HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-29, Page 3a"rIIU11,$ AY,, M Y 29, 191 ii N9 4fh ThePropriefaryQr (Meat ricdicineAct. AVegetable Pre et on forAs., slmitating the Food AndReeulai. tinglheStomachsand itowel'sot i' ol�l 0,it o� 1 +p1 TO i 'ornf,nts and children. ici glad You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ••••••••••••••.. Promotes Digestion,Cheetrul•I ness anditest.Containsneiulcr Opiutu.Morphttte norw'l►litteeal. NOP NARCOTIC, I' :I • +mww—..._., Ic+.-...•••. Ap rfect Remedy forConshpa. lion, SourStomach,Dierrboeai Worms,Canvulsions.Fev"er isle ness and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSim,ggile Signatere of Gl::t� .d �iPll TUE CENTAURC3MPA11Y• MONTREAL&NEW YORK In Use For ever Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. • THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY.. The old folks are never lonesome ---they always have company when there's an PhonograPh Edison on the table. For ther4 and the young folks, the scope of the new Blue Amberol Records includes everything, from old time favorites to present day tunes—popular and classical. The real fun and enjoyment afforded by an Edison Phonograph' is unequalled by any other instrument made. A call on your Edison dealer will convince you. ,,.R.-.. A" Thomas A. Edison. Inc.,100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N.J., U. S. A. A complete Bine of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found 4 DAVID BELL 25 Cts. To Stop That Itch. Does it not seen strange that so many people suffer year in and year out with eczema? A 25 cont bottle of a simply wash stops the itch and will surely convince any patient. This wash is composed of mild and soothing oil of wintergreen mixed with thymol and glycerine, etc., and known as D. D. D. Pre.- cription. We do not know how long the D. D. I). Laboratories will continuo the 25 cent offer, as the remedy is regularly sold only In $1 00 bottles and has never before been put on the market in Canada on any special offers. If you want relief to -night try a bottle at 25 eents on ourersonal recommendation. .A_, L. HAMILTON, Druggist. 4u1,.ar Pic V.. I ii.ip. . Sul pill Ila iAU ,1. DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS ISSUED udiemmansonseatsemelleolf There is (one rn Jour Town EVERY Railroad Station has an Express Office. In every town and city in the country there is at least one place where you can get Express Money Orders. To send currency in a letter is never* safe. Even when sent by registered mail, there is danger of loss. Dominion Express Money Orders are SAFE. You CANNOT lose ft Bingle tent because the Express Company will reimburse you for the full face vans of your order, if your letter should be lost in the mail. Call on your local Express Agent. You'll find hind courteous and obliging. Ask him to explain a (e* of the many advantages of • von_inlon The l,xprcss Money Order is favored by inisii1c65 null as the m,idcrn method of ve- udtting n pie . men, recognizing no ,igniticaance of this ixct, are A1') etllopt ing his pare, simple it ! s`atisfsetory way of sending money by m*il. ()nett &foreign Cheques .divemiiimisegoineemahoweiftwift • RATES $5 and under.. ..sr, Over $5 to OA , da "" 10 '" " 80 it 50.. ,11SC. 50 set dame rates, • Cranb rook. Wm, Sienion le visiting Lietowel Mends, Lynn and Mrs, Evans visited Lis- towel friendsat the end of the week, Mrs. Carter of. Avonton is visiting her patents, Chas, and Mrs. Alderson, Mrs, Oorsalitz, sr,, bad the X 1 fotune of falling and breaking her leg,. A carry -all was well filled with delegates to the meeting in Bluevale on Tuesday, Rev, Mr. McKelvey of Trowbridge took the service in the Methodist Church Sunday afternoon, Salem. Mr, Ed, Bennett has had his barn re -shingled, Mr. and Mr'. Richard Palmer visit - e,1 friends in Brussels last Sunday, Mrs. Wm. Weir and son Wilfred and Mre. Robert Weir of Toronto visited friends near Fordwich last week, Mr, and Mrs. Pickle from near Tees - water called on Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer last Sunday, Mr. B, F. Carr of Wroxeter occupied the pulpit here last Sunday, the pastor, Mr. Laekland, having to preach in Gorrie. A. large number from here attended the re -opening service in Belmore last Sunday evening. Mr, Hibbert of Gorrie preached an excellent sermon to a large congregation. Grey. Miss Martha Johnston is spending a week with Mrs, 5, Carter of Brus- sels. Mr, G. D. and Mre. Parks and little son were with Listowel friends for the week -end. Will and Mrs, Hamilton spent Sun- day with the former's brother, Tom, of Molesworth. Mr. Jno. McEwen with 'Miss Mar- garet and Master Gordon spent Satur- day at Mr. McEwen's parental home in Turnberry. Messrs, D. Strachan and Will King of Jamestown have both erected new windmills during the past week. Grey farmers believe in having all the latest improvements. The lantern views of "From Toronto to the Coast" given in Roe's Church on May 13th were enjoyed by a goodly number of Greyites. It would not be a surprise if a number succumb to the Western fever in the near future. The Sabbath School held in 5. S, No. 4, Grey, for the past two years, re- organized last week withthe follow. ing officers —Mr, Robt. McAllister, leader ; Mr. A. McLennan, Sec,-Treas, and Mr. Joe Kelly, Miss Eva Bryans, Mrs. Job King and Mr. Jno. McEwen as teachers. Culross. The Council met May 19th as a Court of Revision and appeal. The Reeve was appointed Chairman of the Court. Armstrong — Thompson — That the Council as a body act as a Court of Revision—carried, Armstrong—Thompson — That we exclude the North Huron and South Bruce Telephone Cos. from assessment as required by the Amendment to the Statut,s=carried. Donald-on—Thompson -- That the appeal , of John Parker requesting dog to be struck off assessment roll. That we cannot grant the request as it w uld be contrary to Statute— cart ied, D inaldson—Case—That as there are her vacant houses in the Township hat are assessed that we cannot re- duce the assessment on lot 12, con. A—carried. Donaldson—Armstrong — That the Assessor's valuation on lot 33, con, 5, be sustained—carried. Armstrong --Thompson — That we not entertain the appeal of Noah Strome on lots 33 and 31, con.4 as we do not consider the assessment too high --carried. Thompson—Case--That we cannot, entertain the appeal of Wm. Stringer on north pt, of lot 30, con, 15, as we consider it not too high—carried. Armstrong—Case—That we do not entertain the appeal of Jas. Whytoek on lot 22, con. (1, under the circum- stances a reduction may be made next year. ---parried, Donaldson—Thompson—That as the appeal of Jos, Waddell has been con- sidered by this board we consider him assessed 'too low and raise him two hundred dollars on lots 31 and 32, con, 4 --carried. Case—Armstrong--That we adjourn the Court of Revision until 1 o'clock —carried. The Court resumed at 1 o'clock, Armstrong Thompson ' That aei all the appeals entered has been dealt with. That the Court of Revision be now closed for 1013—carried, The Council then met for other busi- nese, The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and on motion of Don- aldson and Thompson were adopted. Thompson--Case—That Sae. Thomp- son and Jno. Armstrong be appointed to gravel and repair the lOth sideroad, eon. 13. Armstrong --• Thompson — That we appoint Wm. Case to have the bridge repaired on 1st, sideroad, coni 2 --car- ried. Donaldson -- Thempson --- That tate Reeve and Wm. Case have the bridge at lot ti, con. 12 repaired --carried. Thompson — Armstrong — That we appoint the Reeve and W_n , parse to repair the bridge opposite lot 28, 0011,2 as sooti tie poadibie -carried. Armstrong — Donaldson — That we appoint 1"aloonetr--Thompson-.