The Wingham Advance, 1913-06-05, Page 61..
tWaelaneton Star/
"Thee tees to call hitn bonehead,"
-Teat woe, evinte Ateeeet
"Vt.t. Now they el.:tire-7s it differentlr.
Tin t a man co: hard. serele."
'Ntothor-Now. IvOUICI you
etav at home with me or go or
want with Antitte
eteletestal sooner go for a walk with
(Philadelphra Reeord)
Nellolle hall the atoloelty to gar he
was the light of my life, so I turned
him dcoon.
tooto...1 000pose he felt put out about
"Splattermore is gaining fOme as an
.xeonent os the ettilist Style of (wt."
"Where does ilc get his talent?"
mother used to be a prise erazy-
(mill maker.'
Woston Transerlpt)
--T really believe you men think
more of yoar automobiles than you do of
your wiVes,
Ile—Why not? We can get an Improved
make every year.
(Philatlelobia Record)
Nell—T n. foliow with Nome go to
11171): don't Yoll?
Belle—Yes, Is he takes. mo along. -
- rr
"Dow did that young architect eome
out. Slithers?" asked Dubbleigh.
we hod -to tiro him—bo bungled
everything," tiaol Slithers.
"Wily didn't you put him in chargo of
vein. bungalow departroent, then?" sug-
. ese
Staff Photographer—I've eaught sqap-
slue of the fleeing gambler!
Clity 101itor—Clootti Now take n time
expte,rtre of the pplire in purstilt.
_ z
"Pertly is in financial difficultiesi4.7
1 to ?"
-offered bis ereditors ten cents on the
41011or, and they aeCepted It!"
see -e
(Philadelphia Record)
Sillieus—When is the proper time to
coogratulate bride one. g000m ?
CYnicue—Alter they have lived together
for at toast a year, and are still happy.
Former lien t over—Who t's yoor nephew,
that'a home from college. doin' now?
Farmer Itornbeak—Nothin'; and he's
got more original ways of accomplIshitf
It than any feller you ever seen. "
07.1uffalo 1.1xPress)
"I suppose that with Jinks it -Was a of inarry in haste, and rep,ent at
"Not exactly. principal complaint
appears to be that he has no leisure."
Fellow guest (wit° has just to;d4borm-
orous artist an appalling ehesttutt)----
thought you Might Illustrate it, you know.
It happened to my father.
Artist—Ma»o thaoks; but what makes
it event more interesting is that lutist
have met 20 or :10 of your brothers.
est .
(Washington Star)
"Ail want," saki the artist, "Is to con-
vey iny message to the world."
"Wall," replied. the num who
to be Impressed, "That cubist picture of
yours may be a mesaage. But ifiqict
it surely looks like bad news."
(Philadelphia Record)
would lay the world at your feet,
but for one thing.
She—And that is.?
ile—some -other people aro Using it.
(Washington StatO
"That's o. wonderfully alma child of
-Weir" replied Wiggins, modestly. I
Oon't know whether he is so 'very smart
now. too. lot ever finds out the on-
swers An tho questions he asks, he will
be a world -heater."
(New York Globe)
Sinks -1'141\V inuell would my auto brIng•
-at a toreed sale?
'links—That depends. If you hold seine -
body 1.41 With a gun you might get a:TO
for It.
(Iirooltlyn Life)
Kilicker-11141 you move to the eoun-
try in order to bring your children up to
play on the gross?
Sobbubs—No; so that the real estate
ngent eouhl bring his children up detent-
iy In the city.
Intlianapolis toar)
"T 11eVer saw a girl that. could hit atlY.
Ohio she threw at."
"Well, You never saw my girl throw a
Fathro—Tteally: am afraid to assoc-
iate with my own children for fear my
moral.: Will hP hint
Dr111,411h,1%—lint, papal Don't you sup -
nose we realize that. anti nre coreful
When We're WI 111 VOU
(WashingtOn Star)
"Pet •oh bvik=vo ghost's'?"
"No, soh," ;coiled Mr. Erasbis Pink.
"t titkos speelal teal* not to bitfeve
in 'em. 'enuse I understands dat stein*
believin' an' deem' want to see
thaelaesee P:tiet rill het* wedding dee'
eai ohs, otetid go tillOttalt eVelry::111t1g for
Welt. I' eneee Ale lots. I leaned
lin a till "'put „is mornittEr
-Flotipt-elche is out looking. for
Cards he would have
.1 too lor noon home.
:V (.r:130!4Law----AVi.ot the woman next •
(Iola rentinol offer being nway a ..Weelt,
1 or Itiol.and woo Mean (.11011,111 to- seeY
tart !..- bathet iteeetel her, t,
gtabeeeme-S eletet he fro,' fa
1.'"1 Vining huiotiqu. st,,,ing en *4
Roston T1 abooripil
(Ill000—to t'n Pie rret fn
u*..;ce gin o cAtallei6 at law-makihie
mite nee:solo. waPn't it?
She they got their fires elianee
re. taw-m.02w Sn the state of inatri-
I . • • , , 1.
"Thik; the line which 1 aam to re-
tuegther and repeat to inseelf from the
eery uutset for the waltz:
"One little further step— one little fur -
tiler Ste!),
, 14.11 f way around;
lino little fm-ther step—one little fur-
ther Mese
And lialfway around.'
"And 10 you know when I got nut ea
the floor the lintel were jumlaine every
which, way in my head, until I didn't
know whether it Wati;
"'One jump sideways—and kiek;
One jump sidoWnys—and kick.
"Or mhat in the world it was. 1 was
raved from the disgram of making au
ignominious failure before every one by
Nevillehs eireaposseesion. 1 le
saw that 1 wee all in a flutter and wine-
pered; rDo- not get nervous, or you will
miss all the delight of waltzing; just
trust to - me and will carry you
through triumphantly!'
"And—end—she did, India. 1 shall ay -
ways believe that he put the motion in-
to my feet and the rhythm ef it into
my silly little Itead."
