HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-29, Page 5• 'litmsDAy, 9, 1913 Choice Straw Hats You will surely want a Straw Tat for the 24th. Our showing comprises all the good sorts in every shape that is correct— Pariamas, Sennits, Split -trews Prices $1.00 to $8.50 Less 5 per cent. Discount for Cash. Soft Shirts Are Ready For looks, for fit, for wear, for style, come here to choose your shirts. See the new soft French cuff and the new soft separate collar shirts that add so much to a man's Summer comfort. Prices $1.00 to ,2.00, less 5 per cunt. Discount for Cash. Underwear It's our variety of Underwear in materials and styles of making, and our unusual range of sizes, that has built up for us our big Underwear business. Boys' sizes 22 to 34, Men's sizes 34 to .48. The Clothier SUCCESSOR TO McGEE & CAMPBELL F • Music Emporium Wingham - -Ont. 'Carries a complete line of High Grade Musical Instruments of every description. Player Pianos ; Organs of almost any make ; Phono- grap'hs, Edison and Victor ; Stringed Instruments of all kinds ; Violins a specialty ; Sewing Machines, Canadian and American. We wish to impress you with the fact that we will sell you anything that produces music, at prices and terms to snit the purchaser. Anyone intending to purchase a Piano should consider well before purchasing from travelling agents. We are here permanently and you can see the instrument you are baying. Give us a chance to compare. Two Stores. Opposite Skating Rink. North End. Phone 222. P. 0. Box 156. GET YOUR ,SPRING SUIT NOW Z hay's a large fresh stock of the best and latest goods, which are sure to please. Suitable for Ladies and Gentlemen. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. E. C. WHITE .•.a% rrl0P104'entrain Pinea pples Lowest Market Price. Season nearly over. SALMON Busy as Ever Selling: Fire Insurance Life Assurance Accident Assurance Plate Glass Assurance Tornado Assurance Live Stock Assurance Real Estate C. P. R. Tickets Steamboat Tickets Something doing all the time. Ritchie & Cosens RFL. ESTATE AND INSURANCE Wingham, Ont. WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. GEO. SLEEMAN, JOHN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE do OOSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont Best gnality Lynx brand 25c ; ( Red Poppy, good, 22c ; Derby brand, 20c ; Autumn Leaf, 18c ; good quality in half size, 15c. 1 MAXWELL'S OLt' STAND Phone a27, - OPPOSITE HAVE. 0114 IIAMILxON. DRIED FRUITS Apricots that were 15c, for 12c Peaches were 130, Jor l.lo ; best Valencia Raisins 10 cta. ; best quality Currants 10c. SOAP Comfort Soap 6 for 25 ; Shell brand Castile: 6 for 25o ; Witch Hazel Soap 100 for 50. Best Lard 18c ib. Swift's Jewel Compound 13c. W IN WTIAM General Hospital. (Under Governmex.b Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (whioh include bbardsand nursing)—$4.90 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For further, informa- tion—Address MISS L. MATTHEWS Superintendenb, Box- 223, ''Wingham, Onb. W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE DR, WILSON. RESIDENCE—MISS GRACEY. Phone 179. Night Phone 148. Ex Gov. Vet. Inspector. DR. E. H. COOK VETERINARY SURGEON SuccrEssoR TO DR. WILSON DOGS AND SURGERY A SPECIALTY Residence and Office in Dr.11IcDonald'a old residence on Centre Street, next to English Church. 'Phone 250. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate, an Money `Loaning business. DUDLEY 11OLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc, 0 1t e : Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. WINGHAM. DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFFICES --Corner Patrick and Centro streets PHONES— Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. .Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. 3, REDMOND M. R. C. S.4' (Eng. L. R. C. P. (Lend.