HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-29, Page 6i HAT' t SO 1
(Boston Transcript)
*I ' • old
t xere
•ertatt a fellow isn't in the mitt wben
SOelety throws him everboard."
iclevelana Plain Dealer)
The Manager -The senior partner wants
ut to tine a berth for that son -of .
Ile says he doesn't expeet the hotise to
pay him ant thing -so there'll be tt sav-
ing there.
Tito Superintendent -i don't see it, Of
eciurse, we'll have to litre a Men to do
the work.
Chid -Bits)
Sennotralstrees-tfaster Isaac, what
wrong (lel the brothers of Joseph commit
n hen they sold their brother
1-tute--Tie y sold him too eheap.
Park-Bildat is certainly tied te his
apron ratings.
latne--Well. theee cloys he -is May
if he has a wife with apron strings.
1Vorldley-Ir, as you say. Your
nmeter kissed yott against your will, whY
did you not cry ''Help?"
toreneh eiaid-Ah, madame. Zat ees
Just vord vich COUld not Sink at
ze moment.
(Wasbington Star)
"I sentence you to two years in prison,"
eel,' the judge, severely.
"Well, Judge,'" replied Plodding Pete,
el know you are doing Ole to bumillate
ine, But 1 want to remind you that some
very wealthy and some very talented
1)0, ale Lave been going to prison lately."
- - •
tivaehington ,Star)
"That man is always kicking."
'What about?'
olio doesn't arum. Iie kicks sn much
lie doesn't leave himself time to find out
*what his real grievance aro."
televelapil Plaitt Dealer)
"I never dreamed any young man could
be ne attenthe as George is. He showers
ine with candy and flowers and takee
me to no end of places. He's- just lovely:
lsn't a courtship delighttul?'
"Yes. Put off your wedding day. as
ling as you can.
liarker-for sight-seeing ear -see New
Tork-titc whole thing for GO cents.
"you're wrong on the price, young fel-
low. I've oely lived here three years.
and las cost me fifty thoueand." •
(Washington Herald)
"When is the man coming to white-
wash the fence?'
"Always to-morretwas an artist he is -
a futurist of the worst type.'.'
-7, 7
(Boston Transcript)
Artist -I wish, my dear, that you
-.would order some kindling wood' and
shineiee this morning.
His wife -What at the world do you
want kindling wood and shingles for?
mat:toe-I ant going in for cubisrri and
want to construct a model. 6
(London Opinion)
,.edolplute-It's an awilui Isha.me. alktes
litie nephew got bold of that poem 1
eyerte to you and tore it to ehreds.
Augusta -So the little fellow can read
i I
CHAPTER IX. "I eannot *newer you now, for .`,11'.
4a/twice...the IN beatity.„-of eignextg..,, Neville ie coming tide way. He hats beeu ,
teneing the truth of the lime:
to the house to fetch me an iee. Watch
repeated Mr. Rupert Downing, tie though eta eee for yoorstlf during the remain,: ‘,0h. there nee Woke, end tones filet
he qUite doolited the evidenee of ltie owti, der of the eVening whether 1 epees dert
senate, wondering whether or not hie tray or teettee
eyes were not playing him some ttrange ei ..1 will keep yew., seeret lui, the An inetant euneltine through, the heart,
t * k ,, Aa if the soul that moment ceught
'.1:Iie girl *rent; to her feet, penting see you, alone to tellt. over this matter
lovers from that hour, for they seemed
*0 suited to eteeh tither. ne *tieing
aims of Clartnee :Seethe- eloetal ciseeely
aieural the supple little ligote,
the thought iu hie heart Wee: "I ain
toy late to min her. Hetivert help me."'
lie said to himeelf: *Ali. how thank -
fill 1 ought to be that her mush). infnria.
ed. Ine that het heart was alreedy an-
Looking up ,into his handsome face,
Bab thought: 1 - have never eeen
youog men I liked so much."
She did not I -now that eh* tnitil terve
Tte . proteitt," lie nitiepered. VN
" - 'lere ean 1 Some treasure it through life had
with terror, like twine beautifih, animal more fully with you? I have set iny
brought niteapeeted1V to butt milla °11 winitillg 13arhar4 Iivvells alul 1Vhen that weltz, which he aeid to
"Yee, yon are indeed slte," lie de. I would move heaven and earth to ae.
Oared, "and I repeat: What are you-- eoutplielt any deeire." himself he should never forget, came to
an end, he led Bali back to her frieuds.
of all women in the worlde-doing here?" "I: will eee you here toenorrow night
"1 may tisk you the same question," at this hour," eeplied India, but he could! not relinquieh her without
one little word, let her think what she
Stomach Always Baulked,
Constant Indigestion
Smell of Cooking Made Hiiri Siolete-
Billotte TWO Day; a Week.
rrro• srts•sr-••••1
Cured By Pr, Hamilton's Pals,
Clettimone experienee is not
unasual, .Notvaday$ pear etountelis aro
more the rule thau the eseeption, But
the proper treatment ie emu iaake
a quielt ettre, You eau alitdett dehand
on Dr, tfamilton's they reaelt the
trouble et once, go right to Imeineee,
ii:ork while you ?deep and have you. feel-
ing better if not eured ?text morning,
"My food eeemeit to itleeoinpoee in
my etomach," writee Arr. Ralph Clem -
mono, Newbridge it 0, "I had a stout.
