HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-08, Page 6THE YEARNINQ rOn YAM Y • (NV0.10 10.1ton .8tat.) "Wiett 0. itlief it 13 to get into, the eeeigiN r. 1%1;1411 Vill'Itter Cornto.t.sril. tI1I W:1111111' 11 eltunge. I ieeel gtThn 14:111:11 0) (t twin" eleteed by 4111 aetomobile instid of a A OLEAR CASE. (.(,,,...vkqt-It(l ',coder) tleecr ot t•nr,It'Ity did ;eon leave Neer lest plako? ei atificur•-•The eury I worked for leteett t two'. Start ed 1,11ittglitip: 1118 home wile a les tar neetted new 111VS, •••••••••• *Vp•Ofeil•••••••••••••••• THOSE MODERN Kips, whieago inter -Wean) 'Alatt:e Mee eliow old are ',you, Anna, Lee? Anna 14ece-Six, twin,' en sev,i,u. etetue ,,eteeeeelow well preeerVed ui e tee LOTS OF COMPANY. tetietteoielatt Itevord) oi told his money are soon parted," (meted the Wise eluy. "Oh, elleer VP," admonished the Simple Alum. "Mere Etre lots more." • -t s REBUKED. (Chicaeo Tribune) Seedy Vagaboml-A(tster'luxven't had I,11100 twee. to tett for two days 'gent - In' tt handful 0' Peanuts. Diett tie Crault-1.1ittt's ail you need, yeu glettent OH., YOU MOTHERS. • (oleveland Leader) Mre, liandan-e'llose two women don't speak ;my innre: Emelt .olaimed to have the sma1te14. (quid in town. We. Dart -Ankh was right? 'AIDS. gam:WI-Neither of them -I have A KANSAS BULL. (siaeara rails, N. Y„ Gazette) • Speakingof bulls, it's a bear -that hill pending ia the Ii."anses legislature whieh says that "when two trains approach #it • croseitig both .shall stop, and neither shall eo ahead .tmtil the other has passed by," • ••••••••,,••••••14,•4•40, ••••••• or. •••••• • A SCIENTIST, (Detroit, Free Press) ' "lfe's a great Refentist, he?" "I guess not. 'the Masses he Wear$ aren't any thieker'n those ine. pa Avearet" et-cet. BUILT THAT WAY, whiladelphia, neeordl Diobbs-When tile time comes, there are mighty few men who want to die. Slobbs-Yes. I guess les abovit the last thing a nein wants to (10, RICH OR RECKLESS. (Boston Transcript) She an the restaurant) -I'm so hungry -e could eat a house. lie-Tben tliat'e what we'll have, Wait- er, a porterhouse, large for two. HIT OR miss. (Chicago Daily News) HEAR that tootling' itincl of noise Poets sing: TASTE the lamb and petit poiel Wolters bring. SMELL the odor of fresh paint TOI/Oli and SEE it if it ain't! .All run down? The old complaint!. Yup, it's spring: WISE , GWENDOLYN. •,,?, (Chicago Daily News) Ciwendolyn take any interest in the young felloW \'ho stood in the road serenading' her last night?" "No. She is out riding with the iit'an who ran over hem with an automobile." A BETTER OFFER. (13oeton Transcript) Dick ---What did she say when 'yen asked her to walk hencl in hand through life with you?. -Tom-She etild mv rival has offere(iitn Provide an automobile. HARD LUCK. (Detroit Free Press) "My grandma," ertid the office boy tremulously. ":,NOthing doing," eaid., the manager enorIty. "Died before 1 was born," the boy went , on, "and I ain't never had an .exeuse for going to the opening game," e.• • MS EFFECT, (Chicago Daily Neeve) "Was the letter of introduction I. gave you of any eerelee wbeti you were hunt- ing a Stiukw.on "E should say so: It cauSed the man I handed it to to ewe 'No, sir,' Instead 01 plain "Nn, - 4•4•••••••••• - • •• OVERRULED. CI torpor's 'Weekly) 7c, -oh, hut, judge." protested. ()Inks, when his honor imposed a ten -dollar fine for (nerepeeding, "look at your roadel leter ear never made eeruld have gone over eight miles an hour through that mire," , *".eliet's jest it!" said his honor, settee,* "Twarn't nothiur thet there mud qf ourn as held ye back!" low••••••••d••••• • GOING OUT. (Philadelphia Ileeord) - Wiggs-Styies change, even in church music: Wagg-Yes; even tho "Recessional" IS saki to be going rout. JACK WAS "ON.", (fleeton Treoscript) "Alice is telling her girl friends that .she eould ,lin.Ve got Jeele-if she'd 007 etud 'Yes,' " -That's what .Taelt thought, sobee neetne gave er aeehance to say it, EXCEPTION. (WaehingtOrr Star) "Wheh people want scene quiet, :astra1. topic, they ttlways mentien thelvetithrr." Not in the Department Of Agrieuir ture." et. A DEFINITION, (Judge) "Paw" inquired .the humorist's small _ 5011, 'looking Up frOM Ills plettire book, "what is a toreador?" The humorist rubbed Ills Momussar,v gland for a minute. "Well, Inv son," he replied, *with fie. liberation, "a toreador Is 0. bully boy'4of S " HEARD AT THE CLUI3. ‘e: (Boston Traneeripo • PLOTS MAT MILW XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIgni ('1i.APTE1 IJJ,. At the same moment that this yort4; Wa$ eommuning With hewelf, ;Mr. Haven, the well-known millionaire philanthropiet, wilt3 Sitting in hie ettuly, Itie head bent on hIs hand, with an open paper before hint. lle bad reeeiVOti this copy of the Park Figaro by the htet mail, nut hal keel; eoneluded the eolenin whiek had been marked ley a blue vomit, in it lie luta leareetl, fer t1t firet time, of the death I1 lLh, wila ti Ceilirother end his wife in the brawl ot 0.eettie4 gambling pahsee, and that a chile ear. rivsd then -en girI, w110 W0.$ penntlese, The paper loll from hie nervelese fingers. 'Chat WaS the first thlax, no, had heard. of 11.01and Ilaven for upward of fiVe-itild- live-Tay years. 'Pio end he WAS 1101 61111)460a at ; sueli 0. nre n he Wel the beautiful Perielenne Ito had wedded lad usually muled thus. :Karl lie vett felt sorry NM the bete tom of his heart thilt they had, left a child „and espeolaily that their offspring was a girl. She must Imo& have been' brought 'up amid, the moot pernicious of surroundlege and influences, and, in% heritiug the nattires of a eorrapt mother end father, her future, if she were beau- tiful and gay like her mother, would be ewe'sr the most desperate in all Paris, ghe 163 poneneesee he murmured, -with' ought to do sontothtng for, her if out letter her know Ilene, whose hand aeeitanee taint!, for I. would pot have her brought into vontaet with rely tender : little girl, iny daughter, Barbera -dear, sweet, little, golden -haired madeep Bab, the pride of my life, the delight of my heart, the idol of my home, Clod forl,Tive - me, 1 almost, think it is wring sometimem to worship the child so. Child! Dear me, dear me, she wtll bo sixteen to. morrow. The t', why l'm letting' her givo the garden party. shouldn't hetet given la to it; end let her igeve her way, There's,:notleng like keepleg her a ------" • To thrt;.'