HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-22, Page 2THE NUL Y, _WORLD 4044944.4* ) In1flnoT111. SiTOCIC PA.VS. Tne poultry industry has adva.need so rapidly In tiTe past "1.k) years that the ia'tor breeciing etuelv, butehing eggs end oel llas, lead Insny Into that leasness that, tor Vlo w'lfare. of the be• Olnef:. had bettor stbvedut.Too many iU4itreeder;ialo It lieginner them. 8011:42$, Urid their stoek in no. beeser 1,011.. diVon oi tchealth or productiveneee thee vett of the hesitator, vita the time 13. tally euning when the poultry padte sire going to dentarol a. nigher grade cut etnolt .tratit Is now peadlett vut in le,rkia quantities. True., the baphateardshred stook. Oats ip a large IneaRnr4 bewn. ereate4 isy a, demand tor cheap goone, awl it is aieoa faet that when Totting tide, kind or stone tint lie‘inner oIten ,Kot Nv!fat• 1401 fora though in tionto eaeefl not. SO ribio f4e startt,lg font Li) varefli:y ito;,4 tno reertte 03; thki stack they ti:te401 vat ehasi.t. tor thole PI luttell tiltareni?o bptyri.tgi iho breeding tit a good Kart:oat petiltaloraiser ond that or ime wno naa been in and oat, air a /sty Sears., us day arol night tworre"..-t and careful breding by ono who Lae paseeo -the enoerimerttal stoge Is pro - dilutive of results.. Retelling eggs, stoves. Q. doss-oldc!Aitittej. witen properly raised from sueit stoelt win giro results that min be 1;418Ni:eery. haphazard breeding, Maier Door tV iloeicfq*ente'fl,re. not prodoett results, tio platter LW skLUtul bk,g.luner careS tor the ton -18, anti the op-to-dato breeder with. at goOd $ftralil wb wItinia be foo,,d advertising Ills fir her fowls for but a few cents above tits btst. marhet pVkefee when proporin Latellea tU preduee rust:int they vantiot erotruesd tor a low finere. Otte often hare the leollruer ewe- of the nigo.psteod sweeties ••rou pey for ids a epantition.., ..nil why n...t? Poe nolo- vilest? es stook, eggs er ebicits shottiti, be willittg tu nay for reputation What does it inettits it mettpa toat the nreeder Lae made isetet la ti.o sitewroont er the egg haskst, by aitilfal bretsting utot yore and produved a strain uf -birds that trill do More than the majority of hints or Oil aineVarietY; that blood nate earerully bred fur a purpose have been obtained, and the beginner pays for the breeder's skill iit prottucing sunit,thing baiter .than. the majority possesses. Ali treeaers are nut the szune, as in all. wants of life some are butter thanotherS, and the best ar4 sought -for by the we poultry.reiser for tno result that can be obtained. The good breeder duos not have 10 sell. cheap --eonnet if lie choose and eome wit on the proper oitto of the ledger in, the tnan- iter It takes ttOtaralle a flock in tile pro- per manner for )wit rcettIts, aud as it result or these high prh:es the ayeuge beginner who -still thinics a, toltiolten is a ollielten seeks the bargain counter and nine times out of ten note ultra ho pays for. lint not what be should hare rot: tile results that he espeeis. Tile foundation sneer.- has more simn once been the nutklug, or breaking or a poultry plant, and becange of the. tiew- flees or the poultry industry as au hews - try the knowledge of breeding has been neglected. and especially the beginner has tot heel* enlightetted on. tile import enee in the good and indifferent breeding arta the good or poor restate that are obtain- ed frum the two. It takee i,40ver41 years tor any one to establish a strain to ero- duee either the blue et our big show_ or to make gocel -egg- protitteere., 'reap neets sae used tut many- oi the poultry fawns. This means eNtra labor anti more mot.ey, but it nialtett breeding. sure. The breeder knows whion birds are breeders that pt duce prize-winning stoek. It tells toe poultry,raiser hk1i hirtt Is the egg pro- ducer and svhicii Is toe drone, and be careful breeding the flock of dm high- class breecled is *better in all lines then stiott of the Mass that do not breed along advaneed Hues, and the bef:inner, if he stays lolls- enough in the /7,kueltlesse will come to the men with reputation, ann be wining :se ha should to _paw tor tlie ropu- tatinn, fur tin) first-class oreeders can. produco the goods. It seems a large sum to pay !ono t.;) to $10 for a eettins: of Latching eggs, bra i small in eotnpatison Nrittt the result obtained 'from a welt- zsitteablislied strain, and tht,se obtained.froln •Iza-phazard-bred lowis. The _day will -onto when row day-ohi el:1(11s will be Ole Tit -$14„) per hundred. for they can PardlY be produced for teat som n.en it Is eon- sitiered that it takee three eggs for eaoh 1,0 .ehirkprodueel; and in many oases :wire, especially tL the early season. when fertil- itsis not :tic) high. and if katiling WAR done Oetore tne elosots were shipped $20 per- 160 would 1,e a fair wive for utility' stock. Tito poultry public, sr,utibt b• edttcated to pay a fair priee in tile future and, when they do this Moro satisfactory results will be obtained Chlelts will live beten when matured pro- duce better and witen put in th breed- ing pens win produce birds that are pro. ducere. Co -OPERATIVE EGG