The Wingham Advance, 1913-06-26, Page 6.1 r._�`:�e � I \ \ , / F/ / 'r , -,- - I � - I ,, .M., " ,.' ". M__" I I I". n 't, , ., ,W - �47­,_�� � * � I I -79 7r, .4 , ,1, � , , M , . - .0. --- - ­­ -OW1011,01MV,"I", ­—Im-low �-,----�....-�1-11�.1-1--.-,,�-�� .......... -.."--,-�--l.,�.-,--,�--�,�.-,-..",-.�� . � . , - ., .!!=�� 1 , , I , . ­ . I ­... _ - — . L"; I.r i, �� V A. � ..,:, _ :. . �.. h"0 . - - , � "10100"M - �i ;V-- " �,- � 4., ­­'.. " ., - �­ I � I I � I I _ _ . .. � ", ", - � Il 0. , !� -_ - .— . I . 1400� �. - � J. L: . ..�, ftml�; 4401!0100M-10�r# . �, '' , '' � , , , , - --. " - - ­ 1 �, 7 � I_ ,,, . , .1, I _. =11! I :::,-. � _. . .. �- -.,=.= 1 . - � _. -1 � I I ­ I --.—.--,---. . ­_ I � � �� I 10 I � , 7 � �, .. - .- � . � � . . � I � .. .. .. I I . ­_ .. . .0 - . , � '':, � , _\�'. .,i;p m itio , , _: �' ­ , " " ` � , " �.. " I - . I � 01110110IN"Ift"IllitiI . I- I *XV -0 ,*—." . - . , . ­ - I 1. ". . 1. 1. � . . I . �, . .. .., , . .. - , _ � . . .1 1, I I . A, , : '. '.. . '. .. . .. .. I t . ­ - . 11 . . .1 I I I I . I � I � , . I ... ­ � ­ . I . 1- � 11 .. -1 .: , " ' - - - , . . .. � ... ­ . I I I 0 P .., , 11 N U. , . ­ ", "Lot tlu's bR our botrotloil, Bab," 410 - ' �s �,w I'll I ...... AN .- . I I'll * �­ -_ -_ — . V g ­ I 21222- - M � 11 �, _. � I Al". -Wim . w4isporad; lly,�ur sw 16, A T! M,F , .71ho _� I - �__ '....., , _ _ - . , .1 , - --- - 010 I ",)I mako pix �4o I -, SAVER - I . , . ­,� .- . .. 1, � . oom"" S" . ,. .... �_, �� __ .. j�. coment. Arla I _­.11~1� -, I . J k � , hAppiest girl In, tho whole wids.'world, DIABETES - , /I,.,,. i I 11 11 - t U. ' K8 you huyu ulado ]no tile 1.14PJA"t fit .k I I - �_­_=__ I .k 1:11 � .1.V1 .. � � � I I `6 "4_1 I I ' I men. fil 0144 glAa Illoulent, 1 sall a Cow Tessfing a Great Aid to , I ... A I "? 0 thollswul. timeo. repaid for r1*14liw. my it .- I I ART A$ AMUSE I rw 's ILED .0 you,. Iny love. 011! ?Wrbam Farm .... 1, 11 . �� � I.. .. ; , M E N,T. I 0"" L, TS THAT rA *1W . - ,.. 1, , life to Am . . ers. tt,t)ntion Opinion.) . I � I .. what h4vu I done that s4AL dazzV4N , I __ I . 11 � . - ,� ro-it imr-rf%:�!z.',.)n!s1t­Qf eckunut I P-tift - ­ .1 . ­ � I _ .. I I � . . �. � I I I I-— . � . . 111...,Om ­­ ___ ­.��'_ happiness should be Johie'll, ­ . The farorglvle weatlier of June 1i — ".`:-, 11 . - ., . _. � She wa* too bewildered to find woxds I)octors and ratiol 4ruirglats of clanaqcL I bringing rionie gi::otl. recurt1s. of nift pro. " ei..": .� -1 " .1 toit-..i.y tov mv Q%�U,,J)�.V&­t-�ntj you ' ' hiloW. - ARAN ..... X 10% ARA 5. I AVORAP , 1 ton'N' 1 n.V t1p3t, . . I— ­ 1. 1. 1. ... L' . ­­ . ­ I I -0 in NvIdelli to anwwer him. I f .. .. . I .. 11 3 ti . \Ii-Ilit'r I. -I *.-41ltlj,�P-N n."(6, , She heardUui 41,a 114 a ajo#'ItIoll tu 1czjwNv just ,who ure duved by cows trahea to tile biwia-is 11 1. I I � � � 'i I � .1 I .. M .a a I � - !..! r,.-11ov\. Tht,.V-,-*'1VlY thi -I tleal.h, gay that they were betrotlied; ohe OX surff�rinr front I-Aabeteic , I � � 11 I 14),q 3oll fai!-)$18htt a owlierti. Oraile VoW4 viuld- t '.;:..1,11, 41 tcw! .� ,,, 1%Itk wo ti l-art0i laugh, . , , Iwo I ; I 10 ,,N\',, had tlik, go,til. Jack to sve it L,.tr-,, eac�,y I not Meltrlv lintler6tand Juht Itow It 114d know for 4 fact Unit these Isalli, I ''. , ... L . I � ,.- ___� I I tilt A I - . h!Lvo been ,doctoring for years 0 11814110 111Y9 as milub ,ao 2).:;00 pollilds of Jllill: allit .1 1, ---+-04 riage voliling ill -4 oposite tlir�Won, 'Is's far 40 goo"11" lie recipo if]0, "bilt 'evillp, ah4t-StIll -bll(l WAS tQ0 411014, Of witliola " 11 1. , �4 .Qr oven relieved or, their 6.5 1 . , beine 011111 . J, pounds of f#t in thirty day,i vr.- .Ivell 211. - .. UNTRUE, , the life ot me ho %y a chil I to doitbt tile asisertion wh1c4 11.0 Xulforlair. . ,'Oil. I'.-'- .".. I . I 1114 tile oevilpant lip -6 1113ved it at our I Vailliot, twe for ' I , Why wouldn't '.% or aliV worth keeplvg, as mony f4etory patrowi . (r.ontion Oi)inlon-) dispo'.421. XVQ %\Ill loge 110 tilile ill get- wt, are to varry tills bold w-heint's through hitil Illude so 1A)SItIvely. 0110 AV116 rapids tills notice, 'call the at- 0411, totitify. 11 ...... ...... "I'll ­ I I it silece"tifill fill"41, I.V!iv, tlle� fil'At tantlon of your druggist, doc,tor, or an.v- 0) , ]is 1,18'.11 -1 )-.now now that illy 10170 H&I, to 01g, Dal) huna'. .1 silulthl. not like her it) . - "%Ve are betrotheAl, Bab, darling," know 6at Is surfort4h; or tills , Ort tlje other llaud, cowe poor record.4 I ' ' , . ril- 0 1 Vaster to U -se 111(4 ,.It-l'Ort. 1% 0 U ort. eligaged. Nevilte sees ber r her father lie repeated, straining ]ter to l sur de durb .11 -ay lit severa'. dis. The Modern opeo her vyct, ulinit tho scene of the tinit, . 0 - 404dl,v affliction. -,I tile interest of 4 were ini 1,q 01111M 1lVll--AVhi1t ('10 ,yOU. uUMn? will, viahn that lionor, of courcie." 10$ heart. "You hav't made w4 thik lial). fadu huniarilty tilat is I-qqnested-an act I . . .11 Better for the ShQes 1*.,Ii-_\\,iiPr, 1 asKea her to marry 1710 tracredy. I lor n, rvtm are too 1),,Oly tilt- trittta, rot only Ili yields of milk, but ' 41 * "Leave all that it) Ille," said 111di-4, p1t*t man on earth, Btib." or kbidneso, to inwilond will thvia be per- It . .1 - . . �. �1. ­. " . I I . I . � - r,10 !j�ljjl .�zjlj�, Av-.1s agiveahle. L-trullar liu*,:;. formed, for any 11010 In P'lleviation � of Ili niany instanceis lit peculiarly Jew 1)(-r- , I I . I .. I I "I . I 11 I - � I I I I I � . " � -1 �. ,I -1 k I . I .) L-00INY. "I lla�.e tholight a way to get At that Inament India entorad the - ­­­ '-]I , _�­'­�, ­�­'�­ ' ' , � , � I .1. - - -1.1. � t- .. -_ -A. qulti� ...,�rek- w1th you, returned , sufferins dIm0JA60 I)J n0b,10 IMP. contage of fat; ev(m less than. tW0 JAY I - - I I - .. FAIR WARNING4 Clarence. - ­.-�4-tv eminot be Ilutl.ell 110111ta (11A'�� Zlf that difficillt-', (Intwing rooni, but pretelided to beat & SANOV.9 ANTIDIABET141,14, niailufav- oenC That Is one gooil remon why it too (1111"I'li.." t� ::.Nj,,,,v I Ask howil4ke (I'tterieJ, grimly. hasty retreat. at tho tableati, whielt . LUPO by �tlle SAX<)L :�X,A,N1T1i1.A.M11TT1tI.1q(4 pays fariners to take up cow teethig' for FARM WOODLOTs 1881U,E� NO. 26, 11913 (Patres Folles, Paris.) . g VQX,FA-XY, Limited, I 1. 1. . . I 0 1, Yed. 1. will czee Mr. Keville t4nd say reeted her eyes. IvInnipeg, Slaii., Is 101 ." I I., 11 ''I ­ � . .. . I - A!� therew,ts romn for but twobi tho - tho reinedy Ill ( with the tests iangingg. as they ft t'llent. . �� ­ I 1. - ­ '' '' ­., I . 46 I thAt Bab sent ine to th,m]; him lof her, "Do not go,'11iss; India," he P, question, and doctorm and . . 