HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-29, Page 7t;.
tatIVIt`kaer I'L 1eVA,11 GROWINi1
lettet ammeter 1 Vialted a neurther of
the larger pear growere he New
eitate in order to leant something
abuot their oreharils, Inethods on& how
they were deeling with pear blight.
While there are many liegleeted °reit-
arde in -the State. which are positive eye-
sores aud of no vontmereial valoe 1 Oleo
oreharde where unmet the last
Wit' d had. been spoken on. the Oubject of
good eitye, I should like to outlioe the
way in witielt rears are grown ou
vottple of these farms.
Mr. L. I. oneiI o Kinderhooks has
senne one hundred and seventy-five are
in fruit and has made a special study
of pear growing, especially of Neifferso
The larietiee he grows are Bartlett,
feceke„ elapps and Keifer. The eoll
a sandy loani, and was in very poor
etnalition when he bought it, Since
then he has built up tho land, until et
reseut it ie in exeeleent eondition. in
Otte bloele he ha a two hundred and twen.
ty-eight Keiffer trees nineteen years
old, which are in great shape, In the
early spring he seeds a man through
thee leeiffers to prime back all. the
brenehee to old wood; that in to say,
he removes all last year's growth. Thee
eausee the treee to make a very ter oozing out, .eausing itching and keeping
tins growth eaeh year, although they Ulm from sleeping c.t night. Ins face was
Are not allowed to get any larger. Itterit covered .with eruptione. After unsuccessful
spur are developed all along the main • attompts with different eemedies, X triecl.
branehee of the treeand a heavy set Coticura Ointment, which 1 used .ene week
of fruit is the reeult, • auldgnie%was completely cured of eczemit."
Every year he applies. a mulch of to (saura. J. N. Rodeo% l'i"ev, 15., 1011.
haev0 Stems around hie tree, at the Cuticula, Soap and Outicura Ointmentaro
rate of twenty-five pounde to the treet eolet by druggists and dealers oTerywbero.
which cost$ him $12 a ton by the ear. For a liberal:free sample of each, with 32-p.
book, send postcard to Potter D4.444 Chem.
Besides this he plowS ittP rover crop. Corp., Dept. b2D, Easton, 0. S. A.
:were- year width eonsists of zt mixture ..„
of rope, tdover and veta. Added to the
Growing alfalfa is good business farm-
tiibeceo stem and cover crop, he applies • ,
vommercial fertilizer of 4 per emit, N, Inlet
Alfalfa means xuore money and better
and 18-20 per cent. phosphoric aeld, Mr.
Morrell is absolutely eoneinhomes,eed that
Rale() what
conuuercial fertilizers are absolutely • you feed and feed what are on raise.
neeessarv iu order to gel the best re- •
Mfalfe. does.
snite. eultivatee about every ten thines Lunt. never leafs on the job. •
days from the early epriog to the middle Alfalfa with a fair
of done. I.aet year he sol& all his pears makegood.
at an mere& of $L25 a barrel, including Alfalfa Mk the hay MOW and pays
The trees are plen•ted twenty feet
apart, And he retimates that for the
past five years hi& Keiffers have averag-
ed between three and five barrele. Mr.
Morrell has blight in his °retina, but is
donne, all he eau to eontrol it, and feels
confident that he will sueteed. The ap-
plication of ferellizers and his system
of pruning are the most notieeable fea-
tures of Mr. Morrell's method of handl-
ing his orchard. The amounts used seem
heavy, but for twenty year he has
beeu experimenting and now feels con-
vinced that he eanuot •do with teas.
Mr, 13, 3, rase grows Seekel, Therilett,
Keifter nod Dueltess, and has bad very
good socess. Although he doesnot
believe in as severe pruning as some
growere recommend,. he has his .orehard
gone over every year and a certaifl.
amount of pruning done. Ire cultivates
the uses ,cover•neope of clover, andhas
done so ler years. It may be .of, inter-
est to give his returns for the past few
years. Mr, Caee has kept etriet art:omit
.of air expellees .on his farm and eaL1 tell
his exact pvofit on every crop eaeli year.
In 1D00 be 'netted one hundred and
eeee. forty dollars an ttere from Bartletts„ Th
me hundred and forty-one Antlers;
• 1008, seventy-theee (Ware; 1000, one
hi:mired and six dollars; ibe10, forty-
four dullard; 1011, sixty-ssven dollars;
making An average net profit o.f ninety -
live donate; an are e year from tide
block. of Bartletts..
Taking these two pies as illustra-
tions o.f many, other, we must admit,
that they seem to show that good. cul-
ture le necessary in order to make pears
K...., pay, If heeey.ereps are to be expected,
the trees must have plefity of available
food,. and muse be in it vigorous condi.,
tion. ---Allan G. Bland, Onterio Depart.
ment af .Agrieulture, in Canadian Ilorti-
llt\NOS .S0 SORE
Chapped and Cracked Could. Not
Put Them in Water, Skin Red
and All Swollen, Cuticura 'Soap
and Ointment Cured in Two Days.