"And what a pity that he was laugh-
ing at you all the -time oiler your shout- .
der; really, that WaS not very Diet, of
Irina" commented India, her Week eyee
glittering with a suppressed fire of an.
itoyance. •
"Did he do that?' -exelaitned lia b, .
breathleesly. her big bine eyes dilittieg.
"I am forced to ennfess the truth7..-
isagteea as o
tusy be an yeti,: guard," murmured Ito
. tate Jim.' oh. a e. -
foot veheittentl.y. "If there le northing
I detest it is to see a felluw make fun
ow% a lageitsi.„ face or behind
"Yes, indeed!" replied the -Wench
girl, hestily, heed a girl does not show
a proper writ unless :int? resents it—
rebukes him: for his levit y ey giving him
the cut tfireta. aeoliting hitt iota ho -
ting Mites enukattaud that she dove.
Ife will eeetaintes realize that ehe hae
diecoVered leugitteg 11'1.4 &nuts
-over her eitoeldera"
"What a -pity. it la i,hat Ike te so rude
ed. Bab, with eusepichate tears in her
big blue eyes.
“That is. the very crpinion he has of
Itimiseiteethat all girle think him nitat;
In fact eherming- and. -that alt he leas to
:to is to give them a tender look, a few
:miles, and they are ready to flin,g
themeelvets .1tie feet, tteeperately,
love with, him and his handsome Mee
and faeeinating Ways."
stlie—lte--made the -mistake of his life
*if he thought tie coved make me -fail in
love with. him!" declared Bale "and J.
shall take partieular pains to let him
see that I -hate him." -
But- even ad she utt ered these words
her red lips quivered. piteously, for ehe
had a dim notion that it would not be
quite so easy to- hate handsome elaio
enee Neville as.elie was tryiug to make
out to India.
"You motet not think, deir, that all
young men are two-faced and deceitful
became yott find Ohs one to he .00," •ssaid
India, throeving her arms as a prelude
to what she was.about to say meet. She
elways caressed the One firet Whoul tilte
wars about -to wound to the heart.
"Ohowiee India!" cried BO, -just ae
If you know any more about young
men and their ways- than I: do."
If Indite had 1tot beeu standing- Wait
her back to the lamplight, thus throw-
ing it- into . shadow, Bab would have
seen that her thoughtlese worde brought
• eUtidell IlltSh to her emigres face, from
neekrfo brosa; thea a. terrible pallor ear -
era. It, end the- gleant in the blaek,
flashing eyee would not have been plene-
ant to behold.
Without netleing .Bab'e remark, she
whispered, leughingly, into the ,girre
pink ear:'
"What would you give to learn a Iittie
eteret, Bab, dear?"
"Some one hes fallen in. love with you,
end---and----perhaps proposed; a. ease of
mutual love at fleet sight, oa the etoriee
we read tell us about once in while."
wish you were right, but, aufortun-
rettly, you are not," (sighed India. "1. am
not so -attractive- ae, for instanee, an-
other little girl -that T know of."
"What in the .world are you driving
at, India? don't underetand what you
are trying to .tell me at all. What girl
did tOine one fall in love with? I did not
eee anything.of that kind."
"Oh, wilftilly blind little Bahl" leugh.
ed Lelia, A -meltingly. "Don't •try to be
to Innocent about it; you =use me,
indeed you -di).:"
"If lIcc UM Unconscious of any at-
tempt to do so," declared Bah, seriouely,
hcome, noW, India"---othis very. coaxingly
"do tell me; Ihn juet dying to hear all
about it."
"Do you •ineau to tell Me that yoti
are uneoneeiotte of the fact that a hand-
some young men lost his heart coin-
pletely to the sweetest girl at the party,
and that you were unaware that every
o ue save youaself was speaking about
• 1 , •
e •
1' st'
--besehe is so tlee to- te:ile to," murmur -
Bab ithook her early. golden head de-
. •
Naively. "I 'assure „Volt rni eompIetely
In fog," she reiterated.
then, right or wrong, I will take it
upon myself to enlighten you. The gen-
tlemaO its question 'was Mr. Rupert
Downing, and the Maiden waa---your own
charming 600
"llonsense, Intlia!" tried Bah, fairly
bestide hereelf with irrepreeeible laughter.
She laughed t long and Go loud and so
merrily flint at, last her father thumped
On the adjoining wall heavily evith
walking etiek, terelaiming loudly-, and in
ittx irritable yoke:
'Menet in there! What aro you two
girls up to, I would like to know! Ien't
it NO enough for a man to get to bed
at 2 •o'cloek at night without being
kept awake by you two ehoutin,4 and
laughing at the toii) of your lunge?"
"..ell right, papa,' sang out Bali, pita-
ing her yoke to a high. ear-splitting. key,
"you *halt not suffer the death of poor
Tom tol -Ain& You've ohnt tie up
effectually for the night."
For the next half hour the ghle talked
in subdued whispers.
They wore jutt at tao pent uhere
Balre euriesity Mat be graLlied,
India wee nothing loath to gretify
"To begin witb," the whIspered,
heard of thie handeome Prinee Charming
some time before be put in an appear-
ance from a gristly of loved" gilts elle
a ere dieruesing eastit declaring. that
Pies intant to Win him for et loser that
evening if it were within human power;
they alnirert got inte & equabble over the
inflater .gir1 faehion, I earnestly aesure
attet &waited his Geming with ttlirrle
euriosity, saying to myself that a
young molt wilOnt prerti.'ee
young, loan whom every prt.tty girl in
the room. wanted must be something
tie irt 1)01101din
e t'ante at hest. T kneW witen he en-
tered the room, there was sueb. a 'flut-
ter among the gills, isaw that he wee
till my lams had 'Witted. him, and more
- well wintit the admiratimi lie ereated.
