The Wingham Advance, 1913-06-26, Page 3I' .
,.; ,.. .., �� .,,.__uuiiMd ���. _r;. .. .., h.r 11x.• .w w.r.T--'. •• - �. ... wwrl.,�� �� , ,� .��
The only b-LiAding material that has not increased
W. G. Patterso -s
We have the .newest and swellest goods ever
s� shown in Wingham for June Wedding Gifts.
All kinds of Diamond Rings from $10-00 to
$300.00. You can save 20 per cent. on
Diamond Rings by buying them here, and a
large stock to choose from.
. All kinds of Pearl Rings from $3.00 to $50.
All kinds of newest styles in
Luck Wedding
A large stock of the newest styles of Pearl
Necklets, Pearl Pendents and Brooches.
A large stock of all the newest kind of
Jewelry at right prices.
For Cut Glass and Silverware we have got
them all beaten.
The Great Watch Doctor*
vv, 14^�1
i�Mnwr. l,Ir.l M.d 4i Ilrwwir.�•Mr-,I,l-I,r�ijip. MrW iMF!!wM. I -Y li{wMr iYR-•.rnl+W!wrlli - .. ,. ... .., .. , ., -. ,. .. .. I'IRriupPfmliusTr q'l P,� iir.I , [I .iMMYYYI vy��uili nYli "F ILiq .. .. �'
++++ ++++*+++4.$**++ +4,+++ ► advise her after having done so. Ilei THE WARBLE GRUB0. . ' � "�`. .•��.;�.�:�s'r' �oGllallw„a�lrl,l�t�l '
hotivever, turned them over to hi4 wife
Independentwithinstructions to read thein.and re• �;..port. Now Bulletin From Qttgwa�,. Deals 1 -war 00 as Firing
Airs. Hawley read, the letters and, With Thio l;'est of Cikttleo
considering them rather strange epi
Worker ties :dor a clergyman and a man, of _ ��Q � �.�� y � � =�”, Look at these'roomy
family to be writing to a young girl,, Cattle•raisers in almost all parts of f*t.�. Beed
consulted with the chairman of the -.�. Double � G'�,. d Doors,
Canada, are familiar with the small �`
committee for sending supplies to In.
She -Came to Orlef by yga digest clesrgymen, Then, it carne out lumps that appear on the backs of _ x � . You �..•d3n Use a big �
that* the ladies Having learned that Air. their animals during the Winter shovel—there 1S no
noting Sys#seta Kaplan liad no wife or children, his uuonths, and, from which white grubs _
_�... name had been erased from their list. or maggots emerge at a latex date., r f}�S i I d4�T1; cr Of hitting the
it also came out that Miss Archer, In- Many theories exist as to the exact � � � 1 .
By F. A. MITCHEL ._. had � ► "'`' ,, i. - �' « sides and spilling coal
stead of working under orders, life history of the insect, known as ..� �- i e , «
been doing so on her own hook. Airs. the warble fly, of which the white � all Over the floor.
Hawley and the ladies of the commit• grub is the larva. The opinion gene -
Miss Gwendolen Archer, aged eight- teo saw at once that the article Mr These doors will admit
sen, was an earnest church worker. Kaplan wanted was a wife, all held that the eggs are lard on the
backs ofthe d
Y gg
There was only one trouble about Ailss' Miss Archer received a note from her the cattle, and when hatched -� a iJi� chunk 0� WOOd tQQ•
Archer—so, said the older ladies of the pastor that. he had turned Mr, ]Caplan's wok their way beneath in ti the
in, be Ask our agent to explain, The S �lnshine Furnace is
church—she was rather inclined to take letters over to his wife, who would p y g its many advantages, or
affairs into her own hands. She had endeavor to solve the riddle, incorrect. Dr. Seymour Hadwin, first write our nearest branch easy to operate. '
served on a committee to send boxes Mrs, Hawley's report was long de- aesistant pathologist of the Health of for booklet. .
of clothing and other domestic articles layed. One day a member of the sup. Animals Branch of the Dominion De-
to ministers in out of the way places ply committee showed Miss Archer a partment of Agriculture, who has C
the largeness of whose families was photograph of a handsome young studied the subject, claims that theM,
ro ortionate to the smallness of their clergyman and asked, her hose she lik
proportionate eggs are not ]aid on the back, but on
salaries. Becoming restive at being ed his appearance, Miss Archer ex- the legs of the cattle. This appears to � •
subordinated to oldor 'women, it oa pressed herself very much pleased -
curred to Miss Archer to pack a box with it. Later on another member of bear ,put the theory that the newly-
hat tied insects are licked b the ani-51unshine ixr�rtac�3and send it awry herself. the committee asked Miss Archer to P ,. y -�'
When she had got together sufficient exchange photographs. with her. The mals and thus taken into the system y London Toronto Montreal Winnipeg' Vancouver St. John, N.B.
