HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-06-26, Page 8-
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TuuRSDAY. JUMP.26, 19X3
- , , J� � I I I .� I - , I , . I I r - � I . , - � . --- - - --- IIIIIIIII,
. - . — , � qE00ff"_._ . , , , , ! , - - - - - - — , - — — - — — - - , — _ I - - � r I I "I'll .....
, ". ". , ,, I �. I I I I I I- I 11, 1.11.111,11.,II . 11 I I \, 11 .�J_ , . . - ....n1. --I 9P 9 . I - I _111-1 I I � , - __ 0, - I I I . r , , I I I . I - � I . � ,� . I . ', I I I I
, ..,!..1I.I..1..II I I I --0 .....1.111 ,�-IIIN .4.0,*,*..*�o�.a,.-),�,",-..� ,"I- (_**Ar% WINGHAM MARKETS. Bluevale. i .- rich In potash, b4t deficient in pbos.
, � �,., e t. * *. -
, I ,_ 1� . I phorlo acid. It should, no a rule, be
it "'"" . 4% * I S, Paul sIlIpped a car of hog$ We( I R
C if% " . . used 14 connection. with the solid dung, I
. 01% . day, HOM . ,
I& %t�- 05oo to $1.00 . � the one thus supplying the deficiencies
I * B! Whe,
. 'y � . * Oats -•-3' to 40 eta..
i '' ,�My^nm I?V M., a Mrs, Joe. Sellers v6ited Erie I at of tip® otherawl making a move evealy .
HRI STIE'S : / * Barley -45 to 50 ots, 11
Blyth this week, . I balanced manure. . arvellously
I t 3xEA%^ * Peas -800 to Mo. . t Barnyard manure Is a very variable .
** Ray, $8 00 to $10.00 a tort, visited S,CIENTIFIC
* -I . . Hay--$8
Mrs, W,,. H, Haney vif fives N* .. BuGerL20 to 22 eta, substance, its composition and value- r* What is going on in the store ; Eggs -20 to 21 eta. at 1jarrison last week,.r depending mainly upon (1) age and, ,e _n q.k a at pr t visit-
rIECONE 59 lately vacated by Mr. A. Rose * c, per bush, Mr. Ja@,Cloakey is a ,e I kind of animal, (2) quantity and quail -
Z M.' ?" I '.0 almost opposite Bank of Co M Live Hogs—$Q 00. Ing friends at lMytb. r * L ty of food, (3) proportion of litter and. ' I . . I1P merce, anyway, thats causing * . - I ----r — r- I .11� , . , I I.��II I I ,. .", I1. * a lot of wonder in. this town? * " Mrs, H. L, Jaeksqn-6nd Fred Cook . (4) method of management and age. I Ordinary barnyard manure properly.1% I* TED, are visitors at the parsonage, I r For
Lots of Lumber 4% . Owing to the dry weather hay crop THIRD ARTICLE—BARN- ared for may be assumed to conta n
M � - � . on the average.one-hair per cent each
toMuch Cleaning o ov nitrogen apd potash and one-third,0 Men and teams are wanted for pav- will be very light in this district.* .Old.!ft . %;i. * P ,I . Loud Hammering * ing coustruction, Wingham. Apj,ly Miss Fhbel Farrow of GodeiJob is at per cent of phosphoric a,oe * after June 25th to The Construction , uv, * I , present visiting I Mature animals, neither gaining nor.4% It must be that a real store is * Service Oo, vIrs. 13. Musgrove. losing weight, excrete practically all. I Ir* going to be put in there. * Wm. Ward bas secured the contrae't By W. H. BEAL of the Office of Exo the fertilizing C rr 4, , onstituents consumed..' * Watch the store window for * of painting the stand pipe at Wing- In the food. Growing anituals mayRegular ,$4.les or uo-,
4k . periment Stations, DepartmeutI00 further announcements. * TENDERS WANTED. haw. .WeM *of Agriculture. excrete as little as 50 per cent of the- * You'll know in five days. * A large number from here took in . " fertilizing constItueDts of the food,ear Weled Shoeson Sl -1% I f0,arked "Tender fot the Farmers excursion to Guelph an 11 nA Sealed Tenders, ra r milk cows excrete from 05 to 85 per
1% 11% house," will be received by the under, Uonday. I cent and fattening or working animals.004�-ed up to 4 o'clock p,m.on,9aturda CCORDING to recent Matistics25c Pop Bottle. , j -
I .0 81gul yo from 85 to 95 par cent. As regards. ir July 6th, for the purchase of the house Mc, John Munns has erect dn.vnight, this w." . ed his there are in the United Statesp ' Fri ., 4% tho fertilizing value of equal weights -
4% * on Lot No. 8, Scott St. House to b;) stable, which was wrecked in thI oAin round numbers, 19,600,000 "I"ed from lot on or before the let of of manure In 'Its normal condition,
