The Wingham Advance, 1913-05-15, Page 141 ' 41ST YEAR, NO, 36. TIPre• •••••••••=.6••m•• Ingham Advance.. WINGRA.M„ ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1913. EDITORIAL, PARAGRAPHS. oworn to "tweak the truth, the whole SHALL. WE UWE TnE, trail and nothing but the truth, so tuder me God !" Ile lately refused. SCOTT ACT ? The wages of obetruction Why? It is up to him to expleio to cloeure. T•1••••••?••••00.••••••••• • * * his constittiente the kind of moral Editor of The Wingham A.dvance. courage that fitueleed when put to the Sir notice two referencee to my -The Globe boa paid more attention test, However, we have coneiderable former letter in your' lento of 8 la in 2 weeks to a politicial contribution sympathy with Ur, Proudfoot. Re is Ooe from iktr, tieckhart refers to the of $500. than it aid in two years to a an able lawyer of may years practice tniquitoue ballot tairtperhag) and iUtudcoutribation of $00 000. thinite the Judge was notified in severely deflowering the guilty eaetiee. Ile avoids, howevez refer. ving to the action of the Temperance Party, in trying to stoff the voters' lists, and does not sty what he thinks of the Judge's severe denounoement o tbeir a,etion, in that regard. Of rouree we know some naatters are bet- ter left alone. Mr, Ilohmes asked why it is that the *Government finds ie necessary to re- 8t;tiet the sale of intoxicants at all. The anewer is easy, Fleet and fore - west, because Governments have found it a. most fruitful source of re- venue. Money must be had, so.right- ly or wrongly, they have taxed the Liquor epr all its worth! Then they have gradually restricted more and, more the sale of it, at the instance of the so-called Teraperance Party, who possess to all Governments the great eaterm of a certain number of votea The whole scheme is a fallacy. 1 lettow I will horrify your correspon- dents, but people are so unaccustomed to the truth in these days, that it is ettedful at times they should hear it, Drink is a blessing sent us by God. be misuse is disastrour. As with tire glutton, so with the drunkard- E'araliels, The modern man theory If dealing with, temptation, is to re- move it. This is the foundation of the tallacy. Had the Temperance people neon sovereign in the gardea of Eden, they would have reatoved the apple from Eve's reach. That is not God's way. Would they could realize the emelt that drink and meat and every- thing else is a blessing we xeceive from His hands, and that every ere- etion of God is good, and to be re - Delved with thanksgiving ; and that the fault lies with the map, It is the man who is at fault, not drink or meat. Therefore, go to the man who U at fault -teach hitn, plead with hino telt trine he should not, and. you are ful- tilling"God's work. He gave as to do, acting the part of a brother to a brother; hue when you say "You elaaree" and 1 will so make it that you (=riot, then you play the part of the. fool, and err exceedingly. Yours, Pte. John Ransford. Minton, May 13.h. • * * -Premier 13 mien long within Id hie livid, but judging by the fret zted yelps of the Globe and otb.er Liberal organs, when he did hit heohlt head. * * -After all, the promise of an early election is not the ouly pre-election promise that has been violated by the Liberia party as led by Sir Wilfrid Lealer, * * * -Stippose some members of the County Council held up bpsiness so that the session lasted two weeks instead of one, what would be thought of them ? Would they be re-elected ? It is only at Ottawa where such tactics are tolerated. * * -If the Senate throws outethe Navy Bill, it will not be because it is "hasty and ill-considered" legislation. The obstructionists in the House of Cow - mons have robbed them of that excuse by talking on the subjects for four raonths. *« * -Hon, WiIliaPusItY, tired of be- ing a mere member of a discreditt d Opposition, is seeking the leadership. The Liberal party will be on its death bed when the New Brunswita poli- tician 'gains the ascendancy, * * * -Laurier behaved like a spoiled child when he was Prevented by the enforcement of the rule from ty- ing the debate on the closure into a tangled knot which would have taken weeks to unra,vel, lEte found his master however. • * * . -So William Proudfont, of Centre Huron, has become distingu- ishedi Ile has the distinction of being the only member in the history of the Ontario Parliament -upon whom his fellow members passed a vote of censure. * * * -The Globe used to sneer at Mr. Borden as Sir Wilfiid Laurier's "hired. man': because he drew $7,000 