HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-15, Page 81141•1014010016011•110161A111111. . • ...1111111410138Mak• .1.1 • r FURNITURE & UNDERTAKING We invite the citizers of Wingham and vicinity to come and inspect our large stock of Furniture. • Dressers, Washstands, Bedsteads, Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Chairs, Writing.Desks, Kitchen Cabinets, Baby Car- riages and Go-carts. SPECIAL PRICES ON SIDEBOARDS. Sole agent for famous Os- termoor Mattress. " REPAIRING UPHOLSTERING PICTURE FRAM- ING, ETC. . CU E Graduate Canadian School of Embalming, Toronto. SUCCESSOR TO LATE MR. GRACEY. STORE PHONE 51. NIGHT PHONE 155. RESIDENCE—Nuts. MeGavin, opposite Dr. Kennedy. - ; 7 ; . : • = • r- zseigiroyArriyArew-Aceo W mi iTE ,:e.e.V.Zsje.ar,dreeekest,rresiraeiga; ralliferifse.lreeeXaMes97 • 1,1th ANNUAL EXCURSION GODERICH to DETROIT and :ETUN • BIG STEL STEAMER GREYHOUND will leave Goderich June 10th, 9;30 a. m. Arrive Detroit, June 10th, 5:30 p. m. Returning, leave Detroit, June 12th, 1;00 p. Tickets, 1.50 Round Trip MOONLIGHT EXCURSION, JUNE 9 Eon. IA'§RETRI,CELcAuRringeigsr.iebrIlosif:rgircir. • aallIESEDIESI VOSINISHEIND CISMEN11111•10 • ee'e',aa'Palaaaae4;,-SeetsEseetette5seSS...tce: ns • FOR TRUNKS AND LEATHER BAGS You cannot do better than elect from our fine assortment These goods are as lasting in their wear as they are ATTRACTIVE IN APPEARANCE. We have been able to pur- chase a largo line, made of strong materials, to be sold to you at a price that is decidedly cheap. Residence Phone 176 THOS. KEW Home of Hand Made Harness. I WINGHAM. I Gmea IMINIMMERAN MIMS OBLIIIINIENIM OD. CHRISTIE'S GROCERY 'PHONE 59 36 -In. Reversible Printed Madras, all the rage for Draperies. Note the price 15c a yard. MARSHALL'S Sc, 10c, 15c and 25c Store TITE WINGRANV - BANANA DESSERTS, ......*••••••••••.••••1 These Roolpea Are Delicious and Bound to Be Liked. Banana Charlotte.—Line the bottom Of a plain mould with a layer of lemon jelly and, decorate with strips of neatly cut angelica and candied cherries. Trine the required number of lady lin - Ora and line the sides of the mold so that they tit closely. e 13eat up three eggs in a basin and stir in two cupfuls of boiling milk, sweetened with three tablespoonfuls of sugar. Return this to the eaucepan, add one heaping table- spoonful of powdered gelatin which has been dissolved in half a cupful of boiling water, one teaspoonful of va- nilla extract and stir over the fire with a wooden spoou until it thickens, Remove from the fire, add the pulp of four ripe bananas and wben cool fold in one cupful or whipped cream. Just before the mixture sets pour it into the prepared mold and place it on ice to form, Unmould the shape carefully on a cold dish and servo. Banana Tartlets.—Soak eight table- spoonfuls of chopped cocoanut in suffi- cient milk to cover, beat up till smootb and the thickness of batter, then add three tablespoonfuls of melted butter, four beaten yolks of eggs, half a cupful of whipped cream, one teaspoonful of vanilla extract and the stifily beaten whites of two eggs. Peel twelve ba- nanas and rub them through a sieve, then add to the mixture. Line gem pans with pastry and fill with the mix- ture; bake in a hot oven for ten min- utes. Beat up the whites of two eggs until stiff, then add half a pound of confectioner's sugar and one table- spoonful of cornstarch and mix well to. gether. Put a thin layer over the tart- lets and put them in the oven to dry. Banana Custard.—Peel six bananas and pass through a sieve; add two tablespoonfuls of sugar, four well beat- en eggs, two cupfuls of milk and one teaspoonful of lemon extract; pour into a buttered fireproof dish and bake till set in a moderate oven. When cold or- nament with. cherrieS cut in halves. ' %eceegio*.e.eczia..4.31:1.ealaaaaa rw)Li)ENTRA1 STRATFORD. iONT.