HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-06-19, Page 2a Ritter in pounil print -1 W brought 021c, tuliq and P EWS.- OF T E oilt hi desirr.4 III, con(liter. 415e, and turnips the sam e.im inv the natioll. owpn Soumt.-A,J1 ga. AMANLEI I ill 111)e lalt d1il lie 10c; eggi% piltatoQs, 6)c to 0*10. ftnil AAMQ, .4 PlOplie. Wts, 400; $14; bale(l I']](- bome of Ain,),4. nil what il,% ll, -wellpation? W11.1t; 1,3 LESSON X11 --JUNE 22, 1913, the (it 11.�A t7pon AVIIQIU -Live btla-i droppPil JIiiv to ditl TORONTO MARKETS Ilay The Blinding Effect of $In—Tain- to cttrnei, 1009p, Wheat. 93e to 050; 0-tt% 350 inath nd (1ath'? Wh:%t % differonce, sing to Me; Potttoes, $1.25, No ploaltry of. Cow Ran Wild in. Streets mois 6.' 1-8. Dresed hogi, heavy excent clllekpnq�', 75c to $1. 13tit. tm poken in the icajon? Wilct $11-1 50 1 0 Commentary if, Said of the shl ot intemperance? Miat DO., ligh t 13 00 13 50 ter �Sc; ecras 00c, —1. The folly of fal foretold? NVIlat wis tile 28 I;elleylllel sold at from PX)e to of Toronto. liopvg (vs. 1-3). 1. %Voe---A word "' waterial condition of Isreal at tiiiq 95, ( z I I 7 'll I)),; 09-9s, 2le to 22c dozen; of The woo time? 110v iongr affir tids w. -to t%o Spring 011:0tens, 11). 3i 00 dre-sed, 4413-50; hege, live welplit) thlo, oerse appliesito the hmol o21 NEW C, * .2, fowl, $1 to $I-50 ppr RIFLE RECORD enuinill in the following S U2 RV I Y. oto $13.5)0; I 0090, $11 to $12 per 2 Z 0 3 50 toil; wool, 1111washed, 33c; wool, washed Ot! e, bag I 10 1 20 '21c; calf Pre veril t me iu Zion denunel. - al�s oc ioll i -i agah-it Israel, but the 11lier Borden Slightly W hhi plogure. Beef, forequarters, myt. 8 y o 9 2 to l3e; bhleci, Joe j.0 10 1,oe; pot,,Xtoes lif- ii'l 0.) 2 00 I" Itrell(Allell 1) hindquarters, cwt. 1, 13 0 $1.40 to per bag, forring to III's beloved liation and its at Halifax. Do.) QlLOjC0J1.;J(1V8 I 0 I I 0,'). 1. in r(liion. Ani,)A, I -lit, or the laull DO,) Medium 10 LUT1.11POOT, PRODUCIP. though 11a. 50 IrPliti, that* A XOP 1H pronok�`neplk upon emmon, �wt. 9 1150 CA tive of tho kingdom O fndali. was ent I 00 tlioio who are indiffere-at ntl inactivia with . " luttoll, light ...... ..... 10 00 I 2 00 Albert lost Iiie, life in the D -or With refereneo to the interests of 401) rawl at III a to t1le ten of I;. cornmon, Mvt. 4. .. 9 W 4 1 a. 111ver 4* thilo of thpir 0 at Toronto. 1. Viltures--jolirin; "s r) -.s 11 the, 11 00 1:1 00 Ovlober---Iis -1 1.2d. i 11 (1011, et, tit the of ew I 6 00 19, 7-8d. do flip Poli.4h. p! w who are depending for sa- nappiroilt, (lelli.jive, nist, ti,nnotinces that lie is about to io int, to thoi Lartill, t. upon the strewrth and saerednesi 1.11111) 5, 00 0 9 0 I'lln A cd -5s 3 I-24. kndeeply stirrvil ))v the kninviodge of the Old, Wq; 0)(1 via Galvpstoll, 5S 8d. July I plata, 4s 11 1-8do people Injured by t emi forivi to s(Ture their owit sfety. 111-V sins bt-Ing coln,mitt(ld by the Sugars are quoted in London, in ba q, September 1040i ran in the streets of To e to t1w danger that wa eye throu-11 per cwt., ,is follows- *wIntor patellts-2qs Cill. flireatenincol tbel.r nation, The routo,, hich Ivealth w Extra granitlated, St. Lawrence $4 40 Ill III I-011(1011 (11ail coast)_94 los 1101.0 given nlay well be con6truc4, q Au tllro�vll ovor eorrupt IlArcs, The Do., Redpatli's 4 40 to The Toronto 11�etbl Conferprie 0 11 lencP watc0i'll, ruay take store to inake edlifttior Qxh rt tioll 6 obed' extra India .11qt;11 bid mico 4 '? 5 Pork, pl-fino nwss, and Trust in the motintain of Illeir ll..Iti short Put, 14 to IQ Own) lifo hd complefill passed litipprial, 4 23 was the capial Of and t1117 were . pgpnpr� Xo 1 "011ONY .. .... .. .... .. 4 00 Wilhelm arrived in Berlin fo S., Dall Cumberland. rit, 26 to A Ms.— a seaso ate 0", iltvc-lith. III dfiance of tile In 5c per cwt. -more, car lot -4, (Allear 1.1 to 16 the vefebratioll, in honor of his silve of a of rulers had arisen i' less, I.ong clear inlilmets, heay, `Z to 40 Ibs, jubilee. extended so that her territory who s great as it had beep, in hn .4, alid wlio LiV`4 STOCK. f.ong clear niiddlos, Ilenvy, 3 51,o 40 lbs. The funeral & power to Oppres the Ul the Der1ky held ill lie thile. This it bas bml Export. cattle, cun!(10 .... 0 75 ;70 Shoft, elivar backs, 10 to .20 lb.s.—fris. 1101110 to,wn. wlio Were brought Into a condi. c11 to 1:1 "the Judiall uilliner" of 14rael's tion of povorty. and even Not. Do., rnealum d 01) Of ',W prinio Avestern, III tierces -554 Oil, wai Jaken ic end wao coinin in thirty NjoijIlstandinn, the terrible Do., comillon 4 73 B 25 -S, cows, bierlean. Coil. '-enpral lh*pital from jail ­"Notlable men of.." —11, I awere: practispd, the kept lip 1311tallel ;I ­ ", " " 6 75 (Illpil Canadian, finest whitc" new— the Toronto (A V. Chil of . the nations --Judah aud f a I)o., nle4lum o4 23� G 1)0 5Sq Od: old, 63s. died from IdH injuries nn. Im of worship; et they were in t, Do., canners 300 360 Cloloreo.