a year as Leader of the Opposition. In answer - hag the question by Dr. Edwarde, the government has announced that Sir Wilfrid Laurier is now drawing that salary. Will the Globe please repob- Hell its editorials on thie question, trausposing the names? * 41; ' -The Liberals in the House of Com - mote are now calling onethe Senate to throw out the naval aid bill. Last year at the bidding of Laurier, the Highways bill and the legislation creating- a tariff commission, were knifed by the Liberal majority in the upper house, If the Senate. wishes to light the fires which will bring about its own destruction, it cannot do better than follow the advice of Laurier. *4* -If Laurier and his followers think the electors are interested in their foolish cries ot "gag," they are much mistaken. The country has long since taken the measure of these gentlemen, who have discredited the proceedings of parliament, and by their wilful obstruction blocked. public business until the machinery of the House of Commons was disorganized and thrown out of gear. The people welcome any amendment of the rules which will forever put a stop to senseless obstruc- tion, and permit the business of the country to be carried on santly and with dignity, and it seems to be a habit of many bewyers in coat to "iusinuate," "browbeat," etc„" and. judges rarely diecipline 'them. After years thie grows into a habit, When Willivaxi was called upon to prove his institute., Mons and charges, he fell Now, like a boy worsted in a fight, he saye he didn't get fair play. The member for Centre Huron refused to give sworn evidence, but wanted to read A statement, in other words "play to the gallery," aud the chairmen of the committee would pot allow him. He went on a fishing expedition and caught no fiels, Mr. Hanna told bin) all about it before he -started. eoereattese=g ette=e---ete tee CONGREGATIONAL MEETING. ••••,•,•••••••••••••• A. xneeting of the congregation of Wingham Methodist Church wee, held on Weelneeday evening, May 7th Reporte from the varioue departments were read, howing encouraging pro- grese. The inauguration, a year ago, ore, new system of finance bas resulted most eatiefactorily, and the Finance coiranittee reported tlie finances to be in better condition than at any previ- ous time in the bistory ef the Church. Missionsey giviugs have advanced to Oae $1400 mark ; of this the Epworth League raised $520, The Sunday Selmal is in a flourishing conditioe, under the efidoient Superintendency of Mr. Buchanan. The peesent member- ship of the Church as reported by the pastor, is Cill. *4* -How can the Liberals expect the county to take them seriously when they talk of two fieet units as an °fleet to the Borderena,val proposals to crease the effective naval forees of the Empire ? Laurier had his qbance to ehow what his ideas regardirg tete- tive aid were when he was in power, and the Niobe and Thinbow were the result. It can be safely alleged that were Laurier returned to power to- morrow, the "two fleet unit" idea would find a resting place in the graveyard, of broken promises, al- ready crowded by sixteen years of Liberal administration. * * * -The Torottto Globe has had a change of heart, 'Not many days ago la was vehemetit in its &import of the so-called "Oariadiao" policy of Laurier whieh would build, matt, and mah. tithe two fleet units in Canada, one on the Atlantic and the other on the the long road to the shores of the Pacific. Now the Globe a.dmits that Pacific, awl may the haavtiness of the Canada cannot build Dreallnoughte. weleonte awaitiog yoa there, and the reutdon of vote fatuity, oomperitiate In its ist•Ue of April 21, the Globe, in for the fteparatioo frota yOUr Whig - The meeting by an almost unaui- mous vote decided to invite the London Conference to meet in Wing ham in June, 1914. „Messrs. J. Kerr and F. Buchanan will represent the Church at the Conference to be held It few weeks hence. At a joint meeting of the Official and Trustee Boards of the Church held ta,st week, a committee was appointed co draft an address to Mr. T. Hall, who has been a member of both Boards for many yeare, and who is soon to remove to California, and ot, VVedneeday evening, Dr. Redmond was called on by the . pastor. He then read the fellowing address :- Dear Bro. 