.ihiy the (sentence tvas never finished, ',liming it sound lik,o the ruetling -ef. skirts, 1\ Ir. Haven turned sudden ty around, beholding a sight W11101 made hitreelmoet doubt whether lie was awake or drenirting .1.124r an iike, tant„ In the open flOOrWay' he beheld a tall, gracefUl ftfl a young feevre with dark, migmatite face, framed in a mese of (leek, soft euris-a brane face, with the rich, deep, vivid coloring of the heart of a. crimson passiOn flower io dimpled cheeke, and red lips which were half parted, disclosing the pearliest of teeth, and eyes, big, black fuel eambre-wen» derful eeTes; that looked straight through him front. heneath long, dark, carlme silken lasheS, . The apparition looked more like somo Wenderful painting from the brnell ol one o the oid lLllLStCVS,h the lieavy oaken doorway for a frame, than a liv- ing, breathing t eaten e. For an instant Mr. Haven stared hard, wonderingly at her, too ast3nished ior epeech or attien, end in that instant the lovely young creature had glided for- ward.' until ' che had reaehed his side; filen holding ont a little white* hand, she bald, falteringly; "Thiele Karl, have yOu no welcome for me? I am India lItiven." The gentleman sprang to his feet; all forgetfulof tho marked copy of the Figaro, whiell lay at his feet, and which the girl lied diseerntd from aeross the room. "Bless my life!" be oiled, agitatedly. "I am taken' so completely bv surprise, tun at a loss for words. I am stunned, bewildered, dumbfounded," "Kiss, me, and Say, am glad to see you, Indta, my poor little orphaned nieee, tylio has troe'sed the sea to me!" Iie kiseedthe lovely apturited face mechanically, the fears that a moment since had filled Ids mind etill strue.gling for supremacy, . "You have. ,jut „ emne to me from Paris?" he intei rogated. seating he before hn . and looking tinxiously into her lovely young fare, the swift thotight comber, to him to :warn ine,-• what kind of a life she had led there. .1°10 the 14.irl Wag .ertful far beyond her years,. unele," she murmured, '"i have. never Et.ert Paris All my life 1 h•tve been at a convent far away from iny pro:mtg.-4y, ever Bitten T could remora bete Thee egive only rtt long intervals to see, me. A. few weeks ago my plIr- elitS preeeed.nWay; and aniong my Tette, er'a papere teas fonnd aderees, with the teorde penciled beneath it that 1 should cne to you if anything ever happened, to' Wm- aud mother. So the deur, kind-, sIsters tt th:‘ convent sent The tO :Von. With many blessings ott ny ',heed, It Is not much of a etOree to tell, Wit 14leI1 ot Ws history, uncle, monot miens. thotmh it anpeavs." She ieldellint tlit glib *falsehood with rower a quiver,Of lie). white 144nqehe peed op with eeeming guilelees, likeinimeenee into hie thee. She eaw the strained, worried expre3- eion die ontekly out of his /toe as he lIstenedi, aml in its pleee one of thank. fuluees 0 ppm r. Ile 'MA thrilthire. "'Thank Clod, my fears were grolindlees: no matter how wicked they were in the eeletence they Wth'cl leeding, they leid the Settee to keep this :e01111fe frill ma of tarie. and Away front tainted eoinpenionship. Ing been 1,re01ght up in a eoevent, miatt, eeite tie elites eltildlike nrnt emit:lei-eels Inv own deer little 131 intend she eetrekit he emelt 'older than elite shOUld ita)ge: RIO therefore thrre would, - be po, torn) in giving this .eweet young - Carter-erm mew, to Lear that poor .girl the eheiter of my home, and making. Tom Is In :etch dffi iculties with his ered. her Bah's. playmate, 00110111011; and tors. itict» leen; he's a brick, Conley -elle. is mid 0. hard-pressed brick, at Unit. ADVERTISING PAYS. f.Tudge) • Crawford -Did Newrieli cut much ot swarth in his trip around the woriet? - Crabellaw-Why, man, whenever lie /mine to .a nubile phtee, lie cut ins name 111 toe Nvoceiwork. JUVENILE DIPLOMACY, (Life) Mothereer flVe erten Of you boys an otangte. c'eurlie, You eat(' you wouldn't tat ;entre till al. tor (limier. :1„nd you, Jack, Bahl the pante. Halm you deceived me? 1. Charlite-No, mother, eve didn't cat oar erangee. I ate .Thek's and' he ate ntlete. DMFINet). (Mei etlee-TIereid) -IN teat ie a pedzone" -„e 11,0,01t, toy ;_fia Cit, S6r1 Or 'men ;ie., a MO, (•1,y *Yt,thli.r tilatr, WO' thhi 1.10Ct" Vok t lt()Y is alnItiNt 4 do 1 :Mt) Ill 1,Y t114'thought `Clot ;',?0", 1411'41)11° 0!4 tiappt•to d to 1119 r t;,1114141Vt 1110;:klirtil ROi /hi tioreol't ngree that ;eel l'eeeehte sip leen. Weep; -MO neieh... thee, Ar hs 1'('('nnr n rorIP41 leaviug her ti'llen 1 die a subetantiel fort:tine, whether elugmerries or not in the interhn, !allotting out from my mind from Oa( ntentont on forever thinm e e. cry of her peleittage." The next, moment he 11,td taken her in bis arms. saying brokenly. huskily: "Weleome to yolir uneltse home and heart, India. YO`a 4111111 be to me a sec- ond daughter, Thrive welcome, illy dear."' . At that moineet the sound of a gay young yoke bubbling ON' or with joy0t10 girlish laaghter felt upon their ear4, mid turning toward the open windou from* whenee the .,4oinni proceeded, they mite, bouniline over the greensward, a whirl of flying poi ten 1-tir gkirt4 flotitin(1,• blue eibbone, That volliehitie leneliter (toiled belong te but ono On irth-Tittrbsra Ile. 