The Wingham Advance, 1913-06-05, Page 5THURSDAY) JUNE', St 1913 Boys' Suits 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 44 • 25, were 26, 44 26, 27, 28, 28, 29, 29, 30, 30, 31, 31, 32, 33, 33, 34, 34, 23 Boys' extra good School Suits in Bloomer and straight .nicker styles in Brown, Gray, Blue and fancy stripes. Lion brand. To be cleared out at once as they are broken lines. $5.00 for $3.75 3.50 44 . 2.19 650 66....,,.•... 490 4.50 " , . • 3.25 ., 5. t4 3.90 7. 44 5 25 7. 4 i ... 5.25 6 50 44 ......... 5.00 5.50 44 4.25 8.50 44 .. 6.50 5.75 " 4.50 8. 44 ....... 6,25 5.50 44 ..... 4,25 6. 44 4.50 7. " ..... 4.98 8.50 44 5.99 10. " 7.75 A. CAMPBELL The Clothier SUCCESSOR TO McGEE & CAMPBELL II Music Ernoorium {Hingham Carries a complete line of High Grade. Musical Instruments of every description. Player Pianos ; Organs of almost any make ; Phono graphs, Edison and Victor ; Stringed Instruments of all kinds ; Violins a specialty ; Sewing Machines, Canadian and American. We wish to impress you with the fact that we will sell you anything that produces xnwie, at prides and terms to snit the purchaser, Anyone intending to purchase a Piano should consider well before purchasing from travelling agents. We are here permanently and you can see the instrument you are. buying. Give us a chance to compare. Two Stores. Opposite Skating Rink. North End. Phone 222. P. 0. Box 156. 1,1 GET YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW I have a large freak stock of f1e best and latest goods, which are sure . to please. Suitable for Ladies and Gentlemen. Pit aid Workmanship Ottarantced, E. C. WHITE MAXWELL'S OLD STAND. phone a27, OPPOSITE PAN1 OP HAMILTON. - ti �wrc •.Mrawme.w. } rzoft PINEAPPLES 'S4ASON SWILL, ON. - Size 24, 7 for $1 # si sg 80, 9 for $1. CANNED GOODS Corn 9 , Standard Peas 11c, E4rly June Peas 12e, Tomatoes • 14c, best Salmon 25c, other brands 220, 2001 1$c, half size - 15c. DRIED FRUITS i S Apricots that were laic, for 12o ; - = Peaehes were l.30, for 11c ; best = Valenciaaitns 10 cts. ; best quality Currants 1170. SOAP 0000 RICH MILK, The critical consumer of .milk may give a snap verdict on the glass of good rich milk given hire in the res- taurant or at home, and may vaguely dvonder what percentage of fat the milk is supposed to contain. Certain standards of richness are fixed by vari- oui countries, and by municipalities, while some purchasing companies and dealers also set a standard below which the milk must not, fall. The knowledge of the average test of the herd, interesting as it is, is not as valuable to the progressive .dairy- man as a knowledge of what each cow's milk leets. Whether it is 2.9, 3.4, 4 5 or 5 0% of fat depends on vari- ous factors, and can only be ascertain- ed after systematic sampling and test- ing. Such testing sometimes reveals curious facts, A pet cow whose good rich milk was reserved for table use was recently discarded by a farmer when cow -testing proved to his dis- may that her milk was nearly the poorest in the herd. The average test of the herd is a viral matter to every dairyman whose milk is paid for at the cheese factory by the test ; it is of decided import- ance to both creamery manager and patron when considering the by -pro - duet of skim -milk for feeding, and the loaded wagon for the cream -hauler. For two lots each of 16, 500 pounds of normal milk may contain either 500°or 900 pounds of fat ; one lot is scareely the best for cheesemaking, while the other would be good rich milk. Comfort Soap 6 for 25 ; Shull - brand Castile 6 for 25c ; Witch hazel Soap 5e. BLOOMS 60c l3rooms for 45c, nice brooms - at 25o to 30c. Redpath's Sugar 20 itia. for $1 City Dairy Ice Cream. MRS. GRISDALE Man ought always to have something which he prefers to Life ; otherwise life itself will appear to him tiresome and void. oviespilie THE I G ..R..