HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-08, Page 8p4s�;' Jioti� n uin rw..�i. rtn,..4,w. FURNITURE UNDERTAKING We invite the citizens of Wingham andvicinity to come and inspect our large stock of Furniture. Dressers, Washstands, Bedsteads, Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Chairs, Writing Desks, Kitchen Cabinets, Baby Car. riages and Go-carts. SPECIAL PRICES ON SIDEBOARDS. Sole. agent for famous Os' termoor Mattress. • REPAIRING UPHOLSTERING 'PICTURE FRAM- ING, ETC. R. A. CURRIE Graduate Canadian School of Embalming, Toronto. SUCCESSOR TO LATE MR. GRACEY. STORE PHONE 51. NIGHT PHONE 155. RESIDENCE --Mrs. McGavin, opposite Dr. Kennedy. SUITS MADE TO ORDER e measure the man, then make the Suit. ORDER YOUR SPRING SUIT. NOW. Suits, tweeds and worsteds, from $21.00 to $32.00 Odd Trousers from . . . . 4.00 to 7.50 Perfect fit and workmanship guaranteed. CaII and get prices. i MOON & WHITE Phone 26. WILSON BLOCK IIMMEIMMIMMIONNORIMMINKOMIIIMINIMENNIE 111111111111111111111111111111111 Small Hats, Medium Hats, Large Hats, Dress Hats, Tailored Suit Hats, Pana- ma Hats, and all the latest and most popular trimming effects. Every article en- tirely new; Open evenings. Mrs. Runstedler's Millinery Parlors. 2 Doors North of Mr. Hamilton's Drug Store. t_... .011$1,33?)%34iliMatElEMEAtitleetEli% 36In Reversible Printer Madrts,T all the rage for T �` T T � Dry eries. fi 1.1.6 Note �t � price - 15e a. yard. 2 MARSIIALL'SI lit, 104 I at.id'25e Store %isittoraittsitootortiitios *tits* BOOTS AND SHOES We have put in a stock of Men's Boots & Shoes and solicit a share of your patronage. MENDING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, J. A. .HAUGH THE ING 1.A AD,VAINTOE DANOEP FROM eRIPPE Lies in That Cough and Weak, Worn-out Condition. Grippe, pleurley, pueumonle., these ere greatly to be feared at this time Qt the year. To prevent gripe° frons being fol« lowed by either pleurisy or pneumo- nia, it is important to drive the last traces of it oat of the system quickly. Our advice is to take Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron prepara- tion 'without oil, and get your strength and vitality back cluicldy'. Mrs. A. A. Grabill, of Strassburg, Va. says: "Grippe lett me weak, run down and with a servere cough, from which 1 suffered four years. I tried different remedies, but nothing seemed to do me ally good, until 1 took Vinol, from which. 1 received, great benefit. My cough is almost entirely gone, and I am strong and well again, and 1 attxt glad to recommend Vinol to others. who suffer as I did," Try Vinol with the certainty thatt, if it does not benefit you we will give back your money, J, W. McKibbuu, Druggist, Winghaut Ethel. Seeding ie just about oompleted in this section, Mies A. Smith, milliner, Sundayed at Silver Corners, The Royal Hotel here has closed and Is just a private home now. Mr. E. Wheeler spent Sunday with friends near Cranbrook. Mise Hattie Cox has been visiting at John'McDonald's for a few days. Quarterly service was held in the Methodist church here on Sunday last. Mre. John Jamieson is still, seriously ill but we hope to hear of her recovery. Miss Danbroolt and Miss Moses, teachers, are boarding at J. Holling- backs. Miss B. Bateman is quite ill at present but we wish her a speedy recovery. Early closing on and after May 12, all evenings except Wednesday , and Saturday. Since the closing of the Royal Hotel Mrs, McGuire has opened a public boarding house, Mrs, Robt. Gibson attended the funeral of the late Mr. Hunter in Oraubrook on Tuesday of last week, Hattie Denman, who is learning the millinery in town, spent Sunday at her home at Silver Corners. Miss,Bartley, who has been visiting her sister, Mre. A. McDonald, return- ed to her horse in Listowel