'e'en, That 'SPA a •,-,-.1111(1 to.deh y. for te lest time: to-niori•ow .4(be would put on dresses Hee n foot loneer, Whit+ meanie retch tn her nekles. Childhood would he past. and she would ‘taiiil on the edge of 'eanuttliond. uhere .4he emit I. ptiVe any itmoutit of parties and hflere *e gnod a time renAb erelly aa e, with her sixteen yeers of' etistenee, had a right to look forwArd A moment later mei Bab bad retehed the library. .1,,tneping *bort on the threshold, 0.11111Womuled at the amazing epectaeleo flie" beautiful, strange young girl in her father's arm*, , "Dab., my deer," called her tether, laugh ingi y, "eome forward, my deal', and bid your Cenii India 'Welt:011ie. Site ItaS cattle to live with the to be a Qom- panion-nay, a slater to you, my ,Are you, liot delighted over the pros- pect?" "Oh, papa, eau it really be true?" ned Pah flew nerose the room. like the Nevi. Wile little whirlwind that she Was, and, flung. her arms abnut the lovely stranger with a great bearlike bug, Wes- ing her raoturously 'with reSOttlang Snmel,".$, Prying out between her kisses: "What a perfectly lovely -surprise! Why, T clobelieve you are my birthday present from papa, Indie-and isn't that; 9 raViShing numo. thougli 1 Why, do you knew be kept it mum from poor little Dab that she even had a cousin- s girl of nbout -MI' own age. Wasn't that filet dreadful?, Anil go he rattiett on until sheer exe hn ueti on from wo nt ' of breeth compelled - her to desist, •,} Meanwhile; Melia, from bouttlt her long, dark. drooping leshes, had taken in every detail of this snolled, Petted litHe child of Xorteneeethie girl whese Ilre had boon spent among roses, but Mal Lad never' knovn that they eon - coaled. thorns, Jialla navel's' ripe, red lis met Bab', vint the kiss was as light as the brush of a butterfly'e wings ageinst the petals of a flower, end. there Was no warmth, in the elttep'of the white, perfeet little hands Dab was shaking mut caressing' 00 sigerettely, mentel conclusion re,garding her' eonein Waei "I hate her, this nonseneieal little butterfly, Who has allethe gifts the gods oae give, while 1 have nothing-notie» beet, hThere, there. my %leer; elyry your eousin Judie all to your robto, and see Viet she hes some refreshmentst and tell Mrs. Mack, the housekeeper, that wish to see her at once." , With arms twined arOund each other, the two girls quitted the libravy, Bab ehatterine n magpie, India quiet and, thoaghtinl. reel When Mrs. 'Keck, the hotteekeper, en- tered the library, and Mr. Ileveo order- ed her to prepare a suite of rooms for his niece's ' permit -tient eccupation, the good Woltlaii held up her hands in holy horror. nalf a century of aerviee in the Haven family gave her the right, in her opinion. to de ae she nleased, stud to most forcibly air her nip and dislikes whenever oecaeion demanded it. Nobody over thought ot controvert. ing ,or contradicting her -not even 'Air. I-faven. who realized that beneath the kind old soul's breegge manner she meant well. anti fairly idolized his MO - Bab. That balanced all iler faults. "Well. well! 'Whatever will happen next?" she eried in the greatest con- sternation. "The daughter of Roland, the bleeds sheep, and the Parisian con- cert hall singtr 'here, and to stay and be a companion for Bab! You are en- tering upon a clangorous undertaking, sir, 1 can tell Von that! I haven't seen, her, but for all that 1 wouldn't let iter be a companion to Bab. She's got bati blood in her Veins on both sides, and what's bred in the bone is enre to come out of the ifesh, mark that, sir, I say!" "There are eveptions te all rules, and this is one of them," declared Mr. nit- ven. "The girl is as sweet, and pure. and innocent as Bab hereelf, RS yea *ill shortly see- Do not epadAinn. her 'too hestily, Mrs. Macke No plater how great be your prejudie,i againut the poor helpless child, it. wilt melt like vapor before the etinehine the Moment your eyes rest npon hers?' • 0 • • kildw a dove to come froM a ntir of ravens. Sir. • ln t a lamb • from wolves," maintained the old lady, stout. ly. • • letreltovee did not attempt further to• coovince 'Igoe leaving that to time and, tile young .04 herself.. • a\leanwhile,the tteo gilds were up in BaISS town, and 'the little- madcap was chatting away ns eagerlyand confidette tially to Inetio, as though she had knowa» are here in time for .my party to -mote pow night'?" •sbe ..cried. "Yon will owe tainly be queen ot the ball„ India. Were .yon. ever et a. ball, and. can you. dance?" lips parted in a strange ..smile as :she murmured:. •Site could dance. ,and in a way that would dazzle anti bewilder thee quiet Wks in .this 'slow American..village am- ong the Iti.ew iiig1nnd hills). but she dar- ed not eonfm it. 'She must stick to her her e.11 her 1ife, . ."Isn't it just perfeetly lovely that you convent: story,. Vele at the eett Of 'her own pleasure, for she 'dearly loved • • • "I etippoee half the. count•ry 1.011 be• here?" sne aeked„ tooklog eagerly into' Bali's /toe as She added.; "And last, but. by no means least,my little 00118111 BAN, 1)e0.11, of .eourse?" She was. istartled et the deep bitieh that suffused flower-like fact, in- stantly turning it tho. fiery color of the .great red peonies in the vase by tlua-, window, The ilkt instant two soft ante were ttround India's meok, auti a soft, rosy, burning theek was pressed eloee egainet hers, end *Bab. whiepered in it thrilling, gasping vOicet "Oli. NAHA, .eat you keep at 'amazing secret? 