"When t .1m41 time to observe him
egain, he was tlaneing with you, eiel
your tilde he remained during the rest
of the evening, ai ill11110Yable as a rock,
muelt to the envy of all your girl
friends; and the expression on his. fitee
told its own etory. ile wee desperetely
in love with—our—Bab. IS'very one eew
that it wee a (owe of love firet sight
with the poor fellow."
The expreesitm ou hathh/ lovely feet:
seas ole of umaistekable amazenteue
rather than pleasure at thie
pave, ,
"Yon are eertainly mistaken, iudie,"
alto deelared, "Mr, Downing* did not fall
in love with me; he wee only ehewing
ine a few of the different steps."
"Wats that the exeuse he offered for
liugering vonetantly at your eide? Ansi
you -• diab!--Bahl were you goose en-
ough to believe him? Sueely you were
nut blind as to what the adoring had:
On his faee meant, aud you mild surely
see that be had no eye for any one save
• " t oelf?"
I assure you, upon my honor, -India,
that 110 sueh thought uecurred to me,"
exelaimed Bab, Ilistressedly. "1 pray you
believe me."
"There! there! du not look so worried
over it, dear, for it is the meet natural
thing in the aorld to have happened
t hat -t our stt Oct feee should have
captured the heart at olive of the band-
somest young 1111111 la the room: indeed,
yon are 1,0 be congratulated heartily. 1
-oult? WW1. that .1 had been the favored
"YOU can certainly have him, for all
t, . l' ," ' t 1.3' I , t 'Ile tly„ l'YtIll
ehall eurely have him, India."
"My dear cousin, the young man has
something to sey regarding the disposal
of ble heart: 1 ettppoee you have heard
before the old quotation:
"Naught says his own ieelination eau
idireet whielt -way met to whom hie af
'feetinint shall go out,"
eBut I don't want him!" cried Bab
adding, below lees breath, -and r 40 lloPe
that what you. have just seal, and that
everybody was talking alma, won't get
to papa's earls, for, really, India, he
&tee not quite like Mr. Rupert Down-
ing," 0
"Why ?" queried 144. (+hand v.
"Well." replied Bab, reflectively, "he
did, nut like lds father. Tie eaid he wee
a Client and had acquired his wealth
speculating, with the money of widows
and orphans, and just what else I don't
"Tre riositated some time before invit-
ing him elle' I heard him eay to my gov-
ernees; 'I have not met the young man
sinee lie has ,...erewn up. As a youth he
wee wild quite like his father was at
that age. 1 faney he will lolloNv in lds
footeteps. ;Should he have done this he
would not he a safe eompanion for nay
daughter. 1 have a strange presentiment
that 1 6110111d, not ineluae him among
the •invited guests. Still, as .it ii only,
perhaps, a prejudice upon my part, I do
not know how I eould slight him, he be-
ing a neighbor,'"
-How eruct and unjust to font a pre-
judice againet one whom we do not even
know," murmured India, artfully,
adding, "aut, of coursie 1 suppoee
he ems- 'when he met Mr. Down -
lug that itie fears were groundless and
that he wos really charming, Confees.
now, Bale doo't you think he is ;awl an
ideal lover into the bargain ?''
"t really won't know," replied the
girl, frankly, "Ife seemed pleasant and
agreeable. I have had 114.1 experience
\till% ycling Men )A.4 loVeri, or ai friendtt,
either, fOr that matter, yen know."
"We must judge, then, by what every
tither girl in the roma thought of him,"
murmured India, end with a deep sigh,
she went on: "You are, indeed, to be
sosiee. 'Bab; but, perhaps, 1 ought to
have let yon find out the wonderful se-
cret for yourself, dear. I am afraid eon
will be eold end shy -with him now,
latiwiess it, aml I would. not have that
'happen for the world. 1 9hon1/1 alwayo
Nano% myself foo beim the come of it.
Promiee nut that you will treat hint ite
eweetly and kinilly hereafter ea a'you did
lost night, and that will relieve my
mind greatly."
"Tf it is any POIlltOrt to you, I prom--
ise," returned 'flab,_ sleepily, "but you
need not----•"
The senteriee never was finiehed; the
wends trailed off into a long sigh, and
Bah elid off into the fairy world of
It wae net of Rupert Downing thet
htbe dotooned, however. but of a hand-
some, liteghing faee and a pair oft hazel -
brown eyea, and a deep volee that made
176qr Mtge.; lel,- nve-n ;el ilrow.4v
*Umber, and in that mystieal hour elle
thought .she loottO the vouc ot Mts.
Maek. the old houeekeeper, murmuring
over n gain
"Baby, dear. the eonviction haunts
me that yott will meet your fate at
Yo'Ir birthday party, It is most likely
to be he with whom vou first dance."
.And her first; donee had been with
handsome elitrenee Neville, the very
V011ng man whom. India had impressed
upon her tided that elle must enub in
every possible way.
Again; India lay awake long after her
0011%111 elept, platting, planning and
"People entaiely meet where hale end
mountains don't,' she muttered between
her tightl,y clinched teeth, "and here,
quite Its 40011 1)3 have stepped over the
threehoid of an honorable to learl
an honest, life. T am confronted by a
demon out front my pet who yowl% to
eXpot4tt MllesS I aid him in winneng
thie little empty-headed, pink -and -white
baby-fiteed fool with whom lie faneitte
that he is in love.
"IlJb! never thought him capable
treything %as e faeey whieh
svon14 seemly mats.* a fortnight.
lInt 1 retina be ehoosee. I am
Ale Itemise power, T must do as rie
'Wes. I have 1.zreat, inflernee over the,
girl, met can bend her 1 1) my will. lt
to net diffieult matter 11 talk. her in-
to biller hip' tliot (Abe reelpr000tta Ru-
pert Downing,'e infetuation: one
een 'who ghl like inneeent Bab be.
allytirMg. if You din it into her
(ate pen/Menthe tetuthetely. mid artful,
ly, and, abeso eie'it, Iter think silo
ie att Ay the front the temf
ef her girl Diesels. ilts! ha! ha! And
better still, the remit when/ I /melt mitt
for reyself, or die in the sttempt,
who, like all the rest, refit deeply in I (We
'with tide little obit of it Deb tha letefe
bis eyes rtstvd, her."
