HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-07-10, Page 411 '1�0 01 i but 000 Lbsil Wool W.an-ted Gash OP Trade w r .M t i Xr. 'Farmer we want your wool, and are prepared. • to give the very Highest .Prices. We have some very special, values in all departments for you, during the wool season. It will pay you to take a day off and come to Wingham, go through, our new `~store which is full of the newest goods. Special Values In Carpets Men's Clothing Ladies' Ready-to-wear Rugs Boys' Clothing Summer Dress Goods Linoleurns Rails Coats Gloves, Hosiery and Qileloths Hats & Caps Underwear, also the Curtains Underwear Best Fool Blanl�ets Window Boots & Shoes Sheeting Yarns, etc. Shades t0 BROS* PROTJUCE WANTED PHONE 71 E A N T E lu"' 0 Save Your Money WHAT a man darns is not as Important as what he saves. An oflics boy making $6 V. week, of which amount he saves $1, Is actually earning Mere than the $25 a week man - who ,saves nothing. The boy's business is payiner a dividend: the man's is a failure, NO matter how small your salary may be, you make a serious mistake Sullen sou fail to save a part of it. When you get your next week's salary-, mako up your mind to doposit a contain percentage of it in this bank, where it will draw _ interest at the highest csurronb rate. AL RAILWAY TIME -TABLE i reams loare `'i ingheal tudtomtx dally as 1411owt i p TO TORONTO and Intermediate Points:--P,Aaeugerr, 6 45 A iii ; pusent• ger, 11.00 a,m. ; paseebger, 2.80 p,m. j TO LCODOX;-Pome>nger 6.66 a. w. ; passenger, 8 8o p tor. TO XINCt•AUDINN . - I*Asseugerj 11.50 land.; pasaenget•, 9.80 p.m.; Pas. ; ftger, 9416 p, m, 0. 'P. R4 TO 'TORONTO and Int4i'modiate Points.- --PAasenge r, 6 40 %,w.; porion. goer 8.05 p.m. TO TURSWATICIR PAWdgof, 19,80 p,td.; piA011gof, 10.82 p.%* GOOD LOCAL AGENT at once to represent $le OLD ANL RELIB,A.BLE FONTHILL NUR. SERIES. Splendid list of fruit ane ornamental stock for Fall delivery 1913 and Spring delivery 1914. Start at onde and se - Zeusivc territory.W supply handsome fret outfit a pay highest commissions Write f or ' full particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO -:- ONirARIO IER 08 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. a sketch and description may our opinion free wLiethor an Scientific Antritallo IL laiiona o ohne lectentino Journal, Thrum for Canada, y3.iG a year, postage prepaid, Bold by AU newsdealer+, MUNN & C,0,36taroodway, Now York Wauch oi'iige. 625 V 13t„ WhabiriRtotn, b.0. D USINES SHORT AND Subjects taught by expert: instructors at the Y. M. C. A. BLDG., . LOND Oro, ONT. Studthts assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. Zod. Catalogue free". Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt 3. W. Westervelt,nj>r. prinrcip2tl �tt4rteredRtcauatxC 17 Td'ica-Prirlclytl CENTRAL STRATFOf3D, ONT. Canada.'s boat DuAlntw Oolloge. we have thorough courAed and oompatent 6xVedehc6d instruotoro. 'w'6 ao more for our students and graduates than do other ophoo'n. At resent: iia hove applioatioxts offerin imbue $00 to $1207 IM annum for tr6 tied he Ip B0d uot+g men know ^wiles thea et 6"ha best help, We httwct three derfnentit--Commtr• 4W&J, Shorthrwd toric( Telegraphy. Get our frog oa,talogue. D. A. 394LAblZAN .. rflaolpri IR494714IFTIr 171711T_ �i.i�i1�1.Ir��A4Y!q.wn.rw�R�w•M-tlt+Yllrl�A The West Investment On Eapth Is The Earth Melt Buy an Ontario Farrar. We leave s number of biirgaius on band, We speoially a.dvertiae for two weeks J :�-- fri frightened N e d the, horses which jumped cheques on account of this munici a- ���$���, , �. g � p the treasurer be attthorized to sign ,, �� S� �I*D l..ot 1 And west J Taut 2, Qau, 12, forward, causing the trout wheels of lity as treasurer and that the said Thoy Are Just About as Thoy Were a Howlck, Q10se to sohool, church and the wagon to pass over and crush in seasons ore undergoing Bo , B;lrili~ be authorized to honor all Couple of Centurion Ago, market. Farre contains ilio acres, all the chest of the unfortunate rnalp. Mr. 7'hQ Uelief of many people that the under grass with Brlok House and Bank C Frank HeiF� of the Forxxlnaa Brewer 1XP(1exPS 84 slgtled--carrle[3.' Bari. with cement stables. D>ri6t d well. Y we Mud o>� who wab nearby,grabbed L,awbortua Mee:Fre• GihhonA and Brandon wait• , g eiiange Una. ted Professor Ysnnzlo solei This property will be sod ah�eap to and attempted to prevent the rest of ed +alt the 0onncil tvasking for a grant to examine the Sveather records. of the wind up an estate," the agori from also passing over him, of money in aid o$ the Wingham Fail entire eighteenth ceritury, but in this he was only.parti4lly. sue. Fair, but the Council could not see The investigations of Professor Galli Valuable town properties for Palo to cessful, the hind wheels running over their way clear in granting assistance $ho'w fifty-one winters that lasted well Wingham and surrounding villages, his legs near the ankle. The victim of of this kind and the request as in into spring, thirty-one warm winters, the mishap was immediately removed former -'ears was refused. thirteen unusually early winters, Fire, life, accident, health, boiler, to Mr, 1:IeiEz's house and a doctor sum- The following accounts were order• twelve mild winters followed by cold tornado, live stock, plate glass, auto - to eleven mild winters followed mobile and all otber kinds of Ineuranco moved, but his Injuries were found to ed to be paid :—Municipal World, sup- by wild springs, eleven cold autumns, in first-class Companies, at lowest rateo be Ntcal, and lapsiug into unconscious- plies, $2.42; A. Porter -field, rent of eight very Warne springs, eight sure- ness he passed away about an hour road allowance, $2; W. J. Cole, 'grad- niers with frosts and live very warm after the accident. The remains wera ing on cone, $ and 9, $27.50; J, Stewart autumns. 