1 initst tell some one, or I ellen it 'about some youug man?whis- pered India,- .eareseing the early, golden. head thet .eudaled •itself so tlosely against lier own dark OM, a subtle gleam leapine into her Meek eyes. ."Ye-esr odmitted Bab faintly, "but before t tell you all, India, you mutt fitithfullY townie() .to keep my awful eeeret through like -ay, and into etcr- 11'.141';romiee never to reveel what .yen • tell me, Bab." elle whispered. Th invited her ami lived te rtie ft ltitteily to the end of her Tutplese yoling life. • CITA,TIBIt Ilaven falls heels in her chair agheet, Ilits elle hefted: aright? She aslcs heraelt, ,doulvting the evulenee of her own. eeneee, managing to artiettlate lireethiceelyi "Whitt is it you taxi Xisehte T did not quite retell your meting, "T milted you if yott couierkeep a tee- rilne seerete-ehout ea -it young num," whimpered Bab, eveltedly, her pretty flea fluthing and palleg. "I nen So glad to have earne one te tell it to," elle near - muted, bursting into passionate tears. "Oh, pity nos India, arid eorrefott nee. There it It young man coming to the Peety-whoen3 mittet marry. 'Mete? X hare divulged to you my hitter oetret, Te•eftere 1 hie filet heavy load on lit: haet 1 Wale the leitypieet gied" is. the whole wide world, end new I ate the tsweet held., the girl off at arm's length he young Geo "Tell UIo all about it, Bale" She mur. mured in e stveet, smooth tone, oeree then I shell know beet how to help aud advise you." les her :own heart she was telling her - ear exultguitlyi "So this pink Akna white; babeofaeed, ,Da'tted, idolieed of fortueo Lae gotten lute a, love. seu- tanglemeot; has elle? MO hal I will draw every detail •of the story •frone her, `and' ever .afterward hold it n a 4Werd gtfniuet ber to. bend bee to .tny "Go on, Dab, •deer," nettrinured; "there la nothing that will give your • poor little it.eart Buell gVea relief 40 to tell emue Otte who ig stile) to sympa- thize deepl.e. With youesall about it, .front beginning to •etel," "Itew awfully. sweet• aud good of you, :India, to 01:ty so,".nnirmured Deb, throw. ing hereelt impuleively into her new; f•ound,. teetieherons young toliain'e erne. "I hevepet, met • this. young -men whoni I 'shalt have to limey yet," eobbed Dab; "he is to come to my party to-low:ram" Young as Barbara Ifaven. Wake elle could not have helpedreading aright the look Of intense elueteaStaeionelaelia'e face had alto but lifted her eyes at that .inornent, Inalti's hope of •seuie great dieeevery whieli. wae about to .tuake melted • suddeoly 'intothin air, and she .eritild , scarcely •help allowine. her deep attgela '.41141(leirsninllitte‘ 14°11,111to) e. over'," • went on' , Bab; "PePtt c <monied .th ,a1101V •1110to give this party witiek I aUl to :give • to. morrow on .one condition, and that. Wel, . that Miss Kendall, who wes my gover- neee op to a few weeka agp, should make pee the U,it. o inVitatiOnS.• • "Of course. I did not are. se long Ile I 'mid give the party. I. hurried into the. librery one* afternoon, whither.. Miss. . Kendall had gone, to got my .papah3 up» proale to thelist,'"Wheit thi•e• .what I hotted, seattering the thought that had gone to eeketepa .abotttio the our 'winds.; — . • "'I have but .terie 'earnest •'objeet • •ia • permitting • Bab to. glee • this offer,' he :wos eeyingeareestly to the .governeee, 'end that is thee elle may 'become •ae- queinted with you; Clarence the .e0.11 of my oldest andedearest friend. He M bright,a hand,Soine. eolIege. bred; and 'It .thorougli genii eel an • to the -eare, besides being sole •heir to. the • Ne- ville fortnee, one of the largestin this country. It is My ardent desire:41)0 she Shall Marry iiim-not now, .of eottrs.4 Babby IS only . eitild yet -but when the .time °mime for her to think about. love. 'endonarriage, as all ataideng are .sure. do• Some.,time. " think t hat • there...''is little doubt 'hut, that Ito will fall desperately in love' .with the ittle Witch, from a little, mci- lent. that. happened a' eouple o ,years •-ago, and will.* in fact,. put -this.: very, :Mee. of these two young-lolks marrying. in the heads .of both liis father and myself. It eame about 111 tide wayt. • ''Ono day a well-known ertist..eanie to my friend's office and begged BanlOr Neville to . permit him to . paint hie picture, for• he Wes in 'deeperate straits J(,1' money. Alr, told him that 1)0 could not .paint. his portrait, • hut something .Mse. for hioteethe portrait Of , a very lovely young giri. As he spoke ho produced a. portrait ro.f -Bab, Which IShad 'been showing him, and • (elite by iteeli- dent had left lying on his desk.'The or- der was quickly executed,and all in,dae time the painted portrait was 'finished and sent to his offiee„ My friend: had been thinking as to -what 13he should send U0 formy hirthdayi' tlte picture, Wag the Outcome of it; While the father was eritieally exaMining it, in walked 1)6 son Clarenee. C1i& yOnng •waa tfl- t1iiiitic over the picture and said that if he .ever 'met a yoeng girl with a, face -like .that lie would be tempted to •fall in.love with her straightaway, be she princess or peasant; , • • • • .' \Vhen Banker Nevillepresented the portrait te-nte he .told mo of the Occur- rence, and then and there we .put • our heads together and emieluded that •.• an opportunity should be given •thee twe young people to. meet' at eie.party Bab should give when...she .was. ,sixteen,..pro, vlding Clarence. .Was heart Whole and fancy free by .that time. • ''.1.;7ow yon know why my consent Was. so 'Totally given to this effitir-I shall have the, pleasure •of presenting to :1'341i the young • man 'whom me ate marry,. en seen Matters parents' are wieer than their children, .and know wlett Is best. for them to eeettre .thette a .3appy .turee "I waited to .hear no more," .0ontitmed• 13.0, tearlullv.