HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-15, Page 6se n ARD .144 • 'f3OARDING HOUSE CRITICISM4 tialinteu opinion) jetemaareewin you, take tea or coffee? Boardet-Winenever yola eon R. OYN CAL. leuelmere Ameriean) -.ewe are company." mail they are mado ona" DISTRACTION, flee:Ion Toilisotint) .alattd-Last night Jaek ae skea mhow oid woo and I tohl him 21, 'ainri.- .-.Yon were always good at sub- taatstil n, tone. PONDER THIS: (New Orleanses TimDentnet•ati "Nolen. be sorry some day that you ditto' t marry.' "Well' I'd rather oot be married non be sorry 1 waen' t than be married min st 11¼'" 1 wits. THE HIRE THE HIGHER. (New Orleans Times Democrat) Tco'vlier-"What ishe tdifrerence ?Ka tusao •1 will hire a taxi, and I have bireti a taxi?" Xia-"About six dollars ana a half. ACCOM M °DATED, 'Fuzzy Ohl Lady -"1 want two good seats this afternoon la the voolest part of the house." „ re; agent -"All right, madam; here are 1st() in 'A row. CATTISH. (1,Ippinecat's) "nett au mon flatterer," said Clara Ilave you notletel it (leer?" "Wily. no," r Dora, "IQ he say that 'tvere nrottY?" ••No, deer," y(4'41)(1'0(4(1 Clara, "but he said you, were.' I LOOKING AHEAD. (Woman's flow Companion) tantion-Tinty, I wish to share all of your i8oubles with you: Billy -I have no troubles, dearest! Ciynthla-Oh. I mean witen we are mar- led t I VARIABLE, (Puck) Ont Lady -now old are you, little boy? Bobbic-rm under 5 years, on the street u n eaad over 16 when I go to the. mov- ies. 4 14- . ONLY DARED THINK alT. (Town Topics) "Father," said a little bort "had, Solo- mon 7(10 wives?" "I believe so, my son,' said the father. "Weil, father, was he the man who. said, alive me liberty or give mth e dea?' " ,- . HAD EXPERIENCE. . (Boston Transcript) Slae-But Jaelc, dear, fancy coming in such silahhY clothes when you are ..going m to ask pro's consent, Ile -That's idi right; I emit ruined. once load a new IN THE PARK AT NIGHT. (London Opinion) First Brokendown Actor -Not a seat to Sparc. It renaffias me of my palmy. clays. Stalls fun; Cirele, gallery, pit -all quill jost like that, Second Brokeridown .Actor ---.And all of 'em fast asleep. What? THE MEANING OF IT. (Baltimore American) "This passage in the news artleIe says, "The man, with an effort, .gathered him- self together.' Now, what does that mertn?' " "It must ineA 'that he luta gone to pleas," - • , 1 ! JEALOUS. (ruel) First Satanic, Imp -Who's the latest arrival? Ile's mng akiquite.a bit. „. second Satanic, Imp -Traveling sales- man. I guess. Old Rabelais and Mun- cu hasen, are sore as pups over something SLIGHT DOUBT. Mr. Almost Bald -Tony, my hair IS getting thin. • Tony ithe barber) -So! Wine': one? POSSIBLY SHE HAD. (Boston Transcript) Edith -You haven't seen my engagement ring yet, have You? Marle-1 don't know, dear. Whos'e the man? HOPEFUL. (Baffalo Express) "Do. you regard spring as the aca.son of hope?" anked the poet. "It must he, or so may neraons would not be deluded in planttng gardens," egreed the suburbabite, THE INFERENCE, (London Opinion) Adolphus -It's an awful shame. My little nephew got hold of that poem I wrote to you and tore it to ahreds. 1,ingusta-So the little fellow can me?. already! CLOSE SHAVE AT THAT. (Boston Transeript.) So yon are now living in the suburbs? Do you have to walk: to the train moroing.s? Dtx---No, run. 4 *--* DARK TIMES, Iondon Alta) "Vow ar-• on netting on?" "Oh! just keeping my neck ebove \let- tere' so think by the eolor Of WORK AND PLAY. (Judge.) EnipIoet. --Ifow long has Clot- rfJx'e hoe. orked in :voter office? ...second Employer-- About hal f an hoer.. Ile lute been with us six. menthe now. . HOUSEHOLDS. (Washington Star) you, believe in emporal ptinishnunit 1i'elludren":" ,.114401.1 red," r41.41ied Farmer (1441 nte...:,et. -Parents ent our way ttre Piud*.s. in' J44 ammo 1' on' Iehlo manner.44 tizi' 1 lionl.fol if their 01111411Pu don't ,nnti HAVE TO. f !lepton Transcript) - anyway. leate Isn't. (me of ilthSt• At omen 'alto varier' goeeip al:out:41. Ile -No, she )0l'4 a telephone in her Lem 44, WELL TRAINED. (Judge) Alt. 11' iitv1444(1,,,----T114-• papers speak of vent. woe as 00 influential ward boss. air. 1 •ett si.e had tits of pi*let lee at Lome 344.fore *=Le went ifito )'11th,- THE SAPETY-POINT. crit-ititet ;Mr.. 11,t'r ritly.Wp11-1 )1t1 ftilp(41,1t. ncey- cup. et ail (Luling. nry marriage eerentetty, e.••, VIII ell oe.etilate) little at th NI, 1111,1v. 1441 1011 11 I ik,r 4'''1 ''4' II:111 8:114 "f DISCORD. W seelli»gton Star.1 i!1 11" end hie wife have quarrel - t llhOOt '" "Vv entail felffrffee, Ile lenitts 1I(1 to %eve :led elle Lap; elle won't he bother. el ei„oei it:, • enzusentasemzsamanotwours PLOTS MAT MID ICZCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "Poor lithe Wei! 1 .10 sympathize and pity pal with all my heart.' she sehl. ourso you cannot tare for a man • Wholn uthets select for you. Mon Dieu! They do that in 1:ramie where so many unhapp,- aro, m marriages arade. thought in free, glorione Ameriell, a girl could choose the lover her own heart prompted her to love. •Oh, tide is indeed dreadful, poor little Bab. Vou are sure to hate hine No doubt irie father has told him, the plane he itas 111 etore for him, and he is equally prepared te detest you. lie eannot refionk to Pomo to yonr party. but he eon refuse to admire., let 1'11010 adere you, 1 moat tell you the teak. dear he is slue to lie your sworn en. 011,v, herefore be on. your guard against him, 110 matter hew he may emit') into your filet' es be is being in- trodaised to you. He will be laughing at you under his sleeve, and saying to him- self: "This girl is ready to fall into my arils,: I can make love to her and flirt with Iter. to my heart'a content, then ,go