'there was one instance oft taken to Teeswater where intermetrt sharpening grader blade, $2 25; Wm, six consecutive warm seasons. More ne s was made. Robinson, putting in culvert, con, 9, than three-quarters of the periods of � cosens $13; Wm. Robinson, repairing road at unusual weather occurred between the Marnoch river bridge, $11; Win middle of autumn and the end of spring, Many times during the eight RAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE "Abide with me" was said to be the Wove, work on waebout, at DTarnoch eenth century the same apparent auom- closing hymn at the Prison Farm,river bridge, 400; Stuart McBurney, alies recurred at the same seasons in Guelph, when the Presbyterian As- drawing the and putting in culverts, several successive years. In every case sembly visited it. The prisoners $19,60; R. Powell, drawing tile and the seasons regained their normal char. WELLINGTON MUTUAL • d be ' ,testes Ajax" or putting in culverts, $12; J. Shoe. acterlstics, hoped it would "Now the cbals of eine are broken, bottom, repairing culvert, con,. 10, There have always been persons Sohn FIRE INS, CO.' ii0 cents ; J. ShoebottiriEstablished 1840. I am free." imngined that the seasons were becotn- Om. repairing ing warmer or colder than before. goad Office , GUELPH, ONT. culvert on eastern boundary, $10; There is, however, small foundation J. Shoebottom, commutation statute for such beliefs. The .world has In- Risks taken on all classes of in. labor tax in 1012, $5; Wm, McDowell, deed experienced many cold summers curable Property on the- cash or pre. �+ ,commutation statute labor tax in 1012, and many warn winters, but such sea- mium note system, BREVITIES• • GEO, SLEVAUN, JOkIN DAVIDSON $2 ; Wm. McDowell, gravel and sons are not the rule, but the eacep• Self -conquest is the greatest of vie. gravelling, $15; L Brown, concrete tion.• --'Youth's Companion. president. Secretary. torus, tile, $10 50; Sampson Carter, work on RITCHIE & C OSENS, Many can argue, not many con- road, $3; R, McGee, repairing drain NOT AFRAID OF COFFINS, Agents. Wingham, Ont verse. on southern boundary, $1; D. Patter- Among the Chinese They Are Gladly To know how to hide one's' ability is J. repairing roadway, cons, 2. and 3, DUDLEY HOLMES Accepted as Presents. u'great skill, $150 $ ; B. . Tyrenaan, shovelling e riStr granoef, $2.40 ; D, Chamney, gravel, Some one who knows Chinese peo- Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Barbarism recommences by the ex-' ,9i`M. ple very well once told a tale to show cess of civilization. T. 80d sSalter, gravel, $7 ; that they do not permit themselves thd. OfBoe : Meyer BIock, Wingham. J. RRodgers,ere, gravel, $5 ; Robt. Owens, luxury of nerves, She said she bad Contentment gives• a crown where gravel, $9,50, gone one day, before the Boxer riots, r fortune hath denied it, Next meeting of Council will be held to visit an old lady who lived out Iii Re VANSTO N G True courage scorns to vent her on Monday, July 141,b, at 1 o'clock, the country far beyond, Weihsien. BARRISTER AND SOLiCITOR prowess in a storm of words. A. Porterfield, clex•k. • When the American woman shrived the old lady was out, but presently she Money to loan at lowest rates. Conscience warns us as a friend be- fore it punishes us as a .judge, came in and announced that she had WINtIHAM. Just been out "watching the men dig We are tea prone to find fault; let NOT A TWINGE OF her grave, but as it began to rain she p r�� �- ��� us look for some of the perfections. had told them to wait for a pleasanter a 1L J. The freer you feel yourself in theI day" She. dial not die for years after 1 ir D.D.S.. L,D.S. presence of another,.• the more free is RHEUMAT that, but she had the comforting as- Doctor of Dental Surgery of surance that herr grave was ready for ns lv g y the Pon- SINCE on he. SINCE TAKING her without any unseemly haste when- y ania College' and Licent ate of The integrity of men is to be nneasur• Dental Surgery of Ontario, g y eves she eared to occupy it< ed by their conduct, not by their pro- RHEUMA The same American had the expe- —Office In Macdonald Block-- fession. rience of sleeping In a room with a Men must decide on what they will "I buffered from Rheumatism for six very large coffin when she was visiting G. B. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. not do, and then we are able to act years; tried different doctors, with no a Chinese friend, and the neat morning relief. I saw your advertisement and the old grandfather of the family call• with vigor in what they ought to do, decided to try RHEUMA. I have ed her attention to its excellences and .Honor Graduate of the Royal Collage He who fears to venture as far as taken three bottles and am entirely 'explained that his son had made' a of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor free from the di:easa. I was sn herd I „ „ Graduate of University of Toronto his heart urges and his reason permite�, free f not sleep nights; now I Bleep present of it, Iso t the wood fineI he Faculty of Dentistry. is a coward; be who ventures further well, trod my kidneys work verfectly.,, asked admiringly. It Cast a lot Of than be intended to go is a slave. --P. W. Miller, Catawisem, Pa, money. Old people accept such Pres- oFr10101 OVER u. E. ISARD & tic's. STORE "For 14 months I was so badly af- ents as marks of filial love, and not at � fileted with Rheumatism that much all as a hint for them to occupy, the W. R• , HAMBLV, %'3&, _� D-1 .0. of the time I was obliged to rice a cane. coffin.