'H.ell- As you are about to sever your con- nection with this congregation ano take up your residence in a dista,e land, we, of the 'Methodist Church it. Winghama, desire to convey to you, your good wife, and all the member* of your family, the profound sate, faction which it has been for us through all these years of your 'stay among as, to have your aesietance and leadership in Church work, your fel- towship and zeal in every good cause tor the betterraent of the cominuniey and the uplift of the men and women with whom you come in daily contact. We regret exeeedingly your remov- al and can assure you that the loss ot • your iuflueoce aud co-operation in every department of Church life ad Ohtietian activity will be keenly. felt Whilepout. places iu the Class room, prayer -meeting, choir, Epworth League, and general cotogregaticonal worship will remain ordilled, yore faithful services, we trust, wilt bea abundant harvest in those who con after and take up the tasks which a. now lay clown, We desire to refer particularly M.o. aall, to your efficient leadership hi Class -meeting, and Prayer -meeting. as well as to youv success as a Leacher of the Eureka Bible Study Class, and to the welitrendered assietance whieb "you have so often cheerfully given to the Pastor, both during regular ad epecial services, and we hope that the field of Christian usefulness in Oali fornia may fiad room for a workman. ni whieli no Cleucch need be ashamed. We trust that in the dispensation ot Provideoce, you may have many yeare ueeful life in iotuv new surroutid lugs, and sincerely hope that Mre. Hail may feel the healing benefit of that sunny climate, and be spared for many years of restored health and companionship. We te list that the other tnenabers of your familywill also be spared for neatly years in thet laui of great op- portunity, and filet amid the it -levees - mg duties of life they in ty still find time for cootinued service in active Church work. As you go out from among us, you may rest aseured thet you carry With you, as a fatally, the highest respect of this comet iegation, and the sincerest wishes for future success and happi- ness from the Official Boards of the Church, the Choir, the SuudaySettool and Epvvortli League; and we indtflge the hope that you may ada a Church home among the Afnericett people, where yoo can enjoy fellowship and •coonnonion sueh as every Christian most latve, if his life is to remain in fluential and he himself is to grow Arnogere and his experienee richer in spiritual things. May the over-roling hand of Pro- eiclence geant you a eafe jortrney over PRESENTATION. Oa May 6th Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ross were presented with a Mantel Clock and the follciwing address, - ••••••001010100•000 , Page Three, We invite our readers to tarn to page three and mite the improvement therein, In the future this will be one of the best pages he our paper and some of the best advertisements will appear there, A Bargain* To new subscribers we are offering the Advance from now until Jan. let, 1014, for fifty cezts. The Advan,ee is said to be one of the brightest weeklies in Ontario, Kindly invite a friend to try it. Died In Philadelphia. Last week Mrs. H. Disney received the sad news of her son's death, NU. Henry IL Disney of Philadelphia, Pa, who spent last summer with his naotlaer here. The fact that he leaves a young wife and etnall family adds to the sadness of his death. Particulars have not yet been received. Whigharn Band. At their regular meeting on Friday evening last, the Wingharn Citizens' Band elected the following officers :- Pres., Fred. Johnston; Vice -Pres., as, Leslie; See., John Hewer; Treas., Fierier Elbasclilfe, Our band has al- ways been very popular throughout Western Ontario and this year they are in better condition than ever. Among the many engagements offer- ed thern for Victoria Day, they ae- cepted Drayton. Anyone wishing to engage the band should confer with John Hewer, Sec. Thanks. The Edieor wishes to heartily thank the clergy for the cheerful manner in which they responded to our call for articles for our readers. The Advance goes into over seventeen hundred homes and if each paper is read by four persons,, then about seven thou sand people are benefitted thereby. These gentlemen will no doubt again favor ue, as well as many othere, to the pleasure and profit of our readers, If our young friends would clip and retain such articles they would find them of great service in after years. Dry Belt Lew. For the benefit, of those who find themselves in newly created "dry, belts", inforrnation as to penalties pro- vided by the Liquor License Act in local option territories is given. Any person, who sells liquor in local optiod country, is liable to a fine of $100 to $500 and costs or three