CIRCLE:S. An impertant part or the poultry work of the Live Stoek Brancit of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Miring the past year olikI -as been tbe ;organization of inooperativa orsg (Sirens. Ten vireees In ail have been erganized under the attspiees of the Braniele worning in eonitmeltion with.the orovIttei3.1 and agriculture college author- ities and tho Puttarv Producers' Associa. tion of Canada. "rite brelionno.ry work in connection \Mil a number of other, has been done, and from present indica. -Cons It is apintrAnt that this phase or vo-uPeratiVe to have a rapid growth in tOe near future.. Being prima.rtly coneerned with the Im- provement of the (salvia:Ian Egg Trade. the Live Stork- Branch Lee eneetiraged the forination Of the,te .eircles because the movement affords a int:Ems Whereby the 411R:ity of eggs ean be improved as they !cars fattn, and the pernielene practice of holding' eggs both on the 'farm alol in the country Inure largely eliminated, Co-operative efforts of thiA ktr also aords a medium whereby the eggs t any gis•en community may be col. . :acted and znarketed frequently and id regularly, and insures to the etstui . at no groat Incr.i.ase in cost. ler a new -laid egg of uniform At too . .ssonsooloitsisso the assoeiation, the memberagree to stamp each egg with a given number designated by Board of lereetors, Trois is done so that athe eggs of eesth member may beidentified Vhen graded, and pa) went ma.do 4.7COrdIng to quality. A inanagor Is appointed by the Board of ‘Itsectors, whose inisineSS it Is to col- teet, grade, soli the eggs and apportion the retsrus among the members, accord- ing to the quantity an -1 quaIty reeeivett. In most (Stoles the eggs from ettelt farm are cuneeted at statea intervele, nut in othstS ti.e tianihorS deliver the eggs et tome erntt a iint, uch as a ere,attur.*Y .e.ese rectory, stere u bottee, front Which -e toanaser makes snipmeitt. It is ts-e:1 loosivn ttatt at certain tea, retie er the sear there is a wide diffee. ero between VA) pr.ice reeeived for 'eggs 1.y the. farmeee country Store and the mast pant by the consumer in the c.ty. This difference la not nearly te tottrOed in the spring of the year as it Ir. tile IMP tmer, tali atul whiter, ju other worde, as the quality of OrditiArY caral eggg .taeeetnes more uncertain* the premium Dieted en newnaid circles eggs tnia•eases. While, during the spring of r03 rar res.,etved by elrole mem- nos may n.7t gicatiy etoeed those eain ii ao Uwe: store, it .its nnt Mot for tbe eggs pt•oductea in the melee er DeoCnteer last yer tbe majority f eireles in tne province of rossuebeo and Quebtes, received u.priee of front to We R dif.gen. A limited number of rdreles will no he. obis to take advantage of the r.d.l(f!!! growing select trade in the lays- -Canadian Otto% but from the fact tsot U1e. w4olesalo egg dealars Iti Ontikrifl Quebee have recently adoptedu new ts.s,tent of buying on a basis of quality. 's likely that the . produeo of the naa- iodIty. of circles will find its way to the f..0.11.11tier through the more recently establiehet1 channels of trade. The Live Stoelt Uranch stands ready end willing to help ou the /egg fliecle tauventeht in every posible waY. Officers r.thLy Bratielt ate 'tow itt the field, and there le available a quantity of ittereture including eutliaps or constitutions, by- laws ids., tivith the work, e4Diell of which may he obtained' upon request tt fl) tL6 Live Stock Cortuitiesione.r, .ot- tawa. • NoTP.S. „e people /levet, would make a. lone - s with notihry. They tio not eem to grotty the lumen: Itteult deteile that are e8Senthil to tlIk 14,0., results in poultry. ring. (tae hoo4 t.ave roil Owl tflut, fithcitoll, li1044; fur liwOvy tu zoitks the mest eut of the bolostons, on:}a.g rtst F'ol• the lieginnot4, for eggs and meat n't retonot quantities -p.otetiLl}ttl itt making poultry-keepIng mitA.Apt, It ia goes% to learn 'Coat the •faraner. ttow none than ever. is Atorking tIt thi$ *clew is tuntoi. teelizing that no trod -WM *vet. retneht ttt ti .e top of toe 1,404or ttat &soil;i1tpotote,s nionet.. adult taparify. The ts% tit% 1,. u.ortio id. -14 roil twole.11013 awl breetliflit la then iS 114 that dt rs. re tui* tu tati"..ii IL, end theft 1 DANDRUFF KO LIFT OFF IN SHEETS Hak Dry and Lifeless* Almost All Hair Out on One Side of Head* Used Cuticura Soap and Outicura Ointment* Hair Coming in Nicely and Scales All Gone* 170 Adelaide St., St. Alin, N. cured my little buy or a bad ease or den - draft With, etettra Soap ana °element. The dandr formed, on ide head woe atter birth. The hair wee dry and lire- leeer.Za lase and altaoet 'se all out on one side of Ids head, waehed the lit - tie acad. tido et day with warm de. water and Cute- eura Soap, dried it; end very carefully ap- plied the Concurs, Ointment and In about an hour topic at, very Ane little comb and tha dandruff would lift off la abeeil and some of the hair voltid Como t00. Then X in'Onla pttt some Cutiestra Ointment on and lot its remain till time to wash tiao heed again. I used a Wee box or Cuticura, Ointment witit the Catticura Soap and his hair