11 I I . FQFt SALE. . w say you wIll bf- ,)line! If YOU 41()Wt an(t tile still uneollselolls . riedi stf)pq Physicians Ill all p4rtg of tile vountry -- Iterd, froni 2.1 to 43, ill thrii,w myself Into the $elne-v* veldele, Jiidliv . begging that lie will nevor refer to the ping forward, leadiug BAb 1)y the"khand. aro recommendinw And prescribIng It witit ly do Ili the saint. ",^-----0V%^~ � . . , ~*---%-0-ft^^ ino. I must it� X�eyillc and Rill) - I ..W with oommon, grade eow.,,; gtving almost OR SALE - "MOTOR, JtJTSSVT.0rA , "ThnnX N`QU for warrilij, la�vidwlt fit lier prf,-seme or her fatber'ts, e Itave something -to tell yo.il. We X,re wonderful aucce,W It N wise for every- 1 .4 Increase in Value Through F Knight, lit � gf,t a fllter�` ert ma dl�,g their way baek oil toot. . one to IC110 ,eniedy, R1110 Weiglit of milk mid liandhM. . . . w About this afflelent i 00 hil ..00d condition; now tires. *-*.4 for her nerves could not stand living betrotlie,j, ...your sweet little couoill , PrIve V.OW. 1rank Cocitsliutt, Brant- . IMPROVEMENT NOTED. As lie coirtilliericod %valkine, CI.ircnee that terrible ovene over mraln, and its 13m) gild J.JJ antl to call it to4wp 4ttelitton or tileir itn(ler .shililar couditions, there N evi- Timb�r Scarcity ford, Ont. Neville eNpi-rielive"I a shm-p paill ill flig friends. We Wou-IT stroncly urge the Ciently plenty ot romix Ivr con-3i(lerable ,.,. I . I I . . fliat io her NN -611 appitrelltINT. AvIlat elo�, Cried 111. rev - 11(3 - ---.-- — � .(WftshIn.-ton Stal. t "Dear me! how deliglitful!" ,(xers of this Imper to write to t . . ., .:sCOV01, , I � -_ 4 .) lkle, W11101 va-.14etl illill to (I . , above nientianed Milt, for literature all(I difference in rettirn.% REAL ESTATE. fit vall lie do but give )no the coment which dia selzing the still bewildered 13ab in oq)Ie!& of testIniontal.4, so iiiat they i,o As a niatter of fnet, cow testhig, Nv "Do -,'oil tianic the great fortuntst'yotil thttt lie w.1.o atif6rIng front IL isli'dit Will, wo,3t. efiet:ttiilly ,veal hiri lipa for her' arnis. "What li delightful tijiale Inforined of this wonderrul di,spovery. :1 a With the increasing ina-ecassIbility of I - "D . uia,Ues tho world WTter'.` . , 4, 011, to 11 HOMP,,STRADS A., I have ama.-sod � gpr�jlll. I)I,T li.a ;�:tl llul. Mention it to is never inare needv(l than kit- the proimit the foreuts and the consequent Itigh 3j000 r'RL'P'- s,,i,� wo spea% oltiv from pemonal ' lisile to euniel" tile rowalitle­-ity I might p.liuost say FOr sale at all leadbic druzglsts. Improved rq arms, $15A to WA) ail van ,, U. ,he lov"Nyledge' all lmowled,-o," repited Mr. Dustin Stay. I Vollipallioll, ft -;-,.;1-_, "Im, time, -whon Jorniers are complaining iliat prive of wood, the smal acre, Best Grain and Ml.xed Farm - I I "India, what are you. a clever fiend sav tile il-agic, _" —A .11 T11"st gqy itiat q1tice I imnal"ed R fwttl A inight wuri�- han. ' -eptsod6 of YoAtarday,l -0-6-4 it N liftril, to Aet good hirvil 1101). I'lle OvIninolt oil tile farms of eastern Canada law country. 'Write CommIsAsIoner, Board C "I ni- a �ninrdng woiii,AxOr" lie i.-ried. admir. al;tj 0110 allnost I t,,(, wovia spems I)f,ry niucli better ib . 'hey hn;l ruaciiea 4n sinothered poor, 13ab's REPORT F EORES S. thile, Spent in, taking a few wo!" ... . ­ i3ut by tao iim-6 I .. . I 0 ,.T lltt� antl are also in4"reAging ill eC01t011`ll0 T-AILLe. of Trade, Iflimboldt, Saflic, . ingly, "I should say you wave lwlf the . .- !! ==!=n!-!�..___ . I � .­ tillill It d4l. liororo." .;(:!! 11,Z; dukle Was X;O badly I pale, f righteued face * ltlx. kiiitses. samples Is eftved over and aver at- ill, It They frequently occupy so!is 1111fitte(I for - . The fourteent.h. anutial roport, of the �ft, , R - . . 1:116ir deistilla, one and lialf of the Ober, I iwlleva He did not make avlong otay after . agrietilture, alifl. with ca I SON AND CHOIR IN A' r,-,yollell ilitit !,,,. cijuld nut repretis tile Canadian Vorestry As6o lauldrPil. thnos ovcr, 101cli it' prov(s to "t a, little re. call JPA . -1 'I$ jUAt HIS CHANCE. -11 til, � you 4�-ould carry any -sulwirie. through, no t1lis, -but when ]it-. want Ito klas - Olatif)ll h, bo Juade to furnish tile farnier i�,,'th a (Woriltin's .Tottrnal.), t, 'It ro,w to his lips ad Bab been issuetl from !he office of tile seere. man that lie sLv es i inip by inilicing pro- DUEL, exclAmation (if L, " inatter how iirlpoo3ible it seeined. 'Y011 calling lier Ilia darling littlo swoetllea'rt�. continuous revenue in fuel, fence poots, T -Te -The ),An dle as lie attevull)t"�:,-", i.) .11101111t tile steps. r iftke ail unusual. laterest in this niatter, ' 1. I t a ry, .Afr, Jglnea Lmwler, Calladiml, bufl(l� flt-tble cows 0))]Y- AV)I.v ir-a ralls, pOlei anti StrUCtIlral Wilber. "lt loolced like, a duel ibetween the Par- a that rocit ile i"; y,)u a,.(. �, 1ijt1,(! bit the worse 1( India earried her quickly to her rooln, Ilig�, Ottawa. The document embo)-lies er ilitnith, year after 11tilps tly- world. Don't forgAt that. .0 . ) l lia" I)QPII Oinking- Now tell Me. tile deelding that she waa in no frame of . thno, 111011th aft s0ll and tho chuir," sixillinirly remarked it come hi, and rillo tO . ,t 1vap. ;l.'*ter all", said Down- i , Unfortunately these W00d lots are Postnianter4leneral Burleson, Ili relatin,, SJl1%­rhvt1 .ktl . your grea 4. truth­ju*t why -%,oil do it. There is - the pproceedings of tlic,, colivelitioll Iteld ill year. (in, cows that test only two per world aT0114-- )'ill tired. 1. 1*1111 quiolfly. mind to tiee, aii.v one just then, for slip, I frequently allowed to deterloral-e through it little Incident that ocourre-4 III T �. ing, taraing to I sometl4hig inore �eldrid it than the de. �1,a,q Ill a state of nervousitess borderbig i'letOrlai B'. 0,, last Repfember, and Of cent. of f40-41. 1". W., I)Orlibliun Pv- I. nd at the end of the ninth Inning .. : g C *a *--* -It is ncithing it) f5peak 'of,ll returved I ts. o buy in e regarding tile ,b. partment of Agrictilture. I: o it-. arelesimess or lack of luiowledge on, the �- ro t y silene he annual ineeting in Ottawa 1 a Pc ivallell f I f. .4core Aeorned to be In favor of the islu.".. SHOCKING A CONNOISSEUR. ill c"I'veless, 4 . almost on Ilyoteria. , part of the farmer. He takes greitt eare ers. Clareuce, a.WnillAlIq to 19lieft 1111tst." I ruary. The -addresaea of ttll the prow. � Dairy �xiid Cold Storage CoinniloAoner. � � Dal) sank down Ili the iieure2b chair Jaelit, congervii,tioilistis progent . to farni biti ,tgrieultnral land,i to the "It was at the inornfur service, and t1la I, 6.y ol . . (i udge.) ly. "S',till, I Muill be agla'd to get it) "'IN' .L ftre right, :11hipert Downing," ohe on [lie 0.0-4 . I whAnter. sitting, Ili the Pulpit With it, dig-. .,tk , . ,;( , L Ili a little white heap. Almost as soon Ra fornier oeetiolon, )iotaMV th-c'),30 of Sir F ' beit advantage, but often fails ta realize ilifled expression, listeiied to the Xinglug roud of t as (paiAJ.., . t ple's.). -. aiid remove t.10 I.Y.' I by farniting his. wood lot -wlth the of tile usual anthem. ,riien lie arox Col. Lw�tor-Viii very P hat roolli, . . Answered, w "I have ail object, itud fShe could find liar voice, she Cried Oat Ricilard 3103ridc, Preini' I Or Women's Ailments tl,,,tt 0 sold slillff-I)nx. I picked It up Ill Plarls. 