stolt that fallett fit, some way to perform
its work, Digestion seemed. more or less
erreisied awl 1 grew thin, yellow, net. -
voile. The Stomach beeame distended
end impeded apparently the maim), of
rerlied the girl, with glittering apes and Duped; Downiug had, berely time to would. the heeet, for Often at »ight I, would
a, sneerine laugh on her live, elip into the dark shadow of the trees et: . , 1 i
"I arskel the question fireto" be Pahl, ere Neville ceine up. iee ia hend, urning to tee mPulsively, he wide. do great stouts. At thuee L would vomit
laotly; "but 1 will avower, that it, kilt011id „I suppocie you ount3t gave nie up for /.piile:ttesiluire"fohuml.teaveevegii,veenxviettreietnheeeagrieiztlens3t, rittelaliallenirteamemsisAtiotnelreritbityh.e.! ftrilionnetat .N.111.1),0
came no surprise at my being here. I loet, Allee ffeven," he said, "but the fact life, Miss jtara_atite atarea. 1 thank had been eurea of a similar eondition,
am an Amerion and, a respectea mem- was, the that lee that I was leaving
ber of soeiety, and my home is 'el this the room with 1net with a miehap and ittran \ isti I 1 el in l ) i .01
You sti..r,ice:'ely:: tittle aedstsiediit Ittsti? e:. alilviee.d me,le: take let nernetwet pidt
regularly, Whieh I, did. The result in
village; but yon, who belong far nereee f was obliged to await my turn to get ..1
the seas, and whom 1 beheld lats in a, eitother," . ..f ten lie turned abruptly away from her. Itiactilattent4naitius3iniglynomiliutriiehlret:m116./er:
-you who had redliced. me to this Strait your kindnetss," murmured 'Indies taking
in my faee when, you foetid me penniless trouble, and thank you ever so much for w ihe. i .
gilded gaming place, luta who laughed -.1: ant sorry you were put to so mugh .. . .
i t il WIle just formiug though ninny
.1.1e diltdiet31,0etticgaii.lei tlion !tot:colt: 'were, relea 1 1 . , . i u iti
ii ' 1 i liver to normal aetion, the kidneye ere
strengtheued the etoutaele exelted the
and who taw me tbrowa into the street, it front his hand; °but 3: have quite TO- c la engei to engage her for 4knas4rlellet
al Irlig set o exceacie w oi a ea i soon
to starre, steal or beg, ns beet I could; covered frail' my indisposition out here t m quickly by But heeded grew within me. I ean now eat> aleeP
ltr8ea le , ' and live like a live inan,"
you, the most hotorieue beauty of gay, itt the ealm. oweet, cool, white moon- .itein not; ooyieart end irifi n seemied.
13.e edv.ised-*-1:00 Dr. Hamiltoo'e Pine
wieked Perie, 1 ask again, what are you light. I could almost Wed' that the to be in sume b taut dream rem
-they aie sure to do yon good, 2de per
doing here, in tide proud, sacred Ameri- ray watt over, and 1 could remain out he did not care to awaken them.
can home, robea as are these demure iere with you hours longer." He passed out through the open box, live 'for $1,00, at all druggiete Rua
etorekeepere or by mail from elite Ca-
maidena, (seemingly in the role of guest; '. lf she had left out the words with _ French whitlow into the moonlit grounde
who has dared bring you tutrose this you lie would have attaehed no import. ' to their 'very end, where he would. eot etatororhecziaonnRedCal.o., 13uffalo, N.Y., ,and Mug-
threehold? Leeve. this plane at onte, . ' . 1 t , e t- tl Ps, 6 . • '
. etl • • i see the lights aud where the dauce musie. • • , .
quietly and without attracting atteu- spoil, but those two winds rather souuded like a. dreamy echo,
tin, Or I ehall take it upon myself to etartled hien, . "What has Conte to me " he eriedet"1
denounce you-nequaint every one be- "She is so young aud innocent ehe deo; have been here only a brief hour, anti
oeath that roof ae to who end what -not know how that eentence mottled," the whole world, has 'changed for met I
you are." he thought, aml he also .edded to him. have looked for the short enitee of a
M1 in a moment the fiend in the girl'a self, in some little trepidation, "I du waltz Q11 a young girl's marvelously fair
bosom aroused, She laughed a little, hope this sweet, derk-eyed girl will not Nee, and. I have nearly lost all oself-eon.
low, wicked, sneering, laugh. contider it the proper thing to do to trot, I tun dazed and bewildered. What
"A fine example of _American good bevome emitteu with me,. because I heve has happened, to me?"
society yon are, Monsieur Downing!" iteked her out into the grouude. Some The eool wind blew on hi$ uncovered
she cried, in her shrill French to.neae. youlig girle are so alarmingly sentimene head, but it seented to him that notla
"1 laugh at you -ay, 1 inocit you, You tea' Ing could ever again cool the fire in his
shine foriltehettee the world a saint, baek to the house -to 'the ballroom
- white, bright moonlight, that lay like
! were -my handsome gay eaValler Wor$14- Turning to her, be geld:
; per in that aioat, and now- you would . "I beg you, to permit me to .eecort yeti How calm everything looked In the
! and 1 a iniiietet)lahl You are a fool! -Miet; Haven. Who knows how many a veil over the fair earth, meking the
, Why should. the woman be Boomed. and beaux are ready to challenge rne to mor- uight almost as clear as day. The water
her loVer eee. foe You forget that von tal Combat for keeping vort, Out here all tossed. up from a fountain .hard by was
dere ootikigett 'yteur lips to speak, tor to rayselfr like beads of ;silver and the tall trees
: :to% wer4s ih the mud as was , • To tell the truth ite was anxialla to threw graceful shahows on the groom.
in the miee. get back to the ballroom himeelf-and The grounds around Haven Hoase were
- "Besidee. defy yon to breathe one to Bab, lull of fragrant odors from the flowers,
. -word of -tiremaelt to your host, for lo!
he is befoul. isb •protect me ;from "t•he CHAPTER X ing breeze,
• .
slightesteheeeth, bf infamy. Listen! India Haven felt bitterly dieappointed Standing these, Clarenee Neville :for.
am Mr. Karlettfaveide mem Ha, ha! 1 at Clarence Neville's desire to take her got all time; all that he could think .
do not wonder' Met this Intelligence back te the ballroom cdo soon but she Waa Barbara Haven -sweet merry 'child-
(Cleveland Plain Dealer)
"Win you share my lot?" he . asked
lair In his ald-fashioned way.
"Lot of what?" demanded the practical
(Baltimore American)
Belle -What's call monay?