this week. Miss Hunter's Millinery shop was closed for a few days last week owing to the death of her brother. Miss Hunter bas the sympathy of a number of friends here. Whitechurch. Delmore. Mr, Shaw of 'Bluevale °coupled the pulpit in the ?reehyterian. Church ou Sunday afternoon. The many friends of Mrs. Ghee, Eaket aro glad to hear she is able to be up, after .her severe attack of pleur;lt,y. The banks of the stream nage the favorite resort ofr 'both old and yen ng teems daye and murky report tt Ow* e 'seful eel ch. Mr, and Mrs, l+lr'Nman, At vo„d, Mr J. Fryfo, it-. Wingham, Mr P. B.ua roan ani Mise Ruppel, Walkerton, were guests at Air Con Baker'e on. Stand ay, The annual meeting of the Women's Institute was held on Saturday after- noon, at the home of Mts. Wm. Mc- Kee, A, most encouraging report% showing that the past year has been one of progress bothin nutxibers and tffectiueness of wo>rk,. was given by the Sec. ',i`reare, Mise A. Darling, A large number of friends followed the remains of the late Mrs, Jams Iutchisou of con. 1, Carrick, to )'ler Wet resting place in McIntosh ceme- tery en Monday afternoon, In Ow ah:smce of the pastor, the Rev. G. McDonald, of Mildmay, co'aducted ttie services both ae the house and at the grave. Deepest sympathy is extended to OA bereaved ones. Belrnore School report for April :— Sr. 4tb -- George Thomson,George Marshall, Kate Lawrence. Jr. 4th— Jobn Lawrence, Ella Eaket, Blauohe Irwin, Gertrude Miller. Sr. 3rd. --- Mildred Baker,Emanuel Marshall, David Marshall, Stella Rosewell, Harry Miller, Irwin Edwards. Willie Eaket, Alex, Kirby, Murray Mulvey, Robert Willie, Della Lynett, Marie Lynett, Nicholas Willie. Jr.:.3rd-- Alt<erta Baker, Edna Rosewell, ,Fames Welsher, Margaret McGrogan, Agatha Willie, Edward McGrogan, Sr. 2ad— Matthew Schiestel, Willie Errington, Kathleen Lynett, Gordon Mulvey, Leonard Willie, Mary Lynett. Sr. 1, Pt, 2—Mary Baker. Gertrude Willie,. Clayfon Newans, Kate Schiestel, Eva Stokes, Samuel Marshall, John Eaket, Vera Lynett, Jr. 1, Pt. 1—Gladys Rosewell, Percy Willie, Jae. Eaket, Amy Newans, Percy Baker, Hazel Douglas. Primary A. -- Willie Ed- wards, Clayton Edwards, Pearl Doug- las. Average attendance 45. On Tuesday night, April 29th, the Rider on the pale horse entered our village and took away one of our highly respected citizens, Mr. Prank, Patterson. The late Mr. Patterson was born in Hawick, Scotland, in 1845. At theageof about 0 years he came to Canada with his parents and settled near- Ayr. A few years later he moved. to Bluevale where he re- sided for some twenty years. While there he was engaged in stone mason- ry. He was appointed bailiff of the Wingham Division Court which posi- tion he held for nineteen years. He then moved to Wingham, where he lived for about twenty years, later moving to Toronto, where he was em- ployed by the Elias Rodgers Coal and Wood 0o, The deceased was an en- thusiastic curler and bowler and many of the bowling greens in the cities and towns of the province were laid out by him. In religion he was' a Presbyter- ian and in politics a staunch liberal. The deceased was a member of the Ca- nadian Order of Foresters, Bluevale. His wife, who was formerly Miss Fan- nie Ross of Eiuevale, seven children, Mrs, Buschlen, Fannie and Tillie of Toronto, McKenzie of Whitechurch, Fred. of OrilIite John, Seattle, Wash., and Lillie at home and two brothers, Walter and Archibald of Wingham survive him. The funeral took place on Friday, May 2, to the Wingham cemetery. NEW MUSKOKA TRAIN. The Grand Trunk Railway System is putting on a new train from Toron- to to Muskoka Wharf, commencing, Saturday, May 17th, leaving Toronto 10,16 nam, daily, except Sunday, arriv- ing Muskoka Wharf 1.40 p.m. making direct ,connection with steamers