2*11N, lidil."g, bo, 1-,;.' I do not ildild. telling you tile truth pitifully: 1,011" Indill, is it all a t er of British announced in a loud, cloar voice: ingenur--litow very Inter09ting, ?,Tlif . . , i lie could get tile eame in. fi.'�;i ilia &Vvilef This ,wttz� f;--midt to 'ILI .-,,,i easy rvitter. 41)(Alt it. I ant dobig, till Ili illy power ' errible C10111111bift; ITon. IV, It Ro,4s, '.Nflnister of Dir. Martel's, Female Pills have been lesiaellalfeiecal'iPi' productiveneem, Cattla, 9-11d " 'M Y text will be, $ INTOW, *%Vhen the Vrv- 13111st bl� V.'.(' drilt tt fl'ot IV . -1 'X%V'1 - r .t . ).a dream, or -am -I really betrothed -to I -ands, and 11. R. 1Nfao1LvJiIIa,il$ - roar Had Ceastid.1 PP tlrol)ped it. . I The b00t )0 k1 It be CIA I I ,V 11'0111 t'" to pit t BL 1) anaClarence N'eville, �.or tl -to-,)fr. Dowiling?" chief fol" the Stikudard for 20 years and for weed -3 fire not permitted iii a wheat field, , _­­ 4*4 painfill ,-klitl lqnvit swollen ankle, w.'tich reason' that I lnve-hini--inyseli. ',N'ow r ' ezter, under whoill. a new Forest'Act and "For a, nion-lelit tile 111aniberis of V19 " Ye It vet. it, tile wooa lot the cattle rarige at choir looked a.4 If they had been ted oil. " was a pruitv 1'..'it, I'litill"Voll to Rupert d o N-011 .�," I n,3werea India, sharply, "and adva-liced poliev lmvp� I)een inaiigurate,a; 40 years' prescribed . and recom- - MA4WRLOUSI J)Owjlill,r th'At ll:�; fliOI14i VVIVII)l 110 l7k0%'1 . iuide*ri3htjid?" a very proutt girl Indeed you ought to be of .Air, It, If. (%linpboll, ImInialon"direotor mended by, Physicians Accept no ' ill, 6old fiisto.Ad of rernoving ilia wted- yet-44111nons Ili Atead of yeachers, and thart 4* . A low, incredulous witisile broke froin q trees the farmer Allows these to lacrep.se t1loy trot together stnd in the valteist kind (IDO�,,ton Transcript.) looked almil a-; l,'A rival, Nvow'd Ile 1)oN1-nIng,,3 ]il,6, but before he . cotild over tile fact. It is not every oTie who of forestry., and of the representatives other. At all drudiists, ill utuilber, removing only the trees be6t of,W11ispers began to talk it over. #,Oil, i. .bollp,! for at loast a week call ivin it hero ,inch ai lie is." of Ole provincial forest rwivice,a and ilia '.As a result of the sul)(lued ednfereuco -Ielc, (It-ar. I' went, to a rorLune 11011se I reply tli(,y heard Bab*& att,p in. the cop- . *--* I suited to his purpoee. . a silerlit change, was made tit the nitwival it-iier to-ila.v anti slie's sinlylY Wonderful- -Meallultile 11-th had been carried r4lo�r witilout. . 1-1 thank blin. witit till lily liettrt 1of organizations from tile JN,estern ,stitte.13, miti save the farimer from himself ihe vrogranime, and when. the sernion had -INN'bat diti title tell you?". (Illividy bm.k to 11.1vell flollse. saving my life," sobbed Bab; "but 61i, are ,given in. full, Botli I t tile convell. WHEN YOU MAKE SOUP iiied and the organ agalix pealed fortli, ,.N\,Ily, wilen slie, rounti out about out' . Vf f APTER XTX. Dominion- Government litts appoiritt"d m� 11 - sang at tilt, The poor old hoti-okeuper'nearly droi)- fing nially (IV!. , India, I aon't waut to marry for years tion. and the annual mee t I t� a cholt : ongan-eellint, yllf. .'ald rigItt off th i STOCK. teelinical forester -with beadquarterd Wi " 1Xo w, It Is I-Ilgh Time to Awt,ko AIX- ot for June." I 11�11U-0 101011 ill(! Left to herself, Rnpert Downing . nicm were given of the'r'ipld 4trides , wtit.111111"M NVIIS S - "I..W - ped dead Ka, healt ., was ttn(I Yeft"S and yeare yet, it was. only dc 0 (By Caroline Coc.) the ForAtry Branch, Ottawa, whose ter -sleep I "-Plilladelphla NAvoullaW T610- - darling of tilt, 1-31"IlY M,15 (Notrried in to) tile !aSt Wdll Ili the world that Dab MIA week that I put away my dolls which foreat conservation Is. viaking , . laineipal dut.y i�4 to answer all inquirioa, 91"11- . I ANOMALOUS. 110i to play throughout tile coulitry. r2oplea .�Ipftt and bone inuit both be uiied to I t I ). .- . ­ . ]tpl, thui, R1111 ,ahe learned hurriettly would have taken a'fancy to, but with , and promised Ilya, Ifack a of tile vor) and give frae advice Oil these nial;W-s. It . (Jodge.) . from Miss Juditt',i lipis what had likippen- India to whie3per bis. praises into. her ear with thent any more; and now. -I _am report Irlay be had free on. application wake soup stock. ,�fwtt gives fla ­' � i , ry soinalAdy. It seenW to tile sec�etary. bune furnishes (rcl4atine, neee:sfutry, arrangement evi, be 'made for Dre Morme�s Murriage Is odd-, youadd one to brie .. E.(l, l)ut tlip .sIll-my(I Frp,nelt ,girl t$)Ok' 1111,111t, alld day, t !is little wonder* that engraged to mar ­ . I 1. 4 1, i ,. , 11k9.1ffid.6N.r904WJ9,N. . 'r, " � I ,.,. I ''. �. ".. A. 0 .Kii be i iftdo of a a. persui�a,l hispection of woodland pro ' wid makq one!" cave to nallip Ntr.. Itilpfirt lVis.11ing alt her foolish 11itle feet wandered directly like -ail awtia dream." � L----. A good swill cit(,ek c pertieva by this expert. '-\s'o conditiond' Indi&A Root Pillis 1,11mv sin-1*11.1" 10 I ~ !! sbin bone, of beef co4thilip tmi eenta and a . . � =' ---f-4 6- . � Bab's rescUor ilist.�ixd of Vlarevoa ]S'ev, ilito tile trap'covered over witli flaweiw India's browt; gathered into a, frown. � ,. I � - 11 - . --: aro iuipo4d oil the owner of ilia wood. cure Ma common ailments wk14 . that they had set for her, "What a very . ungrateful girl .111l(;&Jv voAhl(r,fivi, centi. -4. lint], it being assuilled 'that 'he who io are i a t, but Which all wrise ME-rHODICA TRUCTIbN. illp- .�. *4 � 0 ' 0 i4illtltllel 1'.11t'-1�(.`1fll11, rery Tifferen * fairlq go Bab's 'father had been quite corre Y"" auxiuma fur adviee will accept it wb,en from the same cause -a system "Tile 4ar dather will � et would lead me to believe -you are, Bab" � ver adilt-d Is an improvertieut. (Wnshin-ton poq .�, , 4to '.\Ii,. Downing for in, 116 eati ) AXWEILes A 13111; tbL-qe into six. tivarts of Plear cobi n star.) down oil hii'i-l-.'nicti I 0 mate of .Raliert Downing, ill she said coldly, "It 6 ouly Julat that given, The expert louks over the stand, clogged with impurities. The Me .qlow Ahout 1,i in t ataipet story of what lie Iik4,JrjRe.,A)r Bab..' sobbed IN I ,�, j, tile gay We which lie had led abroad you should givo 'him as Ill; reward . the 141GH SPIEED water an.d allow to lieat slowly tit iir-4tp deterialuea what speeles (if treee are best came the bowels to move re ly, I so iu% to draw -Xil the illicei f!'0111 th" 6ulted to tile ?oil and to the lnootl inar. strengthertand stimulatethe idnlys, your.,0­ nglte(l tile inipatlent ealtor. - lie had squandered intieh of tho vast beart that lie alinang inLo the very Jaws HAMPI I It - ,voilling rhrt)t along. sir," replied - M�. Ilack� ,*allil %ri:ll l,e wight, for if. his lit- . C , 014 nw-A (rapi 110nwfggl�. �"'I 1111ve all tile punotilation , tic Bab 11a4.J_b,>en ..killed there woulil I)e I'm tane which Imd been Ileft him; anti of a horrible death to riave"'I ,(I 11011i'llf 80ar--, VILA ii-lsllel-) 1�et. tshows how it) improve the 01111rhoter and open up the pores of the Aaa� - ana It woh't talce rne more I d,S len polut is reached draw ()f ill(% al�l its rate ,)f .