-.premov.i Ift . Good Friday storm, horses, mules, etc., 61,000,000, 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Store " farm. animals probably stand in the At 7 O'clock
R% � * August next. No tender necessarily THE BEST - .ffl Full particulars can be had Mrs. Caaotte and Mrs. Bowles of cattle, 47,000,000 hogk; .31 , and 51,600,000 following order: Poultry, sheep, pigs,.3a.. go,m,pIeI. ,3.�51_1.,.A;� .�...4 f the undorsigued. Toronto are spending a few weeks sheep. Experiments indicate that if horses and cows. *
11 . JOHN F. GROVES, CLERIC with their mother Mrs. McLeod. these animalswere kept in stalls or pens The amounts of fertilizing coustitu- For the lowest price you ever saw 'Hot Weathep �, . S 0 the manure stand in direct re- Misses Luella, Shaw, Mary Stewart throughout the year .and the manure ent. 1 Notice To Farmers And Others Suf- and Florence Aitchison who have been carefully saved the approximate value 1',ItiOn to those in the food. As regards eing advertisedthe value of manure produced, the con-' Bovepage.1 The Up-to-date fering With Defective Eyesight. attending Normal at Stratford have of the fertilizing constituents of the ceptrated feeding stuffs, such as meatfor, namely* returned home. manure produced by each horse or " BAKERY Mr. Geo. McDonald has erected a mule annually would be $27, by each sclInp, cottonseed meal, linseed meatand wheat bran, stand first; the le- go% 0
�_. Commencing, Wednesday, July 2ad, i head of cattle $20, by each hog $8 and guminous plants (clover, peas, etc.) see- Wo bave the most modern 0. R. Wilkinson, Eyesight Testive new fence around his home and given .4'erti,
.Specialist, will call on the country peo- his house a nice coat of paint which by each sheep $2. ond; the grasses third; cereals (oats,.� equipped and sanitary bakery. - pie when those suffaring with bad gives it a nice natty appearance, I These estimates are based on the val- corn, etc.) fourth, and root crops, such We use the best and purest eyesight can have their eyes properly ues ugually assigned to phosphoric as turnips, beets and mangel wurzels, Nothl-Dg the matter with thes e Shoes, but simply amaterials obtainable. Our. testedand at their own home fvee of Mrs. Sanderson and Mrs. Griffitba r.charge. Difficult cases and those that and family of Toronto are tip for their acid, potash and nitrogen in commer. last. clearance of od& a -ad ends. I
" - The nitro -en of the food exerts a I 1. -cakes andgoodies are always have never had glasses to guit special. vacation, they have a boat on the por. d, cial fertilizers and are possibly some greater ilt'ee on the quality of the Ior ale-. fresh and good. Give us a ly recommended to consult me. Only and should enjoy the cool brecizes off what too high from a practical stand- wanure than any other constituent. It One Shoe of each pair is being shown in our South I
. � I
- . trial. Call and inspect our the finest lenses and frames of the int. Professor Roberts has suggest- z] itland. W st and PO most costly fertilizing coustitu- Window. ,_____ - latest patterriq to chooRe from. Con- the Ma by not boo is the -1bakery. nservative estimate of eDt. It undergoes more modificationsultation at, Edward Sr., Wingbam, make Bluevale a great summer resolt. I -0 * all day every Saturday. Satisfaction the value of the manure produced dur* in the animal stomach than the min.e%.^#-�.^o%o%e%e%o,�P%o%^--%,N.----,%o%....----Men's Boots and Shoes . Remember the Orange sermon cn Ing seven winter months on a small 'IF* CARTER - guaranteed. ISunday evening at 8 p.m., in the , eral constituents (potash' and phos- Fat Reasonable PriceS. ! faim carrying four horses, ftenty pborle Incia) and rapidly escapes from . I - e Methodist, Church, Bluevale, also the the' mantire in fermentation. The se- . . ,. 1. I 11 ws, fifty sheep and ton ho"s. NEXT TUESDAY. co 1-1 I Dr. de Van's Female Pills -Orange- . .