X. le. I. PI got my halide
chapped and they cracked. 1r I would closo
flly hAnds the crecite would bleed. I could,
not put them ht water or
do hardly elle- work. Tito
skin was red and my hands
all swollen. They were so
Nero l ould not slcee-
tried everything f could got
hi tlzo drug store, ---
and all lands or ointment,
mid they did me no good
till I IlSed CatiCura Soap. and Ointment,
They cured ray trouble in two days. (nate
cure, Soap and Ointment Are the best that
can be mede," (Signed) (7, W. INIAtePhy,
Dec. 23, 1011,
415 Teuntley St„ lefontreel, Quebec.—
"My otte year old son was troubled with
eczema! In tho taco. It started with red-
ness aud irritation„ then it was like a pimple.
Arterwarde It was an open soro with mat-.
chance always
for the privilege.
is the cheapest and beet feud
for beef cattle.
Alfalfa insures larger yieldsfrom. the
crop' that follow.
Alfalfa contains more protein per ton
than clover or corn.
Alfalfa is the agricultural wonder of
the twentieth century.
Alfalfa yields from two to three times
as mueh as clover or timothy, aud.i.
more valuable than hey.
AP 0
Book s Vormeriy Vona in
Old ;Bibles,
In ilarperts, James Thouipsen Bisby
tens the etory of tho 14 books %%104 lit
the daps of our grandfathers :tope:wed
in the Bible I•etween tho rdd and new
The name Apriehyphie new attached
to these 14 books memos erinnevily
'The ilidilen." toiginally the 'word
40..11041.1 meant simply tU.e books
whose 01 letla was o1s.‘111 0 or whose tis•
ag°ana )11P"111"g were keI'vt. N either
among Ilebrew teholars leer la the early
christian einireit did the word imply
that theee hooks wero either untrust-
'worthy, spurious, or unworthy of relig.
ions ma and revereuee. They have been
printed, thererore, as part of tho 'Holy
Seripture in the Septuegint, the Vul-
gate and. meet 'Roman Catholk. Biblete up
to the present time. In the Lutheran.
Reformed and Engel -eh Whim for elearly
three venturing after Luther'e break
with 'Rome they were printed, they
hate been read in Protestant pulpite
during the eame period ae useful and
good for cdifieation, although not art-
thotitative in proof of Chrietian doe.
trine. The homilies of ihe Anglican
Church are gill full ef eitations from
the ApeNTplut; on an equal level with
the canonical Ohl Testament.
It was not till the year 1824 that the
British And Amezican Rovieties
Immeshed them as uninspired froin the
eompenv of the other biblical Vritines,
with whit+ for 18 centurke they have
been coutribueing to the moral iiistrue•
time and spiritual nurture of Christen-
Nave these ancient books between the
teetaments deserved tide sentence of
benialiment from Chrietian knewledge
and serviee? The eustomary reason has
liven that they were "imeannouleal."
111any Christian aeholars, however
doubt both the wisdom nod the juistiee
of thie egentenee. For with the rise of
modern biblical' eriticioni the reasoes
on which theologians bad learned, sueli
ns that they were written itt(ireek,
not in holy. Hebrew. that enelent rah-
bie and Scholars like Jerome, hail
doubted his ennonieity. end Proteet-
net eouneils queetionee their inepira-
fion, have one by elle lust ill& fer-
nier 'eloiltrn, P.t.hoTars think that
the Divine Spirit was quite as likely to
dictate religiuue revelation in ill eele ai
in Hebrew, arid that, in eeepeet to
scholerly knowledge, and judgment of
what is spiritual truth, modern 'ities
and theologiarn are as emnoetent to
judge iis aneient rabble or the doctor
of divinity of one or two hundred years
'Kidney' Trouble
All is Hereditary ?
It is claimed Out 100 pounds of freell
.11.en manure contains about 50 emends
water, 10 pounds organic matter, 06
pounds etele Analysid shows that pont-
try manure Conteins. 2,-13 per cente
phosphorle aid,. 2.20 per cent.' potash
and 3.25 per cent. nitrogen, tte ammonia
and organic matter.
Cough among the ,hogs may be due to
vety dusty gearters, With young hogs
it is frequently due to minute, threed-
like .worms in the bronchial tube. A
.soft, lutekiog cough is a. very common
. symptom of hog cholera. Ifogs also
have the eOrniu011 -forms of bronehitis
and pneumania, jest like -other enimele
antipeople. With hogs, cough and Fong
treubles, aside frem eholera, ere fre-
quently due to sleeping io warm quar-
ters; possibly piled up, and thenplied
out into cold place.st� feed. .
Ituodretts ofodeiry carmen are feed-
ing aud milkinge20 COWS twice Nieh day
in the year, when the .chaacee are that
12 to 15 would pay a larger profit. The
important thing is to -find out eehleh
are the really good cows, give the pro-
per attention and dispose of the rest.
Experimente. have shown. that .1min-
-tire bertelited the land ns loppo as 20
years after it was applied, Take the
IUttt and remember . that all the4meattre
lyou get on the land this year will go
on paying dividenee fur the. next 10. ot.•
20 yew's.. , •
Thera • are manyfarinere who know
enough about farming, apparently, to.
destroer fertility. Destroying felinity is
nOt only :a mistake, but it is sinful.
Every farmer should .ai.nt to leave ,the.
faym lie cultivates as. geed ao, or bet-
ter„ thap he found it. •
ripe &ten products are residues "of ,
calm left in thtenettnefaeture ot glucose.
Gluten' male consists mainly of hard
or Ilinty, portions after the bran, the
germor chit of the kernel and park of
the .eterclt lute° been removed,
All vegetables., except potatoes, should
be cooked in 'uncovered dishes, if eab-.
bage is rather strong .and loses color, it
is beectuee it has been put on in ('old
water, ,or the kettle has .been eovered.