for all points on Muskoka Lakes. A brand new train, consisting of baggage car, Vestibule Coaches, and Parlor -Library -Buffet car will be oper- ated and passengers are assured of a comfortable ride along the most in- teresting route to Muskoka Wharf, which is the original gateway to the far-famed Muskoka Lakes, This train runs right to side of steamier at Muskoka Wharf, thus avoiding any inconvenience to pas- sengers, Return connection is made with train leaving Muskoka Wharf at 10.45 Grey. The pupils and teacher of No, 4 cele- brated Arbor Day in aline style, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright of Ethel were visitors at the latter's home on Sunday. Mr. and lrrs. Frank Balfour and family spent Sunday with Bluevale friends. Mr: and Mrs. {deo, Hamilton of Blue - vale spent Sunday with the former's brother, Will. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McIntosh of Molesworth were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. ,John McEwen on Sunday, .Miss Mary Smith of the 1st line, Morris, visited with her friend, Miss May Burke, on Friday of last week. Mr. Wm. Bennett, father of T. R. Bennett of the Boundary line intends leaving for a trip to Ireland in the near future. Mr. John Allister of Toronto, who hat been visiting his son Robt. return- ed to his home on Saturday. His grandchild, Miss Ruth McAllister ac- companied him. Roe's 'Epworth League are having "A trip from Toronto to the Coast," shown in moving pictures in the church on the evening of May 13th. Everybody welcome. Silver free-will offering to defray expenses. Roe's Epworth League and Sunday School re -organized last Tuesday. The school under the direction of Mr. Robt. Carr, with Miss L. Jackson and Mise Eva Bryans, and Miss Mary Johnston as teaching staff. Russell Wilbee fills the position of organist and Miss Olive Lake that of Sec.-Treas. a.m. daily. except Sunday, arriving - Toronto 8.10 p.m. Tourist Tickets at reduced rates, are now on sale to Muskoka resorts good for stop -over at any point and good to return until November 30th, 1£113 ' r'ull nartictilars and tickets from Grand Trunk Agents. H. B. Elliott, _ City Passenger and Ticket Agent, phone 4, W. F. Burgnnan, station - ticket agent, phone 00. IN WAGES OR PROFIT Ilealth Sooner or Later Shows Its Value, Don't go around with that tired worn-out, down -hearted feeling, If i i you arca constipated, ions b l or have a sour, gassy, upset stomach, sick head- aches, week kidneys or sluggish liver, eee to it that you oleanee your 's stein of undi eeted food, foul gaeesr bxdems bile and uric acid, by Ord use of the great fruit topica lazati to FIG PILLS and you will be free froi i laeadatthee, neuralgia, rheumatism, latus back, in" digestion and all the didtresaing forms 1 of siokneee usually omitted byc�onstl:- ation and kidney trouble. PIPILLS do araat1 ea or sicken, but give a xaa- tttral movement of the bowels. Refuse all .substitutoe. At all dealers in 28 lad l meant botee or bl mall from The and. Fin Co., St. Thema*, +sae. Blyth. Mr. John Putland of Wingham visited Mr. and Mrs. Start on Monday. Mrs. Dr. McLean of Goderich is a visitor at the borne of Mr. A. Elder this week, Mrs, Robert Whiteman was a dele- lgate to the missionary Convention at inton on Wednesday. The annual meeting of the Epworth League was held on Tuesday evening and the officers were elected. Mr. Ben Tayfor has purchased Mr. T. W. Scott's residence on Westmore land St. and is moving into it this week. Horn es.eekers' Excursions Vault Tuctidar, unfit October ills Winnipeg end return * ,. $35,00 Edmonton and return - - $43,001 Other points In proportion. Return limit two months. i•IOMESEEI ERS' TRAIN loaves Toronto 2,00 p.m. each Tuesday, May to August, in, cIusive. Beat Trt.in