- A reliable French regulator; never fails. These garden party to be held by the ne-third of thecretion of urine increases with the in- , .1 -,Repairing Promptly at- � p111s are exceedingly Powerful in regulating tho MOn on the Church Lawns on the 1Z I value of manure is annually lost by crease of nitrogenous substances In the 0 gonerative por1lon ol 1he lemale syslein, Relus evaning of July 4-,h. Lucknow Pipe food, thus necessitating the use of lar- iniontended to. .CE TRAEr I all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van's are sold at resent methods of management, and " -ectin,r both (Dom* ' Day) -I;� S5 a b,o,v,, or three for $10. Afal,le,d Ss. will furnisb music. p ger amounts of litter a d aff . u I,tWny addre 13�nd - 11 '* I who beU Dru= Co., St. r1neffi, onte this estimate is undoubtedly a consery the amoulk and value of the manure. . . -_.____II Store close'd all day -I
Donnybrook ative, one, the total loss from this The use of 'watery foods, as Is obvious, -STRATFORD. ONT. Everybody come to Wingham on July source in the United States, as indi- produces the same result ,
BLUEAYScated by the first figures, would be Barnyard manure rapidly undergoes Telegraph and Express OfficeCanada's best Business College. We Ist to the gala celebration. about $708,466,000, or, using Roberts' eban e. When practicable to removeonhave thorough courses and competent .1%Oa Thursday afternoon, June 19bii. figures, the annual loss for each farm' 11 9 jexperienced instructors. We do more b I those who are constipated, t e manure and spread it on the field open from 9 to I 0 a. m. and e'onbiliougs tco)r have sour, gassy, upset a quiet and pretty ,wedding was would amount to $83.33. at short intervals the losses of valull- I .I .... -11., .., I. . I for our students and grAduatos than do stomach, sick headaches, lame back or solemnized at the home of Mr. and it khould be clearly understood that ble constituents need not be very great, other sehool. At present we hao from I top.m.applications offerhig from $600 to $1200 that tired -out way of going stbout the Mrs,John Chamney, Donnybrook, when the farmer sells meat, milk, Iness daily routine of life. FIG PILLS will I . .. . ... , per annum for trainod help. Bus - �'r.:*.,...,�'.."make you feel fine, have a buoyan� when their youngest daughter, Annie, grain, hay, fruits, vegetables, etc., from ,�;!: -.o%o%o%.-------uo%o%o%o---��%~%,..o'men know where they got the best help. �,: .! 7;:i�;;�7,* . We have three de rtments-Commer- hIq farm, or -neglects to save and use.-;.!:,!�.j�;:�**�.;::.!..,...�,.�:.�,��W�:��j.:::��rj.�i:������:'��:;:I:����l��:i���i*:-!:':'.: , ''., "- .�.:7:.:�:- , .1. Oral, Shorthand anqaTclegraphy. Getspirit and will ward off any attack of was united in holy bonds of matri ..:i�;*r,7',-:;,; _AI1duced, he removes from :,:,..l.,.'.,..,.'�i;- our free catalogue. sickness usually caused by co mony wiLh Mr. James Craig of St. the manure pro .,.. f....M., ,... ....."'I" ', .. ..:::7-:::: 11 ..... 1, .., ..�..::.: .:;3 :*: , .-----�;.----.;:`, --
a- tion and weak kidneys. FIG pnlillri,prl Augustine. PromptlY at four o'clock, his soil a certain amount of potasb, �.:.,j.-,.--..'., D. A. MoLACHLAN - Principal are a mild fruit tonic laxative and al- phosphoric acid and nitrogen that must ;:!,... ways do good. Rt4use all substitutep. to the strains of Mendelssohn's March, : *0'I 1111111 %.#*.%0%._.0%0%0%0%.%I be restored sooner or later if produc- :;:.ga.I I At all dealers in 25 and 60 cent boxes played by Miss Myrtle Beecroft, the tivene',s is to be maintained. . orby mail from The Fig Pill 00-- St- brldti,l party entered the parlor and I. Notice To Contractors. Thomas, Oat. Sold at J. W. McKib- took their place before a bank of f ernse spring the Time to Haul-.- ". . bon'a Drug store. . Speaking of the loss of valuable ma .-...... -. . :The Rev. R. A. Miller of Auburn X. -,;,�-- .nurial constituents by leaching, for- :.;,- _�_;___ , Tenders will be received by John. performed the ceremony. The bride, Mentation, etc., the Kansas station con- .....���_ ........i -11 � I�W`:.,.: .......... .. I,. ... .1 ........ I., -as given a . , , , -...".., *'..1'. -'.*1L* .*,.' il �'.Shortreed, Reeve of Morris, Walton P. Wroxeter. ' who w, way� by her father, eludes i1that farmyard manure must '. .