months in jail • for the first offence and four raonthe imprisonment at hard labor for the second offence, Any person who appears intoxicated on the street in a local option town, renders himself liable to a fine of from $20 to $50 for the first off6nce and he may also be com- pelled to divulge the name of thetper- son fcorp. whom he secured the ligoor. Failing to furnish the information, he may be sent to jail. for three months. The fine for the second conviction is not less than $10 and coSfs. Kindergarten. Dr. Field, Public School Inspector in his report to the Winghana Public School Board, makes the following excellent suggestion :-"There iS in excess in the primary department, which has no doubt been further in- creased since my visit. As you have a spate room and an ad t quate heat - beg plant, it would be. easy for you to, add a kindergartet department. Yu would fled the result amply juetifying the additional expense." This Di worthy of the best thought of the board. Winghana ehould have a kindergarten. Even if it were just kept open from Hester until Christmas each year, it would be a great boon to our children. We will watch with lot terest the action of our trustees on this advice of the school inspector. Exit The Herald* ' • Winghatu, Oat, May Oth, 1913 To Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ross - We, the offieere and members of Winghana Council No. 222, O. C. F,, learn with deep tegret of your remov- ai from .r town, and could not think ef allot -ten you to do so without ex- pressii g in some way our appreciation )2 i he valuable services, which you hevt. rendex.ed one -Council, having be ehe office of Treasurer for nine - Veer. years and that of recorder and laurev for the teat seven year, We ve been privileged to meet with you toth in Our Council room and at our social gatherings and our aequaintance ha,s enabled us to look upon yeti with., eespect and adnairation, We are de- lighted to meet with you and your wife, who has been equally faithful as one of opt, menthe's. We extend to you both, our heart- felt wishes for your future welfare, and hope that the blessings of health end bappiness duty continue to be yours. We thank you sincerely for the many manifestationof your kindly regard, and. we AV hill to take tbis elm irtunity of endeavouring to ex- press our inward emotions that your KItidly conduct has engendered, and therefore ask you to accept this gift as. e token of our appreciation for the excellent services rendered our Council in the past. We trost that the gift, will ever 'remind you of the motive that has prompted to to using it as a means to convey to you the esteem. honor and reseed wbioh you have .4a1ned in cort. Order. Long May you live to enjoy the blessiage of life. May fortune smile *upon you and all your efforkie Sigtled on behalf of Council No 222 O. O. 0. r. Its leading editorial had the followiog ham friends. ..The two Laurier Dreadnoughte b h P 3 would be built in British shipyards," How does the Globe rqeare that ad- mission with its recent t aropeign Against building theee 'vessels in Bri- tain ? However., in view of the pest and present record of the leadlog Liberal newspaper in Ontario, one cart hardly' look for consistency In its editorial coition:or. * • Mr. Proudfoot was invited, yee urged, at the Hann& hiveetigation to itep into the ViittMil box and be Vire. Faller; Mr', Dunlop, 'ire. Hingstou, Miss C. Mitchell. "ALICE IN WONDERLAND," Ai elaborate and speettitolar pro. doction of "Alite in Wonderland" will be given at the Opera gouge on Mon- day and Tuesday high% Ma ex 26 h and 27th, uoder the auepices of the choir of St, retire Church, The play is '4"1"4402femPregeOeVeMONMIPA-i 4.- i....m840140*.egiaPOINPOrgg$ 141-43$01ripTioN1. 81,00 Pent Vika zs An'texcito ( $1,50 TO 01711000MM. ZN Uo es ligione Life in ,A.frica, India, Japan. A Pitte Herd. Town Bast.Ball Leagite. II. and B. McOlenaghan on he town Base -ball League was re- _Ch_irn. a;_Sooutli America and also reecue Weclneedaiy of this week delivered to organized at an enthosiastic meeting ' Mr, T etc. Admission Free x er od 1)epote for •Poor children, the Whiteehercle depot ,12 head of held on Friday, May 9tb. Repreeen. . cettle. whicb sold for $000. tatives were present from the Western Sunday, Islay 1.1th was the Anttiver. By -Laws Next/Monday* Fotnedry, Banker Beanewicks, and sexy of the Methodist Sunday School. clerks, The following' °More were Rev, A. S. Lang26rd of Kincardine, All those in favor of pure water and elected -Hon. Pres., O. G. VanStone ; who rendered