HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-06-26, Page 7I
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A go0a brookI 001V 4 tile foundation O f kpol-� W1% IVOR Ott H i Mg.o �i;kk DI NWICHS 106k ,0 iw� 4 10
I , " W - IN' OTE, 19,
one of the mcat profitable branebes of Errjov A U.
live-gitock industry. $lie should come ,� I � (I, The experienced poultry raiser hap
from* a, faulily that fattells, easily and I I . 44;9
bao not suffered deterioration through !,I I . . . . good suevess, With late-Itatched eltickalt
. I for future winter layers, because of
Improper crosses or beell weak-VIIC4 Ill 11 ,I-
ennstitution by inbreeding, . , ,I their art Ili the knowledge of how to
,rho brood, sow should, have no really PQ MCD I , I " WD V raise them Without it check. In spite
1�ad pointa tlmt are likely to be trarw- t 1. - of tile articlea regardIng the Into AIRY
I ,%,-
Initte(I to her litters, and )should be from "
,,, '. " '?! �":'N%t� 4...%. -
" .1� -" ! I and June hatelied. chiekaniaking fall and
i .!.:"", .., . " . !!:.. L not
a daill that has provell to Ile it goo(I , :14. ,�:;Picl)�` 1 p .Will
I S..' -iii, ,.,�� 11%�., winter layers the beginner ob-
11 �,,�,,,:,,.W;, ,... ,a .
nurse R good milker, of it quiet. (Alspost- I . I � I',- 1. -:3. , 1. ... - I
tion, .'And the produccr of good, large lit- . . __ ( I 0 1 tain these :fesults only Ill. rare cases,
ters, for the cost of a p -'g I's double(I and it is here that the average beginner�
Nyllen a sow raises but five, aa oompar, - " never realizing that in bis fimt attempt
D )to cannot equal the exivi-lenced breeder
ed with t1v so of a sow that raises ten. ` E-W,MLLETT COMPANY 4 , .
I ,
To bring large litters the sow must have %I- %441pt� TORONTO ONT, HO" lit properly raising chick.8, t1lat lie
. I
roolu for thent, both before Rild after I . fallo, And is discouraged. TPor f uture .
farrowlug----both fit length of body amt . I . .., I . . I 11 . . breeders lit the following April, or for
� ," show specimens ill the Winter, these ,
in u(Ider capaoity., , .
lylipther a sow W Ma d Who has fa r judgment to determine Iate-hatelled birds make good; but �
brood sow is one cl the thiltig-3 one call- ,!list what trimming each colt needs and for wittter layers, and by that Nve mean '
not fell for certain until -911c' has been how Often ttention Will be required. from 30 to 40 per cent, lay 0gP in No- ,
tried, Ili foini an(I doweent tht'. pr0babil- As it general rule the feet should, be vember, December and January, when
, I i the price of b,er fruit is always at, its
itles inav be Ili her favor, an(I Tet 8110 exammed every six or (ight weeks. _
— highest, they Will not do it. T'he begIn.
m1tv de�k,lop tralts that unfit !let for - ,
mollierbood, tl-he rilay bring sniall littevq, Mange in horses is much more diffi- Iler should n6,�er be misled in the atatw
silo inay take no care of theni, Ole may cult to treat tban scab Ili sheep or c . om- mbnt that lie call obtain good results
think �oo much of her Own placo at the mon mange Ili cattle. Pre,mntlon of Ili- as lar as egg.production'In late fall and
trough, or ]ter own pleasure '111 tile pas,& fection With the dicwaso Is, safer and winter from chicks hat0led out tha
tare, and negleet her offspring, or slid more satlsfacto*% There is no best latter part of May -and in June, At&%
1. ,.Or them, or mav all-round treatment, even for.lice on experienced breeders cannot accomplis .
may have no n " . stock, The class of stock, physical con- this feat.
tralliple or roll ,upon thein ot even eat i
them, Ill a y of these case's sho cannot dition. of the animals and Season of the Rxtra, care Is te,quired operly
the kind of treatment Imor ,he,
11 year determine raise late -hatched chicks. I
be fattened for s1laUghter -Oo quA-13t. most advisable, f I irst see the ligl . i b ol day. ill the laist
On the other liaml, the ele ent of rils1k
in tile selection is so considerable that of May or June, when nature Is al; her
Coughit . best, befoxe they are many -weeko o14
when a. new brood sow is secure(I She q does not necessarily ntean .
0�llollld lip, kept just as Iclig as shia �on- tuberculosis lit. cattle. Cattle cough thd hot days and -nights of summer are
tinues to farrow .and raise goo(I litters, from many differept eaii�,es, but a On, and they 'feel the� dopressing effects .
That is what She IR for, and as long as chronic ,cough Ill thils class of stock d1l_ of heat and draught tbe same as We .01
silo !,,, equal to her work she shoulff bo wal", 9'Vee a teasonable suspicion Of tile human fabilly. They require leas
kept at it. tt&rculosis where there is no other heat Ift the brooder, more ventfi4tioii,
The sow sliotilil not be brod too cause apparent.. Plenty of green feed, freish wator niorg
earIv, sile Alloill(I have attaineki. 't, good ofteil, and more room Ili thelk living l,v
size' age an(I a certain maturity. She �Sayo all the Wood ashes nnA apPlY iartens, than their eaffler-liatched, bko.
sho, livatt girth, them to ilie or,eliard. They supply po- Slers and sl6ters. Natural shade, it p6a. 0
ul(I have attained sonle tasil, Avillell is a necessary element of
for a young , , sible, artificial if there is no natutal v
,. lialf-grown Sow callilot be
. a fertility. Ili addition to the plant food
exp"ted to bring forth it litimerotis lit- I I . dhade. The better the conditions to It
ter of vlgoToils: bealtby pirrs, antl breeLl- value of ashes they benefit the meeliant- COlUbat the heat of summer -the bet. a
Ing the iininftture Sow 0 checks her cal condition of the soil in making it ter Will be the growth of the chicks. 9
growth, lil'uriously affects her Vildol' aild mellow and friable. - 1lice is at its beiglit Ili the warm nionthsj t
J� " _-_ t
constitution, nial\ea farrolvilig wore (!I,f,- Ah authority on horses says the graV And must be fought hard, q
ficult for her, ali(I 11lakes her less likely Tile poultry show has reduced, the be.
will live the lonzest, all(! that roan)s , a
to be a goocl niother Ili the carp of her coino, next Ili order. Blacks, lie asserts, ginner so Y,q;t in regard to line speel- ,
pik,v. As a title, fot best results, g,lltg . a 1116 mene that they often expect iridro for 5
� � seldom live to be over 20, and cre I .
are served too young, for tll 0 Injuries rarely exceed 15. The bay lie omits. It the money than they are Willing to give, b
earl -v service Inflict upon ]ter Rro �rc0d- is a comilion observatloh that grays and The majority of letters in late yearel v
.ina Bills Which descena to ]ter off4pring) sorrels often live to a useful ol� % coinetotllel�reeder'sdesk, detacribingal-
4fe�eli to the fourth generation." A% to the alleged Short terms of t e most perfect birds for a sinall suni.