, . �:O., up to Saturday, June 28th, for Was becomingly attired in cream mes- be hauled to the field in spring, other- .."...i. . -.6. - on ,::�,.:.� �Sole Agen I- --'M, widening the prairie road, south of Everybody come to Wingham.soline silk with pearl and crystal wiso the loss of manure is sure to be � . ts - FOR
Wingham. Contract must be complet- July ist to the gala celebration. I 5X rl!�. ."I, Fdr The LADIES
"-nming. Her long tulle veil being very !,.��`1�, trii great, the waste in six: months .4.1 .. ed by the end of September next. Plans Mrs, Dr. Brown visited with friends half of the ;:j:�: , 1,111 .5110 4amounting to f ully one- "',.. " .-, .1 -1" I i I ies-o f -the -valley. ` ... :,-:::,:1..-.-. :j _� 11 - ......... ... i", . � . �. � -:j:ji�-o - I.. 1.. .. -� .. .;,�N:� I .t and specifications may be seen at the caught up with 1, I'll, ; .r, .. .,*.;:- ..... . - � � - -_ �--V_;,.+ -- ,.XI j �-- I , ... I I bx_-�_ <X , .I - ! . Clerk's residence in Morris. Enclose ^ *11: ; ,N<..x ...... I .11 I in Exeter on Sunday. She carried a shower boquet of roses gross manure and nearly 40 per cent of , ?-iM "� '. ,,_.,P6fflW.<k-�*,, .:.v,: ....-rlI � P -1_R -. �* 50.00 with tender. Miss Martin of Exeter is the guest the nitrogen that it contained." . ,;.z.� -5- ,,, .-,--.-. . :,.">-,;. %,.Z.and maiden hair ferns and wore tb , .. _,%,,P ., . I I The lowest or anv tender not necessarily It is the prevailing opinion of chem- :�;.. .: . of Mrs. T. G. Hemphill this week. :�- M. -- :_ , � ;w-
,, : M?;..' _m groom's gift, a handsome gold wat(h , .. .4 , ...S�...,Aaccepted. ists as well as ,practical men that 0$- ,X,* ,I I-* . . 0 "I 7 * 11_ ,. Oil Stoves A. MAcEWEN,- S. Jackson of Toronto Epent SundaY and chain. After the ceremony and where it is prad6cable it is best to ap- M W & ,. - .1 ... I . . .. I I .1 . I I...-, . I—, " "''....." r .. I :I'll .1 �.. - I . -
Clerk of Morris, with his son, Dr. Jackson of town. coDgratulationso tea was served to ply manure and urine to the soil inDING MANVAE WAGON TROLLEY11*12, . Bluevale, Ont. Mrs. T. G. Hemphill spent last week _ guests numberlog about thirty-five. the freshest possible condition. The 'OA FROM BARN TO WAGON*ted Al oA.M.1W1It4Lawn Mowers with friends in Exeter and Hensall, The dining -room was decorated with fertilizing constituents of well rot to but hen r the manure must be storedINVESTMENTS. The Old Bell has been replaced on ferns and carnations. Later in the manure are more quickly available ess for some time the difficulties of pres-. Hose and town hall it sounds better than ever. evening the bride and groom left on plants, and the manure itself is I ervation are greatly Increased. ia The deterioration of manure results
Estate and Private Funds invested on A load of Masons from town attend- their wedding trip for Toronto, N1 - other band, fresh man,ure mixed withde itravelled bulky and easier to distribute. On thefrom two chief causes, (a) fermenta-First Mortgage Security withont charge gara, and Buffalo. The bri enta- Hose Reels P Gj per cent, Apply- ed Divine service in Brussels Sunday. in at smart sule of navy blue serge the soil readily undergoes a ferm tionwhereby nitrogen, dither a's am-