excellent service, ad- & creditable mainstreet should poll Roo. Vice Pees, W. J. Boyce t Pres., dressed the sehool, which was out in their votes for same on Monday next. L Hinkley; Vico Preee Be A. Currie; mass 'three times, morning, afternoon , bGeestt.first hand information regarding Sec. Treae., R, T. Books. Let every- and evening, The choruses by the these by-lawsthen vote as you think Schedule of games:- body cora° to the opening game. children were very much enjoyed, The Sehool 'le in excellent order and May 20, clerks vs. Banker Brunswick. fl the classes are exceptionally well die - Bars Opeo At EightMay 27 . , a B. vs, Foendry, May 80, clerks VS. Foundry. ciplined. Bars will not be open until 8 o'clock June 3, B. B. vs. clerks. io the morning hereafter, The bar, Jurte 0, B. B. vs. Foundry. tenders will not be allowed to sell J g:ItRulers, eins any liquor to be consumed off the June 17, B. B. vs, 1%4017. premises. The man 'caught taking June 20, clerks ve. Foundry. liquor away from a bar uoless he has June 24, 13. 13. 17s4 clerk.. it swallowed will be arrested and 41.°Ter cilEtetVsrlvderyAnBdatrnykoreli Jul; 8, 13 B. vs. clerke. fined $10. This is the new law which " came into effect all over the Province Atty. el, Voandry vs. B. Bt last Monday morning. • July 15, clerks vs. Foundry. July 18, 13. 13, vs. clerke. July 22, Foundry vs. B. B. The ii. S. Board Meets. July 2o, clerks vs. clerks. The Board of the . Wingham High School met on Monday evening, May ^......weetasoaa......oe 12th, with the following members pre- r sent :-R. Vanetone) W. F. VanStone, T, Hall, F. Buchanan and W. FioWSOU. ) The minutes of the last meeting were oat -ea, nsruitheng and plumbing. Apply to read. and adopted. Moved ' by Hall • Mrs, L. Walton is visiting friends iti n W. J. Boyce, 1,Vingham, Ont. and Howson that the following ac- Michigan. Miss Annie Fixture WANTED. -Young girl, fourteen or counts be paid :-Loan & Guarantee, 1 $8 ; John Galbraith, 50c ; W, Bone friends in London. is visiting fifteen, to assist in general housework. Apply to Mrs. F. G. Sperling, Minnie 50c; O. V. fityden. 77c; Artists Sup- Mrs, W. A. Miller is spending a few Street. ply Co„ 25;$Richardson ,.& Rae, days in St, Thomas. FOR RENT. -Offices with a good fire' $20 50; N. Huron Tel. Co., $2; Mr. H. 73. Cochrane was in Brussels bparorroifstveart,I1W1-' inAghpaprolv. to 3. A. Morton, Monday on a business trip. Repairing Sidea1ks.Mr. Rich. Howson of Toronto spent A. SNAP. -A lot of 100 gallon casks, maple and oak, at $1.00 each for sale . at Pringle's Glove de Leather Works, sidewalks on main street put tnto Mr. W. Britton of Owen Sound condition. Mr. Isbister takes a deep spent the week end in town. FOR SALE.- Gasoline engine for interest in his municipal: work and is $65, Call at my machine shop arid an excellent councillor. On several Mr, H. B. Elliott was in Clinton and pumping arid other light work. Only Seaforth last week on business. See Hama -W. A, Currie, iv occasions, we have stren to persuade WANTED -Good general servant. him to change his political allegiance hMr, Orval Taylor is visiting at his Apply to Mre. J. C. Smith, Frances St. but in each case we had to hterry away, ome in Westfield for a few days. FOR SALE. -Eggs for sale from pure few days vvith Toronto friends last lest he would change oure. For over Dr, S. P. and IVIre. Kennedy spent a bred Wyandottes and also Black Or. fifty years, our worthy chairman has week. pingtons.-W. j, Deyell. the conclusion, that he is joined to his visiting with friends in Godericla this MrsDHolmes and daughter are For Wall Paper and Window Shades go to Knox's. Opposite National read the Globe, so we have come to , , Huron Man Honored. to Souther:4ton on Wednesday of Alfalfa, Timothy, all Fresh and Govern, • Hotel. Phone 65. Miss Margaret VaoNorman returned idols endive will leave him alone. week. SEEDS 1:701?s,ALa-Re4 Glover, Alsike, Personals DRESSIVAKING AIVRENTIOE WANT- ED. -Miss j, McKenzie, Francis St. LOST, -Lady's belt. Finder please leave at Advance Oftlee. SERVART WANTED. -Apply to Mrs.