HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-06-19, Page 9a C I' I V •v}w,ry... ISN' ' •ISM.' ,p.11M••i•' e, u w : 1 11a 1111il-Ing 11111,1, TIEE WIN- 1AM AIS VAN - CANADIAN P.ACIFIC rASIIION Il -INT GREAT LAKES SER VICE FASTEST AND MOST LUXURIOUS OF STEAMERS PORT McNICQLL S.AULT STE. MARIE PORT ARTHUR FORT WILLIAM 57 HOURS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG Leaving Tuesdays and Saturdays. Other Luxurious Steamers, Monday$, Wednesdays, Thursdays. A Service Perfected by Studied STEAMSUIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto Daily, except Friday - and Sunday, 12.45 noon,. and arrives at Shpt side 3.55 p.m. Parlor Lars, First- class Coached. Effort and Years ref Fxperience, HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS EACtI TUESDAY Until OCT. 28 Winnipeg and retuarn $35,00. Edmonton and return $43.00. OT.IiER PAINTS IN PROPORTION. RETURN LIMIT TWO MONTTIS. ' HOMES1 EK1 RS' TRAIN LEAVES TORONTO 2.00 P.M. EACii TUESOAX UNTIE; AUG. 20. VULL PARTIOULA.RS FROM ANY C,P.R. A(I1NT, CH RTSTTE'S GROCERY PHONE iia Halbrook's Marmalade HAS THE RIGHT MARMALADE 'i'STE !i- ►3'.13 33?) 13s:cE:fe:Tr'eii~tiowr,ic le Bic 1 1 MYSTERY> T Marmalade, if the right kin. JO,. j6 — 'serve as a good appetizer. Many T What is going on in the store lately vacated by Mr, A. Ross, almost opposite Bank of Com- merce, anyway, thats causing a lot of wonder in this town? Lots of Lumber Much Cleaning Loud Hammering It must be that a real store is going to be put in there. to fnftl --.y _ 1 ii .� ,: L SQ t_ m 5c,10c,15c and 25c Store kinds are like ,so, much syrup and water. " Halbrook s is good. When their name is labeled it means FIRST QUALITY Try a Jar at 20c. Watch the store window for further announcements. You'll know in five days. For Sale Men's Boots and Shoes at Reasonable Prices. Repairing Promptly at— tended to. HAUGH J. A. The Up -to -mate BAKERY We have the most modern equipped and sanitary bakery. We use the best and purest materials obtainable. Our cakes and goodies are always fresh and good r Give us a trial. Call and inspect our. bakery. F. CARTER BUSINESS ° AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the atekritV Y. M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session frota Sept. 2nd. Catalogue 'free. Enter any time. LW. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal reeAccountant chi ant 1Chtelp Oil Stoves Lawri Mowers Hose and Hose Reels We specialize in Plumbing and heating. •Y VLIVV +tri>�✓v�M�vWi��'v`•�/V��vv4'..h'vV W. J. BOVCE Domestic, Sanitary and Heating Engineer Mortgage Sale of Valuable Farm Property. tinder and by virtue of the powers contained in n, certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale. there will be offered for suis by public auction on Saturday the 28th day of June A. D. 1913, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at the Brunswlok Hotel in the Town of Wingham in the County Of LIuren , by Prank k M c(onnell'Auctioneer, namely the West threegnarters of Lot number thirty -ono in the seventh Concession of the Townehipof EastWawanoah in the said Coun- ty of Huron, containing by a,dtneaaurement one hundred and fifty acres of lard more or leis.'. There is situate upon the said, -property a i} .storey fratn0 house and a barn. The property IA twil watered from springs and makes a first oiapts grazing farm. TERMt. Teti per cont. of the pnrohase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance to be paid within ono month. For further particulars and conditions of 6a10 apply to DUDLitY 1-10tMES flolielterr for the M'ortgagoe. Pattect. at Winghem this lith day of June A. 1913, 4042 WINl11xA MARRTS. "Wheat,- lie to $1,00 Oates •-$5 te 40 +'".M Bar, 11egy-y--.t-�4 fit, o�yff/�. 0 ata. Pet—moo to 00.,, Hale -r•-$8.00 to $10.00 ton, Butter -40 to 22 tits, 1tigi tli -l.'A to 20 eta. Po toes- 700 to SO0 per b ob, Live ,Bea $0 sti}. STBATFORD,1 ONT. Canada's best Busin( e§bCollege, We Lthorough courses and competent experienced instructora. We do more for our students and graduates than do other schools. At present we have applications offering from $600 to $1200. per .annum for trained help. Business men know where they get the best help. We have three departments—Cornmer- cial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Get our free catalogue. D. A. MCLACIILA.N .