articles, consisting principally of such meaning of these two photographic W and ultimately p find their' way to the _
as would bel needed by children, she cidents was made known to Mr. Kap- hacks, where they develop beneath Hamilton Calgarq Saskatoon Edmonton 331
looked over the list of impecunious ran by Mrs. Hawley, who had written the shin.
minister's with large families and se- him saying that she would be happy The' mg1ter of chief importance to Sold by R. R. Mooney.
lected one that stood higher on the list to assist in supplying the article he the cattle -raiser is not 'the exact
than some to 'whom boxes had been needed and apologizing for ASiss Ar, course taken by the insect within the
cher's having prematurely sent him the body of the cattle beast, but rather
children's clothes, the girl having sup L
Clot posed him to be married. So Dsr. reap the economic effect of the grubs upon
Ian, at Mrs. Hawley's suggestion, sent the business of cattle -raising. To throw
.;a£ ,p her his photograph, and she sent him light on this phase of the subject Dr.
Miss Archer's. Hadwin has written a bulletin, which CANADIAN P
One day Mrs. Hawley reported to is numbered 16 of the Health of Afii-
' " Miss Archer that she had written Mr. g
. mals Branch dealing with the this L K E S SERVICE
Kaplan and he had given her the noetic aspect of warble flies. In this G�' A
` ` 11. name of the article he wanted. bliss it is shown that enormous losses oc-
Archer was all eagerness to bear the our each year ,through .damage to FASTEST AND MOST LUXURIOUS OF STEAMERS
j solution of the matter and was much hides caused b these insects. Tan-'
disappointed when she was told that It y PORT McNICOLL SAULT STE. MARIE
was not best that she should know nere consulted on the subject claim - PORT ARTHUR FORT WILLIAM
the name of the article, but it would that during the "grubby season," ex -
10e sent to Mr. Kaplan and If Miss Ar- tending from January to July, from 25.
eher chose she would be commissioned to 75% of hides are warbled, and that 5-7 HOURS STEAMSHIP EXPRESS '
by the church committee to take It to about 20% of Canadian hides are more
him• or less damaged. The extent of dam- TORONTO' TO 'WINNIPEG Leaves Toronto Daily, except Friday
Miss Archer was more puzzled than and Sunday, 55 p. noon, and arrives at
: age is variously estimated by 16 larges Other L Tuesdays and Saturdays. Ship's side 3.55 p.m. Parlor Cars, First -
1 ever. Why was it not sent by express? Other Luxurious Steamers, Mondays,
• 1 tanners to be from. about 500. to $1 Wednesdays, Thursdays. class Coaches.
r The reply to this was that, being an per bide ; the estimate of one Ontario - • .
^ ' animal, It must eat and, being .a very o
1 , L5 -
high bred and valuable animal, it could tanner was XO/, which is equal to $180,- A Service Perfected by Studied Effort and Years of Experience. ,
w' not well be intrusted to the care of Per annum. The author observes
' the employees of an express company. that the man who undoubtedly loses HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS EACH TUESDAY Until OCT. 28
'.f Miss Archer thought the matter over is the farmer; the tanner does not Winnipeg and return $35.00. Edmonton and return $43.00.
}f '� and decided to decline the commission want warbled hides at any price, and 4 ,
She saw no reason why she should several of them testify that they buy
' have the responsibilityof a pet dog Or HOMESEEKERS TRAIN LEAVES TORONTO 2.00 P.M, EACH TUESDAY UNTIL
hides only during the season 'when AUG. 26. FULL PARTICULARS FROM ANY C,P.R. AGENT.
cat on a long journey to a benighted hides are not grubby.. He estimates
country. Why, the idea teas too ab the annual loss to be between 25 to
I surd for anything. If bar; Kaplan o
wanted a pet he could come and get it 30%.