•'1,int slipped away mina- fleedeWhat T.had heard/hate Just 'spoiled the .peoepect. of the partyfor Mei Shall be sure to hp,te ths Clarence Ne. Ville „with 41 nmv heart. Tell me, India, de YOU not think that the ivwful•,seeret which I have unfolded to yea is. enough to drive me to distraction? Ole•do ayrit pathiee -with me," sobbed Bab, wildly. India was staring down at herwith fl faee as white: as it would eVer be death; •ehe had listened thtrelessly en- ough until the name Of thelover.. in • question fell upon her par, then, tel. though an eleetrie ehask had 'passed god: deity through her heart, elle sat bolt upright,' looking into nabe's • far*, Claretece Neville, • •the hero lobo had saved her life seareely en hour 'before, the .brown -eyed, handsome„.... • debonair young. loan to .whom her prey :French • heart had gone .out Iii a mad, idolatrous ItYVC first sight, it, was he •whone they • intended 04 for pieks end whte-fated ltnoegaZaiv..eteelutelted her hande tight. li• -Stieh a marriage Should never take plate If she Could prevent it, she told herself, for Clarence Neville lutist be here, though she •walked through seas 'of b1Ood to aecomplish .shall nip the scheme of these two doting parents in the bud," lilho thought. etultautly, "Heaven pity the • homen. bebg. .who tomes between me and .iity plane!, Ite might IAA well bring his own death warrantin. his bands." India arouteed hereelf quiekly front her mad, seheming thoughts, realizing, that Deb wee looking eagerly into her -fleet for an Answer, (Te .bo 'Oontintiett) Manner* of Autt'rallan Bloc:kit Zn the eolith of Australia, the bleteke are now almost "eivilized" out of ex- istente, but up la the north, where irltee1 1 tertes)ete7tottytlemnullurantier1 5 anthropologiets. still tee they d preiftreetert» Theeelten. Jositt•li Thomite, eteinetell. wealth postmaster.general and ex. Cornwall tin miner, hits been paying them, tt visit, What partieularly struck him NI/1U their natural politeness. .At • distribution of tobatee, hirxteri at whittle the bliteks are esPecisfly fond, they all evinted admirable solf»re- stre,iirtt. "'There wee none of that un- atemly erueiring or facrinarnaging lot tee creams and SW tart e ena 'ea I iteeee, witeleseed more than ones M via-tegal reeeptions.." London Otte* Wig Quite .Satisfy You If Your CoIor is Bad, if You Su& fer rrom Pimples, tlere is Good Advice ririr ROMS 11!4, TWO WeeKS itc1410..." everal Methods of Forcing the Fruit Are Used The seaeou for gathering the, 44 In Italy job ne halide in Oetober with the vintage, but it really bogies in August. owing to a ettrione *system of vulture. Early in August the ',fig gatherers squirm through the twietleg branches front tree top to tree top and "oil the fruit," These fig people are nomadic; they appear and aleappear like the wendernig harvestere of :Frame, Late in ;fuly the inaeserie are rented te them, a stated emu behig pelt to the proprietor, payment that seem to the fig gatiterere the right to all the fruit, beginning with the tip and etell»e, with the last elneter of grapes, stuee huts thatched with straw aro built by the proprietor all hiS or- t‘harde, and in these the gyyseelike vestere live with their fannlive Some- times they eupplernent their navrow quarters. with a ragged tent*. Three etteke Placed erosswise and a kettle in the erotelt vonetitute the kitehen. • eThortly after their alive' the work of foeeing the fruit is begon. The meth - ode employed are eurious. A wad of 'cotton is dipped in olive oil and gently Tubbed on 'the flower end of the fig. Fig by fig is thus treated, •and lit eight days the fruit is ready for the market Another method conelete in gathering itt tile spring the half -formed fralterhicit I' strung on ropes. These ropes. or gar- lands are thrown over tip branelies OX trees and are allowed to deeity under. the 1114'111v tui. There is born in this de- cay an moat MIL pierces the growing fig andinduees rapid 'Dexterity, The fig, When perfeetly ripe, extuleetl drop of honey.sweet joke at the nether end, tvItielt never falls, but hange there,' a standing temptation to children and to bees, When fresh picked at this stage the fig 110$ .11 riell flavor• entirely lost in the dried. frult,---New York San, 11 * MO Nettie E. Callaghan, a well. /omit youug lady in Middleten, writes, 40 llows L -wits affected for two .)`?41's,. with a rash, and ugly looking pimplea that spread oVer ty facie. My color teliel poor, end my blood evidently eompletely out of order. Certainly it »was a most deepairlog sort of a Mee, beeallee VarlOUS treitttnents did but lit. tle to help me, A friend of mime in Toronto, Ont. advised ine to get Dr. Uttmilton'e Inns, ,so I went at once for five boxes. In two weeks I felt ince new -looks improved, spirits roe, and Viet 1 was getting well, I lieve used this remedy for a Jong,time, and now wouldu't be 'without it,' If pm are in' ailing health, haveblood disorders, etornatilt trouble, or head- aches, Dr. Homilton'a rills will help you clutokl;‘a, Ali druggiets and etorekeep- ers O1 Dr lreinilton'e Pius of' Man- drake and Duttereut. 2iie per boe:, five for $1,00. Sent postpaid by the Catarrh - °gone Co,, 13affalo, leT,Ye and, Kingston, . Canada.. Neck Ruffs. ' They're in ason. ri/0110 is the fabric. A1:17Y0millianYittbleo'n.411.1s°alse'Oexr)nlo°rdlelt; Alternate rOWS of black. and Nettite giguTeeh liolerl.teeand blues another good cn ombi ate aMiel,11.(Tf „tulle.. efthese ruelhes are entirgly md Seine up and down frills eve ceut.red • 'with 'ribbon, Nearly all of the alioet ruches have ribbons at the ends. Tulle nhout 'the neek and 'throat al- ways gives a softening totieb. 1•••••••••••••••- -,........„,eg.........e.„.„..........