to take. Upper Lakes Navigation Steamers leave Port McNichol, IVlondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays and Sat, urda s, for.. SAULT SfE,. MARIE, PORT .AR'IyNUR and FORT WILLIAM. Connecting train loaves. Toronto 9.45 a.1n.. The Stearner"Manitoba,".sailintg from Port McNichol on Wednesdays, will aall at Owen Sound, leaving that point 1.0,30 p.m. COMMENCING MAY 10 Steamship Express loaves Toronto 12,93 p.m. on sailing days, t Ynakln direct connection with lito&uuors at M• tt Miss Maggie Nicol left here on Tues day for Whitewood, Man., where she will visit for .some, months with her sister, Mrs. 11. Cummings, Miss Ella Metcalfe's many friends will be glad to learn that she was able to be removed from the hospital anti will remain a short time at the home of her uncle, Mr. 3 no. Metcalfe. BI uevale. Miss Olara Bosman of Toronto is visiting with her brother, Morris. Rev. Young of Clifford preached in Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mr. Jos. Smith, while drawing but- ter boxes from the station to the factory had the misfortune to fall from the top of the load and hurt his back. At the annual meeting of the. League the following officers 'were elected :—Pres., Mee, Jas. Masters ; 13on.•Pres., Rev. Cook let Vp.,' Mrs. McCaIl ;• . 2nd Vp., G. Hall ; 3rd Vp., Miss A. McMichael ; 4th Vp., Miss L. McCall; 5th Vp., Jas. Masters ;'Teas., Mary McGee ; Sec., H. Chamberlain ; organist, Mies McCall. Londesboro. We are sorry to hear that Mr. 'a'D'raia. Leets not improving very quickly. Mr.. Geo. McVittie and Miss Oates spent S unday with Mr. and 1\Irs. Harry Moon. Mr. and Mrs. 'Thos, Pairservice and family visited at W;,.Orittendone ort Sunday. ....» N ,. Mies Campbell, school teacher for Net. 11 visited at; her home at West- field on Sunday. Seeding time is about over in this vicinity and most of the farmers are getting' the ground ready for roots. Port 'Nicholl. AROUND THE WORLD via "Empress of Asia" Leaving Liverpool Juno 14, calling,at Mak (Soria, Cape Town Durban, 0°1=00, Sing- apore and 'roue' Kong, arriving Vancouver August 30. Vessel remains 14 bays at IIoue Kong. "Rate for entire cruise, $639,10." Exclusive, of maintenance between arrival time in 1t;ngland and departure of "ii:tn- press of Asia," and step over at, kion; Kong Particulars froni Canadian Pact tie Agents or write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., C. 1'. Jty.. 'T'oronto, Ritchie & Cosens, Town Agents; J. I3eemer, Station Agent. Horneseekers' Excursions To Manitoba, Saskatchewan Alberta Each Tuesday until October 28, inc1w1ve WINNIPEG AND RETURN . , $35,00 EDMONTON AND RETURN . . $43.00 i Proportionate low rates to other points. RoLurn limit two months. Through Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars are o skated to Winnipeg without charge via Chicago and St. Paul, leaving Toronto 11,00 p.m. on above dates, Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. Full particulars and reservations front Grand Trunk Agents, or write C. I. Horn.,' Ing, D.P.A., Union Station. Toronto, Ont. II. II, Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket {,..„. A gent, phone 4 ; W. i'..Burgman, Station 'Picket Agent, phone 50. CLYDESDALE STALLION. The well -k rovn Clydesdale Stallion, Mascot, owned by J. W. King, Blue - vale, will be at D, McPherson's stable, town, until Monday, Full route will be published in our next issue, . INYhSTM ENTS. 04.4.41441464.14.441.4414 Este and Private Prtn40 invssteed +oil First Mortgage 1$ eetrrity witllout charge. 6* Pot' tient. 41 n'py ' — yy`y /.