-trowth by Theft organs immediately throw off inarks writton nothing le ft'-ti�,7'thkJ­Nvorh1 4for him to live eVeG ball Just apened to tile grim "I know it, India" sob�ed the di's, Is Me Washer for a Womag - )vl the )Oil!n"' I tilail tialf art hour to fill In the let �,_ 'i ) I 1. 7 " 11 I W.*rsi" - . .. back oil tbw u.tov"e, or jf'garsoll;ie or ,rsaia pl-opey +,I7un,n, , alld. if (10811'ftl, givis the accumulated impurities, and Bili - I for. His 1;6vt �Ahxl aoul -are bound til) ftwt iliat lie illust marry an beirosa., arid tracted girl. adding- "But you don't *-0-41W t1lat, too, withotit delay -or face, ruiti. * In the first place, Maxwell's I-,, used turn tilt-- piq aq low ii,3 will keep adviep re,fpirding tree. -planting, bardwood oness, Indl,tiestion, Liver ComplaW, " Irliat I illeall. I I - I ill his ellill.T."­ , quite understand r, . - t1w soup itt tile 41ininering- po lit. votmivinix, felling inethods ftnd the ninak. . - TWIN NUISANCES. After workbig ail hour oyer Bab the Ife could not keel) up thia expensive thougilt no young gtrl ought to marry "Champion" Is the only vesisher i . dney Trou lea, lieadachea, Rhe&im- . VI that can be worked with a crank -After ,-ill hovir'.i sininiering etritin, put profittAble sizes to Ile gr wn. adsm and similar ailments vanish. (Plilladelphia, necord.) st.vle of livitig much longer. Ile had a young, man unless she love(I him; &lid �- o . JVIgrwn,-,--/Xlle . fellow wbo,is alwa". bor- blue eyes slowly Opened. beeii on ilia point of propo,aln handle at the side as well as with 0 311pat ftil(r .,41-:111led liquor into Lt kettle Further information nit .thli subject Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills % I Y The first objevt she belield was 131dift. 9 to One Of IJin, afraid that I don't love 11r. Down- . . the top lever. just suit your own Lind sininier agrain for two hours. l3o can be obtained by writing to the For. . 110%vin,,; our money is a great nuli;ance, the homeliest luald'i in. Busto, whose jug in filat way." , - %t IT-irduppt-yes, Almost as great a nuls- bending . over her, ?Nfrs. TNI.ack having convenience. Very suria there Is nothing adhering t4i, eetry Brancli, Ottawa. Save Doctors" BlUs A.Mek. qs tile feliow who never has ,.illy tri left Bab in ]lei- CILAT110 11 few moinents pot-ket, however, was heavy with gold, III cannot -believe you ,ean I)e so heart- . - I I I n -duties. Another MaxweU fe,*ture-Laver and tbe side.4 of the kettle! if you wish clear . - 16 INK AND Iend 11.10, � to look after qow6 houseitom NN'llen. lie had, by the in-areet �Chance, 'net less, Ba'b," cried th-c wily French girl; � balaweWhool, are 3o accurately EATj DR :, -4. =*`.�, .11ab, in all her fregh, young, innoceitt C, . ist k n in you. You - adju*ed andwork up &.=h . ad soup. You should have four quarts of . � A , For a moment 13ab . regard�d India Y. , - . I cannot be so M a e tha the washtir m -a a on 14 CHILDHOOD DANGERS . ARTIFICIAL. .- ". beaut eould not help but -love so grand a hero Tal stcwk. If not, add bot wixter to niake BE HEALTHY. (Boston Tmuscript.) I . with wonder.' He had but to nleeL- iier to fall I � *Yen when you have stoppeg thL- remainder. . t1.low i,3, it, Jlldia,t �hat; you are ,ill) fti fir,6t ,ligIlt; but if s 11 love -ag Mr. Downing bius pro,ven bimself to worldne the lever. There's X0 sviriptoms flait intliCate ally of tile Virs are laxative. . 6!;, 1 oj))b,4_1t is very evident that youl.C.Nt. , 110 had . iw dW,.t Rbout - is I , 11 I I � � . I . I I � ! i I. L0 sv ChaVo,no WOMANKIND CHANGING? - I I has a mind of her own. a "" pool- girl bli infatuatiou would )lave lost his life -for -your igake!" - . "Woli he gas 0 t - -1 * .-A lid dresse(I r3o ilim! earlier thall . I bet'll it be. How sorry you would feel if lie had allinelii.i of childhood should be ifflowod Lemons cure colds. Diw)s-You think so? 'Well, so d o I. site queried, addill'i. "I have illst liad . to pass without prompt Attention. The Ar)ples suothe the 11011ves. i ra " i�ut slie Reeps tellin.- ine that her mind such a fright6l" drel-11,11. 1 thought we Jett lihn, no further. N�ritlj lijin wealth 4,011, don't mention stloh a possibility, R nngn I " n 9 � (Detroit Free Press) , , Lettuce leads gently sleepward, � , Is Made -lip. � W116 fir6t, 331d love 0, secondary consid. waither on Tile truth Is. wonian .has vibrated to little Itilment Illay soon becolne a 30111- The red frults aLi-e richest fit Iron. I — � were ridink", illoill; thi, rond wben. the oration. And th6 was tijle',shallow. India. I see now- what a very ungmte- the awket. the life of her time, and responds to Its 011.4 one, and p0i'llaps it little flre'passws (Iranberries soutlie stafterers with ory- ad your eyes.- But Write for --tone. She has learned that t0krs are not ont. if j3aby,s ()Wll q,ttblet-3 4re kel)t ill SIT.)CAits. 1M.P--the wortbi c, - hearted lover. w1it) Was Woning Bab w ob! 1--1--ain so bewilde�ed'10 Brulled ineat or fish or fowl la good at LESEINFANCY. - anie'-,Aimg.' I . S fill girl T inutit appear in i new 111liet- no argument, buL five evidence or Nveali- 11 . uxow York sull.) ed in R piev6ig .,:,-ieani of terror--olt, ardently. Wbeli '.Vri. Ilm-k-, the old house -keep- ratiidbooklat rieste: that with her entrance into a wider tile house minor troublo,4 call lie pro -mot- one ineal, India, it 'iiva.i no dre.1111! I rerne'.11ber At the jolimi of B.tij,j - lift, ant] tht-� bitshiess Nyurld, einutturitti- ly cured and tieflou-i ones averted. The . . .tppro,.t(!Illng . ifyourdealer Blat.-kberries are tordo and are said to FIrst -Baby-TheY are Judgin- us by does not - IRAN, tile whule systelli. 0 - er heard the RitOUTidint, news of littIg Isin must give place to euinnion senso ,Pablets iii k1j, 4afe points. ... _- all now -the trah: ,and Cio niakl, n,aring, fc,,043tepe, India slippL4d ollb of the dra ) 0 h a n d I * . -c guarailteed ubsolitte - . Sti-avviierries are the rjehtst of frultm, , . W* Dab'.,t betrothal from. India's silaya lips and self-rellanee,, that to receive recow- Secoml Daby-Do the,.%, ta di;--�' it plunging horses: lfu,.v C01.11d I've ka " MIXW4111 do good" hi AX1141 van. be given to t1lo now -6,11,11 LaN, illt'ir -VitgaX.-ballig aireetly "ts*rb&bI*. N'e In )*vitli Rupert . lalle faintefl, dead away. IVIten she reeov- 904MILGA ' ' J� 9�,vl 001n, ill R"ordsitnclu- t I - nition .she niuA nial, 010 , Thou- Jolic? � been save,l?" . . 0 man,m way and C'm oeut the appeal to gs well as tile growing Child. A diet of Younk earrots in oxeellent foil. *-" . - I , A 111119',J Nvidli. When the girl entered ered abe fairly flew up to tile girl'r3 roorn. W#Shw. I sviliouthr and sex weamiess. atild 011.3 S. the Alcill, I'Mv gild iialls and beauty Won - I '.Nir. 1)owl1iilfJ1.,V1-Ve;1 .; ou lit the risk of tille found her vi'sitor there alone. DAVID '111(l$ 4)f InotIlerg 11$c lin ()tlitil. nletlioillo � TALKNT. 