- Principal Dr. de Van's Female Rills A reliable 1 reutch regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the do rats e g b v portion of the female System. Recuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at S5 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The &Cohen Druit Cao•, St. Catharines, Onto y JUDIC GHOL1.ET This Russian blouse suit has the reg- ulation knicI erbocicers worn beneath the blouse. Iter the suit a greet va- riety Qt materials is available. White platen, le the one illustrated, with "tors SUIT. simple scalloped edges, but linen and pique, madras and gingham are equai- Iy correct. This belt is made of the material, but 'patent leather Is mush liked, and a pa,teut Ieather belt over a suit of colored linen of pique always. gives a smart finish. In place of scal- loping the edges, stitching could be used, or any simple banding. For a boy four years of age four and --a half yards of material twenty-seven inches brie :will be needed, with one yard of tweneetsen„ etc incli material as decoration if it Is teemmteett to shown in the back view. INVESTMENTS. Estate and Private Funds invested on First Mortgage Seonrity without charge 6l per cent. Apply-- TEBBUTV, Spectator Bldg ,' Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE. That desirable home 'consisting of four acree of land, close by the Town of Winghann. A, good part of this place is under orchatcd, small fruits, and plantation. Buildings are all ingood repair. Apply on the pre- mises, to JOHN AGN'E CW`, Lotter Winghaiu, •MAIL CONTRALTI SEALED TENDERS addressed td Postmaster, General, will be recef ed at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 25th Julys, 1813. for the cotivoyatioo of We Majtsty's Malts ofr A proposed Oontcnet for font years, six tunes per Week each way. between LANGSIDand WHITE. O8 3.110 T, from the 1st Ootober next. Printed hotiaes containing further in- f'ormaltiott Ra to conditions of proposed Oontrae t may be teen and blank forme ai Tehder May be nbtaioed at the Post Ofileo of Laogside and Whiteehuroh and at the Chloe of the Poet Ciftl,e ea n. epeotor at London. G, O. A LiERS0 ' Superintendent. Mee ne 1epart7ment ,alt Barvioe Branch, Otfatr , Prins etc►, 12IS. 4148 Tn This May Manton pattern is cut in sizes for boys of two to six years of age. Send 10 cents to this office, giving number, 7830, and it will be promptly forwarded to you by mail. If in haste send an additional two cent stamp for Detter postage. ;When ordering use coupon. No. s Size Name ......., 4444•M,_1rMM Addresses ....,.r. ..: ......r 1 I awy...ai+: FASHION HINT By JUDIC CIIOLLET. The blouse' Is a simple one with set in sleeves and 19 closed at the front. The overblouse is made with rather large armholes finished with trimming and also is closed at the front. It ie made of plain crepe de chine over brocade and with yoke and col - tar. of thin net, A. quite different et- w�b pMAIiT NEW BLOUSE. fest could be made by making the over- blouse and sleeves o C brocaded. mete-, alai and the bosom of tucked net or stoft slIlr. The Bulgarian effects are being mush wised, too, and the overblouse and .sleeves of dark blue or tan. color or L>eonie such quiet torte with bosons of Bulgarian silk would bey rich in color and serviceable. For a medium sized' woman two .dards of twenty-seven inch %vide Mate- rial will be needed, For the stock col, ler and yoke It will take ara halt yard Of ,thirty -sit filch material. Six yards of banding will be needed, .1wn.nrnia. 7 ft 'This May Vianton pattern de cut in itiZett trona 84 to 42 inches bust meeasure. Send X0 cents to this office, giving number, 7821,; and it will be proniptbr forwarded to your by mall. If in haste send an additional two cent stamp for letter pfitetage. ;Whet ordering use coupon. Nfl..• 4040444Y SIZet#r•a akiY+ettiIroe,k/t4t.f rag. Nam. k4kkf.gt.. h.(iii,a7,.r.t.M.i.Mrrr.!.•.••rk•.r.Y Adore es t.•i•k...r.t► wl,ipisot4a?,aMs,N4.1. s.+.t..,ki/;,•►s.+14.t.s.ri.ssa.