'TEBBUTr, Spectator Bldg., W. H. Mather and Dr. Jackson with leghorn hat. On their return tion which -not only increases the avail- monia or in the gaseous state, Is setHamilton, Ont. were -in Wingham Sunday afternoon, ability of its Own fertilizing constit- free, and (b) weatheriDg or leaching, r"We specialize in Plumbing � 'they will reside on the groom's farm uents, but also assists in rendering which involves a loss of the soluble and he fing. . Geo. Town visited his father in Sea- near St. Augustine and will be at soluble the hitherto insoluble fertiliz- = = M M
,r *forth who has had a slight stroke of home to their friends after the first of ng constituents of the soil. In fact, fertilizing constituents. The loss from
Mortgage Sale of Valuable re. destructive fermentation may be large-
parallysis. August. The Advance joins in w6h_ even with special precautions to P Farm Property. Thos. Shillinglaw of Seaforth ing the young couple every happi. vent Injurious fermentation under the lypventebytuseoperab-MV' . feet of the animals and in the heap,rend bykeeg thenUndor and by virtue of the powers contained is examining the 3ed form of the Con- ness. moist and compacL Loss from leach -
in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced the greatest return is likely to be, got..at the time of sale, there will be offered for tinuation class this week. Blyth. from manure applied in the fresh con- Ing may be prevented by storage under Wash Ready-to-wear in Dresses for hot weather,cove Isale by public auction on Saturday the 28th r I - r or in water tight pits. B4 X_ *Domestic, Sanitary and Heating day of June A.D. 19i3, at the hour of two A number of O,Id Follows from Don't forget the grand celebration at ditiOn- tremes of moisture and temperaturein Ladies', Misses' ancl Children's, n embroidereclo'clock in the afternoon at the Brunswick Wingham and Brussels attended the Wingham, Dominion Day. Methods of Applying Manure.Engineer Hotel in the Town of Wingham in the County are to be avoided, and uniform and -lawns and gingbams, in new neat styles, in all of Huron, by Frank oneer, Lodge here Monday afternoon. Mrs. James Sims and son arrived in applying manure to the field three moderate fermentation Is the object to namely the west three-quarters of Lot number sizes.thirty-pne In the soventh Concession of the Rev. Mr. Roebart preached his first home from Clinton Saturday evening. methods are pursued: First, the ma- be sought To this end it Is advisable - Township of East Wawanosh in the said Coun- nure is placed in larger or smallertomixthe manure from the d - ty of Huron, containing by admeasurement sermon in St. James Church Sunday. The measles have become prevalent ifferent' _.one hundred and fifty acres of IaLd more or Ile is to be the new rector of this I aviong the school children and older heaps over the field and allowed to re- animals thoroughlyin tile heap-.-- -:; WHITE, TAILORED WAISTS. --Big stock. of
lem. main some time before being spread;DOMINION DAY There is situate upon the said propertyaij parish. Iones. second-. it is broadcasted and allowed Effect of Fresh Manure. I -1 White Tailored Waists in plain linens, white picque*.9torey frame house and a barn The property 6,skatoon; n. IThe Misses King of Sa �1- I is we,, watered from springs and makes a first � Belgrave. I to Ila on the surface for some time or Where improvement -of the mecha and fancy vestilagqwith the soft French cuff and
class grazing farm. Sask., are visiting their grand parentE, dTERMS.-Ten per cent. of the purchase i Mr. and Mrs. George King. plowed in immediately, and, third, It is Ical condition of the soil Is the princl- �collar; sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40.