and lough Mend it among my Mende ant1 tell them what a self -heart- ed, little thing this girl. Bobby, is, who Is ready to marry me - quite whether.1 will or no.' " "Voit are right, cried Bab, sobbing afresh; eee it ell before mee- juet as you pietttre it; but he shall not lough at me. hate him already as badly ars you Ray he hates me. and 1 shell take pains to let him und•Irstand it. Yon shall las by )fly side, India, and see how 1 hall eaub him." "1 glery in your spirit, Bab," ninr. muted her false friend, "Of 'entree 1 dM not quite like to suggest it, but that 6 just what 1 •should do were 1 in your uuenviehle position, deitrA" "Thank you, so mueli for your advice, India, dear!" (Tied Bab, gratefully. "You lieve ehowu me what to do, and never forget your leindncee. E will show him that l'in•not eo 1c dieposed of like basket ut neitelicee" will see that this foolialt Bah makes hereeli so ridicaloue and Imeivil Ott iny handeTaiw 'hero will dislike her at wereThe inelined to do other. wipe,. It 1f4 well that om ou the seelle to direet Bah*ti aetiOUS im their firet meeting, otherwise sbe would have Innen in love with Clarence Neville at first sight, ae,1 did." unApTH,g,'17 After luncheon •Bab took Ina's, out to inspect the grounds. "ft' the weather Iook4 the• least bit foreboding We •are to have the affair indoors," she declareil. "I don't like tho idea of an indoor party in, balmy wea- ther like this. The rooms are sure to be too bot, even with all wholowe open, you know." Thus slte chattered on, bate -India, was not even listening; she Waci; thinking Of handsome Clarence Neville, awl had even begun her plane tta• to bow AO ehoUld win him,' India Haven had eeen the noblest young lorde of Europe; many of them had seed at her dainty feet fer a single word, a smile or a glanee, but they had sued in vain: sbe had etwortraged them while their wealth lasted; after that, elle knew them not. And now shesewhoee heart bad been QOM as ice---wae touched fur the first time, amid all her varied. experiences, 'with love'e fire, and vidsued" naturee the bewildering. paesiou (swine like a Mighty whirlwind, sweeping aside all barriers that would oppose it. Yes, she loved Clarence .Neville on eight, and she VOWed to herself that no one shoulki eome between them and win him from her; woe to the girl who should attempt it: She had better be dead than stand in the path of this impettions Freneh girl. o eleverly 4141 1211111: Haven play the part elle had assumed ----as the artlees little convent Maiden- that even , Mrs. Mack, shrewd as elle Was, Wale complete- ly deceived in her, write Lord forgive me for judging the girl before I had eeen her," she mused. "She is as eweet and innocent as she is beautiful." There was one in the household, how- ever, who did not share the old home - keeper's Aolden opinion of the lovely stranger, and that wap Patty, Miss Bar- bara's little maid, "There is something about thie• French. girl that reminds 280 of a beautiful snake," she de•elaTed confidentially to her fellow servant's; -yea ought to see her look at Mists Bab under those white lids of hers. I am as eure ae I am of my life that she perfectly detests Miss Bab, though Mies Bah is perfectly carried away with her, I am sorry to gee. She loved the brindle cow until she 'nearly hooked ber, and the Siberian bloodhound until he made a leap at her throat, missing her by seareely a. hair's breadtli to say nothing of all the rest of the beasts and bit4ls that have come within an tie(' of doing ber bodily barm. She never sees vietouenees in anything mail something terrible tomes of lt. And, I add, she will yet see the devil claws be- neath the Frenelt girl's velvety fingers Mark my words." Patty companions laughed; but there crane a day when they remembered that propheey toe well. Meanwhile the afternoon had rolled rapidly on, India had begged to he permitted to , remain itt her room while the much - talked -of party wa in progreee, declar- ing she had nothing fit to wear, knowing full well just what answer little Bab would make her. "You shall not remain away from the gayety on that itecount, India, dear," cried Bab, 'In t 1 • 1.7. "1 have any amount of lovely dr(sses which ean he made to fit you on short notiee--Mrs. Meek was bpeaking about that, and fiaid en, NOW, &net refuse to Accept my offer, india. for if you. do so you will break 'try heart." India bad no notion of breaking the, tender. impuleive Mlle heart in ques- tion. so, after the proper amount, of ooaxing, she allowed herself to be per- suaded. The next hour wee spent In reviewing, nab's wardrobe. The Waislit or the gown were a splen. did fit, but the ekiris we: e half a mile too elfort, 0.5 nab ruefully expreeeed it. "There isn't a silk dress attiong the Whole lot," WW1 India's annoyed nimbi comment ; "all simile, leetell'adite �td tulles.It takes sins te, set me off to adVaittage." 