More cakes fail from "guessing" nt
proportions than ie generally supposed.
tete a. divided and marked cop, .and weigh
Mavommiee dreseing will sep•arete
• .....(13er -Char)es'et ('arroll.).
Alfalfa epriehes -the ground.
Alfalfa is ft. drought re,sister,
• Alfalfa Is the best foil doctor,
.Alfalfa adds humus to the 'soil..
...elfalfa increases the milk flow.
Alfalfa is. high in feeding ealue.
Alfalfa balances the .cern ratio,
Grow Your protein—don't buy it.
.Alfalfa sod grows larger corn erops.
Alfalfa is the greatest of all subsoil -
Alfalfa has no equal a. a hog pas-
Alfalfa keere etock in good. condi-
Alfalfa Omuta be grown on every
farm, .
'An alfalfa field is a hog's Idea. of
Vox. tail is the greatest enemy of It;lien too mull salt has been added to
alfelfa. the -egg yolks or 'When the oil has been
Dresden Man, Who inherited Trouble.
Finds Speedy Relief end Perman-
ent Cure In Dorkirs Kidney Pills.
Dreeden, Out., May 20.-- (Speelal.
Whether Rhine). disease is hereditary or
not le a matter of opinion, Mr. Samuel
Burkett, 3 Well4MOWII resideut of this
place, is vonvineed that he inherit6.1 lda
keno Iris pareitto, He knows that Dothrs
Kidney Mlle eared it.
litherited my Kidney Dieease from
my Parente)" Mr. Burkett states, "I was
treated by a doctor, and and tried Yuri -
One kit it Wag not till about
eigliten mouths ago, when started to
ue Doddei Kidney Pille that 1 got any
permanent relief.
"Sinee then 1. have not felt any effeet
of my old. troabhe and I feel that any-
body troubled witlt kidney disease
will be benefited by the nee of Dothre
Kidney Pills if they follow direetions
"I hope that others may be helped
by Dodd'e Kidney Pills. I am well -
knees% here, anti anybody who, With -
fel more particulars of my. mire Can
have them by -writing and enclos-
ing stampe for reply."
Doilit's Kidney Pille never fail to cure
any feria of kidney disease.
Our Precise: Artist
mem w/a3
12,0 Le -e-5.. To TAKE
Nsi coeer OFF
(Detroit Preto l`res0
11r. Xing•, of. Calatridge, Mass.,
makes a contribution to the current dis-
cussion of prevailing feminine fashions
bY remarlting that tlte modes of the day
savors uf the matibuttso and that ti wo-
man's clothing must more of influ-
ence her spiritual nature for good or for
evil act`Ordingly as it anneals to t:to finer
or to the grosses senses.
The sanitary Issue can take care ot: it-
self, Anyone with even limited powers
of observation can form a fairly oorrert
opinion as to the justness 6r the unjust-
ness of Mr. 1<ing's censute. of styles on
thiS - pOint, And the observaLltni neo0
not long ).) e extentiod, nor need • many
samples Lir evillelIve., be examined.
As to tbe spiritual influenec point th.ro.
may wee he some careful thinking. IJor
if gtvles are. to iniuriousiv affvet the 110-
, dropped too last, or if the ingredients
AN ISSUE OF IMPORTANCE are not thormighly cleaned when need.
if 'Whites of eggs aro not perfectly
told. Or if they aro too freela they will
AA item of le the offering not 'beat very still. Cream will not whip
of the prsferenee stork of the Canadian well uulees leaet 30 hours old and
Drednot Meta Trueks, Limited. vety cola.
More than a year ago the elreset die Celery and letiatee may be kePt Irak
reetore of this company realized the 17:11.4 by (standing the roots in cold water ami
portanee of the Cenadian market for: throwleg over them a damp elotb. or dry
motor trueks. Their intereet had beeo manila, paper. They should, before using,
aroused lev the large and. growing dee bo watlied thoroughly, soaked in ice
mud for these commereial vehicles M *water apt] dried on a towel,
Callada. Onions that are over -strong in. flavor
Trueke me in Canada at that time may be rendered lose eo by slichig, then
intil to be imported from. the -United putting in a rollaudee and Doming boil-
itttates, and the company therefore be- ing water Deer them. Atter this plunge
gen the manufacture of the Well-known intri hm, eater and let them remain *for
Drednot motor trueles. half an hour. This will leave them
ZSluee MIL time the businese of this sweet -and eidep.
eompabee hag grown to suelt ptoportions To make calks fit in catchup bottlee
that they hare been tompelled to inako take ones that, are a little huge and
a fertile)* ibSete of their prefared steck boll them in clear water fot twenty min -
for the purpose of erecting mode utee. This decreaeses their elm Meet
lareer factory than they at present oc- them in the mouthe of the bottle while
not as they expand cooling, titus
On. February 17th last, One of the making perfeetly tight stoppers.