- The best practical training school in On- tario. Three departments— COMMER- CIAL, SHORTHAND and TELCGRA- ‹ PHY. All courses aro thorough and. practical. Toacherr are expaienced and L %) graduates are placed in positions. Wo give individual atten4jou and students may enter at any time. Write for our free catalogue at once. Try Holbrook's Kippered Herring At this time of the year and also throughout the hot part of the season no food is so much in demand as Kippered Her- ring. Holbrook's are par excellence. We have im- ported these along with other goods and have no hesitancy in recommend- ing every tin. They will please, 2 Tins for 25 chi I D. A. NcLACHLAN - Principal '.....•••••••••••• For Infants and Children. The Kind You Rave Always Bought 111 MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES We have put in a stock Of Men's Boots & Shoes - and solicit a share of your patronage. 'MENDING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. HAUGH AN EFFECTIVE WRAP. Et Is Quite Strikingly Draped Below the Hip Line. The dark blue velvet which forms a toiler and border trimming in this wrap of shrimp pink brocade is a most • ADVANCE TUMMY, MAY I 5) 191 Flood Pievention and. River Regulation. Floods, like m. ny other natural phenomena may not bo preventable, but they can be, in large xneasure, con- trolled. This has been demonstrated in many of the countries of Western Europe. For many years, the govern. mantis of France, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland have bad competent engineers supervising the improve- ment of their river systems. In fact, se important lute this work become that it is regarded as a well establiebed branch of engineering. It was early realized that such work cannot safely be left to riparian owners, whether r. hey are individuals or naunicipalitiee. Ooneequently, the governments as- sumed control and (sanded out the work on a comprehensive basis." European engineere usually provide a fixed and suitable channel for the ordinary flow of the rivers, as well as a definite channel to take care of ex - teepee floods.. Permanent bridges oarbours, locks and roads are built; tio 4.4 to meet flood conditions, Obetruc. tion of the river beth, or of the flood , olains in any way that would injure the general welfare, is forbidden. In Canada and the United States, on he other hand, no comprehensive oIan of flood prevention has, as yet, wen evolved. That the problem is beceming urgent was shown by the recent disastrous floods in different parts of the United States. For a century or more the physical con- litions along Canadian rivers have been Steadily changing. Forests have been .cleared, swamps drained, and tand turned into farms. The result has been that, for a few days in the .wing of each year, many of the rivers become raging torrents, and, compar- etively insignificant /streams. More or less spasmodic local efforts have been made in certain instances, to cope with this situation. These efforts have been inadequate however and, in some cases, have caused further serious injury to other riparian owners. What is needed are provincial and federal systems of rivers regulation under the direction of competent en- gineers. The latter should be given Authority to prevent encroachment upon river channels and they shohld be required to make a careful prelimi. nary study of , the river systems so as to ascertain with some degree. of ac- euracy the proper methods of prevent. mg, or at least, of regulating floods, IN SHRIMP ME BROCADE. effective note, the rich blue color har- monizing well also with the delicate shrimp pink of the brocade. Short wraps of this sort are the craze just now, and the drapery of this gar- ment at the hip is decidedly modish. yo,....VW•400.•%.•.1.1..*.go.414.0•11,1i .••••••••••••.•••••• •3‘. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••=1.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••!•• ••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••. ••••••••••••.