HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-06-19, Page 6Tata" :PK! 1913 4.0.01404.0111.004.1 .1. THE WINGIYAM ,A,DV.A.114 � r'.14"•••••4"."."" 0,4••••NOW.0.0%/16"^"roW".07.0%07.0"."^^^""0"^•WW•01 Special for Saturday. Any 50e Necktie in the house for 35cs Cool Outfittings The vacation season is here and we would like to check you through to Outing Comfort,, without charging --'you an excess ,price. The Straw hat. Start the holiday season with a new Straw Hat and select it now while our stock is so complete. Ours retain their good appearance and shape throughout the season. Sennet and Split • Straw Sailors, 75c to $2.50. Genuine Panarnas $3.50 to $8.50. Soft Shirts and they are beauties. Sante with soft collars. Cool Hosiery, Cool Neckwear, in a variety of styles, cool everything to wear you. can ask for and all at cooling prices. Just come to see what's what before you go away. Cool U nderwear WA. CA ': PBELL The Clothier SUCCESSOR TO McGEE & CAMPBELL • J3ELL Music Emporium Wingham - -Ont. Carries a complete line of High Grade Musical Instruments of every description, Player Pianos ; Organs of almost any make ; Phono- graphs, Edison and Victor ; Stringed Instruments of all kinds ; Violins a specialty ; Sewing Machines, Canadian and American. We wish to impress yen with the fact that age will sell you anything that produces meEio, at prices and terms to suit the purchaser, Anyone intending to purchase a Piano should consider well before purchasing. from travelling ageuta. We are here permanently and you can see the instrtinlent you are buying. Give us a chance to compare, Two Stores. Opposite Skating Rink. North End. Phone 222. P. 0. Box 156. SIRIKE 0. Thousands of young Canadians have strap* from old conditions to higher and better 14ip s by enrolling as students of our Business COIN leges and Moine Study Departi.ent. • You can study all !n your own flame, or partly there and finish at Cof lege. NOW is a good time to start. Every farnmef:s son who intends to remain on the 1e farm should have a business education. You can continue your work, and filo Lincoln, prepare at the same time. Ask Us now. Largest trainers in Canada, Tliift;y years' experience.. Seven Colleges, Two that#4 sand students annually. Positions guaranteed, Individual instruction. No vacation. Successful people act NOW, not later. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE WINGHAM GEO. SPOTTON PRESIDENT. ONTARIO W. T. MORSE PRINCIPAL. Changed Conditions. An old politician was talking of the manner in wbioh Sir George Roes the Liberal leader in the Senate has changed his tune since 1800 when he seconded a resolution on Senate re- form and attacked the aright of that body to hold up legislation which had passed, the House of Oorpwone, It, will be remembered that during the past few weelo the Senate lias been slaughtering the Commons' bilis like flies, and rendering futile the Icing months of labor which have been ex- pended by members in threshing out the legielaation members the year, In this process Sir George has acted as heads- man. "It reminds me," said tlae veteran "•of an episode in the Iife of Sir Oliver Mowat daring hie terns of office as Lieutenant Governor, During the days when the Ross goverment was oil Ite last lege Sir Oliver gave a great deal of trouble Dy carefully exawining orders -In -council, and objecting to placing his signature on those which looked "queer" to Mw, One he particularly criticized. Where is your precedent for such a departure as this i+" he required of a couple of cabinet ministers. "We got It from yourself, Sir Oliver," was the response. "Some years ago when Premier of Ontario yoit supplied the precedent; you passed a similiar order -in -council." "Ah I gentlemen," said Sir Oliver, with a retrospective gaze, "but at that time 1 was not Lieutenant Governor of Ontario," The same applies to Sir George Ross. At the time he attack- ed the Senate's perogative, he was not a Senator." --Exchange, 4. • • THE DOMINION BANK I R EDJ.WND Y. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEW$, VIOE•pRESIDENT, C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital paid up - • • $5,000,000 Ras•ry Fund *, '•; ~:'° $8,000,000 Total Assets • '7•....V7.