—New, MIN Od; old, 63s. theinselves . the Condition Opposed' to all �piritul in,. Do., bulls .... .. .. .. .... 300 600 Tallow, Prime elty-31sh 9d. T)w fire at Welland jail has (11pal nations of the earth, Peeding steers of 0. 51 00 0 25 Australlan, In London -36s 4 1-2d. complications for the Ontario rdWat "I'lill lilad no concern fO*t Stockerso choice .. .. .. .... A a' 00 000 Resin. cominon-12s, ment. to religious privileges, they were 'the the spiritual interosts of Israel. They Do,, ligbt A200 2 ,) Petroleum. refineil-9 34d. . reatest, et their persistent nbima of ivere greed n.,)i to nqiional ill. t the Toronto Syllod ebolve, Paoli.. 40 00 75 W Lhiseed oil -25s 9d. .. .. .. .. .... .... . Ali CK) 7-1 '10 Cotton eed oil, Ifull, 10 1-2d, deplored Via prey0fin ll their privherres led to their overthrow. t(.)*Pqt,.q by too anonto he ewes 5 75 6 23 C3 Ill Ine— -Y To whom flie. house of sraeNyin IJOL IIU( and P s .. A. .... .. 400 111 (9) tioll of the Sabbath. Ilion, of Tudali nrid 'firaelt La il)8 ...... .... I M 8 the houqp (rf lAll eame for counsel, A It ffainQ T, Montreal decipitch- Weat End Market. I'm 04. R', n n-Ilear evptA"iil in aboilt goo, (..Ilvej mani.Avas. received into (lie Tor li weight tion la direeted to. I. -Togs, y milltice alld op. ... .. .. .... & i) ., N1 50- 0. to othodist Vorifellence. .), 611cop 1.11111)4 -;iv llogrs 111.) 1010 'O ward 16rael for their failure to tuailk- I)IIP.qqioll Oil tilt, hoff Pars ...... .... IV, with no n-aterial lltomrwy's partrait of Lidy Anne do la '-Oil hudlie valled 1. all account foll tain t1leir ilitparit), The time had be Trade HIDB9 SKIN59 WOOL, JUNK. eliangt,%)n the prims of n0ll-fed cattle, Polo purchaed for by Dull When. the nation �:as morally and ilia- Tbil 1, nbut ilke-grass-fed stoek were Jowir. yeen at Chris4ap',3 auction room, London terially prosperous, and comma,ndedthe tinnq nd external utcher hides, green, to 7 1-2. MediuuL 5 to respeet of her own citizens ud, Suv- their of bein fhe people of flat, 12 1-2c per pound. Inspected hidll The Servian Utbinet, of which .11 ,ev a Ood, a No. o, 2, 12c, Country -lildes, 3A. (Joinnion. 31-2 to 43-4. Pasite.h. was premier -laid minister o 110unding nations, but there had be fidence. Tbeir fine, bull' brou.0 Afflt departure., from Ood, with correA, flat, eured, I" . Part cured to - It six foreign reRigned. Roe I - - per pound, while, others ivere sold from n 49 los. When one 11. Ill-il in P�0116111'0- Tlie peo. 3-4-0; green, 11 1-2c to 12w. 1 4 I -B to 5 1-2. Me Mennonite camp aneeting at ell. ho III' ent for pie pla phlevil aJoe. noldeIr's 0rove, Derlin was att"onded b) heori emin IOBS bilp 3 to G. seems terriille,* SID fieftflon or flic-it varnai appe Country, part eured, oured, Ill to h into Hill, tile q1til at .1 nevell or t when a noble nation sinks into worth- time wilen (,nAl ill m to 19c, Rceording to condition unit tke-off, va e -, P (111fICA010 lnvR R, 11. torey, retired, fariner, resid the ruln is incalculble. weeping $1 to $1.50. -was fou.nd dead ii (r They indulged De.aeoni or Dob calf, hil in Oran(yeville, .Ullto calliell and sce— A la all niall'Iner oe ke-Off, $3.50 to $4. P asures pointing to tryclinlaf 2, Pas,; ye phl, 1Tor.q(-hIdes--0tv to 13eeveq ...... .... .. .. .. .. 72,1 9 6i) stron(rhold on file Tigrls. It had recently nd displav Country tako-off, 1, to $-I; N l NITM MCIAVO(rftnt. , Texas poisonin been tahell V the Ass-i-yrians. 11aniatli, nV, ), .56 to -$3.50. ., I (10 9 10 Olt � They Shleepkins—Cit- 11-4(oekers and for Pals .. .. .. c 05 8 zi The Prime. 'Minister Wglit Ron, R. L the gret-.111l was a 'notable strong- prollanad"-J)'i6i mirth b iisin,,,r instrit- y take -off, acco,rdin OoWi nd helfers .. .. .. .... . I So 8 -to bol(f jinrth of Israel on the Orontes, YU merits ot inus'lle whieli ha�� been devoted to Rive, $1.50 to country, 50c to Calves .. .. ....... .. .. .... 7 75 10 -,S Borden, witii indisposed at 11alifax -with 11.qW. . a severe cold, contraeted during hi Joilli it subjugated by Israel (2 Rings, to tile 16 fill) 'of God, thus draging $1.7 45, Sprint, lambskin, 20e to ,15c. 0 li I rket—Stody. I Iviv. 25), nd later by Assyria, (2 ICI' sacred tm s h Pelts of sbearlinge, 20c. to 40e. uglit'. -40 g ,r, ney from Ottawa. rigs TI(r to t a lovel of the sens- ,,I ixed ... ... ... ... ... ... ... SOO 891 A thorough study of the fihery re- lind been the They lierrieeted the true worship combing fleece(coarse, 7. Ivy cap- of Ond, forgotting that there I,, 24C -to 25)(1. Washed Tn. .. .... . 8 70 sourece of fludmi is to be rivide lly ital of Philis,tia and a strong milit a dis. clothinc, fleece It" ary OiIgb ........ . 59 Centre, I)ut it was onilnered by IT7ziah tinctlY piritual ork. fr nian to do. (fine), 27 to 29c. rejoctionR 111gs .... Of so 8 W) tbe (lovernment, neting throagh the l3lo- (1) ron. xvi. 0). Be they b6tter than forgot, fhb "afflictions of jose.ph (burry, elmify, pie.), 1c. *VIl. PAIlk f .... .. .. .... .. 