'replied � India. I - NAXWJk% I I- - whethor she solls I)ettimats, or argues for for tileiv little onoij. The Tablets are eral1r, -up to llilit wit'li outstretch- I; 11, deSirt'd reforin or urges )ter righL to A l,ch Ili potash. sopolvaly his own 11(c,"' "Jus t as Bab hurried ,.oil, Bab, 11ab, what iti tit'.,; I hearl.", , 900d f0r tbP I)JOUd, ,'J,4St,V4t the bl&e ;L11d . O'VaMilngtdil star.) - you fainted lic reins from ed hands. ilte cried, exeitedly. .S betrothal 143 a & "N& sol(i by motlivine dettlerei or by niftil at � . St. Nuy's IM1. voi a. ddSo I on,viink our daughter luls eX00-P- yopr It nd tllev, ..3eeing that he could ii0b, 2�fr. ))owning!" (Soltmil tiling, Q11i'lti. it Seerna to ille you . Tears ]lave been regarded as woman's .),- 10101ts011le fol' Peorfle 11 -ho ttuffor from I .V a 92 ) epiAs n bux froni The Dr. I'Villialils" latindlee or stoic headHelle. � . . (I she cried ,ill the -until i 01111A1011110 Safet,V-VRIVe. It I.A POSSitild 4 .ille. Ont. I t o, al tal6nt," I shoul(I have waited your lather I .., I . I I I , � Awl drink Plenty or water befoy,�a, be. ,.) not turn theni aside froul their niad eelpetzt eillotj()t1, , llo%v ,call I vei I ,c- Medicine ( O.. BrC.0kN *Tliere's no doubt of It." replied tile- � - thank canie home bef ore entering illto anything . ......... , I that $he 1.4 about to adupt ilie inore e. I � I- twetqn and artet- meals, liever itearer to I ' rond inother, -aithougli ,%ve can't exaCtly course, lie catiglit you Ili Ills arnis and you far what yoll have (lone! You ___­­...__­._. --- v1u.-Ive methods of inaii? - all'Y Mea locate It. Thf, musle teacher saya...It'l Vlade a te'rrifle leap with you down ilia riaked YOU Own preciows life to JR -ave of that kind." ARABIA LIKES LOCUSTS. - . GROWTH OF MAN. i I than halt an hour. I I fnr painting and,we art leachor says It's, embankinept, 'I bAt he did not break Ilia Mine. What worde sball I use to con- "Barbara knows her own inind, it i's Locust are to -day eaten. in Arabia loret. PILES Cffto AT- ,H- OME BY , for M11,91C." . ! 1: 'k b3 a n0rn*lv.. Of cour3o lie could vey in) gratit a to yon ?,, to be hoped, .Nfrs. 3fackj" out Ili. India ,,% 111all,s oponns 1111ti tlli)se of his bonem A 1,4-- nee ' Ud \ i), much as they were ]it Biblical times. ot slll)ievt to pressure crow ft � . i NOISY. have saved- Iiiiiiiielf easily, but julliphig ile i0ok the little ffuttering hands in- sharply. ere her cousin 31PA R11 OPPOr' Foreignera as well Lis iiatives deelare . NEW ABSORPTION METHOD wlilt-)t are n -.rears old; -T wa4s 011-0d of Brolleltitis and . Astbins perilous bweet tun. . . V with .volt ixi Ili's arnis waa a I to his alld looked dowa ilito the r i ti to repI v. that th�y are real)y an excellent article eolitilluousty untirite tA, 40 (PlilladellAila Itecord.) matter. Ali . I Bin-baril. it whole lifetime blile. eyes raised to Jas, V.She is so Ver y voung!" returned the, . of diet. They are lwst bollod. 11% - by 11IN"ARDIS l,I.XlJlJ,,,N;,I-. . - thaL Is 1.0 s� V, the heart shoultl bek'0111c ­.\[one,,,y talks," quoted the AVIse au�'- $ , which werg fair- , . Tll$ long 01' "lL0PJ)jlJg­ leg.4 -1111ISt 1)0 ULV011ger, the'vawaclt,v OC tile 111119s Ill- 1�1`118. A. LIVIN'(48TONTrij. -rom, unies-, we give it to charity, in of thankfuhlebs to blul ou your part ly -0l'o.wlied in tears. Old housekeeper, afniost breaking down; pulled off aud-the loeiv4t beld b.y a whig Tf it suffer froin, bleedint, crease, and the brain s110111d dev'Ool) I mLcai. Of -th decad eor life '11.01 and d1pped lilLo Salt before It Is i YO ,,, itching steaoll.y undl tile rout . Lot "), P. E. T, I which event It possibly screams," a1X "Don't tr nk ilia, Dab, blind or protruding p'les, send me your ,\ illixil ek. Pffl' ean scarealv reward blin for Ilia valiant y to tha )J lie "she oeems to ine just a littletOt ht , ed the Simple 'Allig. 11 ' own life to gave irturinured, hoarsely, "for. -let nle ( 9i will always scein that to you,'p AA; to flavor, the insect hs sald to tasto k .ases to.grow I'ttill, llowever, at I was cure(I of .1 gi-were attaelc. if . -1 I 4� . . act in risk -Ng Ilia )Nvn She Ilks green wheat. or tite i1irtl decade. be - HEARD OBSCURELY. youria.11 ilia' tilith, to you -:1 did it for Illy owl, rinaTked, tile French girl coldlyo addfitx: Tile red loclist is more palatable than address, and I will te1I you how to the begitinlim' 'r cure (.ause .tfter ttiat time 1)rassure exerted by 11heninatikin, by .11I.XARIDIS LTNIXW.'�;T_ zake, 6, interfere in the irreen kind Some say t1ilit tile fernaltu yourself at ]ionic by the now absorption the welght of tit t�bo(14- wliue in the ereet . I ffashIngton Star.) overed ]ter face wiLli. I 8-aVed Y011' because I could not "So One 611OUld ttemPt to is re,ft and tti'e male greell, but others I ositioll vullliweR,ses the yertebra or small 2NLthone Bay. ,701 -ON' 11AI)VIR., ,,What Apes 11arold call- his motor her trembllilg little, hands. have lived if you had dled-I loye you -volljlg people's love affairs." ' ncontend tbat-all are green at fli-st, what- treatrnent;. arid will also send eoine of 1) - , sks of earttlage I . . . , 4i )ones in ttit sl,)Ine, tile (11 boAt?11 asked 'Yaudc, . 61 do, Indeed, feel grateful to lilln. Sol Villess, perhaps. it illight be their vVer the sex. - rnlll.�,. blds hoine treatment free for.trial, with ))eovpen. theln, Ole peivis and tile thIgh T was curcil of a severel.v s�prainea leg "I can't say exactly," replied 'Wayinie- India," shi. faltered. "He must, indeed, "011, forgive me-31iss Haven," lie P&Tentst" suggested Ilrs. Afack) coriBid, Locusts inust Ile catig-lit Ju the mo bones, tinti this in-essim, overcomes tile by A.t1_KA11D'S L I N. I .N r, I �, NY 1'.. "But I'm sure ,what lie called It wlien lie cried, auddenly dropping her hands and era,bly piqued at tile otheros words an.4 for then they are benumbed by tile vold references from your own locality it natural elastivily of the d1sks and tilt., .T(.'%Sl1VA A, NVY'XAC-11T. f Was tr�,Ing to start the ongfi,, W061 )lave been very brave to have done and their wings tire danill ivil.h the de%v. growth or theSek ))Ones. the riurne painted on the bow."c f.. turaing away; "I never meant to tell her tone and manner as well. so tbat they cannot f1r. The)r may be requested. Immediate relief and per- 11.0weper, a lirldsh scientist contends 11ridgewater. . 11" , *-0-4 . that."' . - you the nearet in. illy heart-whielt I India Haven shrugged liar ollapely found In Arabia clustered In Iiiindreds ut cure asaured. Sentl no money, t1l."t -- I I -und&r the davert bushes, and they vail I a niAne weirvoa inurl. it (itladrPed, and tberL I TOO MUCH TO EXPECT. India made no i-eply, nor did she say have striven so 14rd to keel) froul every slioulders, remarking: fure frep(I frolli tile., dowliward preasure I . anSr more on t4 subjeet, feeling that of SP*L literally shovelled Into a bag or basket.' but tell others of 'this. offer. Write to- muduved bY 111.4 weight. 