—••New York Post. I used one battle of RHEUM A s.nd r1 Speaidl attelition paid to diseases IMPROVED SUMMER TRAIN THE OANI+ "'T �I'r t�"`�t�1R' ~. " " �Y, . _ :: ' h3 09,_ 'omen and Children flavin R Pfiretess Tears, , SERVICE lv No one could be broppier to be �• e e hpc "'`taken postgraduate work in Su r' Before General Luke `1Vripd•..- -...aMe1 y Bacteriology and Scientific rid of the pain, swolb-n knees and governor general of the Philippines he gery, Bacteriolo _ bRdly swollen ankles. I certainly be. Medicine, lievp there is no remedy for the disea a practiced law in Memphis. It so befell Office in the Kerr residence be - Grand like R13EUIMA."--Mrs Dan5e) S, Knox, on one occasion that he was engaged tween the Queen's Hotel and the gunk Railway System Severancp. N. Y., Aug. 8, 191.2, to defend a man for murder, while hie Baptist Church. Whetive June 22 From Tofonto. T. W McKihbob guarantees RHEU- son was the state prosecutor. A11 business given careful attention. MA to cure Rheumatism, Clout, Lunl- In his final argument while pleading Phone tis. P. O. Box 118 hago, Sciatica, .A,rtbritis, Chronic, with the jurors to free his client Geri- Neuralgia and Kidney disease or 12.05 a.m.--New )3u6'alo Express daily, money back --and only 50 cents a Oral Wright wept copiously. As he f1w 4 will carry through Pullman sleepers and bottle. idled his 4peeeh and sat down, wiping DRS, KENNEDY CALDER coaches, arriving Buffalo 3.55 a.m. Pas- his still streaming eyes, the younger stingers may occupy car until 7.30 a.m. Wright rose to close the case for the Orriaza--Corner Patrick and Centre streets 2.20 a.m,--New Fast Express daily will commonwealth. PJaoNES-- carry Pullman sleepers and roaches' to " Offices 43 Muskoka Wharf and North Bay, making Tuynberry. .,Gentlemen of the jury," he began, Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 ld direct connection for Muskoka Lakes, I aro overcome with admiratlon foe 'Residence, Dr. Calder 161 Minutes of Council meeting hemy •father. He has powers which Dr. Kennedy specializes In Surgery. Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, Maganeta- Monde June 23rd. Members all River, French River and Timagam, Lake. y, Oven I, his son, did not suspect he pod. Dr. Caldor devotes special attention to (Sleepers will be open at 9 p.m.) present; Reeve in his ebair. sessed. You behold him shedding•tears Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 8.40 a. ni.--Daily for Gudlph, Berlin, for his client, who I am informed h "t thoroughly tested, Glasses properly Stratford, Sarnia and intermediate sta_ for of the last regular meeting , as tited. tions instead g.55 a.m. and of Court of Revision were read paid him only a small feet Gentle` 1.15 a.m.--Penetangp-I-Zutitsville, .North and on motion of Messrs Weltwocd men t the jury, I never before knew DR. H• J. ADAMS tBa a express daily except Sunday. will not an McBurney were adopted, my father could weep in court for Ies�. via Muskoka Wharf, but through to than $5,000! Saturday, blvening Post, North Bay, making direct Connection at Py -Law No. 10, 1013, wits read a Tate member House Staff Tor- Penetang for Honey Harbor,. Go Homs third time and ot#motion of Wheeler Reiax in the Water. onto General Hospital. Post grad - Bay, Rose Point, Parry Sound and poitite and Rutherford was finally passed. Lew • Sarett explains the dlfficultY ,tate London and Dublin. on Georgian Bay and 30,000 Islands, also 12r. Robt. Breen's twc-third claim which the nonswimmer has in remain - for Successor to Dr. Agnew Midland at Huntsville for points on innafloat in "The Knack of Learning Lake of Bays, and at Burk's Falls for for three sheep worried by dogs was � „ ;ylaganetawan Rivet Resorts, t0witn, in Outing, as follows; Or im, zN MCDONALD BLOCS 1:.,01 noon -- MuMuskoka-Huntsville ex -grante=d on motion of Wheeler and „The nonswimmer, fearing the way S Mcl3urnpy. ter, very naturally �p press, daily except Sunday, will make y tenses bis muscles �R• RQDT� G. REDMOND direct connection at Muskoka Wharf for Wheeler---Rutherford--That the ac- as he struggles to keep bis head above [C Muskoka Lakes points and at Huntsville 000, applications for tax Collector for the water. until he is as hard as a rock, M. R. C, S. Ong.) for points on Lake of Bays, Parlor, lib- stud, like a rock, ire sinks, Whereas the L. R. C. P. (Long.) rar buffet car, dining car and coaches 1913. Salary and postage $75 00. y g Applications swimmer, having no fear, relaxes his . Toronto Huntsville. pis ations to be in by duly, 21st 1913. muscles and hence becomes buoyant. Physician and Surgeon. 12.45 p.m.—•Daily except Sunday, for The following saecounts were .passed The explanation is a ;simple physical (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) Brampton) Guel h Berlin Stratford Sar - nil send )intcrtmediate• stations) instead and chequos issued t R, Breer. , 3 one, Tense, taut tnuscles increase the - 1.00 P. Ill. t;beep worried, $20; 'Wm. S. Xing, specific gravity of the body and 'make � �- ���� 1.40 p.m. --•Nosy train for Jackson's �citlal, U. S. S. No. 12, $1; Hen�xy it sink in water; loose, relaxed muscles . w Point, Saturdays only. Returning will Goclkin, jr., Statute labor refund, (given an ordinary supply of air in the VETERINARY SURGEON leave Jackson`s Point 7.30 a.m. ,Mondays $6; J. Smitb, work on Woods' bridge, lungs) will snake tho body SoaLl' OFMCni OF L&TH DR. 'svxLSON. Wily, arrive Toronto 9.40 a.m. 3.30 p.m.—Daily except Sunday for $20; H. B, 10,111ott, advertising, $4; �( RESIDENOR--teen. PATRICK, & FRAMES Brampton, Guelph, Berlin, Stratford, Geo. Spott.on, printing By-law and A Little lh Advance. ofuccl Phone 179, Residence Phone A 'Washington man and hid w1f Ux Gov. Sarnia and intermediate stations instead ei + V`et. Inspector. 