4114. ehose the plettiest and Meet eV- Tiensive of the whole lot the very gown that Bab Led intended to wear herself; but the /rave little girl lint all thmtghts elf quiekly aehle; Wonbl not brae India tee /or woehle that she Sued Loped Ler oludee would fall on any ether tires Oen That, The pan wee a he nit iful Whitt fiwies, grown with pink resebude anl lot rash. arr • • - • C.o. A. 2.40 . R," 1.0104 with Tige down. by tile old, Mill, Coold'i*Breathe "dater toalav there will lee eu) =ore OROYDEN WOE WE ' NI alth white lace and ribbon's- It was - so Frenehy in twee and. material that • if caught ludia's fauey the nuonent her eyes reeted on it. tie eouree it WaS short, for there mete e pale half a head difierenee in the : height of the two girle, but tide defeet - A 0.8 soon remedied by the addition of a couple of hive raffles, . which Bab lueltily had to replace the two on the gown, in c4•140 she should tear them into Are& the first time site put ou the dainty affair. it had been prophesied by Mrs. Meek that" Bab, the romp and tomboy, would ettetroy many a froek before elle learned - hoW to wear one that reached to her tinkles with decorum. Patty' had nimble, tasty fingers, and Ities dress which elle had houed to see on Mies Bab wee given to her to make over tor India. - Her intenee dissatidection over the matter ean bettor be uuderetood than di eeribed, . "f would rather see it torn into shreds than on thatVrenelt girl's hack," . ••she thought. "How impertinent she WW1 to elentee the very fineet gown iii the whole lot! 1 dill not hear her say to Miss Bab: 'Which of all these were you in- . tending to wear?' 11 elle had any sense • in her head Ole would have known. that that WaS the one iNfl'se Bab WM to Wear at her colningomt party. She did not eare a snap of her finger's, as Ion as .tit.t! got it. "-A nil 210W poor little :.‘fia'S Bab .2nust wear the white tulle; bol; never mind, elle eball look like an angel and out - Shine that wily French beauty, if I have to work my :finger endi . off to aeCten- plieb it." Even Mrs. Mack was a trifled. flus tered to hear from Patty that Mise Bab haa given up her beautiful new pa-rty dress with the- pink rosebuds in it to the handemne etranger. She would Lave remoestrated with. bee about it, anS set her foot down against such a proceeding liad it not been too late to interfere; but, .like Patty, she coneoled hereelf -with the. thonght that anything would look lovely on dear, tender-Itearted. impulsive 'Bab, whose 'very grave fault was being alto - wilier too liberal -hearted. The evening was (vent in the draw- ingeroons and Mr. :Rayon was delighted • let learn that hie niece could play and eing -divinely, though he anarvelled entieh that lier eelectione 'ere such bright, 1-11 rely and sentimental verses, so dif- ferent froree-What the pupile in a striet rrenelt onveut were supposed to lean. He loved music devotedly, and it Wile hie greateet regret that his little rol- licking madcap Bab would not, or would not, master even the, most simple rudie Melte of M. `'The notes look like black sheep jump- ieg over a fen' ee papa," s't,e had de - Oared; "I always feel like helltieg them 06011a11):." 1best ., mtesical professors hita been engaged for her, hat it Wilt4 guile- useless; the merry little maiden. who could warble coan solve like a veritable nightingale had mo love of real melodious music in ber dear nt,. tle. eoul. They all loved little Bab - perhaps all the better for herfaults- but gave up trying to instruct her in music one after the other. • "The desire to itexptire it -will (some to the thild all of a sudden;" they all declared, and Bab was left to herself, great as the disappointment was to her father, For the first time in Ler life Bab re- gretted that she could not play when site notibed how delighted her father was with India's 'performance, watchitig her white fingers as they swept over the keye, with his whole -sent in his eyes. "I'm aehamed..of myeelf. I'll put my mind On it and learn, just; to please ••papa," thought Bide flushing a little. • 'When Mr. Haven dropped itAeep hi his their,the two girls: slipped out of the drawing room .end up to their own apartment; Lan was. to room witleBab I1" that night, for the apartments be- ing -prepared for her eould• not be got ready nntil after the party, there being quite a number of young folks. coming up front Boston who had been. invited to remain a fortnight. ,,,_ .. "You will' be the queen of the party, as well as every affair thereafter, In- dia„" declared Bab, throwing her arms enthuslastieally about her treacherous -companion, "for you are by far the most beautiful. Myl won't, every one envy me having so lovely a ere113111, and len't it just perfectly delightful that I am to keep you with me forever I am deeply -ay, head over heels --in. aove with you myself, so I an), sure all my friends will be." . lnd ht.totttle, no . audible reply; she only smiled sweetly, gathering the golden curly head, that reseed. on. her shoulder closer to her, after the caressing fashloo that these Freneh girls alone possess. - But in her heart she was flaying: "I dun't tare a snap' of my white fingers .for yoar milk -and -water friends, Made- moiselle Debby. I shall direct oll any energies to winning handsome Clarence Neville, my beau ideal, and Indialiaven . has never failed .yet in anything she made up her mind on accomplishing, no matter how daring it was." ,And on the heels of this thought canto a memory -- it dark, distorted race- arose up before I her mind's eye, making her almost faint for the instant Lula gasp for breath. "Fool -coward that I am " elle hissed. below her broth; "the past lies buried in the past. I left all that behind me i when I bade farewell to sunny Prenee„ i with the seerets it holds. Bahl 1 ant i to longer the demure eonvent maid- ' artless and inneeent as the -silly little thing beside me." And ehe -tould scarce - I ly restrain the hareh -sneer that. arose .to the crimson lips that ould laugh so : sweetly awl melodiously as to Wool . the ihrowdeet student of human- nature. Bab .eliattered away like a magpie for over an hour after they were en- - ' E•00Tteed side by side in her little white - downy meet of a bed, falling to edeep f at last front sheer exhaustiou, the sea - 1 fence on her lips but half linieheal. Eleven o'cloele Was 'outrageousbt late for Bat& blue eyes to keep open, while to . the *Freneli girl the evening WM IMO 'begun; Alte lay for long hour* watelling the moonlight en the white 'velvet ear - pet, thinking of a. •Rair of brown bezel eyes, a deep, rielt voice, it arouse white lama,' and the fitee of the handsome - stranger to whom her turbulent heart . , bad gone out in passionate love when + their eyes &et met. cirmmat, VI. Bab's blue eyes were open with the dawn the next 'morning; but, finding India etill asleep, ahe emit out of her downy nest without awaking her ccatein. "Sliteert ear oltI to-tliqs" Bab mur. I inured, tying back her golden curls with bine ribbon, as she stood before the mirror watehing her own We tutioWalee no more of the Lad, delightful gamee. for say e it would he highly improper, for et sixteen it Sirl hia :soling lady. "No$%. boa it :Avenge. I don't feel a. bit different from what 1, 4j4j yest.e. da,y?