•i.'C4kT.lirt,s,& 0411.k.M Notice To Contractors. • * R s! Look round upon the Nations of the earth and see what case there ie for saying "War shall be no more in this year of Our Lord 101% We have witnessed Italy rob Turkey of a large tract 4f territory, T:ripolli, There seemed no cause for those two nations to close, but Turkey was vulnerable, which was Italy's opportunity. With Turkey weakened by her war with Italy, the Balkan Statee and Greece see their chance to wipe oil old scores,, and they have done so with a veng sauce}, The rise of the Balkan States intro duces a new factor into the field. They are Slavo. Russiais the cham- pion of the Slav races, Their sym pathiee, are therefore, likely to be with Russia, which adds greatly to her power and influence, Austria,, the ally of Germany, is a divided nation with - by far the larger part Slav end con stquent Slav sympathies which furth- er adds to Russian strength and con- sequent Austrian and German weak - nese. Now note the result, Germany to off -set the increase in Russian pow- er and influence "for Russia is the ally of France" must make greater sacri- fices, consequently she raises $250,000,- 000 by a capital tax for the purposeof increasing her army by 140,000 men aqd perfecting her military efficiency, France, her ancient foe, "sees" her in this and provides for -a similar in- crease. If war begins, and every nee tion in Europe around the seat of pos- sible conflict is preparing for it, Ger- many would likely attempt to shun, or cripple France by quick decisive action. An invasion must be nnade in one of three ways, directly woes the French .border, or by an Eastern flank movement through Switzerland, or a Western flank movement through Belgium, - e*. The direct attack over the French Border would be in the face of almost impregnable fortresses in series right back to Paris. It would be d1f .cult, tedioup and accompanied by frightful loss of life. Through Switzerland the Swiss have given notice that they will re- gard the first nation that sets foot up- on their 8011 as an enemy, and have called home . their reserves to the Colors. The nation that attempts ,to force a passage through that moun- tainous country will meet with dire tosses before success crowns her efforts. Through Belgium, the ancient bat- tle ground of Europe. Belgium; is now providing against that contin- gency and borrowing $02,000,000 to raise her military strength to 340,000 men and strengthen her. fortifications. 'Venders will be xeceived by John S'hortreed, Reeve of .Morris, Walton P. O., up to Satt t ,, :nue 28th, for widening the proArte road, month of Wingba,t:n. Oontxaot must be ,nomPlet- ad by the end of Septfattber next, Plans end specifications eae� be nee* at the Clerk's reaidentse in Morrie. teoloSe marked cheque for $60.00 witb• ruder. The lowest or r inir tattier not ne cessa't 17 aooepted. Aa ISAtItIVEN, Clerk of Moa<'kie, - - ready at a day's notice to proceed to any threatened part and its advent on any of our coasts would be a guaran- tee of protection, What xnatter where the men are recuited so long as they are British subjects and efficient, and we take a creditable place in shar- ing the expense? On whatever seas it sailed it would never be far from a British Naval base and wherever It appeared it would be bailed as the protection of commerce and the gua- rantee of peace, Add to that a few small swift cruisere and coast defence vessels and ,the defence of the British Empire would be complete, Sentiment might say "Let us have a Navy of our own, but Business would advise Protection on the most econornieal and efficient basis and that to my mind would be provided by A Mighty Imperial Squadron maintain, ed by the Dominions and a few cosec defence.vessele for each. Thanking yell Mr. Editor, - Observer. CURE DANDRUFF F06 500. THAT'S CHEAP ENOUGH FOR ANY ONE It's easy, and you take no risk, Go. to J. W, Mr - Ribbon the druggist today, and get a large 50 cent bottle of PARISIAN Sage, the germ killing hair a,e- storer, If it does not cure dandruff in two weeks J, W. McKU. bon will give you your money back. PARISIAN Sage is a pleasant, daint- ily perfumed tonic and hair grower. It as guaranteed to stop falling hair or itching of the scalp, and