111MI his 31AURl' . I (Punch.) ont--you, more than any one else; bul "There are niany girls irit 'wllo ., Later -tile sun dries their NN,Illgs anti it kinvil, be Would colitIntle to grow Ill I . I I she had said enough for tile present to ay6m Is hard to cfatch tliern. When Ili flight day to 11ra. 11. Summers, box P S., Wind- `01 . Passenger (in London train car -You're . the -v6rds seemed to ' qring 11.1100U.- would not brook iliterferer1ce-- . they *Nla.v flies. liteigirit for tpn ".vere longer than lie does . very clumsy With your feet, condutcor. set Bab to thinkbig deeply arid, earnerat s0iously to -lily $) . In thein." resemble What we call � sor, Ont. a P eqent, minve it bas'lleen found that . Removing Grease. t0r. 1 13, of RUpert Doiviiing, as lie bad bade 4e fro 1;ed girls," ife. T -hey fly sideways, drifting, as it were, � bones not s1A)Je(-t to compression Increase Conductor -What d'y' expect for a Ialf- her do. . I He could see tllla� the girl was terribly "Theli they are b&d-heari before the wind. S-4-4 111) it) tile fOUrth devade.-ChIcago TvI- For coal oll apply at oued btiekwhext penny a mile? Favlover? . I cOnfueed, as he well knew site should alarefl the ZAd housekeeper. "A parent TheY devour everything vegetable anti POTATO SOUPp WITH EGO bune. . . . . Although her nerves had beau terribly be; and he quickly followed up ]ths lid- Ilms the Viglit to choose or reject a lover are dovoured b)* ever,v"thing aninial -fle- I . Is . C or wheat flour., Allow to stand two I isert likrks and bustards, ravens, hawics . DUMPLINGS. iment In the house (lAys. -upset, Bab"s natural youthful fund of vantage. . for the ,child whoul he Iias rexredj arid and. bu2zards like them , Tile' camels - THE DRAWBACK. t Keep Minard's Lin 'Renew- every two dayi until all . vitality fito"ckl;�'i-Aurnid to her, and by niunt-h tlient Ili weir food. Tile gre.N.- (By CRroline Coe.) #0 of the oil lias been evaporated. Damp "Do not despise me for telling of lily .,,Pon whom he has lavished -for 00 many hounds ruti snapping after theni ail du�, ' '' (73oston TranscrIfit.) evening slip" -was' able to take ]ter place love," he raurraured, C Hight large potatoes, one large oniou, fidlers ea,rth laid oil a grease spot al - . I J - Griggs -Did that little cleat or yours at tba"table I . 'for if you do, it vears the love of ilia heart." f ree- long and eat as rnanY as they eawli. Tile One-half ptound of salt pork. Cut the4e THE CARE OF FUM. ' turn out R. paying Investment? will kill me." h 121be was about to speak her mind BddoUtlig often give theal their horses, lowed to ?stand several b6tirs. titea ri,lb 11riggs-0h, yes, only, I wasn't the 1)urintr th*e dinner India nriticed how She,lo-oked at him, with startled ey Iv then and there coneeTiling 1fr. Dowu- Youth's COMPEM1011- - ill winill pl'e.:es, Add three whole eloves, __�. gently into tile spot. ,Sweep lip caro. . 6N 4" t - htful-B.ab Avas, and she said, The lovely young lace did not pale or 1hg, arid the suddey'lless Of tlli'A love Minard's Liniment Lumbermaws witit three quarts of ,uolil water. -33uit . 011 spotti must be treated with paste �, . IM�,Ve. . ver,jr thoug . - three. small retl pepper cornis, , Cover Here is Where Prevention is the fituy. Color ,%vill not Ile injured, .,& -.0 .— , . . - - . .latighingly, 4ut, outiously: flush'. and looking at ber, Rupgrt Down. .affsjr of Barbara% when site was Bud. . only Sure Cure. SHIFTING THE RESPONSIBILITY. "A. penn� " Friend. two linurs. Strain. aii,ti niasil tile potato . r fo� 11our thoughts, Bab. That illg .wondered it be would ever be able 4.1eiii. :�, � . .. . ,-,I 1,1-v. , y ,coffied, frorii the roont bv one of - . of fulleiv earth and inagneala equal - (Juds-e.) Polenin lock is unbecoming to you. Stuiles to awaken that childish beart from its tbe *iiialds to 2 -Wive atellegra�n frofil a , ' :' . thrUllgil Vie strainer. Add one teitspoon The womaii'Mio values her furS, YLA partti. ])our over this Wilijif waEer to �� it ' . OLD AGE DIET, of -s -11t. Serve '%vith eg, dlimplings. cannot. afford cold storalle, -sholild elcitil make a thick paste. Spread oil 1.1iss Rocksey-Oh, papa, why clo you $uit you batter." callil alcep--if lie s,hotdd ever be able lacl who was ,%va-fting below'. . n ,_ 80sh me to marry the kind of man who Col E'ggr Du Jilp) 1 ligs.--l"reltic one egg in a and air theill thoroughly, examining oil spots vidl( I ( t . . -> wa-3 thin'k-hig that immediately ftf- to make ber love him. It's a study.. . A -- I ) . Allow to dr can got money out of the other fellou . CIIAlyr-HR X"X. '. . I . a JV . I Old Itoch-sey-Decause, dear, then lie ter dillner-1 iyould go to iny rooin antl Ile, "Nv that she tried to opeak, but. . .��J.r%,�*,f ek fotind that tho telegrain Old age dances less. large vup I itkid pinell. of salt and flour ill thein. with eme. thorolighly. If oil is not all eradicAted . .. ' .. _ -1 sL It ArlCieb tino tpaapoon of baking powder is 'I'lie more vidit.-thle tile fur the greater apply "cond time or third time, no won't be.try1w., to ge.t itout of rn'a, write a, letter (of thanks to 11r, Down- couli.1 not. . ... froni " �,'Jj,. 'TxraV4-.,, RI -1d, -','v&& '"d (tte-1411. --S0 obt nge.811"'..."tt . var lee...". - - -.-,- .,:"% _­. � ** � , '. I,H-ave I diV,le"ed­ , ' ' WAs J . '"i r * " "'" ,ff ,6' 'e'16,1191N.t�,ttlqilm it stiff ilic danger froni inoths. Some furs, like fear of injuring the material. . . ing." site, aimwered tslowlv. YOU, 1111S Bar- from Boston. It.read as,followal. I VIX 11fia'a and fode innst balance, si ted; ndtl I o r i I tONSIDERATE, . .g .,-.,., . I Youth's activity burns up fuel trem 111,011 Cali pire yourserf t1lat trouble L 4&M 1`1� le �%'hlspered in. a trembling 1,(Ionie to -me yourself by next trai 11, en. dough. Drop these it little froui-a"te*-.t-*'�Tttt,-,.,!aiL s,ible.A. for in'stanve, cannot, be . �. t I I � I I -.,�! I I d40JJSJ I . spoon Into Ilot sollp anti boll five inin- ii-euded, and in less than four Nvepkj% .et . ag lihn. wli�t yoii liv.ve,t­ i ilia. Ain '11, but on ao ys 0"oston Ttan-serlijt.) IT tellin '. o say voiea, adding, eloflaentl : "Assure me LiDeked Like Intended Suidde y or Send India to I without it cover oil the kettle. shiale inotli van ruin .-ill entire sable gar. I I , , 14 foi. lie IVWO.'_11�11ere_ this evell- that I have not, that I nlay breathe ac -count mention. it to Barbvi,ra." 0 tile pook stbinath and liver tire 11 tvb r - "So vntl want to becomo my, s&_J�t. ill Pei -Sol Ato The (40yell who Nvar. I rkxndi I , ulff� +* I t. I " "11111W a Ja w, ell T1 b3g to see ,A1)w'T- it are Fetting .along. f reel v-," Tlie old housekeeper ,utav,dd itt the of overwork. Ask for Minard's and take no other, "'ell fierve lookitig rayor 4a.vs it w , , I t au!- , , 1,17 -yes, sir. That IN, If you can afford r , ,,, I I - NYIth excems of food arid fl;lll,tlg off of If a sinoll nwdi, or ("Volt ml egg, is ill 4 It. T,�w-Ap'obr Wldiv W ,,ao Ruxious over you, I N�4, I am not angry, 1fr. Downing," ic-legraill in bopelo6s be-wilderment for A . if 0 .