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) TES "' ''ING"AM AIV,ANOB Cranbrook. Rev, O. Tat,; and family arrived bat week. Mr. Howard Stewart is laid up with a sore hand, Miss Relen Black spent the holiday with relatives at Blyth., Mr. R. (arniss made a business trip t() Stratford this week, Miss 13, Thynne of Palmerston spent 'unday with relatives here, Duff and^ Stewart shipped ave car - wad of maple axles last week, Mr, Robt. Hamilton visited friends at Whitechurch over Sunday. Mrs. A J. Helm is visiting her sister :Its, O. W. Keeling of Cargill. Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Oloakey visited the formers father on Saturday. Miss Bertha Calder of Toronto spent the holiday with friends in the village. Mrs. Urquhart and her daughter of a wen Sound are visiting at the manse, Mr, F. Cook of Saskatoon visited his brother Rev, J. E. Qook last week. The frost Sunday night did consid- erable damage to garden and field crops, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ritchie of Galt were visiting their mothers here during the holiday, There ware a couple of very interest- ing ball games on the school grounds Saturday afternoon, Geo, Wynn shipped a carload of c Lttle Monday, and S. Paul a carload of hogs Wednesday. Mrs. John Galbraith and Miss Florence of London spent a few days this week with Mrs. Hayes. Mr. John McIntosh who came here from Portage La Prairie and has been laid up all winter with rheumatism, we are pleased to see that he is able to ba around again. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S.. L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. Office in Macdonald Block— W. R. HAMBLV, B,Sc., CI, Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Ohildren, having taken postgraduate work in St1r- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medteine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Br►ptist Church. All business given careful attention. 'hone 54, P, O. Pox 118 lee Cream always on hand. G. fl ROSS, D.D$SI LDS. mRs GRI8DALEon1 r Grrxdunir tAcrtx e oCha goy al dollpge a Dpi a1 s g ef of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto 1 'aoulty o4 Dentistry. ornoitt ovna f. lt. X&144D & C!o'a, STORE A Bluevale. Miss L. McCall left on Monday for Delhi, Miss riorence AiteMeon of Stratford WAS home over Sunday. Mies Nellie Burgess of Toronto spent a few days with her parents. Mies Mary Bell of Belgrave spent Sunday with Mrs. A,. McGee. Mrs, T. J. Watt of Clinton spent a few days this week with Mrs. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. K, Messer of London spent Sunday with the formers mother. Mr. and Mrs. Cross of Palmerston spent the holidays with Mrs, Bruce, Mrs, Sanderson and Buster Griffiths of Toronto are up for a few clays holi- days. Mrs, G. Gannett and Mrs. J, Green- away of Wingham spent Sunday in the village. Mrs, J. G. Stewart and daughter Mrs. A, Ferguson of Wingham visited friends in the village last week. Mr, and Mrs. S. Paul and daughters attended the wedding of Miss Bearle Andrews of Fordwich on the 24th. Tae following is the report of Blue - vale School for May :--Entrance--L. Wilburn, E. Diment, G. Curtis, M. Gray, E. Wilburn, W. Shaw. Sr.. 4th—L. Elliott, 0, Jewitt, Jno, Gray, L. Breckenridge, O. Black. Jr. 4th H. Holmes, P. Smeltzer, F. Tait, M. McGee, 11. Haney, Jno, McMichael, S. Hall. Sr. 3rd --H. Messer, 0, Mc- Donald, A. Smeltzer, S. McMichael, E. McKinney, R. Breckenridge, Jno, Nicholson. Jr. 3rd—S. Elliott. Sr. 2ad—S. Gallaher, E. Elliott, M. Curtis, B, Gannett, E. Elliott. Jr. 2nd—J. Watson, A. McKinney, E. McMichael. Pt, 2nd—J. Black, J. Gray, J. Brecken- ridge, K. McDonald. Sr. tat—H. Watson, 0. Elliott, H. Elliott, G. El- liott, C. Gannett, W. Mundell, A. r rrru.rr.r, Cook, E Nichol. Jr, 1st -0. Messer, R, Thomas, R. Elliott, E. Wale, 0. Breckenridge, 0, Stewart, E. Wil- burn.