HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-06-05, Page 8repomoriormk
We invite the citizens of Wingham and vicinity to come
and inspect our large stock of Furniture,
Dressers; Washstands,
Bedsteads, Brass and
Iron Bedsteads, Chairs,
Writing Desks, Kitchen
Cabinets, Baby Car.
ridges and Go.carts.
agent for famous Oso
ternoor Mattress.
R. A. CU j r'_
Graduate Canadian School of Embalming, Toronto.
'RESIDENCE -Mrs. McGavin, opposite Dr. Kennedy.
The undersigned otters for sale
his fine farm of one hundred
acres consisting of the north halves of
lots Nos. 46 'and 47 of the let conces-
sion of the township of Turnberry.
The farm is in a good state of cnitiva•
tion, and lute good buildings, brick
house and bank barn. It. is well
fenced and well under drained. Term
-one-third cash and the balance, if
required, on time to snit purchaser.
For further particulars apply to J. C.
Higgins on the farm or to Thomas
Higgins, Wroxeter.
Tenders For Reservoir.
Tenders will be reosived by the un-
dersigned up to 4 o'clock p.m., Tuesday,
June 10th, 1918, for the construction of
a Reservoir 40 ft. x 40 ft. and 12 ft. deep.
Plans and specifications can be seen at
the office of the undersigned. The low-
est or any tender not necessarily ac-
Wheat --055c to $L00
POPULAR STALLION. Oats -35 to 40 eta.
Barley -45 to 50 cts.
Peas -80c to 90:'.
The Imported Clydesdale"Stadion. Mascot, Hay --$8 00 to $10.00 a ton.
No, 4578, Vol. 14, C.G.A., Canada, will make Butter -22 to 21 eta,
the following route during the season:--
MONDAY. --Leave Geo. T. Robertson's sale Eggs -19 to 20 Cts.
stable and proceeds to Wesley Leggett's near Potatoes -70e to 80c per bush.
Whitechurch for noon ; thence to Leask Me- Live Hogs -$.0 60.
Gee's, con. 10, East Wawanosh, for night.
TUESDAY. --To Rnbt. c'oultes', con. 10, East
Wawanosh, for noon; then to his own stablo,
Wingham, for night. . Almberle
WADNEBDAY. O Jos. Smith's, con. 8. Turn- �" '
berry, for noon: thence to James T.'Wylie's,
con. 6, Turnberry, fnr night. Miss Lexie McLean spent a few days
TrttJBSDe.Y.--To Thos McMichael's, Wroxet- in Lucknow last week.
Three care 1)f hogs and Dile of cattle
were shipped (d Monday,
Mrs, Johan of the 15th con. Bowick,
wtL4 the guest of Mrs. R. Mss rash on
Firs. D. Gregoryof Iiarristop spent
a few days last week with Dr, and
Mrs, Armstrong.
Jr. Guo. Spotton of Wingham spent
,Sunday with Lie parents, ', and Mru,
Art her Spotton.
The 1iowick council met in the town
hall on Thursday the 20th of May as a
Court of Revision.
Mrs. 3, Armstrong spent Monday
and Tuesday with her son, Mr. J, G.
Armstrong, in Lucknow.
Mr, and Mrs. McKee of Molesworth
motored to town on Sunday and spent
the day with friends.
Mr. !i. V. and Mrs. Holmes drove
to Blyth on Monday to spend the
holiday with Rev, and Mrs. Farr.
Mr. Harry Grain, dealer of Listowel
motored to town on S:atutday. He
was accompanied by three ladies.
They picnicked on the banks of the
'Maitland before resuming their jour-
Rev. A. B. and Mrs. Dobson left on
Monday for Toronto to attend the
great missionary convention being
held for the next two weeks in that
city. Mr. Dobson will return on Sat-
urday to take charge of his pastoral
work here and in Fordwieh next
Mr. Robt. Douglas with his wife
and three children arrived here from
the West to spend a few weeks with
Mrs. Douglas' mother, Mrs. Edward
James, and other friends. Mr. Doug-
las was principal of the public school
here a few years ago.