+� A M ADVANOB Elroy. (Too late for Inst week,) Mr. Job King and son Alex, are visiting friends in Toronto. Mt•. Robt, MoAllister has been spending a few days with his parents in Toronto. M'r, Wallace Clark of Gorrie and Miss May visited at the home of Geo, Jobuston on the second. Mr. and Mrs. Norman MacLeod of Ripley spent; the holiday at the litters parental home on the second. Mrs. Jno. E. White of Listowel is visiting former Grey friends. She has not yet 'recovered her usual good health, Mise Jane McLennan;hss been tak- ing aforced leave of absence from Brussels High School suffering from a severe cold. Judging by the number of rod -and - line devotees who visited the Maitland on the 24th there ought to be a decid- ed drop in the price of fish. Camera owners got a big catch also. On Wednesday eveniug of last week the menabers of Roe's Methodist Church, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mre. Edward Bryans to spend a social evening. As the evening pro- gressed the company was called to order and having explained that they had met together to do honor to one of their number, Miss Lottie Jackson read an address and Mr. Joe Ames and John Pearson presented Miss Lizzie Bryans with a handsome com- bined secretary and book case as an appreciation of her services as organ- ist in the church for the past number of years. Taken wholly by surprise the recipient replied briefly and feel- ingly, thanking the company for their gift and stating that the interest the church had shown would be a great inspiration to her in ber wok.. An enjoyable literary and musical pro- gram filled the evening and lunch be- ing served the company departed at midnight, thanking Mr. and Mrs, Bryane for granting them the liberty of their home and wishing Mise Lizzie still greater success in the position she. occupies. I3 1piore. Mrs, t;;iobson, Hamilton, is visiting her son, Rev, A, Gobson. Misses Mildred and Alberta. Baker visited their grandmother, Mrs, Miller, on the 21tb. Mrs. Geo. Bremner, who spent some months with her daughter (Rev.) Mrs. MoOonnel, Grand Rapids, has re- turned. Mr. Bald, inspector of Public Schools, visited our school on Friday afternoon and reported the work as being satisfactory in every respect. The holiday visitors in the village were—Mr. Govier, Londesboro, and Miss Gravestin, Auburn, at Mrs. T. Baker's ; Misses Morris, Lynett, of Ayloun, Misses Kirby, Green, Moscick and Mr. Goetz of Teeswater, Mr. Harvey Kirby, Berlin and Master John Wocks, at Mr. Kirby's. Large audiences, both morning and vening, greeted the Rev. Mr. Hibbard of Gorrie who conducted the re -open- ing services of the Methodist Church on the 18th inst. The reverend gentle- man preached two very able and con` vincing sermons, which were listened to with intense interest, The col- lections were in aid of the building fund and the trustees extend many thanks to those outside the congrega tion who gave so generously and also to the Salem choir for its very of ficient assistance. W. G. Patterson's IS THE PLACE TO BUY JUNE WEDDING GIFTS • We have the newest and swellest .goods ever shown in Wingham for June Wedding Gifts. All kinds of Diamond Rings from $10.00 to $300.00. You can save 20 per cent. on Diamond Rings by buying them here, and a large stock to choose from. All kinds of Pearl Rings from $3.00 to $50. All kinds of newest styles. in Luck Wedding Rings. A lame stock of the newest styles of Pearl Necklets, Pearl Pendents and Brooches. -- A large stock of all the newest kind of Jewelry at right prices. For Cut Glass and Silverware we have got them all beaten,. • 1 Patterson The Great Wat4 Doctor, 1111,11 1 /11111111 11;01111,...11.0.0. ISAft1)'S CUT PRICE SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK END This is our busy season, yet we are arrays after more. So we run a sale of specials at the end of the week so as to increase our business. Our stock is large and complete, of the newest models, styles and fashions, so we feel we can suit one and all. Read the list then come and share in the bargains. Men's We a r Store. 