3.•:10 P.M. ' adv., $50.3G; P. Powell, Returning _ Y of$cer, vote on By-law No. 10,r 'whose domestic complications are frej 5.10 pan.—New train for Whitby, Os- $°n; quent, but not serious,hadoneovening ~~rrte�• �-ytt����^^��. hawa, 13owinanville, Port 1 -lope and inter- T, Finnen, culvert an -d work oto grad- called upon a married couple. On thou Dom.. �. H. cool : meds tte stations) daily except Sunday. er, $13,75; R. q,• Q&wpbt ll, team on 'way home the lady said: VETERINARY SURGEON ltc�tctrning toxvos part Hope E3.20 a.m > grader, $5; Rim, 241itchell, :repairing "Now, In the case of the, Parkers, I SUCCrlis801t TO DR W4L5QN arrive Toronto 8,45 a.m. culvert 6.00 p.m. --Now train for Whitby, 0sha- , $2; S. Ring+ yrorlia on bridge, ghould sad it was ttiz ideal marriage. boas AND SU114B .Y' A SPECxdLTY wa) Bowmanville, Port Hope) ColiCiurg> $1,7,'36; Jas. T. Wylie, work on bridge Really, I believe. they both. think abso- nesidende and dtiico in Dr. AtolionMd`s $ri Mott Trenton Belleville, Na ane4 and 4 culverts on $ line, , lutely alike." old rdsidenee on Contra Stroat next to Brighton, ) Sunday. , p ) $12 23 • Me. a English Church. 'Pltono 200. Kin stonT dais except Return- Y � pbarming people, charming peopl0t" g Kingston, Y 17l�izano>tx Pray„ gravelling on B Line to _ . ing will leave Xingston 6.00 a m.t arrive r said hubby. $lit about thg thinkitgi azid Gutlttnd, $219 2i�, dos. W, Walker, Gladys, if you will notice, silo gdnorak Toronto 11.05 a.ny, liarlor-liltrary.csxfe•�• car and coaches, insp. gravelling, $c3'q ; 11. Pelt, insp, ly thlnket first"--�Lippfucottto. a ,1. x1.;3 p.m. ---Daily tor Guelph, Berlin, gravelling, $7; Ww. Gallagher, inrxp _ NERAL A m Stratford, Sarnia, Port Huron, Detroit gravelling, $8- Goo. Wheeler, rnbp. Undesirable Nalghbors, l ' � 11 A 1 and GGira+•a ittstdat111,0U y.nt. $1 S. Coniine caitg Mdnclay, June 2�3, Pulltna.rt �i�av�lling, Vt�m2stlCallO, gravel, "There's a forieign cotmple living tri xsgtler of Marriage Licenses. sleeping Car will be operAtied to Kingston $6 00, G. Simmons, g1r•avelr $15,21; the fiat teat to ug, and then are gbzply, . Wlmrf, leaving Toronto 10.4'r P.M. 17aity. d. W. %ing, gravel, $13Z; $. Itingter, 'torment to )my Wife,", Vire, Life, .Accident) Mato 41ass First c,%rr frons Ititi9st0ft will leave died- gravel, $1.85; R. Sharpin, wokk on "Why so?,, and 'Wexi ter Xnsurance, coupled nesday ndorning (Tuesday night's car) bridge, $11.80: T. bolt, insp, work on V`They clnat'rol ii�CesjatiU.*, and hh4 With A Real Vstate and Money June 5, arrive Toronto runt � 6.60 ung day, tt bridge, $$ i)0; �1i halt, insp. work ob Cat. t understand a word of i00—i-UU. Loaning busfnoso, llsviito QourleX'- bul;rlal. WINf�HAM through Pullnxan slecpits� car 'hitt leave bridge, $10 41; Cleo. Gannett, culvert _ , ,. ji ,., Huntsville 2,26 ttiY>x:. Mondstys only, ar- nn Oth Ilno, $0; VVrn. blo,01tl, vvo�rk tit Took Moos, ' YLj ' ' ':1 �� . ....-+a-•rcpt, Y.'..►a•. ..L.... �...�� rivd Toronto 7.30 it.m, rasseng•ers nay Woods' bridge, $22.,50; 0. Barbers pt, +"TfoSV did oo iia mato 7m�ot7" occupy car at 101W p. -m. SundAy ev6n- y pp ga, payment on abutments, $050; R. +'Ifo ran over that popclla of ;evhta General �` C1 xt %« 'V`int, tri d wallF $1,, d. Rimtherfoxd, refile + ►aa ,to fond," (Uindete Gim6raftia b Intapagion.) lnep. a,butMentsj $80 1, a tiumbbr of "Did ho replace !t?'r ,.� srirrtall aoeounto by pt*bhrAa#era for "Looks 'theft �Iwttyw lid alis 166 06 Plee.ga+ot; X Phil t4 did. 140AUtffnlly turnighed. Electric kestoref for 01" gravel amoutxtlng to $88,96, bow 4ngag'ed. ! I- 1. U11,F11M* COMO* run to all r... arlf Iloe � hysioia�d �'ho holjol tos,tores ivory uarva to drat bode �bnruptr tea for et onfs orb oh ino u e rd Nw-wY-o fie t,rop0r to�aeibs s rcitnraatt ollt+�ot5rl 1'tIC$rlrfteS+ 'lint this au ing)-••• 4. to $16.00 per week, aoa0004rding offs Wad vitality, �robmtur6 d city end 1111 airttlal to �iootwtrois of froom, rot further 1 infotrn�is►• w 'kt%"g avartaid tat a ca. xrieetitig da nevi adjourn to fusel Jaly Boit-;Addr6ad tics ���„ girl �te�'et delaerld upon y6U* Lius, it . lithos L. UAITx119wo °mea a >t naw ma r1C6 - . tr . ox at fa . 21et,1918 at lU ix, nr.3llaev ecle, s. st d a1 trtt draesr, a a►laalilt `ik you h4vo too . Ja4a �t�pt� l�a�e cttttrl >al>r o., e, at�r +►w, colli l'+�>mI 1'"o�IrOl1t t�lear�, .��N�� . «� : 'tit ,- %V'li;,tl~xeapcf, �i� TaUma,. JULY 10, 1913 Are YOU 10, 0 Th 0 Ism We are giving a free subscription of tele «Cana,, ding Countryman to our customers, it's a bright, nowsy magozine, and here aro some of lbe contents Of Igst 'week's issue;-- 11Tbe 4raini Grower and the Farmer " `f be Money Value of immigration" "Care of Lawns and Gardens" E`investment as a fine art" "Parliament and Caucus, or a historical review of self rule," and a host of other subjects, iticluding some choice fiction. Come in and got a sample copy and let us tell you about if, Summer Unldervvea,r for mens, a splendid range. Light weight Balbriggan at 50c a suit. Medium weight Balbriggan at $1.00 suit. Summer weight Merino at $1.00 suit, Penman's worsted at $1,50 suit. Sovereign Brand. Natural Wool at $2.00 suit. Boyfi Summer Shirts in blue, cream and fawn, With separate soft collars and soft cine, sizes. 