8 SD 90 lonleal 'I'loard. people to-'-who3n, the real of t'heir nation, when wa-5h&t fleeco'conibings (coarse), 16c to It. Douglaii ma,de a recordfol iage V,6uld fle rhooting a -t Bi,sley, Rtbir0fty, witi the prophet delivered his mes, Unwashd fleece combingns (fine),. Nativo .... .... .. .. .. .. I I such conditions ivere d no to the'r coTiduet: ITC. ., 6 0 ri 2 -1 Ill not be willing to admit that the kin14- They were ot "Ile for 18e to 10 1-2c. Yearlings 6-11 0 Tnlbs, native.. ., r) -1.1 110 tile lligh-wt poSsible more, 105 at 200 ha'a tile people. had no trile Tallow—City rendered solid, in bar. 7 W dOM3 just named were betterol,,, t Sprin.- lamb.4.. 9 7.5 500 nd. ON yard.i. All and lt;rael were to meet the fate tion of their and rell, 6 14-c to 7c. Country etock, solid, dec-ItY as lotirr ng they in L%arrels, 'No. 1, 6 to 6' 1-2c; No. 2, 5 BUFFALO LI'VE STOCIL Charls Robillard; editor of LaPatrie of Calueli oil the ea,st) 1fanieth on the r., C, rday secured judgment for $150 north and Gath on the west. Border— coll1ii liv�, iii pietwure, supposin their 1-4 to Cc. Cake, o. 1, "I to 7 1-2c; No. E as� Buffalo. No Y. despatch—Cattle. against Ill Bourassa, editor and dir- n position , .6 to 0 3-4c. receipts 125 head; steady, TerritiSily. 3. Ye that put far away the? 'Nvould Instify them and their 2 M -indulgence. Thai, Iforseliair—Farmer peddler stock, 36 Veals—recelpts 100 head; active and evil day—ITpon theise woo -is pronounc- crain afford ittlb self ector of Le Devoir.. il "The notion of judgment being 'lar continued to 0all ior strong drink wlle� to weekly niarket report. 25 cents lower; $6.00 to $10.75. The American, health ,vuthoritiea havc 0 a 11, e 11 Hogs—Receipts, 4,000 head; active, prohillitil the furtlier importation o off bas always been in incentiye to brt I Igments of Clod were ready to .1 . IlL npon tbern, 10 to 20 cents higher. Heavy,, $9.10 to 'live, allogr%i non-virtilent tu-bermiloals the sinner's of et OTHRR MARIKETS ITT. - Desolation in prospect. Thoe $9.15; Yorkers and plgliI, $9.20 to $9.25-, bacilli from Germany. that very recklessness brin he who dweltAn Zlon vainly thong roughs, $7.90 to $8.10; stags, $6.50 to ReV. Dr. RusAell, a ovan evil da which be puts far ID�f t that Nvaq 41011or and protection suffi.�iellt foil $7 25; dairies, $8.90 to $9.25. predicted in Toronto that .1 wargeVis'll, & sa I Open. Iligh. LClAme. �hee 0 in. seerned unlikel to p and lambs—rebeipts 1,400 Japan would be a F?ianil for the second ya) "Ye bring on fever by the 3-nur Inteniperaiwe, and --yet would put h6ad; steady, sheep slow; lambs aet- them, vet hV inorin.- ftpproaellill�' enl- coming of' the Lord.0 it far off." lu tryin to believe there 45 1`1 98% 091/.1 Ive; unchanged. conduct they has- wao no left themselves ex- tom.,d their doil The prophet talialit Oet. 937/., 9311 Aid. M elvi n. of t. C.tliaiinci Posed to the cala�aity which was cer- 1:3 BRADSTREET'S TRADE REVIEW- (tied as the Trault of -nervous- ollapse thein persip.-tontly thaWO tain to Come. Cause the seat af violence eeJill 36 3o% 3r, -00 after several operations neeps(4iFited by closely tho doillms of nation Toronto—While business* is on a to epine near —.Their course of pl-esum- 4 rt fall a. ear go. and rnen,and that 'no matter how great substantial basij it is not as heavy I ing that they were secure hastened the llr. E -Tiffin, t present general as a. year ago. Especially since the lthey nught assume to be, oncomince d4truction C4 tr manager -of the Intercolonial 0 lie would, "Oil Punish Weill In le- Wheat July, first of June has a fall- Off been ap- n ll. The ins of luxury (-vs. 4-6). 4. Lie cordance -sv.fth the eternal law of right- 91 n.4c. Railway, has been appointed general I m ..) Sept., 0.3 7-18e; No. I hard, parent. Money stringency is pen- , A? Ill.. n beds of ivory—This ws a mark of cousnoss., 1KrftPI had I)C611 tMulylit by 04 1.4c;. No. I Northern, 92 3-4c ;'Yo. 2, etrating fAr Into trade relations and L'It �! c,overnment railways t Toron- pride an extravagnce. Material ros-. arning and-f.exilrople how God" hated 00 3.4c, to (1 3.4c. settlements are Ptovlug poorer even 11(q-ity bad brouht wealth, nd we"Ilth $in; et ilia clearest light, the richest Corn ---No. :1 yellow, 57 1-2-c to then they have been. A fall off y of For the first time in the histor ]ed to nd extravagnce.. . the in rey, the' tron"est firnincys and .3 3% to 38 1-4e. has shown itself in the wholesal the theological lill the name of a hed-S or coll�hcr* upon w-hich the rich to keep Israel free 2, 54c to rh5 1-20. drygoods trade. Groceries are on. a woman appeana in the class list at Quil. I es g wbelig ornamented Thus, r . I, ting Flour nd bran ijiiebaned. fairly ctive basis, Seasonable trade bridce En- Bile is' ]NEi.m Day, of Gir. o 1 l DLq,L'Tll A I N. Is active toil. with ivory inlaid. " While there T -as God, they wealth nMolln, 4 Ill bardware. Leathil r) I)l 111-V of turned into the rod of Iiis trdo is rather Quiet. , Live stock are 'A youli mall and , young bbill of the people wore in. poverty. Stre'tch judgment. They were to prove tlint 0 thenill upon. their t1jr- I -F; No. 1 Northern. 