At logth. utterly c-V.hattsti..1 with th.‘
Warriow paesit ns net toesed her hard -
tiled bvarr to and tro. India itgYrifu vio-vil in a deep.
d T12\1%1'4;17 f161:teePrIL44 o'elovk When the girls
awoke tile ne\1 Inorning„
Awoke to Mill phtlen sky
overhead and the rain pouring in tor -
e.11 Apra da3 , which Plumed at the out -
route against Op Wind= 1,171174 typj.
eot Itt, prmnise ilf the golden afternoon
to fdlow.
..\\ eeeee. „elle. we eel with
ourselves to-dity°' t•ried belie in COJI-
sfvrnation. "If there is anything Diet
kit Ine ihe lanes and f'orors pall
them what you \VIII. it's a, rainy day."
"why, 1 don't mind them a bit." de
aired Bah.
Then. Sufitlenly her face clouded over,
and she said. rather ruefully: -calr.
Downing said he W011hl eome over with
some bottles be weuld. like me tit
read. Of Nanette couldn't be rude tee,
meth to tell him not to come, though r
'Sinew papa would be sure to be die-
'whiepertel India. throwing lier
arms with appareut affeetion around her
immeent little eonein. "let me aid yen
in title dilemma. If he -your father, f
mean -Says anything, Von ean infer,
yithout sayine; it hi so many words,
that 'Mr. Downine eame over to see me."
For an instant Hal) elappeil iler battik
merrily, .exelanning: a Capital
idea; why, 110W Very eleVer.
are, Conelu India? Then she suddenly
stopped eliort, with that same -cloud of
doubt Meeting like an .April shower
over the etinshine of her dimpled face.
etVoultin't it he deceiving papa, In-
dia?" elle murmured, appealingly.
"Not at all," declared India. prompt -
"for no doubt; he earl for both
of us for politeness' sake, nut to show
a preference too eoo 0,"
"Are you sure it would be right, In-
dia?" Bab persisted.
"Quite sure," asserted Iter false friend
smoothly, and Bab btifflett her doubts,
eaying to herself that India lout au&
superior knowledge of et erything that
she mutat stertainly be right ebout the
matter, Yts, she woulti_trust it all to
Atel that was the first fstep that
cent little Bab took in the path of de-
ception that Ied to emit a, bitter endine,
'cruelly exemplifying the truth of al
familiar lines:
"'Ali, what a fatal web we weave
When first we praetleo to deeeive,"
Tfaven was awaiting the two girIs
at the breakfast table, though they
made their appearance a little later than
ile had thought of leeturing Bab up.on
daneing so often the previous, evening
with young Downing, whom he disliked,
from intuition rather than any partiett-
ler reason.. But, ou oecond thought, he
came to the mut:Melon that the wisest
course to pureue would be pot• to men-
tion him. in any wayeethathwould may
came her to think of bine Otherwise,
she would be sure to forget him.
Had he not been called away from
the ballroom by what he feared was an
attack of apoplexy coming on. a feeling
which demanded that he ehould retire
from. the gayety at once, and. seek the
quiet of hie own roonte, Bali would
never have been permitted to dance the
entire evening with handseme Rupert
Ile IMAM/ a» exeuse for his darling
in the fact that elle away no better,
tide being her Bret party.
As he lisrtened to the chat of the -two
girle, he noted. with much relief that
1/3111a1briet.lid. not mention the young man's
He was eurieme to know how Clarence
Neville, the son of Ine old and valued.
friend, had impressed her, but on this
subject also he held his peace. lie re-
membered to have heard that young
girls were eingularly perserse in their
lot e affairs. and they were sure to take
a decided dislike to a suitor their par.
elite pushed forwttrd. Ile had given the
young fellow a preeeing invitation to
vall often while. he was in the village,
and he told himeelf if -the attractant
was mutual, as he earnestly hoped it
Would be, the young man would cer-
tainly Win Ma -01V11. Way in her heart.
Not that he wanted to lose his little
jeWel for Malty' tt lung year yet; still.
he believed it would be well to keep in
reserve suitor for Babha hand.
When India found bereelf alone with
Mrs. Mack, the housekeeper, a little
later, She amde it a point to mention
that site was- expeeting a caller that afe
ternoon. A Mr. Downing had said that
lie would come and bring her some sheet
Sh.e ingeniouely:
"Do you think it would disturb Mr.
Haven in his study. if we were -to prat-
tiee Oita' over in the drewing room this
"I am sure it would not," deal/trod
:Ars, Mack. * 'lie is so fond. of musil,
MS: dear, he will be Kure to enjoy it.'
"Is not Mr. Downing handsome?" com-
mented India, with admirably assumed.
entOgasm. "I have never met any one
like hime-so tall, so courteous, aud so
flu/roughly gentlemanly."
"The young gentleman must have
spite captivated your fancy laet even-
ing," remarked the old housekeeper,
A fiery Wash. instantly eovered
fate. She possessed tile tteacheroue art
of being able to blualt at will after
the manner of so many gay *en& stage
beauties with whom if wee. a, trick of
the trade, so to speak.
Covering her feee with her lutntle in
delightfully bashful, gir is t manner, n
fled from the room.
The old housekeeper looked. thong s
fully after the slim, retreating figure,
murmuring- to hereelft
6What a, romantie race these rrepeh
people are, to be sure? One glance into
hands/owe fece, and lo the mischief is
dont. Our Ameriead girls never fall in
love so eagle-. Indeed, the young men
have to prove theinselvee worthy of
them first—at least, they did in my dity,
mid I presume It is pretty muelt the
same 'Way now."