1.2� to 14 at 75c. Men's Footwear We have just received a shipment of Men's Boots, and they are the very newest std les and shapes on the market. At $3.00 a splendid Gan Metal Blucher Shoo, medium heavy sole, acid will give splendid eatiefactim. At $3.50 a neat Velour Gaff Blucher, the very newest serape too. Our $4.00 Gun Metal Much with an extra heavy sole, Is sure to be a favorite. Our $4.00 Button Gun Metal is is a class all by itself, the best boot for the least money. At $4.50 stylish Patent Leathers for all dressy occasions, made to fit and fit to wear, Men's Tan Mnle Harvest Boots only $1..50. Store closed Wednesday afternoons during July and August. J ERR SOWM.1. A -Walk 0 !1I 1 a, Wool Wante'''d, In Large Quantit41 ies Cash or Trade, = 1 am prepared to buy any quan- tity of Wool at the bi chest market price. Never bas this store, been in a better position to serve the Avants of the people than at the present. We have Wroxeter Yarn, Sheets, Sheeting, and Blankets of all the best makes. Men's and - Boys' Suits made to fit, and fit to wear. Ladies' Waists, Shirts, and Dress Alla#erials. Rags and Carpus, Linoleum, Floor Oilcloths, etc. Best grade of Flour always in stock., i Phone, $9. PRDDD 9 OF ALL KINDS 'WANTED. J. A. Mi11s (Successor to T. A. MILLS) V4INOHAM J L WIT INGRAM .' DVANOB Killed At Formosa. e4tst Walwanoahl. llowl* Wedding. Mr. Ww. Lambertue, sons of Mr. Ulnutes of Council seating held The wAr'r loge of Mr. Hugh Douglaft, Goo, Lawbertne, driver of the Walk- Jline 2fird ; all the members present, Of the Mh concession of flowiciq to Orton~Xeeawater stage, was killed in - A3lnates of last 11)eetlog read and paqv. plias AlvIna Pearl Underwood, also of FormosA At 12 ,16. o'clock on. Tuesday ed on urotion of 13uchruan and jewin, Howlek, was solerunized at tete home _noon last, The deceased, who, was The lesoe haviog expired on the of the bride's parente, Wednesday about 20 years of age, resided with his Deviation road, at lot 3:1, cola, 0, the aftercoau at 5 o'cloclr, Bev, A. R, father in Teeswater, and on the day of same was ordered to be renewed for Gibson sof Belmors performed the the mishap had been to Formosa to another ten years, on motion of Qoun* ceremoq�r, being a eery quiet affair, get a load of old lieu from the blank- �ilfors Stonehouse and Irwin, in the presence of only tele mernbere six 4b, Mr. John Rundt, He was re. turning with about two and a half Currie--Bochaaan-�Tbat all monies of the two Pan lies. tone of tete metal, when the seat of the of the Tl�, of lt,..�Vawanash lies depasit- wagon slipped off and preclpitared , ed in the Dominion. Bank, '4lvgbam, him in front of the load The noir to the credit of the township and that IR494714IFTIr 171711T_ �i.i�i1�1.Ir��A4Y!q.wn.rw�R�w•M-tlt+Yllrl�A The West Investment On Eapth Is The Earth Melt Buy an Ontario Farrar. We leave s number of biirgaius on band, We speoially a.dvertiae for two weeks J :�-- fri frightened N e d the, horses which jumped cheques on account of this munici a- ���$���, , �. g � p the treasurer be attthorized to sign ,, �� S� �I*D l..ot 1 And west J Taut 2, Qau, 12, forward, causing the trout wheels of lity as treasurer and that the said Thoy Are Just About as Thoy Were a Howlck, Q10se to sohool, church and the wagon to pass over and crush in seasons ore undergoing Bo , B;lrili~ be authorized to honor all Couple of Centurion Ago, market. Farre contains ilio acres, all the chest of the unfortunate rnalp. Mr. 7'hQ Uelief of many people that the under grass with Brlok House and Bank C Frank HeiF� of the Forxxlnaa Brewer 1XP(1exPS 84 slgtled--carrle[3.' Bari. with cement stables. D>ri6t d well. Y we Mud o>� who wab nearby,grabbed L,awbortua Mee:Fre• GihhonA and Brandon wait• , g eiiange Una. ted Professor Ysnnzlo solei This property will be sod ah�eap to and attempted to prevent the rest of ed +alt the 0onncil tvasking for a grant to examine the Sveather records. of the wind up an estate," the agori from also passing over him, of money in aid o$ the Wingham Fail entire eighteenth ceritury, but in this he was only.parti4lly. sue. Fair, but the Council could not see The investigations of Professor Galli Valuable town properties for Palo to cessful, the hind wheels running over their way clear in granting assistance $ho'w fifty-one winters that lasted well Wingham and surrounding villages, his legs near the ankle. The victim of of this kind and the request as in into spring, thirty-one warm winters, the mishap was immediately removed former -'ears was refused. thirteen unusually early winters, Fire, life, accident, health, boiler, to Mr, 1:IeiEz's house and a doctor sum- The following accounts were order• twelve mild winters followed by cold tornado, live stock, plate glass, auto - to eleven mild winters followed mobile and all otber kinds of Ineuranco moved, but his Injuries were found to ed to be paid :—Municipal World, sup- by wild springs, eleven cold autumns, in first-class Companies, at lowest rateo be Ntcal, and lapsiug into unconscious- plies, $2.42; A. Porter -field, rent of eight very Warne springs, eight sure- ness he passed away about an hour road allowance, $2; W. J. Cole, 'grad- niers with frosts and live very warm after the accident. The remains wera ing on cone, $ and 9, $27.50; J, Stewart autumns. 'there was one instance oft taken to Teeswater where intermetrt sharpening grader blade, $2 25; Wm, six consecutive warm seasons. More ne s was made. Robinson, putting in culvert, con, 9, than three-quarters of the periods of � cosens $13; Wm. Robinson, repairing road at unusual weather occurred between the Marnoch river bridge, $11; Win middle of autumn and the end of spring, Many times during the eight RAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE "Abide with me" was said to be the Wove, work on waebout, at DTarnoch eenth century the same apparent auom- closing hymn at the Prison Farm,river bridge, 400; Stuart McBurney, alies recurred at the same seasons in Guelph, when the Presbyterian As- drawing the and putting in culverts, several successive years. In every case sembly visited it. The prisoners $19,60; R. Powell, drawing tile and the seasons regained their normal char. WELLINGTON MUTUAL • d be ' ,testes Ajax" or putting in culverts, $12; J. Shoe. acterlstics, hoped it would "Now the cbals of eine are broken, bottom, repairing culvert, con,. 