Mr. Thoe. McDougal of Oaker River
was calling on- 'many old friends in
town the latter part of the week, He
had a tin shop here and left for the
West a few years ago. Mr. McDougal
is a lay delegate to the convention
being held in Toronto this week and
Minutes of Council meeting held in
Bluevale on Monday, May 20th ; mtra.
hers all present ; Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of the last regolar and epe•
alai meetings were read and on
tngtiou of Messrs. Weilwood and Mc -
Barney* were adopted. The Reeve
was instructed to see Mr. D. Miller in
reference to moving fence of ,side -
road, The following accounts were
p,LRRed and chi quest Wised t--Jarrsee
Hooper, repairing' side -road, $3; Eli
Bolt, work on bridge, $2; Jae. T.
Wylie, repairing culvert on sideroad,
$2; Robt. Yea, repairing culvert on
sideroad $7; A. Thomas, tile and dig-
ging Ti'. share of Scnith's drain $10 ;
Municipal World, supplies, $10 80;
P. Powell, express and etationery,
$1.80; W. S. King, salary and postage,
$05; John Reidt, foot -bridge and work
on, road, $14; Jas, Weir, putting in
culvert, $4.50 ; Stephen King, compu-
t tt.ioti road work, $8 ; McKinnon
Bros., work oh road, $5.
At 4pan, tenders for the Bolt drain
were opened and on motion of Messrs.
Rutherford & Wellsvood that of Con-
nolly & Nicholson of Kennicott was
excepted the amount being $3888.
Drain to be completed this fall accord-
ing to agreement.
Wheeler--McBurney--That John T.
leleEwen be inspector on Bolt drain at
the rate of 30c an hour.
McBurney - Wheeler - That the
meeting do now adjourn to meet at
Bluevale on Monday, June 23rd at
10 a. m.
P, Powell, Clerk.
J. E. and Mrs. White were guests of
Morrie friends on Monday.
Mr. Wallace Olark of Gorrie visited
at the home of Mr, Geo. Johnston last
Miss Sarah McLennan is visiting
with her sister, Mrs. J. Wright of
Miss Haines, a niece of Mr. G. Parks
of the second, has been visiting (Grey
Mr. Albert Loth of Brussels was a
week end guest at the home of Mr. G.
In the absence of the- Pastor, Mr.
Rob't MacKay will conduct the service
in Roe's Church next Sunday.
Mie Fred and Miss Kitchen were
Sunday visitors at the home of the
former's sister. Mrs. Ed. Bryans.
Mr. and Mrs. Vipond and family
er grovel, for noon; thence to Ding Edward , with the latter's parents
Motel stables Wroxeter, for night
We are glad to gee Miss Flg,��,�-RN --�~s..,gam Stuiiia��
FRIDAY. -Ito John McNaughton's. con 2, , ----
for noon • thence to J. W. wing's, able t0 Robt. and Mrs. Pearson of the -Maths
Turnberry. f
ebb aeobeiragaln.
Bluevale, for night.
SATURDAY. -TO 10. $. Jenkins', B ^-nr�'' `'Mr, Neil McKenzie of the 12Jb. con.
road, for noon, thence to his own st ie. wing.
ham, where he will remain ; tho following lost a very valuable horse.
Monday morning.
a, W. KING, Proprietor.
Estate and Private Funds invested on
First Mortgage Security without charge
Oi per cent. Apply-
TEBBUTP, Spectator Bldg.,
Hamilton, Ont.
That desirable home consisting of
four acres of land, close by the Town
of Wingham. A good part of this
place is under orchard, small fruits,
and plantation. Buildings are all
in good repair. Apply on the pre-
mises, to JO aN ACNE \7V,
Lower Wingham,
Jezeneuil was bred by Mr. Chalapin, France,
and was imported by Scott Bros., East Wawa.
nosh in 1912, foaled April 10th, 1909. He is a
beautiful horse of dark dapple gray with light
inane and tail ; ho is a thick horse with good
heavy muscles and the best of feet and limbs,
stands 18 hands high, will make over a ton
horse. and is a surd foal getter.
Sire, Campiggny-ex-Robson (56073)
Dam, Pasealine (60020).
not -rt. -Monday, win leave his Own stable
lot 36, con. 9, and proceed to .Alex. Rintoul's,
Fordyce, for noon, w
ost to St. Helens to Luo
Wetherh. ad for night. Tuesday, to Walter
Lot's, Whitechurch, for neon, and along bound.
cyto Zetland and to his own stable n remain
till )friday morning. Friday morning to 13e1•
grave and to Henry Johnston's, 5th line Morris
for noon, west to Sunahin.4 corner aux to Ax. hie
Kerr's, :;rd line Morris, for night. Saturday to
Wingham to Lopard's Hotel stable for noon
And to his own stablo and remain till Monday
Terms. -To insure, $15 0Parties paying
before April 1st, lea, will be refunded $1.00'.