_ Single Fare n to be paid down at the Unie of sale and Don't forgi-t the grand celebration iipplied in the hill or drill with the pal object sought fresh manure is best 1ie ey Mr. Frank Metcalf will leave nex I adapted for this purpose to heavy soilsmtho balance to be paid within one month. at Wingham Dominion Day. tGoing June 300i; July Ist. rot further particulars and conditions of sale Mr. E. Wightnian, Sask., is renew- month for the West where he will iseed.soils. apply to DUDLEY HOLMES r6sume big position as Dominion fruit It has been the general experience and well rotted manure to light I Ladies' White Serge Skirts—White ratine skirts
Return Limit July 2nd. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. ing old acquaintances. Inspector. Ahat probably the best way to utilize Where prompt action of the fertilizing Dated at Wingham this 11th day of ne A. barnyard -�manura is In combination constituents is desired the best results and white bedford cord, white repp—neat stylegD. 1913. 1042 Mr. Frank Wheeler of Vancouver is Next Sunday will be observed aswith ch materials as supplement and will probably be obtained by applying in good washing in all sizes.
Fare and One-third visiting friends in and around Bel- flower Sunday in the Methodist II'll.s fertilizing constituents. fresh manure to the light soils, ai-
.grave, I Church. Special music and a special conserve it e applications in tills Going June 28-29-30; July lat 'r collection for missions is asked for. Certain substances, such as kainit and though excessiv .. Boys' Wash Suits..Wm. and Dan. Ferguson are home superphosphate, which are sometimes case should be avoided on account of ,, Return'Limit July 3rd. I Miss Lily Carr is the delegate fiom n,y r of "burning out" of the soil Sole agency for—In Buster B ownfor the holidaya. W. C. T. V. to the County Convention ,employed as preservatives, may also the da ge rBetween all stations in Canada east I P. W. Scott has a beautiful new at Wingbam on Thuradmy and Fridaybe s ge to improve the In dry seasons. Fresh manure has a "Holeproof Hosiery" in blouse style, �all
of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and C E, ALED TENDERS addreased to the mider- auto. . of this week, A number of '-others fertilizing, value of the manure, but it forcing effect and is better suited to in newest st in
Port Huron, Mich.; Buffalo, Black 0 signed and andorsed "Tonder for Sup -ply- intend going. more than this If a . early garden truck) grasses and forage If�Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Ing Coal for the Dominion Buildings," will be Rev, Hastie and wife are renewing well balanced fertilizer Is desired, for, plants than to plants grown for seed, 0 a -0 wbite Bedford 6rd,
Bridge, N.Y. Tickets now on sale at receivedtthisfficeuntil 4.00p.m.,nMon.The canvassers for signatures to the ' eals, or to fruits. DirectGrand Trunk ticket offices. Jy 4 3 for thplof al foold acquaintances 'In Belgrave petition for the submission of theas has bee Galetia line -D, smart
Public Bu iaings'throughout the Dominion. r ` .' applications to root c I .Combinol specifleation aud form of tender Dr. Reid of Guelph gave a very in- Canada Temperance Act to tbp considered simply as a supplier of ni rops., such as sug- im* style for boys.
11. BEll, Town Passeiir ad Tloketean be obtained on application at this office a I 1 n ash is ar beets and potatoes, or to tobaccoAgent; phone 4, W. F. Burkman, Station -tractive lecture on horses at the Far. . Electors next October have completed trogen, pho phor c ac d a d pot A six m6idTicketAgent, phone50. and from the pa,temkera of the differefit Do. o their work. We understand they comparatively poor. often prove Injurious. The manure � � ininion BuIldhigs. Iners' Institute last week. rried to the . Mon's Outing Shirts—
Persons tendering are notifted that tendera received the required number of Sho'uld Be saved and Used.should be spread when ca uarant,w111 not be con8idered unless made on the Don't forget the garden party at T. names.. I field and not left in heaps to leach. I - - . We bave the sole