NNIhen ft new boar is brought to other colors there Is room for discus- Many beginners when they write thig
stlall s it n Sion. -it they are ask-
11, ge,slitroun(I'lig or ew honle, the I do not realize just whi -rained
Q auge should preferably be made some +.( I . ing, for. Their minds have been t
1'�, . . . -ooni, where only the best t
x o' Weeks .4re lie is needed I by the show i
� r ight bt f
for service. It from a 4istance lie should is exhibited, and the ideal cut6 oi thd
be jw�ated. or quarantinea for halt this For the Woman sed b
:77 standard, and naturally they earl 8
period, to.guard againrit the possible ill- U] 15 1
tion. by hint of any disease. :STO but they should underiitand that show '
trodue , TV ho Likes Striking "t"ll' els"t's Is goo" and prope" h
matter how little liabilitir �o Alsolase specilnents -come. high. In fact the mo.-
'Imay come from his foruler*honle, thero Gowns Jority of breeders do not get enough foil
TIS still tile chance, that he Illay have ac- their b0st birds. Again the begintlet
quired. deadly gernis lit transit, Preveil - 1, .;p_ 1. __ *%%4"@awft-"^.-"...., .."..I.
' - �' , I I I could often be guided by the breeder
tion is alwa*ys advisable, . ! Who could sell birds not as described hi ,
. . . -
If the trip has been a long or ba rJ . - . the letter, but birds that would mako
one, lie shol'ild be light1v fed at fli-fit. �,_ .1 elegafft breeders at a much leiss figuro. d
and anv desirable cltaiige� from tile feed . Theywould be properly niatered to ' 6
0 " , , pro;
0;N.�.'.2 -.�
to Nyh0l. lie has been accu4toniod, should *'-.'� duc.o itGults, but the eye of a begainneiij 8
; ..
be inade gradually. Time Is tiecessai-y -tt.�".;,;,,�Zf', � , 11 ... I -
I., traint,d only to see the near -perfect spe-
, 1- ._ .
. .%� ;
in a, majority of in6tailces to get the :.....".. `*1* .,
-m ,-*1,"�*i*':: 421med, -cannot orrasp the situation that - a
- , 0 ". .- "_4., Xtadisoll so I X
boar into g)od Vreeding con(titi il, wbiell .�;kt4t',._, all � .quare Garden winners ill
usually means, If lie is from the shows .,�.,, � , ;: I .1 b
''tKI .,:.. Une Vitkiety would not produce all will-
" .�.�*%: .... :t� IX
-o F. . I
or auctions, that lie will need mot ... , ,.,.�"`:%` hers, It would surprise some beginners
,'x , to g In the pens of the be,it breeclere a
;�ti.,S!�..1j.;.;,:!%;;: �o i
muscular development, and less fat, L - .. i,.i-�', :il
.�i,.*--,;i-ig, :..%;i a
-else . . .1 fit this country and see haw the peng
Pi and flesh-forinhig foods should oil- -,;.;;".-.- .r.�'- .......
ter into it's care at th'a period, 1,,'xet- . `.,�'§,�l �: ?k4,:; t
: j:;": 8�;, Were Mated to koduve results. To be suro. b
' 1'........1. . ..."
cise ,o3 hup�rtant to the boar Arlien he is .Z -;.1-:1.*`.Z�:� ".... I
, �_ . . . . . . : the ,tandard birds bu t with
: K 'Zo...o.; . y Are all f ) ft
not Ill service, and e�scndal to develop -111.1 .
.. :",.: n-fintcharacteri,stic.9, Beguide(linore
I . .. (lif6
I ,:"", 7 : -, *. .
his muscle and vigor.- I t , ...t d
. ,.*. . e. -Peder ol
.. .. ......, brother beginner, by tho bi
$1 1� "" . . t
Tt may be that the 'rest results Will !: :. I of experience and you will live
be obtained from a pure-bred boar tbat :�. I. .,. veaks 5
allows desirable chaxacter,stics, is mas- ,111".-I. ..".... . little cause to re(rret. b
, .1 *. I More trap-nest'sD at,(, in use to -day for
� ,"
cullne, is Romewhat more compRct than ,..�� . illiptovilig the layingy qualities ol tli,ia 3
the females be is to be used upon, and .. "' . fowls and better breeding than ever be% t
, ..I
strong Ili points in which they are cle- . . foro, and better egg vields by -
� - � . , thoso
, :.
ficient. He Should be the best the buyer . . . pnActising up-to-date M*etbods'aye ' ob. f
can purchane,, and it is unw;!se to let a . . �- I .. tailled than ill the past. The public will t
matter of a few dollars govern in mak- , . . "'.. (lemand Improvement eaeli year. Th ' -
. , .� 0 b
I Ing a selection. He Should be cared for . . .. poultry industry is not going back, but a
apart from the other pigs, and be given I ;",.:..
�..,. dvancing rapOy. Great truths, are be- e
� ....,
.:,. ill ti
plenty of exercise and nuitritious rather F "... lifolded each year,, and the poultry t
, .
than fattenhig fo--d. He Should be, Ila- ... . ...: . . 11 ustry Ili years to co-ine will not be t
tur�Tln and because of proper handling, 1. . .. 1. one of mystery, as it has been in the
an anifnal pf quiet disposition and an ... . . past.
easy breeder. Preferably his service I
should not.begin Ili ordinary ca,ses long - . . To those raising poultry on all grains �
before lie is a year old, and should be I . . . Ave would say a mistake has been iiia(te. c
continued while"he proves himself wor- . I To those )�alsing 'poultry in a �Qniali way
� ihv. A matured boa'r should be ,able to . . . .. good commercial dry mashes are 'now oil C
. the market and sbolild be fed in addition
se�vc sixty, 15ows in a season, but where . .. ,
I..: I to the grairs. These feeds, a part of
, ..
two or more services are necessary Ili a . .� 1. them at least put ill) by the leading
(lay, h is well to allow every second or -
I firms, will give results, as they have
third (lay for rest; more than two ser- ..... .... 4 m d il experience o . f prac-
vices a day, one Ili the morning and one tical poultry raisers. Tt is trite. that
In the afternoon, are not ivivally pro- . 1. as
fitable. Ili general, the boar's condi- � . they cannot be called the, ideal food -
I tion Should lie thrifty, neither too fat, mixed by our leading experts, but they
will give paying reRults and are .cheaper
nor by any ineans run down; and thIg .
I applies as much out of the breeding sea- I to the keeper of suiall. flocks than mix-
. son as during that time. :.,..." .. Ing tip their own feeds. Ner knows by
— ..1. .. The practical poultry rai
.'........; - -ience the best method toward
I I . * expel
11 INEWS &ND VIBIVS. ... .:�.�. .
. .
FAW . . . .
. ..
."._:;*K" . - making poultry pay. It has only been a
.... .)&.
The flesh of every young animals fre" . :,-:�.'; ,
0 ILI 1. .,.. � .I short time since the experiment sta-
quently lacks flavor and is watery. All � . ..� .:
; ".., tions commenced to investigate poultry,,
old animal, properly fattened and Ili � '.` -e, and thpir foundation was laidl,
good health, would be preferable to a i .1 cultin
young one in poor condition. The meat . largely on the experience of successful
from young aninials ilearl� always lacks r-*%, methods as practiced by old breeders
. k who had made a success. The stations
flavor, The best meat Will he obtained I have taken lip work and are solving the
ftom qattle that are 30 -,',o 40 months ,\\ - . , . problems that the -commercial poultry
old, though they may be used at any � '.