94 1-8c; No. 2. easier. Grain trade faIrly active for t9wedes, jumped off the re- is tin c-quitable correspondence Ing upon the eouelies indiertied indolon' '" do.1 01 5-8it to 92c; September, 94 5 -se boine , needs. Island bridge into till Mau;tce River or idleness, lid this is a Curse to ' I-^- tween n its colisequeuces; that to 01 3-4c. Linseed, close --Cash, Alontreal—The backward seasom is t Thret Itivers, Que,. und were both anY east, in Zion creiierates ,;in tit it ell 1-i III in(lividwal or riflon; Labs a, Ives detruction; 'Urt the duty September 1 33, asked; 10( having an adverse effect oil trade In drowned. of C', o d s 9 % - �;J 0 To the shig of extravagnee nd in- children involves the obligaiion -)f l $1.33% general. Later reports irom tho .1. M. Davidson, C. P. R. aent at 'Alid- 1c, country 'say that seeding has been In dolence In that of gluttonv. They t.iniied They wpre soon to CREE.8p, way, A C., was seriously Injured, and the Choicest llinials 14, the. slow nd plants are not developing hLq wi fe realize that t -he ililler life of nation Bellevile Cheese Board satisfactorily. The -volume of. whole. dIP4. afterwards irom as and 235 colored were sale business done has . been fair. ennyine will e on motor speeder. TNAIr sthat file reato;(Jay, 1,C(15 white the resalf; linex PCetedly 111(ketind an rds to be for de htrenWth n.f. consists in ri,glit. titcs. That chant to the sound of the n offered; 1.430 white sold at 12 146o, bal- Prom N"st and east, fall placing or Infant child esionped with little injury. enusnef:s, ItTid the continued renewal of nve tit 12c; 13' colored sold at 11 7-8' der 1 boo S ,-Ind shoes have been Im. Viol- The the P1. A. C 0 S it t illetilro is that of n people given �JA-'to refused. proving steadily. Every branch of The fire whieh broke out- oil Paneake with no licieful tiitr�bllllle business Is seeking funds, but banIts nci%r Ifunt-wille, is still ragin, in life. Invent to themselves t. yaeinthp, 11111111"Od are more. cutious than evor in lend flicer is somn, prot:ipeet that fanc the,,, equal SAN LUIS POTOSI fifty pnZities of but ter badeding. The shipping trade' Is very ac- 'a feur honrs It will be brol n . within 111. b);q-nu.-4,,aI nd defvi�d flieir 250 boxca cheese tive, . under control. liMiriol for inusic, by ex. .. t 11 Whinipeg—Warm bright weather One mn, Avaci severely injilred n n 17. & 11. Tt highlye Mexic6n Stragetic,, Point - has- Put better tone Into the whole. two lightly barnedin. it fire at- Ayl;, )nvoming in tboso indohl sale, situation In general. Merchan, Out. whieli followtul n oxplo�ion rar gas Son of by Rebels. n0 blddlng froin IFIL -40 to dse is. moving freely. Confidence at. tho faetory of the John Alratson with file devoted, has `l!been renewed. Vall placing or' "Ill qervant of Cod. 'l ders continue encouraging. Money Dr. 41. drink wine in Is scarce for loans and It Iq needed. from Toronto Thiliversity about tell Prill ic; hero made to the large ntI%-JIl& d(inanded the. surremler of the to%vil coo -t 13 Settlements re behind but indica Ilm0l; Nviliell the the key of vonlinlinic.l.- ago, has boon chom s tho Aueceis- p(Aple not to tire (%din4ry cat -on with 1rnlpivrf tltl title (III PROVINCIAL *MARIKETS. tions are for huprovenients as June sor 13lewett, of tile victorl.-I thinking, progresses. eup.q. Uut riumt drink'-froill Th(:ra said, ta I)p be twe( hall- In himilky, who was drowned abotit t 1 All "n London --There is very little e c San Luk Potnoi -nd Saltillo an4l to tho grain here, elling yc%ter- large b6wls. This, eilres,sioll shows tli(, V11nVOnve;—T-hC,, shipping trade has liold that )iqtt(.r galas upon tho6g, y,,J10 ea9t and nortiiL expandd at that port this year to of dity frobi $1.05 per Pwt. and 0 A. Vaye% freiht traffic Tani- ye;tprday from $1.05 til per Cwt. the (41rand Trunk, llts; been Indulgal in, it. Anola tlipmelve�j with with t,lle exePlAloll d) date In a manner equal to tile most the ebief oIntments--A -mark og, I I optimistic expetatlo,ns. Business at PiCO, is at t1le Wile of the rebol.i. frem 23o to 27cs an appointed peneral traffic manager Of t1ke Ile Ly& of eggg were n. little higher,' from 21a to Moment. Intereolonial. 11ailway. Mr. Hayes came rimm extrav�aganee and degener Gien. Planquet, the ne%v the coast Is 4I.Ifet at the IIII if h, loney is tight and sDecalation Is to evil day iva.s almo.qt at h d, �,b tilo, 111,111. to SLtn 1,11:6 23e, badbroll,ght A. rontroal from CWiw.tvo some ycav5 PrOplo f�pending their time alid Potil by a, gplipl-Ill agerreis, dead. 0 . LVO C11in- from 7.3it to� $1.20 per dozell, And were Money III their own gratiflofttioll Harnilton—Tiie luduatries of HamA VIC N'lign ill tilt' StntNi Of Sart L11113 1"OtO.4j, it good LeLtnee wa8 I-0 wcalthy ppople of torael were Nuove L"ii itild Ilion continue III activity. 