to cure all die - eases of the scalp and hair. PARISIAN Sage hoe many imitators —get the genuine. The R. T. Booth Oo., Ltd., Fort Erie, Oat., Canadian, makers. Belgrave. Everybody come to Wingham on July 1st to the gala celebration, J. Armstrong 'shipped hogs this week at $0.50 a hundred. Mrs. Francis of Calgary spent Sun- day with Mise Tessie Iiailiciay. Miss Dorothy Bryant is visiting her grandmother, Mre, W. Wray. Mr. Brooks of Toronto visited hie sister, Mre. VanNorman last week. Miss Jennie Pool left for the West to visit her sister, Mrs. W. L. Brandon. Mr. Nelson Higgins has been re-en- gaged as our teacher at a salary of $650. Mrs. J. W. K. VanNorman and two sons left on Tuesday to join her hus- band in fLamiota, Man. The Presbyterian garden -party on Wednesday evening was a grand suc- cess and netted them about $140. Mrs. McKay of Massachusetts, U'.S , She will not passively allow any who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. nation to invade her territory to make VanNorman,,,Ieft for iter home this it a battle ground. Further Belgian weak. neutrality is guaranteed, and Britain ' Dr. Reid, V. 'S, of Guelph gives a is one of the guarantons, hence the demonstration on horses at the Annu• moment any nation sets foot on 13N3• al meeting of the East Huron Farmers' gian soil Britain must move to its de- Jestitute on Thursday, the Bal. Salem. Everybody oome to Winghicm on Jnly lst to the .gala oelebration. Mr. Waldo Weir sold a horse to Mr. Lowry of Brussels last week. Mr. and Mre. Melvin WilIitee visited friends near Belmore last Sunday. A'ir, Wm, Elliott of Tugaske, Bask., is- at present visiting friends around here,. Mr. J. J. Weir of Regina visited friends around here a few days last week. Mrs. Jag. Wylie had the misfortune to loss; a fine two-year-old colt from indigestion, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar from near Tees - water called on Mr, and Mrs. Bush one day recently. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mitchell and Mr. Elliott called on friends at Moles. worth last Monday, Mr. and Mies Miller of Jamestown vicinity visited visited Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mitchell least Sunday. Messrs. Wra. Westlake and T. Meehan left last Monday with the volunteers for London, Mre. Thos. Johnston from near Fordwich called on her grandmother, Mrs. Kitchen, last Sunday. Miss Lottie Bentley, teacher of the Wingham Public School, visited at the home of Mrs. Thos. Bolt over Sun- day. We are sorry to report that Mre, John McBurney is at present in Lon- don Hospital suffering from inward trouble. We hope to see her back home again soon, fully restored to her usual health. A number from the neighborhood attended the funeral of the late Mr. Ohas. Simmons of Wroxeter last Sunday, The service in the church here was withdrawn as the pastor had to conduct the funeral'service. fence. Rev. Ferguson preached his farewell Note the intricate relationship be- sermon to a large .:ongregation on tween the nations. See how each S rnday. He moves this week to his hastens to patch up any weak. spot in new charge near Toronto. They w 11 its defence, as soon as it appears, and be very much missed as they made contemplate the results to that nation, many friends in Belgrave, which first wearies of the burden and A Garden Party will be held at the allows her defence to fall into weak- home of Mr, Thos. Scandrett, under mess and despair. Further Britain for her own safety the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church. on Thursday, June could never allow Belgium or Holland 26th. Wingham Citizens' Band in to be dominated by a possible enemy. attendance. Admission --Adults 25cr, The ports of Amsterdam, Rotterdam children 15c. - and Antwerp in the control of a pos- e -ful foe would be a constant menace The teachers and pupils of school to Britain. Napoleon, no mean sections numbers 3, 5, and 7 of Morrie authority on War, likened them to and U. S. S. No. 17 East Wawanosh three pistols pointed at the heart of are holding a picnic on July 1st in Mr. Britain. That is those parts with their skilled artisans and splendid sailors under the influence of a power- ful