was coming in nicety and the scales rill gone. Today he bas as nice a bead of bair and itS free from dandruff its you. WoUla Wish 1,* see." (Signed) C, F. Roast, May 110, 2012. A single eake of Chalon's, Soap and box Cutieura. Ointment are often ;Mlle/mit when all else lots failet sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. Liberei sample of each nailed free. vi$1,11 32.9. Skin Book-. Address nost card Potter Drug it Chem. Corp., Dept. 821), Boston, V. S. A. PURE BRED STOCK Live Stock Branch Will Distribute Sires. to strive for one thing alone, egg -produc- tion, or show -birds. There is 110 questien but what the duck. 1)11st/toss has taken on a wonderful boom thls seasen, especially the Indian Bonner*, They aro lousily, not hard to raise, aro good egg praineers, and the breeders or duks tills year. are doing a good bust - Hess. Turkeys should be raised In greater numbers than is now being done. Tbe White Ifolland stand conrinement perhaps better' than any and should be tried AVilre only littirted soave Is to be had. They however. do nut get As }max:, as the other varieties. Any one having a fair aereage shotild -try raising tur- keys, Sueceasfully reared they are profit STI:•trsilto turkey and her out in an open eoon at night *where they will be aide to got plenty of fresh air. Thoroughly stetiO the water dishes loiter a. week and give the ltttie puults clean fresh water helve a day. You een reed the little nouns and of -the recognized brentls ur dry Itelt• feeds with good results. r.nhe WI -a points_ should never be an lowed to eat with the ehickens. Peed them on different parts of the farm. t . Epigrams. Yon can't limit .politeness by tyiug it down to the truth. After all, JAamy a gentleman is a man in disgniee„ The Alt Gi fillenee and the art of belplessuese are two eessentials in a wo. man's flirting eqttipment. It is joy to feel the liberty of cher. Wang one's superstitions. A pudgy man dreads getting shaped like An orange in a stoekiug. An active man wbo lacks perception growe to be merely a 'forceful negative, elow .little the iron-buund of the former generatiou blends ite to the epieureanism of the present. An implying AY11-0 ie the lutb to -the wheel ot her husband's- ambitions, hating yetir hair • equally divided. is no itugn of being level headed. The olht motto was ALOve means sac- rifice;" the new one is "Love is inepira- t* " Inanity is often adequate intelligenee perverted. A. man who ean wear a cane and yet seem none the less manly is alntoet a. paradox thee days.. if friendship is love wanting his wing, then what a lot of unsoaring restless- ness there is in the worldi-e-Life. ea -e NEWSPAPER EXPENSES HIGH. ((uelph niercury.) An exchange draws attention to a fact often overlooked. when it refers to the rapid incriattse In tite cost of running a newspaper office. Newspapers are be- lay reduced In number each year. Galt with a population or 12,000, now has only one newspaper, and Leamington, a town of anis' half' tha.l. population, ran tow (At- te support the one sheet. Xitnire.'s two papers united at New Year's; Iiiiisburg's "Beaver" toils no more. No sphere of activity In recent years has been "hard- er hit" by the advanced cost or running business than the newspaper office. efthee410.0.1.,..ge..44.* llealisinat that lualillitytotimtrAk the uee of well-bred Male Alniraalif Se at the prssent time one of the greatest diffi. eultiee stending in the way of liTe etnek develepment In maey part* of tamaile, partioularly in the newly 154 - tied. &Wets., the Dominion Departmeht of 4griculture, through the lire steok braneh, is this year underetaking a wide- spread distribution of pep bred Oust- thns, liufls, tams and boars-. 'Ilse origival eeSt of the animale will be bores by the department and they will be phseed in the hands of suelt local organizations as agree to tho conditions evierning the ilistribution. itt a word, these she -will remain the property of the department, but the local associetions wiU be re - spoilable for their proper maintenance and an agent under the general 'super - 1161011 of officer& of -the live stook branele In the caeo of stallions, the members of the aesocio.tions win also be required te pay a fee covering an annual lesurrinee premium. All animals distributed nil! bo bought from home breeders anti will be Ona - dial). bred, As far as poseible, they will be purl:bused in. the province in, which they are to be plaeed, in this way Caa- einem, breeders Wiff-eseeeeive eneottrage- mitt and their matket, will be inerealsed not only directly but also indireetly through the monfrasie given. throughout the country to the value 14 pure bred hfreg• It mey b..5 added net it is not the intention to plaee the animal:3,1u dis- triets where suitable tattle aninsale of the /pane class are already owned by private intiividuals. The atnl is rather to aid eeetione witere pure bred sires are laeltiaig and as well to eueourage new communitiee fulloeine a proper and intelligent s,nstexn iu breeding. All intlls distributed will he pureltas- ed, subjeet to the tuberettlin test, mei only stallions which have paesed