-to have the Orange fridger ,repaired as soon 1te; possIbie--oaten& THE WINGHAM ADVANCE V t NANou REI.'oR ,`. Gordon Melvin, rep. road, $1 ; Peter Lenchen, road through fields, $6 ; Dan MacKay, col, of salary as assessor and postage, $11; Jno, Scott putting in culvert on gravel road, $6; Adan. Mc- Kay for printing, $2 50 ; Jno, Seott, 124 yds, gravel, $1, The Connell then adjourned to meet again on Monday, Tune 23rd, or at the call of the Reeve, Chas. Button, Clerk, BRONCHITIS SUFFERER Takes. Druggist's Advice With Splendid Result, If anyone should know the worth of a medicine, it is the retail druggist who sells it over his counter every day in the week, a,nd is in a position to know what remedy gives the best satisfaction. MTS. Frank II, Uline, of West Sand Lake, N. Y., says; "For a number of years I was a great sufferer from bronchitis. Last July I had an attack which was more severe than any, and my friends thought I could not recover from it. Then I was advised by my druggist to try Vinol, which I did,. with wonderful results. My cough has left me; I have gained in weight and appetite, and I am as strong as ever I was. I advise all who have bronchitis, chronic coughs,. or who are run down to try Vinol." It its the combined action of the medicinal curative elements of the cod's liver, without the greasy, oil, aided by the blood -making and strength -creating properties of tonic iron that makes Vinol so efficient. Remember, we guarantee` Vinol to do just 'what we say — we pay back your money if it does not. J. W. MoKibbon, Druggist, Wingham. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make you a new roan. Price 18 a box or two for 15. Mailed to any address. The Sco leUDrug Co., St. Catharines. Ont. r.....,••••••••0%."...-•••••••••••".....•••/...-..4%,••••••~..ow. s , I IHOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan Alberta .Each Tuesday until October 28, inclusive Via Chicago or Sarnia WINNIPEG AND RETURN .$35.00 EDMONTON ANI) RETURN .......$43.00 Proportionate low rates to other points, ( Return limit two months Through Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars are operated to Winnipeg without charge via Chicago and St. Paul, leaving Toronto 11.00 p. m. on above dates. Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. Full particulars and reservations from. Grand Trunk Agents, or write C. E I$orp- ing, D.P.A., Union Station, Toronto, ,Ont. H. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket LA .,. gent, phone 4 ; W. F. Burgman, Station Ticket Agent, phone 50. ww w.. .1101111111011014110110110111110001 111 1111 h,. 1 1e.I i 1.1 1111 ,_ MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES We have put in a stock of Men's Boots & Shoes and solicit a share of your patronage. MENDING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. A. HAUGH 4- 1'1 1 '4'?33":3* t titiie5'Ctili*f..; 1.0 YES T This is Bargain week at !it Marshall's and here area few of them io !ft !e !ft rl ri fft1 !i ri rft fn j. Good quality Infants' Bonnets 25o Boys' Ammunition Belts, best novelty brought out in years, 25o Madras Curtaining, 3 yards, 25o Children's Ribbed Hose 2 pair, 25c Fire Works all prices. 5c, 10c, l5c and 25c Store OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sendldg a sketch and desori tion may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention 18 probably patentable. Communion, Nous strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing_patents. L'atents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the $knflfic .�1 1Qr1C11ie A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest civ culation of any scientific journal. Terms for Canada., 53.75 a year, postage prepaid. bold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co 361Broadway, New York Branch office. 625 F BtH Washington. D. O. SUITS MADE TO RDE We measure the man, then make the Suit. ORDER YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW. Suits, tweeds and worsteds, from $21.00 to $32.00 Odd Trousers from 4 00 to 7.50 Perfect fit and workmanship guaranteed. Call and get prices. MOON & WHITE Phone 26. WILSON BLOCK Give Us a Trial For Your Next Job. All kinds of Printing neatly and artistically executed. Dodgers, Auction Sales, Station- ery, Envelopes, Blofters, Buller Wrappers, Church Reports, Etc. This office has always had the reputation of turn. ing out nicer work than most others. Prices as low` as the lowest. Call for prices. THE ADVANCE Winghani Ontario • NE SALE 0•01•••• of 0 0 0-.0 Watches, Ciocls,b Jewelry, Etc. Watches. 