Nell -I guess it's what the fellow spends
on the violets and chocolate -candy boxes
they bring with them.
(Birmingham Age -Herald)
"Mr and Mrs. Whiffer never have any
allow Ooes that happen?"
"Mr. Whiffer won't argue.'
"The poor woman!" •
eases -
(Washington, Star)
"I tun going- tit make that boy stop
whistling!" said the nervous man.
"Don't. If you knew the words of that
song you'd be thankful to let his whistle
it inetead of singing it."
"Miks Wombat iS the most popular
suburban belle 1 know." "She is the on-
ly girl in her suburb who keep; the car
schedules posted in the parlor." -Wash-
ington Herald.
"Pa's sick." "Veryt" "Yes. Ma's
terribly evorried. She says he's so sick
that he hasn't even noticed that the
nurse we've hired is pretty." -Detroit
I rev Presto
"What are you doing for our cause?"
nelted the suffragette worker. "De.
lug?' replied the man. "I'm support.
ing one of your most enthusiastic
members."-Detrolt Free Press.
Stiblee-Ifenry, wouldn't you like
to be worth a million? Stingy Hubb-
Nast Think I'd want to pay taxes on
a million dollars? --Kansas City Times.
Bloke -When the time conies, there
are mighty few men who went to die.
sit Mee .V014, I gueee ithent the laet
thing a man wante tat do.
Hobo -I've eaten nothing but snow
b.alls for three.days. Lady-'iou poor
man, What would you have done had
it been summertime?-NeW Orleans
Times -Democrat. •
Adam ---They tell me we will have to
MOW 011t Of tile garden. Eve -My good-.
hess, and 1 haven't a thing to weati-
Boston Record,
"Ts your (laughter musical?" "Well,"
repliel Mr. Cemrox, "silo eeente so in
eetivereation. but when she singe opin-
ilir."--WaAliingt on Stat.
"Didn't yon feel pretty Cheap, sitting
there with a young end immetynt girl ett
f•lteb ehreling did. She
had to evnlain 11. good many of the In-
tmendoea before 1 was ablo to get:there.'
never knew sudi elaurisy
014 nionea, Wagg--.That's right.
That fellow ean't even talk without
making, a break.
Sem.etarp--Itere'e a letter from a
fersh.oir itikgioll bogging eontribution,
\tag:tate- A fresh -air iniselon? Newt
them draft.---BOstOn TraMerirt.
Maud -Does Kitty leve &telt well
enough to Marry hint? Maria,.--Ohr yee;
but ,Taek believee in letting well enough
alonri... Pro4oti Transeript.
Nell Tsn't Vice FICJA71 gOing tO marry
1:01e---1 don't 'know, She gay*
lettei to give up the it1.64 shows for
the In tient motien pletures
"1.%liti painted Sabha,' bower 'bile
'told me name of the eonaerit.
think 1111 eald it was done by 'Fite t
tittarte."- Iloetott Treetteript.
whieh was wafted to him by gvery pass.
. '
surprises yon, , Ire sent for me horn was by far too diplomatic to Show her ieh Bab. as her father called her.
across the seas to come here and live ' aesentanent. ' He might hove tarried under the trees
"1 had almost forgotten that 1 owe -hours longer had not one of his friends.,
someone a waltz," ehe eititi, with a little who saw hint leave the ball room, -and
laugh. noted his long absence With melt
"I. am ale° engaged. for the waltz that alarm, ,some in seareh of lane .
with bin,. allowing full well all of my
pest, and be companion to his dagult.
ter. Yeti, titre ht liberty to test the
truth deny words at soon ite you like!"
The yeung man. seemed dumbfounded
by this amazing tintelligence, but when
she epoke With a sueering laugh of why
site was there:that home his indigno.
Con knew no bound$.
"You, the companion of sweet, innn-
cent Barbital Haven! May Clod forbid
and all the powers of the Lord inter-
vene!" he .exelaiined. "1 cannot endure
the thoeeht.. The girl's father le mad!
mad! To place the spotiese growing
lily and the, deadly feeglove, eiae
side„ for the Tie to driuk up and wan-
deetrov the sweetness and purity
of the other, is a (gime too horrible for
words, lt must uot be. My God! it
Mien not be."
India leaned forward and. tapped Jilin
on the n:rm. "I see now which way- the
wind Wive." she murmuted. "You are
ie love With Barbara Haven. Is it not
"Why .ehould deey it?" he replied,
harshly. :"Yes, 1 am in love -and at
first sight to -night -with 'Karl Haven't
daughteie mean to make her my
wife if it 'bet within human power,"
In that admiesion the wily French
girl sawher opportunity and a chance to
make him a slave to hex wishes instead
of a dictator, whose stern decree elle
must obey.
"I ought to let you find out for your -
telt, and ruet be kind enough to advise
YOU that von are not the only one tell°
*has fallen. love with the little, dim-
pled, piiik-andetthite-faced Bab to -night,
end has made the stune -resolve about
=trying her. Alt! 1 wonder which will
win ?"
1Te gave. a violent start, and. leoked
at her sharply, sa,ying hissing -1y, after a
moment's* pause:
"Are you, epeaking truthfully or
India, Managed her white shoulders,
remarking:' ';'llonsieur is more brutally
frank thee...Polite, but 1 will answer. 1
speak the truth, and 1 also add, you
have it in yourepower to make a friend
of me andel telpeyou with your love of-
' falr or 'pee -enemy and turo my little
eousin'slieart 'against you. Now, whicli
would you like best, monsieur -which
, write arrangement was made through
would you like ine be?"