„,e . ARTS. HOME STUDY EDUCATION, The Arts coarse . sPiEcmDrfcIZE., caloaryt. eh: ptosakedierucbey, • but studentdesk Including ' ENGINEERING s - I Arts Summer session. session ,InItthe tgtreancr one - For calendars write G. Y. CHOWN July 2 to Aug. 16 • King -store Qat., IVERS ISMSTON LARDED LIVER AS SERVED. (By Ceroline '('oe.) :Have the butcher slice calve.,' liver not too thin. • When cut up put it into two quarts of cold water, 111 which put a teaspoon of salt. Allow to remain one -halt 'hour, drain and wipe dry. Cut etfriPes of enit poric a finger long and about a quarter or an inch thiek, cut holee in each sliee of liver.. with a sharp -pointed knife and Stiek out eachh side an equal dietareee. When they are all "larded' put then into a ...wenn .skillet, 'Set over the fire and fry very elowly for fi've minutes, Turn each liver slice and fry again. If it rooks too fast it becomes hard and italigestible, pry again tor ten minutes so as to give every Part of the liver equal heat, Twenty-five 'minutes is about the time required for cooking it. Take up each 1)140e, draining grease. It on desire gravy Put the skillet back over lite with two tablespoons of the drippings and add two tablespoonsof dry nom. e.ttir rapid- ly to 'keep from scorehing Etna keep stir- ring until every lump has disapettred. Tarn late the rat and. flour 2 cups of oold milk, steak or water, boil 5 minutes and serve by turning ever the larded liver. A. tine dish for either lucheon or dinner. ZAM-BUK CURED HIS ECZEMA Mr. Jams MeComb, of Thornton. Ont., writes:, For eight menthe T aufferea from eezeina and could get nothint to give me relief. I heard of Several cases where good results had followed the use of Zain-Buk, and decided to give this remedy a trial. Within three days felt much better, and within two weeks the sores were entirely eared." For all skin diseases, eruptions, boils, scalp sore, etc!, Zain.Biik is without equal. It is just as good for cuts, lanais, brulees, blood -1)0180n, piles, varlet:lee iil- 0015, bed. ieg, inflamed sores, etc.-. All animists and etoree at :Ale box., or post free from Zara -Bak Co., Toronto upon receipt of price. Refuge harraftil sob- stitutes and imitatione. Have you tried Zitnedlult Soap? 2,0e ! WHAT TITLE IS THAT? (Ottawa I:veiling Sunman .toetice Leet, of etiontreag says ft Ulm - treat could be eonverted it would be the best City in the wore& Perhaps; but at errata the. people of this city will not worry over the prospect ot losing their civic title 10 Montreal. Keep Minard's LIntnient In the house tablet. THE imPoRTANT ELEPHANT. The 'white elephant is an importent individual *f .the Siainesie COUrt) taking en.excedence after the eovereign and ahead of the heir apparent. "I'd rather eee you chew than smoke," Beeetty is only skin deep, Tett ugliaose sink* in to the 4 play, .14011.0 For Everybody THE PERFECT SHOE FOR SUMMER SPORTS ASK WW2 DEALER. t • Aootookos., UNHEARD POETS. The great' n(iNe.twortYt°11;eic Sm•tout?hl are Poets, though they may never bare framed a metre. They see visions or what they would have Ithemselvee be, anti they as- pire to he that, Many a man, too, shrewd and hard headed; if be could be brought Lu reveal his seeret thoughts would be fain to make confession that In the dark hours et llfe lie has sometimes deliberat- ely turned for eonsolation to his dreante: the has conjured up visions of a smooth and shining' read leading to the goal that he would reach; to his eancy the im- possible beemnee feasple, the improbable a matter of vourse. Ile knows that it is all Make believe, but deliberately lie weaves the web of di'eams, and perhaps ering form of Hope that had. all but per- itshhL e:abries that hm e akes, tenuous ae it 18, 18 suffieient to clothe again the shiv- But it would never do for the Wink preeident, to let hie clients suepeet that be indelged hi this sort of thing. 11 t 1 Rend for free book giving full F euro Cu ED „,itra. o,,,,,3,,,,,; e arist 7,1;1 u cesasii i'll)-tiligigN,stot;i1p2..X1rfiV: 1epy' and Fits -Simple, bottle treat - TRENCH'S REMEDIES, urn., tit4u,c4.‘.. R _ L 1,000 in one year. NEW OFFICES F., Albany Rowlatt Occupies Fine Offices in Toronto. This company's new &flees occupy the entire rear half al the fourth floor in the Tanner -Gates Bending, 2G- 28 A,delaide street west, Toronto, and are very well fitted to acommodate the increased business which forced them to move. Mr. Rowlatt, whose exgerience in advertising work is long and varied, planned every detail of the office be- fore *construction, so that the result would assist in the rapid and accurate transaotion of business with least trouble and loss of time. This move, which is the result of a rapidly increasing business, is parti- cularly noteworthy because of the fact that Mr. Rowlatt will not accept all classes‘of business, specializing only in the best class of commercial arid financial advertising, and with his strict principles and high ideals of service and general business manage- ment, he hes established a select list of satisfied clients. The offices themselves merit a close inspection. The reception room, i 'which 0110 enters first, Ilia beeu plan- ned for the convenience and comfort of clients. Comfortable chairs, a large table end plenty of literature help to pass the time of necessary waiting. Mr, Rowlatt's own offiee le entered from the reeeption room. In plan and decoration it is very simple, yet spa» ciotts and comfortable. The office equipment is complete and up-to-date, a very necessary feature in advertis- ing. 'Ito main offlote atcommodatee the Accounting Department, Stenography and General Buoinese Departmente, The light is the best and the ventiirt- tion leaves nothing' tco be desired, It Is here that the large volume of ac- cottuting, correspondence, mailing and general (Mee AVOI'k ifi carried out. The Checking Department ocoupiee the ontire west sectioit of the floor, its capacity is treble that of the old office, and yet it is none too large to accommodate the vast number of pa - pent and magazines for tho rieeesattrY cheeking of advertleements. 