1111111ir'All ftssistallt pliblic,ly 6 Indlea4so tl other garden etuff wos 4- Clons to date tire that this will be Pr, nt of Winnipe, was Vecolinnended eurious ointnipu((4 for perional usp)w. 'a to -day th4t.t. -YIP w;Xt4 Isfit"I'lilIg an I 1, W11.14 One Of the most prosperous, years In for the Poition of indii,ittry itonimission- they ouglit to bavo sat 111 Aekeloth land tion from (,',rIIz, Coll -d";ti no of i'llree Change in ille tho iinpotil whio'll ill e the city's history In(Jugtrilly. The er of London t a ritlary of 3�000 Wrnth." Are not rieve(i for Clie ffl b15C t wiloles"tle situation im ranehangod; y6ar by the manufacturer' ic- MR. He. from the 1 C tion of Josepli —The chief tribe 151"the will .040 make ull effort to le pe ound; to $11 PC" that is active and sorting orders itra John Wilson, bloek.,ililith of N�orthll northern kingdom was f t I0,se open the Taro4lo;rolltie. (If, YOU119, $10 to $10-1)0; `b- fairly large and fall placing orders miles from Brampton, ws ancestor hcf -heen undittr siolt, for 'll -,*10 to $11 are ncouraging. ReaI estate is ae- k lt�d bl, an mcploeion of dynaml In a that na,ie here. Vie rich wore rovMlln"t Olt-, hibbltaut� liave bton liogi, $13 to $13.50.,, tiv large, grjvel i4t. nJulled. at the " ('11 tv (1, woro plentiful At 2le to e, the Ifst of tranfer being great tiums redu atraii.q. The io. -1 prolAise well in durrounding oil ie tillie, will lot,� the aii, It of one nd ,it the silie tho bat , 11ozell. and. butter wits (ImM to districts, tile Outlook for strawberries e I%. "I (lay wils re.. i2e to 243c a, ponnill. suffering for file 11e('0111 14M hbeing good. Pro<luat inarket values of life. ThOr eyes worp I)Ijuded U'afil front the Atlqntio will bo let Were stmdy. A good deal of con- lnl.,) flit, lower level of thA (lattin 10014 their to the itenip, of Illie lil and. butipli remain struction is ujld(,�r ,il In the city. ftfilleted by ILLEGAL HAIM COSTLY.' itry, the iki; in 22s, antl thi,q week. Drodgrea will �thpn e6inplofe London.- - Western Ontario W atiow- tilt, e.w.avatiou, 4om tho Ocean to tile Tlioy I -le I o '25e- Li vP 1109A 0 re Ing rapid expanAlon, in-duatriall (it otliew. anil tliev were lit, rJuniod t $1.35. Other -.11intatiolls: Vol, WhOlef;alo holises ar6 doing it satis. 000,000 yar&. L-11*11�.r e - Ilookport, P, 10,004, 10lieh will Amount to about of the wt' fittom, btig; iiew V 1 fi, nottinry and intorfer- factor. tr, de. M ention. Is being ITC1111in Pr011ifft(I (V-A. 7 ,l4.) 7. nffill I,) t n quart; 15c tnindo, of tight rnone.y eonditionq, but 60 101111I.V A1114 (llum lie &6fti-ge cf toto 10 I to In the West monetary coliditions have Anglia 11itmilton, fornier war eorroq- *A' �d' On laid by will pondent in tho Yor the C on- Mt­ Shipman: W110A to 230*2 been nearer norml than In any othr tral Akoeiatlolt of London, cut .44141 on4ts b.V 11olie:, 80CUO11 of tho provin(te, throqf; with a rasor mid kildled Mi- IA(it (i'aninnqn,", on 1wr tur- I OttaWal­Genorai business (Iontinus velf in his apartment,.4 at nn uptown but.for, V"! 011 ali encourriging basis. The voi. IkItel in N'*'%w York. f rpilnentiv f or,%told, '1.25 thirtvvitars - Potatoes, $1 fn ,A 110" NVII (vs' t Unle of trade at wholeshle hotmes h91A 'r%bWAAb,'0A'AS0N 14UAT. NNI Per 0.10, Irie lifts been fair for sOrthig ordobts but .11illiv, the t ie AnIl Order of 14P fhPA*'IAl 1.:tlg.,. J # 1(k 15. ­ ir vmwrll $ PlaChit" ol,dors Aro satisfactorily lfttlo 110)4fiismis and ille 011 ('0138filbIC P;I IN011, Ow I* lier cwt.- to 'The rRall trado ha;q beell ftell cipirit in tho figilt 1) I-2 0, ger. a (14111111fiml of agzlilLit, Iffnile itor 11"T Ih-', 16410, 11)4' Pill' 111-1 ealfil 13Q tIV4.. hv�ury, tboy w(,ry sonn. I o go forth ir to 14a pllr 11). ill the Ilettv sveAmIq Court t stril6c (oil the beild, fill,40410 fl, own Qnebtie­ Du3111p,mg is favorable for Maghoratelt, Irelanif. by Mile Allikilown pill W1111# lie %;vq fil aptivify nil watit, wl their truiAt 95f. Grocerit, Drodiw find In Von ai;il flip utmintain Of , pr(x)P(4liitg tll(. lacit Iligili, por 48(v pill, Illill � ProvhAimis eontinun in fair demand. An ol"ttio storm xtruelc St. Thonia4 Pqvo tbom. 'A. Hath worn A A004-11 I -ran, ],No till tor, $19; torn, ton, R01nittfilleo ares fairly Aaflata:ctorily. ItIld vit-inity by lipavy)-aill.'I bIton, A210t 0 -It Indlistrial conditlons arn unphango.dN. sind hall. Tho lArnq of Albert taii; iho up jlltortililv In Yukon, from in and to, the grallild. V lotall on t hoil for binvil nd the ver slyNI will pontinno the ll FC-11ol. Oo of flu, Ill PolillMlliP.4 grail* k AX44 abolit *21,000. H JAY N BRIEF Ugi(pult lky4tom that ho hli'l 9"ll 11.1til tO ho has; bogun in, Jb0 JWOVN�V-4 A.V,1inAt 111111V the prive. The, unwitslied ull Vilimak on the MAIII. Thwas 4-114,11 (.,,l failod to NMI 144 pur. Irom0. Ilulp. , 14 biinging 1.5 vent4 to tiv� attill of June I 1. The revonuil eu tter Tahom rt � 'farmor rmiffings on tho firiqt concomioll 1164�41 Iliat Will rl;.44plmoll to,' ;k pAptftrrr1 00 1*11ion tho 011 P4 all ad. (nok off lim, MIAter, tho crow of 4 men In flio lownAilli of Soittli ('1016414torg vin. ic-r(4nte it -ill T Ji -liver iiiI flft WItleb ono af A-bi, 001milp v,.tA viflet. of t,,', N-ilittl Pi,r PIullil JIVOr %,i\' 1knil took, theyn to - eomnilftt4l quitido by mhonting' throll.111k Uet well llntilif,*4.