printed forms suppAed, and signed with their r . I . Summarizing the experience of ob- Agairmt 110o
notual signatures. Scandret03 Thursday evening. Wing- . I The rate of application must be do- . for tbe
Ea6oh tender muat be accompanied by an ac- gervation in the use of barnyard Ma- : . _.. or Now � . agencyFOR SALE, barn band in attendance. l I I termined by Individual circumstances. .?.� copted cheque on a i0hartered bank. p% Aovt& ba Ha nue, it may be sdid that it Is the most � I,,I abld V A '_'�,� -to the order of the Honourable the Minis F - lt,Z tj a a rule It Is.bettbt to manure light- " . ;�1 1�ARK�ler Ot The Woman's Institute held in Bel- , anurial resource of the 11 free . . .. ,VRADE ��'Pablic Works equal to ton pot cont. (to px.) of JA Important rn, $�t.;mftSV'' ' ly and frequently than to apply a large 1, �. L ,f.the arnonnt of the tender. which will be for- grave last week was farm and should be carefully sa .- �,I *- ,I ved - ,�,,tl ", - ��I:,That desirable howe consistin of felted If tho petson tendering deolitic to e0or well attend �d, For Infants' d Chilctren. amount at longer Intervals. ml &M '! 1:t . ��.��.,1. �, . �'A. �four gores of land, close by. the ;own Into a Ibonttaeb when catied upon to do so, or ,r � all and used. It represents fertility, - � - , , I ` "'; " " �i ,I .1.1. � ..It t., rt Dr. and Mrs. Stewart are attending One ofthe best ways to utilize barn 1 � �, �,� I, ..r- - -of Wingham. A good part ofthis fail to complete the contract. ender be i;�� . �. Outing Shirt, exclu-
I cheque VdU er6turned. the medio.&I convention in London this I The Ki d You Have Always Bought which is drawn from the soil and ard manure is to apply it In connec- .!W- ;W *
I .. ..plce is under orchard, small fru,tat not niceepted the B order. A m it If productive- y ...i give ill Fand plantation. Buildings are all . 0. D BROCHERS, week.. 33ears the .-:1 ness Is to be maintained. It not only tion with such fertilizing matertald as : . o'... I iatterns, and
0in good repair. Apply on the pre- Secretary. ,�supplement Its fertilizin M " a large roomy sLirtJOHN AGNEW, Department of Public Works, Cranbrook. signature Of "�, enriches the soil with the n1trogent I mises, to 1 1V0 &.411w, These materials may be either com- ..,Lower Winghazn% Ottawa, Jun a 14, 1913. Everybody come to Wingham on phosphoric acid and potash, but it also posted with the wimure or used sep- 00`0 . 1. soft lounge Collars
Newspapers will not bo paid for this advor. . a I I.� ty, July lst to the gala oelebration. . �.renders the stored up materials of thearatelyt except In caso of a nitrate . "I . - I �___and Frencht1somout if they insert It Without authorl . __ , - __ - r — f i . Cuffs)
froin the Department. -42880. 42-13 � soil ,More available, improves the MO- such as nitrate of sodat wMah shouldA r� 0 . I8iZ0S 14 to 17 : reg.
Mrs. Seelo spent a couple of days Auburn. chanical e6ndition of the soil, makes it neve -nyard ma- 016 . -''.. �I , . with her daughter. Don'tforget thtigaod celebration at warmer and enables It to retain more . r be composted With bai -ly . 0 03je , $1.0 qpl.25� $1.50
-I,- A. 1, M. and Mrs. Relm sundayed 'Wingham, Dominion Day., , mire on account of danger of denitrif)" . 1 ' $2.50.
MI.-jT wi moisture. FOR EE W 0 14 AND CHILDRIKn --.-I f -IF, I r h friends in Wingbam, cation And loss -of nitrogen. As Is well . -_____F?K " -7 ,_______�� - . A14 A. A. Naylor of Seaforth form- The urine Is by far the most valua-
4n__.,-: I Misses McInnes and Menzies are orly 6f Atiburn Was in town for a blo part of the exerota ot animh1s. Xt knd%vn, barnyard manure is lasting In MAIL CONTRACT6 a its effects and In many casios need not visitors at the manse at Armow. short time on Saturday. Is especially t1ch In readily available 4RAfLWAY TIME -TABLE Miss Tarvo,y Was a visitor at the Mr. 11. H, Xbox of Winnipeg i's nitrogen, which rapidly e8eapes into be applied so frequently AS the moreNW home of Mrs, Sparling la,st week. visiting friends In Auburn at present. the air It special precautions are not soluble and quick actig serphos, I r-, �f3HAtjHD TENDURS addremoed to T . We have All tizes in ".#..." �- .........