—A, L. 1'osiiif, teacher, East Wawanosh. Another of the old residents of East Wawanosh has passed away in the person of Nr, Alexander Morton of the Oth concession. Mr. Morton was horn in Arbroath, Scotland, on Nov, 28a13, 1822 Ile Ca1310 with his wife and family to America in April, 1851, and lived for a time in Beverley town- ship, coming to East Wawanosh in 1801. The family lived for eight years on the 19th con., then moved to the farm which they purchased on the 8;.h, where he has since resided until called to a Higher Home on Wednes- day, May 21st, Mr, Morton was a man of sterling character and studious mind, Being of such a retiring dis- position he was better understood by those most intimate with him and best appreciated by those nearest and dearest to him. Mrs. Morton preced- ed him in death by about 4 years, and all the remaining members of his family attended the funeral which took place at 1.30 o'clock on Saturday, May 24th, 1913, to the Brandon ceme- tery, Belgrave. Howick Boundary. Mr. Geo. Doubledee spent a few days last week with friends in Har - Aston. Lena Doubledee left last week for Toronto where she will spend a few weeks with friends. Misses Bolt of the 8th line, Turn - berry, called on Mr. and Mrs. H. Merk- ley on Sunday last. Mrs. J. Wylie with her grandchil- dren, Greer and Jean Wylie, spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Halliday on the B line, W. G. Patterson's c IS THE PLACE TO BUY • JUNE WEDDING GIFTS We have the newest and swellest goods ever shown in Wingham for June Wedding Gifts. Alt kinds of- Diamond Ring from $10.00 to $300.00. You can save 20 per cent. on Diamond Rings by buying them here, and a large stock to choose from. All kinds of Pearl Rings from $3.00 to $50.' ,All kinds of newest styles 'in Luck Wedding Rings. A large stock of the newest styles of Pearl Necklets, Pearl Pendents and Brooches. A large stock of all the newest kind of Jewelry at right prices. For Cut Glass and Silverware we have got them all beaten. W. G. Patterson Tlie Great Watch Doctor. i�ih -.rr.rrr 1‘4411111/111110, a SARD'S MEN'S WEAR STORE BARGAINS Our Men's Wear Section is crowded with all the New Spring and Summer Styles in Men's, 'Youths' and Boys, ReadyRtopwear Clothing. Take a look and see what a saving we can make for you in any- thing needed for Men's or Boys' Wear. Men's Rubber Coats, "National Brand" Guaranteed Coats, best styles, big stock to choose from ; see our leader for $6.75. GENTS FURNISHINGS.—New Neckwear, New Collars, New Shirts, New Braces, New Socks, Underwear and Working Shirts, Heavy Striped Shirts 49c. HA.TS AND CAPS.—Just opened up a shipment of Spring Hats and Caps. We have all the leading styles and makes for both men's and boys' wear. New style. Hard Felt Hats $2.50 valve for $2.00. CLOTHING.—New Spring Suits for Men and Boys at less than City prices. Special values in Blue and Black Serge Suits. BARGAIN FOR MEN.—Fancy Worsted Suit, well made, excellent cloth, regular value $12.00, our price $10.00. CUT PRICES IN BOYS' SUITS.—Made with Bloomers or plain Pants, every Suit made. to give the best of satis- faction. See them. Prices are—$2.75, $3.00, $3.25, $3.50, $3.75, $4.00, $4.50. BOOTS AND SHOES.—Just opened up, new Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys' Wear. Find out our prices and see what a saving we can make for you in Foot- wear. See our Special Bargain for Men at $2.50. Strong Boots for Boys $1.75 and $2.00. BOYS' RIBBED HOSE, 15e. MEN'S WEARING SOCKS, 15c. 114. . l , 1 .I .. . i .I .. I 1 Isard & Co, I imfd`:.'a`i ll"a"i�ic.. .. l^i 1, socia ' ` tt' a4iiiiasAiss Illitlfis ' '�1,rti9..trilat1taus"' • SrnlI H ts, Medium Hats, Large Hats, Dress Hats, Tailored Suit Hats, Pana- ma Hats, and all the latest and most popular trimming effects. Every article en- tirely new; Open evenings. Mrs. Runstedler's Millinery Parlors. 2 Doors North of Mr. Hamilton's Drug Store. T t ISE HANGED BEFORE JULY 1st A car load of Wall Paper having the most up-to-date designs suitable for every room in a persons' house. Prices ranging from 5c a Roll up. Come in and look over our large stock. Sample bocris sent to your home if required. "vi• KNOX .14tIr OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL PHONE 65.