Rge if in good condition. A calf under , I raisor does not have time to experiment
,tlx Weeks of age �liould not be uged for ' oil. With up-to-date eqtlipment tuid men
veal, and is at its best when about tell The somewhat set figure materials of brains at the ]lead, the experiment
weeks ,ol(L and raised on the cow. Hogs which are called futurists are worn a stations fit the. short time they have
great deal abroad for afternoon cOs- been, working have a�,cotnplislled won -
may be Aied at any time after six tumes. Tile one pictured is Of mus- derful. Work, but when it eoml�s to
wee�s, -Wlt the most' profitable age at i
which to slaughter is eight to twelve tard colored, printed chif f on with ,9toa,dy, large egg yields, the commercial
months, Sheep may likewise be used Sleeves, collar belt and underskirt plants its a rule leaJ, due to conditions,
A.nd at any time thereafter. They will of royal blue Satin. A dress of this long yeara of experience in feeding, and
kind cound only be worn a few times, attention under one system to one
, �
be at their best previous to reaching .
-two years of age, usually at eight t 0 as it is so striking. However, the thing only, egg production. We are
twelve months. . 0 design, which it by Roizot of Paris, speaking now of the up-to-date plants
will be especially pretty for a figure tbat have been in the business rt number
Souring swill destroy"s from 30 to 60 cotton vollo over plain color, which of years and have made go9d, for like
cent. of the food value of the ra- would harmonize it. all lines of business there are plants that
0 to-, N are not making lno:ney, and iiome about
Il" rn . . ,
t 0 and the hog when feeding -upon % -� there are those
olove'r Should have Something to correct INTERESTING COLORS. breaking even. Agail
aiddity of the stomach, rather than a that are making a fair profit. It is due
Tin, Wholly
food to intensify it. . to the mianageftielit, Successful
, Sand, poultiy.keepin R, male lip largely of
(f ) Khaki. many small otails; ally Oil e of them
�L persistent nillker 1.4 made very Bronze. neglected means a cuttGg down Ili re-
Igrgeli by ber treatment the first sea- Cement. turns. It is not a position that should
son, f cavel6ssly handled and allowed Mustard.
ely she Will form it Old gold. be taken tip on it large scale, unless the
b9bit, that will hardly ever be broken. owners have a liking for fowls and some
Dull gold, understanding of the biisinem before ell -
Chinese red. tering into large operatIong.
To paint aria eare well for buildings IrA Balltan blup. Thogo are the nightm, When one must
teolloray, and it is lo. -As to negleef to Liquid green. wAteh the broodpr hpatofie night cool
ts,ke good ears,- of good property. The Venetlan red.
Implement worth buying is worth ta'k- Platycodon blup. . an(l the next warni. Boforq retiring see
ilig care of, mince its life may be pro. .&� that ,vou hkjto� enough. heat, allowing for
_. I
longed and� tht usefulness continued. . A, Iris; durbig tile night and early inorn-
MAny wagone grow old from neglect aml SHE KNEW ing. It the night is wa,rni and likely to
oxpoAure when they are little itsed. We �w . I I I I I .. 11 I ..I i mbAy go, do not have too much beat. At -
beitrtl of one man who Claims that it .thig time of the yeAr, esp6cially, too
is ust%les6 to build a shod or house for SIM FISHIN#- ,ft I much beat is weakening, and log weak.
K WAgOn, for his wagon lasted n long ' I � liest -will devolop, The early luxtelieA
, . AGPION I I Sme" I
Coto withoixt,f" -tell 00(te—but It did fall can stand more heat than those during
to pieeeg, f , YGY& SUAIrmit . , I . - May And June, Any experienced poultry
T1001164, iNl and from n�glect, and 11, . � � I I -Rimer will state that I%t(- May and Jund
4 ;
! . I . brooder chicks mitst be roared with more
b trimr*ing the colt,,% hoot all tht I care thah those brooded earlier. When
nosits to be done may be done with ti, J. 6 � P'st the ten-day to thr" Weeks Atagel
rotep. The hoof wall'should be rasped . . - . I they aro pro,tty siure to inake a live of
()ft on th,t bottom surfitee until the re- .. I - 'k it, and with proper quarters alid e4re
lg&t of the heel, side and too is ap, I Will grow like wteks, And if they tire
pr0imately one two and thn�o Ili I I not ch"ked during their gro%ving period,
It' th, and the 1'%Ioi,k should be dout fit � � will delvelop into Avintor layt-V4, QAJ) - eciltl.
$Ile , a n1a,ftyler A8 to ('all8c. tile. toot to . I '". - , ly tile LogbornA tind ligliter broods,
T tquhroly (ill the ground. Practice I 00-P . , I . 4, Ivor tho, boginnor it i,4 simply a ina,tter
il',Iittryatfon will Abon enable a, msai ill -0 100 ___ - , — __ . of ehoic4s ais to ,Ahether he ptire,hase da,y-
. I
't - )
# -
The new capital of A ustralla, Common-
, L, ,
- "
--,T-W-- -- — - � 7-
. I t, . '1.*
"., I , .1 1, J " ,,, I . � ! � ,,� �.-, i ,I , I I 1, .1 I � � ,� �_,, , , 11, , I 1� , .1 j J. I 1, , , , . . I . I - , . *A"__W0_ � � I - I I . - � - ,�� - . I Wilr#SNEW, I , , �. I , � . ,I I 'I,' 1! I I ! 4 I 1, .1 I .1, '' 11.1 1, .10" I I ., :"�
,. !I ,I , I I . I " � ,�' � L Y
. 1
.7 -.1 1-111-1. , . _-1-1 I _._� I _ - �. -i . .. I . I I �, . .
. . I , � , , #%_Or� ,. I . I - . 11 -1. � - I ,- I - I . f / *0 - . I � � I . .. 1, . . I I 1� . . " � � ,
I . . W
— ." .-o .", " I Jal ,ground. Th�v drop in the milk vant rubbish boxps lot for &VeculAtlons, 2 if -
I oroolis, Ill tho opell churn, In the. apple, no tr4%X *kyocrapar4. There will to & ".
\ 7�(4_ s� olil I �,� di I I municipal contra, for city hall and olvio I GOV W"RN4M[
butter and lit every place where one , ; 1. ) . 1.
IORO , butl,0110, lrmu4 ac4lq Ju 1,tqopW$ With -0 [(I S:1 0
- 00il't want theni. GOOD HEALTH ,' I ary coAtre. .& builaose
I e Z _
L , , , A (S NTSAL,Ana, commercial bouiov.
, -
I . All Ili all, tile most satisfactory moth- _,4."Jem,.,�r' of Overy varlotit. 4, railway centro for :
r-11 ` . 11 t, ' is the sticky fly pitper. It catelies , .11 I L .. L � 4' 1 -
tl " 1.1116 oil tile flies, feet as well as , pasuencer otatione ata transportation
� V %I,
I..e �,-dn t � \01
� is I
.1 ,
I , �e,
h , fli Keep the glood Rich and,- P ,,I
Mddle,soft mdW�hlte t - � L 1prf will xnake each eQntre "Vltlllh' QafJy LACCOOX Of Wostern F roight Ratcs
Illes themselves. It can be place(l .. of thl# *tper. Wide ,%yonU04 -4cting As
()It 1, li
. . Oil bles, elialra and window ledges out thilo long r4dI4lX of ap 00 tQqnpn9ct
.M_2b� i with Dr, Williams' Pink Pillmo 41
o I . the various districtx wN, tho liwb 4ad cao"is Up.
