HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-29, Page 8FURNITURE 4R. UNDERTAKING We invite the citizens of Wingham and vicinity to come and inspect. our large stock of Furniture, Dressers, Washstands, Bedsteads, Brags and Iron Bedsteads, Chairs, Writing Desks, Kitchen Cabinets, Baby Car. riages and C>zogearis. SPECIAL PRICES ON SIDEBOARDS. Sole agent for famous Os. terrnoor Mattress. REPAIRING UPHOLSTERING PICTURE FRAM- ING, ETC. A. CUR, -R. Graduate Canadian School of Embalming, Toronto. SUCCESSOR TO LATE MR. GRACEY. STORE PHONE 51. NIGHT PHONE 155. RESIDENCE -•-Mrs. MceGa►vin, opposite Dr. Kennedy. d FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his fine fano of one hundred acres consisting of the north halves of lots Nos. 46 and 47 of the 1st conces- sion of the township of Turnberry. The farm is in a good state of cultiva- tion, and has good buildings, brick house and bank barn. It is well fenced and well under drained. Term --one-third cash and the balance, if required, on time to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply to J. C. Higgins on the farm or to Thomas Higgins, Wroxeter. POPULAR STALaL,ION. The Imported Clydesdale Sta'lion, Mascot, No, 4578, Vol. 14, C.R.A.., Canada, will make the following route during the se ason:- MONDAY,-Leave Geo. T. Robertson's sale stable and proceeds to Wesley Leggatt's near Whitechurch for noon ; thence to Leask Me - Gee's, oon, 10, 'East Wawanosh, for night. TUESDAY -To Robt. Coultes', con. 10, East Wawanosh, for noon; then to his own stablo, Wingham, for night. WEDNESDAY. --To Jos. Smith's, con. 8. Turn - berry, for noon : thence to James T, Wylio's, con. 6. Turnberry, for night. THURSDAY, -To Thos McMichael's, Wroxet- er gravel, for noon; thenco to Ring Edward Hotel stables Wroxeter, for night. FRIDAY. -To John MoNaughton's. con. 2, Turnborry. for, noon ; thence to J. W. King's, Bluevale, for night. SATURDdY.-To E. B. Jenkins', Bluevale road, for noon, thence to his own Fable; Wing ham, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. J. W. RING, Proprietor. CLYDESDALE STALLION. The well-known Clydesdale Stallion, Mascot, owned by .T, W. King, Blue - vale, will be at D. McPherson's stable, town, until Monday. Full route will be published in our next issue. PERCHFRON STAL,L.ION IMP. PEROttERON STALLION JEZENIwIL (88570) (2909J Jezenouil was bred by Mr. Chalapin, France, and was imported by Scott Bros,, East Wawa - nosh in 1912, foaled April 10th, 1909.. He is a beautiful horse of dark dapple gray with light mane and tail ; he is a thick horse with good heavy muscles and the best of feet and limbs, stands 18 hands high, will make over a ton horse, and is a sure foal getter. Sire, Campigny-ex-Robion (56073) Dam, Pasealine (60020). ROUTE. -Monday, will leave his own stable lot 36, con. 9, and proceed to Alex. llintoul's, Fordyce, for noon, west to St. Helens to Luo Wethernead for night. Tuesday, to Walter Lot's, Whitechurch, for noon, and along bound- ry to Zetland and to hie own stable and remain till Friday morning. "Friday morning to Bel. grave and to Henry Johnston's, 5th line Morris for noon, west to Sunshine corner and to Ar lhie Kerr's. 3rd line Morris, for night. Saturday to Winghatn to Lepard's Hotel stable for noon and to bis own stable and remain till Monday morning. Terms, -.To insure, $15.01. Parties 'paying before April lett, 1911, will be refunded $1.00. SCOTT BRCS, Prop. Phonon on 621. 13elgrave, P.O. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Connell , of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, in the Town of Gode- rich, on Tuesday, June the 3rd, at three o'clock. Accounts regtxiring settlement must be placed with the Olerk before this date. W. LANE, Oi ixlt, Dated May 20th, 19134 Tenders For Reservoir. INVESTMENTS. • Estaite and Private Funds invested on First Mortgage Security without charge GW per oent. Apply- TEBBUTT, Spectator Bldg., Hamilton, Ont. Coal ! Coal ! Coal ! Nut, Stove and Egg, $6 50 on car ; Nut, Stove and Egg, $6 75 delivered ; Pea, $5 50 on car ; Pea, $5,75 delivered. .Also Soft Coal and Coke at popular prices. R. J. CANTELON, Shed, G.T.R. Enquire at 1Vlooney's. FOR SAIF. That desirable home consisting of four acres