Phone 13 on 621. Belgrave, I'.fl.
Tenders For Rewinforcling
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned Jun to four p.m. on Wed-
day, June 4, 1018, for the supply of
iron required for reinforcement in the
proposed waterworks, reservoir. plans
can be Been at the Town Clerk's
offllet,. Lowest or any tender not
necessarily aceeited.
Clerk Town of Wingham,
Miss Agnes Campbell of Mitchell
spent the 24th at her home on the 2nd.
Sutherland McDonald has returned
to his home at the lighthouse, after a
year's stay in the West.
A number from this vicinity attend-
ed the meeting of the Ont. West Shore
Railway held in Goderich on Friday,
The picnic at the lighthouse on the
24th was well attended and the day
was well spent in football, baseball
and races for both young and old,
Mr. M. McDonald, Point Clark, has
been removed to Kincardine Hospital.
We are sorry to say he is not improv-
ing as quickly as his many friends
would wish,
A. reception was held at the home of
P. Campbell's on Friday evening in
honor of their son Albert and hid wife,
who have returned from spending
their honeymoon in Detroit. A num-
ber of friends and neighbors tendered`
their congratulations to the young
couple, The evening was pleasantly
spent in music and dancing. Many
useful and valuable gifts testified to
the popularity of the young couple.
After 25 Years of Misery, this
Man Walks, Works and
Feels Fine Again.
Right away -the first day you etazt
to take RH.EUMA-the trio Acid
poison begins to dissolve and leave the
gore joints and muscles, Its action is
little less than magical.
RR.EU,12A works so speedily you act-
ually can feel the Rheumatism leaving
the body. A bottle costs blit 50 cents,
and if you are not satisfied J. W. Mc-
lfibborn will return your money.
'it Wish to state to you the facts and
nothing but the facto. I bless the day
a friend brought me a 50 cent bottle of
RIIEU'MA. 1 used one.half of it and
it did me more good than all the other
medieinees I ever tried. I had been af-
flicted with Rheutnatistn all over my
body for more than 25 years; I could
not walk, and was a broken-down man,
During that ti mei spent a small fortune
trying to be rid of the horrible dinettes,
Tenders will be received by the un but without help. However, RIIRE-
dertegned tip to 4 o'clock p. in. otr MA reached myease, and I thank God
Tuesday, June 10th, 1913, kr the laying can again use my feet and do my The monthly meeting of the Wo•
of 920 ft. of S-inoh water pipe, thg corn• work. merle Institute will be held at the
potation to furnish ell material. tion- Before taking your medicine X was
tractor to furnish all Itr,bir tools, eto staying with a daughter on her fain, ,, home of Mrs. if. A. McCall on Tbtulo
Plans tt,,ud specifications ten be eeett at and despite her loving efforts to tempt day, June 12:1►, at 2 o'clock. All
the office of the undersigned. The low. fns appetite I tanuld not el .t. After 1 meenbsrs are essi+xeaterd to be present
tee or any bender i111t tteoe 'arils SOW had taken rtafet MA two duper my" ap•
Nolte& -- petite returned.
etnrned. S'otne for prosperity. vary important
p tetaasiaeas will be
W�. -.Prot It U. ri 1.le,math Wr,dealb With* Member asked bo
*AM 01. TOWN 01' Wi �w Rtte labt ry Ind" Oo,9L
tinhsg fatribtfd•
It is rutraored that Mr. Elijah Jack -
lin has purchased a house in Brussels
and that Mrs, Jacklin and he will move
there shortly.
The W. M. Society of Roe'e Church
are holding an "At home" for the
members on June 13611 at the home of
Mrs. Jno. Bryans.
T. R. Bennet of the Boundary has
been hauling logs to Jno. McDonald's
mill. Ile is preparing to build an up-
to-date chicken house.
Misses Eva and Lizzie Bryans, ac-
companied by their sister Mrs. Rob't
McAllister visited ; with Fordwich
friends on Friday of Iast week, Miss
Eva remaining for afew days.
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Fairservice, sr ,
visited friends in Toronto for a few
days last week.
The farmers in this vicinity are
busy planting potatoes this week.