a right veterinary inspeetion for SonildnEW.5 will be seleeted. la order to take advantage of this form ef assistance it will be neeessaary for interested parties in an seetien to undertake the orgaiSaation of is -local as.eociatian in whose hands, such sires as Are required may be pliteed. Complete information regarding the rules and regulationgoverning the distribution may Le made upOn application to the live stoek eommiseloner, Ottawa, When- ever possible an ()Meer of the branelt will render aSeistalate in the perfecting of the 21e4•eli;4ary loeal organization. From Halifax to Vancouver WOMEN ARE PRAISING DODD'S • KIDNEY PILLS. • NOVA Scotia •Mother Tells How They Cured Her Aches and Pains, and Made Her a Well Woman Again. IdC17.11.eiEC'r.11 BRII)(tE, lialtiax X, S. ditty --tolpocial)--From Valleell- Ver to Halifax tome daily reports of the splendid work Dodd' ; Kidney PIN are doing for the hulforing women of Canada. unit ihL Iittle plaee eatt fame a splendid euro of it own. Mrs, Orttatus Pave, the mother of a ktag Lunily, mai ij eufferer from thOGO tlehet3 0111V WOMen know. TO- day Mir, is a strong, h&tu(liv Woman. 1)0ad'S laidney Pine did it. 'I had it pain in Mt' left, side and down tilIntigh my 114 to" :Mrs. Paeo I state"1 had headache ell the time. "exy heart woe wsak, and at times a pain around it flatted to my feare. Some days 1 was liardle able to -walk, reati a number of (ewe of setees like mine by Doddli Kidney Pine, ana oent for three bexee. To -day I am a 1S ell woman, I and ran do as midi work as Mr eottlti." Dodll's Kidney Pills cured Sirs. PAO beeauhe her trouldea eame from dis- eased kidneys. Doadak Kidney Pine always cure niseased kidney*, and as einety per ceut. oi women'e troublee come from kidney treuhle, Dodd'a Kid- ney Pills have come to be ktown as suffering. womat's IseGt, friend. "1 believe that a man al ould follew his own inelinations," reamiked the right direction," addel the eimplo Wisei‘agi. Guy. 'Yes, if. they are going in • IS FOR ON CAIN LIARS Experimental Farm Man Makes a Discovery. lene*Neee,o4overer•elor ,A. stuldeu death, caterpiller exterMine ator bee been diecoVered, Say* the Ob• taWft OltiZell. It founds too good to be true aintoet, but neVerthelese inelsih the ogee, To the forelneat Of the Iznik. catered division at the Central .*Ex.peri- mantel term, Ale, IL Holz, the eredit ji tine and the diecovery wee aceidente,l. The mixture is uothing snore -nor Jesa than pyrethrum powder, part, extd common wheat flour, 4 parte, dutoted on with a email bellows,. The 21litttrire Wes first tried on. Thersday last and as soon ite effeetivenees was proved all the youeg trece in the oreherde were one over. The inethods of applying are oimple. The powder is either biome on with a bellow; or it may be aprinkled on the net with tho itenet. The, addition of flour to the dowder is to cheapen the mixture. The two ingredient be mixed twit allowed to %tend for twenty-four hours before using. lu thia Way the propevties of the pyrethrum, or as it is conunonly ealletl, "ioseet pow- der," are transported to the flour. In the early morningwhen the eater- palati e; are in eluetere s the beet Owe to apply the tnieture, Later in the day they ere apt to ecatter among the branchee ant 31111.01 more powder is re- quired, to say nothieg of the extra. time required la goingover a tree. Lisp -ea sprays of paris green or boniest.= mix- ture, while effeetive, are slower in their action, A representative of the Citizen visit. ed the farm yesterday and epent some time ia the tn•eberd where the trees were being deeted. On one intrtieular tree there were nine large nests of eat- .erpillare. These were dusted. itt turn and in fifteen minutes practically every tuseet stat dead, Trees that hati been deetee on Thursday and. on RatuxdaY were vieited and nothing remained of the nests but the Med up bodies oi the ea.terpilaars ShOWing the effeetivenese of the misisare, to the present the ineeeticitle has not been figured on from an economieal standpoint. but -where the trees are ninny and largo the nee of the MiXttire \could perhaps be out of the euestion for the reason thet too inuela One Weald be reeuired in dusting all •the nests, but for the farmer or eity dweller with °lily a few fruit or ortiamental tree e the foregoing mieture is by far the beet and the etesiest to apply.There is also the oossiisility that it may nob prove eo effective on caterpillars that have., beentne -full grown. At the time the experiment was carried on they were about one and one-half inches in latent. As soon ea the diseovery was mode it was immediately reported to the entornologieal branch and further ex- periments will be tried. A NEW BULLETIN LOVE FOR GOD. my William Shire Wileon.) The elements of emotion of human heart Echo and. re-echo with throbs of joy, happlueSS eurpassed. The name of God when spoken stirs the beart and cells of mortal beings' brain, Does it link with "Spirit," °Angelie," "Faiee''' of **Heal en'in'e realms? Christian mind on earth eau Whom * dept he— Responsive Names answer It's the Love for -Clod," Sorrow. berefteement dwell at times in mortal beinge. Love of -God" is balm, brings joy, no pain, What so sweet in 'Prayer" Love for "God?" Time and Tide wait for none, even no' mertal Pante, °Jehovah Supreme!" Scienee never perfeetion. In thunder and light eing Tide ebbs and flows. In imagination of n Artificial wonders aehieve, Intellect re - 1 inc, but in love for humanity. The wonders of -God" define Creation. Iftlinanity can never fathom 'only in "Spirit" and Love for "tlotl." see ss — "Pop, is an abyss anything sleepy?" "Of eourse not. child. What put that into your head?" "Well, it's alwaye e,awning."