of land, close by the Town of Wingham. A good part of this place is under orchard, small fruits, and plantation. Buildings are all in good. repair. Apply on the pre- mises, to JOHN AGNE W, Lower Wingharzr, JQIN NOW •B CO. 33RD REG'T Goes to -camp June I6 to June 27, at London for training manoeuvers. Rates of pay, $1 to $L25 per day, Everything found. Write or phone J. A. Mann, Dinsley House, phone 30, ,or Rs A. Barron, phone 65b. N. T. SINCLAIR, Capt. Tenors twill be received by the un- dersigned up to 4 o'clock p.m., Tuesday, Juno 10th, 1913, for the construction of a Reservoir 40 ft. x40 ft. and 12 ft. deep. Plane and specifications can. bo seen at the office of the undersigned. The low- est or any tender not necessarily ao. eepted, JOHN P. GROVES, CLERK OF Tow or WINg1ram MAIL CONTRACT. TICE '"I AM ADVANCE Gorrie. Mies J tta McGill was calling on fderide be town on Monday, V,. and Mrr+. Holmes paid a visit to the forrxrer•'e father and sister its Lnckrhow on Saturday and Sunday, Mrs, Ilockridgo and her two little flans of Thole Spent a few days last week with her parents 1tir. and Mre. Nichols, George arxd Mrs. Dane of Toronto visited over the holidays with the formel;'s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mathew Dane, J, G, Armstrong of Lucknow and his little daughter Eras epent A couple of days last week with his father and mother, Di', and Aire, Armstrong. Nelson ltleleaughlin of Toronto spent the 21th with bis father and mother, Mr, T, .EL and Mrs. McLaugh- lin, returning to the city on Tuesday. Mr. Robt, Ashton has added to the appearance of hie home a now wire fence around the front And side of his property. R. F. White had the con- tract. 'Rev,. J. W. Ribbed attended the District Annual tweeting of the Metrc- dikt Church in Brutasels on Thursday last. Rev, Mr. Leech also attended this meeting. Mrs, Armstrong was in Walton on Wednesday attending the Aunuril Meeting of that Branch of the Wo- man's Institute. Miss Mildred Gregg accompanied her. Mrs.Armstrong, District Secretary - Treasurer of the East Huron Woman's Institute attended the District Antra - al meeting of the Executive of that Society on Tuesday, 27th in the Carn- egie Library Brussels, Mrs. Wna. Stinson, District Director, also attend- ed this meeting. Mrs. Shire and her daughter Alma returned from Port Elgin on Friday to spend a few days. Her mother, Mrs. Darling, accompanied her, They went back to the Port on Tuesday where Mrs. Shire intends to remain for a few weeks, before taking up house again in Goriie. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General,will be received at Ottawa until Noon on Friday, the 4th July, 1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed ()en- treat for four years, six times per week over RUR et MAIL ROUTE FROM GLENANNAN (Belmore way) ONT,, from the Postmaster General's pleasure, Printed notices containing further in- formation as to conditions of proposed - Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office of Glenannan, Belmore, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector at London. TENDERS FOR LAYING WATER MAINS. Tenders will be rete ved by the un- dersigned up to 4 o cloak p. in. on Tnesdey, June 10th, 1913, for the laying of 020 ft. of 8 -inch water pipe, the cor- poration to furnish all material. Con- tractor to furnieh all labnr tools, ere Plans Mild hpecilloatlons can be aeon at the office te.)f the nndereigned. The low- est or any' tender nut necessarily ao- :0EtINT G11.01118, ()LOX or Tows or WItol` oto. G. 0. ANDERSON, Superintendent. Post Office Department, Mail Service Branch, Ottawa, May 17th, 1913. 