8 Men's Suits, dark Tweed, good ' style, regule; $10, Week -end Speoial $7.95 Men's Oravenette Coats, regular $7.50, Week- end Special .......... . ... . ....... $6.00 Men's Tweed Trousers, one line to clear.... $1.19 A. broken line of Boys' Suits, regular $5.00 and $G 00, Special $3.75 Boys' short Pants, lined, Week -end Price500 den's English Stripe Worsted Trousers, Out Price $1.75 Men's Socks, grey or blank, regular 20o pair, Speoial Prioe 2 for 25o Men's Working Shirts, also light color Shirts with soft collars, Speoial to Clear 690 Youths' Leather Belts, our Crit Price 25o Bops' Wash Suits, new style, Speoial 750 Men's Fanoy Print Shirts,'a Bargain 490 lien's new style Hard or Soft Hats, Week- end Prioe $1 50 Men's Dongola or Box Calf Boots, Ont Price $2,50 4 QUEEN QUALITY HOSE Ladies' Wear. Store. Ladies' Ready-to-wear House Dresses, regu- lar $1.25, Special Priors $1,00 White Top Skirts with embroidery trim- ming and buttons, regular $1,50, Special Price $1.25 Ladies' Fanoy Tweed Top Skirts, regular $5 and $6, Week -end. Price $3.90 1000 yards Lace, value 8o and 10c, To Clear 5o 50 yards Black Pailette Silk, yard wide, regular value $1.25, Week -end Prioe90o 39 -inch Black or Colored Pailette Silk, $1.50 valve, Special Price . , $1,25 Ladies' Black Hose, 10 doz. to clear at100 Ladies' ?fancy Strap Slippers, turn sole, regular value $2,50, Special Price.. . , . $1.90 Girls' Ready-to-wear Dresses, Speoial $1.00 Ladies' Princess Slips, embroidery trimmed., $1.50 Children's Wash Dresses, small pattern, Print..... , 50o Ladies' Rain Coats, special $5,00 to $10.00 Ladies' White Cambric Underskirts, em- broidery trimmed, Special ... . , ... $1.00 Pongee Silk, natural shade, wide, Speoial 500 ALWAYS IN THE LEAD WITH BARGAINS H. E. Isard & Co. Busy.. As [ver Selling: Fire Insurance Life Assurance Accident Assurance Plate Glass Assurance Tornado Assurance Live Stock Assurance Real Estate C. P. R. Tickets Steamboat Tickets Something doing all the time. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Wingham,Int. WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRS INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. CEO. SLEEM.AN, JOh N DAVIDSON President, - Secretary, E.ITOHIE d'c COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office: : Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VAN TONE iiiARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates, WINGHAM, T J. IRIN teas., L,i.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. —OAloe In Macdonald Illook-- .. E. ROSS, NDIS , L.D.St Honor Gradtiato of the Royal Col ge of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Henor Graduate of 'University. of ' oronto 'acuity of Dentistry. 0111014 OVIgit lit. E. ramp i CO's. IfVfOrt14. QUEEN QUALITY - GLOVES TO BE HANGED BEFORE JULY 1St A ear load of Wall Paper having the most up-to-date designs suitable for every room in a persons' house. Prices ranging from 5c a Roll up. Came in and look over our large stock. Sample books sent to your home if required. e . KN ox OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL PHONE 65. WIN TAM General Hospital. pital. (itucier Goverutkeo Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnlsheit. Open to all regularly licensedhysicians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing) --4.90 to 516.00 per week, according to location of room. Par further, tnformna- tion—Address MISS L. MAT MWS Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont. W. J. MOON V`ETEIiIXA.RY SURGI OE' Ole i'X0E 01` LATE DIV WILSON. . 1tESIS7i:lti0E—MISS GitACEv. Phone 170. might ]'hone 148. rx Gov, Vet, Xnspeotor. DR. E. IT. 000K V'BTE1tINA1tY SITRC EO1t StYC(i 8SOlt TO DU WILSON BOGS .uw SURGERY A SPECIALTY Residence and Office in Dr, McDonald's old residence on Centro Street, next to English Church. 'Phone 230. -••— w N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Vire, Life, Accident, Plate Masa and Weather )'usnranoef coupled with A Kcal este and Money Lowing htteia . W. R. IIAMBLV, B.Sc., ILII., C. , Speoial attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medicine. Offioe in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention, Phone 64. P. 0. Box 118 DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFFICES --Corner Patrick and Centre streets PnO:ves-- Residence, .lir. Kennedy 148 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Ur. Itennedv specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. byes thoroughly* tested. Gla5 es properly fitted, DR. H... ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew Orrin IN' MCDoz Ax n i3r ocr DR. RO8T tr. 'REDMOND L, Br Ci, 1', AC Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. 01414boiral old Would) is