• N. T. Sinclair, Diagonal $e. LIAM FOR SALE. -Apply to Western Foundry Co., Ltd., Wingharn, Ont. Headquarters for Wall Paper and Window Shades at Krtox's. WANTED. -A young lady to take position en store. Apply at Kennedy's. • WANTED, -Girl or woman to do laundry work. Apply to the Steam Laundry. -0. V. Hayden, Victoria St. WANTED, -Good stout boy to learn last week. jam R. Booe, managing editor of that bright daily The Toronto Star, Mr, John McGarry of Lucknow at Newest and latest designs in Wall has been eleeted president of the tended the funeral of tlae late Mr. Paper at Knox's. Canadian Club, one of the largest of King on Sunday. . FASTURE To LET. -Parties wanting such organizations in Toronto, having Mr, Geo. McKay of Moorefield was Box 281, Wingham. - pasture apply to W. j. Deyell, P. 0. a membership of 1255. This is quite an in town this vt/eek visiting his sister, honor, and is another recognition of Mrs' W. A. Miller' WIRE - Genuine Cleveland Coil tlae ability of a Baronial), Mr. Bone Rev. Wm. Ldeve of Lucari 'is spend- Spring Wire $2 35 per hundred poundv. heing a native of East Wa,wanosh.- ing his vacation at the honae of Mr. Wm. ltra`wson in Culross. Ont. -L. J. Williams, hardware, Belgrave, merit tested, -ICING BROS, (Goderieh Signal, The gentlemen re- , Cow Fon SALE -A fine dairy cow ferred to in the above is a, brother of Monday on an extensive bueiness trip Mr. Chas. S. VanNorman left on due to calve about the twentieth of eur esteemed towiasnaan, Mr. Wm. through Restern Ontario. May. Apply to H. F. Hicks, Wing - Miss Estella King has returned to ham. Bone. Newton, after spending a month with WANTED . -A good girl for light Victoria Day Concert. her parents in Turnberry. house work. Apply to Mrs. R. M. A grated concert will he held in the Mrs. J. Glenn, who -has been visiting Robinson, Victeria St. Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, on the even- her daughter Mrs. Geo, Spotton left WANTED. - Apprentices for dress ing of Friday, May 23rd, under the for her home in Listowel, on Tuesday, and mantle making and an improver. auspices of the Epworth League of the Rev. G. Victor Collins is in Toronto Apply to Mr. 3. A. Thompson, over Methodist Church. A choice program this week attending the Baptist Pas- Hamilton's Drug Store. has been arranged for, consisting of tors' Conference being held at Males- Foie SALE. -As I am going out of The newspaper situation in Owen Sound is 'gradually clearing and last week saw the final issue of the Herald. et 3. Pratt having decided that there are larger fields for operrtion, has clisemeed of his io.- tereet here and will remove the plant at an early date to another looation. It is gradually admitted that the news- paper louaioess has been greatly over done in Owen Sound and that the business men were 1)%ying from 50 to 100% more than was necessater for ad. vertising, and that for an impairtd eervice. Last year there were no less theft 5 poblieetions and 0 jeb offiees eallitig for &tippet. The result was that Owen Sound well deeerved the dietioction of beittg the worst overdone town in the province with reepeet Humorous and Deamatic Readings by Mies Alma Norsvvorthy of St. Thomas, Gold Medalist, also solos, duets, quar- tettes and instruinental music by local and outside talent. Concert to begin at 8 p Admission fees -reserved seats 353, general admission 25e, chil- dren 15c. The Baneful Cigarette. It is refreshing to me the Rt. Hon* R. L, Borden leading in the submis- sion of legislation to prohibit the manufacture importation and sale of the baneful cigarette. No young man of the eigarette habit can Carry off soholarships. The business world does not want the young man with the stained fingere. To the boys we would say, iftyou must smoke, get a cigar or a a pipe and leave the coffin nails alone, No town should grant a license for that which undervalues young men physically and mentally. The cigarette must go. We have seen so much of the destruction of promising intellects by it, that from this on our voice, pen and vote are against it. Died At Winnipeg. On Sunday morning at 4 SO, there passed away at Winnipeg, in his 52nd year, Mr, Geo. Buchanan. He had lost been ill one week with poeurnonia, when he was called to his reward. Be was born in the county of Durham, near Neweastle, where the • family resided for some years, later movieg to Beet Wawatiosh. iri the year 1883, ha went to 'Winnipeg, where he work- ed for the a P. , but for EMU) years he bad been a clerk la the Customs Office of that City* The de. teased was very prominent Masonic eirclee and was 0. trueree of the Mc- Dougal Memorial Methodist March. He leaves to Month his lose, a loviog wife, three daughters mad one son) three Meters, Mre. Field, Mrs. McLeod ter University, Messrs, L. Binkley and Geo. Spot - tot attended a Masonic meeting and banquet in Kbacardine on Wednesday evening of last week. - Ex -Mayor Geo. McKenzie bas re- turned after a visit of a week .or so with his daughters, Mrs. Spedding of Toronto and .Mrs. Beattie of