1». de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. Theso phis are exceedingly powerful in regulating .the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap Imitations. Dr. de Vanrp are sold. at 85 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. Tho Seobellt Drug Co.. St. Cathwrinteis, Ont. Council met in Gorrie on May 21st in the Tp. Hall pursuant to adjourn- ment, members all present ; the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of Crawford and Edgar were adopted. Fred. Mc- Intosh waited on the Council asking to have polling place changed from No, 1 to No, 3 ; moved by Crawford and Edgar that the change be made - carried, A deputation waited on the Council from the village of Belmore asking for a grant to help build sidewalk. Moved by Crawford ancL larding that the Council give a grant of $20. Mov- ed in amendment by Deminerling and Edgar that the natter be left over for another month. The Reeve voted with the amendment and declared it carried. Moved by Edgar and Demcnerling that the Council build the cement wall between the two bridges on the north side in the village of Fordwich. carried. Tenders were then opened for the cement abutments and arch culvert. Moved by Edgar and Crawford that the tender of James Walkom to build the abutment and the tender of John Tilker; jr., to build the arch culvert, they to furnish all material and all the work, be accepted --carried. Moved by Edgar And Demmerling that By-law No, 5 to barrow money to meet current expenses be read the third time and passed -carried. Moved by Harding andi Crawford that the following accounts be paid :- G. W. Walker, express on suppliee, 30c ; L. N. Whitley, fees as M. I3. O. for 1012, $57 : Chas. Hubbard, putting in culvert, $0; D. Wilson, putting in culvert, $3; Thos. Johnston, opening road, $2; Geo, Ashton, inspecting bridge and drawing gravel, $5 ; Schae- fer and Rogers on Hill & Co. acct., $315.55 ; Chas. Elliott, tile, $20 ; D. Wilson making roadway, $25. Moved by Harding and Edgar that this Council do now adjourn to meet again in 13eswitherick's Efotel in Fordwich on the third Wednesday in June -carried. her home 'evlstock. Mr. and Mrs. Eckert of Lneknow spent the 21th in town. Mre, Joe HeunswQrth of Mitchell Is visiting Mrs, Spcu 'e here, Mr, Joe Nicholson of Listowel epee. t the 21th with friends here. Mr, and Mrs, Geo, ICrauter visited in Mitchell over the holiday, Sunday will he quarterly service in the Presbyterian Church here. Miss E. Ferguson was in Mitchell fox. the 21th and reports a good time, Mr, Geo, M. Mitchell and family spent Sunday at Mrs. Mitchell's home in Brussels. Miss Bartley and Miss 13 Hartley of Listowel spent this holiday at Mr, A. McDonald's. Mr, and .A. MoOlandieb of Toronto spent a few days last week with her mother, Mre, Aranour. A quiet but pretty wedding took place at Mr. S. Coates'aehere last Wednesday, when his eldest daughter Miss Ida was united in marriage to Mr. Tom Doherty, They will make their home in Henfryn. May many years of happiness be their•'a, Wroxeter., Mr. Jack Scott of Seaforth was in town. Friday. Dr, McNaughton of Brussels was in the village on Saturday. Mrs. C. F. McLean of Mobile, Ala. has returned for the summer, • Mr, Edwards of Toronto spent a few days of last week with Dr. G. 5, P. Jackson. 0.p,: + , Walker, Clerk. Belgra.Ye. Mr, Wm. Bryans, who has been quite ill is recovering, Mrs. Chas, Proctor 'visited Rip'ey friends for a few days. Mrs, Ernest Geddes spent Victoria Day with Hayfield friends. Mr, 3, Stitt Wilson, M. A., Mayor of Berkeley, Cat., and a lecturer of International note, called on his old friend, Dr. Stewart, last week, The Advance deeply regrets its error in announcing the meeting of the Women's Institute at Mrs. Whaley's instead of Mrs. Wm. Wray'e home. The programme given at the Victoria Day Concert Was of a high order and although the attendance was somewhat small yet a rare treat was its store for those who were pre- sent. The solos, duets andinstru- mental music rendered by Mies Tenders For Re-inforcing Griffin, Misses VanNornzan and Mr. Material. Wilford were very fine and mach appreciated. "Who'll buy my caller herrin," given by Miss Tesete Halliday brought dowry the house. Miss Nors- wor+thy of St. Thomas fully'auttained the high reputation which she has established for herself, and delighted the audienee by her powers of lin- personation. No doubt she would receive a, very hearty welcotrie at any fixture time in Beigrave. Wood 1 Wood! Wood I Ethel. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to four pan, on Wed dray, June 4, 1013, for the supply of iron required for reinforcement in the proposed waterworks reservoir. Platte can be seen at the Town Clerk's oflMee. Lowest or any tender not necessatity accepted. JOSH F. GROVES, Clerk Town of Wingbam. Why pay fabulous prices for wood? Dixie Bird's Eye Corti (l nglish Quality ty) burns like wood, Rots longer, gives better results, costs less, burns Iii coal or wood stoves. All kinds Of eioal and our prIt:es are alvwayer right, R, J', CANT, LON. Miss Pearl Love le on the etkk list thief week. Mrs. McDonald of Brussels is visit- ing her son here, Mrs, A. McDonald visited friends in Litytawel this week, l4liaa A, Smith spent the holiday at Mr. John Adams and his men are progressing nicely with the re -placing of the roof of the town -hall. Six fishermen of Seaforth autoed to Holstein. They stopped long enough to let us see some speckled beauties, NOT A TWINGE QF RIII3UMATISM SINCE TAKING RIII3UMA "I suffered from Rheumatism for six years; tried different doctors, with no relief, I saw your advertisement and decided to try RHEUatA, I`have taken three bottles and am entirely free from the disease. I was sorbad I could not Bleep nights ; now I sleep well, and my kidneys work perfectly." -P, W. Miller, Catawissa, Pa, "For 14 months I was so badly affigt- ed with Rheumatism that much of the time I was obliged to use a cane. I used one bottle of RHEUMA and TRE CANE IS. IN TELE CORNER NOW. No one could be happier to be rid of the pain, swollen knees and badly swollen ankles. I certainly believe there is no remedy for the disease like RHEUMA."---Mre. Daniel S• Knox, Severance, N, Y., Aug. 8, 1912. J. W. McKibbon•guarantees RHEU- MA to cure Rheumatism. Gout. Lum- bago, Sciatica, Arthritis, Chronic, Neuralgia and Kidney disease or money back --and only* 50 cents a bottle. Personate ^-% Mr. E. Nash spent the holida y in Amberley. Mr. Bird spent the 24th at his home in Woodstock. Miss M. Fessant was in Owen Sound for the 24th, Mr. M, Vanwick spent the holiday in Orangeville. Mr. Lorne LaCJhapelle was in town for the 24th. Mr. L. B. Morton was in town for the holiday. Miss Viola Isard spent the holiday in Kincardine. Mr. Norman Brandon of St. Marys was in town for the week end. Miss Laura Rush of Toronto spent the holiday in town. Miss Martha Begley of Lucknow spent the 24th in town. Miss Jennie Matheson spent the 21th at her home in Tiverton. Mr. and Mie Alva Walkee eper.t tt•e 0 'week end with Seaforth friends. Miss Matthews of the Winghahn Idospitaal spent the bo May in London, 14Ir. and Mrs. W. S. King vi o e visitieg Mende in Ethel last week, Mr, Wm. Moore and Mre, A. J, Mac. Dougall are in'1'orQtIte for a few days. Mr, Lorne Parley of Brantford spent the 2•1th at lMIr, U. J tier•k'e Mikis Dell Mitchell of St. Thomas. spent the 21th with tier parents its town, Mr, Frank Mooney of IIespeler epent a few nays title week with his mother in town, Mr. Lewis lliusclill'e of Stratford visited his son U. Ilinscliffe over the 24th, .Mr. and Mrs, Johns Tilt of Doon are visiting Mr. paid Mre. Riehaid A.nder- son. Miss Hannah Ball of Aylmer visited the Misses Iteynolds during the holi- days. Thos. Aikuhs of Orangehill was in 'town this week and gave the Advance A call. Miss Margaret Tibbs spent Sunday With 'Whitechurch ftiends. Miss Nettie Cottle epent Sunday at her home in Whitechurch. Miss Luella .McCool spent Sunday With BeJgt•ave friends. Miss Iona Stewart spent Sunday at her home in Dungannon. Mies Lizzie Johns of Stratford Nor- mal spent the holiday in town Geo. Tees of Windsor spent the holi- day at his home in town. Miss Mabel Walsh of Mitchell spent the holiday at her home Di town. Mrs. Percy Platt of Toronto is visit- ing at the home of Mr. 'Tiros. Goy. Mr. and Mrs. Gillies Haines of Holy - rood spent the 24th with relatives in town.. Mr. Russel McKinnr y of Toronto spent the 21th at W. S. Kiug'a, Turn - bey. 14rrMr•, F. E. Pace spent the l holiday in Loudon with Mr, and Mts, Chas Odell, Mr. W. P. Habkirk and son of Gede- rieh spent the holiday with Mr. 3. E. Fells. Mr, Orval Taylor, travelling repre- sentative of the Spotton Business Col- lege, Walkerton, was in town this week. Mr, and Mrs, Plumsteel and daugh- ter Miss Emma of Clinton were 21th visitors at the home of Mr. Thomas Bennett. Mr, Arthrir Spotton of Gorrie is visiting with his son, Mr, Geo. Spot - ton, of town. Mrs. Gladys and Sadie Thompson of Seaforth have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. Webb