-but, gracious)! those worth/ are premature, it Apilettrit, for emne one has taken my gingham dives that f wear to romp in mornings out of the clot', and ind in -its place title long one. Olik /dear! oh, dear! 1 uese PM a young lady sore enough: I suppose all of the sealants are aktiting to eee 200 eome (WWII to breakfest in it. I *shall fall all over it know I shall for it nektrly touebee the instep. Patty mat put it tuck in it. Oracions goodness! I'll hare to get used to this sort of thing by degrees., 1 wonder they did not make it trail a yard long, like the tail of the 0141 white cat, and be done with Baby Surveyed hereelf long and onru- estly iu the long Vreneh mirror. and he vould not, but own to herself that She Rid look it head taller than the Bah of yesterday. She etuie daslea to the lower -corridor on. tiptoe, and as she passed the library door, early as the hour Was elle WV Iter father Already there. lie heard. tho light step and &need up quickly, for those dancing steps eould belong to no one else but little Bah, "tlootl morning, young lady," he said, quizzieally, then he stopped short. Could that Seemingly tall, slim girl really be the child whom he had seen romping .over the lawn, with. the dogs at her heels but yesterday? Every one about the honse suede a great furore over Bab ia her new- role of young lady. Mre. Mack, the houseo keeper, took the girl in her arms and cried over ilea 'We'll soon be losing you now," she said, drying lier eyes on the oilier of her apron. "Some handsome young man -will come along-, there'll be a fine 'wedding, and theft there'll be no Bab in the grand old house, and gloomy enongh it will be without your laughter, little one." "How Tidieulous to prophesy.anything like that for me!" eriod the gni, shak- ing her golden curls with a too) of her bonny head. e "rm never, never, never going to many an1 leave pepa." $931,MS, 116, that's what they all say," deelared Mre, Maak; "but when a young fellow eomee around ilea resolution is quickly forgotten. You remember the wordse • "'Thus it is, our children leave u$i Thoen we love ant dose who love us; Just when they have learned to help 118, When we are old an81 lean upon them, Comes a youth with flaunting feath- ers, With his.pipe of reds, a stranger, Wanders stnaing througk the village, Beekons to the fairest maiden, And eho follows where he leads her, Leaving all thing.% for the strang- er.'" - "That will never be the ease with me, Mi'. Mack, PM going to be a nice old, maid. live made up my mied to that." 'Just hear the child talk!" murmuted Niro. Mack, greatly amused. at thiS de- claration, adding with a sigh: never be that, lase, you're KO gay an(1 bright and prett*,. I shouldn't wonder if you met your fate in aome young gentleman who will be here at yom• party to -night. Something soma to tell me that you. will, child, for I had a atrange dream last night. I thought I saw a handsome, gallant 'young- man come to you and place a. white rose hi your hand, and you -took Ids aria and walked away with hien That means a 'wedding in the house within the year --whenever oue &mine cf a yottug titan and. a white rose." "Won, if we do have a. wedding. it will be India's," laughed Bab heartily. "Where is 'aliss India?" asked the housekeeper, being Otte reminded etf the "Mien)," answered Bab. "She magi; be real tired after her long journey, so -I did not aaVaken her. T will, go ont into the greunds and wait for her to join inc. I'll probably not have long to wait' The old housekeeper -watelted the girl aa she tripped •off through the sunshine. "The Lord. Weis her dear little heart:" she muttered. "It would never do for me to tell her what elee dreamed -- that a young girl attempted to come between Bab ad her 1 01'0, and is eho turned her leo toward me, I saw, with. aiimayt that It was the face of the beautiful French girl who lute mine to We house to live with Us. It's only a .dream, but dear me, it has worried M6 over Mao I woke up?" Seven, eight and nine .o'clock came, but Mill no India appeared. Bab wits so thoroughly famished that she was obliged to take a cup of chocolate, pending her cousin's appeaarnee, When ten o'clock eame, and the hands of the old. clock in the ha.11 crept slowly around to eleven, and still Ito Mrs. Mack began to Wonder What nould detain -the girl upstairs, and at length she sent Patty to investigate. Patty knocked sand knocked, but there WAS no response,. ,She opened the door softly and entered, :Ina the sight that net her gake held Ler spellboand with astonishment. The beautiful French girl stoat' before the glass painting her face. Glancing into the mirror at 'Met instant, intila Haven beheld ratty. she wheeled aroUnd upon the girl like a veritable tigress. "Bow dare you enteethe room with out 'knocking?" she cried, her faee flushing fierce red. through the reuge. "Look here, girl," she hissed: grasping Patty's mon in a steelaike grip„ "If you over tell what you have teen to any human being it will be the. worse for you. You had better be dead thanmake an enemy of M6," Poor Patty was seared quite out of her -wits. 