10, There have always been persons Sohn FIRE INS, CO.' ii0 cents ; J. ShoebottiriEstablished 1840. I am free." imngined that the seasons were becotn- Om. repairing ing warmer or colder than before. goad Office , GUELPH, ONT. culvert on eastern boundary, $10; There is, however, small foundation J. Shoebottom, commutation statute for such beliefs. The .world has In- Risks taken on all classes of in. labor tax in 1012, $5; Wm, McDowell, deed experienced many cold summers curable Property on the- cash or pre. �+ ,commutation statute labor tax in 1012, and many warn winters, but such sea- mium note system, BREVITIES• • GEO, SLEVAUN, JOkIN DAVIDSON $2 ; Wm. McDowell, gravel and sons are not the rule, but the eacep• Self -conquest is the greatest of vie. gravelling, $15; L Brown, concrete tion.• --'Youth's Companion. president. Secretary. torus, tile, $10 50; Sampson Carter, work on RITCHIE & C OSENS, Many can argue, not many con- road, $3; R, McGee, repairing drain NOT AFRAID OF COFFINS, Agents. Wingham, Ont verse. on southern boundary, $1; D. Patter- Among the Chinese They Are Gladly To know how to hide one's' ability is J. repairing roadway, cons, 2. and 3, DUDLEY HOLMES Accepted as Presents. u'great skill, $150 $ ; B. . Tyrenaan, shovelling e riStr granoef, $2.40 ; D, Chamney, gravel, Some one who knows Chinese peo- Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Barbarism recommences by the ex-' ,9i`M. ple very well once told a tale to show cess of civilization. T. 80d sSalter, gravel, $7 ; that they do not permit themselves thd. OfBoe : Meyer BIock, Wingham. J. RRodgers,ere, gravel, $5 ; Robt. Owens, luxury of nerves, She said she bad Contentment gives• a crown where gravel, $9,50, gone one day, before the Boxer riots, r fortune hath denied it, Next meeting of Council will be held to visit an old lady who lived out Iii Re VANSTO N G True courage scorns to vent her on Monday, July 141,b, at 1 o'clock, the country far beyond, Weihsien. BARRISTER AND SOLiCITOR prowess in a storm of words. A. Porterfield, clex•k. • When the American woman shrived the old lady was out, but presently she Money to loan at lowest rates. Conscience warns us as a friend be- fore it punishes us as a .judge, came in and announced that she had WINtIHAM. Just been out "watching the men dig We are tea prone to find fault; let NOT A TWINGE OF her grave, but as it began to rain she p r�� �- ��� us look for some of the perfections. had told them to wait for a pleasanter a 1L J. The freer you feel yourself in theI day" She. dial not die for years after 1 ir D.D.S.. L,D.S. presence of another,.• the more free is RHEUMAT that, but she had the comforting as- Doctor of Dental Surgery of surance that herr grave was ready for ns lv g y the Pon- SINCE on he. SINCE TAKING her without any unseemly haste when- y ania College' and Licent ate of The integrity of men is to be nneasur• Dental Surgery of Ontario, g y eves she eared to occupy it< ed by their conduct, not by their pro- RHEUMA The same American had the expe- —Office In Macdonald Block-- fession. rience of sleeping In a room with a Men must decide on what they will "I buffered from Rheumatism for six very large coffin when she was visiting G. B. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. not do, and then we are able to act years; tried different doctors, with no a Chinese friend, and the neat morning relief. I saw your advertisement and the old grandfather of the family call• with vigor in what they ought to do, decided to try RHEUMA. I have ed her attention to its excellences and .Honor Graduate of the Royal Collage He who fears to venture as far as taken three bottles and am entirely 'explained that his son had made' a of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor free from the di:easa. I was sn herd I „ „ Graduate of University of Toronto his heart urges and his reason permite�, free f not sleep nights; now I Bleep present of it, Iso t the wood fineI he Faculty of Dentistry. is a coward; be who ventures further well, trod my kidneys work verfectly.,, asked admiringly. It Cast a lot Of than be intended to go is a slave. --P. W. Miller, Catawisem, Pa, money. Old people accept such Pres- oFr10101 OVER u. E. ISARD & tic's. STORE "For 14 months I was so badly af- ents as marks of filial love, and not at � fileted with Rheumatism that much all as a hint for them to occupy, the W. R• , HAMBLV, %'3&, _� D-1 .0. of the time I was obliged to rice a cane. coffin.—••New York Post. I used one battle of RHEUM A s.nd r1 Speaidl attelition paid to diseases IMPROVED SUMMER TRAIN THE OANI+ "'T �I'r t�"`�t�1R' ~. " " �Y, . _ :: ' h3 09,_ 'omen and Children flavin R Pfiretess Tears, , SERVICE lv No one could be broppier to be �• e e hpc "'`taken postgraduate work in Su r' Before General Luke `1Vripd•..- -...aMe1 y Bacteriology and Scientific rid of the pain, swolb-n knees and governor general of the Philippines he gery, Bacteriolo _ bRdly swollen ankles. I certainly be. Medicine, lievp there is no remedy for the disea a practiced law in Memphis. It so befell Office in the Kerr residence be - Grand like R13EUIMA."