season Ill the, Csh i R lit r. pluving wolnen toses received partieulal, direp- cerns chletly tiva Dills Pending in Coll-' grva6 6 1-4a to 10 1-2d. dustry. I,Pari f tbi ffine lie lws spenb with the Whig. Attin., Ally 13. — Croils In tile dipot, Tht, tion6 g to tila ctepA to take ill gross for amendinent of theUrilman PROVINMI.; MATtIMTS. 1-TamUton—Business coliditions are 0 W0111(k1l, W ing tttj ]lose work, the eonjT=y $,IV, to Israel Ilia purpose Act providing means fol, arbitration of Charl" Mury It prCji(JLAjj6 Of tile nortberli 1ection ot are ttroil, . -e sputes. It lis uilderstood that London, Ont.—TILAVO WOLS a good Michanged as. tbL* Moritli prog-ress6s.. Anittrican Rankor.41 hai -11-en eatisfactioll, al % ivage d! ]Both wholemlie and retail on, ,Ajj(j of and healtby, and Will yield ell, wlt Paid t,'it the ratt� of �t gallist supply of ellerries atid raspberries, the hollig" are d average- weather during the next ix" lboth. the brotherhoods and the tall- ierries feeling the usual surdwer ftll�off id ilit., Third llttlil- (if St. Lows, 900 a latter selling at 14a per box. Cl t1wir lliale:, collenguNl 21s, anil it i�,; iiiia N% 6111d not grant �lteir requost to 90 intil roads are patisfIed With tho Newlands trade, and yot it is substalitin, jqost clied at Ills unimor lintile"in the Aairott. wetks ta brin,-, thein to maturit. T1jo . .11 iC. the to orship I)ub bill, - already. passed by We Semite, were froin 7Ge to $1Z pC-r basket, Red Only danger secra to lie tho probabilltv with ,vilee of tile ofter and wolider.1i been Otirrats and gooseborries were seven Of Hamilton's factories continue busy, of .I. too rautc zro-will. of lato-Nown 0.11t.8 Illercs reselitilielit. but that tile Ci�Lyton bill, Introduced Ill to nlue cents box. On tile graill Tho city I Justly proud tllttt S16. fllolliling tile Inist weelc*s willillant A iiietthig of tile Oil110 \%'Ould 1('t til"I 9)� TheY W011111 r#- the Houre, largely at tile Instance of rain. vei%P nia:rket wheat was MlIftn9ed, but ranks first In percentage of Inort Irazon, haq put through an increaso of a aSo - Natiolial 'UnIoll of q lie Secretary NVIlsoii, I.% not so satisfae illat wag put III oil ,iul fill. gs in June of tile 10 per Vent. Ill tit(.' Pay of tile firomell low or plowilig 1.s Itil Itallij, 11114 oats brought $1.20 to $1.25 per cwt, Ift Bank elearla., s Ity a,;king it of flima. Thi.q k th' -1 11041 At (11.1(littlle, 0 tory. The Utter proposes, that the -niplottvil upoll 1. i;iv of tile woril "borraw" in v. ,>) This year's hay Is selling for $11 cities of Canada. With total of tilt, St. T.nkv- ilead1lig 011t. , It Is ]lot rttr ativitnepti resolution protestin& Itgainst the dif- Seereary ol Labor khould be included IM Ili the 11(irt'd9d alid file 'NeePawl, diS- a �loses' tbird ob,leption witff'"tIlUt as one of the official medlators. Ther� to $12 per ton, itlot year's bringing $15,631,911 sli-e rank elglit Ill t1le list. ill wages wtw Tsrapl woulil n ;18 to $16. Dressed meat prices were Real O$tA:tb Is rAther quiet d OC apd build. 0111(rTer; Murphy, qpnoral inparfritend- 1 -5th I Menty early enough to. be rip Ot accept hint s a leadqr has been con8iderable. obj tion to (J Mvst(�ra linott s(,)A frolu the Lord. In nl8wer to ibis the sarae as a week ago. Ing permits were fairly 11MIt'lerolls. of tilt, pred safe. As elsluiwberc-, everal tni-iii. (4041 gave Mal the Qlgns of the rod that feature. Gluelph.—Dutter was 23c to 260 lb,; London—Conditimig In western Ofi. Ofis lim fteepted tit-) po.ctltion arm liave thi year a fleld of PLANE SEtAACH1tG_P0R DROWNED Chairman Clayton, of the 11ouse NVIleat With U-111cli they are very W01 skit. cloanged to serpent, of tho- leprona Tudleiary UouirnMee, wito Nvua one of oggs,, z�)e to 24c dozen; raspberries, tarlo are very satisfadtory, excepting f general of the, b9fled. A 13tiffiflo jlceh.