} , p %otator l' iroaition., Ont. SEED CORN. ,401444444.1.441.44.4.4 eo' i 0 SPECIAL —We have in stock a car of the choicest Seed Corn grown on high. Essex land This corn is of excep- tional fine sample and you will not have seen the best until you have seen ours -- Imp, Leaning, "Waite Cap, Bailey, Wis- consin No, 7, Compton's Early, eto. We have also . a ,quantity of choice SeedPotatoes as advertised in last issue. Fine Tomato Plants, etc., for Satur- day. Large and complete stock of Mengel and Turnip Seed. J. L. AWDE. TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to four o'clock p.m.. on Twenty -Sixth day of May, for the digging of what is known as Bolt's drain in the Township of Turnberry. Plans and Specifications inay be seen at my °flee. lot 1S, concession 7, Turn - berry. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. P. POWELL, Clerk, Wingbam, Ont. FOR SALE. FOR TRUNKS AND LEATHER BAGS You oannot do better than 'elect from our fine assortment These goods are as lasting in their wear as they are ATTRACTIVE IN APPEARANCE. We have been able to pue- chase a large line, made of strong materials, to bK sold to you at price that is decidedly cheap. Residence Phone 176 THOS. KEW Herne of Nand Made Harness. 1 WINGHAM. , IONS emosi mrar E That desirable home consisting of four acres- of land, close by the Town of Wingham. A good part of this place is under orchard, small fruits, and plantation. Buildings are all in good repair. Apply on the pre- mises, tci JOHN AGNEW, Lower Wingharir, UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION • via CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS. The Canadian Pacific, commencing May 10th northbound, and May 11th southbound, will operate Great Lakes Steamship Express trains between To- ronto and Port McNicoll on the fol- lowing schedule, with first-class coach and Parlor Car running through with- out local stops. Northbound Leave Toronto 12 45 p.m. ; arrive Port McNicoll, 4 p m,, each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. connecting with the Palatial 0. P. R. Upper Lake Steamships leaving Port Me- Nicol onabove days for Sanit Ste Marie, Port Arthur and Fort Williaw, Southbound—Leave Port MCNicoll each Sunday and Thursday at 8.45 a.m., arriving Toronto 12 00 noon, and leaving Port McNicoll Mondays, Tues- days and Saturdays at 11.43 a.m.. ar- riving Toronto 3.15 p. nn. Until Steamship Express goes into commis- sion connection is made with Upper Likes Steamships by leaving Toronto 0.45 a.-tn. Full particulars from any 0. P. � Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Ritehie Sc Cosens, Town Agents ; J. FL Beemer, station agent. Salem. Some of the farmers have finished seeding. The Sunday School: was well attended on re -opening day. Mr. Hugh E,ussel, of W ingham called on Mr. and Mrs. Sas. Wray last Sun. flay. Mr. Herbert Henning left last week for the West where be will spend a couple of months. w "Ma., and Ws. John Bulb and Mre. Waldo `Vires ,visited friends at Tees - water last Sunday. aro - .-- ...,%k :.- \&. . ,,.....w CH RTSTTE'.S GROCERY PRONE sa Pine Apples Are selling freely and the stock has been excellent. Prices according to size' and quality. Heinze Pea -Nut Butter We believe itis far ahead of anything on the market. The flavour is excellent and can be relished by the most delicate palate. Per Jar -20c We sell Heinze Sweet and - Sour Pickles, in bulk. Tomato Plants , Per Box - — Idc NOTICE. Take notice that - 1 The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham has construct- ed as a local improvement a sewer on Francis Street between Patrick and Alfred Streets and on Alfred Street between Francis and Shuter streets,. 2 The cost of the work is $1350 of which $450 is to be paid by the Cor- poration. The special rate per foot frontage is 3a cents. The special as- sessment is to be paid in thirty annual instalments. 3 The estimated life time of the work is fifty years. 