The Wingham Advance, 1913-07-10, Page 5Af . 4 s • i t " HUMAY, JULY 10, 1913 TVREV., W N G A M A D V A O A i .• i. r . r , i -., . r. -. 1. R.3. .. ., .__ -. . .. ..... i.w�,d.fl.wr,w+www!.^�.w+u.Rw r�•o,p/!r,++MgMMp•"�.lhm,4,www.... .. . _ ... ,. erawaaara•arraNar�a•w►••+►e��► Tied was that~ be bad ver little .luck" I ON r eP , it. ad(lressln•g "a wout1lit, s to _ Yet the ►tlosk ENIr CA ADA• 0N Portland CEM, rowtlr(ily ru("n iri tins rt�i►t:t;� �vltl uG 0 sotuotimes do the rusltest things. They M . I v • � , arse like .soldiers, ilghttatg b(:hllid brerlst. • " works, inor4luately brave, Jim alight oral • bravo gone out to the 1)lace when. not '�/��" c L � , on duty, laude an excatse tocall ata. the 1 t. _ . __ i,Ma �.:r ar 3iate glen ask for so many bags of • . woman, find out If site were slogle and is a►ar "'•- • * court her, it be plied her, in (lie regu• cement • 0 lar way' But he was not tat) to tilts, er Story Of a Locombtive ' ....� °ori. • • So he laid a plain for attackIng her • � >vn�ineer's Courtship � while traveling by on 1)is locomotive. Others, more careful, Say they want a►t► er 0 Sire could not strife! back, for she ¢Portland Cement ----• e>, • ' could not get at htai. «'ith lits hand By VERNON ARNOLD on the throttle he felt -like- a warrior ' i a er ort. er er er er eP tr er et et er er et et er err + + er et grasping a sword. But the man who does the , Oat several occaa,iuris dtit•Ing the cavi• :` •� 1P best work insists upon et-' Jim Tucker was A 10e0mOtive en • mer tills lone lal(ly was in that part . p � - sineer, �e wlas thirty-five years old, of her grounds nearest the trail, when `~nmarried, and kept his belollgings in Jim passed, and safe Ili ials , cafe h(' u tin "Canada" Portland a boarding House at one of the terms- made bald to look at liar admiringl3. pals of the railroad for which lie How she took this evidence of interest Cement- worked. Since his was a day run he in tier tie could not tell, 'but she gate I 1 usually slept in his room nights. , no evidence of being displeased ! < �i Lifewas beginning to get tiresome with It. Jim was not a bad looking for Jim -that is,. when, he was not run- fellow, and if tiny profession requires � �-----•� ' nd he looks to ning his engine. He had lost a young strength and nerve that of engine driv• man's taste for amusement, but, not : Ing surely sloes. But; Jim was not see that every being an educated person, did not care conscious of the advantage this would Corset Cover Bargain ; special line 35e Fancy white and colored Parasols, new Alt• i for books. When on time be got in give hire with a woman. ba beam This from his day's run out and return at 4 Jim nailed several boards together, value for.......................................25C styles, out prices ............ $1.00 and $1.25 o'clock and was ready to leave •the making a surface about four feet by roundhouse at from 0 to 0. His even- three. On one side he chalked "Good - , White Cambric Underskirts, $1.25 valve Children's print dresses, nicely madei Ing meal was finished by 7, and he read morning'$ and on the other "Good even- � 00 small patterns., y a newspaper till S. The rest of the ing,'' He took the board with hint in for ...,,,..,,.••.,,.,•.•..• .......... ......... 1• See them ..,..,,.,...,..ei9C evening was very lonesome for him. his Cab and waited fol' a time when the He would sit in his room wishing for a woman whose acquaintance he wished Outing Skirts, plain white Repp, cut Girls' Middy Waists, white with blue or home, a nice little cottage not far from to`form was in the yard and looking at price ......... .,,.,.,,,.,••.,.....,...$1,25 'Gan trimming, fast colors. Out the roundhouse, where he might be the passing train, as she often did, comfortable between the hour of his Then he prepared to swing out his prises ,.,.,.,•••,•••.•,•,. .....••,•,•••,*•,.$1.00 • coming in the evening and his denar- message, displaying the appropriate Fancy Embroidery Trimmed Outing ture in the morning. He would Pic- side. Skirts,, $2,50 for ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$2.00 Ladies' white voile waists, pretty style, ture a tidy woman standing in the An opportunity occurred on his in something new. prices Write the CanadaCement P�RTLANd There is a Canada doorway waiting for him and several run. The woman was standing in her Out . ' Man- Cement dealer in your "wee things toddlin"' down the walk Ladies' Night Gowns, fine cambric, lace ;$1,50 $1.?5z $2.00 information Bureau, Y doorway and was looking at the. train and embroidery trimmed out rice .