1 The Copy Writing and Art 1)epart- ments are enclosed in sound -proof glass partitions, and take up the nerth- east section of the °Mee, Secure from disturbing sound° and with lots of light and air, the precittetion of the best in eopy and art work is Made pooeible. This completes the tour of the et- fieee. The impression rt. vieitor re- eeives is not only of business effiel. ono and service, but also of eomfort and brightness. Mr. Rowlett has, we believe, al - Way e prided himself 'upon hie eervice, And his new move will be a very great step towards perfection of the same. 1 *aro... ••••*•014............* "You seek to walk the straight and Istivow v.ityl" said the earnest friend. °Ot mitre,' replied Miss etlyetuut; "You bavo to walk that way In 1.1.1t.04' tube stitts,"- -Washington Star. ANTI -DIABETES - FIA.NOT.4 is the "RBLIABLIC CIJRVI" for Gall Stones, Hidney Trouble, 'Kid- neY Stones,, Bladder Stones, Gravel, Lumbago and all diseases aiistg front Uri° Aoki. Price OM, SANOL'S ANTI-DIABgTOS is the ourt, remedy which hes a record of complete curee ofo Diabetes, Price; For sale st, all leading, drugglistli. Send, tor free literature, The Sono' Manufapturind Goo, Lido Winnirte0; Mau. *44 NEW STOCKINGS. They are eilk. They are open-work. And they may be striped. If less ornateness be desired there aro insets. All ine.nner of very novel lace in- seto aro to be had. A litttle triangular hit ot lace on the instep is to be een. Or one's nether extremities may be lace -clad quite up to the knees, to -e -s BETTER THAN SPANKING Spanking does not cure children of bed* vetting. There is a constitutional canes toe this trOttble. fare. 1‘1, •Stunrtiers, leox We 0, Windeer, Ont„ Will Pena free tto Any Mother her succeestul borne treatw ment. with, fug Matructiens. Send no metier, but Write her to-dair if your child. rim troubl& you in this Way, Don't blame the child, the ciiancee are it can't 110/P it. This treatment also cures adults Ana aged people troubled With urine dit. ficuitiee by day or night, MILITARISM LINVEJLED. • •afontreel Witnes4 Like the 'wand of - disenchantment that reveale repulsiveners or many a proud we 1I -seeming monster or henuttnee miaoing of dazzling royal leap - Olen that tUrn the Hplemild beauty ut tii rLtbc eeldessa of the Ioctt4ree ge.teen in- to loathsoinness-liko the spear of Witte- whielt itt Pe.railleeeLeet changed. Sae tan from an angel to 'a toad, an exposure at the hands of the Socialist leader. Dr, Litietnecht,' has showed .tne militarism of to -day to 1”".'t eomething the .reverse of patrietie and 'ims !Mown the retired officere anti the princelings: wirer are the actIv.e promotere ot militarism in (ler- many to be the unwitting puppete teeesoliame greeee, There is nothing new in this Unfolding to those Whet ehoSe tO opcIn their eywe but to 140111e at, least of those wito preferred tobe led, has eome, let ns hope, dienlusionment. ',- THE- BEST MEDICINE . I HAVE EVER USED "The best nuelitiao T have ever used" is what thousands of mothws ,Say of Babs'i.; Own Tablet,;. Onee tt omther 11iLj tisiect the Tal,lets for her little ones $he will use no other snedieine aud nem fails to revolve menet them to her friend. emeerning them Mrs. John Thompson, Coutts, Alta„ Sas,4: "I have given Baby's Own Tablets to my baby for vonstipittion- and think them the hest enedieine I have ever need. Please send me tWO more boxes ae I would not can to be with. out them." The Tablets _are sold by mod- ieine dealers or by mail at 2,5 eente :box from The 1)r, Aledieine Brockville, Ont. s- cALIFoRNIA'S LEGAL NEEDS. (Philadelphia Reoord) There are three students In the gradu- ating class of the Padre.. Theological Seminary at Berkeley, Cal., and ali ol them are Japanese. California seems to nad an Alien Students' law. This might shut up the seminaries, but the racial purity- and the liberities of the nation 1111.1Nt be preserved at all poets, And shnll ‘1%, eneonrage the spread et the Gospel lit the Far East by base ()teen- tals? Perhdi the thought. - Ask for Minard's and take no other. THE SASH. -It Is important. -It is liked An vontrast. -liayadere soshee are modish, --Mere belts and buckles are scre --Meek satin is one, of the good ettebee, e rrY Velvet Is used for the teew 'easites too, --Semple eaiins may be draped. hut Navy fabrics are used flat.. 0--A, sash no longer necessarily 1111S ends, though an end may hang etimoet any - where, . Only One "BROM° QUININE." That is LAxAvvri BnOmo gtrnmer., Look for the signature of E. W. GROVB. Cures a. cold In one day, -Cures Grip in two days. eSe. A COMMUNITY'S SLIMNESS, Reeord) Every man who pays a premium to a flre Institutive eompauy has It direet in- terest in keeping clown the invitations to conflagration. Ni) one 'here needs to be told that when the fire hazards in- crease insuranee 1141(48 fp up, and When they are redtwed, the rates go down, We not espeeitelly the business .of the under- writers to prevent fires: if there were no their blueness would be at an end. It is the business ot the cominunItY. Millard's Liniment Lumbeeman's PrIend. SPEED TH5 DAY. • -(Lmnion Advertiser) The German dirigible which landed In France through having lost its way above the clouds, has been released and has sailed for home after paying $2,000 duty. The incident has a highly hum - (irons. 1111V(11'. "Cervantes smiled Spain's ,chlIvary away." and one day the nations will see that their rivalry in armaments is 0. eoloseal joke at the expense ot the pee- ple. *When that day comes they will keen the money that they give to gun - makers, ••••••••••••••,••••-**_ • ISSIf 13 NO, i.9 19 ANTS •-••••••—•••---4, Remediee 'Viet Will Enable You to Get Rid of Them. Powdered 'borax and pu1ver13ed. alum sprinkled underneeelt tee paper on )(Nei - yes or around their baunts. . Balsam of Peru is goo!. Rue a sten film of it near On> 3,otton1 O the tablq 19404 or 011 the floor, and renew the apple. teetion in three weeke, en, addition, boll ene owlet) of the balSani In a gallon et. water for thirty Milintes, and then oponge thin, while hot, over the woodwork and floors. Oil of saeeaffrati hee tuanY atlVoeatee. The method -of teeing it is rather unique One le to note the trail the •ante follosv-- 'US said fliey form a trail in travelling - to its beginnig, Then eittneate a sniali eiote with the on and apply to evetW portion Of the distance eOvered, pour the oll into any eracke front wkich they emerge -the on L eure •deati, to them, .