'Wow that you are here, yon may as well 1101) Me With my toilet," snapped Witt; "bub mind, not a word to the eervanis or to any one elte." - During the next half hour she kept Patty busy enough,and then dismissed her with another admonition. MIS:5 India Haven always Awoke In the morning in a very bad temper, feel- ing cross with The world and every one in It. Patty fled downetairs, white and trem.bling' with nervousnees. She bad diseovered ,to her bitter test, that her dislike or the beautiful, haughty Freneh girl the night 'before had beim but too well grounded. ;She longed co tell hercomradesof her experience, but ' India liave»'t threat hileneed her tongue, and when Mrs. Mack question. ed her as to how soon it Would lie be' for the young holy Amid put in an ap, peerenee, she miewered, with averted eyes "Rho will be down immediately, she bade me say." India }raven soon verified her everds. for she India - lonely ceased speaking *re elm entered the breekfsteteroom, (To he Continteed.) # Itte ileeen't exist. 1? he Ater would he no lawyers, litrAnge British atrium Ilas Av. peare4 Again4 otes more ths xaystarionrt "Woe. waten" • , , Oreyden, t1'u01 superetittoo bee ligitistbz°17e(ni ,11.oaeneloarill:utetutifees latr4alliyakfttliSZIT; Tile team IS an intermittent one, fianue- time* eeveral Years pass before it is soon at all. At other time*, it appears every rear for quite a long perloa. 11 is only a year ago sinee there Was a slight loth, Wing of the water, but It ham hem' nearly 'len 'years tepee there was a mer - land, as soon 115 they did see 11118 water tias votue beet( in considerable volume, and Is bubblinnr up nt the rate of :int). (-attack feet a miuute. The (It'oydeli torrents is ate only one left of a large number ot similar litter - n11110111 streams that used to appear as unexpeetedly from the Surrey eloalk ltIns end flood the valley or Oroytien. By ancient historians 11 was mentionen witn KV+43 AN the. unmistakeable prognostieator or evil. Aecording to one old ehronicler, "when Englishmen dia first inhahlt thie land, and eoon es they did see this Water - run they knew it was a token of death or pestilenc,e or oC great battle," Joitn AUlerey in Itis "Sarvey or Suerey" evoke ot MYSterlOttahom•ne flow at ('1'0'o den which rises only upon -the- approaeh ot some remarkable alteration in Orurelt or State." It Is a, Singlilar fact that the arrival of thr "woe water" in 12 wee eoineilent with the appearance of an epidemic of rege.tntifie explanation Is that the "woe - water" comes from it floor in the under ground water paseIng down from :the _ higher to tile lower portions of the,'trlet, *swelling' out of its ordinary under- - growl chattels over the eurfave by rea. kto14 or the general elevation of the under-, ; grumid water line, • 4•44'--------•• A QUEEN WITHOUT WORRIES. Queen Ranavalona, of Madagascar, 1$ like the little girl .wlee, asked what I she 'would do if she were a queen, re- : plied, "I would sit on ray gold throne." L.This absolute and dusky ruler of near - is• 4,000,000 People take e her sover- eignity very lazilY. She has no ch.11- • dren to care for, nothing to worry her aid spends her time wearing Paris gowns, munching betel (a Maclagasottr confeetion), gossiping 'with the ladies of her court and playing cards, She ta Said to be an intelligent woman, but eeeme to be sadly in need ot missionee-London. Standard. Thirty Deaths from Razor phytneum in Chicago states 'thirty deethe have resulted from paring corns with a razor. Avoid blood voisening ber applying 1.,ittriam'8 Corn •and Wart Atraetor. Purely vegetable, Painlees and sure is 'Putnam's Extraetor, 26o at all dealers. .SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT, (FI:ederick 'Winslow -Taylor, in .Indus- trial Cana(1a,) ° Let me go over the four eprineinles of scientific management ngain; The firet Is the developmeat of seienee to replace the old rule -cif -thumb that was in the heads of the workmen; the secona the scientific stuny and selection and 'the progress development of the 'workmen; the third the bring these together; and the fourth the equal aivision ot work be tween workmen and Management, There Is an application of these pine. eiples even to ,pig iron handling, because that is a most eleenentary form of human effort. A Mart steps up, takes a Pieee of Iron without any other Implement than bis hands, walks a few *dos, and drops it on a pile. L can see you smile when 1 say that is science in handling pig iron, a science so great that 80 work - Man can untierstand it! The story 11 too long; there are ether shorter and quite as effective, beeause what I want to flo it to begin with the most elementary form of human effort and gradually go nn the scale to the More elaborate trade that I knenve, HOME DYEING is -CLEAN, find SIMPLE 118 ri# Ni) cliartee of MISTAKES if you uso The Guaranteed "ONE DYE for AU Kinds of Cloth." TRY IT and z4ove It for yourself ! Send for Free Color Card, Story uaoklet, Rua 310021 - let givinir results of 1)yelne overother colors. The Johneon-Richardson Co., Lienitad,. - 'Montreal • WHERE WOMEN WOULD HELP, (Peterboro Review) ,A, few months in jail is no adequate • 'punishment for a [white slaYerr'.1 a crime aged:let humanitY so revolting, The law will punish aft .offense against propertY, such as breaking a parse of glass, or tearing down it fence, or spine otner coin- pa.ratively trifling thing, With great sever- al'. But when one man of many or them, or Women lead or keep girls in IMmoral- ltY for their own gain, using methods too horrible to mention, It is suffldent tu • give them a few mouths in WI. tbe,re were aoy real reaeon why there should be votes for women, as well fee for men, iIiteilitssyavtisloteal,,tooloitdtpop h.ebralaeirtte; stol aeialitrae t jturnApnialya out of legielation. Life first, and pro - Dr. Tremolo's Natural flair Restor- ative will positively restore gray hair- to natural color and keep it so. IT IS NOT DYE and will not Injure the scalp. Sat- isfaction guaranteed or enOtiey refunded. PRICE ONE DOLLA.11, Send. Post paid. Addrotts. :THE TREMAIN SUPPLY CO., Dept. 27, Toronto, Ont. Coiffure Novelties. 