nation of great wealth and teem- ing population would gradually but surely acquire the mastery of The Seas, But _Britain will take care of that to which end she lays down 16 vessels to Germany's ten for her own defence. Now another elaitn of Napoleon t He claimed that wars would never cease until someone nation became so pow- erful .that it could forbid war at its will, and he aimed to make France that nation. What Napoleon aimed to do, over ruined hotnes, devastated lands, over- thrown governnnents, and subjugated peoples, through tears and bloodshed And death, is gradually accruing to the British Empire by the rapid expansion of her people, and her sway over the islands of the sea and choice lands of the world. Britain unaided is mistress of the seas to -day, and the Mastery of theeeas is the strongest plate in any nation's armour. For it ware have been waged, and the nation to whorm that mastery fell was pttramount. Brita'n unaided hoe held that 1nas0 tery. What will be her position when her daughter mations gather around' her with the Wealth of their inex- haustible resources, to uphold her handin the hour peril?She will be invincible. Canada Australia, South Africa, India, New Zealand, Egypt and the islands of the sea eontrbuting of their vast wealth for the prated• tsars of the eommort heritage, what: nation or combinatiott of nations would dare to face their might A'nd now' apart from party a(lf i. ations my opinion of a Naval Policy for Canada. What is the value of being an Bin pire unless our defence is Imperial P Why 0,ot adopt the best-stratagetie defence og,>i.rdless of any provincial- ism? Then to my mind let Britain maintain her i aropean posttlotn as the Is amply able to do, and let the out- lying positions of the ErnpIre provide as Winston Ohurehili has proposed an Imperial squadron, a mighty battle fleet for their own defence, Stationed Id be 4t• 2, , : , tipant. at the most st can.ifol point it vrou Chas. Wilkinson's grove fourth line. A splendid program of races, base- ball and football etc. is being prepar- ed. Refreshments on the grounds. We cordially invite our friends to attend, A very pleasant evening was spent by the Y. P. S. C, E. of Calvin church at the Manse, Belgrave, on Monday, June Oth. The evening was spent in social amusements, and refreshments were served by the ladies. After sing- ing the hymn, "Blest be the tie that binds," then all retired to their res• pective homes, wishing Mr, and Mrs. Ferguson many prosperous years in their new home. Mr. Daniel Wheeler, one of the old- est and most highly respected resi- dents of Belgrave, died on Friday evening.last after an illness of about six months, He was born in Eogland, but has been a resident of this vicinity for.86 years. Ele leaves a. widow, also one brother, - Mr. H. Wheeler of Wingham, and a sister he England to mourn his loss. Mr. Wheeler was a member of the Ohurch of Ragland and assisted in the erection of Trinity Ohurch. Lie wasa staunch Conserva• tive. The funeral took place on Sun- day afternoon and was largely attend- ed, Service was held in Trinity Church conducted by Rev. T. H. Peer, and interment WWI Made in Brandon eeme. tery, Deceased was hi his (1M year. Bjuevale: Don't forget the grand celebration. at Wingh€ in, Dominion Day, Miss belle Robb who has been ill for the past year is able to be around again, We wish her continued good health. Mr. .A.rthur Shaw and Coutieflior Fraser have erected new silos each thirty_ five feet high. No. 763 L. 0. L. will hoist service in the Methodist °Church, Bluevale on Sands.,, Attie 22, at 7 p.m, Visiting brethern made welhonter Miss Gilbolm of Bright will address the EEluevale Branch of the Woman's Institute at the Meme of Mrs. Robt, Black ott dune 20th. The meeting will be la form of a pionto is the grove. All Miss w'tlaoinese Wroxeter. Everybody come to Wingham on July let to the gala celebration. The Wroxeter Presbyterian Church is preparing to hold a garden party on July lst. Foot -ball, base -ball and foot -races will be included in the after- noon programme along with a first- class tea. In the evening a high class concert will be given in the hall by the "Twentieth Century