• . - $7s,000,000 1 i w _„ henever You Travve ------, , -at home- or abroad -carry fundsTiaTrravellers' Cheques or Letters of Credit, issued by The Dominion Bank. They ifo bur nt 41t over the world, and cashed at their face value. They prevent loss -and save all the annoyances of being identified, and the worries of foreign exchange. WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. BREVITIES. To hear always, to think always, to learn always, it is thus that we live truly. He who aspires to nothing, is not worthy of living. Almost every one bee a predominant inclination, to which hie other desires and affections submit, and which go. verns him, though perhaps with some intervals, through the whole course of his, life. Nothing is so contemptable as that affectation of wisdom, which some dia. play, by universal incredulity. Let U'ortune do her worst, what- ever she makes us lose, as long as she. never makes us lose our honesty and our independence. A man who gives his children habits of industry provides for them better than by giving them a fortune. Life is short, art long, opportunity I. fleeting, experiment uncertain and judgment difficult, Nature has given to me one tongue, + but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak, Necessity of action takes away the fear of the act, and makes bold resolu- tion the favorite of fortune. Let no man measure by a scale of prefection the meager product of reality in this poor world of ours. Great Works are performed, not by strength, but by .r everance. 32. people would be more popular if they '9ver "hvaaa a, a,„,.....4.41...., Weighing sunshine is every bit as profitable as stringing soap bubbles. The innocent bystander finds out too late what it is that was coming to him. JUNE SALE At Knox's s • • . • • • • of • • • • • • • • r.> Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewelry, Cut Glass, etc. Watches. Ladies' 14 k. solid gold watch, 15 jewel Waltham movement, reg. $40 -June Sale,. $30.00 Ladies' 14 k. gold-filled, 15 jewel Waltham movement, reg. $16. June Sale $12.00 Ladies' 14 k. gold-filled, 7 jewel Waltham Watch, reg. $1.2 - June Sale ' $9.00 Ladies' Silver Watches, reg. $5 - June Sale $3.50 Gent's 18 size, open face, 14 k gold-filled case, 17 jewel Wal- tham or Bigin mov't, reg. $25-- Jnne Sale.,,,„ $18.00 Gents' 18 size, open face, gold-filled case, 17 jewel Waltham or Elgin mov't, reg. $20 -June sale $14.00 Gent's 18 size, open face, gold-filled ease, 15 jewel, Elgin or Wal- tham movement, reg. $16 --June Sale.,.,,.., $10.50 Gent's 16 size, open face, 141k. gold- filled, 17 old-f.11ed,17 .jewel Waltham or Elgin mov't, reg, $22 -June Sale $16.00 Gent's 18 size, gold-filled, Waltham mov't, reg. $15 -June Sale $10.00 Gent's 17 jewel Silver Watch, reg. $17 -June Sale - $12.50 Gent's 17 jewel Waltham Watch in niekle case, regular $12.50 --Jane Sale • $.b Gents' 7 jewel Elgin or Waltham mov't, to ntek1e case, reg. 88, u e klale ............. ......... 45.0 Boys' Watches, regular $1.50 --June Sale 98c Clocks. Reg. $12 --June Sale ..., $8.50 Reg. $10 -June Sale $6 75 Reg. $8 -June Sale .. $5.50 Reg, $5 -June Sale $3.251 Jewelry. Ladies' Chainlx_.,.. Reg. $10 ---June Sale .... $6.50 Reg, $6.50_June Sale $3 75 Gents' Chains --- Reg $10,00 ---June Bale Reg. $8 00 ---June sale Reg. $5.00 ---Jane sale $2.95 Reg. $2.00 ---June sale $1.75 Ladies' Bracelets---: Reg. $10. -June Sale - $6.75 Reg. $8 --June Sale $5.00 Reg. $5 --June Sale.. $8.00 Reg. $4.._June Sale......... $2.50 Pendant Necklaces - $25 -June sale $17,00 Reg. $15 --June sale $14.00 Reg. $10 -June sale ........•......$6 75 Ladies' Rings --- Reg. $75- June Sale.... $58.00 Reg. $55..•._Jane Sale - $39.00 Reg. $40...._June Sale....,$28.40 Reg.$25.._'ane Sale...+x+$17.50 Reg. $20, 4nne Sale....,+.....+td14 50 Beg. $15 une Sale. r. t t.... $9.75 Beg. $10..._. juue gale....,.,$6,50 Reg. $5 -June Sade,,.. $3.2b Reg. $3.50 -,--June Sa'le.,....., $2 25 .....$6 00 $4.75 4 Ladies' and dents' Stolle set Rings at exceedingly low prices. Special June prices on Lockets, Chains, Ladies' and Gouts' Fobs, Broaches, Scarf Pins, Cuff Links, Etc. Large stook of Silverware and Cut Mass at cost and below. A.M.}NM. OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL PHONE 65 1 , 1y..�T+ �.� wed r r-.�y NA r i..l. i �+5! �r,,POPNOw CUT PRICE SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK END This is our busy season, yet we are always after more. So we run a sale of specials at the end of the week . so as to increase our business. Our stock is large and complete, of the newest models, styles and fashions, so we feel we can suit one and all. Read the list then come and share in the bargains. Men's Wear Store. 8 Men's Suits, dark Tweed, good style, regular $10, Week -end Special $7,95 Men's Cravenette Coats, regular $7.50, Week- end Speoial $6,00 Men's Tweed Trousers, one line to clear$1,19 1 -nn of Boys' Suits, regular $5.00 $3.75 A broken and $6,00, Speer i , . , Boys' short Pants-, lined, Week -end Pr o Men's English Stripe Worsted Trousers, Out - Price $1.75 Men's Socks, grey or blank, regular 20c pair, Special Pride... 