- ---- "'flab." I . � I all -e . Sala, slowly. "I ,�as only -just a moment; then fille Ilastily ettwinoned bxerclse they Illay go oil strilte. I I *-" . . all orticle wlien it is packed, no amourit, 'citic- I)llt ('0r'is lie was thinking Itbont. GROUND,% .­__ India's rkeen oyeq noticed that t1lis little eurprised, yott know." . Viet India, . I ovoreating develops into numerous ills, DON'T LIKE GLOV99, ' of so-calledl lJVev0llt1Vo will kill it- It is Neefflesi to say. his wife bomtht 10111 .., . W XOR -SUIT. I (;no intelligence brought no flush to ilie "Your frankness glives ine courage to. .. . )1eee-wary, thelefore. to have t1tv glir-4 Putnain'is Corit Extrat-tor and Ind. ilia - ,�­­- .your ullk,le lies ill at a hotel Ili gout, indigestion, billousiless, short ___,� tPuck.) . : nient,i tbol-ou,ghly cleanvd and aired, 11AZO11.1- Wry wise. beearifie I'litnaill's Viartstice-At; I untlahstand It, rile boy, pretty YOUbg fdVe. say inore," he whispered, "fliough I am -Boston," she announ-eed whell i.110 girl , breath and tile like. Alfollso of Spain has a pectillar aver- ' vures in 24 hours-, try it, Zle. at all (Ild (Jutiox first told vou that you Could. I -Do you think '.\ri-. Yeville will come filghtened at my own preetimption. I responded to her call, �7'aud either volt or Youth requires plenty of food, not - sliaken. told smined, before paeking . A1011 to gloves, and lie refuses to wear ,4111(r dealers. L ' linve 1044 dtaighter an(i then went ba(*I*n lov,- voti, Barbara as man never loved I Is to go to Iflill without delay. 'I feel duly for 'beat and energy, but -for pro. 'I'ttils seelu� 11) be tile fay"rite nfi! 0 . � bis woril? . - with. Min, Inditt'.3" -site iteked, eagerly. ) them, event oil great state oceasions. 11, place for itioth-S, So these should. receive � 11-4-4- NVIliv-111hat's Just About tile qIZ0 ex 1, ,,Ile hoi't likely tv." ieplied her coushi, bwfor'e. If all ilia poetry Ili flie world. r3ure it ifs nothing serlous," she werit 01if Qt0ses Of 9"08vtll. . . I b.111 J(;V0. coldly, Ifor 1. hi-ard lilm sity yesterday 1�'111'0 oonipresiwd into a s4ugle song. it i1for lie is mlbjeet, to' I these ri-pallo. lie Two qua-ris of wator should lie (IrtAnk file begbirihig tile striet etiquette of the 1q)(.)0ae1 attelAkill. BAKED CABBAGE. Vlaronra--Then (lotted It ,old ,ohap, I llmt - lie hail ail ongageirlent for tills even -t of .Spitill NVII4 8110eked, but now I , t, 81.111,1 are coin Para tively eafe Oly Caroline Cue.) . It e .,r 01ruld illtit Lmo him for noll-supp0t., . . , _ eould not describe by idolatrous worship iiiii.st eat certain things or e will lia,ve . ath dity between nleals, and hot water Com .. vall upon amue youn I of you. I loved ),�O'il the firot 1ftoln.0ht i8evere attatka of Indigettion," I Is yery berieffelid to those who do not the youil Xing's iiidepeiidaiice Is taken from moths, owing to tho acidi ellililoy- that"q Iiii. 111g. Ile' is to 9 9 � Sliee one-half head of a inedinin-stv'd ,� .: i 'i, lily eyes reateil upon your fair litee. I , -11 do not mind going," said, Irifl!&. e,xeroitso imicli: as R inatter of cour6c, ed lit dyeing thent being polsonous; tbus ealibag I It. . tj .V 0 t - 4 " - ladie's of the iielghboirbood, I 1*11"'Ve", C ficidt to A physit-isin says the followinx is a Alfouso has also a keen And quick eve, you 'will riotivu that ill -�ettlsldn tile moth � e. M.a-alt aritt str. i i on - CIRCUMSTANCES ALTER CASiS4' Site saw the fail, young litca flual could have fallen at your feeL and cried ,,S*olt would- finil. it rather , d10 . good list i Break fitst---Frul t, eream of and. lie relates this story of an inel6lit eat4 villy ill sput8--.10lere there iri least table;i)oort of flour with (yrdreyon tea. (Jild-ge..) then suddeniv pale. itn4 site read the se. .011t to you 1hat my heart had in that leAve now that you are linat fionuuenp. spoon. of salt anil one of dry mustard. , blotant 'suddenly gone froin me. You -ing your sprbig houseelcald 11 I , wliecit a soft-boiled egg, tuaet, tea, or fit the Pyrenees. Paash;� througli it lit. tteld-.-Avllile ;11 natural Air It eats Dredgu the cibbage. Mrs. Crawrnrd-t tholiglit yn'd�sgri*1a �tou ' cret in Dab'�,Ivear� that the girl herAelf - lug, \ %%,-rmet pitiq In tile rewing circle? wits iiot aware of -that- the mention are to tile what tile allusidne Is to the 'Mrs. Mack looked rclievo1 coffee." Luneheort--Vish, eveamed pota- t10 village the royal automobile misbe- �traigllt illreltu'll tile parlilent-6. This mixtvire lout hito buttered ems:%. Mrs. (Intin'llaw- -1 Ait, lily dear, I dIdn"t flowers., and tile dew is to them; when, "Ile always fancies that lie 4 dying 'toes, 1360.84 fresh fruit. Dhiner­-Clear haveds anij tile royal traveller alighte(I NVI-ile they hatell in .M.,11,01. the 1110th vole over top put one eiip of elioppiat I know then al)out tile thingo you told inti, thiLt Clarefted Neville was to call 011 1, 4iiiii, with you iny Wo seenis cortiplete; wben he getu these attitokey" she -oaid; ebicken, ing,slied potatoes, string to direct t tile rov.,;l chauffeurs Ili inak. does itiot alwayi begin it.3 work 1111111"(11-1 hain or baeon or any culd vool�cktl uwat - ... � -4 0 0 I other girls bff�rfgltt a stab of keen pain all(I when"I ani away from ),Ott the -,but I ain sure, tlLere is uothing fierious '!b"e'a'n'-'s, lettuce, salad (Yrench dreming), ing repail-fi. Tile .Afayor of tile Village Ittely. for it ulay lie' 4101-111strit sit 1110110-1 (it 11'111LI, al;w a few -slit.,e,; 0 green pep. PRETTY WELL DONE. I to ber girlIsli lietirt, world seems shrouded in the deepest 't1to uixtter, and when you xrrivo therp trult. I 8troggled listo it white collar and ]tits In v;la storage 111141 thell promptly b(19M per. Add one eup of meat, stock ar iv;x- (Unpi.nn Trimoteript.) Bab arople liaetily from the table, mak. Aloom." I vou wIll find 11' I eta now urrow itta obnoxione way. f 1111d'llyb ter arid cover. Ing Tio coinitlent, Gt 1106t could see that ini its .460A , jitud:, And with, any diet some exem-Isa is best c-lothes arid came forwartl to offer to b .14"llAw-T unt writin"', an ni-11440 roarAllirs, 110hj Barbara, what lime yOu to Aft3f. ibe limt Avorde lie Nvill say tire that he Ydowiury, asslitunce. The King asizea min to allow however, they bqeiii i q serati (ilia early and UaLe till hour and a (piartev, iaodiar- the Japaw'se, !3 . tile gh-1 wite disap pointed. She, had - to uie?" he crlekl. "Will you liot give iti 1401'ry lie sient for you." . ..__.1_.*11.4 .. him around tilt-. village, and the two inert their weik goei OIL werrily during, the ate over. biblis-r-'n't that Allpm-fluous? They are bkert hoping lie Nvould Surely collie to Inle olle little Avord of hope_oilly olle ..I t will be it Chan for 1)1.6 to lqo$y Life IS litill Of 111*3 fuld wolyns, ttntl left tbe var lit tho roaa stud Nyalked warm veather. � � . .06 4 #-------- *11 teady littip brown mon, you ItnoNV,*_N . -.