I I of I ell of babies, (log's and eat$. Ewen 1.0
if ti cat doeb waae into It you can get Tile condition of the blood mp,keg with egch'other. Traffic will thqA JJJ�, �
I ill(, 't , . , Imudled in a mclentifio manner with , I
. .1 tile ' isfaction of a hearty laugh out -all the difference between health. and tile minimum Waste of time and qneriry.
_ . ,
I n of it.�,;, 0 Ockness. Impure blood ,,%xid strong it will be a 41rect route .for thet realden- Great Trditfs Shown on
- I .
. 114 Ili ftliting fliea as In inany other 110"ItIly nerves and museles, noi-gr go tiai ,di#trlots to the industrial dlotrIct4;
11 . 4 � -ft -eution is far'better than cure. or to the 1%tolatlys cantres; or to the .-P. R
together. If the blood is thin every 4tiolness , Western CL
< ... thin- IiFa,%, [to bodi beeolneaL _'Ve4k. con ro. Isimilarly the anuniel-
I I lit thiFi cikqe prevention is not only bet- ptirt of V _ Tlio, po.1 ,00ntre ,Will be within easy access and
, I ter but easi6r, stomach fails In stren Ix and the apw Ilillcea up, to the bualticas cQntre; tbq rRil- ("tt,t%�',t, Jullf) ')U..-_".rll%t �Jrllt.'r ;J' (
I . Dont let tile life& got startod; eatoll -ecolnes POOr. qt wa � Qa ,V,
,� , . petito L , .V�'o body does 11 contro to the p4rllPumQntary centre,
P early birds. Swat 'LQ111, poison 1�pm not obttlin vnoll ouhent from all VigouahoWthe city cleannims, man- the Atlantic illvi,ilim, lit Vlastorn 0m.
I , i 11 Iti4ift, 11Wth, beauty will prevail and
. I 0 01 all(, I - ada, tile C. J.1. R.. fillowea a --ross lwrs of
�� � or imprison them on fly paper, but "do the f6od, soon the nerves be%in 'Preaorainate. M
, ,
L .. ... it carly.11--Woulan's World for June. to complain, and the person, becontes The, city of Canberra. 1VIII be the h1a. 14,02 per (!cut, on freight truffic, their
� , .
. I irritable, despondent, worn, -oilt and torlo. manifestation of AxistrAlla national
I . . I *-4.4 Idealm, Put it will algo reprexent the galn, on the �Nlanitolm divi.,itoll ll� the
'L ,
. nervoud. For a thna tbere may be Ideals of eyery democratle civIlized "Jy0m_ %V.C��'jt ��.Jl mh lilglwr were
44p, � 11 SPREAD THE NEWS. I I
;; �� 110 detual ;sIcknesa only a.' run.d.own munity, it hOpPeiix that 4&uotralla is ellar"000, waii 11.213 per celit, Nywi the
J/ - - 4 n
q.,$*, ivealt condition, but,thero Is, no do. qommanolnir to bulld Its capital In 1913 4 - , by I, % Jaine.3 Ll'okiiello
, il,14 Or I Dogs Told Friends of Good Rest- fe, initga t statenieut made .It 4
, I "I . . IL ice agahist 0;eape and front x1tch ,q ox in IW: ond I has the for I<. C., coullsel for tile Dominion (joy.
il'o....-, C, ' qjght tQ proteot the .land from opeculas.- IL
—.1111111 0 .t% 0 ing 121ace.- a condition spring disordqrs such As tion *.nd private monopoly. It way be ornment, Ili the western rate onquiry at
' '
% I V 'it, Ale Illatisna, Indigestion, -nou-, that Ottawa will moms day h e he
, . 1 4 10 onaenii u . .gy t tho commencement of the 0overnment's
__ , , , I . .d k , - The fact that (10(yi have a Way of ral0a, tind even. pahilysis Itself. rlxht to decide how tho ever-inoroaxing Cabe tIlN morning. Tle laid down tile
.. I .� , , . . I I . %P %f, ,�� communicating newcs' to one another reoplo With impure, tlAin No value of the' land shall be controll.04, principle --i which, Ili the Q'ovorlunct;tlki
. J � I 0 . 04 and to wbat extent the community shall .
41 I* � was demonstrated in a very sitigular should take Dr. Williams, Pink Pill$ reap -the beneflti or to decide that the 01)"lioll. blioull govell-11 1,110 Charging of
and amusing fasidon in a, certain dis- for Polo People. Elach dose helps to community shall take all the Increased rateo,
make lickv, rich blood, alfil new valile for the, benefit of all the pdo-ple. Illat tho dutv of (loveralneut coull, A
triet, in South (400rgia where as yet little pital of CanadA may' truly sc
[Rucurd 0 provision is inado for the comfort of blood nipans health and strength' e national aspirfi,tions of a %va(i to lay befo're the Railway Board oil
L � I .* domestic animals. They stop the progress of dlseasb, twentieth century x,tate, and country. possibb" inforillat,1611 to h0p tile co.111.
- One bitter night, such na "cold waves" and red ch(teks, good appetite, now Ottawa Citizen. . 1111"'Sion voille to a colielutdoll was the
A flint -ni stremyth declare the 0--nerol till- I I 1, #. L fir -t fit"Itellient, litalle. In, Mr. Bie!s_nell.
i frequently bring to that locality, says ft, J ..
1� U11 ULL . -_ Ilarperla Weekly, a (loorgian heard at provenient In the health. I-Tere is an SCIENTIFIC JOTTINGS,
I __ . 163 front door the, ininlisfakable sounds example. 'AliSs F.Ilen A-Ultdo, 1y[cQqo-
...' Treatmenti On retiring,'i'6ak ' of scratching and whining. Ile found, dale, Ifftrristou, Qn.t., says: "I feel Germalty is planning a fleet of 20 giant
I � it illy ditty to add ply voice to tho dirigibles,
the hands in hot water and ,,poll opening the door, �two of his neigh- . The eartili'a fertile area, is estimated
borhood 'friends, a - ,and a little ter, "MlY now recommending Dr. WIN
, 'pit Ii.,111181 Pink Pills. For years I Was a at 28,269,200 equa.re miles,
Cuticura Soap.' Dry, anoint ler, askiii,g adinissiolit' Ali Australian Rrtealan 3yell reaoi)eis 4
r , ' Sufferer -%vIth-bae1,mches, rheumatism
with :,Cudcura Ointment, and Ill the face of We cruel cold it ,was and nervousness. I Was so b -id, ot depth of more than 5,000 feet,
granted them, and they Were niade wel- times tbat I Was confined IQ my bed. . That the moon is without atmosphere
wear gQft bandages or old loose come to share the comfortable quarters I felt sleppy and heavy after illy is proved in several different ways.