Some of them are planting froth 5 to
8 acres:
Notwithstanding the dry weather
and scant showers, the crops are look-
ing exceptionally fine in these parts,
but le good heavy rain would be wel-
comed heartily.
Mr. and Mrs. James Fairservice of
Seaforth visited at the home of the
former's father, Mr. Thos. Fairservice,
near Londesboro, on Sunday.
Mrs. Bell and three daughters of
Hamilton are visitors at the manse,
Roy Smaldon and family are vita -
bag their parents, . Geo. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Stricker and Mr. and
Mrs, Rank of Wellesley are visitors at
V. Forrester's.
Mrs. V. Pabst of Buffalo is attend-
ing the bedside of her mother, Mre.
Gorsalitz, who had the misfortune of
breaking her leg.
Mr. Harry Hopper left last week on
a trip to the West.
Mr. Wut. McLean, 5th year maedi.
eel student is home for the holidays.
Dr. Stewart attended the Provincial
Convention of the Medical officers of
health last week in Toronto.
T. Wheeler is quite ill at pre -
Born, on Sunday, June let, to Mr.
and Mrs. S. S. Hogan, a son,
Mr. Chas, Alton, our merchant, is
having his stable moved and a cement
wall put under it,
Mr. Geo. Lane happened with a seri-
ous misfortune one day last week when
a staple which he was driving flew
back and struck hien in the eye. As -
yet we do not know whether the sight
is injured or not.
Miss M. Fayey Sundayed with Mr.
and Mrs. N. P. Sanderson of Dungan-
Potatoes are like girls very scarce
in this vicinity.
Talk about bu:einess. Out merchant
received three car -loads of cement this
week and it is all disposed of.
We are glad to report that Mr. El.
C. Johnston, who was severely injured
by a shot from a rifle on Saturday last
is improving nicely.
Road -work is the order of the day.
Staler k.
(Too late for Iaet week.)
Mee, Carol of London spent the boli -
day with her nephew, Mr, Win, Mines,
Mr. and Mri. Edgar Il'iggine spent
last Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Gloin
Higgins near ihltaev,ale.
Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Hoperaft of
Weinberg visited friends around here
during the holiday season.
Mr. and Mre, Wi11 Brwood of
Toronto. and. Mr, 3. J. Weir of Clinton
visited friends around here on21tb.
Mr, Roy McKersie and his sister
Miss Clara spent Sunday last with Mr
and Mrs, Robert Leathorn near Blue -
vale. -
Mr. rd, Bennett left last week for
Wiarton vicinity where he purposes
purchasing some cattle to put on the
farm ho has rented near Orange Hill,
Mi'. and Mrs, Wm. MclKersio, old
and respected neighbors, moved last
Monday to Gorrie where they intend
to spend their remaining days. Mr,
and Mrs. McKerrie have been faith-
ful and worthy members of the Church
here and although we are sorry to lose
them yet our best respects go with
then. We wish them many more
happy years together. What is our
lose is Gorrie's gain.
Mr, John Adams is putting a new
roof on the hotel.
Court of, Revision was held in the
clerk's office on Thursday.
Mrs. W. H. Black and Con Reis paid
Winghatn.a visit on Sunday.
Me. G. J. Town and Mr. Conrad Reis
autoed to Clinton last Thursday.
gier. W. ,t. "Mather.. baa ,gone on. an
extended visit to her home in Keene.
Dr. J. P. Jackson has a brand new
hupmobile such as T. G. Hemphill
Mrs. Kennedy - and Miss Bennett
visited at Mr. B. Black's one day last
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Miller and her
brother visited at the Gofton House
on Sunday.
Mr. Fred Edwards spent Sunday
with his wife who is visiting her sister
Mrs. Dr. Jackson,
I owick.
(Too late for last week.)
Mr. Wm. Hays called on a friend in
Bluevale on Sandy last,
Mr. and Mrs, McMicheal called on the
latte,:'d parents Mr. and Mrs, J. Lathers
on Sunday last,
Mr. Nicholson of Ridgetown called
on Mr, and Mrs. Hailiday,.B Line, on
Thursday last.
Mise Nellie Longley returned to her
home on the 15th con. Last week, after
spending three months in Toronto.
and Mre. Doubledee of Buffalo
a few days last week at the
of Mr, and Mrs,• G. Doubledee.
The King's Birthday.
(13y J. 0. Smith, B, A.)