--- - --- 4 *.*--, - .,�:.�-- 11141111-e about tile ak�eidollt. ,wOral" said India,. "I shoul. like to'soa "- � OV611 the nian who Is nit the lovel doemi't tllroug), tile tojVn. — - _. MInArd's Liniment Used by Physicliunt � elling. 1, ­ M-USICAL. .The lights were liatilly lighte(I ere ))ill) wa4 terribly frightened; she Was tou IP 4JWxy4 fifid it SWOOth trAV Ili the office of tile A.Uvor was n ple- Adam &lift Eve ilid not quarrel about I* 0 - - # I ... . 11 . I . . I ift� I . R11110 -t I)Owbillg ))lit In R11 APPOAM1101, Alniost in temr% ifow alke wtolled thAt So It Nvas aettled that India, shoUlil go " .. .� ''.., . �. ­ I.. . . I ture of Alforiso, but i��arhig white wearing Apparel,-, It was only what they HAM SALAD. (W:1141111),,,ton Hlftr.) . Barbara board the beli, and, plialtilig T11flJo, *oWd collie to hell riwette; that &t Once. . ..., . �. .� "That tcuor lain imisleal lione.q.1, .. -, �.. I glove.& This caused the 1(hig to Ap- Itte thatworrie-d' the.1111.1 � I (By Caroline Goo.) . ' ' . . - , "Teg," ropli4rAd the inan witil a, square her COUSill. 101AVAI'd, Clid 1101TOUSIP I -soine oue would onter the dritiving room. 11ho 11oxt trabi started, quite two liourie , . . , � rouh Mid examine the Privit olosely, r �__-_ - I I ­ I I ­ 14top I J.4 efforts 'I'leale go down und receive bill), lit. I P. . Chop fine �oilo eup of cohl. bolleil Maui. Jaw, "and If he doeNift I I "Tell ime timt you eAre for itie i6ver later, anil Inaia said to berself theLt ill � � I N.4'ever hAve I worn whito glovea," nitit- I- , �.. I I ­.... � .. I Opt . 01 til 1111(, 1-111110 Inall Is ly,oing to get a elall) dia, I will be down d';reetIv," -*o little, Bab." ho� whisperml, "Sive Jue tile 111tarinj 41le tit' 1 - -ed Alfonso. Theit the .�Iayor camo - . ­ ___...dh101NEEE0F� Take Oils Cup Of ltoek�or Water hain IWO Fet. 1110%V Tlt,.Itr he dOe", for .,t I;a,A!.,j It ould have pletity, of tei. � is .1 I was bolled in and ad,1 (,lie sniall clove ol a I Thus it was that 111dia anit Itripert jutkt one gle 0 si�11, and ex tiluill." . . _ __ - - Downitig hatt, a, few wordis lone togeth- am of 1101le " tiviia to vall upon Clarenot Xevillle and forwgrtl, covered Nvith confu . -tv _461*1&_ 1 a "I do not know 4at to say, 11r. find out huw lie wAs getting along Nvith plained, The pivture was originally of' _ I . I ir, I ie. One b., . leaf and two anii'll mgtAViko. er 0te She JOilit"d thelfl, ... 111ill, T1 : . .:, I re pepper VGJ,4. Dissolve 01 . Downing," ihe. faltered, 11"v6 OmVT Am )lit sprained aukle, and to.) ritntioll i1t. : Alfollso X11., the King's father. Wheit I r -even ta. ,� Mw4dot-ttin .14tar.) "iVeIT", he 46thl, latisquely, its Tiltlix si)rl" � I . I . f 4. 1 blespooll of gelatille ill oliertablespooll ml .V yolt love lite So 11111ch.11 IdontalIv the elever littli! plot WhIC11 ilia owitt father to the throne ill . I, (: Isoli Oil & 11 -we folild �!.I,Vto it gtvilt dval of thlip lisr glijet,j ilito tile drawilig-ruoul. aild "itf)(141 Ili estught Tier quickly in Itis arins, $ill Cold wator wid add to Fittlek.and heat it I .1 and IYOUN-11 MAY, OCC 4. 01' , & it Ruilert Downing had t-oncoeted, & . . thrifty .Nfavor deeapitated Alfoit'3_0 %.If. ­ ... I . er letivilve ,fle.11. .4411 � - .:;.., N ,V )lot, but do unt boil, DM , , It ;:.;., .". I befrive filin, you suceeed ill initkilig g oil to. I � "rha vou for tll(jse Tile village of It"Ast 11aven N1114 seal,46- and lild ilie bead of Alfonso X11T. .; "! Oil '1141 tho sadly Prilt,tItIal 001" . "I'll, ,;:.'.1�:1!,.-'.,;� -� Outing S110es Strain into the eup of eliopped 1,11ji, 'r letti-l-r", �. . i t $ori. lie), belimt, t wml I %vllo Raved her fl.. wt�rtll'. ay, tL thoUSA tli�nkus for them ly stil bour's Ade froni Doetiti. Tile In- a original eallvas. ITS limit .:.'�!!,:.-,.,F:q1":� .,:;; 0 Do 1,011 know ill#. I �1) 111tea oil�tho ., Mix thorotighly turil hito 1110111d and iki't ,so uth 11,11,10it", It,I)II(A tho itlan Who .Qteml of Nevillt!" lkill I tit not, however, kliown about the glovos, X: -� I.::;:..* I . �:. 7., i... . , I y i's 0 habitalitti Nvere. wont to eowe Aild go i .''A : : ...";: lAsi 11 ios tile litil't, fol maliti('s, "But U01 1111)"111t 110f voI110:1 rqJ1,104 tile Vro.1101 girl, Ilrot ,Atep N' martl love, iny darl!ltillg? 'Xlle fribilnently to mako their prtrchue4, to ., . lie to get v4l. NVIlell reatly to sarrio .. .", I vate utill 11141vo by 116t vtoppirg", tol plit On NV,tll it Orng of 1101, Rllapelv 001onllier�. girl who pitleo IL lover fbi his uAd ador. 11,11) t1jollgIlt little of 11fir r(.Ougilt,g an. I THF_ WISPE GRADUATE. ' . . !:. � For , I plue orl lettlio- lftve�4. � ,, p(IlLirs Srv) 11pelfflo!1 In. U10 11lol-11I1l"".',!,.' . _. lveryh4y -..*40.46i--.- If-, it - , heliev", '�bRt I tol(I ation of lier, ends bv lovilig Itim." - -tinent Viat alto Nvas to take tho I I I'll, Serve Nvith ilitlyolilitijg(I (Jrpsgi,q .V' - ; 1� I Nlaq h.,4,111d to Ikounc I I I . (CILIC.'190 Tribilne,) . g, N,tA 09TTINO AT NARLY START. . 11,01. <�ouoerfling tile affair. Why 8114)11141 W) tried to strtli�ls Orit of lilt -arffidt, iiext trixiu for Iloston, bitt would iturtly . .I I just tho Sallie, loally. a college grakluitte . I be "Itt"IdNI in 3�wwll intlividnal J�,:rtiu "'k . Nile iJJlJVg1Jl,4L Anythling Alifforeat'? Sh# i* hitt ho ]lei - , I tflill; 11as as vleav stit 104t, of the C-ount1w.'t 611- THP4 010u.) . 41 hor fWit, itud ,tits wag sk) TL,turA I)y 111!_g I I rr :01URMARVEPIRMIlawr . MRFECT 81409 All"I ga-1,11ishell Nvith hartl-boileat 4M t As �� * Q � §�" 0 J I- A�-w , 45�j 1 %. ,;� I 0 4W11 I K 9 K, I I J&r'fLI(,('t_AVJr'*J, dof-tor? Ivally to tll*,nk *."ll tithl Gill ilown oil,hot Jrlghteiietl Oat ber son4es xemit-d in, .(T* be Continved.) --mmm"an� - -, I fAlents, slid vi-liett it Ticeds to (.111-o tile -iii slh?4 if 'yoll Nvish 801111!%tbilig very titst.y. (IrarArnfit . Its 401111f3 of tile Alstinguislied APe4X1t1.1)&t-1 . e4A SUMMER SPORTS rMV,A,-;.,ln-A 101-1. 1. Lnem to ynit ;vt Xr.ttitilju for Nvilitt'you abn(lst Itme him ',,.'h,* WAN inft1*h!e - � - � I 1 I �11, ),V.1j-1,ql1i lint -in .4aw pk�x-larre feo.,�L foI, VV --*114. - - 1, tV4 donj."L 4 ASK YOUR 09AL9R. 'to Soften and NvIlitoa the 4rolo, vfti arstntlinti.ther-plout (to 10rVArlfi-V.,%ry, ,f of word nr rtction-, rinill *teing lit, hs If vatted 'petra.'xre Insipid 'k" ,6. � I- I TH% — , rA,.sljIjlC tfie" ,Luagi,osts stj.,a doing the - I _­­­­­­ I I .- I 1, JI 4 I I .. ... ­ L I I � i0i %"0ftV,M""NftVS"V"% MLIMon.1 M#04 eo"tjWtly jot"d Lof 1�qnxr a ,,Vs,ft.-t f4)r Wnmen" estril at ffits Ru rt DowILIVIS lAU,g1lV11 It 'litt'.4,"13A­ took bold Wyanutge of this s4i,fttkiu, Utflib loaaft Jttlee b0ore servius. .-i lyrest,:rIbills. 3% Iti,141%%. I " . *"* . I . , . I . . � I ' _k..,!,, 0" , . .% . .0 . , . . . '. . . � 4'I, ­' 'L�,,4J0­­JrVV ^, I L� I - ­ . I" ,�­�, I,. ��.-'*,!'. . . . - I . ., , I 1 . 0".�16—,A-h­ , ­ ­ ... . . _.. I . I . - � , - A 1. �, . ..­* 41b, -On� �-k! --�L­ ­_A.�,&­ * * V , ".. LJ E