$1 00 treat, for a free copy of neighbgrhood. if you do with outstretched arms on the way to Jim took up bis message and held it y � F ' meet him. Then be would sigh, read , . "What the Former Can �, CEMENT not knave him, vents for where she could see it. But she wa, White Lawn Waists, low. neck, short Do With Concrete. `J lw name, the advertisements in the newspaper not looking at the engine unci failed to bong Whits Gloves, silk finished lisle and go to bed. g. C sleeve, pretty tatyles, trimmed with notice 'this beginning of a correspond• all sizes bargain 50e �. • Not far from the terminal which slice. But Jinn tried it again and again � 8 "' °""" """"'"'""' •"' fans. lases. Priees..,,.,$1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Jim Considered his abiding place, about till one morning he saw tier laugh and 200 yards from the track, was a small knew 'that he had attracted her attert BIG BARGAIN Women s House Dresses, fancy checks r r r r douse that looked as it it might have flan. He hoped that when he passed been built by the white settlers of the 10 pieces 27 inch Embroidery Flouncing, -� and stripes, good washers. Our her house on his return trip be would $1 00 $1 25 $1 50 $2 00 country. It stood in the center of a got a reply, but this was not to be choice new patters, regular value 50s cut prices are,., , , , . four acre lot, on a part of which were forest trees. When Jim had com• ex- pected, She might alone read a roes• 60 and 75 sell them out quick price ...39c forest his runs he the road the place sage from ,Tim, but all oil the train Infants White Lawn Dresses, nicely meucecould -read a messarge from her to him, was uninhabited, and although be had Ladies' White Lawn Waists broken made, lace trimmed. Price ......,,.$1.00 t1 d it twice a day for six years, he One morning when bo passed he sawpasse ' something white In one of the upper lines, values $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, had never seen a person on the prem- windows. It would not attract the at- your ises. Notwithstanding Its dilapidated your pick for,........ « .......................98c Women's Blips, made of fine Cambric, appearance, it required little stretch of tention of any one except the one for finished with pretty embroidery. whom it was intended, and Jiui felt: y g F $1.00, $1 25, $1. : the imalgination to picture it a pleasant Ladies Embroider dresses lop or short Cat rices are,... 50 $200 Home. A porch, an arbor, a small barn, confident that it was ruerint for biro• - ho e a state , decay, remained, and Jim made inquiries about the woman sleeves, good fitting models, Prices alland learned.that she was a young wid at naueh less than ou can have Misses white dresses, dainty embroidery. Jim as he drove by it loved to fancy y ow who bad been a dressmaker, but, them made, special prices -43.901 $4 50, $5 Our cut rices- $2 90 $3.90, $4.50, $5 00 to Saturday, "the Persons who had used them.F • •' ` One Sunday he walked out to the de- having ; a greater taste for country life serted house --it was but a mile from and a small bank account of savings, the roundhouse -and went over 1L had rented the cottage with a view to Through open spaces where a weather- getting a living -out of it either by . . . . . . . . Of . . . . . . • • board had 'rotted away he could see chickens or vegetables. She had no that the framework was of the stoutest children and, was an orphan, without oak. It had already lasted probably brothers or sisters. one or two hundred years and would Jim thought of a great many things NEW IDEA Queen Quality Watches, Clocks, Silverware Jewelrylikely last as much longer. Indeed, two• he would like to say .to hH©S1er in chalk • 9 � thirds of the building was like iron; the letters, but a reply would be too con PATTERNHosiery rest needed renewing. If Jim only had spicuous to be considered, so he was and