The full name and tile of the King
is :--"His most. Excellent Majesty
George Frederick Ernest Albert, bear-
ing the title George the Fifth, by the
Grace of God, of the United Riegeloxu
of Great Britain and Ireland, and of
the British Dominions beyond the
Seas, King, Defender of the Faith,
Emperor of India."
King George was born on June 3rd,
1805 and on Tuesday, June 3rd, 1013,
we celebrated the forty-eighth anniver-
sary of his birth. Oa May (1..h, 1010,
he succeed to the throne. During the
three years that have since passed, he
has gloriously upheld the tradition of
his family which won for his gra:td -
mother the title of "Victoria the
Good" and for his father the title of
"Edward the Peacemaker." His deep
concern for the welfare of his people
has been shown on many occasions
and his memorable visit to India to
be enthroned Emperor of India was an
event of historic and far reaching
import. It is confidently expected
that his recent visit to the German
Imperial Court will be a potent factor
in the maintenance of the peace of
Europe. His throne is hallowed by
the divinity "that doth hedge a King'
and is broad-based upon his people's
will. As we reverently contemplate
the glorious records of the past, may
we not all loyally exclaim. "Long Live
the Sing."
Miss McArthur, nurse, is attending
Miss Effie Logan, who has been seri-
eri-ously ill,
During the past week Mr, 'Isaac
Brown and Mr. Wtn. Logan have
received their new autos.
Mr. Whitley of Lucknow has opened
out in the livery business in the stand
lately occupied by Finlay McIntosh.
Our base -ball teams goes to Milver-
ton on Tuesday to play a game with
the teats of that place.
(catty Sellars, the famous musician
of England, will give an organ recital
in the Methodist Church on Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. B. Mason attended the
Wedding in Idullett on Tuesday of Miss
Mayers and Mr. Iloward .Brunsdon.
Me. and Mrs. Brunsdorn will take up
houee•keeping in town where the
groom has a good position with the
Massey Barris Oo,
John Martin is spending a few days
In Toronto. '
Mr. Cairn Aitchesoni is now the
See,.Treas,- of S. S. No. 12,
Mies E. J. Taylor is spending a few
days at her home hi 0onstence.
Charlie Martin and Henry Eintonl
are busy drawing lumber for Mr. 0.
Martin',# new barn.
Mise Maw O'Oallahan who has been
levant the`s's .waking bee nem-
plvrttd Iter was wok
0 00001100100 11100000011010 s>41•
Mr, A. H. Wilford spent &inday in
Miss Myrtle Imlay was a visitor in
Lucknow Sunday.
Miss Ethel King visited Wroxeter
friends this week.
Miss Ida Stanley is spending a
couple of weeks in London.
Mr. Joe Brown visited his parental
home in Seaforth this week.
Mr. Clarence Blackhall left for Ed -
mouton on Monday of this Week. ,
Mr. Harry Iastiner of Sehringville
was the guest of Mr. John Mason.
Mies Alice Beckwith spent the past
week with her sister in Port Elgin,
Mrs. D. E. McDonald visited friends
in Toronto and Hamilton last week.
Mies Almina Wenzel of Listowel is
visiting her uncle, Mr. M. Zurbrigg'.
Mr. Milton White is spending his
holidays in Toronto and elsewhere.
Miss Margaret VanNorman is spend-
ing a few days in London and Detroit.
Mr. J. Begley, firemen for 'Walker
& Clegg, is on a trip through . the
Canadian West.
Wm, Treacy of Elm Creek, Alan.,
is visiting his mother in town, who is
in very feeble health.
Mr. and -Mrs. S. McGee visited for the
week -end at the home of D. Geddes,
V. 5 , of Lucknow.
Miss Myrtle Imlay, trained nurse,
has gone to take temporary charge of
the ICiucarcdinr hospital,
Mr, Thos, Robinson, University
student, has gone to Alberta to teach
school during the summer months,
Miss Harriet Campbell of the Ntag•
ara Falls Hospital Staff is spending her
vacation with her mother and friends
Mrs. (IRev.) Petrie, Miss Wilson, and
Mrs. J. Linklater are attending the
Presbyterian Convention in Toronto
this week.
Mrs, Elizabeth Wells of Listowel is
renewlvg acquaintances in town and
vicinity. Mrs. Wells formerly resided
near Gletnannaxt.
rtburcb Views
Just Arrived
Fine large stock of Plush
Rugs and Summer Dusters
of the latest patterns, ex-
clusive designs.
Shown in our Window.