- - -; in Will , -0 jn�lx ho,adqu t I And of the witter of tho Nilk IF the participitum hi the White House 15a to Ile box; cherries, 80a to $1 a the promiabd short crol) in 1jay, tht toixi, .AjOgioll, All rtoy plane S)KIM111 surface of Lake inta blood. 031od nswerod conferpne, devlared there was no dis- basket; #josebarries, le box, a -ed CrOPS *111 Westerft OiltArio promlso Nvell, idpog. -SHOOTING ON' BOAT. Erie and the Nljag4ra Itiver this dfter- filial obi"tioll t1lat lie was not a V414'a etirants, 3oc to 45c bask(k. Duck's wera Iftnufacturing establishments W1101-0. to effeet it noon played a prominent part In tile y position to I)reqs Ilia bill against the t I by givin- hint Aaron, 1114.1 d 'at 90e to $1 tach, said chickens "le houqes and the retail trade bsve tlIq wifo,"from whian beon ?I Nawland.4 bill it It was apparent that BOI the filitiotilig c-? lVilli11j, Of thO flVe Iii -i both tho rallroa& and their,employocs at 14a to loc Ily. been kelit busy. ed, aivirq Xtrr, hk 011 favored the 'Nwlailds measure St. Thomas, Ont.—The rosDb "ry Ott,%Wa,—Xo now developments oe. 1118 )11,q )�j, (Ij.:t*jtitIjr ill,' brd flit, ficeamer ilgotittill, ennoMsts. who werp, drowned off Wind- er confetits of tion it Troro) sta nt, an(I curred durin the last two weeks Ill of Qarlj�lie An 0A J,ort mill Point lant The 11yin Tito vovt-1 finialho t"1141 Acceptalico by the House crop has been a disaDpointnie Milling (if I maelilite rapidly eliniffiated outlying Newlauds bill, as It ha.4 tile,Jo-day few If aay -verc cffer(�tj. Sev. business. A fairly active tracle t!s, ol;fixps of lik Avi boysip, iii Torouto. wam oil fhe tn -Tethro Nvith 1.*,; flowk. N )nt., E'dward territory from the liecessity of further consent tO Senate, wh1eh alo has been Approv6d eutoen conts Der box Is tile rullng pastsin in wliolestile-iiOlIK05, Two iranv.4 PmNvile(I W101 11111- Itere. ' 1,11i,4 search, and boatinen confitiod their ef- ,gypt, lie 'Atwt ujldojj�t. price. New potatoos are making their by the Civic Federation, will Quebec--Whol Peale tra(16 as it rule, oil thoir to a bull fight at brought itly W-foro fort8 to ntretch, out with Ili% wift. alul Ilio two (40114. 00- dly reMove the Possibility of a, strike. appftra`1143e, 40c to 60o pet, peek Is be- to quitt, wbich 's MUM at the settion. 1rull. kI twn, collillell allil eig-lit. tlay,.4. Mith with the result that threp bodies were ItOok IVith 111111 tile rod by jV111pli lie was President Wift5on, oil Ills arrival Ing asked Now hay is offered aI $10 COMOtI0138 RTO 'fair, In tile city iretall Pd. Two Avero. found Ili tho laito 4 It. t aroi't It frow Cornish, N. 11., had before Win a to 412 per -.on. Butter remainig firin Is fair, labor Is well employed tud peoplo Mlled 011d of thell) that thp and one In tlie river. pile of deurilents oil the situation rit 28e to eggs at olil pota- Manufacturer bila. Otte fftJljlr(, 4twl fA4 11410till'-' WAR IM-eidt'llifil, (A whieh he cald ill% Nvoidd, be. t0(`8j to $1.005, Dir bag; colery In t1w difitriet, lIlodite Of ame Lvneh. ille iXteell. MAN 9EHIND 910 LONDON HOTEL, i11"I "'R (if I%'-") %v fore Me conter(nev, GOP, to new honey, e 641 that lit, ef"1111 not to 15o per lb.,, ehickmix, 15c to 18"; 0 wbo rn uly 4th Witt_ MIS9 P�NKHURST FIELVASE0, Liniolort, 1ttly 14,—.Tt to 1XV&i1i Iliq Work. 140 IN 90AT FINO, friond i sho wo-ald wLtllm, ?a over i he Londiiii, 11� tit, lit , . l0ierrle,s, $1.25 per basket; wee- t tup iltan who lJoIlL tilt VON thnil go lit -Rip, froni t1w . dai 'fm. ljosljjt�.jj sit o ightor of .1 --ITfjw Ion W41A NTO.4oa I GOOD RAINS OUt WEST, berfleti, 7o per bu; lildes, Do to 10t. -C 'Taly M-7.7polirtooll Mitlially WIlat waq )IR To Nvasibed