Alliston. Rev. Fr. Laurencleau of London was in town last*week renewing old ac- quaintances. While stationed here and at Sr. Augustine, he made hosts of friends among all classes and is do- ing good work in his new charge in the city of London. ,..0,,,0%,", Cbutth 'Sews The congregation of the Church of the Sacred Heart has purcleasecl a quantity of land, to be used as a, beme tery, from Mr. Alex. Kelly, on the soutb. side of the 13 line, nearly op- posite the Town Cemetery. This is a very valaable piece of property for the put pose. Adjutant George Smith, Chancellor the Canary basinese, not having tune to attend to them, I will sell theta at a low price. -Geo. Phippen. WIRE AND SIIINGIIS --Just arrived, one car of best Cleveland coil spring wire $2 40 per hundred pounds, One car 8.0. XXXShingles 95c. per bunch. R. E. McKenzie, Belgrave, Ont. WANTED, - Young womea and young men to till responsible positions at salaries ranging from $500 to $1200 per year. Apply at Wingham Busi- ness College. WANTED -Two first-class men for Candling and checking eggs; highest wages paid. Fare paid to London. - Apply to W. J. Armour, care Silver- wood Limited. The regular inontlily meeting of the W. 0. T. tie will be held Tneeda,y, May 13th, at 3 o'clock in the C. 0. F. Hall. All members are requested. to attend. Everyone made welcome. CBAIF.TERY OARETARING- -4 am pre- pared to care for cemetery lots at $1 00 per season. Orders left with Town Clerk receive prompt attention. R. Deyell, Phone 32 on 617. Call in and see the new 1913 Wall Paper at Knox's. London Advertiser - "Alice in Wonderland" was decided success, the etage settings were fine, the songs for the Londoo Divieion will conduct catchy and the eostumee unique. serviees in 8, A. Citadel next Sab- Opera House, May 20,.h and 27th. bath, May 18.b. 11 a. in, subject- Seaforth Expositor -"Alice in Won - "The Power of influence." An Old-time Free and easy Tt sti- 8 P' "1* weitt.inaersorecitviausazontroatttftiotitcmcessfal play mon), meeting, Evening -The Va. and the hall was crows dear tgeairt: capacity on each went:don. Opera seers World. House May 20 h and 27th, On Monday tevetiing, May 12th, Miss SIIINGLES 1 SIIINOI...ES 1 -We are re - W__ ellwood_ retorned IniSsioriary ot China addressed the League or the Colunibie, eh -tog -Lee wiileli we are stelsIlh; ceiving a large nuantity of best 121 .1 Methodist Ohorele, giving some of her ing at $1 per bunch, Those reqeiring Blitriglee sheuld place their orders at • experienees while there and paw ,,,,, oneo to festive prompt delivery...T. A. answering questions ' regardirtg lie' MoLueet MNGII vu work asked. by the members of the Lose\ -In Witglaam, on Thursday, leaOgnu;riditY evening of latit 'wee the breaet and tole white ;var. When May let, blaek collie dog with white , etaged by Mies D. Hope Leonard of „ rn and Mee, Merten, of Toronto and Ohltdrett's Society of St, „Paol's ()hurtle lost had6 laP en 11 t; . • to Woo, of Weyoierni held tittle last meeting of the seaeon* Toronto, , Answers to name of "Cilp." Finder NeW Yotk City and the cests ineltides the pirate, alio ettinotion of ouhe tsebVke., bjrottntleotfR'Cobalt and Fran1,5, of An exeellent program consisting of easeidy, Itivereclale P.O. will be eewarded by notifyiog John II yt stria, army °flood talent As fairie, publicationtjAi„l,..,, ,,Etr,ttan t.,,,,he,,..r..eitatiezahliy..of ,tm.:3 Winghato! , _,_________N vocal and instratriettal music, recite- Vest Seta -Theckerolth shop 1045 detest innitie, aoinials and what not. "s,'e''' '',7",' "''''','"'""-'' ---„*... "*""1""r :' .'"74"4.F1'"""."445 1 tiOti% drille, teen was given Ana 1'1 ft. 16 foatposte, two etorey, good fratn.e fa short it la the most pretentious pro, ,L as. iGittn1 witu turee meolications watt reatatteseteatateeeeteassaseeeeeses duetion ever eseayed by looel people. sever jot? departmente an.a .11 (c b el t ot This will 'Local Items That your liveft, in their vitrioue spheeee of usefulness, May orowned with aburtdant suceeee, le the tielted prayer of yonr many friends of Wing - ham Methodiet Churoh. Sigried on behalf of the Officials and M P tubers of Wiogham MethoAlet Ohureh. With elegant costumere e t an catchy tousle, elXorusoe, dans, speciall. anItO suffl'"ut t4; titt/V3 care OC ..................eotetateeseeesoseeteetateetesto speoial request VAS repeated on Moro holitlinge. Would be rentable for irn- element hone and workshop, witha day seeming, full line of Blaekernith arid woodwork Ot Thiertelay night, May 7th, the toole, oleo handsaw, eircular rip Bei% ties, muohow