•••• k•i'••••••••••:••••I'•••1411.4.' Orey. Mr. Andrew Pollock of Jamestown has leased the 'Relit. OM farm for one year. Bryane spent a few days wish her aunt, Aire, Alex, Beyttne, of Beussele. Mr, and .Ms. SAM. Burke spent the week -end with Mr. and Mre. J. E. White of Listowel. . Andrew and"Mrs, Jacklin were vas'. tors at the former' e parental home on the 2nd con, m. Sunday, Ways to Save. A. cloth dipped in ammonia will often remove the stains from the collar of an overcoat. Whip cream in a pitcher instead of a bowl to do it in half the time and. with- out spattering. Paraffin rubbed on the heels of stock- ings will cause them to last much long- er without wearing out. To clean plaster ornaments, busts, vases, etc., dip in clear starch mixed with water. When dry brush off. Stick a pin through the cork of every bottle that contains poison, and this may save tragic mistakes when peek- ing medicines in the dark. Japanese Wall Paper. It is said that mikado wall patters With the dainty Japanese treatment will be popular this season, when the new attractions itx wall papers have been launched, Which is generally la the early spring. The black back- ground papers are very decorative and are rapidly gaining favor here. Follow- ing this come the beautiful tapestry effects in wall taper. Stiffening Old Hairbrushes. Old. hairbrushes which have become soft tan be made quite hard and firm by dipping them in a strong solution of alum. Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Elliott spent a few days with their parents last week. SINGLE FARE FOR VICTORIA DAY. The Grand Trunk It xilway System will issue round trip tickets at Single - Fare between all stations in Canada east of Port At thur, also tO Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, W- awa Valls, 13 ack Rock and Soapen- Edon Bridge, N. Y. Good going Friday and Saturday, May 23 and 21, valid returning until Tite-alay, nty 27, 1013 Tlekets and full itformation ft na U E, Elliott, Town Agent, Phone 4. or W.. F. Burst:nazi, Station Agent, • M. Will King and. Mise Alacia, of Jantestown pea Sunday with Mr. and Mee. Rattan of flovvick. The Sunday evenirg service -in Victoria Hail, Jamestown, was in charge og Mr, Robt. McKay of ()Ivey. Mr, and. Mrs, McCracken of Gode- rich spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week at the home of Mr. Don, McDonald of the Second, Will Little, one of the hustling line- men of the Brussels Telephone Com- pany, paid the Second a visit on Fri- day, tnalting good the damage done by a ewarnp fire, Mrs, Caroling and son Fred. frotn 3 rand Rapids was visiting her aunt, %era Arthur Magee, Bluevale Road: The monthly meeting of the W. M S. of the Bluevale Methodist Church will be held on Tuesday, May 20th, in Ebenezer Church at 2 30 p,m- The Annual meeting of the Ladies' Md S sciety of Johnston Methodist Church, Bluevale circuit, was held on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mee. Edward Johnston. The fol- lowing officers were elected :—Pres. ,Mrs. John Johnston, Vice Pre'. Mre. Geo Thornton, Secretary, Mrs. Joe. Breckenbridge, Treae. Mre. Alex. For- rest. The society is in a very flourish- ing condition. Plum 50. • - Bel more. Mrs. Kirby has returned trip to Berlin. Miss Lottie Kirby and Miss Jennie McDougall spent Sunday at Nir. Kirby'. Mt'. and. Mrs. King of Whitechurch were the guests of Mr. McGrogan on 5 unday. We were sorry to hear Mr. Findlater had the misfortune to hurt his foot. We wish him a speedy recovery, Rev. A. Gibson has returned from his trip to the Eastern States and preached a most inspiring and elo- quent sermon on Sunday afternoon. Re -opening services ''ill be held in the 'Methodist Church next Sunday at 11 a.m, and 7 p,m. Rev. Mr...Ribbert will occupy pulpit at both services. The Salem choir have kindly oonsent- ed. to assist in the evening. Collec- tions in aid of the building fund. Craribrook feom her Farm For SaIe. lot 42, eon. 7, Meet Wawa. nosh, 100 acres,, 85 acres cleared, 8 acres fall wheat, 14 acres fall plowed, 4 titres orchard, mostly