of town, Mrs. W, E, Gallup and son Gordon of London are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sneath here. Rev", Frank Powell of, Toronto spent the holiday with his father, T. K Powell of Turnberry. Mr. Lloyd Jacob of Woodstock was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Hammond for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. James Bryce of Clyde were visiting over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Linklater. Manager Hinkley of the Bell Tel. Co. is in Toronto attending a Head office meeting. Mrs. W, J. Armour and her mother Mre. Cody spent a few days in Toronto with the latters son Frank. Mre. T. Hall and Miss Edith Hall spent the holiday with friends in Owen Sound. Miss Ida Walkinshaw of Clinton was the guestof Miss Blanche Bennett over Sunday. Colwell Brock of Dundas and Arnott of London spent Sunday at their home in town . Miss Laura Rich of London spent the holiday with her friend Miss Mat- garet VanNoruiaan. Mrs. A. Mitchell and Agnes spent U. e 21th at Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell's in Turnberry. Mrs. Wm. L. Chandler, Edna ar d Irlma spent the 24th at Mr. and Mil, P. Mason's of East Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hill of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs. Hill's mother, Mrs. Carrick. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Cunningham and Miss Cunningham spent the 24th with friends in kl.enfryn, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly and family have returned from the West and will reside in Turnberry. Mrs. McGregor and daughter, Miss Mary, were Chatham visitors over the 24th. . Mrs. Harry Mead of Toronto is spending a few. weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. L. F. Binkley. Mrs. Leckie of Galt and Mrs, Har- mer of Drumbo are spending a few days with their brother, Mr. Walter Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bigger and two children and Mrs. A. Elliott of Toron- to spent the holiday at Mr. W. 13. L+}lliott'e. Miss Louisa Egglestone of Toronto spent the holiday with her parents in West Wawanosh, and returned to the City on Monday. Mr. A. A. Isbister, who is attending Toronto University, spent . a few weeks with his parents prior to leav- ing for Sudbury. Mre. J. W. Caldwell and children of Saskatoori are visiting the former's parents, Councillor and Mrs. Iebister. Mts. Caldwell is accompanied by Miss Emery of Saskatoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greer are in To- ronto this week attending the wa'- riage of Mr. Thos. Welch, son of Mr, A, 'Welch, Toronto, and nephew of Mr. Greer to Mies Grace Hamilton, daughter of Rev, A. M. Hamilton of Rosedale Presbyterian" Church. Miss Florence VanNornran is in Mil- ton this week. Percy Kerr' has returned home from Toronto. Miss Mamie Cartwright spent the holiday in Clinton. Mr, Norman Nicholls of Toronto is visiting his parents in town. Mr. Wes, Ansley of Toronto Univer- sity is at his horse in town. Me, and Mrs. Abner Oosens spent Sunday with friends in Palnaerson. Mies Fanny Green of 'Woodstock Spent the holiday at her home here. Miss Mae Willianison was in Lon- don for the holiday, Miss W, McPherson spent the boli, day at her home in Anaberly. Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw of Bramnton spent the holiday at Mr. T. Forbes'. tire. helps was in Tiverton and lilts 4 .rdinti for the holiday. Miss Annie Clow spent the '21th with her n.eee in Toronto. Warden Mcgay was in town ori Tuesday on county business. Mies Prattle Davis spent the holi- day at her home in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, It, Clegg visited with friends in Ingersoll on the 21th. Mitis Annie Walker visited Toronto friends during the holiday. SOME 0000 ADVICE, If you have dandruff, get rid of it by killing the germs. If .your hair is failing out, atop it. There is one sure remedy that will remedy these misfortunes and aid you to remain voting. PARISIAN Sage, the great Bair re- storer, is gumanteed to permanently remove darhdruif in two weeks, or J. W. Mc.Kibbort will give you your to toy" haek, PAII,IatAN Sage stops falling hair - it pr events the hair from fading. It is the best b•lautilier for ladies' hair, as it makes harsh, lusterless hair fluff v. soft and beautiful. PARISIAN Sages is gold and rigidly guaranteed by 3. W. McXibbon at, 50 centtr a, bottle. Canadian n akere, The tooth Co., Ltd., Fort Erle, Ont. R. T. WIt44IHAM M4KKIITS, Wheats -00c to 1323'. Oats -35 to 40 eta. Birley -45 to 110 eta. Pepe-- 00e to file. flay -$7.'X1 to $0.00 a toe natter -22 22 to 22 ctsr Egge- -10 to 10 cgs. Potatoee-70c to 80e per bush, Lire Hogs—$(3.40, .