Mrs. Meek. though* no more of the
matter, and It would haw,' Jp.essed coin.
pletely out of her thoughts luot it not
been recalled in -ft rather forcible Man.
During the early part of the afternoon
she wee so busily engaged irk ettperin=
tending the arrangement of the istrite
rem Adjoining Bah'e, which India Was
to Oeetipy that elle gave little heed to
the chatter of the meads, that tilligeriezana,
a gentleman caller the draw
end that MW4 liana and :Miss Bab had
pito down teg;itsltrt irnerict,ettev: "uitt
when she beard bewildering etraine
Nor dia sile
nitwit! front the direetion of the draws
ing room, exeanted AS only Mita Ittaia
c(nAlliil 1114; 410 Wa5 Eltinimonta In
hurry to Mr. liavtles stUdio.
Ate found hint paving angrily sta mut
dOWn tile length ef the room, his hands
looked tight him,. Me feeds Jude
with annoyanee and his exehrowe
into heaziofbroowenork, thmea.).
1 Any headache Cured
Tired Systems Re -Toned
When You're Dull, Tired) Restless
Day and Night, Something is
Wrong in the Stornaoh,
A Prominent Publishing Man Says
the Quickest Cure Is Dr.
Hamilton's Pills,
noadaehos noirin‘ 4!01110 to I OSe 11.110
11#0 111'. Ilamilton'e Pills, 0,17i1 titi5
filet ie \entered for by the sSesistaeb
Manager a the
Magazine. of Springfield, Os _Nile .1.
Callateler. who writes: "'sit) better
medivine than Dr. i
We use them regularly and know Of
marveletis cures that rce.hetett every-
thing else. They cleanse elle whole
Fystion, fiCt Rs it i 01) blood.,
enliv.en digestion, bele the etonetch,
and make you. feel strong and well.
For iteadaehee„ indigestion- anti stone,
:lei, disorders 1 ant confident that the
one. preseription is Dr. Itemiltetrie
lIeing _vompoeed of natural Vega -
table remedies, Dr. liamiltoe's
possess great power, yet tile y are
Itarndese. They nid all organs eon-
neetel with the etonntele liver. and
'bowel% eeopeetprenee, fooil ie pro-
perles digested', the blood is pure and.
noutishittg, the body is kept strong.
resists disease, alt drtiggists and
storekeepers sell Dr. liamilfen's
25e. perquX. 5 for kl.:1.0(), or by mail from
the Catarrhozone Co„ Buffalo, N. Y.
and Kingston, (Stnada.
(Toronto Star)
Differences or rave, language, and ens -
tom are largely on the surface. The hu-
man hearts is much the atone every-
where. ,.":ational. enmities aro founded.
ignorance ansl prejudiee, and wrong -
beaded traditions.. They can be removed.
irvcsteady effort en the part os those who
help tu mould public opinion, Thu tumor -
tenet) er. the celebration of the Peace an-
niversary lies in the example that is fur-
bished for the whole world,
. Including
Arts Summer
July 2 to Aug. 16
The Arts course
may be taken by
but s.tucients desir-
ing- to graduate
must attend one
Fnr calendars write
Kingston, Ont,•
Ernest Weleh, of Hall, has invented
new ehemical gun for whieh remark-
able claim/ are made and which lute en.
dewone a Government test. The gun
wetglis three hundred -weight and id ea -id
to throw its projectiles, which ignite np..
ouTihnoneletc,ito a iiiStatice of five miles.
lauism, as privily explained
by Mr. Weleh, eonskts itt part of three
generators which manufaeture three dis-
tinct gases. In the stopper there ie a
small speuge saturated with a eertain
fluid whieh also gives orf a gas, while
therels further a supply of oxygen and
hydrogen inside the eylinder.
The cylinder reets on a plate end by
the setting into Motion of a, small (dee-
trie motor situated on the righthand eide
of the gun the gases are. exploded and the
projectile is expelled.
Mr. Welsh baps that there ie no re -
eon and'there is no reseure on the out-
side of the tylinder, All presume/ ie felt
forwar& The neture Of the, gases is a
secret, but Mr. Welsh eays that the
gun has been tested with results satie-
'factory to who witheseed the demou-
stration.----Teeedon Letter.
MINARD'S 1.1N1MENT le the only
Lnimexit eaked fc`ir at my store and the
only one we keep for sale.
All the people use it.
HARLIN PE:rirox.
Pleaesent Bay, C. 11, •
(Rochester I1erald)
-Coon BUC11 a subject as the use, inod-
eration of aleohol and tobacco, there is
room for different of opirdon, but up-
on such subject as tho "soolal evil"
there Is absolutely notte. No man or wo-
man Veto has the interest trf the human
spades at heart ear( afford to be indif-
ferent to this great social eaneer which
Is eating into the very vitals- of the eati»-
41.y. Witether We are able to extirpate
it or not, we shottld weleorne ell tho
light that has been, or Can be, thrown
upon it. and if any rational remedy
should be tenni,. for ridding the land oe
Its most terrible curse, all rational men
and woMen shotild, and will, advoeate
its enioloYMellt,
Keep MInArd's Ltnfrilent In the bowie
4 =
(Montreal I-Tereld)
The latest argurnont put forwara ten-
tetively by the United States for the set-
tlement of the Panama. Canal 'rolls (Us -
nate Is that purely "doinestio trade.