Gloves - p a wife he would buy the Place and fix obliged to make tip his mind to beard 10 Cts. Cut Glass, etc. it up. the lioness in her den. it did not re T11E SATISFACTORY STORE r • But he hadn't the wife. And this quire much bravery to call upon a wo• matter of getting a wife is a very un- man who had waved to him froth her . • certain matter. It is not necessarily a window, but the moment he left his matter of means. litany a man worth cab he seemed ted lose all courage millions has lived to be very old and Iowever, he was not tip to facing Lever been blessed with a home. Jim the widow without some kind of an - was getting regular $1.50 -June was getting good pay and had money nouncement and wrote the following�. . Watches. - ...., laid up, but he was as far from pos• nate with a carpenter's pencil on the Sale I ••••-•• ••••••••'�"'°-� ,.•,_•,........ sensing a wife As if he had neither pay bottom of a cardboard box; - . 98c -I Ladles' 14 k« solid gold watch, 15 _ nor a nest egg. So he vent back to his I'm coming to see you next Sunday. rt Q � lonely room, spent a lonely evening You don't want me to, put out a notice.Gp'lsdale'sGiveUs a r1aFor jewel Waltham movement, reg. Clocks._ uilt�=C�t.#adiis lonely bed. One day when passing and having $40 --sale Price ............. .$+30.00, One morning w>;e%f iid-iltiiied• by �llsg -��d"�� �!nan•s attention he threw fire � ..... ,. deserted place he was surprised to seo message from a c, � t on rounding s Ladies' 14 k. gold-filled, 15 jewel Reg. 612-oale Price ...............$8.50 , .._-- „n �, V ." y S tUPday a little pile of new lumber in the a curve fartber on, looked baci�o n!!� J Waltbam movement, reg. $16- RPg. $10 -Sale Price ...............$6.75 grounds. A few days latera man was tier pick it up. """' I ourNextJob.• Sale Trice ...........................$12.00 Rf-g. $8 -bale Price ............. $5.50 sawing a board. When Jim returned When ,Tim went by the place again ' ...$3,25 in the afternoon the man was putting he saw n sign in the yard, "No `lies• Bapgains.Ladies 14 k. Reg. $o -Sale Pri(.e ,...........' gold-filled, 7 j•' -vel in new posts where there was most de• passing on These Premises on Sun -1 • Waltham 'Watch reg. $12 --- cay. Jini took notice of the .man at say." � Alt*nds of Print' neatly all ' g work when he passed for a couple of Jim's heart sank within him till he p Sale Friss .....' .........................$9.00 Jewelry. 'weeks, + saw the widow at a window waging at ) ..........18C y .►....ed. J ` weeks a- the end of which time the salmon) red artistically �a Ladies Silver ' Watches re 5-- , buildings had been restored to their him. But even this did not convince .....�,,, ' g $ Ladies Chains.,.._+. primitive condition. A painter took him that the sign in the yard %vats to let ' - Baked bean; large tin..10c Sale Price ............................. 3.50 g Dodgers Auction Sales State`'' � Re $10---� .�ei Price ...............$6.50 the place of a carpenter, and when the him know than his rtiessx;;e bald been' ,, ' $3 76 painter left the place was again de- received and the wavin;; was to assure Heinz Pickles .........15C Q Gents 18 size', Open face, 14 k, Reg. $G.b '.�..SaI@ Prase .............. - _ .sorted. him that he would be wcic•onlc• cry, Envelopes, BlotiLerS, Buffer gold-filled case, 17 jewel Wal- ,sots, Cha ass- But a few days later as Jim sped by When Sunday morning carne round - (sweet Tri1Sed� Pham or Elgin inOv't; re $25-- on his iron horse he saw a woman fangs- the sun rose bright and slione straight g g' Reg $ 0.00 ---Sale price ............ $6, 00 Ing herself about 'the: house. It was into Jim's heart I3e: l)tit on his best Comfort Soap, G bars .. 25e Wrappers, Church Reports, Etc. sale Prise ........... . . .... . .......... $18.00 Re 8, 00 ---Sale rice .. $4.76 g , a . • g� $ p •••••••••• spring, Clue windows and doors were clothes and made himself locfi• is rlt• �'1 g , � Sardines, G tins. .... , .25c ' Genu' 18 size, open face, gold-filled Rt -g, $5.00 ---Sale price ............