� 175 lot r 11volk wf.re 164. Robert Piver by the upqeftingr of _ srorp croggin-HIlo -'r"R JU81.1EE .30, Avere (Irowned in 'the , a boat In whiuli tiley n SILV _" stream. 3301:11 the vietims Nvre. F;lnalo 91 nien, A detective h been sent fo wvll�,Anil bir the 11rovincil, Departmout to inveR. thch o, . f Mildreil OF THE KAISER tin allogted il who wila Allow - THE GAY DUKE French PretendAr's Pleasure W TriPs \Nhile Wife Sues, oil antl t Wil some, Illontlia London, deipttljj fl,i)JIt go. eing taken sick, shQ was placod. German Empire Celebrates milan sttpa that tilo Dn the in. tile Welland Cowity Il.wipital, from Frenell, Roalitt pretender, rt where, she escaped in "Awme mysterions With Great Pomp. way, A01101 it J4' ]loved tile invc-41-atioll MUM, board tit., 01tealli,41111) rponlipaso will displosQ. M I 11 Svolt, oil to Buenos vres CIRCUIT LISTS, AUTUMNt 1913* Hon. Th& Chancellor, Tacisday, 16, Belleville, I10L1- juq1 29 Saturday, ept. 20, Ottawa, court,- .1, Tuesday, ept. 23. Cap 1:1011,41both; 4 Tilefid-Ay, Oct. 7, flprli`i� 011 It"), Toronto, ly At, rllo. jury; 7, Saturday, bet, (Ion, volift; 'Oct. 117, Toronto n' 0, Nov. 4. stratfo), -d jul-ill lit Tuesday, Nov. 18, 11,011-jufy; 12, Til Q , , �Nov, 2.1, Barrie no;-Iury; 13, '.Nfollily, no- Ilon-jurv; 14, Silt- wookly court; r 15, Pee. 20 Ottawa., weekly court. .0 Hon. The Chief Justice of 'tin ve Bench. 1, Tliesday, -Sept. 16, Coboilrg, lion - P11 -31) Tuesday, Sept, 20, Sinico J 3, Saturday, �pt`" 27, London, e.' jury; 14�pt. 30, P well court; 4, Tuesday, ort Ar. � -JUry; 5, Tuesday, Oct. 7, 6,4d. on 'no Jury; 0. Tuesday, Oet. 14, 0 -1pli; 311r:v; 7, Oct. 00, C111101pil, jury; 8, 51onday, I- Toronto, week. "I kv emirt; 0, Saturday, Nov. 3, London, weeklycourt. 10, To. ronto, non -Jury: 11, Tuo43(lay, Nov. 18 Owen 12, Topcila, Nov 15, try; 13, atin-day, Nov A, court; 14, I'liesday Dec. 2,* t. 11011 -jury; 15 1VOTIAIRY, Dec, 1.3, Hamilton, non -jury. Hon.. The Chief Justice of common Pleas.- 1, Tuesday $S(lpt. 10, Brantford, uon. jury; 2, Saturday, le t. . 20, London �Upesday, Sept. 23 Sand%�Ieh' noil-furv,;, 4, Monday, Sept 0-9, Toronto, Jlir31- 5, Tuesda, Oct. 7. Mondy, Oct, 20, To. ronto, non-ftiry; 7, Satu�ja.,,Jv Oct. 255 Ottawa, %v�ekly court; 8,, Monday, Xov, .3, Ottawa, noii-jury; 0, Saturday, I 31 Ottawa, 10, lond v XQv. 10, London, non-jiAry; 11, .11101140-Y MY, Nov. 17, Toronto, weekf� court; 12, 'Tuasda�,' Dec. 21' St. Thomas, weekly court; 14, Saturdaly, Dec. 6, London weekly court; 15 Tuesday, Dec. 16: . 'llatham, non -jury. Hon. Mr. Justice Briftoil. 1, Tuesday, ept. 16, Bracebridge-, both; 2, Tuesday, Sept. 23, Cornwall, Jury; 3, Satul,day, Sept. 27, Ottwn weekly court; 4, Tuesday say, sept. Io, Lind. Sept. 1:3 Toronto, non -jury; 6, Afonda.` Sept. .20' Toronto, yo . weekly court; 7, Tu&da A. 28, Walk4ton, jurv; S, Saturday. NOV, 1, London, weekiv `1I court- 9, Tuesday, Nov, 4, Whitby, both; jo' Tueday, ov. 11, Orangeville, both; 11, "Nov. 18, non-jnry; I, Tucadai,: Nov. 0-' 1.3, ,Raturda, ov. 20, London, week -hr court; 14, Tuesday, Dec, 2, Port Arthl�ir, 153 Tuesday, Dec. 9, North Bay. nin-Jury. Hon. Mr. Justice Teetzel. 1, Tuesdiky, Sept. 10, Napanee non - jury; 2, Tuesday ept. 23, Stratford non-jury4 -4, "Mon6y ept. 20, Ottalval jury; 41"Saturday, bet. 4, Ottawa week- ly court,- 5. Tuesday, Oct. 7, Kingston, jury,- .0, INI-onday, Oct. 1.1, Toronto, ilily; 7, Tuesday, Oct. 21, Perth, both; , Tiles - Oct, *28, Parry Sound, both; 1.), .1-lon. day, ov. .1. Cor� Bay, both; 10. Tues - aa_ , urday, 1�ov. 15, London, weekly court; 12, INIonday, Nor. 17, torouto, 13, IMonflay, Nov * If 24, Toronto, weekl court; 1-1.1 TuesdIlY, Dec. 2$ Walkil noii-jury,, 15, Monday, Dec. 16, Toronto weehly court. All, Hon. Mr.. Justice Latchford. 1, Tuv6day, ept. 10, Owen Solillil, non - jury; 2, Uoivla�y, 8ept. 22, Toronto weekly court; 3, Monday, Sepf;. 20 To - 4 # ronto, non -jury; , Oct, C, Lon- don, jury; 5, Oet. 11, London, weekly court; 0, Tue.�daly, Oct. I.I. ortli Day, ur7, Tue6day, Oet, 21',.. Peril - broke, 8, Tuesday, Oct. 28, Halley - bury. buth: 10, Tkfoniliy, 10. To. ronto (Iourt; 11, satilt-days Nov, 15, otta%N,ji, AiNypekl 12, Tuesday, 1,8, jury; 13, 2.-), 7oraiiii) non -jury; 14, Aron, day, Dol 1, Toronto, week-ly, 155, Ttlmdftyl I)c<, . )(1, Nlrelland. ixon-jury. Hon. Mr. Justice 'Middleton. 