�- � 'When this reply was made to Mrs. This bulletin of twenty pages, which
- ,
Hawley the matter, so for as bliss is the first to have been issued on the
A SUSPICION of Tan TRUM CA= sUiD- ;Archer knew, was dropped. Then one subject in Canada,• is helpfully illus- jj 1 DENLY BUSS ING ov= 5il . P- � - � sent. 'Why this Family had been omitday she was informed that Mr. I�ap traced. Co ies will be mailed in reIan was coming for his pet, and, since sponse to applications made for it toMIES
U-RIA ted she did not know, and since she he had written her about it, she was the Publications Branch Of the De-
was acting independently she did not to give It to him when he arrived. t'
care to ask. Miss Archer was somewhat miffed at Partment of Agriculture at Ottawa.
There was at this time in the south. '
this, saying that she saw no reason �`, I � � �
west a sort of missionary station pre- d Children.
why Dir. Kaplan couldn't have told T°ol Infants an
sided over by the Rev. Francis Sa
p' her frankly what he wanted as well EXPERT ADVICE. �ran. His parishioners were plain men,as any one else. She asked if he inThe You Have
cowpunchers, Indians, greasers and tended bringing hIs wife acid family
some negroes. There was not a per- with him and was told that he did -
A man was denouncing newspaper
son in his Soak with whom he could � �'' � - „-,;,,,,-„,�,,, -� `
not. She said that she had been both• r v
associate on familiar terms. It was
advertising to a crowd of listeners. hways Bought
eyed a good deal about the matter and "Last week,” said he, "I had an um- i ; N4 42`
lonesome out there in the home of the would send no more boxes of supplies I TheProprielaryorPareatMedicineAct.
cactus, and Mr. Kaplan sighed fora brella stolen from the lace provided
�� r
to any one. The response to this was P P ; A�e�etablePcvparalfonforAs•� Bears
companion. He was thinking of writ that she had brought the matter upon for them by the side of my pew at < ; simitating IheRodandReggala+ the
Ing to some of the ladies in the east herself by working independent o! the church. It was a gift, and, valuing it i tingiheStomachsand[lotivefsor
who had sent him to his field of labor committee. very highly, I spent double its worth I is'Isd�1��•���j�pl�is�I����, '
to ship him a wife when one day he One day Miss Archer was much sur in advertising, bat I have not recover , ��I I ' Signature
received a box. prised at receiving a card on which ed it."
Dir. Kaplan opened it, wishing that was engraved the name of Mr. Kap "How did you word the advertise- Promo(esDigestion,ClicerFui �`
he might find a wife packed in excel Ian, went?" asked a merchant. �� (I ltessand Nsr.Contalltsneiftti �+
slot a real flesh and blood wife, who "Well " she exclaimed, "I'm glad Opiultt.I�iortllltne nor Miltetal:
' "Here it is," said the man, produc- ' ,i
would be a companion to him in his he has come. Now 1 suppose this i r = NOTNARCOTIC. !.l
exile. Taking off the cover, he saw bother will be ended. But I haven't ins a slip cut from a newspaper.
The merchant took it and read •
inside on top of various articles a pa- anything for him. I wonder that Mrs. ' ; Aecpeofoldllr&"I G�PIIM
per on which was written in a wom- Hawley hasn't sent it." "Lost- from - Ohurch last Sunday ,opal geed•- 1i
an's hand, "If you want anything else Expecting to see an old, elderly or evening, a black umbrella. The gentle- �1Grsearru � ( e
send to Miss Gwendolen Archer." The middle aged man, she did not take man who took it will be handsomer llncic(1cSa(fs-
3r Anse Sed* {
address was added. pains to improve her toilet, but went rewarded b leaving it at No.--, High �a�doria(esoda+a !