$2.95 open. 1'he woman was gathering the tractive as possible. Ile, would have ,� This office has always had the reputation of turn. easP, 17 ja.wel Waltbam or Elgin Reg. $2.00 ---Sale price ........... small pieces of wood and piling them liked to go on his visit,as soon as ht� in out nicer work than most others. Prices as $1.75 Rice best range, G lbs.. 25c g in the wood house. Jim was not near had finished Ills breikfast, but had � ' ' l low s the lowest. Call for prices. like but he couldrssee that she was net- to do tier chores and the usual Sun ins: Pia m movement, • reg. ••$16:'�Sale$t0 50 ' enough to her to see what she looked the discretion to, give the widow alas -Other bargailis on Counter. , Ladies' Brost fete-- Rpg, $10 --gale price ...............$6.75 then old nor slatternly. When he re- morning tidyln , up. About 10 o'clock, Gent's 18 sizQ, open face, gold-filled Reg. $8 ---Sale price..., ...,,.,.,...$5,00 turned in the afternoon the refuse had finding that the n)inntes were going City Dairy Ice Cream • $3.00 s, he could gait no lou; er , cage, 15 jewel, Elgin or Wal- Reg. $o -Sale price ................ been Sat rid of and the house looped like hour g $ $ g• F afternoon the engineer took note of the widow nil approrichecl the house the Saturday Special 35c quart. _ o habitable. Every morning and every. Y hon he. MOVIt, re 20 -Sale Prise...... 14.00 Rh $4 -Sale rise`.,...,.•.,......,$=50 w birn cotniri; rind mot 1►tnr THE ADVANCE Gent's 16 size, open face, 14 k gold- Pen&ut Necklaces-- cottage and its gradual improvement. at the gate. '.Chen lie saw curtains in the windows,. Jitn's call was a success. The wlclo«• filled, 17 j-wel Waltham or Elgin Rog. $25 -Sale price..............$17.00 � - -•- and it was evident that the new ten- ' had a good dinner for hint. an(] tit ith(r Wingham , Ontario mov't, reg. $22 --Sale Price ...... $16.00 It -pg. $15 -Sale price.............$10.00 ants had moved in. she nor Jlm was disposed to a long MRS, GRISDALE .$6.75 Jim was curious to know of what delay in coining to an understanding - Gent's 16 Aize, gold-filled,. Waltbaam Reg. $10 --Sate price .............. persons the family would consist, but Jim wanted a horse, :incl the widow, mov't, reg. $15 -Sale Price..... $10.00 Ladies' Ring8-- weeks passed, and not a: person did be wanted a main for ri c0171parii011, pro - Reg. see about the place, except the tector and partner. I erore .1ini left the Genii"s 17 jewel Silver Patch, reg. RPg• $?5 -dale prise...............$68,00 woman. One afternoon as be was preliniffiaries were settled -that is, $17 --salts Price.... 6-46 .......... 0$12.50 Reg. $55-83le price. .............. $39.00 driving by she was corning down the Jlm was to call often, and they were Reg. $40 -Sale price...............$28.00 wank that led to the road beside the to tale steles to (incl out soinethin, Gent's 17owel Waltham Watch in � ralls dressed evidently to so Into the about enc:h other. j Reg. $25 -Sale price ...............$17.fi0 In. Ar nickle Case regular $12,50 --Sale city. She reached the road Just as In a month they were ong-1gol. and g Reg. $20 -Rale price...............$14 50 'Situ's locomotive clattered by, and he in the fall th(,y were married. Tho. 1iice....................«......,,,..,,,,$8.75 SYNOPSIS OF CANAMAN NORTH Reg. $15. -Sale price .....:........ $9.75 gave her plainly. She appeared to bo ,next spring .1inr -,Dont More 'none on ' 15 -Sale price....... $6.50 between twenty-five and thirty year,, the house litld it geir,d cicarl of 1a1►or nn' WEST LAND REGULATIONS SUITS mADE Gents 7 jewel Elgin or Waltham Reg. $ p old, neatly clad and not bald looping, the gr•0und:t, Mrs. -111111 c+irose chie-ken NY person who is the sole heaadofafamily,ill mov't, in pickle Case!, reg. $8._,-„ Reg. y0 p $3 25 She caught Jim's �e a fixed Intently fa fining for art oc�cill)ntion. And ai l:tr,*aA � . or any male over IS bars aid. may home- S --SSI@ rice ............... g y y '' stead a quarter aodtion a available Dominion Sale Price..;,.t•.•.•.,t+ .