CaltaiNen Drednot, trucks wee pot to a, Itag rugs ulttP of cotton weeh
very emere feet by being driven freei These are iheIPensive mat ;are often
Montreal Sherbrooke, P. Q., through just, the thing for the kitchen, ite well
deep snowdrifts, as other parts id the Louse.
firstT1110 cttle l!tsatter:130(111 LINONET-6---4.44CHILD **MS HUMOR
,f it hae Leen demonstrated find a motor Somday teenool Tett(hereei)o you love
truck ran take a long joartey over V'stu. 1"4 '"ulmYsrepea:geety those I
enew-leeen rountrv roade." They t•
that en the filet day of 1110 trip the
Drainot motor erttelaloeded with a ton Nfother—"Now, Mantel, tit down
of non, plowed theongh the enaw at a A ledwealidliVla'•*etee:lrligeuLto"y":
pood vete el speed. makieg i5eventy-sit rtl rather steud uo and telt Ott!" "
tInd1/4t 11 OM the imeeareel dopana Lora mei not.de moia e"
'Sallee befere stepping for the night. Aunt .Tennte,,•4•011 dear' T Wish theg
jeoegilamle;tittad Yott itavoil been aloe
for ft...tit eentracters. WholUtale lioitse40
Vt.. •
POULTRY, 111,-;‘317 PAYIVI ST( )('1.
Poultry on the !AVM is paying Stikit%
It will bring in more for the investment
then any other stoek. Ihtiryiug, bog
growieg awl beef breeding may all be
profitable industrics, hut the mune Am'
(mat of money, brains and labor put
into poultry will Pal fully twiee the
profit of any of there. flock of 500
gooe aayleg Ilene, properly houeed awl
managed, will bring in from $000 to
$1,200, end the value of the feed con-
sumed ehould not exceed $50a, tnueh of
which ean be prodneed on. the farm. :it
will take 75 to 100 hoge, or 10 COWS to
tbillien: thr, amount of inoney,
there will be no more elear profit from
. • •
Many farmers keep 500 hens who do tinuous feeding for a week they must be
not receive anywhere near this entottut leokal after, but as soon as they have
of moiley from them, The reasons are passed the danger zone and have learned
they do not' have the right kind of the,ir quarters the nett of the work will
hens in the first plitee, and do not give come as regular chores and. will not be
them the right kind of care In the see. felt nearly an moeh as the milking of
lend Place, :Mongrel hares or those of several eows and numerous other chores,
prumiseumue breeding will not pay *which he does not think too WW1% to
each profits, Not more then r>0 hens attend to.
should. be kept together by the beginner. Mixed farming with poultry growing
If they are to be Allowed to rein they or egg farming a leading branch, ettu.
may be plaeed runnel% awl moved not belp but be profitable if properly
'from place to leave. Though ;small bolos- manageyel. Nearly all the feed le rattled
es are oot as desirable as largo ones, on the farm, and the money reeelved
pernomently iecated the ouly 'Wren- front poultry and (Ito represents the
tage of the .eolonv lomees are that theY Production of a Partion of the farm
can be drawn to the fields in SUrtirnor marketed in a coneentratee form, There
and bad.- near the farm buildinge in is profit in keeping fowls where the Whether a corset is long above the
winter thus faring considerable travel greater portion of the feed. is raised. waiet or not depends very much on the
in cold weatheroWhere the buildings Ilre There IA a profit from the poultry and figure. If the top edge cuts into tile
sized yard to Melt
Permanent it is best to have a fair- a profit from the grain, ie the grain, MI nefah it is a sign that it is not the right
can be eonfined, dosired, where there when fed, to liens, age there is no waste
is danger of their damaging growing and all unmarketable 'portions, ttre eon -
'house, 50 the fowls 16:th:et:Weed at ft profit, whieh it ean be, height, even though a brassiere -be
worn with it. On the other hande
crops. We like separate buildiogs for every corset Is long below the wa01
the differeot nses they are put to. some so long as to be skirtlike,
The farmer's poultry plant should con -
Come High, Rat Are a Vast Im-
Comets have undergone an entire
transformation, not ouly in. shape but
meteriels, in the last few years. No
longer does a woman have to buy one
or a few etyles and try to fit her fig-
ure to the corset. elhe now may
choose from as many styles as if she
were selecting a dress, and for her
particular type of figure she can by a
little looking about find exactly whet
she needs, even in details that will cor-
rect faulte of proportioa
••••••••••• tmmom.•••
Orror.r.r.orrru -r!‘ort
Sufferings of German Exs
ploring Expedition.
Disjointed Narrative of One
of Survivors.
Berlin, May 26.---A description of
the sufferings undergone by the Ger-
man Arctic expedition,
Lieut. Schroeder-Strane, which met
disaster at Spitzbergen, is given in
the diary of the artist, Herr Rave,
who is one of those rescued. He
telegraphed extracts to Berlin to -day
from Advent Bar, giving *details of
the movements of the expeditlen
ter the crew had abandoned the ves-
sel in. September, 1012. The despatch
while in some pla,ces incomplete and
most ineoznpreltensible, says:—
"The proposal to abandon the ship
came from Captain Siteshel, The
vessel then had provisions ror four
months, besides a large supply of
condensed food and she. was other -
aloe well equipped. The party start-
ed for Adveut Bay and reached a hut
an Wijcle Bay on Oct. 4.
"De Rudiger, the oceanographer,
was suffering then from a half frozeu
foot, two of his toes being in bad
coneition. I offered to remain witn
him there tietil the others could being
leaele help. The tut contained a
moutba: provisioes. Dr. Rudiger anti
I were without tools, aleeoing in bags.
I melted some fat and made iighte.