His dark, liandeome face paled; he papa that ishould dance in the first
saw at once that she had seoken truly. dance with you," murmured the girl, in
she were the cousin of Berbera Ha- a tone in which the choked backtsobs
V611 0,11d was to be beneath the Smile were still more audible. "My wishes
roof with liar) Haven's young daughter, in the matter seemed to be a, secondery
she would, with little trouble, soon consideration, it seems."
gain such an ascendaucy over the gill lfe gazed at her in bewilderment, the
that elle would have little difficulty in smile quiekly fading from his handsome
bendineltab to ber will, and thet per- face.
baps she eves right in her remark that "1 OM sorry beyond words, to have
it was best to melte a frietd of ter in. beeh. so unfortunate as to have dis-
pleased. you, Mies nava," be murmur -
stead of a .sworn enemy. e
"Keep My secret and 1 promise yen ed, gravely, "but I hot: you will do me
a reward .Barhara Haven's lova," she, the justice to remem r that drawn -
murmured, softly. "You call gain moth. stances oftimee alter eases. Your father
ing eXpoMng my past but equal no. believed 'yell would naturally be a trifle
in the first dance at your coming
ieniety tor yourself. You would not rel. timid,
out ball, and naturally chose the son
ish that, and lett, but by no means
least, you wonl4 defeat your own emu, of his oldest and dearest friend to aid
you in managing it,
to the credit of your rival. Would any
"To be candid with you, 1 must make
anon want to give his fair young (laugh -
the confessioa to yea that hinted as
ter to young Man who had squandered
much to him as we appeoaehed you, amt.
away the best part of his fortune at
in the proviso, of course, that you
the Nile gaming teblee. and who was tilig
were not 4401;4 engaged for the open. -
Welly linown at both Monaco and
Monte Carlo as the millionaire Amor'. .1,1,11( dalLee. NCill you believe me, Mee
can spendthrift-e.the most eomplete, name!'
"Yes, for sure you would not teU
around libertine that 'ever came to
a story about it," returned Bab, with
Paris? 'WWII. the father think such a
le the ono , th ver a ge ow that were wholly irrealatible to the
,011 youni man,
is striking up; your pretty cousiu, Miss "11 -hat! mooning all alone under the
Barbara, would find it hard td pardon trees, Neville?" he agked, with a, laugh,
me if were to cheat her out of half es he touched Ude friend Beale% on the
of it, imagine." arm.
India, bit her red lips fiercely. Alt! Neville faced. about suddenly with a
that wag the reason, then, that he was violent start, his face flushitig hotly,
:to anxious to return to the heuee; and finding himself eonfronted by Richard
her secret rage knew no hounde to dita •Igaruilton, an ohk college cimila
cover that he was still faseinated with "Ali! is it you, Dick?" be exclaimed, •
her lovely little golden -haired cousin, de. ia a tone of much relief. "1 thought for
spite the glaring falsehood sire had told an instant that it was our mutual friend,
hint -that Bab was already in love with Downing. And there are times when
another. .Downing isn't the. moat companionable
Leading her back -to her former seat fellow in the. world, he teases one ea, it
under the sweeping palms, and with a he finds you alone in ae-well, iu re -
few light, commonplace werde, he left
her to go hurriedly in searelt of Bab fleetive mood, don't you know."
Sleeve Newness.
Sleeves- are long,.
And sleeves are short.
Elbow sleeves are modish.
But- hing sleeveS are'sinarter.
Separate waists. have long sleeves.
The kimono cut to be retained.
But the sleeve is set into kimono
shoulder tow,
Fancy sleeves are among the latest of
the uovelties.
Bishop, bell, flaring, slaehed mad other
types are all ,geod, .
,India'e paesionate eyee followed hint, meltrircildlya.rd Ilit. railton laughed long and
her whole $414 in her gaze. "He shall . .
be mine -I swear it," ahe Muttered, "That is, if he sees you paying any
eruthing her little hands tightly to.. attention to any 'particular girl," he
gether. "Let the end be what it may, declared, adding, with a laugh, which
1 will risk all to be happy in liie love Was louder and tenger than before: "But
for a year -a mouth, ay or even a after to -night be can never guy us felt
week -though he turned from me at the lows again. Why, you have iniesed a
end ef that time with the deadliest of treat by staying out here so long;
hate. To be happy as other girls are every one is amazed to see how desper-
for even a week I would pay willingly ately he le smitten with the charms of
lights iontxit IliiitsteleBhabos.tess-the pretty, bewftch-
a lifetime of paiti afterward." .
Meanwhile the object of her tho
made all peaelble haste to meek Bar- "Upon my honer, he has danced no
bare Haven's- side. les.s than four conseeutive times with .
She was laughing gayly enough as her ladyship. Tbat does not satisfy him,
Clarence Neville approaehed, but at the however, for he has monopolized her
sight -of him her merriment eutldenly society completely, even between the
ceased, E!,11(1 P' coniu-ied exPreselen awePt dances, to the utter dhscouragement of a
over the fair, dimpled young face.
"This id our waltz, Mee Haven," he etiore or more of the would-be partnere.
By Jove, 'Veville, knowing him ae intim-
murmured, bowing before her. Th4en a ately as you do, you ought to give him
deftaut lools, which puzzled him, flashed
into- the ehildish blue eyes. , a, hint that he is making lihnself Adieu -
"You need not dance with me-tiiallf liohuesbaonnd..gettipg himself disliked among
dallee with "Ille one "But come into the
you would rather ballroom. 1 Was
else, Mr. (Seville," Jibe said, in a voice sent out here to tell you by the bewitch-
whieh bad something very like a tremor lite Miss India Haven that there was. a
of a sob In it. sad dearth of waltzing•meit in the room,
He gazed at her for a moment ia the
and, your 'presence un the floor would be
greatest dismay. Then hie amusement
greatly appreeiated!' .
got the better of him and. he laughed *
"1 will return with you at once," re -
, turned 'Neville in a rather harsh tone.
"What in the world can 3
Mies Barb -Miss Haven, 1 inyet-111"6ah-e' "Fool that .1. tm to waste one thought
upon the girl, he muttered below his
exclaimed, quite as seat as he could
breath. "1 see it all now in a flash.
recover his breath.