1, of t1to two household dogt�. 1n the morn-
gloVeg during the night. I Ing they took their leave', but great was nlotl.13, and - had flashes of light linc A miniature acetylene plant has been
fore my eyes, end a difficulty In col- brought out for installiltion. on a borse-
Cqtteprsk 19pap and ointment rtre Cold tbroUgliout the astollislinient of the Gleorgian to . dr4wil wagon. 1.
th'aWrld, A liberat MaDle of eacb,with 32-Daf,19 lectin.- my thoughts, Aft�r iising
booklot ()h the oard fLnd treatment of tho 13kin and see them. return tile following cold even- 0 Making the whole of Europe into con.
gdatp, Bout post-frad, Addreas Potter Drug & Chem. this time a"oiiipanied by a large Iri ,all several rei-nedies without bonefit T be- sideration, there are 107 Inhabitants W
C. oro., DePta 20131 Boston# U, 15. A, - Setter, who likowlso wagged admission 911n ll.sinp, Dr, Wiltlains' Pink Pills tile square milQ, "
. : , . ,- I I I to the warm qiiarters of which lie seem- and w9ed ten or twel,,�e boxce in all. A westo.ril railroad ]ends .,tuinp-pullcra
oil, to have a knowledge. Tit . cy gave me tbe best irealti, I 1pityt,
0 oil . ' to farmers at a nominul rental as one
Id chicks or hatching eggi3 to Start If there were anv doubt as to wheth-. joyed for -%ears, and r ba,-�o not since -way of encouraging busifiese.
Ith. 11 tho beginner has all incubator cr these hosplta,bl�' night lodgings were laid the least refurn .of the trouble." The North Amerimn. continent has
0 3 ,
nd brooder and AVIslics top-notch stock, di'scus6ed alliGil(r tile bllelterlet�s do -s of You cin g(,t, flielze Pills from 'Illy 8 037,714 Sqquare miles and 110,000,000
t .it fair price, hatching eggs offer a. a 0 dealer in medicine or by mail af 50 il
oo4 opportunity to secure soine fine fit- the nPi.ghborhood ,the doubts Were re- epub; a box or six bo -\es ifor $2.50. nbabitants, nearly 15 per squa,ra. mile.
' ,,loved oll tho third night, -whell the from Tho Dr. 11rilli, Just outside of 011ica-To there I-.-, ,t loco.
tire broeaers, for lie can purchase. eggs three tra)nps returned, their number f ur- ams' 'Afedleino Co`q -motive roundboilse whic'uh is really round,
hat itre from tho bree(lors' best bl'" BrockNUIJe, Out. �
r df4-_tlior augmented. by another pug and an . RU(I Which Will RiC-0111111.odate 59 englues,
o be 811te, there is an element of chance id pointer, The "late but eloquent lan- - I -� # Germany ha.s a Society'for the E,luci-
S to tile ouicolile of tile batch, but cou- 0
'Iderilig the low price that the eggs al,e guage of their wagging tails, the humble Schoolboy Mathemati., d-ation of tb.e Divining Itod, with a,
�btained for from bigh-grade stock, if appeal Ill their eyes, were at once amus- number of prominent !icientifie men as
tit 5G per cent. hatched it would be ing pathetic. cian Puts One Over 111,c)"be'rs.
11"ith his own two pets and these five Ali international test fo.r motox 0'el(rha
alue received. If tile breellers who tramps the Georgian had now seven doaa onEudid, New- recently took pla-ce at 11ussia, under the
old h.ticlilng eggs knew that every e 9 0
1 stretched out comfortably before ' h4k din- auspices of tile Imperial Automobile
61 .! , Club.
fertile and Would produce 6 ,� ilim room grate; but their I rreproach able ton & Co.
InaJ'orilty as - Ti, N 7alow ill Califorui-.i ia
'e, 1�0(1 or "early a gootl Rf' be avior and inany ingratiating ways A concrete bull,
c -om C, __ - I ---'r 7 - of pipe and is kept cool by ta ctir-
, .
ha arerit ,5to , hatching *egcrs fi ha(I insured for thoin a welcome at hig buil t;
' -11 .1 (*
lie ?est, breederA could nolt' be 'Obtained house R03 ]on- E.'s the cold wa,re lasted, , 11 � ' reut of water pas,sing Chrougia it (-,oil-
0 . . �'
ot the I, tIlpy are DOW offered. FiVk' ..�.. I I.; ---:*'&, Z' duits.
"ce . which wac, a wovk. After the cold subald- .'�.:_:
. YIN " '.......; 0
Igh - .. S. . ,..:..:;*...
I -graSe chicks. from thirteen eggs . il A concrete bungalow Ila-, been fie-
h uned no, roore, .. .. i, �� -.1i: x:?
houla cause no one. (,fo complain. Of � . ...0'i. "t ' .
46-+.O - " ,.��:�.,.A.I'X; I I signed for shipincrit Ili parts, wb1ch may
, �ffik'.-' r,
.....%.-I"..... :.-x;;-.-;:.:.-,-.:..;..�:.!;;.�::,�::�::
ourde, Ili the mt1jority of cases, bett .:.�"..:�.�i��...�.,�..*".".;,�;-'.',',.*.::,.,!*."..:"..*,'�i,�--..�.,. I
. - ". -
, -
, .;. i;.i.�.::�.:i:::::.:'�..::7�.....:...,...�z:- be a(-scinbled - tarkon apart and shipped
er . , '' ___ , . .- oi
� ��j',::�,:--....:.
*,*:.i��k*,'.i�,'.�...,....::i!�ii�'-','-,*,.�'.,',,.."'.,'.;--.',�'..--'...-,'...,i:: - .
x%.". -, --.,�'.-�*..'��;,��;�-.,.:.�..,.-
::,:%�:�'.. �.. �
atches than this are. the rule. THE HOUSE TYRANT. �:,:;i,-�--.i-��i*� �� ...
* '. . �..... '. .....
:, �..:�%:i:'�;�;..;��*.,�::-�.:%";;.:.�::.,;:::..::;..::;.-�"1:,..!.*A:�,:���r as often as desired.
-:-.*:� . .
0 0 & VU The House Tyrant Is about the most ,,...?;::� *.!,i�'.-.�.,'.'.:,..7".*,�?:�*,,?-i,.,..
., -
M. " .�-
, ..:",.;.:.,...:�'.::::..,..�,....:5!:"�-?'.��%::-,�:;;�::*"".:,.f.:�:i..::.�.*.'..!*�,:. The propartion of femalo,q to the tliou.
. .. ... X
* .::,.,:.,-.;;�:'-*,'*,'?'.;'.-.*.�.,'�,."i:".-!".",.*.�-.;�...:,;:.-.:.;..-:�...:..-...-,-..4..�.�.;.:,..,- as: G 't,
disgusting obi ct known. .!, cialid in -ales in Mi. wt re,�11, 11r, ,thi,
KILL THE PLIES. e ;i;"�.',-.':*,'.'-,*.,,�,.�:;::;i::�:..,..,.ii�:����.,*�!.,.,:i:-.":�:i�.�.-.,�.i�,�.-.-,---.-.,:-,.-...:-....-.;�...-...i:--:, "
. -
-want " _: .;----..:j:"- .
I I Of all the beings who make us ." . . . . . . ".i'.',*.;���i�:i.�,.,.:,.�:.-.,�,.:.�;.i�-,......,...,.�.,�..i�;i:'.t-.�.'i'%:�i'.�:�,.",-..:.�i:*!� 1,052; Franeo. 1,033; (Irexiiiany 1,032,aild
I . ..... . .. . �'.;';'.:;,*,-"��.:�
to fight, burn and generally rampage, .. .. ,�-:;:.7, "'. 1, A tli<,- Unite(l States, 959.