etc., it will boon° ot ow everything that the local baldness de- Seturday Ma, 24th will be oleo ry. i followitig orlicees were eleoted for the turninglath, emeey*tones with attachIion. May be teen on lot 17, t on. 4, at McIfibbort's drug *tete on Wedoes. Stratfc"' Herlitt, Galt, Lonaon, st, 1 stores will be closed, J. A. Morton, • R, 0, Redmond. Me. Han sineare)y appreciated the kind eentimeote expressed Mid tutde a suitable reply, Sheet addreseee sod the sinelog of I"Blest be the tie," brought the pree onedloge of the erksoing to a dose, method st. sunatty sebote, Supt, Mr, merit for. 1.11Vtir goinming and many prettiest thing$ ever Been here, Da, Mande atid still cater to ootside trade. d ' Smith ; Sec., Mr, A. Hammond ; m„1,11,4 or apply to Sul. Cloaky, Blots- deiy, May 2,1st, Thomas, chatbam, Windsor, Wood. The Annual meeteng of the wing. Treas.* Mr. E. Zurbrigg ; Librarian, vale, k 13 aotford Ni ara toAllq St ham Brattatt of the Women's institute Mr. M. J. Haines; Pianist* Mies M. •-"'"--‘"*"`"‘"`ssees"• - other artleies too nnirierous to men ueual es a, public holidsy and tit ee, Buchanan; Asete Supt., met G, •not melee thie grea.t treae. Plan opens When it is remembered that (Mellott, ..,;;,..,',..'.......a; Auction Sete. Drool:vine, 13,41evii1e, and in fact near- at $ p.m , in the Courted ehatiovr, A J. A. Morton, Mr. David McDonald will tell by ly every LOWn and citef in the province full attendance le retitle ;ted MI a report On Saturday, May 17th, at 8 p m. publiemerteetir4n Okt, Lueknow on S Om. me served by nob more than two of the yeer's work, the eleetioo of Adjt, Geo, Smith will give an illus. 1 4g7ses:1414:11141,t7,:itt.; onatygthsuritl, papers, it '14 conclusive evidence that officers and other !terns of leterest . treated missionary eervIce, slowing MoDonestel btu* reputmieo of *erecting the field there with a greger number will be taken np, A, 'collection for over Otke hundred magnificient views sovict 0. 1,1 of papers was' overdone, The Time* fl)were will betaken at title wooing.. 'i of thrilling *wines of bioral and B. *tee e I lig 0 th , rt will be held On Thursday, May Mod, Hammond; Supt. of Cradle -roll, Mts. LADIES' LOW SHO t SALE Reed about it ouparl. LIME past". WILLIS A' CO. 10114,401.0101101010.4101104011.11161.tiii • momm4•00.•••••=12i0.••k• 1111 011, 0 10, ,.11 I 1•N • .....P.,1 3 BARGAINS Stationery Special Sale Boxes of Stationery at prices that makes "Fine Stationery" cheaper than the Writing Pal LINEN1-CPAASCPAETDREIES Good quality fine Linen finish, 48 sheets of Paper and 48 En- velopes. Big value at 35e per box. Special Sale -27c per box No. 2 -.VICTORIA FABRIC PAPETRIES Good quality fine Fabric finish, 60 sheets of Paper and 50 En- velopes. Big value at 50c per box. Special Sale -33c per box No. 3.-STRATFORD LINEN Medium weight, white Linen stock. 24 24 Envelopes and 24 sheets of Paper. Regular 25c e Special Sale -16c per box Don't forget our Saturday Candies. Fresh every week. 50c. Chocolates -33c lb, 35c Turkish Delight -19c lb. J. McKibbon DRUGGIST lc OPTICIAN 7a:he e/filiao'cikterre Eyesight tested free and glasses sup, plied at reasonable prices, JOIMO.1••••••• Are You Satisfied With Your Shoes? You cannot get abso- lute shoe satisfaction un- less you wear INVICTUS. "The Best Good Shoe" gives real satisfaction in every respect: perfect fit, absolute comfort, becom- , ing style and satisfactOry, wear, 711E BEST GOOD SHOE W. J. Greer THE ,SHOE MAN ••••••••••• ..2•,..••••••••• assissom Wall Paper from 5c per roll up at Ittiox's, Opposite National Hotel* Phone 05, SATURDAY CLOSING. -On Saturdays after May let, we diem ooe works at 12 o'clock. Puttee having hides or sheep skins to eell will bear this in mind. We pay- highest cash peke for hides, sheep skins arid tallow. --W. D. Pringle. SEED READVARTERS.-T have in stook ell kinds of Not 1 seeds, MarnOth Clover, Red Clover, Aleike, Lucerne* Timothy. Mangle Seeds* cte. A ear, load of tseex Seleeted Seed Corn to arrive hi April. Goaranteed to grow, I boy nothing bet the beet that can be teenred. risk when buyirtg from us. -S, A. Mille, Wittgham. 30-tf 'Weeeeritne, -Girls for our Knit room ; pay while. learning; good botne.eun by Compatiy, Good Wages* Apply by letter or persori the Clinton itnitting Co,s Ltd,, Clinton, Ont. Am I Ana letiving town I offer for tale honse corner of John and Leopold etreets. Iiotteehold goode still for Sitio including eirleboard, dining -room feeble and chain, also wool earpet r; all itt first claim condition Will he sold at reeldence private tale.--Alex.iloae,4 CS, • •