4air ornamen.te are being worn. ttgehi. A bar pin from Paris 13 so fashioned aa toThti cinit'eLv5entitilitil)itetisattio.p aensabel)artohb*Illitatient wlth a mount correeponding with the design at the opposite end. These mounts aro eetteved on and can be varied at will. Hairpins are miteh smaller than ulna!, hut petty. They are tiettally seen in balls of amber, petted or lapis lazuli, very flatly set. (4o1a hairpins, with a small stone with less decorations are quite effettive, Combs with tutted teeth, also the Vloredora patteins and the Toll -top ef- fedi, inlaid, In stoli dgold and hand -en - e. • \ \ r f I) ()I)I) S / (1111111t1k‘I'14'171:(1).7111; r" Srk‘ A 1 l:1) 61.:4;"f4t tr:( K I N /./ P1 S At? 1 \ 1-s-1 Through His Nose Stuffed With Catarrh Catarrhozone Inhaler the One Means of Relief, and it Cored olokly, The extraordinary effieacy of 041* tttrrhOZ011e18 WithoUt 0. parallel. 6 -leveeing eold is pured in ten Initiates, 0 1101 .911 cough is eased in an hour, the most offenelve ea. lard' is thoroughly drawa frem the mystem, in ease of :telltale, end bran- ('11(125the relief and eertein (ewe that eonies from the healing bedlam ex- traete 10 Catarrh. (MAW IR Sitillgy AVM* dt4loir. more than -twenty yeare *1 euf- fered 'with a cough, lit'irt°1111e1111titli oiltItsatrlit,14 writee J. .141. Fen- wiek, of Staunton I had seemed to gru:1\j1:6thleN'tl'elrnYfl Pteto4uclI. baldly breathe on aeouut titan acme - illation of phlegm in the noee end throat, One (ley 1 tried Catarrhozone and in ten minutee wee wonderfully re- lieved, 1 eould breathe freely end. naturally through the nose, and blood opitting -was ,steapett--the phlegm Was cleared away and my regular breathing restored, No remedy ean do more than Taterrhozone.'" There le no remedy so certain ated safe as CetaTrlicione, but being a gifod ren.ady it is imitated. Bewaro of the substitutor, Large Catarrhozone laste .two months, priee $1,00. Smaller ;Axes 250 and` One. At all storekeepers and druggists, or The Catarrhozone4Co,,But falo, N.Y., and Kingston, Canada, WHEN HUMANITY SHOWS. (Toronto Star) When you read the names or the men who fought the floor In Onio, and nalmeS of those who fell in the fight, MI will observe that they were people who eame of Various raeOs. Their names show that they were of Rriglish, Socaeb, (lerma)1, Seaudanaviran, Vreneli and Ita- lian descent, but inStead or seeking to aleseroy e1(011 ()Owl' they waged the com- mon fight of inaitkInd for proservage, would has() been overwhelming. dimaeter. 44.0440...4 PILES MED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD 11 yon suffer -from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding piles, send. me your ad,d,TeSS, and 1 Will tell yon how to cure yourself a,t home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and, per - mama iure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. 'Write to- day to Mrs. M. Summers, box P 8, Wind- sor, Ont. L Queen and Bookmen. 01 WaS told the OthOr 4117 that, when Dickens had au interview with the Queen, she kept him etanding all tile time, .ana although 10,0d. enotigh in lior manner, treated him de bout ea hug) not even offering te shako handl with him when he took hiS departure, With ('*1113 le the eitee W RS somewhat. diffel- (mt. The old Scoteman calmly took the initiative. Having greeted the Queen with due respeet on her entry, he ob- served confidentially: c.isiral noo,' your nuijesty„ 1 would; reniiild you that I am a Very old man, and so ..1 will tale a, eltaixi' and down he 'sat without anv I:omission on her part, lie then, with eenal freedom, proeeeded, to critieise her. ministry, .and gyve her much unsolivited ndvtve, which, mevertheless, showed a foresight she might have made use of. The Queen, however, wits mud- affront- ed. at bis freedomof speech, and after the iaierview deehtred that she would see no More literary ment"----The Let ler- bag of Lady Elizabeth Spencer -Stanhope, by A. '.Nr. w, Stirling. I I • '4 .Minard'e Liniment Co,,:Limited, Beer 'MINARD'S LINI- MENT is our remedy for sore throat, .eolde end all ordinary ailments.. It never fails to relieve and awe promptly. CM:ARLES 111100TR.N, Port Atelgrave. ONLY RESPECTABLE COURSE. ' . Cgontreai Hermit.) Former Vice -President, Charles W. Fairbanke late joined the ranks of prom- inent men in the rutted States who in- sist aliat their eOlintrY Shall live Up to the terms 'of the 1-ley-Petunee1'4)t4) treaty, President \Alison will be compelled to etrike out the ton exeeoption elause as applying t4 'United States' coasting ves- self,' If lie whishes to have the 'Impact ot the best class of (gazer's, PILES CURED IN 0 TO 14 DAYS. your ereggist, will refund money if PA70 011111\111IT folio to cure any mole of /ton- ing. Mend, Bleecieng or Protruding Piles la 6 to 14 days. fko. HOW THE JINGO FIGHTS. (Buffalo :News) The most diverttng reading of the day le hardly that of the professlional jeeter. bill rather that ,of the jingo spoiling te have BOMA One tight depan, Maxie°, cuba and all ereetion at once, wlelle the pogo shouts genii, waves hie arms to everybolly. to go Plea ho will go in for n. drink, Ask for Minard'e and take no other. ONE CAUSE or oivonoe. (Detroit Free Press> T e