winter fruit, balance in grass, well under -drained, 1 storey frame house, kitchen and woodshed, barn 6040, with stone stabling, cement floors, windmill and water in house and. barn, 1 miles from postotlice, school and church. A bar- gain for quick sale, For particulars apply to Wm. Wightnaan, lot 35, con. 10, or Belgrave P. 0. Coal! Coal I Coal! Nut, Stove and Egg, $6 50 on car; Nut, Stove and Ettg, $6 75 delivered ; Pea, $5 50 on car ; Pea, $5 7.1 delivered. A -Iso Soft Coal and Coke at popular prices. One car of Nut to -day, also one of Egg and one of Nut to -morrow. R; CANT1410N, Shed, G,T,R. ' Enquire at Mooney's. Miss McRae of Armour is visiting friendin this vicinity. Everybody is looking forward to the Rural Mail Delivery. Mr. Geo. Graham, of New Homburg spent the past week under the parent- al roof. • The Hunter, Sparling and Perris properties are being improved by new fencing along the front. One of our bachelors has invested in Real Estate in the West through the agency of Mr. Mitchell, of Wingham. Mr. Cochrane of Wingham accom- panied Mr. Manners in hie new Ford auto, through this vicinity prospective of selling another auto. A Male Choir was an intereting feature at the Christian Endeavor on Sunday evening, the pastor Rev. Mr. McCullough favoring them with a solo, Myth. Next week will be an important and busy one for the members of Knox Church. On Tuesday the annual Presbyterial will be held here when delegates from all the Foreign Mis- sionary Societies of the Presbytery will meet in convention. Special speakers are expected to give addres- ees on Missionary topics. Both after- noon and evening sessions will be held and on the same day, the 'Maitland Presbytery will meet in Bluevale. Preparations are being made to enter- tain between ono and two hundred friends by the local church, On Thursday afternoon an interesting event will take place when Rev. Orasv- ford Taite will be inducted into the pastorate of Knox and Eadie'. All the ministers of the Presbytery are expected to be presentto celebrate the eorning of Che new pastor. A. tea - meeting will be held in the evening, and the church workers are tryir g bard to make it a successful and et- joyable entertainment. The admission will be twenty-five cents. Belgrave. Mr, Garfield Shoebottom recently passed his examinations in Telegraphy and has secured a position at Bron - tee station as night operator. We wish him continued success in his wolk. A MESSAGE TO WOMEN Who are "Just Ready to Drop." When you aro "jus c ready to drilla" when you feel so weak that you can. hardly drag yourself about—and be- cause you have not slept well, yon get up as tired -out next morning as when you, went to bed, then you need help right away. Miss Loa Dumas writes from Ma- lone, N. Y., saying; "I was in a badly run-down condition for several weeks, but two bottles of Vinol put me on my feet again and made mo strong and well. Vinol ha 4 done me more good than all the other medicine ever took." If the careworn, haggard rem and women, the pale, sickly children and feeble old folks around here would follow Miss Dumas' example, they, too, would soon bo able to say that Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron remedy, had built them up and. made them strong. It is a wonderfully strengtb.ening and invigorating body-builder, and V70 sell it under an ironclad guarantee of catiefaction. You get your money back if Vinol does ne.: help you, W. Staltibbort, Druggist, Winghoune Coal! Coal 1 Coal ! We are now prepared Ito receive orders for supplying the best quality of D. L. and W. Scranton coal at the following prices delivered, Chesnut, $7.15 ; stove and egg, $0.90; pPa, $6.00, Above prices for April and May. J. A. McLEAN. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bainton autoed to Chesley last week. Sunday was observed as Mothers Day in the Methodist Sabbath School. Mr. Symonds had the misfortune to have his leg broken by being kick- ed by a horse. The first meeting of the Court f Revision will he held in the Hall, Mon- day, June 2nd. On Friday, the license commissiOn- ers granted Mr. F. McCaughey, of the Commerical Hotel and Mason Bros, of the Queen Hotel, their licenses. Rev. Mr. Edwards of Goderich preached Educational sermon in the Methodist Church on Sunday. Rev. Mr, Jewitt took his place at Goderich. CLYDESDALE STALLION. The well•known Clydesdale Stallion, Mascot, owned by J. W. King, Blue - vale, will be at D. McPherson's stable, town'until Monday. Full route will be published in our next issue. SEED CORN. SPECIAL —We have in stock a car of the choicest Seed Corn grown ou high ESSE.X land This ceriais of excep- tional fine sample and you will not have seen the best until you have seen ours— Imp. Learning, -White Clap, Bailey, Wis- consin No. 7, Comptou's Early, etc. We have also a quantity of choice Seed Potatoes as advertied in last issue. Fine Tomato Plants, etc., for.Satur- day. Large and complete stook of Mengel and Turn'p Seed. J. L. AWDE. TENDERS WANTED IlYmeneal. A pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized on Any 3rd, at 297 Govern- ment Ave„ Edmonton, wben Miss Lulu May Page and Mr, David Little evese united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The bride was.becoming- ly gowned in white embroidered mar- covisette with bridal veil and orange blossonas, and Miss Sadie Page, the bridesmaid in white silk, The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. John Little. The many and costly presents, including some very nice checks testify tO the high esteem in Whichst.he newly married couple are - held. The bride is a niece of Mre. H. Hit:penile, town. Sheyesided here for a short time and left with her parents for Edmonton about four years ago. The Advance joins in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Little every happiness. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. On Saturday, May 10, the High School football team went, to Clinton to play against the Clinton Collegiate team in the semi-final round for the Hough Cop. The score was 0 0; high wind spoiled the ganee, and put accurate playing out of the question. The line-ups were as follows :—Wing- hana—,Goal, G. R. Smith ; Blake, 1. Colvin, Ti. Taylor Half -backs, 3. 0 tmpbell, G. Oruikshank, S. Curie; Vorwards—W, Haines, W. Elliott, I. Dickson, B.. Day, W. Eachanan (cap. tair.) Clinton—Goal, W. Caldwell; Backs --E. Torrance, B. Bacon; 14a1: -b tcloo N. Sparks, S. Smillie, 0. Kilty (eap- taln) ; Forwards—H. Me0rostie, B. Cooper, S. Sialine, O. itaiser, E. Mof. fatt. OA Wednesday evening the two teams will play the return rune in the Town 3?0,11t here at 0 15. The winners play a final round With Wood, stock Baptist College in the neer future, Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to four o'clock p.m. Twenty•Sixth day of May, for the digging of what is known as BOIt'B drain in the Township of Tternberry. Plans and Specifications may beeseen at my office. lot 13, concession 7, Turn - berry. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. POWELL, Clerk, Wingham, Ont. FOR SALE. That desirable home consisting of four acres of land, close by the Town of Wingham. A good part of this place is under orchard, small fruits, and plantation. Buildings are all in good repair. Apply on the pre- mises, to JOHN AGNEW, Lower Winghaiii, INVESTMENTS. Estate and Private Funds invested on, First Mortgage &curtly without charge 6& per cent. Apply— TEBBUT r, Spectator Bldg., Hamilton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his fine farru of one hunched acres consistiug of the north halyes of lois Nos. 46 and 47 of the 1st conces- sion of the township of Turnberry. The farm is in a good state of cultiva- tion, and has good buildings, brick house and batik barn. It is well fenced and well under drained, Term —one-third cash and the balance, if required, on time to suit purchaser. For further particulars