Variety Co." of Toronto. Corrie. Don't forget the grand celebration at Wingham, Dominion Day. - Mrs'. R. F. White accompanied by Miss Louise spent the week end with her daughter Gertrude and other friends at Mt. Forest. Mr. Milton White returned to Wing - ham on Monday to resume his work on the Bank of Hamilton Staff after an absence of twa•weeks holidays. Culross. Don't forget the grand celebration at Wingham, Dominion Day. Mr. J. O. McKenzie of Culross de- livered a heavy draught, four-year- old. gelding to Mr, J, Semple of Milver- ton, on Wednesday, that tipped the scales at 1800 and for which he received a handsome price. - C ` Sl'ORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 1444 Personate Miss Blanche Bennett is visiting friends in Walton. Mrs. R. S. McGee spent a few days in Listowel last week. Mrs. A,Iey of Detroit is visiting her friend, Mrs. W. G. Patterson, Miss Jean McGillivray of Chicago is visiting at her parental home. Mr. Awde of Toronto ie visiting at the home of his son, J. L. Awde, Misses M. Halliday. M, Steele and J. Webb spent Sunday in Teeswater. Mr, and Aire, Gannet and son spent the week end with friends in GOdericb, Miss Mae Mason and Mr. John Mason spent the week -end in Sebring- - ville. Mr. Gerry Willis left on. Monday for 'Toronto where he has secured a situation. ,Mrs. hill. Binkley of Dundas is paying a visit to her son, Mr. L, Binkley of town. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Connell of Pres- cott are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. I :edmond. Mrs. McGuiee of Brussels is spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. Rankin. Mrs, H. D. Woods of St. Helens and Mr. And Mrs. Hoegarth of Tara, spent Sunday at T. L. Jobb's. Mrs. Jae. Langhton of Hamilton is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. L. Hinkley of town. Mr, and Mre. H. Wheeler and family attended the funeral of Mr. Wheeler's brother in Belgcave ott Sunday last. Mr. D. O'Callaghan. a former gradu- ate of the Wingham Business College, has take n, position aa book-keeper at Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. m, Johnetsnn of Toronto is the guest of her brother, Mr. Robt. Weir, of Vietoria St. Mr. and Mre, Chas, Beseer of Detroit visited the letters brother, (iota Spot - ton for a few days last week. Mr. Wm, Ferguson of the Sante of Ooir inerce, Peterboro, is spending his vacation at his home in Belgrave, Mr. It tCilleen has rxueeessef ally com- pleted his oourse in the Wingham Business College and has returned to his home In Sleswick. Mr, Thom. Garrett, with her son and .laughter, arrived last week front Bristol, lift gland, to jour Mr. Garrett and they have taken up their teal-, dente en Catharine Sibs Tris , JTHE 190 X913 SAY! Boys and girls Stop Look Listen We are giving for this week only one "Dancing Top" with each pair of - Boys' or girls' Shies. These Tops are now being shown in our North Window. We have a large number of these on hand but they will not last long so do not delay or put of until to -morrow what you can do to -day. Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR sh'o; LADIES • HOT WEATHER - -SPECIALS - Wash Ready-to-wear in Dresses for 'dot weather, in Ladies', plisses' and Children's, in embroidered lawns and ginghams, in new neat styles, in all sizes. WHITE TAILORED WAIS 'S.—Big stock of White Tailored Waists in plain linens, white picque and fancy vestings, with the soft French cuff and colas. ; sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40. Ladies' White Serge Skirts ---White ratine skirts and white bedford cord, white repp—neat styles in good washing materials, in all sizes. Sole agency for "Holeproof Hosiery" ger N AND CHILDREN f.y Boys' Wash Snits --fin. Baster Brown wn ii. blouse style, all in newest style, in white Bedord cord, Galetia linen, smart style for boys. Metes Wilk.. g Shirts— We have Vie sole agency for the VRAC. jko,t/647". ceel MARTS {)rating Shirt, exclu- sive in patterns, and a large roomy shirt, soft 1oungc collars and Finch Cuffs, sizes 14 to 17 reg. $ 1.00, $Z2 . 5r $1.50 $2.50. We have all sizes In " Co1eproot flattery" Mall ° ' iers Promptly Filletl.1 Phone 70. Bio'. HANNA ,St CO