Wool, 26.c to 23c; unwasliW tvollarA Walk t6' still ount into Toron. lower rivev At the of the Mist litirst, iflio Ivas splitelleed to three oppo'Me tile entrance to w1lat, Illmlittb) (1111 lie tail? What wall nioliflis in jail for )lei- part Ili tho riot. oil Nilliell Alberti eopioug rain wool, Itte to 15c; whoat 98c; cats 32e, t(v P It I, I Irinri%ing A rl,,.ts inI. twhat za, at ing before t1w Miniters' houseq in jA' ill J)p 111111t, Mallaby f.0011111 1jjljjjj_-1 t110 1.114t tivelltv-Falle baled hy, $15 to"$17, oil file whip elork,t Mi w�v#ln of t'he Itenry .of I mis-Inn ilil lie What foltv 1h. - V , Zn% - y, Iof Valliamelit, 011)(11 Stratrord, 'Ile to 211e a4q , k� Iwo ii)(41IN Mehi.liolt , N igatioll Vant. 61101leell bV lldk(� Chl fil(l. ating womait oarriett out tilt, throat Ishe dozen; butter, 25c 1) lb.; 61 lie i,.4 aptill'-f whivil, ply iljt% i-owity erlyalital eourt to thrmt, ly'641`4 mil. 60c to $1 Q$16; potatoell, $1.60 thi!t Ifort, Iof tho llavigullull In tho wn(j 14 re. 111410p lit tiourt, aud All-rilt 4111 11 111111gill, Ilite It"l-t Ill llillition to wl iti-4- "r bag; wiftent, M10c, per busbol; 44, for .401illz liquor oil their IW04 tf," fror hotVin -.qI'diteed it striho .101 rooll q Min, plitilred tho jail, liot(4 mIjkli, lilt sapi, ivill be W11.1c Wnuilorit Tot( fit In NVIIAt 1,ntjftj gairl Itn(Isr the jm, n 'Sh waa iwdt�r tile lit-oviqloili; tit i riet til;a lftir Ill fine 6e per bushol; Way (IMAik) $14 t0i" iK nit unil I -,())A umv , 1. tke Tmill NVIhowa . 9 $1 5 per 0n: Iloo, (livo) $9 to bnpf­�t-41 to day nft 6.16, ."%ir4, 44 .11elsinsfors. July It, MEP.—- .I,- Oi–L-1W - �__" - "MMMME� nilliv 2 his bad a reinarkable tIventure bere. Ile wari in conersation with two Fillulsh men in the _wnokW(r room of the, principal hotel in tlip city w1li-n Itioop of Rit-Asian and Ili hispeetor nd oue of the party of bavlor flwir contempt of the Rusian soldiers by liling pat. iipon thoin front flie hot,�l wirt- flow. Despit(­ their 111dign'ttit Capt. Hamilton nd tilt- Other iwn iivry llil tbroligh tile to tile poliee whore. thoy ('110 the offeuve. till' I r t Is I I wIIO with till,. Oov- A Tfamiltim la711)w ol)[ained. an apologry from Cie RuAilan $ "_ IM EUROPE IS SAFE No Danger From Balkans, Says Lloyd -George. '71113, 14. --The Britit,h Chancellor of tile Nxchequer, David Lloyd-Georgo, addressing tho bankers tit , dinner at the Mansion House to- night, rererred to Balkan affairs. lie said that the first trouble Nvas over, and lie was bopeful that the powprs, who liad started so well togetbet-, Would be able to offect lasting set- tlenlMit inolig Weak,, hapless pro- vinces. So long as the Balkan States did nothing to upset the deelslons already agreed to amon tile powers, contimi- ed the Chancellor, it was to be Iloped that no power would find It necessary to take any action likely to give rise to difficulty among the great powers themselves. EJECTtO INSPECTOR. 1-011, of tile 11tival lvq-q to-ilight finod $100 for lit- Shver in tit(! bi-i 'rite, Ordered frovil de , bar, itot haviiiq a lie - Out. Avas allowed out oil stiqlIended st:lltonee for assAliltilig the roll's failler is boilig for vimploing his tioil a!,, a without a tSIMPLON WAR OARRICR MLL41' iilv 14 ...... A lillge 1ron rier orl lintig sinillar to n porticullis at t1w I.-)Iwiss mitrance to Simplon tunnel, wIllell, Nvils jilitplitle(I to bo low( -red in tll(', emit of war provent InvaMon. from Italy, fell tt dentally oil Tuesday bvealu4p or- the of the chains. It Nva,4 diseover, d ill tirkw to Ivarli t1lo whielt WS -or 111101t Itave bet U .i. big INSUAAF.,OTION IN MOROCCO. to a ilAll tile pollit 14 joillill-T 1ho itif-UrVili.- tion. Thio iii to It., ,jilp it, the fallilre of fillopi4 to will &Ave vietory. :, SWL. I Y k 0