4 A Court of Revision will be held on the 12th day of May, 1913, at 7 o'clock p.m., at the Town Hall, for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessment or the ac- curacy of frontage measurements and any other complaint which persons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by the Court, Dated at the Town Hall in the Town of Wingham, this 25th day of April, A. D, 1913. JOHN F. GROVES, Clerk, Farm For Sale. Centre lot 42, con. 7, East Wawa- nosh, 100- acres, 85 acres cleared, 8 acres fall wheat, 14 acres fall plowed, 4, acres orchard, mostly winter fruit, balance in grass, well under -drained, 1a storey frame house, kitchen and woodshed, barn 00x70, with stone stabling, cement floors, windmill and water in house and barn, 1 miles from poetornce, school and church. A bar- gain for quick sale. For particulars apply to Wm. Wightman, lot 35, con. 10, or BelgraveP. 0. Coal ! Coal l Coal I Nut, Stove and Egg, $6 50 on car; Nut, Stove and Egg, $6 75 delivered ; Pea, $5 50 on car; Pea, $5 75 delivered. Also Soft Coal and Coke cit popular prices. One car of Nut to -day, ale° one of Egtt and one of Nut to -morrow. R. J. OANTEtON, Shed, G.T.R. Enquire at Mooney's, Coal 1 Coal ! Coal I - We are now prepared to receive orders for supplying the best quality of D. L. and W. Scranton coal at the following prieee delivered, Chesnut, $7.15; stove and egg, $6.90 ; pea, $0.00. Above prises for April and May. 3'. A. MoL1 ANt l.11444.4044.— irookramirom.44.1.4444444.4•14:44.4444.4014,ri. All Skin remedies Fail Many detains, r ufl'erern have failod tic► utter• n that di,ctbVtsrit � 'Withs�e,tvre and n•,lrtr oven the nA/iirarlfie of the phpiutan or r'rng- sst cannot in-ctnoo thorn to invest another owlet in tiny ratitouy. it is to th ° swot od atrfl"orsi in p.m - goo!) tL Cts or nil is o. OA p1 d mi a rem' ,a s p e w o it et lOOpited ''ta t+ r %a, t,hrnol end glycerine, M ceinpundee in D.D.D. Pretoriptior► I-Imiridrodn of sures be,ve oonvi.eecl's and we kTlow you crib prQVel in Maly with the first eppessetto • cf D.I),I1. Nroecrietion that, it taken aw the itch ar otiose You have 1 to esti et • a f� ter to get ine1.A+nt tenet t It', Druggist. T*>au Ar, :MAY 8, 19 i 3 moo ..pasitmor FOR MEN FIT STYLE SERVICE " Every pair backed up by the maker" We Want Every Man To Know Derby Shoes Derby 'Shoes are the Newest Nicest and Most . Up-to-date Made in Canada. to -day. We are Sole Agents in Wingliarn. Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR .SHO. LADIES w r. STRAW HATS AT ALL PRICES WOMEN'S EAR. ?.'nil'," .`t '•' y��� hammy d Your new gown will look arils best if you're wearing perfect fitting d4zVftCe CORSETS We have made a full range of sizes irt; many new models to show off the new season's model to the best advantage. There's one that will fit you as though twee mado for you alone. GET IT. Model 666 is best for fully developed figures. in the newest goods of Cotton, Whipcords, Bed= fords, in greys,.. white, black and white checks ; something different in material than we have shown this season. Big- gest choice in Cotton goods in Repps, 1Viulls, Voiles, Prints, Muslins and Gingham. Watch our windows this week_. CSC A la Grace Corsets and our other styles in Cromp- tons Corsets are perfect fitting for the season's style9. You will get a really up. to -date model --one that shits your figure perfect- ly' ---by asking for CIC a la Grace Corsets, 9 • The well known advertised line of "HoleproofHosiery" in Wo- men's, Men's and Ohildren'e—guaranteed six oz' three xnoliths—or new °nes replaced for same. We have the agency fox this line. Ask to see 'Hosiery" when pnrohatring. Prices -0 pr. for $2 00; 6 pr. for $3.00 ; 3 pr. for $1.50. ANN SEND US YOUR MAIL ORDERS.. PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO /O. IIANNA CO.