" .:.�,._ 1::,::;X
The Important point of thp campaign : .%*i��, ..1:j:::,..; *�.4-
.1 the man who has established a rule I. �;.�*,,;,.:,, ..-.ii.,.:,,..j .q. A tea test is to. reduce a few leaves to-
" ... . ,::, , -�' ..
.........'..: .�-'.-i:,.�*�:D.:
. 1�1 �':�� .. .... ;� -, ."" *!*'. . f;..�-.?...-..:;:i�*...",����.*.t,k"", `:�`�:. it 110 w - of wbite p -aper, and
, _:-:.::;:-:
.,. ,i�*_. �., , _ , - - - -er oil ,
I 60111 Qar1Y-- of fear Ili his home is the first and ,,,`.'�
gainst flies is to Catch I .." - " - - " ". - .. .. d a sbech
.; .....ii..;.*.".�*;-'�:�'-.:%-.'.'-.',*.'.",*',..::::-"!*:.,%��i'5..".i".,�,...,.........- .4
. - X....; , . . 1%, - -:-:;,; ? - : .
. -:-.-,..:;,;';';_.�:j;� .:.:.:.: 12%
. . .... :.. -
.1.1.11 ........ ..:., -.%:.: ..
- - - ":,..::,. .: . : , . i- al eolorhi,gr It xvill be
..,-*-".,-,.�',.'...,"�i�*,�.�i'.*'��,:,.*;.,. .. '.:::.:.% :,.�'.�%�'-%* ..: :, it there ,, artifiei,
0 �� ;-.,., -,i .
arly Ili the spring bcforc they get a foremost. -.%N.,7 i�, :t.W, , .'��*".� .!:*�:j�'.* ..
. ....I.. ... �. � 1. .�::::: .,.:%; .;.'.'.�.,!�'
.... _: -1. .... _, ,.�,i��. ..:;�' .
.: 1 :.1x -.,.1't..'...'.1..
. .. �:
" , .*,*�,i;*.,'-.:�i!,..�;-,....".,.,..,�;i,li�..,;".-,.,..,.�,.;'-':-...,'. - ilotiecaMe, Oil tile paper.
. "' "' , ""'I'*
. .. .. ... . .
�,:_ '�' ...... .-:�*.-�:i'. ,;
� ;��:::�:!�:�:"`*" "..* Australia bas a gno,at number of afte.
tart. . It is the good and fine Woman who K...." 1. ::*.Iif.:7,.*�:*�.".,.:;",���:�,.".;:,�I
suffors most from these b0asts. The , !",r,.,i��*-,*:'-.:'�;-.�-.i.�-. ...., ,4 .. Mi. .".. �i��:.*:'ii:*��..*��'.�..'.*.'.,..i*..'.i',.i�!
!.".....,7.�-.::.:.:.-.:�:-;,:,;.:.,.:.�:-.-.� . . . .
V&sj Fis you well know now, because 10 '.j�::,:.. _..,.,;,. . '
wife of such one. Is fortunate if she -V..,--.-.--...-.-..-.-.:�.-'.�:i*.��:'ii�::�.;;,. i;'.:,.!,.:�,;,;% ..'�� ..
ii, �
- ..
,-",:,.�,.,�.:;-.Vl:i:,�,::;:::,*', .. - `4 sian welle,. In the State of Queene,land
% .,.:�:,:.`.�:':i:��7", -,
, . "' ,
V.-",�:'.,*i;;.*�:,.:.".:",..:�%,.-,.'';,.::*,..,�. "
0 as be phlegmatic and dull -nerved. r .�-.';'_.';,-,.,..k�. . alone there are 'TS5 wells, baviug an
f the cailipai ii of education. that 11, io-4.,'........, " -;',-.:'.�-.j-.:;-'��,,:,.,:.,*..*..�.,�
jo--), fi, %"-.�:�:��:.:..,::.,:".i,.....*,...,i.,.....,�..:.., -..'.�-,,* ..*-.,',!".�--..;..;:i�;*.�'.i'�'-.'..
- .. " �,..,,, .'.%,."
. ��i
.100�0.... ..
- -,
� ,.... _. , inggregate dtpth of 334 mils.
veit waged, carry germs. lit their More than one(ror twice I have seen y -or ,q*.*�'-;',".'�..-,...;.�..*..i'!-,.*�*.".,.::,..�.:;��:.,.,�����:!i";�'*.*".,:�":*.,.:ii*.i""-,
� .� .
Ittle travelling bags they carry 3iial. a coarse-graiiipd male set himself, by 1. 11 I'�,�'i...��:...;,�::-,...*.i"�::!.:. *<":::,.i��:*.1.:,.,.._ Tit e CA erni a n anny ha�s automobiles
. .....,.,._._,A..... .:-.
- 61% ,� . wbidli are equipped with pocke6s, in
I ' alicious ingenuity, to pe"I'l-'
ria gernis, typhoid, inhuitile Inii-alysis all the arts of m .1 � 1. ...- -.
. ...
* '--on and v,retched- . ..; I 11 wbich two inotorcyclos mr-3 carried for
lid other deadly microbes. Tlw 1lies bring pain, liumil..-.�L I I
. ness to the wife doomed to live With -.\.. C I u,so Ili emergency should the, car be dis.
hat' arrive With the early spring may . . . - I abled. 0 �
-ring infection into -y our house a'; AN -eh hiln, __ "JZ% J
A the wwarni that c'01110c; later, and it There all the laws of the gospel Tbe latest figures show a total of 38,-
oos little good to lo( -k tho stables af- seem to break down. The gentler, SYDNEY A. GROSS. 307 xeindeor Ill.,, Alaska� of whi.,,li 024
er the horso it, gone. If one's tiny girl kinder, mure loving and Christly she . natives own 24,2220, or 02 per cent., rep.
Is the mearter the old hound gets. A sixteen -year-old boy has solved res,enting at all averxgge value of $2.5 a
itkmietl bpeaus'a tile parly arrivals g
rouglit the gernis of disease with them Sometimes he makes existence a a mathematical problem that has baf- capital of $600,075. .
ou could not console vour,,olf with bell for the clilldren'also; often as fled the,world since the beginnifig of A red paint ba(i been racontly dvvif-'ea
e r befriends theril, scheming. to which changres its color to blaak when
vagbig war oil the p st. tile rest of, not he . vilization. subjected toNlicat. It is Pepecially desir.
he summer. embitter them a,gainst their mother. cl.