• i Just Arrived Fine large stock of Plush Rugs and Summer Dusters of the latest patterns, .ex- clusive designs, Shown in our Window. Close prices on all lines. We specialize in Single Harness. Call and see us. Residence Phone 176 - -���► S. KEW Horne of Band Made Harness. ' WINGHAM, 1 .0 MO •/1•100/10/00 00131110 631030•11200 WI • CHRISTIE'S GROCERY PHONE 5s . a `ro arm 1 e HAS THE RIGHT MARMALADE TASTE Marmalade, if the right hind, will serve as a good appetizer. Many kinds are like so much syrup and water. Halbrook's is good. When their name is -labeled it means FIRST QUALITY try aJar at20c. 1 . 1 , ,. 1 awraeewstonRou , ..... , i.. .simik ram The Up-to-date BAKERY r We have the most modern - equipped and sanitary bakery. We use the best and purest materials obtainable. Our cakes and goodies are always fresh and good. Give us a trial. Call and inspect our bakery. Fe CARTER Dr. Arthur Kew Osteopathist Wingham -:- Ontario COR. MINNIE and PATRICK STREETS PHONE 176. P. O. BOX 244. Dr. Arthur Kew of Pit'sburg, Pa , will spend the summer (three to five months) in Wingbana. He will receive a few patients to treat while he S'aya here. Osteopathy is very e:uccossfu. with many cakes that do not re- spond to medical treatment. Al- so curse weaknesses which sub- ject a person to frcq•ient acute attacks. Why not try a few treatments ? LWrite or phone for information _.......„.....................,....„ TIWASDAw, MAY • 9, • Queen Quality Shoes for Women The best in the world. Hundreds of Women in Wingharn and vicinity wear QUEEN QUALITY SHOES. They are without any question the best fitting, the best wearing and the most classy shoes made. 18,000 pairs of Queen Quality Shoes made each day by the factory in Boston. You can buy these Shoes only this store in Wingham. jilis CJ' THE SI -10E STOKE Sole Agents For The o. FOR sHo.tc' LADIES HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Each Tuesday, until October 28 Winnipeg and Return . . . , $35.00 Edmonton and Rettii n . . . $43.OQ Other'Points i ti proportion, Return Limit, twe months. HOMCtSFE1i`ERS, TRAIN leave Toronto 2.00 pan. cash Tuesday, May to August, inelusiVe. Best Train to take. upper Lakes Naviga.tioln Steamers leave Port McNicoll, Mondays, Tues- dWilliaay, .Wednesdays, Thursdays snd Saturdays for Sault Ste Mat ie, kart Arthur rind Fort m. Tito Steanv r "Menitoba," sailing front Port MoNitoll ort Wednesd+yS, will call at Owen Sound, lon.ving that point 10.30 ton. Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12,45 p m. on sailing days, mak- ingMoNlcolldirest connection with Steamers et Port . General ehange of time .fume lrst„ Particulars from Canadian Moine .Agents or write M. 0. Murphy, D.P.A., C.P.lty.. Toronto Salem. Mrs, J, I. Johnston and Mre. 3, 1.42, I<'ortune of Sault Ste, Marie have v. turned home sifter visiting thier slats/. Mrs, W. A. Milnes, 1tiver View para. Mrs. Carroll and her granddaughter Mies I+ildlth Gauild of London are at present visiting at the home of Mrr W. A, Mlnee, PINIMPIMMINNIMINIMM ill .iilii,a1.-il i4,1iii4N nig iii iicJ Its _. °mac $11.39 CLOTHING NEWS Our Clothing Dept. has• many good valley" '1n Men's Clothing. This week's special in Men's Suits, sizes 34 to 44, in new Worsteds a n. d Tweeds, broken sizes, on sale to clear this week at $11.39 ; regu- lar $15.00 and $16.50 Suits. Our Suits al'e guaranteed to fit. per- fectly and satisfactory. Call in and try them on. $5.98 BOYS' SPECIALS IN CLOTHING We are this week offering our Boys' Suits, sizes'27 to 34, Bloom- er Pants and Straight Kni- ckers, all good patterns i n Worsteds and Tweeds ; our plan is to clear out the odd sizes ; on sale thispp week �- • $5.98 ; reg. $7.50, $8 50, $9,00 Suits. monolouliviiinoWesolopowadolowit ANNA & CO.