tains leare Wingham stadmos daily iu Sevpral from here took 1ki the Hx. taken to provont Itq loss. It is M80 phates and potash and nitrogen saltq, Postmaster 0enerals will be reoeived at fillows I , Mossers R. Xing wad 0. Nevins are. . .1. I 1. . - . .- ,r.I1��..I�r.___1.itIottj%wa tintil Noon, on Vriday, the 25th dursiob. to the Model PArm on Mon- at the" Military Camp, London, this I - 11 I- - r-__ __ - � ..._ -1. - — __ Holeptoof Hositry" . ... ,%
- . :.___.� �,- I'll I. .jttly, 1018, f6t tho con.veyanoe of Hla day. week " - _- , _'. � . -1 � - - , IMajestylo lAntla on a proposed Contract G71itMes John Martin hA8 commenced to -.-.----. __ r Mrs. Irvine Hunter and little Miss Belle Stalker of I'lint, Mich,, Pordyce. �r .TO TORONTO And Intek 11 %for four years, six timed k ach build the cement wall for his new barn* ., ., .Points: -Passenger, 6 45 4. m ; modil%te 19,41tero Florencei Are 913011dihs; 6, is homo for a few days. ma, , Promptly Flillo'di ...phomen- 1 il Orders 11 .rway, betweenLANGSIDID and WHITE- few woeks with friends in Centralia. Mr, Leo Welly is visiting In this James Levor h4a the contract and is �...'�.0EUT11011, frobi the In October next. 90r, 11,00 a,W,; possenger, 9.80 p.m. a. Tho The Lawn Tennis Club sire havIng a vicinity ab present. getting along at a good tatO- Phollo. 10.
Printed notices contidning furthot In. TO LONDOV:-PAasenger 0.86r Garden riArty hel(I on the picnie at Point blarm, oft July Ist, 'lomation as to eonditions of ptoposod in, ; poasengery 8 80 P M. rounds of the Methodist Church on Miss 11ild& Boyle !a at present v19It- 'The tuipills of S. S. No. 12 Who 'tried
Contract may, bo soon gind bl4hk f M,Iday eve -ding was &,grand audoesal Mr. Thog, Andergon of Godorich Tp. 11 ,�orms of Tandet wa,� be oWained at th6 P out thirty-five was In Auburn latt, week, [If TO XINOARDINE : - Pawnger, In �plte of the rald Ab In under the pArental voof. the Hatranen e%#.rn, are Anna, Al.No , , , , , o8b 11 60 t%.w.; pmaengar, 2.30 p.m.; p6s.ofte of L&;g61d6 stud Whitoobvitch 86,bgerl 9.15 p.M. dollan waa eleAted. (�ijjte n, la,rgo 1junil)(1q, attetidet! the Doyle and Viola Jarnleeon. We 140PIS4ud at the Offloo of the Post MO In- 14 4466060,—Whitechuirch. ice treaui social hold on Mrs, It. X, they will be atiecea6ful,jk1 1�' V I � '" "' 'frie "V'tMI iivesr . ."I't. vj$41L.W PRICE
I I I.&V
� L= 'i I -
I & C
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e6p6otOrht 140I (11, PO R. Alter all, there's wo.ty a Ju na bride Mlaq Lizzie Mirehoncie Is home from Miller's lawn and report a good time, Road wotk Is now the order of the I ..,•. it
G, 0. AVD -1911801; TO TORONTO sud Intormadiate 11crazy with love" until she fiends Torouto on her vixeWon. ,agrr4. Jtanea and Wellingtoxi Dow day in thin vicinity by the appearance
that M(
. r
supariatoudent, Points ..-PAWnget, 640 Aan.; pgwadn- ,hor ulorea ant alstme Oie til to go , Mrs. Dater NAISMIth'Ana childrall of have the contract of plitting up the of thin is, The peoplo seemingly 90 to . ^ AIi, I I
Piwt 0006, D-Opvtwtutq usu Swim got 8.06 on. Sarles, X orth DAkotal 4re visiting ht "
TO T9,18WATAU : - PAsseilgato to bed wlth his boots oto, Then shed stone wall at tha 10th line bridge Abd work M 0 o'clook in plw of 8 o'clock 4,
va"14h, 006*001 svm# 4sh, 1011, . the homa of htv tuothar, Mrs, M"Itl§- , ��� I ... 44 - ... "I ., � I ., . 11. I ,. I � I � .. 0 I � "I � � -1 � r� I .1 I ,, .. I ' " 1, r, I �� --- I I il-
-ALA wo P'ta') P""agwi 10,84 p4m. "aroxy with rsuvow" hout�dw have atartad to work, the USUAl hoar, --.-----,--, ____1111_1111r,I