truth Is that tioe disoontent that 15 1,100.050oaflotitiotoil:t•cl'oonitleienaitio-ty Is • sod • town and buy the met expenelve things to iter. Of convect ft Is lillexitigeilitttfotil.1 t4onlicvaves so tench Ineney that Ote can go dowfl- . tetpnlidtioltuggetthedine tifigng,st iittrithitto jut of thOi prOOOSti, nOr to what hapineee there nulY bo What 0 sordid teak le mustbe to be money -grubber to a woreau with en treeneive *appreciation of the material side of lira and 110 conception = et the other part of it! Bet as long as the maze Inippiies ilia money wet denies vie companionship suet ninteunity of 114100. ho, has to fake What elte can gPi,----witat the Melt will give.. And them valet' Maher' end motets Line eiotliet have oebearsetatut, Mint:a-divorce. .And Is it all Teacher -And now who ean 1011 me why WO 141011.1d always be neat clean? - Little case of accident. d Leader, o ritAIOS TKEME, swittorma %toll ettml !or Any' LosterN. 11.11 loveror letattre and Wen( of work would better beware of SWAM - 111,40. KU' the Man who 10 out or work and doeen't Make to, tremendous effort to find It is tolerated there just about one month. Then he is picked uP bodily and "lifted away," or life is made so unpleasant for him he sets out for other parts without much delay. From recent reports the authorities In tile different towns are growing even more strict than they used to be. This is what happens to a man -who says he is downand out and applies to local authorities or private Individuals for help.. First, the authorities find him. a Sob, The work Is hard and they rather make a point of having it ea. If he taltee it and stays at it uutil he can Lind something better, all well and good. But if lie refuses he is promptly sent to the workhouse. These places ere under police supervision, the work 18 extremely hard, and the wages 4 pence a day. The man is not let out, either, without the consent and recommendation of those in charge. It might seem there would be dit. ficolty determining between those who are lazy and those who are merely out of work, but every precaution is taken against making such. mistakes, All comscientious workmen have papers given them by the town in which they work, giving references in regard to their character and ability. Then, too, there are relief stations in all pa,rts of the country for the unemployed, who are out of a job' through no fault of their OWL Only those are admitted, who have had regu- lar work during the previous three montlis end who have been out of work at least it week, These men are not pampered, either. They must be on the alert for a position and accept anything that is offered them. Once a chronic idler has beeu eound hia papers are marked and he cannot op - ply for relief at any of the etations in Switzerland. * For Women's Ailments Or, Martel's Female Pills have been the Standard jar 20 years and for 40 year's prescribed and reconl. wended by Physicians. Accept no other. At all druddists. WHOM THE WORLD HONORS, (New York Sun) To the refleeting mind It is painful to note that tile world honors the de:struyer of life tar more than the saver of life. a I istory records the deed and perpetuates all acloevements on the field ef canage and imposing monuments perpetuate the , memeory of the soldier, :Nionuments to thoee who have striven valiantly and or. ten with teterifice of life and health. ao save ilfe are meagre in numbers and nig- gardly In proportion, itivery sehoof buy has an exalted idea of Alexander ethe areal.; Is there one wito heart!, of Hip- poerates? This pilysielan is far greater than that illustrious (leneral, bacatuse the fruits oC Itis aehievemente are to -clay blessing mankind, ilistorY proelanns the military aohieve- mein:: of :quake, and his eottutry is Ines ea with momunente to bim and his (len- coals, svhile his contemporary Sir James Y, Simpson is barely mentioned: although this bumble son of 0 baker itt it:t11115Ill'Alt has freed woman from the primel there is but one modest eleell tiJ Per-. petuate IIIS 111011101T, OV017 mother in the world may reeet VP 1 he 230011 he has bestowed upon wonitte. • ANTI -DIABETES SANOL is the "RELIABLE CURE" for Gall Stones, Kidney Trouble, Kid- ney Stones, Bladder Stones, Gravel, Lumbage and all diseases aristing from Uric Acid. Price $1.60. SANOL'S ANTI -DIABETES is the only remedy 'which has a record of complete cures of Diabetes, Price $.1.00. leor sale at all leading, driiggists. Send for free literature. The Sanol Manufacturind Co., Ltd. Winniped, Man. Je4-4 RURAL POPULATION NEEDED. (Stratford Beacon) About every large town and city In Western Ontario, and probably, East- ern Ontario as' well, talk of increasing Its population from t)t, to 100 per cent. during the next few years. It• might be well if such a growth would be atm .41.11 - mixed blessings to the country? Th'e Bea. eon believes t Etat city growth should, to be healthy, be commensurate with the crease of rural population, IntrIng the decade between 11101 and 191 1 the rural popnlation of Ontario decreasea by $011143 1111telahtiS. What the townsand cities increased waM t 801110 extent a t the ex - pen An of the decline of rural Population, 1 r We had some real live pulley which NS"tIlliti 1el:1'4418e the 10 Ontiu'1r4 it wtniId h aV A it reflex influenee on the urban population ana ensure 0. healthier growth, whether it would be more rapid titan at present or not. - • , a TO CURE A COLD EN ONE DAY. Take LAXATIVN 1.3110110 Quihine Tab- lets. Druggists refund money if it tails to euro, 1i. ltAr, GROVIn signature is on each box-, 25e. THE PREACHER THAT FAILS (1:.ingst on. Whig) The would is not to be impressed and won hY the jarring notes of dieptaing ChriStianS, The preecher who is abeerb. eat in disputation over the quality, or meaning of certaiil passages in the Old Testament Is not ealcutated to win sup- port or favor or make converts of the People he meets. relleardis Liniment used by Phyelcians 1 A WONDERFUL CHILD. Zerah Colburu mho) a child had the moat wonderful memory for figures ever Leown. Ile performed operations of ad- nitiote ;subtraction, multiplieatifm and di‘ision t,11 smug involving from 11 to 20 plates of -figure; -without Rotting one down an paper. Beiug oeee aSked to refieo ebeht to the tivteenth power, he almost instantly reeponded, "The an- swer is 281.474,070,710,050." Gives a (wick, Brilliant Polish That Lasts „ - -As - ISSUE NO. 20. 