---Baltimore American. A LITTLE SPADING MAKES THE YARD LARGER 1 le• tdiese„..t, THESE DiNKV BACK YARDS GIVE`ME A PAIN!! t THEY/a. NOY BIG EtiOuGH TO BREATHE IN!!! tv .; "MP ale. to. erip • ••• ••• • a./ •Or •• ••••• 0.. .r.b e=eeeeeeeese 1 BEFORE -0-•—• eioro n—Seess ,e,••• %Ai*454* ass* .... 1.:46 A • mit oil Mele.4 dora oi -age •tdifillitt".1111)11111$ 4...0•44.11,40eliNorio" 111111, \it% yr Fri' [11 Cebu it7- 0; . .leoot., erg 4/11. ND AMP ME. Tt 'TV MAKE RDV*1 et: 0.6.10AVIP"Ir640 4444-7.4_,„,__ Ine•e•MestAlf&Mermeoe-M-We On Forest Coalitions in Rockies Reserve. "orb Condition* t the 110eker Aftruntein. Voreeb TteStrteu i tlik title of pansplilet (Bitilidin NO. U) just lesaed by the rtrestry Brines of the Depatt. silent of the Tuterior, eonteins the reeultt nvestigatieue reeds lay Mr. T, W. Divight, If.r.„ on, the forte of the sonthern pert of the teserve, which vetenele &log the east' ern side of the Ilocky Alountaine from the inter -4%0044 boisndery for florae- dia. tanse Uerth, of the letitude of ?Amon. tor. 1.1211e bnfletLp. treate of the preseat gen. erel (Wattle% of the forest of the re. Nerve, and of the luilueuee on there of varioue feetoes *nth ae their height aboVa leVel„ the umber of trees per aere, ete. The effect of lumbering, fire, and, other agenda; on the forest le then diseuesed, and, After a, short potential discustion of the different speeles, end the manlier in which they gas growing up to form thel new format, the manage- ment of timber-catting operatious is eoeeidered. on the topics treated under this head are the disposal of the brueli, the method of masking trees for eutUng, and the cost of maintalidug for- estry methods. A short consideration of tt..sSspractice On the U. S. Nationel leer- eaa)cliiiiisee.tana, where the foreste Are yerpilegrelar- in character to theae in Southern Alberta i4 glveu, and the WS. letin coucludee with, it AlltAber Of techni- cal forestry tables. The emplilet 5s fl. lustrated with over a, dozen half -tone il- lustrativne. The study ie beieg eontiune ta this summer. Copies may be obtained gratis front the Director of Isot,r,eettry. Ottawa. STRENGTH fOR WEAK STOMACH Can Only Be Had neon& Rich Red Blood. When the 'blood is poor and thin fold the stomach in eonsequence Ls imperfeete ly‘ supplied with oxidized blood and liege lone, the digestive process be- comes slow -and ferluentations of the food goes on, with the formation of gas and sertain tinkle. T]ie= pressure of the ga$ canees paitr in the stomach; some, Unice it affects the hart, When the gam is belched out through the mouth the patient is temporarily relieved, the SOlir risings in the throaa, and. the burn - lug sensations in the throat and stom- Ruh are eeused by acid. fermentatioes. There are plenty of Willa to neutral- ize these acids or to "swaten the stout - ch," as it is ealled, brit they do not euro the trouble. Pure, rich blood 101101 will tone tip the stoptaelt and enable it to lo the work maitre intended it to do, is the only road to a owe. Dr. Williams' Pinks Pills make new, rich, red blood— that is why they ture even the most Ob- stinate camel; of indigeetion. The follow- ing is a 'hit of proof. Mies Minnie Greene, of Hall's Bridge, Ont., says: "About a year ago 1 wee greatly troubled with uty etotnach. Beerything I ate wised me pain and, distress, I would feel as though 1 W85 Marred, but when meal time came the sight of food caused. a feeling uf loathing. There were days when I could not even hold milk ort my stomaeh, end my head would ache so that 1 could hardly keep from scream- ing. Only those W110 have suffered from stomach trouble know the torture I sat- fered. I tried almost, every remedy re- commended. nut found not the least benefit until I began taking Dr. Wil - inane' Pink Pills, These I used. for a couple of menthe and they worked. a perfeet euro ami 1 ant agaiq enjoying gone beetle and able 10 eat freely ttli, kinds of food," If you are suffering, from indigeatioll or any other trouble due to poor, wate. ery blood, begin to euro yourself to- day by the 114e of Dr. William' Pink Pills. Soitt by all medieine dealers or by mail at e() cente a box 'or six boxes for 42e10 from The Dr. Williams' Medi.. Cine Co,, Broekville, Ont. rieeeeee..