•..1tstIttit$5.50 Beg. $3.50 -Sale price«„t,�..,,►. $225 upon her, but it was only for r mo- chicken house was i blit during the land in Manitoba, Sakatohewa� er on aborts. silent, and her own eyes were turned winter. The applicant must appear in p s t _ TO ORDER Dominion Lands ,Agoney or Sub-agendy, for the away immediately#, ilii stili sticks to Ills engine. Bu't dtstridt. Hiltry by proxy may be made at any _. The house having been put in order, ,vben lie Vvnlics lrotaa�1, frc)in the rourici agony, on certain conditions by father moth, A p or, son, daughter, brothor or sistor of intend• the grounds next received attention. noose he 4ors his Nvit'e stondhin iii the in homesteader. But for tills the woman was not so door wind Iris '`wee thins toddlin to .�triono-sixr� ontinea each threonandouL t�vation o! the land in Flack of thee© yyearn. A i y • fitted Oil aCCOirnt of lack Of physical meCt ltini, its he hard dreaimed when homestoader m&Y live wit.;n nine ratios of his We measure the man, then make the r�S1ltlt. Ladles and Gents Stone set Rings at exceedingly low prices a�ti'rngth.. Her efforts consisted chiefly pas :ing lite cirsPrft�cl 1)c)utic� . • homestead on a farT of eethte�ast 8o aoreg solely h fe r� ,rcrir' owned and oaelaptod by bi or by his father, •� in setting plants about tiro house and 1)eforo. Jim's tlrel love letter 1a a part another, s », dao liter, brat= or sister. Special June prices oil Lockets, i0hal"WA, Ladie8i and Gents' Fobs, trimming some small flowering trees. of the C11101011 1ac)use. it is placed over-e3tnnaii�qt �& di�n��ernsp_tahuartetic�s� tion aron� ORDER YOUR SPRING ►���T I�C,W. y How Jim wished he Could time it spade the door, turd the ehnlked letters gide his omest . }'ride $3.00 per acro. Brooches, Scarf Pins, Cuff Unks, Etc. then In the evepttig, 4fter coming Ib "Good morning." hnto 1)(1011 t0lihlev(' Duttos.-Must rbglde upon the homestead or Ine.emption sit months In each of six years Suits tweeds and 'worsteds from $21.00 to $32.00 from his day's rut1, 44d 406t) the grass by, prilntcel ones. tt i5 cnid thilt t'lt:inti froth date df homestead entry (includin the s Ar a stock o Silverware aha Cut Glass at dist aria below. irons growing rdttif, elpor always rniscs leis hen(1 te,rratr•el it Uma required � darn hooraegtoad patoiit) and Odd Trousert from 4,00 to 7•50 -}? g 0% }ti�vate fifty fires (ext . One r'eitsoit 'wily he Ilad uotte>r rope• w4cn he 91V)s his first dally 4100. a• hbmgeteaddr who hag exhausted hishorne• via ofttear foila purohmed harno tad itt oarWn stead aright 'and cannot obtain a pre• nrtain , ,�-..•• �- , . __ ..�, , .... ...� � ..,.., _,. ,-. _.. .. . .. . _,� _. _,_._,..... - . - • _: __. ,�...,.,,,. ,, .-... �...�._.. __ . ,-,- y "'`''"'.�" dis�ritatg. Price 3.Op pttr garb. �iitids. MrYet Perfect fit Mild Wilrkn'ithiill�ll� �l�al'�Il��'1¢d.. side Olt months In oaoh of throo years, oulti- 'JI'e�r>r`tflod .h the ro Oct of dismiss -'Tile Rev. �r tl, f�►tiielr tate ftftyaat<es and ereat 4 hotisd worth ;goo, It. Kattoreo at which the Lig slatturo authorized of the " Catch•nryPea1 move -went itx ' '"• it CORY, Call and get rlce:>s. lw bejputy of the lvtinlster of the lntoriar. h error to rr out, the sher• i'reland to paying a vtstt to the 1'J'ntted _ the Governor Ota o r r 1? g 9.13.--Unauthorlmd 1publioation of this aldtl riffs of five counties In 11 AInai Have States ,lid conduotlb tom OMIft0o tleement will not be Paid foaYi co>rtiiatnZ,y taken up vtgorouaily the duty Il;oyial At;tu�y' 3.`e>ranfierri.boo As�bctatton WHIT g l? 'vdr . ..._..y ..i .,� y •..W of enforeae ment of tho prohibition 10,W was recently held til Caaxton Salt, rwhieh hair heretofore been negloeted Westminster, prosiaed livor by Lord to aoma extent In bur h elttos as Part- Xetheul . Spedial lmeyss#408 of spm- Dr. do Vstiftl t Vemate Pills IT NATIONAL �ii�"I"EL PHONE 6 litud, hath Arad l b or. The Postoo athp *Ore received from Dol, 8oely . _ �►PP ► o , s tnlieable rt inch t ggatlntar, ndvbr fgits« q` het Phone 26WILSON BLOCK �lllat lite: "666dingly o"tt'Al in ,rcgulaiting tiro al,l1 of the�o the yid farad Lorcd P,olassrttr 'ho riwnrtial rspor t geltleitiatti�e , drtla'n of tr gfdtnifle ;,saner. Refum aerraYd tja s that In ib t► t1t►e eor{ 11 a e tip t�llttrrio of _, r• eft► atx�al erret sold tit _ aliowed a me�tntieraaht a has gorse down ttrltlt a Oi"a•rh ,,and the tv lx ar tx�c ..er tnegg %r 1D. sill to itay Add piaa. .., _ . _ .. ,r�wilw:;r �, ;, !'". • law Is now ''be ng woll antorosd• r�ervivala n different ai1000,� ,. sMi►ttell>l>i7ii•+mic �•r tilhtlric'#teiar� t�ar;� l 4 �..r . ,....,,ry '