191 iiELP WANTED, ,* 4. 4.1114:1 oeLat et k 11.1 LVEI: !I tor 111 Call, TI•o leunge ife ealieneefetfififie tee, f.infteet, eneifie foie, enle, VANTED- YV sor Minder or Cleaner for night work. Apply. Tile NlingshY Alanufactur- lug co.. Lennon. Brantford. ont. tarA.NTED SPINNIN40 AND LW -W- TI' ing help. EXpnr/Pnet.t1 Men prefer- red, Apply, Tlie Slingsbv alanufaeturlog Coe Zainited. 1.1111.11t rOt it, nit. I . • ,110//.1.1••• MISCELLANEOUS, 140.A. re-'. eleirsaaet) Fox WANTED .iunnediately for bieediug Rig/test prices paid, according to colo:. Darkest foxes command most money. correspondence selicited. Bradalbane \Vila Animal Ageney. Prime) Alward Island. 1 - PLAY 15 CHILD TRAINING. OA. John, N. 11., Tellepetphe Play le not merely the overflow of enboal epiriie. Every gale(' that chi! tireu play is part. of an apprentheallip to it trade or 41 lalt!I 1114, I 'hit:1:141i 40° trained in their play to learn the tell - lugs of adult life, enetinetively they will make their play nesise in training them for the trade or calling Ytillf wiotib they are familiar. That ill way play should be wisely direeted. a Outinff Shoes For Everybody THE. PERFECT SHOE FOR SUMMER SPORTS - ASK -YOUR DEALER. t 311 .1 I • I MIMINNISIMIONtatiliegilkianaedial SLEEVES. They may be plain. They way be frilled. They ina.y be quite short. They may fall over the hands. The medieval sleeve partly covers the hand. The long Direetoire sleeve is of the Materi4t7 of the dress. 1401.11e XVI models Opeit from wrist to elbOw With lace kiltings. Another Louts XVI. model with a turned back cuff just covers the elbow. Jackets and coats showing military embroidery do not have this embroid- ery repeated on the sleeves. 4 4 1 Sick Headaches -0 - are not caused by anything wrong in the head, but by constipation, bilious- ness and indigeetion. Headache powders or tablets may deaden, but cannot cure them. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills do cure sick head- ache in the sensible way by removing the constipation or sick stomach which caused them. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pine are purely vege- table, free from any harmful drug, eafe and sure, When you fed the headache coming take Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills - NEW SLEEVES, Some Elaborations Which Mark the Vogue. The. progreesive changes take plaee each seaeon Iti out. manner of dress- ing always bring us some combinations which, without being quite new, prepare (18 101' the newer lines te write. our Paris eorrespOndent, .it aPPears that this spring our glands couturiers are giv- ing their particular atteution to the sleeve. Next season „our sltirts are to be more elaborate, and we 'moo have sleeves to go 'with them. Five or six ideas have been brought out by the masters, and, turn by turn, or all together,. we see at- tempts made at the mediaeval eleeves, reminiseeneee of the Pithiesc sleeve und adaptations of the Restoration sleeve. So you see that fashion in the tf leeve, does not tend toward sintrnielte, .hut he, ell the Cell tiltrYi very elaborate. in any ease. WE Into,' rest assured that our sleeves are to be long luta more ur loSs tight. Sleeves with deep laved cuffs, with broad trinuninge, two-paet sleeves -everyth mg elaborate, will be adnilsSable And variety in Sleeves will be the eider of the day, So we may each bring our 111(110411Ie1 taste to bear un them. BABY'S BATTLES Baby's battles for 1101116 all'e many. The preeionA little lite I.. in 400114.40a danger from the many ille that a Mkt little ones told' as vonetipation. indiges- tion, voile, diarrhoea, vie., and uoless the mother guards her little ones against these troubles so•rionq 104)11 t4 may follow. 13aby's Own, Tablet-, the beea medieine to fight liab's haftlee. They .are a Mild laeative that will regu- late the StomacIt and bowels and will illas ward Off siekneAs and win keep 141(h%' happy, heltithy and irf)111,4% The TLI LS 111'0 sold b.% 1110l14hle dealeVe, by mail at 25 vents a box from TN. lir, Williams' Medicine Co,, liroekeme, out, A PUBLIC NUISANCE. 11 Is a great pity that, in an #44,111)1r.ipm 01On Ll'0.11 Ileral.1) Iand In all political parties, intoi of the Nisson typC zatinot be quietly and ,.1. fevtivor muzzled Whi'll great questioee Ilf itUtekti, 1 It:11;111e 1:(1";1111teadv(4Stlitifes1;10tIlileINeititil4ottle";4111; every‘%here, and evtryw here they aie, If not a public menace, at letust a pul-dt,• nuisance. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. AT' TARGET PRACTICE. redridon Opinion) Sergeant -4 don't 'mow what to do abont these men. There hasn't been a bit signalte.et tine halt heur. Subaltern -Give the order to charge the targets with fixed bayonets. - Keep Minaed'e Liniment in the house UNTOLD, (Judge) Ilalter.-Are you going to have t143 wed- ding bells Peal forth when ;you marry Miss Onigirlt 'tomer ilardnp-Not inueb, old man: Mine will be an untolled agony, , , . . s P0 Easier to Use ----4--ma-----7 ii 0 Better for the ShOes Nci, T - urpeathlie gy! , 41. 4hit, e_e• - 0.-