**.elle-4 . ARABIAN JUSTICE. Convicting Thief by Ordeal of tied. het Knife. The ordeal of the redhot knife iethue described by Alidullalt :Siemer (G. Wy- man Bury) aa he INIIN It in "1114 Lar14- of Vz." The -case was one of theft from a, earavan. Two yoang melt were impli. eated, one a palace slave, the other a young Arab, a native of the male. Ea.cb amused the other, -with many oaths and lomat mutual villification. %tally both invoked the ordeal of the knife. In due couree a venerable Arab e.p. peered, bringing the instrument with him, Ills femily for generations had yos- :milted the hereditary fight to ftdm4nist. ter the ordeal. The knife (teemed a very ordinary pleee of hoop ireet, eltaped rolighly into a (*art of blade about eigh- teen belies long. Tito Mine and attri- buted of Allah were engraved upon it, end it wee fitted with n plain WOO(1011 ha f t. An attendant brought a bowl of wet- er and a brazier of live obareoel, in whielt the knife was inserted. The Arab youth reeeived the ordeal first. Ire re- puted ltie assertions Of ienoeenee end, rinsing ,Out hiiMOuth 'with water, put out his ttingne„ whieh WAS seized at 'tau tip by the owner of the knife. The in- strument, growing dull red, was drawn front the brasier, end with it titres light blows were etraek upon the victim's tongue, whi4 wit* then inspected. XI merely allowed olight white mark* where theIt dlerelaireoenlehtelLiirnitilt111%.11111 mum, and whe- ther he flinelted at the tontect of the hot iron, or had failed to keep hie tongue sufficiently moist I eannot but the heat of the blade picked off it email Fetch of ekin ensi ahowed a bleeding surface. Actording to the rules of the ordeal ,that proved ;Ida gat, cal' he Wee lead away THE BEAT/ rettsbtirre Slazette-Timefe TO find fault with a poor man, ono genitinely Unfortunate, 'wit° is doing the beet he can to make tride meet, for fan - me to poky big wee, is not esernly. 'But the unecrupulous four-flusher who year In and year out aystennototeany defrauds tee corner groeery, it It pest not to bit defended. It is 5. venation eIperienee to learn of KWh is. Otte deelitting to pay fend bine running aft the west from 110t) to $800 stud *am. What IN the eOrtst- canine*? TLet greeer must either ga to the wall Or attiaSt Driuts upward SO that they who ao not sow hitt (lover the loiteeat oustained throne* the pottronage et genteel Weals. This melte* lisirig high for everybody. Stritestion that ft etrietly east eyetern will euro the evil lett* sight of the infinite adroitness of your sedetned idgit.eiase beat. .As a rule ehreweter genitor than the rain be petronitee, arid *von Our Most rove - roily ratimesed attelnees bouts** fell to *1110aPe 411# WILeS, The beet, too, Is num. Sleeve end iebtetlinct 111114 454,1• 0671/1041/711;70i!iormstim:onifo. g000tifilttiqinuctcyse: Atiminfa;fturpoar. 111141 PERELT It 1 iiti immanumum mtiffina _ 't , e loweeet-- --••••••••eveeer. Little Fairy Spreads the Dew on Every Blade of Grass for You DROPS OF WATER THAT Dear bop( anti girls, how many of In have walked in the country or through the park early an a midsum- mer morning and watched the beau- tiful tieW drops glietening like Jewels on almost every little blade ot grass? Even, the smallest, weakest blade has not been. forgotten by the Dew Petry, Look at the dew drops in the eicture. :Yon remember them, don't you? What Is a sparkling little drop. of dew? It Is really an. actual drop of water which was first drawn up into the sky, erom the sea, by the sun's A LONG CHASE. 11.....110•••••••••••••• Went 25,000 Mlles for Rare But- , teerly. A 'Wegrasn from Chicago revealed the interestiug story of a 25,000mile chase for a butterfly, told by Aire. William Carleton Iraege,, wife of an English en- 1 tomologiet tortnected with the 'French ; Inetitute of liintoturalogys who le on iter way to join her husband in New Yak. Yenge said her attained lieti inside the journey isf 25,000 miles for the sole purpose a catehiug one butterfly, one insignificant, long, red -spotted bag be- longing to the Bombyx Inanily, mhieh is mild to be nearly as numerous as the pepulation of Cilium. Mrs. novo said: "Wo have had the moet extraordinary! good fortune. The Bethel elassifies,tion of the butterfly 1 do not know, ;but 1 know Ite him two op.ots in each upper wiag, whieh render /um exceedingly de- 1 sirelbe Moreover, he is smugly done up in a tin box hermetically sealed Alid would bring joy to entomologists whose colleetion§ lack this peetieular speeinten. We lutvii been, butteefly-thasing from Paris 'to Moto, and got our little bonebyx in the garden of a Japanese gentleman's residence at Moto after pursuing him twelve months." Some of the butterflies of this e011tittent Are the I blate,Pittlphur,cabbage, anglewing, painted lady, zebra swallowtail, silverepot, pea- cockj, wood swallowtail, wood. nymph, milkweed, tiger swallowtail, mourning dolt, and red -spotted purple. The natu- ralist eould not at first find the bombyx on the kind of a, butterfly be iaought; 1 but he did not tease his search nor his journey around the woold, till he bee found. Ids epeeimen.