••••••••.11 Cleanlineee is eseential. In order. t pao Preteet stry in the pantry while pot are getting.. rid. of them, insulate it le.e raising g .on. four Inverted eups set lit vane:ere filled with water. rorty innin usei 20 years the otandard, pr000ribert) and recent•. mended by physician% For rWeemzo:len'rs matenytos,u. rDrcirurilsgittrotte.1. • ; WOMEN'S VOTES A SAFEGUARD. (Philadelphia Record) According to a recent statement 01: Dr. Lowther (navice, Archbishop et eteiborne, A.ustratia, where the eeffrage was con- ferred upon women despite their before- hand indifeerenees, they noir .exereise their right' with more zeal than men votere. A.cquirement oe the filittrage 11118 brOUght With It a settee of rvSpoii- ,sibility .before non-existent, Yet titer,. lies been no S11011 eOntliet between, Men's; and Nyknneit's interests in Auetralla as tO bring about any new line of tlemarea- tion effecting the policies ef government. What is true of the eetablisinnent or equal suffrage in Australia, Judging train its operations in our 'Western States, will prove true wherever elle experiment shall be tried. It is a political Sat,egliard, not a danger. r 'ured a horee of the *Mena.e with L'INIMENZ • Neje ISTf 1 El t SAUNDERS'. Dalhousie, • • I eared a horse, badly torn by a pitch Nric, with ARNAUD'S LINIMENT, EDW, LINIAEF, St. Peter's C.11, eured 11 horse of 21 hod eiVelliug ?UI NARD'S TANI NIENT, • THOS. WI% PAYNE, Bathurst, "N, 11, --•••• .••••••• -••• DYSPEPTIC. PHILOSOPHY. Even the thauffeur should have a tle horse $ettee, Some people are always burying the hatchet and digging,ft 1:11 ;400 if it iS 'dill there, Even the man who Nell; that W:ig. born- to command might hesitate before marrying 0 suffilagette: - Although he may not realize it, many 0 man is in luck because he isn't found out. Every wonmn .feels that elle ought to join a society for the suppreeeinn of something or other. A man'is diary would he 011 intereet- ing hint book for the girl Ite is engaged t4). -I llis rlesli Horribly Burnt TIN druggist, sold him a cheap ite1d eorir cure; what he slonild have, bought was Putnam's corn leetvactor; it's pure- ly vegetable. and aetti •in 2=1 hours. in- sist on only "Putnam's Extractor." 25 eenie at dealers, WisDOm's RULE OF LIFE. (Buffalo N'ew,o Dr. °sloes rule for bieeng-long, ."foreet Ibe naet and the future," is the same 'in enbstanee as the Scripture rule "take no thought of the 12101TO W." Some 11180 Van it 11111(1 turtle phile:•,zopity but If thut Is the 'ease the turtle haS gained in Wisduat ever since his. valve was heard in the land. Minard's Liniment Used by Physicians CHEAP MEAT UP TO THe MARK. Bofled lieet,....‘lexican Style -Cut iq)ld ramp beef into. thin Jics. Broil itt the 0VO•11.11111;11 of good collo., add eome 'of onione. Put thin hI ds stewing pan dusted with a spoonful of floor and add one pint eat) of tomatoes, one sliced green Tepper and some chopped tedery, eloisten with a little broth, seazon to ,12t1..rti!ee II°1' 1 le P'ES CURED.. iN 6 TO 14 DAYS. 'rour druggist wilt refund roOncy If VA70 O1siTIVEN1,` fails to eure,any ease of /ton- ing. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles t • in W6 0°1.1 1K4 a:03's; t'Utlie. .' S. ENGINEERS, ( it opt.' t,slei."rhilos) to be stayed at all, the problem will have statiftm point of the floods. The tower reaches of the Ohio, 'Alissieeippi solid. Myers will have to be 1e1leved'41.1:-., the-oecans or water that :conic down upen themHz the,i,tiloettrisleme.offtet, fmellivi. iecoVebl slowed. Flood lakes will have to be eon- strueted. Tho present flood, following hi:t11T '10 (rro:811ft1t1iehcst year, tttttitt's 11(('(101111 gover,iment itlorolINILithoniltlyitlismtatitdr,111Ati140(.1esti).,11ntla0111utt0, t ethould be the next great work or the en-, eineers. • ,••••• $gooine IN COLO OWEN AWAY FREE Ar ,., \ 114111E00A 013Alit itoYittii PA \ seiY071 "MOP the 004 tett itt jtallbled letters tete ter butes of tight Vrt111crtoira fitttt. trfinoVOt/ CAN StiAR4 12,1 'Ilia DISTAIBUTION Olt 1,1-113 ABOVE PRIZE. It 14 .110 easy utoki, Battypaliet ee tula pen itevert ACei you eat% prothtbly *ROO ont s 'id of *to. 'It. tito pereesvho tAn rn ale 0 tOt thO lantett noway,* wo iv ia tire the teat of Ono Ittattfool Doll**. To the vadat looldoir Int. Olt NeKoni1 Ihrter,t _ Aerobe: tee sof% tf Plfty Dolls" iito tee er•rtee tuseteletheleKnegest totdobta tko sued of Thirty Dollard. 'I o tho eerie* omelet tee fetttth IMIlit ittital,st the toot of Twenty Dello*, Should, trot itipeistots sent satowtrs ovally tram t, the Am two Vrtrae will ha dhltiett.boterteett them 4eat1utou1r1tar Sty*: Bitootvl throw &qui ie e•twene emelt afteetee tee first thrtit Wield will to be' dirle(td, freth tocolte2og$46,0). n004 feet POrearte.lend erlaellY correct' etlis Mgt. ilol *kite ttao off000,00 Wilt bo equally divkliaioth rorthIng hot/4).1M' ea on lit Mks otro,pri,,N. ,- e 1 I tete ewer witit I melee tentative kbott *It /0011 'WON li it oh et Otritert Are Fere %, lk II: 1-1,) T:( IT IYANT CENT OP Y00.;R It101111Y NVIi OLT ANAW*tfi 1111111 larililkarffirlstlql It rot v.,N - out any frig Moll COtoplet* 1P1t. VIIIMP US At eta Ontleaint sttitt*MOP for *itt Ng,. MA' 1.44LArd _WM 1 Xt AT OlftX, Itcldtrdeei0,AluDIA/ tanionce took .21,„ emcee re esseesseeseeseeemseseaseieeepisems i esseseeemassesese •