Rupert Downing is the lover of whom
the cousin spoke. Ile declared on our
'way here that he had, not as yet eeen
the little hostess; that wae, of couree,
pure fiction. Aceording to thet, they
tuuat have met long before and desired
to keep the matter a dead secret for
reatent of their own. e
. "Had any one else but Rupert Down-
irg been the favored suitor for that lit-
tle hand end ittoocent heart 1 could
have home it better. He hes all the
vices in the calendar, which he lirought
with him as souvenir; from iihroad-
gay Paris. A fitting mate, indeed, for
swee.t, innocent, shittlish 13ab,
"Bali! He has had a hundred loves.
Tle will never be any truer to little Bab
t,,,en he was to the rest; hut if he
breaks. her hexii he shall anSWer to nie
for it."
charming frankness and..ohildish earnest-
Titan a iittin , mate for littie Bab, *WW1
The evening wore away et Lott, Its all
evenings will, whether freighted With
joy or tinged with sorrow, and the two
imls found themselves at length alone
together in Bab's room.
3t .was far iuto the wee sma' hours,
but there were still a few hours be.
tween darkness and dawn for a good
_ nap.
"Well, Tmlia!" exelaims the sleepy lit -
of lila eye? Ali, 1 see
de reo,tze the precipice upon As te looked down into the fair young
tie heiress, bustling out of her clothes
faee he SEW the girl pale and flush by
which do s'on stand, and ;volt will be , Niit:tilderloeNa.evrintghtetvheatsntereer :oalit:itit)t,;t‘ivlaftleigor
arise aud temporize vvith vie." turns.
"Then, aim% the matter hits been &hi- I
I I i• 't I'l 9 W 1 • I tl
Itupert Dewitine preteed his liend
pretitiori. arose to his lips es lie mut. the weltt," lie euggested.
tared: 'rho next Morgellt Bab VOA whirled Wouldn't the collet nuns of the rouvent
. straight into Paradise to the beatifut Yon have inst. kit away off in Pratte°
"Row true it io that the raga follies strains of the ever-ssreet Blue Danubbe have opened. their e;,ves tide in astonish -
Of our youth turn into scourges II 1
Weic-1 %Platt. Ment if they eould Itvve sten ) on to -
lath up in the years that come after! &ores of admiring glances followed u:glit? Every 011e 11%1A talkiug about
"'Who it my rival?" he itsked. Imareely. thong aria reigny *were the eoligustai, of how divinely you (lanced until I Was
"11r. "Ctlerentie Neeille for one, Itild what a handsome (ample they made-- novelty ttehamed of myeelf. Von know
there ire attite half ft doten more eager he s,0 tall, ;broad, ebottleerea aria manly, 1 never took a Mei) until a few weeks
feebly settled, suppose We prOdeea vrith you t pat o lave m
10w1 dver Lie f;rehead. A bitter im. loot our first experience together.
, to enter Os race as *niter for the heart . With the., •grand bearing of a .young • • vim end. -then my governess took
and hand of the little blonde heirete." • prinee, and &welly as ,good.to look upon, bend for this great oecasioli,
lie reelid back as though he had been and she the .eliteetaitt, ditigithiat hit of "So you will not wonder that felt
• *hot. . pink -and -White .girlhood that eve Wig _terribly triglitOned When 1 found myself
oelartitetteeNevillet" lie cried, excited- • .iseen. t teeny on. ilia floor and every MI*
"flow do you krtow Surely Ana more. than one perion watching roe.
Ion its saiwitakot, girl." prediated that tlity would surely be •Cro be Continua)
The burning, stinging, smart.
Ins pain Is ended, the bleeding
;napped and a permanent cure _./-
ifflitted by use of Zammtiuk.
Clio It a fair trial
Druggist. and Store,a, box.
Many fishes, like the knights of old,
fight among themselyee for the love of
fighting or beeause they have uothing
better to do, eccerding to et bulletin of
the New York' Zoologieal Sudety. There
are (Above, however, who tight to pro-
tect themeelvee and their young. Speak-
ing of the fights turiong Ciente nt the
aquarium, the bulletin sayet " angel
fishes., beautiful as they nre in appear-
anee, have perhape the Most di:vilibh
disposition of all. A tank of angel fiehee
reminds one of the notorious, even-tem-
pered lamily who were all mad ell the
time." The wateltfulnese of a tt indents
ueually prevents the fatal termination
of these misuuderstandinge, but ()tent-
sionally, fatal injury is inflieted. "Such
a caste,' 'ale bulletin adds, -happened
when two large green 1110rays engaged
in a VICIOUS eneounter, during whielt one
of the coerha tante was disembowelled
and had to be killed. Theoe eel-Pko
fiebes are extremely powerful and 'naive
and. coil and strike like. snakes. -New
York Tribune.
4 -
ressr-sr,,,,.....rrsor— ,
'Mrs. Julin Jimmy, St. Norbert, Mau.,
sa.tet; "I have used. Babyti Own ',Cablets
and tun well Satisfied with them." Thou -
(sande ,of other MOtheN Say the same
thing simply because there le no niedi-
eine iOr little onee to equal the Tablets.
They act as a gentle laxative, regulate
the bowele and stomach, breek up colde.
expel worms and make teething easy.
The Tablets iire.eald by medicine dealers
or by mail at '25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' 'Nfedieine (at., Tirockville,
(Ottawa, Citizen)
TO 'rmartt Winn*
V V.I...
MVIoe tif naming SW -ether
(By A Physivian),
geweball we be sure that the think-
ing water tve Use, while on a vaea,tion
trip, ie pure and wholesome?
The questioa la bound to come up
when you and. I and the folks next
door "pick up" and start for the moun-
tains this summer. There is nothing
more important than this little matter.