—Christian Herald, 4 The Japanese Compositor. The workers itt the composing rooms of the Ittpanese Journals are confront- ed by a complicated task. The print- ing of those Jetirhals is done in two - languages, the "Xana" and the square characters serving as a key to the other. The square characters are based on Chinese Ideographs, and pre. • sent It. mixture of geometric figures , and erosses. It el said that in Japan there are 1 from four thousand to five thousand of these ideographs in everyday use. It follows, therefore, that the Jap com- positor muet be eomething ot a scholar, from the Oriental standpoint, at least, to recognize these -characters at sight. Ili order to lighten his task he has adopted the following disposition of the work. He seats himself at a table, upon which, are Knead the 47 Kane charac- ters, As copy is received he cats it Into small strips and hands each strip to a boy. This lad proceeds along the composing room until he has finally collected from a. number pf cases ar- ranged in filets the different ideographs 1 TWIN:ME LIKE STAFtS. rays. Then, when the air cooled suf- ficiently during the night, it dtopped again from the heavens as a little globule of water in the form of dew. The grass cauglat It as it fell and that's the way, you, dear children, SW It. The dew is the vapor, the moisture of the air. Sometimes you have seen it falling In a very fine mist relient. bling rain. In the etiimate where there is comparatively little rainfall the heavy deWfalli-help the grass to otay green and the flowers to grow and plant life to tiarive. *re.... Q.; desired. Some seven or eight bays are thims employed, and as they proceed here and there in search ot the ideo- graphs they maintain, for Bonze un- known reason, a curious chant. At last all the ideogra,plis called for are placed before the compositor. He dishes out the corresponding types in the Kana character, and filially sets up the whole for "proving." These proofs are sung aloud by one reader to another.. See+ Where Sounds Are Seen. Curious phenomena have been witness- ed lately by l'rof. Mattencei at Vesuvites and later at Mount Etna., which eeeme to prove that under eertein cooditione we can aetually ace sounds a perceptible second before we hear them. According to Prof, Matteucei, sound, whieh is propagated as we alt know by waves Of air 1toiiate1y compreasee6aud expended, beeoneee vittible -to the eye by a refractioneof Ilea before it is audible to Off ear, whenever theee same svaves of air are of different deneltiee. -One phenomenon which has observed many times is that of Vesuvius, working itself up into an ernppon on 8. large scale by quick: paroxysmi, shooting out quantities of old and new lava at the rate of ono projection a second.' Sharp and sudden and Tepid as -they are, be- fore they could be actually gratSped by the sense a thin, luminous arc could be seen :heeling upward and outward from the erater and disappeariug inunediete- lyin space. The'll alMOSt instantane- ously there would follow the sound of eeeledion and the projeetion of gas and debris from the lip of the crater.. The Salle thing was noticeable at Etna. Prof. Zatteued ilaslets that :hese are 'viable sound waves, and other seien- tists are studying the question ana its poesibilities, ansi hephoe to enlarge upon it. THE YELLOW PERILS , (Buffalo Express) The shameful plea is wade. on behalf or California. that the white race there cannot meet Japanet* competition on equal terms; that, owing to the superior intelligence and industry of the, Japaneee, if given free play, the majority 04 the whites soon would be. reduced to a state of iserfaom to the Japanese, Ine a humiliating confessien. We re- fuse to believe that it is a. truthful one We think better of the Caucasian race, particularly of the American braneh thereon It's 8. curious /act, through, that moat of those who argue tor this extraordinary conservation or protection of humans are determined opponente of the pro- teotive 13r1laciple as applied to other raw materials and InarOlactured tproduets‘ in the forms of goods. In the cirournstanote, it is good news that the Upa4s-eif have decided to go to law, instead lot -warabout it. so frag. tle and. helpless a people as these are describes to be (by their apologists tonid not be expected to defend tbeir own eottits againet so cunning and. determined eneni.v. 71, Bakes Bread to Perfection New Per ion, ?' OH Cook -stove Cleaner than coal or wood. Cheaper - than gas. For best results use R,OYALITE Oil. Stock qrricti at all chief points. _ THE IMP wiacepkir Maittrod A wit EIRItor 214 COMPANY Toroutoo VililitOtrilir SC Joint 0,•'• Si 11A1PARIS Miss Pankhurst Given Tip to Remove. Will Settle in Brussels or Germatiy. ,IIIP-Trir eameols hy leseeDeepatehes from. Part; state that the Vreneli Government Itae not yet /wailed is Christabel Pabklotrst, (laughter of the leader a the British militants, to leave ISranee, where she hae been since her flight front London a year ago, after her ludiet- ti. (alarm, of inciting to mall. eone danutge to property, lea a warn. ing &wen eouveyed to her by mem- tem of the American Embassy, with whom she is on friendly terra, that the French Government views with disfavor the eampoign she has been conducting from Paris, She has therefore arranged 10 quit the Erenelt capital and take up her reeidenee in Drueeele or Germany before actiou can be ta,ken on the fresh demand forIbo extradition