De, laudiger's foot became worse end
there ',vere no bandage materials,
course the inset supports of whaleboee,
left the. hut on November 23, Loping
"Tee ...provisions ran out and we
or other oustaining fabrication do not
h below the hips but to regain the ship. We suffered
desceud sust oe a brooder house or a number of
colony brooder house e and. as many
larger Molly eoefies tee ileaosztry to it ever was, if not better. The world Sal holding the surplus flesh firmly in mweoui;11byreta•eda..chseirde arehutitatinaetaMtoze.el
shelter the desired number of hens, al-
lowing not more than 50 hens to a pen.
used, On the farm we believe the eta -
bowie with Revere] eamparintentS Pan be
if the hens are to be yiteded, a long is not going back, but advaneing.. There
adVanCes, and the, iThiging of live etude place.
always has end. aleveye wilt be Home be imprisoned in heavy coutil, as the three clays Curlog a storm, end steed-
jtulgee who are not the beat, it woule _ strong open mesh tricot weave may be ed again for the ship, guiding our -
be fully to Claim that all the judges _
this country have the same
Poultry judging to.day.is good as they are not needed below, the meter- severelY, having nothing to drink, het
ability, The To -day a stout woman need not
YglensWettlotaall: age:: eisa btyhethnelesatna:IiieWiemaarrsisu,effderaecti
Bay, where We found some hard end
the ship cm December 1. Dr, Ruda
on- plan is the beet for farm eonditions, used and is much more h
greatly, two mare of his toes and
atid these betimes should be eci /situated the closely wovea material. Besides,
that they ean be reaehed eesily with . judges at the leading sbOW3, who are I most of it launders, and a cot
engeged year after year can be elassetil be kept in good coudition.
:Sped amputated.
"The guides and sailors of the ex -
hens, thus saving much of the grain
al "a:" eau be grow n - for "le 17 • embroidered with a, little colored
blue betiste corsete or the white nes
th s • or -
elder reasonable care and feeding the
pedition returned uuexpectedly to
forefingers had been frozen, while hie
horse and wagon, ee feed een be dritwn among the best, for there the best There are these, however, who like
foot became so bad that it had to be
to them ana droppings earried away. bred.bY the beet breeders, are ex, 'the prettiness of the pale pink and
flowei. ot em e .
the less of Eberhardt. They had uo
the ship on December 24, reporting
sets, to get elasticity in certain parts, news
matching silk elastic webbing is in- '
of Dr. Dettmers or Dr. aloeser.
serted to give elute to the wearer, and
the botanist. Captain Ritzshel had
sometimes a band is placed inside in
gone on alone to Advent Bay. Stave
front to give extra support to the ab -
died on February 24, and the Not.
'brailleres are made to match
by Captain Staxrud appeared on
wegian relieE expedition, commanded
the corsets or of eyelet worked linen,
and have seams stayed by tubular bias
APaille2lecpedition started last sum -
bands into which little supports may
mer under the patronage of the Duke
be inserted, rernevable for lamed -
of Attenberg, with the object of en-
eriog, Those to wear with a low ueeks
deavoring to find the North-eastern
gown are on quite different lines. from.'
those for daytime wear, in some cases Passage.
being attached to the corset top and a -est
not over the shoulders. A SWINDLER'S END
It goes without saying that these
corsets. cost more than the ordinary
ready made kind, but, fitting the fig-
ure, they last much longer, and there- E U S. Lottery Man
x, .
fore are not more expensive in the
end, The expense is more in. the time - Dead in London.
taken. to find the right corset for the
tyligslittreed as
pmerstonbse. t"hicago, May 20.—Government °W-
it is necessary also to get used to the •
and other feed tha.t would have to lee
purchased, or that can bused for oth-
et. stoele, elrowingetople should be moved
WARNING . TREATY ,BREAKERS, to the grain fields after harveet, where
they will pH; up .the waste grain and
t,N ew 1: orlt Otto) , for e. thno require but little other feed-
The men who are now doing, their ut- : big, This is the way to grow the pullets
most to bring shame upon. the, Abterican eheaksi, and well. The covkero.b4 should
1.1)arf111.1)11,e8 tlitol3lawoIrlilltjtIs'aIalcinu0.1.1ii2en(al't?yvesi:ilulilitItettilrt be (1131umett of by tbi4 time. The farmer
w141, lei- pout LEV 1111tr fitILY:1111(1/V1It1(11.111:1ULTrt
of lie faith Wedged in the most. solemn who allowo a lot of
or forms known in international relations
l'31:iiiiillisdos°1.btatilliet:171511117)1:11g11:1. et(0);:t)111):11r :ill::: t l's1A1‘04-181;g1Piment is sometimes advanced
published bY Mr. Robert • rwlerwood , ing his .fowls in a businesslike manner.,
grPt" 11"1" " i that the farmer cannot alforil the time
ii.,),i.ittirettiort:letoneiee .sinipe• a
ire opinions on this suhloct, ; 4 ...sr
I mini t Lo glye griming chieke proper attention,
eullet.ted I Ilon the newspaper press,
the resohtth.ns of chambers' of eonunctrce I, its they come at just the time when
and ether Influential organizationa, and Nol.ng work hi (Tomlin r him It 110,4
e • e
I It oto the 11,1 r 11111.4i trX• p r 014 r18 of „
le,:te presidents, tiorg melt, lawyers and ; 10 atter Other stock. Why
citizens of etanaing in eNery part uf the ' not the eldeltsY If he has a suiefieient
land. number to make it profitable lie can de -
Let the treaty breakers examine this
f VOte (la V 1101V nnd then to their care.