14 k. solid gold ladies' watch, 15 jewel Waltham movement, reg. $40—June Sale $30.00 Ladies' 14 k. gold-filled, 15 jewel Waltham Wathes, reg. $16 -- June Sale $12.00 Ladies' 14 k, gold-filled, 7 jewel Waltham Watch, reg. $12 — June Sale $9. Q0 Ladies' Silver Watches, reg. $5— June Sale .. $3.50 Gent's 18 size, open face, 14 k. gold-filled case, 21 jewel Wal- tham Watches, •reg. $40.00— June Sale $30.00 Gents' 18 size, open face, 14 k. gold-filled case, 17 jewel Wal - thaw, reg, $30 ---June sale $22.00 Gent's 13 size, open face, gold-filled case, 17 jewel P. S. Bartlett Waltham Watch, reg. $17 — June Sale $11,50 Gent's 18 size, open face, gsld-filled case, 15 jewel Waltham, reg. $15 —June Sale $9.75 Gent's 16 size, open face, 14k gold- filled case, 15 jewel Waltham, reg. $18—June Sale $12.75 Gent's Silver Watch, 17 jewel Wal- tham movement, regular $17— June Sale $12.50 Gent's 17 jewel Waltham Watch in nickle case, regular $12 --June Sale $8.25 • Boys' Watches, regular $1.50—June Sale 98c Ladies' Extension Bracelets— Reg. $8 --June Sale $5,00 Reg. $5—June Sale $2.95 Solid Gold Pearl Pendents— Reg. $25—June sale $17,25 Reg. $15 June sale $10.75 Reg. $11—June sale $8.76 Ladies' Gold Signet Rings— Reg. $8—June sale.. $5, 75 Reg. $4—June sale $2. 75 Gents' Gold. Signet Rings— Reg. $8—June sale .$5.75 Reg. $6—June sale $3.75 Clocks. Fancy Mantle Menhleized Clock, reg. $9—June sale $5.75 7 day Oak • or Walnut Mantle Clock reg. $4 ---June sale $2.75 Alarm Clocks, regular $2.50 ---June sale $1.60 Alarm Clocks, regular $1.00 ---June sale 69c Jewelry. Ladies' long Gold Chains, regular $8 ---June sale $4.95 Ladies' long Gold Chains, regular $5 ---June sale $2.95 Gent' gold-filled Watch Chains--- RPg $10.00 ---June sale $6 25 Reg. $8 00 ---June sale $4.75 Reg. $5,00 ---June sale $2.95 Reg. $2.00 ---June sale $1.75 Ladies' and Gents' Stone set Rings at exceedingly low prices. Special. June prices on Lockets, Locket Chains, Gents' and Ladies' Fobs, Brooches, Scarf Pins, Cuff Links, Cut Glass, Etc. Having a large stock of Silverware we are offering it below cost. ® OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL. •lfefalO 1' ABROAD statement—Yet literally true. The aim of man from the beginning has been to make his building materials as nearly like nat- ural stone as possible. The great labor required to quarry stone led him to seek various manufactured substitutes. The only reason he ever used wood was that it was easiest to get and most convenient to use. Wood is no longer easy to get. Like most building material, its cost h in. creasing at an alarming rate. The cost of concrete is decreasing. So, from the standpoint of either ser- vice or economy, Concrete is the best building material. Canada's farmers are using more concrete, in proportion to their numbers, than the farmers of any other country. Why ? Because: they are being supplied with Canada Cement -- "Without this label it is not "Canada" Cetnent. a cement of the highest possible quality. which in- butes the succeed of their concrete work. The secret of conertt s popularity in Canada lied in the fact that while we have been advertising the use of concrete, we have also been producing, by scien- tific methods, a cement so uniformly high in quality that the concrete trade with it gives tho completed satisfaction our advertisetnents promised. Concrete would not have been in such universal use today, had an inferior grade of cerins nt been supplied. insist upon getting Canada Cement. It id your best assurance of thoroughlysatisfactory results fro your concrete work. irons There is a Canada Cement dealer in your neighborhood. rf,rite for our Pete xto..j age boot 'gfl /uxt 7`h* , `arrner Can A, With Canoes" �--hrofarmercan aloe(' to be oithoul.a coli„.% Canada Cement Company Limited Montreal • a