Taking up an article, he unfolded a downstairs just as she was. On en street." y ! � �� I: A�n1.Seed-
little girl's petticoat; the next was a tering the drawing room she stopped c(rmiflydSugQr•
nightle; a third was a pair of boy's short on the threshold, A young man
"Now," said the merchant, "I am a ;� I W111br,�remT'I P ;Use
knickerbocker trousers. Then came toys about twenty-five years old rose to big advertiser, and have always found I '' ' Aperfect Remedy forConsfipa-
- it paid me well A great deal depends �'`
of various kinds, children's shoes, stock- greet her. She recognized him at once g P �; 1 tion, Sour Slomach,Diarrhueaj
upon the manner in which the adver- r kNorms,Convuls'tons,Feverish•
Ings that had been often darned and as the person whose photograph she tisement is put. Let us try your um- ness and Lo
some much thumbed schoolbooks. had admired. P ' y y '! ; mile signature of F®rOver
�� �� you do not acknow. FacSr 3
Now, though Mr. Kaplan had no chil- I have come to thank you, he said, brella again, and if y
dren to use these articles, there were with a •fiery pleasant smile, "for the ar. ledge that advertising pays, I will pur- Thirty
lent of little Mexicans and picka- titles you sent me." »'iI1E CENTAUR CoMPAuvp y /1 1,, chase you a nett/ one. er„,.MONTREAL&NEW YORli1 1 00 lad to Wh I chant took a ski of a e
ninnies who would be only t g y The mer P P P l
get them. He turned them over to "You didn't expect to see a man of from his pocket and wrote:
some women of his flock for distribu- my age?” "If the man who was seen to take
tion, and various children who had "No; I did not." the umbrella from,,a pew of—Church ��+',
been running about nearly naked were "I have no wife or children, so l i0 l
now better covered, gave the things
In the boa to the chit• last Sunday does not wish to get into
Mr. Kaplan wrote Miss Archer, dren of others." trouble and have a stain cast upon the
thanking her for her donation, and, re- "You're not married'?" By this time Ohristian character which he values so Exact Copy of Wrapper,
ferring to her paper on which was a blush was spreading itself over her highly, be will return it at once to No.
written that if he wanted anything face, not that she dreamed of what he •--High Street," ..
else to send to her, he said, "There is had come for, but that she had biun• This duly appeared in the paper, and .�._�.--.,.,/"•-`
one thing I need very mucks, but since dered. the following morning the man Was ._
it is not an easy thing to get I hest. "Oh, no; I'm not married, but the astonished when he opened the ftobt _
tate to ask for it." He did not inform things you sent came very handy, I as- door of• his residence. On the steps P I2CHF�ON STAL.LA POPULAR STALLION. '
her that since he had no family of his sure you." lay at least a dozen umbrellas of all
own he had given the things to those Then the remembrance of this my$- shades and sizes that had been taken ► Mascot
who had, but he said some other terious thing he wanted came to her. I:ru�. PLncrt�cnov Sr.�rr,rnN; ruzvNnvza� The Iu�pportod Clydesdale Stallion, ,
by mistake, and begging the loser to (88�79) [2909) No. 4578, Vol. 14, 0. R.A., Canada, will make
things that were not called for—name- "Why," she asked; "couldn't yon the following route during the season:—•
ly, that he tuns sure bliss Archer must have written me about this—this pet"-- keep the affair quiet. Jezeas In was bred by otb Cos v E s Franco' T. Robortson':y sale
and was imported by Scott 13roA., 1Last Wawa• MONAM—Leave Gteo,
be a very practical Christian and al- A suspicion of the truth Came sud- nosh in 1912, foaled April 10th, 1909. lie is a stable and proceeds to; t le le F.egTeastt's near
den! rushing upon her. The Sltrvht boautifal horso of dark dapple gray with light Whitechurch for noon; thence to Leask Mo•
together lovely'. y mane and tail ; ho is a thick horse with good (5ee's, con. 10, East, Wawanosh. for night. East
Thea followed by correspondence a blush of a moment ago became a deep BRPVITIES. hoavy mnsolos And the best of feet and limbs, Tunsnasr, for Ion; c n to eon, 50,
d thou to his own stable
kind of twenty questions game. The crimson. sten s 1$ hands hisch, will ntako over a ton wawanoeh, for noon; ,
n sure foal gottor, Wingham, for night.
young lady asked whether the object Thus far the interview was given by Sire, Calnpt ny-ex-Robson (66073) WILMRSDAY',—ft Jos. Smiths, can, 8. Turn -,r
berry, for noon: thence to James T. lie's,
desired belonged to the animal, Vege+ either one or the other of the parties The wise man tells not what he Dam, Pascaine (6D020). Con 6, Turnberrx, for night.
it in not prudent to sport ROUTE.---Mwiday, will leave his own stable TnunsDAx.•-•To Thos ice tohaing Edward or mineral kingdom. The reply concerned, but here the account ends, knows. P lot so, con. 9, and proceed to Alox. Rantoul s, er gravel, for noon; thenco td King ZLdward
was the animal kingdom. Was it., a What further passed between the with one's bead by revealing the king's Fordyce, for noon, west to St. Helens to Luo Hotel stables Wroxotor, tar night.