matter or racial and moval sOneern. llut 1
tui es of budding women they heeome eV idenve pi the L.N. e , ..
honorable Amerlean sentiment hi omiesi- ' Whea egge 0nly are wanted, and one of
ing and conversational 11,.nunciation win 1 the'll' vVen it' (InlY
tion L(.I the It dkitfinerahle projeet and 11,1 - '• I.; 1 1
as pA 1110:111 us, •thing a r- . r' "
t non-set.Low oreeds are kept, their
it is tWeStionable 1171101•11P1' 01001 thILLIC.,. I
ho affective to alter the satiation. If it: . , liataIng ehould all be done at one time.
Is to he altered it intmt be altered by wo. , nate ancut the .sititation.
I The inenhating caPavity shonld be lerge
mon themselves. And it they. are to one. i •Theee who think they ran do without enoug,h to supply all the cliicks needed,
not be remiss In rectifying the oldig'..ttions . think. Who's can do. without them itte. 1 er4 very little farther atteation le re -
tlideavor on the pert 01 mon they Itill others are mietaloen, but those woe and when these are plaecil In the brood -
tintre to be the hire 1 higher and luver
cit fasition—t-urely net. more ,41 (piked, ft fouov,,A the plaa
that ,t.k plX.4.? ail over the &MI.- Little iTenese..--eeeleil, perhaps' he
1,114r Volttitaltics for tuotor triteke, the.' tattle .Vraorea-•"ave det tiew baby." I
feetiadial) 1/tednot afotor yeas, Ifirts`ti11,14.51111'gn. dore't tfor!"
retell ineIthattie, and reilway ea -
ell. bee *cm brieht proapeete of boron,. open Jest Iika dcAly's; leek *Ostia**
ing o*to of our lers'es fiti4iraptirtant le. t ie nuttter wit
4on't shut *very thins they lay It doww,
. enlealt0 NeWs,
Canadian rednot r Trucks Limited
Daiholisie arid Brennan Streas - Montreal
(Incorporated under Lite Laws of the Dominion of Cunada)
7% Cumulative,. Preferred Stock $125,000.00
Common Stock . . . „ 125,000.00
Including present offering.
President W. -Te. TIaskell, •• • Montreal
Vice -Pres. S. Rigby . . . 'Montreal
Director and Mechanical Engineer Vibert S. Roes
(Late of noston, Mass., who hits had fifteen years'
experience in the Automobile 'and Motor Truck
business', with some of the largest concerns in the
'United St ates). „
Director and Secy-Treas. O. Haskell, Montreal
Director II. S. Ross, C., Montreal
su d
$ 100,000.00
r)irector la. Merritt
Director D. S. Whitten
• • 1, • Montreal
Counsel II. S. Ross, K. C., . . Montreal
Bankers The Bank of Nova Scotia, Montreal
Transfer .A.gents The Eastern Trust Co., Montreal
EASTERN TRUST COMPANY, in Montreal, are authorized to
receive applications for the purchase of
$70,000.00—Seven Per Cent. Cumulative Preferred -Stock
. . . .
$100.00 par value, carrying a BONUS of 50% Common Stock.
Price : 00.00 per share.
All theques should be .made Payable to The Eastern Trutt Compaey, Canada Life Building, Montreel.
1. Low cepitalization, with ample funds for extension. and developMent of the Com-
pany's growing businese.
2. The Company is a going concern with a large- amount of Orders ott hand, and in
prospect, having taken over the DREDNOT MOTOR TRUCKS lermitrm.
3, "DRVIDNOT" motor trticke have been. giving good. satisfaction, under severe
tonditions, for some time.
. 4, This is the onlY Motor truck factory in this eection of Canada, and is located
lu the City wheat there Is the largest amount of trutkage in the Dominion.
G. The pAafits from. orders reeeived by the present Corapany since He formallort
March' Mb, 1913) and orders which are under negotiatiote should be more than. sufficient
to pay the entire annual dividend on the Preferred Stock.
G. The peesent Offering is Treasury Stock, and the proeeeds thereof will be used
exclusively for the erection and equipment of au up-to-date pleat, and for operating ex -
Illustrated booklet containing full particulars may be obtained from and Subscriptions mailed
Seventh floor, McGill Building, Montreal
little ducks will seldom be lcst. It
shoold be remembered always, however,
that they meet have plenty of air to
TATO the told a dry place is which to ex-
erel,,e, A brooder cannot he tightly
elosea at night ur dead duelea will be
fuund in the murnine. Many duck rais-
e's remove the &art% of the hovers en-
tirely after the first of May, in oaer
that the air 'May' circulate freely over
and stromid the Thema when they are
reeling during the night.
•Purchnse the 1 -est you Cell afford when
starting in poultty. It 'not only saves
money,- but One, for sooner or.latn,
you sueeced, you will want the best, ttud
it cannot 1:e seeur,e1 at but a little over
the market price. This adviee le often
gh en, but little heeded; •but always
iter the purchaser line heti experience
with eheap stock.
Feeding little turkeys le no different
than feeding little chicks at the start.