--Mrs Dan5e) S, Knox, on one occasion that he was engaged tween the Queen's Hotel and the gunk Railway System Severancp. N. Y., Aug. 8, 191.2, to defend a man for murder, while hie Baptist Church. Whetive June 22 From Tofonto. T. W McKihbob guarantees RHEU- son was the state prosecutor. A11 business given careful attention. MA to cure Rheumatism, Clout, Lunl- In his final argument while pleading Phone tis. P. O. Box 118 hago, Sciatica, .A,rtbritis, Chronic, with the jurors to free his client Geri- Neuralgia and Kidney disease or 12.05 a.m.--New )3u6'alo Express daily, money back --and only 50 cents a Oral Wright wept copiously. As he f1w 4 will carry through Pullman sleepers and bottle. idled his 4peeeh and sat down, wiping DRS, KENNEDY CALDER coaches, arriving Buffalo 3.55 a.m. Pas- his still streaming eyes, the younger stingers may occupy car until 7.30 a.m. Wright rose to close the case for the Orriaza--Corner Patrick and Centre streets 2.20 a.m,--New Fast Express daily will commonwealth. PJaoNES-- carry Pullman sleepers and roaches' to " Offices 43 Muskoka Wharf and North Bay, making Tuynberry. .,Gentlemen of the jury," he began, Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 ld direct connection for Muskoka Lakes, I aro overcome with admiratlon foe 'Residence, Dr. Calder 161 Minutes of Council meeting hemy •father. He has powers which Dr. Kennedy specializes In Surgery. Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, Maganeta- Monde June 23rd. Members all River, French River and Timagam, Lake. y, Oven I, his son, did not suspect he pod. Dr. Caldor devotes special attention to (Sleepers will be open at 9 p.m.) present; Reeve in his ebair. sessed. You behold him shedding•tears Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 8.40 a. ni.--Daily for Gudlph, Berlin, for his client, who I am informed h "t thoroughly tested, Glasses properly Stratford, Sarnia and intermediate sta_ for of the last regular meeting , as tited. tions instead g.55 a.m. and of Court of Revision were read paid him only a small feet Gentle` 1.15 a.m.--Penetangp-I-Zutitsville, .North and on motion of Messrs Weltwocd men t the jury, I never before knew DR. H• J. ADAMS tBa a express daily except Sunday. will not an McBurney were adopted, my father could weep in court for Ies�. via Muskoka Wharf, but through to than $5,000! Saturday, blvening Post, North Bay, making direct Connection at Py -Law No. 10, 1013, wits read a Tate member House Staff Tor- Penetang for Honey Harbor,. Go Homs third time and ot#motion of Wheeler Reiax in the Water. onto General Hospital. Post grad - Bay, Rose Point, Parry Sound and poitite and Rutherford was finally passed. Lew • Sarett explains the dlfficultY ,tate London and Dublin. on Georgian Bay and 30,000 Islands, also 12r. Robt. Breen's twc-third claim which the nonswimmer has in remain - for Successor to Dr. Agnew Midland at Huntsville for points on innafloat in "The Knack of Learning Lake of Bays, and at Burk's Falls for for three sheep worried by dogs was � „ ;ylaganetawan Rivet Resorts, t0witn, in Outing, as follows; Or im, zN MCDONALD BLOCS 1:.,01 noon -- MuMuskoka-Huntsville ex -grante=d on motion of Wheeler and „The nonswimmer, fearing the way S Mcl3urnpy. ter, very naturally �p press, daily except Sunday, will make y tenses bis muscles �R• RQDT� G. REDMOND direct connection at Muskoka Wharf for Wheeler---Rutherford--That the ac- as he struggles to keep bis head above [C Muskoka Lakes points and at Huntsville 000, applications for tax Collector for the water. until he is as hard as a rock, M. R. C, S. Ong.) for points on Lake of Bays, Parlor, lib- stud, like a rock, ire sinks, Whereas the L. R. C. P. (Long.) rar buffet car, dining car and coaches 1913. Salary and postage $75 00. y g Applications swimmer, having no fear, relaxes his . Toronto Huntsville. pis ations to be in by duly, 21st 1913. muscles and hence becomes buoyant. Physician and Surgeon. 12.45 p.m.—•Daily except Sunday, for The following saecounts were .passed The explanation is a ;simple physical (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) Brampton) Guel h Berlin Stratford Sar - nil send )intcrtmediate• stations) instead and chequos issued t R, Breer. , 3 one, Tense, taut tnuscles increase the - 1.00 P. Ill. t;beep worried, $20; 'Wm. S. Xing, specific gravity of the body and 'make � �- ���� 1.40 p.m. --•Nosy train for Jackson's �citlal, U. S. S. No. 12, $1; Hen�xy it sink in water; loose, relaxed muscles . w Point, Saturdays only. Returning will Goclkin, jr., Statute labor refund, (given an ordinary supply of air in the VETERINARY SURGEON leave Jackson`s Point 7.30 a.m. ,Mondays $6; J. Smitb, work on Woods' bridge, lungs) will snake tho body SoaLl' OFMCni OF L&TH DR. 'svxLSON. Wily, arrive Toronto 9.40 a.m. 3.30 p.m.—Daily except Sunday for $20; H. B, 10,111ott, advertising, $4; �( RESIDENOR--teen. PATRICK, & FRAMES Brampton, Guelph, Berlin, Stratford, Geo. Spott.on, printing By-law and A Little lh Advance. ofuccl Phone 179, Residence Phone A 'Washington man and hid w1f Ux Gov. Sarnia and intermediate stations instead ei + V`et. Inspector. 3.•:10 P.M. ' adv., $50.3G; P. Powell, Returning _ Y of$cer, vote on By-law No. 10,r 'whose domestic complications are frej 5.10 pan.—New train for Whitby, Os- $°n; quent, but not serious,hadoneovening ~~rrte�• �-ytt����^^��. hawa, 13owinanville, Port 1 -lope and inter- T, Finnen, culvert an -d work oto grad- called upon a married couple. On thou Dom.. �. H. cool : meds tte stations) daily except Sunday. er, $13,75; R. q,• Q&wpbt ll, team on 'way home the lady said: VETERINARY SURGEON ltc�tctrning toxvos part Hope E3.20 a.m > grader, $5; Rim, 241itchell, :repairing "Now, In the case of the, Parkers, I SUCCrlis801t TO DR W4L5QN arrive Toronto 8,45 a.m. culvert 6.00 p.m. --Now train for Whitby, 0sha- , $2; S. Ring+ yrorlia on bridge, ghould sad it was ttiz ideal marriage. boas AND SU114B .Y' A SPECxdLTY wa) Bowmanville, Port Hope) ColiCiurg> $1,7,'36; Jas. T. Wylie, work on bridge Really, I believe. they both. think abso- nesidende and dtiico in Dr. AtolionMd`s $ri Mott Trenton Belleville, Na ane4 and 4 culverts on $ line, , lutely alike." old rdsidenee on Contra Stroat next to Brighton, ) Sunday. , p ) $12 23 • Me. a English Church. 