mum io be formulated by the British Government. Although the euffragettes made their usual efforte to bold. a meeting in Hyde Park to -day, tbe proceedings were less noisy and less violent than On previon4 seindays, wilen et•en large forces of pollee .were linable to MVP the women from item mobs. Women epeakine <a behalf of tbe National Union of Women Suffragette SOrietiefi tried in Vain to make themselves heard by thrown; of men and boys WhO gathered in expectation of one of the usual ex- citing skirmishes, Seoree of pollee, mounted and on foot, surrounded the wagon from whieh the speeches were delivered, and preveetN1 the mob from getting close to it. Seeing that it was impeesible to speak above the storm of hooting and jeer. the women gave Up the attempt, and were eseorled safely mit of the park by the pollee. Womeu representing the Wotnalee Soelal And Politieel Union fered worse. Several of them appeared bearing flags, but each time a Spereh was announced. and a flag was waved the crowd seized the banner and bore it oCf in triumph, while the pollee prevented the (suf- fragettes from addrcseing the throng. They protetted the women, however, and stood between them and the mob, Fire WAS discovered early today itt the parislt hall beloeging to Staenes hureh at Eastbourne, where suffra- gettes attempted to destroy on Friday lat. Indications are that the latest at- tempt. which has careed inneh <image, was a1s0 thle to the aetiritice of the Mill- taAtS. a NO PUBLIC HEARING U Si, Senate's Ruling in - Tariff Matter. Wasitington, May In.—President Wil - Sou has control of the situation in the Senate, and the way now seems to be opening for a notable vietory her him on his tariff programme: - is the interpretation put on the first test vote on the Cnderwood 1,111, which came to -day. Jly a division of 41 to ail the Senate refusesi to grant public hearing, on the bill, and thus sustained the motion of the Wilson leaders in the upper branch of Congress. Only two Democrats left the party re- servation. They were Ransdell ansi Thornton, of Louisiana, who are ex- pected to vote against the tariff bill on its final passage, and who probably will support the Republicans on every im- portant issue raised in regard to Ito The Democratic forces in the Senate were recruited by one voice -that of Senator Poindexter, of Washington, the only avowed, prpgroseive or third party manNotinotnliiNe.1Svennsatfielis vote conclusive ed. (knee of the disintegration of the Demo- eratie opposition Co the Wilson pro- gramme, but developments oecurred itt the course of the debate which indicated that the iwo Louisiana Senators are likelv to be the only ones who will de- sert the Democratic camp. Ipee.11,•••••..m. LATE W. E. DAVIS. Tribute at G.T.R. Official's Funeral. Montreal, May 1S.—.Nremarkable tri - bate to the memory of a much 6sieerned and avidly known railwas official was shown by the attendanee of railwaymen ana prominent citizens at the funeral on Saturday of the late W. IS. Davie, pas- senger' traffic manager of the Grand Trunk Itaill.vay system. PrObablo never before in tho history of i.tiontreo.1 extept at the funeral of Mr. Davis' late tenet', President C. IL nays,' has there been suit a large gathering of represeuttitivee or Canadian and United States rallwaYs, and the funeral was .one or the largest and most impreeehoo crer seen in this cite. While the amoral was In progress, all flags on the Grand Trunk system, front the Atlantic to tho Pacific, were flown at half-mast and the city ticket offices in Montreal. Ottawa, Quebec ana other cities were (nosed for half an hour. PRINCESS MARY'S CHARITIES. London, May a—Princess- Mary, tho little daughter Of Xing Georgo anti Queen Mary, has beeneworking for a charity in which her mother is Interested, making Venetian bead necklatee of a variety of patterns nhd pretty deelgns, nnd as a result of her labore she has accumulated the sum of 5210 tor the charitable -organize- tion. Tilt necklaces \vet% sold to the friends of the little Princess at prices ranging from V) cents to 0.50. Her earnings were on an average 50 cents an hour. WI Pe bEAD, HUSBAND AISREtTED Saulfo Ste. 1‘tarlo, Oat" lrar 1C.--Soi;e0 Larne was falcon In ellarge bY the Pollee lost bight and lodged in the distriet 1a11,r011OWing the diseovery of the body of Ills wife, in the river SeMe diStAnee helOW the Sault. :Shoe Larne disappeared abent three weeks AM And her husband said he had loft lier On The street 41:ter visiting a theatre to enter a local hotel, rejoin her in 8. few minutes. ;Attlee then elte had not boot seen, An Inquest tviii be held lostortrrnw, 1...arue is tWenty-flve yetirs of age. CANNIEALISM IN NEW HEIMIOES. Sydney. N. 'W.. May 1R.—tlannibal. ism in Its worst front exists anion:; the nativesof. the Xetv Ilebritles In the*South Mettle, aeortlirig to et state - men by Itev. Thomas (Mart at the .Dres- hl.terfan Almenthly of New .South Wales itt sms)ort of 'previous statements made is conwtion vth the islands. Human flesh is looked upon 'esit luxury, and tribal wars invariably ond with a: ,,havo. utter invitee/tett by the atamorities. •