'Close prices on all lines.
We specialize in Single
Call and see us.
Residence Phone 176
Home of Hand Made Harness.
• i ..iC• d iIL. ,Ili.{I i �•
Last Sunday Communion was ad.
ministered in St. .Andrew's alaureh
P. Co, will bold a eburch parade
at St. Paul's Cbureh next Sunday
morning, leaving the park at 10.80.
The band will be in attei danee, Mr,
Cu Plan will take for his subjeet-
"The Christian Warfare."
On Sunday evening last, Mr. C. F,
Du Plan was assisted in the ilerViOOS of
fit,, Paint Murals by Rev, Ionic Moe.
Molten dr
al rook's
ar +; 'ala Oe
Marmalade, if the right kind, will
serve as a good .appetizer. Many
kinds are like so much syrup and
water, Halbrook's is good. When
their name is labeled it means
Try a Jar at .20c.
local Items
Mrs. Green, milliner, intends leaving
town shortly.
'Me` Theo. -Half -has ..,resigned from.
the II. 5, Board and Dl'. J. P. Kennedy
succeeds him.
Wingham Citizens' Band has accept-
ed engagements for June 1.0, 11, and 13
at Jamestown, Belgrave and Brussels.
Margaret and Ezra Pocock wish to
thank their friends for the kindness
shown them during their mother's re-
cent illness,
The Band will play at the park next
week on Thursday, June 12ch, instead
of Friday on account of an engage-
ment at Brussels and this week Friday
night as usual.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stapleton an-
nounce the engagement of their elde t
daughter, Vera E. to Mr. Fred. A.
Beatty of Toronto. The marriage
will take place on Thursday, June
12th, 1013.
Before leaving for his new home in
California, Mr. T. Hall was presented
with a beautiful club bag by the
members of his Sunday morning ClasF.
The teachers of the Methodist Sabbati:
School also presented Miss Eiith Hall
with a club bag.
A Bargain.
To new subscribers we are offering
the Advance from now until. Jan. lst,
1014, for fifty cents. The Advance is
said to be one of the brightest weeklies
in Ontario. Kindly invite a friend to
try it.
Can Only Conte Frotn The
Timely Use Of The World's
Most Popular Laxative.
If you are constipated, bilious, have a
sour, gassy, upset stomach, an inactive
liver, sick headaches; o;t' if you are
tired, worwout and downhearted, and
the organs of digestion and elimination
fail to perform the all-important ftinc-
cions, see to it that you eibanse your
syetetn of trrndigested food, foul gases
and excess bile in the intestines and
bowels by the use, of the popular fruit
tonic laxative. Sold at McItibbon's
Drug Store.
This remedy, beim composed of
valuahie tonlo, ditir'etiet and laxative
ingredients, constitutes them the beet
treatment for weak kidney', sluggish
liver, Judi geetion. constipation and that
blllcrrlss, tired -out feeling, Try Fig
Pills the next time you are not feeling
up to your usual good health and you
will he oonvineed of their wonderful
+ctarrative properties*. Refuse all subetl.
tetter. A.t all deasslere in 2.'iand 50 rent
tree by mall from The 103g Pili
Onta Sold. at M5Kib.
THuli;sDAv, Jule 5, 2913
We wish to bring to your notice
Our particularly good display of
Hot Weath - r
For the Kiddies
We know you are very busy and
probably have not the time at your
disposal to read descriptions of the - �-
many different lines we have in
stock and therefor we ,direct your
attention to the
Display In Our North Window
Sole Agents
For The
This cut is an illus-
tration of one of the
most popular lines
for Girls, Children
and Infants.
-ea $11.39
Our Clothing Dept. has
many good values in
Men's Clothing. This
week's special in Men's
Suits, sizes 34 to 44, in
new Worsteds a n d
Tweeds, broken sizes,
on sale to Blear this
week at $11.39 ; regu-
lar $15.00 and $16.50
Suits. Oar Suits are
guaranteed to fit per-
fectly and satisfactory.
Call in and try them
� p
•. "/ / r, .. .-.
We are this
week ofeeling
our Boys'
Suits, sizes 27
to 34, Bloom-
er Pants and
ptraight IIni-
pkaa'i, all good
patterns i n
Worsteds and
Tweeds ; our
plan is to clear
out the odd
sizes ; on sale
this week -.-.
$5.98 ; reg.
$7,50, $8 50,
$9,90 Suits.