Laet ,�,ear in niv little bouse on the Generally speaking I believe in hu- He has found a way to divide an able fo,r hearings to give the alarni when
arm I iried swatiing flir,s-aiid T foil,,(, mail nature, but when I contemplate auglo into thxee equal parts without they are becoi�iing overbe-Ited.
nd ,
hat little chiekeiia like to eat theill- the petty House Tyrant I am tired the use of higher mathematics. A A new teleplio-ne bas tile trajiginifter
ut the flies flew in faster than I coul(l of belonging to the same race. ' that's something that Ineither ild In colitaot -with the tillroat inotead to
There is only one 'cure for the Euclid nor Des Cartes nor Newton nor Veing held at tbe lips, and is design�d
wat them, It took time. to It lilt down ..
aell. islingle—and niarried-fly lid time, House Tyrant, and that is not permit- any other mathematical shark that for special use, Such ais by a )ninex�vbo
. y ted by our fool laws; it is to lead ever lived could do. if; wearing rescue appxratus preventing
ave learne by t"16 him out behind the barn and drive This prodigy is Sydney A. Gross, tb.c free u4 of the lipfi.
ime, is valiial)le, I him With a inaul three feet into the a Philadelphia high school boy. t - r
roi6oning flies kill,, them off rapidly, ground.—Dr. Frank Crane in Woman's Sydney wanted to trisect an angle-
ut an inquisitive baby is apt to in- World for June." and, wasn't satisfied with the ela- In the Good Old
ulge in a meal of fly poicion. and one I � I borate "high curves" metbod invent-
annot recommend it as a baby food. A (Jorr is co,1111ted llla�l Nvl)(-,n- lie won't ed by Euclid 2,100 years ago and used Summer Time
' take a drink; many men are looked On ever since. So lie got busy and made -
�lirthermore, the flies have a 1�abit of . I -1
. .
looshim the Worst places for their %ir, . tile saille, Way. a little c.-.rdboard devIce that does the - It. '' ,
. I ., business as simply as a draftsman's I
FOR" Tr"Iff E TE N NIS G1 Kr` L
Thia tonfals girl ham found It Im-
possibib to wear the narrow 81tirt
that In now fashiona,ble, so slia has
made Wo -of theM and finds that she
]lag a gatment that Iff quite the bett
�ever for the strenuous exercise of
t6nnis, I
Tho temils girl thi4' sunimer will
Woar a divided f3ktrt. Here It one
niade of the popular black nnd white
o,hedk, an4 It It, w6rh with ft soft can-
ton silk shirtwaist of rc,d aud whito
striDe, with black turii-over collar
and turn.bu% ,mif&
0hooks ar6 being worn thi8 oumma
- pantograph, -
Just plac6 it over the angle, you
want to trisect and work tile hinges
and in a moment you have your three
angles. . �
The "sector," as It is called, has
been examined by Prof. M. J. Babb,
ot the University of Pennsylvania,
Prof. David Eugene Smith of Colum-
bia university, and other experts and
has been prounced a scientific dis-
� covery of. great value, It will Ve
especially useful in the mechanical
� arts.
1, A I
.::�',� '�'.,i' _
.... � ` I
't - )
"I I
7 1�_
_,�. - � -.;.7...;�N.
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, .. ".. ., I
....S ?�N"
.; .::...;
.. K .�:. ',
. ,;,..,. - . ". 11
M.. , '.
�,.,%:- , � ,,, .
The new capital of A ustralla, Common-
, .. _. -
, . , ,:..:.. 1311
.. . .. :: 1`1;�1:j;..:..% � 1-. ...... I X
wealth Is planned to be built almost on
I "k I
� . ,
i 'I ..k.- .. . _n � ii 43.1�0"%Xt- N�.11
, ... �.��-:�.,..
- '-i,-%,-`�R;:::
Utopian principles: It will beconle a
..:.:.;k%.:* .
�:: , . 1-il.1ir-i .. 1, ,
0!11' . I I , .K��Z:, . r!�1.3
�,, ... * .. ". " " 1. , ,
� , ":,"i., ", -1:
X,x;:��$-",.�,,,-�,R, .,-. .
land mark in tue history of oJvIlization;
:,*. , " ! �: �
I.. ;
R - .. "... . ".:�
for it represents early twentieth century ,
.;.;.;.;.;..:�, -r4.:�: _:1
;-?M .
X. ,X"o -
Weals. it will be tile kind of city that
- %, .... , .?
- :_:-,:Z_.
� , ,� ..: -i. , '111,� ... I R:rOiS.ii.�
._-,-�*.-%%:- � .V1.1-- . &11*
Canada and every otlier enlightened
, �k� .:
;�-;:;.i%.-v .::". ,��"
. . . . . . _ .
.:�:�!-.. .; -.:�:.;..:�::i:�;�,**3�%i.4:;,�.
�. :.... '.
.K . .'"!-
country would bave-if It were possible.
,?:� ,*:
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-!X %::!;!
%�,,.�--.�*.'.%,,�..._:*.; -,,,:-'�-,::"i*il-.'%.�:�.j-.',:-'.���".I
Babylon, Athens, Rome, are historle
, - -:.Y."..., L% -x-...
-X�!:N,:* �: ..
,!�i:!...:Pll.*,.:..i::::�::�:.::!�.,�.,,,�S:.-,:,,.-.i:��,.%., .i;.
e .
records of the state of OvIlization
::�x .,.,. . :
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"L'I _j.,.�r' �
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, ....1.1%--1, ..,- , . . .
through which the various ruling ein-
imi�i� ::
N "
... 1.
- I�X.x.: .. "A. 11 ..
pires bave passed. - The Ideals and alms
� .... .-,-
.11,-1._._..'.. ".M."
of the Deople are expressed in the build -
Ings of the thlio. The growth of London
and Glasgow and of Mancliester and of
all the Industrial dties of Europe may
be taken to ropresent the nineteenth cen-
.. N. -
tury Ne of commercial development.
The Inaustrial. cRies alle not beautiful,
- .
- they are the outCorne of matei -fat aln-is,
. !J.:!:,
. !:,
l..... ,:,-;:":%-. I
the idea tbat bappiness and natlonal wel-
i::t:,R -
fare oould be found In the e rectlon of
. ,.: .. .
.- �-
and factories. Xew York
taal chinineys , '
and Chicago are t1je crowning -examples
. I..
L ."::.,
of illaterfallsin gone niad. But though
� , I.. I
It may sound paradoxical, while the twen.
, ,
::. I ...
I I I 7;.
tieth Century people continue to build
.: .
, s1tyscrapers and disinal brick factories
apartment hOUSes NVIthollt any RtterAPt
. .
at architectural grace, unlovely crowded
residental districts, busin"s blocks and
barracks. It Is not because suc-li sorry
and sodid cities are what tile people
want, It is because the people have no
. . ZY
choice In the matter.
. .:
.... .,
,4 P
Canberra i. . country district, a Jilil
... .
sido. There Is 110 town built at Canberra
at I)rcpent. The vatue (it tile land Jv
not Inflated, In fact the land has little
value; and by foresight It lists bocoin6
V. "
, 11; .� . I
::_1 :;
the 1)roperty of tile Votrinlonwealth,
... ..
Canberra will not be built with one
, � � .
11 ,Z I I �!. '.
croWded centre; shops, fact6l ,a, botels,
. - � .
rallway stations, government buildings,
. . .
........ . ... ,�. -'- - OF
* . . C3=Q
inunlelpal buildings, shabby Atreets, all
. .;....-� ..
�.; * ::��, * "
huddled together. The lvize-whining
architeet-EL Chicago wan, It may be inen.
tioned-hax looked around, an(l acen the
Mo: than they have been for many
nostibilitles of th6 dfittrlet. A )till Side,
seftsoliB. If YOU think the black
a good stretch of water, a pleasant slop -
and WhIto checks too Common try
Ing wooded And verdant country; hun.
ire�A of square nfllp.,t to expand In evory
a gray and white Checked volle Mde
direction when tho time comes. The city
with a plaiii Skirt and a cuta.way coat
will be built with five or six centrem.
of gray diagonal cloth with Ion 6
The hub of a)! will be the soat of par -
sliawl, Collar and liarrOW CUff8 Of
lial-ftent, the houses of legislaturt%, collft
housims and gov(-rompht bullding.g. .\*#)
the theeks.
buslnes.e4 prpinl4f,s, dwolling houllen or
Don't inako the mlsta`-e of WORring
difle0a CAII ho built In the
st gray hat with this kind of A Cos-
narl1arnentary centr6. , TIle houSe:l of ptstr.
tuine, as a black hat Just Aivog the
liamont are to atantl oil tho- aumnilt:
_11U6 will
down tl,L% frol)t sl(),no R ,Wide 9vo
Individual tolicb. Besides YOU 111118t
lead to tile lalre front, st broad cleared
have at loast oil(, blaeli- hat Ili your
simee. Tit(%, otlicir eilutro.% rAdiating froill
band bo f,s thlo sc,aswi, as never be.