Wbtherhl ad for night. Tuesdtiy, to Walter I� niDA-z.---'l;o John MoNaughton's con. 2,
pet? Yes, it was intended. for a pet. young couple was not revealed, lilt' secrets. Lot's, Whltonhurcb, for »won, and alon bound- Turnberry. for noon ; thoneo to J. *. King's,
Then followed a number of questions Kaplan was obliged to go back very r twot:tarld and to hisown stable, anaromain i3luevale, for ni�nt.
h ]find of an animal It (vas soon to his charge. airid ritiss Archer
Good will, like a good name, is got tail I.rrida.y morning'. I tiday morning to Bel- SATI (DAY.. --To E. D. Jonkine`, T3luovala
as to what b man aettons, and lost b one, gravel and to henry .lbhnston's, 6th 11110 Morris road, Por noon, thence to tits own stable, Whig.
(log, cat, parrot or such like? The had In the meanwhile become so in • ham, where he will remain until the following
y' Y place
for down, west to Sunshine 001 Arable for ,
answer to all these questions was in fatuated with him that she would not Hver individual has a, lace to fill 3 f al t a Saturd bon Monday morning.
Derr A, . rd line Morris, ex ni ,
Win barn. to I.olJn.t`ct'A Roto �', tiY, ICING, Proprietor.
the negative. let Itim go alone. So there was a in the world, and is'Important in sone and Fo his own stable and remain till Monday
morning. ...._. -.w 1--..-.
Miss Archer, not making headway in hasty wedding. respect, whether he chooses to be 60 Tortus.•--"fw Innnre, $15.01. Parttes paying
the matter, concluded to consult her "Served ,you right," said the chair• or not. before Apr111st, 5914, will bo refunded p.OD.
minister. The minister, Dr. Hawley, moil of the supplies committee to tltp - . � SOcIT�C altos, prop. d1�ER 6s YEARS'
listened to her and took Mr'. Kaplan'd bride. " nefeafter you'll kbow. , bett0i
The greatness of an artist or a war'It phone 13 on 021: 13elgrave, p.b. �XPt;l3l ENCg
letters, which li® pnromised to read and than to work ititdependeatly.'• er does not depend on what he has in
common with other artists and writ-
ers, but on what he has peculiar to
' himself. -
the agitated mistress of the too, room Sonorable Industry always travels , 'SHORTHAND
It Pa�'9� came flying to the curb, full 'of anal y
A leek of Courtesy met with a very oglea and exceedingly, allxioUs to Be- the same road with enjoyment and. Subjects taught by expert instructors Tana Mhittcs
tangible rebuke in Philadelphia the cure the patronage of the party. It t and progress is altogether im- at the DESIGNS,
tltAt 17 aerdIng ni kett..nta d dose l tl &d.
'would have been quite valuable to: hears, duty,
without it. t, g C and aoeerlptlemm�Y
other day. An automobile Containing for the arty consisted of Dr. Food- 1? �n ira�e W eviar an
Y pp . Itivetltion is moMb nt t 1 om hnletU
a gentleman and two ladiea drew up row Wilson, his wife and one of his The humblest individual exerts some ttoY�d�rxlcttr�nnnannt�'ai.`�t�Bii�l�on�Woute
before the door of a little teal room in da u hters, who had been anxious for inflaenoe, either for good or evil, up- 'Y,_U. C. A, Il2.iisi.r a I)atAlts taken Woug Mu nr n�,06 = OVO
that city. One of the ladies of out a quiet Cup of tea away from the on othors L NI)ONw ONT, #recialnotke,without0 ;< o, It,4
s attentlon he would be sutre to receive , t
and went into the tea room to enquire A Stutd' nts 980isted to ositiorls. C=ollege
had they gone to a big hotel or res Sl<uia rho' inquisitive, for you will P
whether thence was a vacant table. tau>rant. Apologies were, howover iitl octssiotx from Sept. end. Cotalogua t.
g be sure tofind M leaky r open 01%rs� e,.. n gl n� t�� n a'a°d><t .� Mat'the proprietress abruptly Informed unavalling and the little tea room lost do riot lreop oda�rs+rIbutiot sly what hares . free' Hiram atiy aIn n t~�oat�4
Ad -
her there was not upon which the wh6t would 'hale been the >Ihaeet ad� 'If'
♦ Y
y � bean lnibrrrrirtsod to the>ar,, �an�, .a ward , I.
���a�irelt� i��'�':1�'eslti►f'vb1
bung lady departed. t3ho lead not �•ertlsematht It aolild Ir�l�sil►l h�rA�o ice
tta�e to sekt herself 19 the amotor be>i'o're oeivedr It pay+i td be' ollt�er r nt t s?Jpw�tCe aill�r lee�dlr + b re l