2.1, Kellam, ept. 2% Toronto, wpoldir eourt; 4, Oct. ('I, Toron- oboro, jury; Oct. �-kly oitrt; 7, 0et- Nve c 20, Hamilton, ury; 8, Oct. 27, 'o 9, Tuesdav, N - 4, il- 10"Saturday, Nov. Lon - tont blotia i 2 don, weekly court; 11, Tuesday, Nov. 25, Poterboro, 12, q. non'jury; 13, Monda, 8. Toronto, noll-illry'. N., LOndoll, weel�ly eotirt,; 35, Tues. day, Dee. lei, w0ds6ck, nol).hIrY. Hon. Mr. Justice Kelly, 1, ept. 15, Toronto, weeldV Sept. 90, BrockvIN, Moiitla.y) Oct. 6, Toronto, J, 8aturday, Oct. 1.1, Ottaw, court; 5, Oct. 14, St. 13, Tuesday, Oct. 21, liofb; :7, Tiles(Iftyll, Oef. 24, 1110rigbial, botil; So 4fthlidAy, Nov. 1, 6ttawlll. weekly eourtz 9t Tuesday, Xov. .10 Nvoodstil jury-, 10, Xov. 11, 11rantford, jury,- 11, Xov. 1% Brampton, both-, 12. Tuesday, Dee. 21 1�orb Frane6s, both-, 13, Tilesda, Dee. Sudbury, 14j, Dec. 11(irlill, 15, nee. Hon. hie. Juatice Lennbx, riteday, 23, Dartle) jury; go Oet. 4 1 London, wee0y 4, Niolidil.% 0cc. 6, Tororito weel;* 5, Tuesday, O(A. 14, Sanias Saturday, Oet. 19.1,orldon, 7, londav k.t 04) uourt., Ar " P Toll rolill Jory; 8, Oet. 27s, '1*'o- MOO, w4kh, I cour(; 1;, Voo. 10, Nov. jII'ilV-* 11. NOV# Doe, '9, Toronto, weekly 15, aturdilty, Doe. 13, Ottmm, I 1011dol Dec. 15, Ot- Win Jilry, STILL FOR PEACE C01111)allv IvAll " yo f it 11119 WO111.111. ile ,ll)PQ,trfi Oil thl3 l)a;swng,.,r list s 1111111ppe DO Irlille bils Emperor Expressed Des re 'rho s:11110 woulf(Il Ilati fit,'1.11119 t retret for 25 Years More, 01) w also lubs lwn "IturIll ovor fla" Berlin, Nortoll of titp nnconqnquonev with illo Invalid Ava,,; nq)ad 4'06-aii;. whill 1,v-l;lIjtpII if) hor tll"011n'111013 the flerinan Rmire as l gen. "' "19111"'t 11411 tho 11ruA. holiday. The brilliancy of the tivitios, Rod 1110 d4iplayd eourts, t1lo politic.11 tri0d it) put 1111blii! -mrinpity' by the. people, testified to the nion- I I Off the traelc ily that I'P, About to itadvyt,tl;a ailellf;l 91*011t peironal popularity ftvollg�7.c of bis s"bjectii, The commem- it to Oration, whtel% halt been deferred Irom 1-0-1<11'119 its actul ditte out of r(sipect to was gpw yol.k nd Liter flint lij,t detitina. file father, with the forty-r--econd a4 - of the of ,it t.11(%' liond of Ilia VIC- torions DOU MA IN BAD ODOR army after the hiderablo military how ever, wap. oil the eful aspects Russian Parliament Outs pea.,e at o—indui;trial Ovie developments WithGovernment. and and the niaterial prosperit of the coun- try, To a delegation from ibe Brithah $t. Petersburg, JIme cornpi . �.(Q Church in Be7lin, received by His 'X[ill breach hs. opened between the Russlan. ty this fternoon, the Emperor saidi- nd the Down% The wei-S. "I can U0.411ro oti I liall continue to peace land friend- do iny best to A of the ('.Itl)ill(,t bavol, resolved tliat ship the world over." nelther the nor Cie� lica(is ot The Eiiiperor, roRpondilig to n ad- the 811 -all appear in ilic itowie tbe eontl',- (Irms of peace socletioa, heded by Andrew Carnil congrat"' tiom under whic), reptic,sentaties of-tilit lating, Tli,4 Uajeaty oil lh,;I" COT], Government shall I)e pectire froyn illt3nit by tile ine-mberat olf hope we ehall Ilavo _4 carf3 More 0� peace. ?p *rllp i4 _ n1Jni1(lI..1tk1 CkJUSe Of Illiri ilet, The began with a rv- WAQ.k Mark -off. L 111pillhOl' of the Ilowro dar- Th4 lliai:',3041 military bands rrom tile di%,j*Aidn of the Guards summoned Into tile oil tho tilt, 1,lip'ttror to window wit" dea- fening inuia, layed in the Inner courtr yaid of tile ca'stle. The bandsinen that "Stealing cannot lie foleratled.11 paraded from VIP. castle to the Dranden. He added"on allusion, sayjiig tiltt burg gate, at the other end df Unter remark pplied not onlY to the tir of Firin-�p but to all the officials Den Linden, and baek again, of the Val -lolls doparrllivllt�s of state. popular melodie and military marcll�ea, In the meantime 7,000 sehool children. The Alinisters nild!officials prwent in had replaced the bandsmen in the carle Ill 0 hollso thereupon roe from their "I .qcats pIld ft tile pl. le Ice Ill. 11 I)O(ly. wlit-re they sang soveral congs, to the evident pleasure of the Later at 71100tilig Of the Cbinet, The, reception of deputations of file kE'mperor, strong']-*- in fvor of ilia (lis'solution of and the presentation of loyal address" be,rm, n at 10 o'clock but wil Interrupted the Dounia, but he outvoted, Ino.it' from 11 o'clock til'i 2 o'clock by His of 1:112 Minisders arguing that tile con - fli(,ts 1)(twecll tile 0,1.11ill'"' Pt and Don. ajoikv's reception of representatives of the (3overnment officers, the army na wero personal than politiciti. I and the navy, the Parliament, - and various AfftnY Of I'll(% QXrMlsased the Opinion that the quarrol would municipalities, only tvinpor.try. The imprem-1ve cerelliolly of the mounting of the castle guard, and the hillobcon of the Imperial family at the 13 NEW MINISTERS ca%tle) The array of deputations reenied al- men't elidle-45. repilmented organizations TorontoConference R�ceives df every nd all brought %vith them 11 luminftteil addresa- Its Probationers, as, while some of them conveyed hanil : some gifts to the Emperor, despito bis declaration that -lie did not whillmoney to be pent in fbiq -way, but rather de- Toronto do4patcli Thirteen candl- voted to p1ilantbropy." dates for the inin6try, graduates of The most inipooing testimoniala were r' Victoria received into tllp endowment of raise by full vonneetion in tho Church the 01prinn municipa1i ties for charit- at the rect,ption. lill Illy the To - able anti oducationl estilblisliments, Lint] Conferent-o in "Onto Cvntral Chureh, the national spbseription of $950000 Bloor strel Pal last ni'allt. Tile or - devoted to Gerninn Christian mis,gions. ju dination will I)e held on Sunday. which Catliolis nd Protestants parti. 