ohould. be exempted. Saloum this e011-
' (it'eorss-itijon fol3r0eggeraenxteendiptstiolen ttliniglikt,olth:tv,T4s.1t111'7
traAlle. But this will hardlY satisfy other
nations, A cargo from Halifax to Van-
convor might ies est ptIrly dotneisti
Cane:Man trade ait 0110 tor New 'York to
Beaton or front New orteane to San -
Diego. 'Similarly Great Esrltalit might
olaim trtemption for purely don-le$thfr
trade with 00* of her l'exifit• possessions
iliylva.enliturli .0iiniisitiloidmeStittslit,estratdoo,e,
tommeree, saY front New 'fink to the
The ono- svay by whip))
'Uncle Ham van 'avoid hard feeling' Itod the
imoutalion of double dealing 11 to Wine
out tolls. Altogether as It wail orainally
amr.• • *7
0•11..444.10100.10P*00.140.4' I III I I I
Maximum Reached in Northeaet
s'eekhoyansek, gotal eized vity in
Voitheastein Siberia, litetets tle• dietime
tion of being the volde6t inhabitk eity
on the globe, It ic.1. 117 77111'07 j770th7171 014
degrees on the eretie plane and seareely
more thnu 41 blintirod and fifty rout
above the sea level.
telliperattlre ahuVO
Zeru alai ill 'winter the maximum ie sr)
below sem The Ruseian government
owne the town and le intereeted hav-
ing atitelUiStVati%e 4.0ittre where
viever and Industrion, Yoktits, fur trad
ers deWs a Siberia, carry on their op-
All the inhabitants of S'erkhoyansek,
NNith the exception of a few effleials
end Ruesien tratlere Are Yokuts. The
Youltnts are suet) ambitioue and eggres.
sive people that they do Ite-t 50ent
mind the faet that the rivers freeze to
the bettom tted• that small trees have
been known to sues) and split from the
biting feree of the cold.
Mill many Russians oven event to
prefer it to warmer poste. its atutoe-
phere is always elear and the air still,
and there are 110 blinard3 Or
storms. Theo the Siberian (Imes adde
eoneiderably to the eejoyment ef this
!troth. city. it emielete of two suite of
fur, an miter and an inner and huge
hood to ptill over the ?ace so that
there ie just enough space to see and
breathe through,
The summer is hotter than might be
reasonably expected, the average tem-
perature being 50 above zero in Juty.
The ,earth is p;reen and vegetation
thrives, but the surface of the ground.
ecareely thawed.
For Women's Ailinents
D . Martel's Female Pills have been
the Standard for 20 years and for
40 years prescribed and recom,
mended by Physicians. Accept no
other. At all druddists.
(Tested and used by Caroline Coe)
Separate the yolks from the whites
ter five eggs, place yolks in deep bowl,
and whites aside to keep cool, Beat
the yolks notil light and foamy, add
one cup of granulated sugar and beat
this at least ten minutes, add one cup
of flour that has been sifted six times,
with one teaspoon of baleiug powder.
Beat at least ten minutes, Whip the
egg whites to a stiff, dry froth, fold
lightly into the other mixture, Add
Thls will make two medium layers
or one baked in square pan. Bake
slowly about twenty-five minutes.
Put together with whipped cream,
sweetened and flavored with a layer
of whipped creates on top. Halt the
recipe will eerve five people.
I 4
1 31.4
for Gall Stonee, Kidney Trouble, Kid-
ney Stones, Bladder Stones, Gravel,
Lurnbage and all diseases aristiog
from Uric- Acid. Price $1.150.
only remedy which has a record of
complete cures of Diabetes. Price
For sale at all leading druggists.
Send for free literature.
'The Sanol Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Winnipeg, Man.
Years Ago It Was Considered
Merely as Garbage.
Vic history of the cottonseed is in it-
self intertisting and matelot an age or
wonderful progress, Fur many years
the seed was despised as a nuisance awl
•was twilled and dumped as garbage.
Then it was discovered to be the very
food fur which the soil was hungering)
and reluctantly admitted to the ranks
or utilities, some degree of respect be-
ing accorded to It.
cottonseed was next found to be nu-
tritioUs foot. for the hilasts, and then this
formerly respised product was discovered
to bold a considerable tiuttitiity of pure
oil to the tone, worth al the time $11
to the ton, representing' $10,00O,000 for the
wh7617-6. crop, Trio relined oil is now \North
much mole than that.
thlt 1INW wonder was to C01116. 1.7,-c.•
perientio showed that lite tun of
seed 1‘as Et better fertilizer and a Dater
stoek food- alter it has beim robbtil it:
its oil than it WaS before; that 1.76..2 1,1711.1
of lite seed Made tne 'Kist of re -1
feeding' the oil -mill engine; that the aslics
of the huts had toe highest commercial
value as potash, and that the "vciso.e.--
of tile whple made exshl-nt soap :qt.>
The histur,y of cottonseed )111N, perhaps
been paralleled hy !hit t.7 OIL 1 11.
1,11 Is crude .14A1,_6, P1-'1)41604 101.1
bad -smelling, haS proved A 4141:10 At' enor-
Moto) Wealth in the \Voice, Fut :,tilistancts
Batt have been prtolueed frum it,
The intomfacture of the etathnseed,
produets 014 0 coninno.eial settle lats itemo
beginning' In Englati41, and as late as
187S0 that country. wit an annual erush
12-04).001 tos, was the holding in the world
()wing, however, to the heating arid
eonsequent Oetririeration in which out-
age, a tendency natUrally _developed to
tonseed Is liable in transit, Hpd
locate the Oil mills WI near as practica-
ble to the sottreo of seed supply.
The animal crush or cottonseed In this
country Is now nearly 4,0nos000 moo, Toe
country purchasing tile largen uttanti-
tieg or Arno Ica cottonseed oil is the
Netherlands, folltooloo ;11 sailer et engee.,
lance by (Irina lirltain, Canada,
Italy. Germany nue Norwase
• _ „ease_ - •
M4/fled's/ Linimont Lumberman's
' • "
Took Uefuge Ship's Rigging in
whoa the steamship Alititteeota ar-
rived Irene the ()tient seeterdey elks had
tot board a Me-mtge. natieniger, who tuols.
len/es:Age in nad-Pacifie. met was not en-
tered, on the intestate Het, eavs the
e'tcat tie Ti Ines.