There le nothing better for feeding the
little poults than a good oommercial
ch'ek grain. These Wile preeent a hal'
21M141 ration and preeent it in a form
thet oature intended that the little tine
•reveive, it. During' the first
few daye the feed should be given from
three to five times 0 day. the same as
foo ehiekens, After that the number of
feeds may be relneed to three times a
ilay, and later, \Olen they Are about two
month,: nu to twiee a day. If they have
free range it is always safe to under-
feed than overfeed these little birele, but
a eareful caretaker will give them jest.
enough arid. no inere. Their crops should
never 1;e overkill or peeked tight, for
nature .intended that each little owe
should get its food a bit here and a
little there, rather than a full meal at
The best food for newly -hatched duel:.
lings ie etele, ent mouldy, bread.
innietened with milk and then equeezee
nearly dry. with a little grit or coarse
sand- mixed in. 7fhe milk will furnish
Ftlffietent itui.mal food, After a few days
mixture or Oils part of earn meal and
two parte of wheat bran may take the
plitee of breed and milk, the latter mix-
ture to be mixed 'with milk when it can
be seemed.
The sueecessful raising • of dueles lies
largely, even before they were. platted
in the incubator or raised under the
hen, ana that is in the breeding yard.
There is ;yet far too mueh neglect in
We require a Representative in your territory to sell High -Class Industrial
Securities. Liberal arrangements can be made with the right person. Apply
immediately to FEDERAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, Seventh Floor,
IVIeGill Builaingt Montreal.
ditiiitottetittamiewitreeskireeereeeksetee opeomettatereloti4eimit
,#• litiediewirivolgisfogaryfromoirrAisirrOarliiiiktriorre0040000.00,01,000000000.4441410inoMiumerriiruk,
new silhouette with the undefined cials yesterday received word of the
• death in Londrm of LOWS A, Onurdain,
waist line and the symmetrical but un -
who swindled the piffle nut of 86Veral
accentuated curve that gives the
fasrionable fiyure of to -day, The iktt, • large fortunN, 'MIMI. Ile $quandered, and
est corset designs shows a slight MIMI alleeesS drove him mad.
variation from the straight front - Starling- twenty-seven yeare ago ae a
pinched in a little below the bust, curv- clerk for the Louisiana. State Lottery
ing outward slightly below. COmpany. Gourclain organized a rival
................... coma), which netted hint $750,000„ it is
estimated, The money came so fast, his
I i mind was affected, and he was sent to a
,Ittiolsr:(1111.1tf,a411 fNOVewthVeilaSitr inafaterbIttnTb
STRONG NERVES and attempting to make speechee, Later
, he was convieted by the Government of
ee operating it lottery, and served a six
Should be the Birthright of Ever
Woman and Growing Girl.'
,. 1 months' Sentence.
lie drifted to New Y91 -k, nnel opened
what lie pallee a bank, evhich WIIS a lot -
lie WaS convieted and
Many women and growing girls who tery scheme.
Strong tittea'rYNe?esibreTtldit elettysetsiCis.°t7p, ealinedelcsa' ssieltoeN,le,edd: a year on Blitekevellts Island. He
up next in Omaha, and later
health. 'Their spirits gtow Sluggish, the in New Orleane, where he bought 1,280
.good appetite, are seen to decline in•
cheeks become .pale, temper fitful, and aerie; of awamp, which be conventee in-
to 135,000 oil lots. Tn. Chicago he open -
the nerves over -sensitive. . They may ed the "Manhattan Exebauge Rank,"
have inheritee 'a tendency to ill -health, and is Wei to have turned $0500 into a
or they may havo. over-worked, over. million,
made upon it. ttolletiletredielinta4n.d1. For this. scheme he was sentenced to
To guard. against it complete break- serve four years in the penitentiary. An
down in health the iblood must be kept appeal Was taken and Gout -dant went to
sion. lIe bought a matision in ;Toilet', •
the prison gatea and pleaded for admis-
where the State prison hi loeated. for
Itis W110, tIlld plArehtteed. ground upon
which to build a private prison, `Before
work was started on the building the
Supreme Court affirmed his sentence.
Ire made a sensationel escape from
the Washington, D, C., asylum in 100t,
and had not since been 'heard from.
4 ' .!= • •
enuring proper breeders. and in then pure !lard rich. No ether medicine in
care and management. No matter how d9 this so well as Dr.:Williams' Plek
many prizes the fowls may have eap. Pills, for they etet both on the blood
tired, or how many eggs a ben has pro-
duced, if eet up to stendard in vigor
it should be diearded. It takes nein e
to do this, but only in this way can
the poultry iftider obtain stronger stock
each year, the kind that have strong
fertility and the ellicke hatched, the
kind that live and make producers.
Grannie, you say our girls are not so
Such pa
So 9g:relleizteettaas the maids Or. toriner days.ragons were these: Refined, die -
with our modern hoyden
Dear poppets, with a, Meek, gazelle -like
Tyltehtnid souls that could but blush
5Petrioullkb.Atid t if these, In many ways,
Were such aonaemic prigs as ,orte might
Yon have a. sister, (eremitic, Great -Aunt
Ieno3taelille'to her nieces- as EL "real good
Slane!,"/"a—thrtit. but its intent lit plain,
And / have heard her galled a
whtellito oottitetiiii Skpieokrtruti
Its heels she does
Indigratnts-lr-iiSct:, nor look severiy blue;
Rather she gives offenders her support
13y telling of the things she used to do.