U0, l)A1111Al1lel1t3l'Y VC-litl'i" tire to 1)1% coil.
fore were tiloy Nvorit witli CostUnILM
- finod 0 Moir w-ta,01vo tiffairs. built
' woon, mtrIetIV APD1,6vo-1 "'Alit: Ila crAMPM
of every eolor,
thoroughfam or narrmv ptroottq *0 Va-
'", 12 0 0 P
, ,:;� 0 . ��_.
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.1 ....
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4% r �...k
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elol-Ko _0� 0141.: 11111! I
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I *_41.��
(By c'laroline Coo.) "
11alf .,% ellp or 1)(,al-I taploca, soaked
over ivglitlii olle pint of wttter� Three
eggi beaten very light with OII0..VLkllt
cur, of kligar, pinch -of Salt. Add one
,,u(I one-half culis of !Y,ratcd eocami(It.
41tix well and bake ill buttore(l. pit4ding
, ,
dish thirty ilinhite.". 8erve hot With
top milk or croftilt. An InexpOlsive de$ -
.,ort and one that Will plca9e All thd
fallilly. 044
(aucipli, Ntercury.)
Some peOplo 100 lift.ve 1104011 daticing
ilie turitey ti,ot all whilpr are 110AV
troubletl With vOlat t1tv Alovlol."4 call "tirr-
key 161i)f A elo"RA allal�.Ms would pro.
balb)y sclos6 ik turkey bvain, &lao.
Tlio important thiling wits to discover if
N"-e.storll rateli W,n'n ex(Trisi 1,01 and it
%%,its im-ectisary to determino what wais it
rea.sonable rato. There was not1iing to
rruide the board on this point in (a nada,
0 ' .
though Ili the United ftateo consider'
able progress Ili laying down principles
for rates ha(I been made, Ile (lid not
propose to give evidence as to elamifi-
catiolis, con(iidering ratei i4hould be
judged by the value of the service ren-
dered. Such principles as that wbere
the value of goo,ibi iiicrea,se(l largely
when brought from one place to . an -
otlier the railw,�ys should Aecure s0nle
of the profits, and tbat the railroado
sliould bear all the traffio could bear,
could, lie Cons ide re. ly be, dismissed. T1w
principle by wbich rateti should be fixed
J J of inoving, tra-ffic. Ordin.
was tile co -13 t' lie cost of car,
Rril',N, rates riliould. be t
rving and the carrier should obtain a'
f ii ir Olrosit.
11-e put Ili a, sta,tenicitt of tho finan-
cial I-COUR6 fl'()Ill 0- P. P" OPeMtiOn ill
1011 by divisiong. For every $47-3.1 ex-
pCilditure On frcino;llt service Ili 1911
gross profits of $100 'were inade, or
111.23 per cent, On the other liand, on
the Atlantic division ill tile caist, ilisfe&A
o.v it profit, tliere waa 14.02 per cent. of
-b t.
a loss on freit'. The gross profil on
all divisions ior freight was 04.32"Per
0(!Ilt., ,nuell higlwr than that- of the
United States railromls ill tile West.
. -
mr, Bicknell put ill a, statenient show -
111g a divitii0il of expenges into road
111oveluelit and terminal and yard ex-
penses. t -4�
Frisco's Police Get Valua-
Sail Francisco, Co,, June 23.—Black-
mail, murders, opium smugglers and
smuggling of coolies across the bor-
der, were revealed In letters and doc-
uments taken yesterday upon the ar-
rest of Wong Do King, head of the
Ding Kung Tong, according to Infor.-
mation, given out to -day by Federal
Immigration officials.
Death, the Immigration meu say,
was the penalty by all who opposed
or attempted to betray the fichemes
of the HIghbinders. The deporta-
tioli. of Wong 'will be sought atonce,
and other Chinese, 'powerful Ili many
American cities, will be prosecuted.
Wong, for 20 years, has been head
of the Blug Kungs, tile mo,st war-
ifire and powerful of the Chinese
Wid espread levying of i blackmail,
said to be the principal activity of
thQ Bing Kungs, was made effective
by a score of .gunmen, on salaries
with bonuses for killing "big men."
The gunm6u. also protected gamb-
ling dons and owners of Chinese and
Aillerican slave girls, the letters
show. .
Many letters bear upon. h
Tong war, which extended tile length
of the Pacific coast, some of them
giving specific Instructions for tile
killing of various men.
One of tile letters was a catachisra
for smuggled Chinese, preparing them
for questions by Immigration In-
spectors if apprehended.
Seven Killed 11ought To
I Be Fare Beaters,
('Jilltoll, Iowa, June 23. --Seven nien
were killed and another probably was
fatally hijui-W ill the wreck of a frelgrlit
train oil the Chicago, �Atilwaukco & St.
Paul Railroad near here yesterday. The
freight traiii, 8pcedino, down a four -mile
hill betwevii Delmar and Down Station,
crivilied into a gravel train two miles
4M .
vast of Delmar. Both engiiie%s were
badly wreeked, and twenty-eight, cans
I wei:e piled oil the dentolishea gravel
The victinis have not been identified,
and are believed to have been beating
their way !it all enipty freight car. ",None
r -
of tile Crew of cither trairr was hurt.
Lond-oll) June 22-11,--Goneral Sir lall
Hamilton, iii,spector of the, ovemea-�
forces, aull tile Ito),. Sani-HughrG, Min-
,(6t(.r of Militia, arrived Ili London oil
-Saturday. on a gpociii train, .rmd made
- %
,in inspection of tho canip. It was state&
by the Minister of Militia that if Iton-
<loll (J(q4ires to retain the cauip pernian-
t,iffly, larger groandA for inanoeityring
n "
11111st, bo provided. Both officol-A ex.
pre."ed their satkfactioll n.ifll the Coll-
dition of the gro!"111ti and tli(,, appear-
1111<�v Of the m(In Sir Tart otating 0 -at
I .
, Ypo
014, cal'Alry horsm w( -re of a better 0
) I .I,
ti a I be had ovell elsewliere ill CARAd.
Ileterboro. Orit., auno '13. Joe IlYall,
a w,atter with the Barnum & Bailey
circus. was drowned on Sunday, when,
In attempting to Change Ills seat, the
canoe, In iviii0h. 110, alld a companion
wore rldin'- was upset, Ile caine front
New Haven.
Douglas-, Ariz., Joile "113.- -General
�It dro Ojeda, fliv Federal 4�ommftnder
xho fought a thrPe days' battle In and
iround Ortiz, Mexico, with the attack-
ll)g, ,14tato Jroopg mid(,r Obrogoih, wns
r(Imi-ted to liltve surre'lidored. The
e0listitlixional Jntitit h(Ire was Ittiable
1() (,olifirni tile report.
T W17 1. ,��
. -4