'Pltono 200. Kin stonT dais except Return- Y � pbarming people, charming peopl0t" g Kingston, Y 17l�izano>tx Pray„ gravelling on B Line to _ . ing will leave Xingston 6.00 a m.t arrive r said hubby. $lit about thg thinkitgi azid Gutlttnd, $219 2i�, dos. W, Walker, Gladys, if you will notice, silo gdnorak Toronto 11.05 a.ny, liarlor-liltrary.csxfe•�• car and coaches, insp. gravelling, $c3'q ; 11. Pelt, insp, ly thlnket first"--�Lippfucottto. a ,1. x1.;3 p.m. ---Daily tor Guelph, Berlin, gravelling, $7; Ww. Gallagher, inrxp _ NERAL A m Stratford, Sarnia, Port Huron, Detroit gravelling, $8- Goo. Wheeler, rnbp. Undesirable Nalghbors, l ' � 11 A 1 and GGira+•a ittstdat111,0U y.nt. $1 S. Coniine caitg Mdnclay, June 2�3, Pulltna.rt �i�av�lling, Vt�m2stlCallO, gravel, "There's a forieign cotmple living tri xsgtler of Marriage Licenses. sleeping Car will be operAtied to Kingston $6 00, G. Simmons, g1r•avelr $15,21; the fiat teat to ug, and then are gbzply, . Wlmrf, leaving Toronto 10.4'r P.M. 17aity. d. W. %ing, gravel, $13Z; $. Itingter, 'torment to )my Wife,", Vire, Life, .Accident) Mato 41ass First c,%rr frons Ititi9st0ft will leave died- gravel, $1.85; R. Sharpin, wokk on "Why so?,, and 'Wexi ter Xnsurance, coupled nesday ndorning (Tuesday night's car) bridge, $11.80: T. bolt, insp, work on V`They clnat'rol ii�CesjatiU.*, and hh4 With A Real Vstate and Money June 5, arrive Toronto runt � 6.60 ung day, tt bridge, $$ i)0; �1i halt, insp. work ob Cat. t understand a word of i00—i-UU. Loaning busfnoso, llsviito QourleX'- bul;rlal. WINf�HAM through Pullnxan slecpits� car 'hitt leave bridge, $10 41; Cleo. Gannett, culvert _ , ,. ji ,., Huntsville 2,26 ttiY>x:. Mondstys only, ar- nn Oth Ilno, $0; VVrn. blo,01tl, vvo�rk tit Took Moos, ' YLj ' ' ':1 �� . ....-+a-•rcpt, Y.'..►a•. ..L.... �...�� rivd Toronto 7.30 it.m, rasseng•ers nay Woods' bridge, $22.,50; 0. Barbers pt, +"TfoSV did oo iia mato 7m�ot7" occupy car at 101W p. -m. SundAy ev6n- y pp ga, payment on abutments, $050; R. +'Ifo ran over that popclla of ;evhta General �` C1 xt %« 'V`int, tri d wallF $1,, d. Rimtherfoxd, refile + ►aa ,to fond," (Uindete Gim6raftia b Intapagion.) lnep. a,butMentsj $80 1, a tiumbbr of "Did ho replace !t?'r ,.� srirrtall aoeounto by pt*bhrAa#era for "Looks 'theft �Iwttyw lid alis 166 06 Plee.ga+ot; X Phil t4 did. 140AUtffnlly turnighed. Electric kestoref for 01" gravel amoutxtlng to $88,96, bow 4ngag'ed. ! I- 1. U11,F11M* COMO* run to all r... arlf Iloe � hysioia�d �'ho holjol tos,tores ivory uarva to drat bode �bnruptr tea for et onfs orb oh ino u e rd Nw-wY-o fie t,rop0r to�aeibs s rcitnraatt ollt+�ot5rl 1'tIC$rlrfteS+ 'lint this au ing)-••• 4. to $16.00 per week, aoa0004rding offs Wad vitality, �robmtur6 d city end 1111 airttlal to �iootwtrois of froom, rot further 1 infotrn�is►• w 'kt%"g avartaid tat a ca. xrieetitig da nevi adjourn to fusel Jaly Boit-;Addr6ad tics ���„ girl �te�'et delaerld upon y6U* Lius, it . lithos L. UAITx119wo °mea a >t naw ma r1C6 - . tr . ox at fa . 21et,1918 at lU ix, nr.3llaev ecle, s. st d a1 trtt draesr, a a►laalilt `ik you h4vo too . Ja4a �t�pt� l�a�e cttttrl >al>r o., e, at�r +►w, colli l'+�>mI 1'"o�IrOl1t t�lear�, .��N�� . «� : 'tit ,- %V'li;,tl~xeapcf, �i� TaUma,. JULY 10, 1913 Are YOU 10, 0 Th 0 Ism We are giving a free subscription of tele «Cana,, ding Countryman to our customers, it's a bright, nowsy magozine, and here aro some of lbe contents Of Igst 'week's issue;-- 11Tbe 4raini Grower and the Farmer " `f be Money Value of immigration" "Care of Lawns and Gardens" E`investment as a fine art" "Parliament and Caucus, or a historical review of self rule," and a host of other subjects, iticluding some choice fiction. Come in and got a sample copy and let us tell you about if, Summer Unldervvea,r for mens, a splendid range. Light weight Balbriggan at 50c a suit. Medium weight Balbriggan at $1.00 suit. Summer weight Merino at $1.00 suit, Penman's worsted at $1,50 suit. Sovereign Brand. Natural Wool at $2.00 suit. Boyfi Summer Shirts in blue, cream and fawn, With separate soft collars and soft cine, sizes. 1.2� to 14 at 75c. Men's Footwear We have just received a shipment of Men's Boots, and they are the very newest std les and shapes on the market. At $3.00 a splendid Gan Metal Blucher Shoo, medium heavy sole, acid will give splendid eatiefactim. At $3.50 a neat Velour Gaff Blucher, the very newest serape too. Our $4.00 Gun Metal Much with an extra heavy sole, Is sure to be a favorite. Our $4.00 Button Gun Metal is is a class all by itself, the best boot for the least money. At $4.50 stylish Patent Leathers for all dressy occasions, made to fit and fit to wear, Men's Tan Mnle Harvest Boots only $1..50. Store closed Wednesday afternoons during July and August. J ERR SOWM.1. A -Walk 0 !1I 1 a, Wool Wante'''d, In Large Quantit41 ies Cash or Trade, = 1 am prepared to buy any quan- tity of Wool at the bi chest market price. Never bas this store, been in a better position to serve the Avants of the people than at the present. We have Wroxeter Yarn, Sheets, Sheeting, and Blankets of all the best makes. Men's and - Boys' Suits made to fit, and fit to wear. Ladies' Waists, Shirts, and Dress Alla#erials. Rags and Carpus, Linoleum, Floor Oilcloths, etc. Best grade of Flour always in stock., i Phone, $9. PRDDD 9 OF ALL KINDS 'WANTED. J. A. Mi11s (Successor to T. A. MILLS) V4INOHAM