It is quite out of the question to
hope to get good water at every tinnt-
hter reeort, And if you are planning to
go eamping, it is not -certain that the
mounteia istreant will be uncontamian-
ated, Neither is it possible to have an
expert, or a chenueal laboratory at
lotua to eorreet the ehorteominge,
fie, this being the ease, it will he
WISO to know some eaey, simple way ot
purifying the drinking water your!
eelves, Read this little suggestion eare-
fully; eta it ^oat and paste it in die me-
:nor:outwit book you are planning to
take with yon when. you start for the
summer rest, Follow this proeedure:
"Take a, level teaspoonful of ehlor-
ide of lime. Bub it up in a teacup of
water nutil there are no lumps. Dilute
it, with three eupfula of water. Keep
tide iodution in 0, carefully etuppered
bottle until needed. A teaspoonful of
thie etock eolutien added to a two -
gallon pail of water end etirred thor-
oughly should dest'roy typhoid and
other harmful germs in the course of
ten minutes or so. If this quantity
'should make the water laete. don't use
quite se much. Preeaution, Met 'the
chloride of lime metallie eases).
if tyou have pure water and protect
the toed front Viet, the summer tiara
tion should be produetive of geettle Too
often eareleteuees in one of tffse res.
peete emotes after effects whieh are not
et all in keeping with what we hope for
when we take the trouble to rest awhile.
While it is of greatest itnportance from
every standpoint, to keep the Sabbath :AA
a day of vest and inspiration, it is equally
important that one take into mm81(10111-
tion the fundamental essentials of both
rot and inspiration. Rest collies Of
change of thought and idea. quite as
much as of relaxatlun: !Nisi mind must
lie led alto new channels, and the body
be given a clianne to recuperate after the
toll of the week,
pril •
K neep IY11 L me t In the house
'4 4$
- (Torooto Globe)
'.i`bitt the legalizing of marriage with a
deceestd Wife's mister does hot include
legalizing Marriage With a &ceased hus-
band's brother is a point rateer in a Quo-
bea court. And yet we wonder at the
digging up of golf Mats!
Wake I.AXATiVZ 13ROatO Quinine Tab -
We. Druggist' refund motley if it falls to
cure. B. W. GROVIO'S signature is on each
box. Zo.
At prteent diveree is a rich man's mil -
DIVORCE COURpceTliltaiNezeEli:177bm.yona
tyltileotitneo.esibtlirietretsliroefs the maiority people.
;It divorce is to be reeognizea as a valid
eight, it Might to be put within the reach
of ell, Poyerty dote not afford tt Kati -
tient reasOn for the continuation .of bond*
that are judged littoierable, JUstioe de-
•mands eliange, quite twain from the
encrottelanent of diyoree eases upon the
ai!i„iate's time.
-1 >re...-. r.,..rerserr.
For Women's Ailments
D • Martel's Female Pills have been
the Standard for 20 years and for
40 years prescribed and recom.
mended by Physicians. Accept no
other. At all druddists.
s -
(London Advertiser)
No one but a blind pessimlet can fail
to see that in every department of Hee
three has been Proarems. We need only
to go back a few eenturies wben war
Meant slaughter and retitle to tile non
combatant AS well as to the soldier;
when in the highest vociety there was
the lowest standard or puritY;
Wben religiouss seats thought more ow
their dogmas than of Christianity; when
polities was a game of rorruptiun in
which every man had his price; when
the masses were degraded and rich. How
oatt a thoughtful man compare -the past
with the present and not realize that
eyerywhere there has hewn beprovement?
That there is evil In tite world to -day
it not questioned. Feeble intellect:A, de-
based souls. starved bodies, and only too
impeovement eannot for a moment be
abundant. But that there has been nu
for Gall Stones, Kidney Trouble, Kid-
ney Stones, Bladder Stones, Gravel,
Lumbae-e and all diseases arisapg
from Zie Acid. Price $1.50.
only remedy which has a record of -
'complete cures of Diabetes. Pricer
For sale at all leading druggiets.
Send for free literature.
The Sanol Manufacturind Co., Ltd.
Winniped, Man.
(New "York Sun)
justiee Glegerich, of the Supreme Court
et' this State has, decreed a separation
for a year of a wife and her husband,
against whom mhe alleges certain griev-
anves here passed over. Judge Glegerich
holds that the trouble of the two are
not so portentous and irrelqincilable that
a year's absence and reflection may not
make reunion and renewed attection out
r the result of this particular
ease, a large and tolerant wisdom luuks
from the decree. Too many divorces
are as busty as too many marriagee, and
especially where one or both parties are
young, high strung, romantic., full of
the intolerance or youth and stung by
the realiton or a seeming disillusion and
It is not so unlikely as most other
thinge in this world of marvele whieh
has so common a face that If many mar -
ride folks were separated by the law for
periods or weeks, months or years, ftc»
cording to the stage or the pattents, they
-would confirm the old proverb and give
the young a mighte sight less to do.
Tour druggist will refund money if PATO
OINTMENT fails to cure any ease of Itch-
ing. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles
in 6 to 14 days. 60e.
(Philadelphia Reword)
The birthrate declines most rapidly
among the well-to-do. This appears not
'only from the- comparieon of_ the rural
and urban birthrate in Uermany, but also
from other available statislleal informa-
tion. Among English titled famines,
who patents of nobility date back 200
years ur mare, seven was the average
number of ehildren born to each couple
in the deCade ended 1840; in the decade
ended in 1900 •the number was three.
The "confidential" census made by Sid-
ney Webb, the eminent English sociolog-
ist, "MIMS 12o "Intellectuals" indhattes
ti at the average number of children
Atm THE FoUNDATioti.olvtaciott APP0Aptiott
- EAsy:rousu. coop. P.OR. THE'SHOES
,aew /
(Detroit Free Press)
The eeneational, mneksralting minimter
who eelivers easiat's on vase before WANTED.
mixed audiences or, younf and old, im
MA AiW10
ISSUE NO. 22, 1913
subJect to the Sallie OUR: eats to which
the weitere of eensational sex otoriee
the pitveyors ox risque plays are eubjeet,
enly in great degree, The olergymen who
ItabituellY indulges in ouch sermonizing
is more et a ntenaee titan a good, and. has
sfohrugutort,stetno 1,eltpeet4iittaniesethrialitilleiltstsLoann too lieuttild
up for the horror or the elet and the in..