A large Aretie ineeeneing 110,1 lig
four feet from tip to tip, ,joined the
t\linuessota on March 1 7, south ef the
Aleutian followts1 the wales. et
thessitip titany hours awl finally alighted
tat the tetointet,
gelee whieh heti ettept the
Alaskan etiest a f14.11'.11.1p4 before .1,rot)
hundrelle of small birds to sea. and as
these. 44oughe in the they
ireeame prey to the ;41.eitt itavd‘.
teeeting all after:won the hawk perele•t1
OIL the mainnmet, where it prepartd to
sp-end the night.
A dapallev4, boy in the UW11101 eroW
platillect otilerWise, Ettilippe With a
glintessaele, he timmiled tee
slipped the Siteli IoNer biril'e leen],
rept, Thonme 'W. pre-eel:4d the
betwk to the ,Seattio Maid, A%
pltvet It ht of the city parlot.
r -
PV6144700.014.6. V -
a 1.r.fl,r8!..;;PVf2,41.4
• '" 7 "
rOea, Rt# in
er becauellhere
o Turpentine
tow to uie, good for the Shoes
Now and then one StlelT1 ill the English
paper's advertiseatente announcing that
so-andeo lute a law stock of orange
skins for hale, As a matter of recom-
mendation ae to enality the advertise -
1110111 concludes with the statement that
they are from. such and soult unteie
liallhere is a big business in secondhand
orange skins, lemon peel, eta., ett the
other side of the Atlantic, Most of them
are bought by =kens of jams, and mar-
inalade. This was brought out wheu
there was en investigation of the pre-
serving industry in England not long
In certain portions of the theatre/1i and
music balls of Loudon and other large
British eities the seats are not reeerved,
Admittance to the pit is generally Si*
Pence. Onee it person leaves. his seat it
is Immediately grabbed by tiOnle one -
else. in order to get a good seat one
must come early. One hungry
as the hours go by before the perform -
alive 071118. The favorite sustenance of
those who sit in these cheap seats 13
They, consume them in large queettl-
•ties and throw the skins on the floor.
After eaelt perforiani ce the skins are
earefully gathered. up and sold to deal-
T1 you suffer front bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding piles, send me your
address, and I will tell you )10‘v to eure
yourself at home by the new absorption
treatment; and will also send some of
this home treatment free for trial, with
references front your own locality if
requested. Immediate relief and per-
manent eure assured. Send no money,
but .tell others of this offer. Write to-
day to Mrs. M. Summers, box P %Wind-
sor, Ont,
Put a piece of writing paper in the
oven and if it browns a light brown
in five Minutes the oven is the right
lteat for loaf cake. Small cakes and
layer cakes require a hotter oven, If
the paper is dark brown at the end of
five minutes partly cool the oven and
test again just before putting the cake
in, e
Another test Is to hold the hand
in the oven and count twenty, If this
can be done comfortably, the tempera-
ture is right for the loaf cake baking.
lf the gas oven is used the cake
should be put in the centre on the top
grate. Open and shut the doors of
the oven very earefully after the
cake is ni. Do not turn the cake after
it is into the oven until it is nearly
done. Some good bakers advise never
turning the cake, even if it is baking
unevenly, If the cake seems to be
browning too fast cover wit ha piece
of writing paper, after it has been in
the over at least twenty minutes.—
Woman's World for June.
You will find relief in Zam-auls!
It eases the burningl stinging
paint stops bleeding ,and brines
ease. Perseverance, with Zam.
link, means cure: Why not provi'
this AU .Druggjrgtd,Stutr.--!d1
Trott ALL,
klmaIrto Advertiser)
Edueation la too iMportant a fa.etor in
moral imprOveMent tO be negle:tteitti. Laws
are of value in a free eountry only in so
far as they erYstailixe the semi/molt of
tios majority of the P000loo 'Tom the
ootooe are inilividnally etittoateo the
elea that it Is an offense to drink liquor,
there will be no difficulty about enrol....
Ira them. In filet. whet( edueation lots
;lone its full work, there w111 be little
need for laws. W:ten the people do not
-want liquor 'no lam manuftteture
The truffle will be abolished. If there
ceases to be a, dentand, there Will nO
11-to-Zer be a supply
- -
Ask for Mintird's and take no other. -
While relatives; all bid him hail,
Ife comes int.) this tearful vale, •
And with a. weak and puny wail
In youth the world delightful seems,
ne bee hie high -exalted drowns,
And while iAti followe shining gleams,
Ile finds to make his vieione trait
ITe hae to root are porkere de,
And with his heart and brain amt thew,
But guide hie fleeting. -Chine 111
AmI when his toiling day le done,
Then man. when sets ltis little ion,
If nobly he has lived his life,
And lattled fairly In the strife,
nientury. with gooditeei rife,
ISSUE NO, 23, 1913
ki ELIA wANiEii."
for lt'letf work, .Apply, The S,Angl-
bv "Alenttlacturing T.,itaitc.1, _Brant-
ford, Ont.
, sor Minder or Cleaner for nig14
work. Apply, The Slingsby Nianufaetur-
1), Co., Limited, Brantford, Ont.
V ing helo. Experieneeil loefer-
rea. ApPIY, The HitugslIV Aleinuractut1714
Vo.i, 1. !Tilted, Brantford, 1717,,
Tit (tit 8A 1,14.; 1Itt )TO It, 1 0:S8 1%:1,1 4
-.0.• Knight, in goad (.m1010.114: new valor,
Prieo • $1,090. Frank Cocks! 107, Brom 7.
tont (3117.
Suggestious for the Busy House-
wife 's Scrapbook,
To remove typewriting. ink from linen,
s3ak the inked parte in turpentine 2
hours, then polar boiling soda -water on
it, rinse thoroug,bly and dry,
To clean the bone handles of knives or
any bone artiele, rub first with !emelt
juiee and. then eith ealt. Iles will re •
move grease r-pot.3 and all kinds of
b11`.11.1t7iceep a silverlike luette on your
saucepan lids and tin goods, dip them in
boiline. water into which soda ha; been
dissolved, to romove all grease; then
rinse \shit cold water and polish With a
eabbage or with a rhubarb leaf and rinso
again with vole water. Do mit wipe
them; hot put them before 0 fire to dry.