2 for 25o Men's Working Shirts, also light eolor;,Shirts with soft , collars, .Special to Clear 690 Youths' Leather Belts, our Cut Price 25o Boys' Wash Suits, new style, Speoial 750 Men's Fancy Print Shirts, a Bargain 490 Men's new style Hard or Soft Hate, Week- end Price $1 50 Men's Dongola or Box • Calf Boots, Oat Pride $2.50 Ladies' Wear Store. Ladies' Ready-to-wear House Dresses, regu- lar $1,25, Special Price - $1,00 White Top Skirts with embroidery trim- ming and buttons, regular $1.50, Special Price. . $1.25 Ladies' Fancy Tweed Top Skirts, regular $5 and $6, Week -end Price $8.90 1000 ve. : •'^ .100, To Clear do 50 yards Black Pailette Silk, regular value $1.25, Week -enol 'rte, 89 -inch Black ,or • Colored Pailette Silk, $150 value, Special Price $1,25 Ladies' Black Hose, 10 doz. to clear at.... 10o Ladies' Fancy Strap Slippers, turn sole, regular value $2.50, Special Price.. $1.90 Girls' Ready-to-wear Dresses, Speoial $1.00' Ladies' Princess Slips, embroidery trimmed$1.50 Ohildren's Wash Dresses, small pattern, Print 50o d wide, e... 90c Ladies' Rain Coats, Speoial $5.00 to $10,00 Ladies' White Cambric Underskirts, em broidery trimmed, Speoial $1.00 Pongee Silk, natural shade, .wide, Special 500 ALWAYS IN THE LEAD WITH BARGAINS QUEENur EQUEEN QUALIT OSEY ■ � Qand, �� QUALITY GLOVES A TIME SAVER. The favourable weather of June is bringing some good .records of milk lproduced by cows trained to the busi nsss by far sighted owners. Grade !cows yielding as much as 2.800 pounds of Wilk and 65 pounds of fat in thirty days are well worth keeping as many factory patrons can testify. On the other hand some poor records were made during May in several districts, not only in yields of milk but - in many instances in peculiarly low - percentage of fat ; even Less than two . per cent. That is one good reason why it pays farmers to take up cow testing, for with the tests 'ranging, as they frequently do -in the same herd from 2.1 to 4.3 with common grade cows giving almost the same weight of milk and handled under similiar con- ditions, there is evidently plenty of room for considerable difference in returns. As a matter of fact, cow testing was never more needed than at the present time when farmers are complaining that it is hard to get good hiredhelp, The -tithe spent in taking .a few weights and samples is saved ever and over again, a hundred times over, when it proves to a man that he saves time by chalking profitable cows only. Why waste precious time month after month, year after year, on cows that test only two per cent of fat, The Battle of the Buzzer Any visitor to the recent Presbgte. rian Congress found a great deal of amusement in theseries of battles that were waged daily between the speakers and the buzzer. The eminent divines who took part in discussions were sup- posed to be Iimited to a certain time for their addressee. Many of them Were accustomed to the freedom of speech of their own pulpits and did not like to have the length of talk our tailed. With flowing periode the speakers would be building up their oration, only to be interrupted by the warning note of the buzzer. Some of them took the hint, but others found, it im• possible to snake an end at such short notice. The latter invariably con. tinned until the buzzer notified them again, then they 1;egan to hnriry, but not to stop. It generally ended in the buzzer playing it tattoo that seemed tcs - disconcert every person except the speaker who kept on until the chatrntatl, or the assistant, managed to buzz theta down. "1 believe," remarked a cleric of the younger aehool after one of these drugs glee, "that If the Net trumpet blew While *onto of the elderly gentlemen were talking, the r could insist upon. 6niehing th iparagrspb." .... Ee- a11., miammommineammem Give Us a Trial For Your Next Job. All kinds of Printing neatly and artistically executed. Dodgers, Auction Sales, Station- ery, Envelopes, Blofters, Buffer Wrappers, Church Reports, Etc. This office has always had the reputation of turn- ing out nicer work than most others. Prices as low as the lowest. Call for prices. THE ADVANCE Win gham a'. • 7 Ontario SUITS MADE TO ORDER We ineasut a the man, then make the Suit. ORDER YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW. Suits, tweeds acid worsteds, from $21.00 to $32.00 Odd Trousers from . • 4.00 to 7.50 Perfect fit and workmanship guaranteed. Call and ;get prices. MOON & WHITE Phone 26.1`, WILSON BLOCK as