:lurY of hint:Went Child110011. the 1040011e
tiete.11$ or the sinS of the ungodly. ,
Title of course does not aeaply to the
itlelliff11114StreartS NSf'thaiii
adviee 'when such advice seems to be par-
ttioculitaisr ifieloecaletsai or in private or tioeceal
flipanking dim not cure children of bed -
!rotting. There to a conotitutionat 08.11110
for this trouble, adre. AL Summers, Box
W. 8, Windsor, Oita, will send tree to
any mother her Pueceasfel home treat-
ment. vvith full inetruetione. Send no
money, but write herlo-day if your child,
ran trouble you -In this Way. Don't
help IL This. treatment also cum adults
ficulties by day tie night.
blame the Onanoes are it can't
and aged eeeple troubled with urine die.
(Philadelphia Record).
'War in swat an -immeasurable calm!.
ty that it is unite the fashion of depre-
catory stutesmen to Motet upon heavy
war expenditures as t1 Means of pre-
venting war. All tite great powertt or
the world are now taxing their people
to the point of exletitstion to raise ItiOney
to keep big armies in field, and Wahl
mote battleships. The time Seents to he
close at hand when there will be lesser
hardship in fighting titan to starve in
the maintenance of ah armed peace,
wile cured of Dronchitle and. Aetlima
by alt NARD'S al N IMES T.
• a LAS, A. LT V I SC.tinNE.
, Lot. 3, P. E. 1.
1 Was eurea a a eevere attack, of
Rhomnatiem by MINA.RD'S LANIMENtt.
Mahone 'Ray. 3011,N' MA. D E
I 'Wee cured, of a eeverely eprained leg
el' tor nieht wora. APPlea. The Slimes-
, lee aitinuttieturIng Co., -Limited,. Brant-
ford, Ont.
work. Apply, The SlingsbY Manufactur.
Mg' Co., Limited, Brantford, Ont,
T ing help. r•XPerieneed men prefer-
rtd. APPlY, The Slingsby manufacturing.
co., Linated, Brantford. Ont.
It is sometimee difficult to keep
the kitchen. paper free of grease stains,
They inay be removed entirely if a
mixture ot pipe clay and water, made
the consistency of cream, is spread
over them and allowed to remain over
night. In the. morning it should be
removed with a cleaa brush or cloth,
When selecting poultry, see that the
feet are soft and moist, the eyes clear
and the flesh plump.
For dissolving carbolic acid crystals
for insecticide and disinfectant, use
boiling water. For household uses,
the crystals will answer, but for medi-
cinal uses the tiner preparationa
.should be need.
Be sure to get the first cockroach
that comee, and watch. diligently for
his followers; otherwise a colony of
them Will soon. establish themselves
and your tabors be greatly increased.
Old ettrains may be removed from
leather by applying powdered pipe
clay mixed with Mire water to a paste;
apply and allow the paste to remain
on the leather for several hours, Re-
peat it necessary.
Per marriage was less than twe. in an
English bet:anent! soelety. whose mem-
bership inultelee nearlr 000,0® working-
men, and which advaueee thirty shillings.
as a lying-in benefit to etteh member's
-wife in the event of vonfinement, the
Maims diminiehed from 247 per thoueand
in 1880 to 117 per thouttabd in revolt yeare.
This indicate:4 a decline of more than lie
per cent. in the larthrttte within a period .
thIrty Yeatie among the more provident
workingmen's familiee or England.
Minard's Liniment Lumberman's
Here's a Tongue -Twister,
At a mock Parlianieut held in Bristol,
the "Hon. Member for strauraer" asked
the "Atilt Hon. President of the Board
of Trade" (referring to the Merchent
fihippiug Act, 1894, Prevention of Col.
Iiiiions) "Whether a lightermau, having
two light lighters in tow, would be re-
quire(' to light a lighter light on the
lighter lighter, so that the lighter the
lighter the lighter the light':
The President replied: "Obviously
the answer is in the negative 1400
the lighter lighter beiug the lighter,
Ana the Use of the comparative 'lighter'
deneting that the lighter im already
'light,' the lighter of the lighte would
be regaired to light a lighter light on
the lighter lighter, einee the lighter
lighter is lighter them the light
Vortune never toullee mail who
stook `b:ttr oat of countenano.
E 0' •EI,E.E.1, •• WPM..
(Detroit atlas Press)
After sebool, what? This is the preblem
of the daugtere of the rich, who have
plenty of money and nothing' to du.
tulud as well hands being
unemeloyea, they have their perintle or
comet-gezing, returning. to earth some.
'what Ittnnillated but no better aff then.
before, ana the Wettest; and the ,drifttme
aelp unfit them for life'e More serious
Gluties in Marriage. It has been, said, that
a baby is "a continuoue entployment."
but the well-to-do mothers turn the Wald
over nt a nurse and as t matroa von -
cents herself with those publio questlOps
of finance ankl management Whiell she
tentsiders beneata Iter when applied to her
(awn bantselteld.
An Old Offender Caught
:For yeare he lute caused. endlees trolls
lila but whoa Putnam's 'Corn Extractor
was applied, he canto out, roots and all.
'Any writ or wart meet in twenty-foar
hours hy "Putuainti Extractor." 254, at
all dealers.
(Philadelphia Record)
We (lon't wish to be skeptioal, but thee.
repeuted stories front London aboaCirtif-
fraeette bumbs are becoming a little tire -
t sume.A. remarkable feature abeut tatept
is that the bombe never exploder and abfiti
a policeman ulwa-ys bobs up ttist 1tt titae
to see a pair of disappeartags aktet# pre-
euniably those uf the atsonettes, and. to
save the threatened property trent ate-
struotion, Either the suffragetto, are tbe
victims of some base and unsorupulbue
man, who 1Norks on them. hernias tbat.
wOn't explode, or the Governtaent,
ing the Russian plan, is donate a little
terrorism of its own. In VieW 'er the lefiL
eha.racter of the- Asquith Citbinet ete
latter stlpposition in quite unte le.