To remove old wall paper 1150 the
lowing ,t.olutiont -Make a, thick pnatry
solution by adding flour and. salL to boil-
ing water. end add to this a few onnees
itt)tf Am-17,1.y1"t'itli):111.(ell'tqhseAst
brush tO the old wall piper, Alter a rese
minutes; the paper Pali lie removed very
easily in big stripe and a.41.1. very little
dest and dirt.
*••• •41.
'baby's own Tahle.i.i are a safe
metlieine for little once. In faot, they
are guaranteed by a. gjoVerument n11-,
ItTyst to bo ahselutely free from opi-
etes or any of the demo so harmful
to the lives of little onei, Ton.
lets never do hartn—adways good ana
may he tO the new,born babe
or p,rowing with_ equal safety.
They -never fail to cure cenetipation,
intreseetien. 0011e, leak up voles and
lasers ;and make teething e-tsy. The
Tablets are sold by n3,1%,:17,. atmiers
GI. by mail at 25 (tents 0 box front
The Dr. Willionie Medloine Brock -
Nitre, (bit.
(Detroit Free Press)
Low wages, environment, love of finery,
evil associates, belp break down the so-
cial restraint that holds women from
immorality. ilia the real, under lying*
cause, iies in the winniin instinct that
craves love. Nine tort of ten of those,_
the "go wrong" do so through the beet
but unfortunately the n-eakest part uf
their natures, thelr affections, They crave
love; the desire is divinely intpjantefl.
The working girl Is lonely. has perhaps
no outlet for bet. affections. The man
woo seelliS to take an interest in her
hecontes a hero. Haying won nee love
and teust he gradually undermines her
moral resistance. The attack upon virtue
is made through tile affections. Then
snelety affixes the stutinp of degradation.
our investigators seem to think women
must be Morally strengthened until sex -
immorality beeontes Impossible, That
v811 never happen, because we Milre to
explain the errIng woman In ectetly. the
eame terms we use to explain the erring.
tee, _
Nlinard's Liniment Used by Phyeicians
tintitadelphia Record)
Truth is often expressed In a jest; and
Represent alive Bovt dle's suggestion, teat
tne, polltleal emancipated of woman
W4tit itt,r emanclpation frotn
the hook and eye, WKS not all a joke.
Woman's hh.tverN to clothes slie
eanitut Put on unaided invoices tite sis.V-
ery of all mankind. cartoolillt not lent
ago 111 pictitring the 1(114 1.11-e, uf itadts
represented a pan' of set0,4 Wit,nittt enil
mid bristling' with an endless tow of
eyes which a persuiring shatle was unit-
ing Mtli an endless row of hooks, under
tl7e persnaSion of a Nenil turned. WW1 a
nitehrork. The army Of n011e )1001%OrM-
114) will testify to the horrors of this
foim of elernai ininislonent: nod Oro
'Protest of vietimizea men will nave to
be considered before all is lost 1,v giving.
fendninity a votn14 011-7.16,1*ItY 14stal-
itur Ids slavery on humanity forever.
Aren't 5)11Uposed. 1H6 Nt Orie than a
hdd corn. Pot- year -7 the rent-
cdr has boon Putnam's Corn Extractor.
lt painleeelv removes tile worst. eere
24 Innis; try Putnam's ENtrat4or,
at all aealers,
‘rimon in ..s.ew york aNti'61:eteurt:Iiti'alu::::1;:nlittril.:::::,1:111t);11:::1:61.1ettiell: elLuttr1:011‘11:1:4 1c1:14044111,:littuislenli:
! hetes than they (Alt fu Ilt; 1 17ey t.a71 two-
.-.31etandburg relation liCAWeen Vlee rind peveele than
to Vies, 50 noW tile.1 0 ii it illspOSMon to
'Times. sovintottists fecogilize. The 141fitt \Nil.) ;ti
the present rave ire ratoer ounottine
__. _ ___ _ ______ initieunti,poettatit.efiult..tsoe,:mish,01,:eiswaieg, veh:Its1,711::a.s.1 Ootf
. - . i ....o.,, I atilt:Aug that society eon do,
- melles, and the otoot hopeful fact about
titis Is that Atottel vc4.11.4117,..t ',.4 Int t:;e
SILlufofteriel‘OC.07111taot tis,...,!Luiti,.tottl(1-,11.11.211,.tta:sil:!:::Itto .t•,:iii,1::.,.
conotatulty iS hus.iy :•.01.trehini4 t,,v t,d..
fitable. If is hut 1T,le that tut2U awl 1)0
i 78111:161, to.utni:::::::::::1.44•1- 0,.1f. t. 011,1'0 At 1',-,
: war the 181,01- ilf tittlo t‘A,k1t-on is via -
i kov „ess. IAttlgtte :ma IllItt.!-,s aro e,,,,,ri.„
5 tililliT'lliabilities, te.ft liing itt" too, luil.‘L:Illia°,
hut of the etirelot or 1.-::,Lsol,, a:A id, flit!
: atItik,,,,ientilitfedtiL.-4-a,xilv,..1114,7,11,1%tc,t0;;-it::: ,,,L1;."zo16-.01:,,c, -1:,:i-
; 1410 Sot.ital tcqul-litt-rti, ?int tvo dre 101 tse:o
11 ,11%1..,01.kilieHL; 111:riet;i ttott;„,,eili:t i;i:10,..1.a.o iii;:).1)1,-
uhere children uill 'nod,: I.,-, vold WAY
t'ain 41)4 frankly neieeseleeees teat it I*
more arid Rrow on hi elthuu, -sieve titg
Wiirla ItaN i'.414,011 7tt ask the eiteethee of
sti brvilitr's 1.24,-1-.
&Miff Shoes