901110 of tile youllm nlell,'At the reqtie;t the t'atliolies ralsing, $025,000 Of undertake and the 11rotestanta, 323,000. missiona 1, )' work oil the prairies; several The 'Celiftin ariny presented Ilia IN -ill o cast, allit the rest will remain Majesty with a fielit manshall staff, in Toronto Conference. The name of with great silver eag those J. W. Arnot, B.A.; .,Ie. The Empe�ror spoke to ea -ch deputa., A. L. Alton, E. 13rown, A. Bushell, IV. tion n. word or two Of thinks. It Wu F. Diekgon (at the reouest of the Sas. expected that ffol min- F. J. Dunlop, or civil lound military of fend(,rs would be IT. D 11unter, 13.1).; proclaimed tl�iring ihe day, and a show- B.A., B.D., Thoinais Laidlaw, W. -att. D.D. (at the re- er df J.0coratlons was C�Onforrpd, the Ilit Lynd, H. J. Pi, fillina niany pages of file Roichabote. M''it 'If the A. gathered the bigoat or- StOtesbury. Two of ders, blit scienee and t"'! YO11119 "I'l arc nativest of Newfound - commerce were well-recognizel land, the majority %vore brought tip on farmq, ilid all ignmL, from Christian "BRIDGIE" WEBBER I o Gambler Witness Against Becker Stabbed* berl Ond of the iour ganiblers who tes- gannien of the mur- der' of Irerman another gainlyler, wa,3 stabbed in the (4ioulder' after midnight this mornIng, unl wfilelt he seemed .1olitil to nthe St. Villeelif,'i ffnspit�il paill and 'weak froin'the losis of blood, but his wound will. 1111ve no 801,10118 result unleas blood poi6milug iii. Altliou,,,,rli branded b some,of his former associates i thp, underworld ari a "s(iticaler" in the Rosen- tllltl cat4e, the close(] tip tight NN ien deto(tt !vefj tried to pry from him at tile hotpital thk Illorning the story of the, .11tt"kelc upon hial. At finit Webber tried to even hide his Own. idell0ty and the fact that lie had been wounded, The stabbing o(-,. eurrod on Eighth street. Wobber iried to walk awnov on the rin of friend, hilding the i;ound, but oil Broad. in front of he sank and admitted to a police- man that ho had been, An %in- oirried lum to the 110AI)IL41, wIlere the flow of blood IV4,1.4 r4topped, and wherp inter 1dentity was dliscovered by a doteetiveo who had -on do Rosenthal; catil Detective.% lerned that Webber h.0 kept , midnight engagenieut with Sam Paul, Patil I another gambler, whose 11-11,1110 WAA Oft0l, Mentioned, In the early AtOriPij Of the ellfle as -tile of tilt lItIlIg Of Who lWonthal, liat had boon altAwkod shortl after con. chidbig his Nvitlii aul. The poliet, tip to ftn 0-Irly liour to -day li.111 mado no rrest IIIthe AUTOTANKEXPLODED,, 111-forboril 311110 his eoul. in lighto(I a ag lie iv.1,4 inves- fig the of tbeir mr Atopping, Vali'vio 11roA.1 garilge, Hopital horo, and lie ulay 1060 VIA Sight of hoth (ill lie if OUR POPULAR KING Grows in Favor With His People Daily. London, urie, ]II. --The season, which lva.ri I-Pqell i'k.3 height of gaiilt-y gradually, and 1111.4 not yet, plAe Kill- bPoll at hand will I.e. o for InanA1 wil to eoine. ile 1,j (110 ))11.14i(�Itt 1111111 ill the , kingdoll., juit"to now, and all 11-110 Jill ql.c dj�. hI to note his popularity Avith his ponple Since lifig return fr6in. Derlin lie haimen re"h(lit oil every occat-4on, of iii -i pItI)llc lIpear- finea with nd Crowjs wnit olliside and clicer his comina AW] going. There eel -40111.1' ha.-li tint bo(Zil workillir Por wl J'Ar-t nd for at to OnlY threll or which have 'lot .1-Ot be6n book. ed, The ones vacant 11) tho five weelis to conic will 600ll he jalcell. BRANTFORD GIRL LOST ARM, Brantford, Onto, una (!a. hifl, nged !7 years, was strilek llf)y a freigrilt train %lbile taking it Oiurt cut aemss the 0. To It. traA, in the heart of the city yeate . rdil and had her iklim sovore(l at the a %vell as being lacierated About the he;id And being bid- ly haken up, She rested easily over night And her ro,cowlrz,is NrzORO GIALIS SU10109. oeaw11tq taken hyeter. day ilftornoon, an hour after 41to thrown hvil.,ior in Nvi'th. qlljL,ljl8l intplit. The gill wao it) nA , itlles4 ill it theft eaw aglilt her 111010, and app.livently tile Was t 0 1111(111 for Iter, cauing teniporaPy dell ,all "'Pillell to 40 HUMAN NATURP.. firsit Sundav in Junt) was et InIIIIStil In I1111101111 till wilivillig Wrl!4 AxIlInsit to ni, t� to tho Ilig Ono wonderat if I oeo know witht liappetis Aim tine- puts m) a ign roading ,rresli N I, . � .."N - I I I