apply to J. 0. Eliggins on the farm or to Thomas Higgins, Wroxeter. TOWNS[IIP OF TURNBERRY. The Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll of the Township of Turn - berry will be held in the Council Chamber, Biuevele. on Monday, the 20.h day of May at 2 o'clock p ni. All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves ac - cot dingly. P. POWELL, Clerk, Turnberry, May 13, 1913, FURNITURE SALE. 4On Monday, May 26th, at 2 p.m. at my residence, Shuter street, all my bousehold furniture will be sold by public auction. Watch for bills. THEO. HALL. POPULAR STALLION. Tho Imported Clydesdale Stanton. Mascot, No. 4578, Vol. 14, 0.1-1.a.,, Canada, will make the following route duri,og tho awn:— MONDAY.—Leave Goo. P. Robertson's sale stable and pro ,ecels to Wesley Loggatt's near Whiteehuroh for noon ; thence to Leask Mc- Geo'u, con. 10, Rost Wo.wanosh, for night. Ttir,unin, --'Co R..bt, oubess, eon. 10, East Wawanosh, for noon; then to his own stable, WingItarn, for night, WnpistitsDAY.----To Jos. Smith's, can. 8, Turn - berry. for noon : thence to games T. eon 6. Turriborry, f night, i. --To Thos Dif0A1101111,01'8, Wnxett or gravel, for noon; thenen t Ring gdVvard. I1nto1 stables, Wroxoter, for night. FitiDAY.—TO John MoNaughton's. eon 2, nTinlriionvofforr f.ofr 11;ittrit?to.n ; _thence to J. W. King's, SATuttokr.—To E. B. Jenkins'. Illuovale roart. for noon, thence to his own stable, Wing - ham, -whore he will remain until the following • Monday morning. J. tw. KIG, Proptiotor. TOWN OF WINO1101. iorrorriormiroora rworriraborbir Court of Revision. Take notice that the Court of Revis- ion on the Atisasinent Roll of the Town of Wingham will bo held in the 0.nnaell Chattber nn Monday, May 20, c ontrieneing at tn p. . All partie is ntereeted will please take notice and attend 3014N t'. GROVES, Oranti, Thursday May 15, 1018. 1 Stop, Look, Listen ! w Shoe Sale On Monday next, May 19 At .4.15 p.m. preciseiy 43 Pairs Women's Low Shoes All sizes, 24- to 7 Regular $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 On sale on Monday as above stated For $1.17 er ir One Shoe of each pair shown in North Window. 1.9%.••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••;,./.• •••••••••••••••"•••••••••••••••••• .."...4,1"..".../•••••••••••••••• ••••."."..."........W•f•••••".•••••••••".".••••••••••••••• This store will be closed on SATURDAY, MAY 24th One week from next Saturday, Being Victoria Day. •••••••"."...04.0"••••••".0%.w...."..".."."."4"."..".".•••••••••••••••••..........w.......•••••••••••••••• Sole Agents For The • THE SHOE STORE Ate-laeld ••• • • •• FOR 677,04. LADIES • • wmt..Ad...hda'161,oevoitta.,''a.egese, STRAW HATS AT ALL PRICES • WOMEN'S S Your new gown will look at its best if you're wearing perfect fitting CORSETS We have made a full range of sizes in many new models to show off the new season's model to the best advantage. There's one that will fit you as though `twere made for you alone. GET IT. Model 666 is best for fully developed durreautar. in the newest goods of Cotton, Whipcords, Bed - fords, in greys, white, black and. white checks ; something different in material than. we have shown this season. Big- gest choice in Cotton goods in. Repps, Voiles, Piints, Muslins and Ginghams. Watch our windows this week. C/ C A la Grace Corsets and our other styles in Cromp- tons Corets are perfect fitting for the season's styleq. You will get a really up- to-date model—one that suits your figure perfect- ly—by asking for C I C a la Grace Corsets. 9 The well known advertised line of "Holeproof Hosiery" in Wo- men's, Men's and Children's—guarantesd six or three months—or new oncs replaced for same. Wehave the agency for this line. Ask to see "Hosiery" when pnrehasing. ?rices -6 pr. for $2 00; pr. for $3.00 ; 8 pr. for $1.50. SEND US YOUR MAIL ORDERS. PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO 70. ANNA & CO* sasseseeseee, :LA 11111111111111111111111111116111111111111111111