We prefer to belief that in bottibet vete-,
I lig', as in 00 many others thinks, W.0111.10.41:
is the dupe of man, ever as a deeeltaer.
Not evelt in seeking the sulfrage by 'aloe
lent inealis can he be trusted.
Dr. Mor se's
India,zik Root Pills
are net a new and untried remedy -
our grandfathers used them. Half a
century ago, before Confederation,
they were on sale in nearly every drug
orgeneral store in the Canade of that
day, and were the recognized cure in
thousands of homes for Conatipation,
Indigestion, 13 iliousne,ss, Rheumatism
and Kidhey and Liver Trooblee. To-
-day they are just es effectiveriust as
reliable as ever, and nothing better
has yet been devised to 43
Cure Common Ills
(Philadelphia Record)
Higher education certainly comes higil
Amevice4 Harvard 'Phivertty
sity or college, however, which poseess-
tuition of students, hut despite thls pince-
ly revenue, greater than that of some
States, it had a deficit or over $16,000.
This dispartly between the total invonte
neti atnount paid by the students, little
more than quarter, shows to how great
an eXtent oar leading educational Institu-
tions must depend upon the returns from
their investments and the gifts or
friends to meet. current_ experimes, Pr -u
bably liarvard Which has Investments
totaling nearly $26:000,000, ts rather an exs
laieme example, or tills kind. No waver -
es any standing', !could. exist for a year
tr entirely dependent upon its income hem
iiMtsinsaurield'esntLnIment Used by Physiclant
(Belleville ontariooe.
For the benefit of flume peon innocent
suckers who have by patient effort ballt
inneeent suelterie or to theta who are
tempted by the premise of speedy wealth
to hazard their hardly eerned savings
in western 'subdivisions about n Idea n
Ing is known aside from what is diselos-
ed by the glib -tongue agetteato teese
innoeent suokersat or to those whO are
teMPted to become suckers, wo Would
reiterate the warning. v.e have issued
several times before, don't bite until you
are sued what you ate biting ,on..
"And, ;before We were married you said
you Would. be willing. to die. for ma"
"1 know it." "And yet you refutes to
beat the rugs!' ' "Sure. Dying hs niy
Ts CLEAN, and
Oiance of
if you llsa
The Goaranteed "ONE DYE for
All Kinds of (loth."
l'itY 11' end prove It for yourself
Send for Free Color Card. Story Booklet, and Book. -
let giving result/I of Dyeing over other colors.
The Johneon-Itielterdson Co.. Limited, . Mintreal
(Buffalo 'News)
They who are anxious tu promote the
businees of selling war material etre
fostering the war spirit in every way.
Tbe proof is conclusive on that point.
aingoeit in the press, generttls and adthir--
als in the service are all singing the earns
warlike song and ail plea.dings that the
people burden themselves upspeakably
to spending money nni prepara.tione for
war and running' a race that leads to
katnkruptey in order to get some advan-
tage over eaeli other.
The old doctrine that one must pre -
Pare for war In time Of peace is strained
out of ell common- sense and reeson.
a,Every organization or men and women
fit atty. country that pleads .for peace and
Cur the adjustment of disputes by arbltra,
Lion is entitled to respect and encourage-
Whig Shoes
saroar* sr ra r rears** arsra. ,
elietreit laree Prost)
Tlie farmer is, es a rule, a poor eeon-
outlet. lie -Seittote keeps at:equine, or
lovers 'beyond piiiesSWork, the profit Or
losis on a time. Wherever a man lute
Made miniey rit farming he has laid gong
business inetlect and has done as inuell
work wile I& head and with his hands.
yet he, like hie bruthere, is handicapped
by lack. of help.
Ask for telinard's and take no other.
iofloee 1Pinger ;:hint says he ealt beat
you plus Int; poker with ONO band Hen."
Ittrellog izing. After seeing Sam
handle a pack of (girds, the 1n*e tinni.
SOn (111Evn Won't play tiaras wit!, lam
except On tliP211 preelse contialutis."
etttl yixt Strange The elyeyeatte efjetteled lettere tete tia ratite Of Cleat well known trult4. It *0141/00 C.414
IN "I DISTRIBUTION 'I'1113 ABOVE, rnize. o to tele Lot, nr.trypatiente anS per.
sevrittrite$,OU elle probably friskistfit 5 bt 4eftlirint. In the perutet *1.0 Cat k 0.6 the( 14114:66 hutAbtt Irid Win
give the tee of One Itenete4 noliets, TetLe penhe Making out 11,,,e tz,60,1 largeat number elm aura of VIny
Ocilla* plc, the reteno waking 11.4 third largest IlUtribtt Old oral ctli.iny thtt Petting InittaCI the
f4sits• 10'10'3 tellet.et the et -et et Donets, ..0-1.ola1.1 ten t etaous (wild att,Iferst entICIv cot& t, tha Eta two
_ 1,titag win La dhl,led 'between thote,lerich tecelyInst pt. *0 bk,01,Z4 tretta ittO In &pally t Otratt afasteettee
first tiles ptites 4Evii hue to lin divit led. teats receiving Ttio on), Eh ouht rollwatint aen,I equally tatrea ittiWtfiko
the whole test ef$260,eoe111 LA Mtliagy Os‘li wetting $:0.001•*$14 ee MY le like prop$4400ea.titoticlitel
W14•11. egler YOUR, ONEY WItr.11 YO'1, 4001.461VUH. 111IR AD111.74.T131e1411'til; Itvon can st.alc•
the,' alth simple coltion abaut It_e *tiv.,i re fir n 16$ tritVittlt itO te, elved WU In) NOT
(03 IttlitthItit nompleta lat. valte fit Once eetb.aitig .74t etatep eer tolp, 14 Vol, Du,A,r,,,
whia A'4 -`0`'.c.*.: /44tom. oksADTAI ,ana Dave 21. litostsitn,