Ofirls.:11:,1ha girls, and more, they al-
thy amodeled on your proper
Did they uot drive their thlere to des-
and nervee, restore the appetite • and
keep every organ toned up. .M1 women
vaemot rest, whenever they should, but
tide strengthening •medieine i3 within
every woman's Nowt), and will keep them
in the eejoyment ofgood health. And
it is esperially important that in every
stage of woman's- life the blood supply
he kept ,pure Ana rich. The velue e/f
Dr. Williams* Pink Pills is well illus-
trated by the ease of Mra, DaVirl Cham-
bers, Benefort„ (bit., who sass: "Some
yeare ago I sufferea greatly from impov-
erished blood, I was very pale and thin,
and had no strength. 1 took a lot of
doetor's mediciee without getting any
benefit, and at last decided to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Pine. Which T had heard
highly recommended. It Villa not 'long
before 1 began to feel better. and after
taking the Pills for perhaps it temple of
months by health Was fully reetored.
awl although some years have passed
have contineed strong and healthy., and
think 1 owe it entirely to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
"Some time later My daughter, then
about twelve years of age, had been
working very bard at school, and her
health. gave way, She Wita weak and list-
less and her halide and face were badly
swollen, and we feared dropsy was set-
ting in. However, we Matted to give
her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Ana she WAS
50011 quite well Again. I always recom-
mend Dr. Williams* Pink Pills to
pair suffering ns we aid, knowing the benefit
ney wenia 1I&V SIIi&I1 attrectiveness our family received from them."
for 111411.
'rims it has been elute first our race Dr. Wilhite% I ink are sold by
all medicine tie:Ilene or will be sent by
fall, ifi„ e
And so, dear Grannie, it will still be- mai posipeil tit 50 feints a hoe or ale
TI8toosebiaptneri5feuet ngirtiliPsh
ovdoeerzveleYirw'f l‘iltib'eliliboxes for t1.50by writiug ThDr. WU-
ta Medicine Co. Broekville, Ont,
New (Nrk, May 20.-3amee T. Win -
tress, a bank messenger, gave battle
in the street to -day to four highway-
men, who leaped into his carirage
and attempted to wrest from him bite
payroll of te Nathan Manufacturieg
Company. Resisting their efforts to
subdue hint with a rifle, a revolver
and clubs, he fought tosuch good pur-
pose that he saved the money.. al-
though he was shot in the arm. and .
his scalp was laid open with a blow
from a club.
Policemen on fixed post heard the
shooting and ran to his aid. At their
approach. the highwaymea fled. Ono
of them was shot by a bluecoat; an-
other was captuted after a thrilling
these; two of them cecaped,
Chamblee France, May 20. --Military
eugineers 1dasted into fregmente to -day
the wee peak of a mottotain eontaining
- 00,000 feet of roek, whieh had threaten. -
01' tt) fitit LW destroy at any moment
the village of Tormery, in the Depart-
ment of Savoie. ever aillee its fottuilation
LIS' 0 vhltIter II( 111114 ill the ntehlie age -z.
A. charge of 000 pounds Of apt:Mite
Wa 116ed for the explosion. Before the
fume WA fired the *Olinger; emnoved all
their nnimale and portable property to
the neighboring ltute.
tontiou, ,atay 25.---Vather lIernera
A morrrly....mrearrrierripmerrr..,....,....,,EAtiv,ENT or CHINESE. A WORK 'FOR WOWItN.
Vieughan, aildreesinee the teatholie Wo.
(Peterboro` .1..1:tarniliar)lOchester Herald,
melee Leaeue on ' the euhlect of the
Tihe ettempts which are bottle made to ,„ . ,r. ,.4 „... •
In 4Vory Sandal', SehoOi.(lillare” are tt,StorS the 111011‘11 of te nation Will fall Itt-al: dallOP,s, f.:1 Id: ``.1.11P1•0 lS not nmell
need of iny expreseing any view Aboub
urgea t� 'Out their Pennies into the fond urtio9s the co-opetation of the women CAA
1111.1112tie tile "heatleera ciatzese.' 'Yet when Went, and without theer earnest aid, :' ,
.at enlisted. It 111 ill fitil 0 NVOILIell'il 11004, those, &mos which a Wont, Aato Imes,
to send missionaries to viiida. to Christ- - 1
we IONS liltIll konabt t0011r doOrso Wa - there will be lie Sohlt1011. And to plate llatntinisnlIgtrtt)011L01,11;:‘,1101111 t(lilrtliwiY;i1g)t,.)tito),goig411.
treat theta se heathenishly that UAW *elk t.0 begin is in the Louie. If the halividusi
Their very anima namee imply their
*Wake alirs' Ottinlg to eft1)6 from craw- svomen. wili but iic,ey laPr eller gills end
Inn PrOSseution Atis our pupils!! in -Sunday belf a pure. there wal lie Ito motile/6 to
...the Cheistiaulty teat vetches up to rlo on tbe Pert of euurig, People Is not a the negreee think Of breaking into suelt
unto ethers AS We WOUid LaVel °that* do sefieetiOn UnOn toonn,6‘r':4 Bo InUiat its
uoon their parent*. liztrill'ifititir,t.nanvee eveept whett Oil ;ere
to vit.
school taught tigoology cre ChrixtUtility sohs, Public 4Xhibitiohs indeteney inlinal Mauve. Not Oren the novo, ana