HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-08, Page 5MIP 1 Tu it§ AI, MAN 8, 1913 ( 4' 42, 112PIPPrWar • Y Or Went nedielnekt, i •••••••••••••••• • AVeeelable Preparation forAs-. simitatin% the foe and Regutal• JinelheStomachsand &miser ness and Rest.Coulaios neltivr Promotes Digestion,CIteerrul• OpitamMorphitte norItlitteral. Tim NARConc. .Rerifre f Oltar.S.11Wailtalt iinviifin siert- tftirtfilligrogro Clard .Pat, • him Sad- .4urcura .164e11c 410 FliottgrenTlaron p Aperfect Remedy forConsepa. lion, SourSlompth,Diarrheea, Worms,ConvulsemaFeverish• ness and LOSS OF SUER fecSimile signature of dia CeNTAtra COMPANY. MONTREAL &NEW 'YORK 0111 For, Infants and Chiliiren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty. Years STORI Exact Copyof Wrapper, THE CENTAUR COMPANY* NW YORK CITY* Thomas A. Edison's •Blue Amberol Records have increased the enjoyment of the Edison Phonograph • An Edison entertainment has always meant the best that the opera, concert and vaudeville stage can offer. The use of Blue Amberol Records means that these selections, clearer, sweeter and longer, can be repeated thousand of times with the same perfect results. And they are practically unbreakable. Ask your dealer to play some for you and you'll be convinced. Thomas A. Edison; Inc, 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange. N. J.. U. S. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at DAVID BELL WI I 1.51111{1...10.1• .111010....11,161.1.1•011.41•01.001.011..“101100610.,V111.O4inaltilN..1.....! • East Wttwanosh. The following is the result of the promotion examheld in 8. 8. No. 7, East WaVanoi.h. Promoted from Jr. to Sr. 4th—Irene Boyle, Eva Boyle, Ella, Sarum Sn 3rd to Jr, 4th—Annie Robinson, Joseph Fitileon. Sr. 214 to Jr, 3I—Lyla James, Melville Bee- croft, Mary Finleon, Mary Boyle, Jr tad to tin2nd—Olarence Chaniney, Charlie Robinson. From let to 2trd reader — Wilfred Robinsor. From bne to lst reader—Oecil Ohananey, —1. B. A, Taylor, teacher. Morris. School repert of 8, 8. No. 8, Morrie, Result of promotion exams.. Ent grano.comp.,geogi, read. Total 400, Taos 240—C.Johnston 337, L. Turvey 830, M. Grasby 295, J. 13oernan 270, G. Agar 244,' Jr, 4(h to Sr. 4th. Total '300, pass 100— 1.4. Brewer 093. Sr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd, total 800. peso 400—E. Sell- ers WI, F. Kerney 692. L. Tnrvey 582, G, Brewer 493, 0, Sotieh443. 8r, 2nd to Jr, 3rd, total 700, 850-10. Warwick 5511 0. Mustard 623, 0, Souch 615, O. Bosman 400, Jr. 2nd. to Sr, 2nd. Total 700, pass 350—E °artless 662, G. Fell 613, W. Kerney 517, F. °amiss 501, B., Garnies 350. Sr. 2nd — E. Forbes, Sr. P,t. 2nd—M. Grasby, Jr. Pt. 2nd—A. Johnston, S. Turvey. Sr, Pt. ist —M. Warwick, E. Brewer, Jr, Pt.. ist—B. Souch, L. Garnise, W. Sellers. Primer — J. MoVettle, A. Turvey, C. Warwick, F, Mustard. -- L B. Frain, teacher, . Capital Pald Up $3,000,000. Reserve $3,750,000. Total ,Assets OVer" • - $48,000,000. A Bank Account CAVING is a habit that is Li easily acquired, and affords more pleasure and eatisfactiOn than can be derived from the spending of Mont y. • No matter how smell may be the amount you are able to save ftoin your salary each week, if it is deposited in this bank, you will be given the Mole aitirteoue treatment that is offered large depositors. An aecount on be started with one dollar tied the highest ourrent interest will be credited every slit Menths. C. P. SMITH AGENT WINGIIAM sioaranisimositaismiatato Pr, de Van's Female Pills A rentable Irrancit regulator; never fails. Theta pills ate exceedingly powerful in regulating the nerstive portion of the fernalcayetem. Refuse droop imitations. Dr. de Yawl AM sold prj,froe for 410. Mailed to any addisitsN b. 100,014 Vs=srinello unit ••Q GET YOUR SPRING SUIT . NOW 1 have a large fresh ethnic of the best and latest goods, which are sure to please,. Suitable for Ladies and Gentlemen* Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed, E. C. Culross. WINGITAM ADVANCE }lave you ever observed that we pay much, more attention to a Wise painiage when it is quoted, than when we read It in tho original atithori have you learned lessons only of those wtio admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you ?, Rave you not learned great lessons from those who reject you ; vvho treat you with contempt, or ells pute the passage with you? rnberry. The following is the remit of the promotion examination held in 8, 8. No. 3 Turnberry :—Entranee class— Will Wallace 781, Mabel Stokes 770. Sr. 4t1:i—Stewart Aitken 500, Gus Mo. Glynn 400. Jr. 4th—Edna Lincoln 592, F4oa Elliott 684, Jas, McGlynn 480- , 3cd—Toni Metcalfe 438, Alice Bok 879, S. P. McGlynn 304, Sr. 2I— David. Eadie 462, Berman Metcalfe 445, Jr. 20c1--Aunie Metcalfe, Mary Bailie, Ruby Baird, Frank McGlynn, Anthony McGlynn. Sr. Pt. 2nd—Sae, Campbell, Mary Campbell, John Mc- Glynn, Robbie Baird. Jr. Pv, 2nd— Elmer Breen, Edith Metcalfe, Lorne McGlynn. Sr. 1st — Barbara Weir, Esther McDougall, Jennie Campbell. Jr. let—Grace Ntitchell, Isaac Met- calfe, Boyd Marshall, George Mc- Glynn,—Florence Imlay, teacher. Town Hall, Teeswater, April 28th. Council met on the above date ; mem- bers all present ; the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Donaldson —Thompson — That. Jno, Armstrong have an arch culvert put in at lot 1, con. 10, and have the tile taken out and mit in on sideroad No. 1, con. 10—carried. • Armstrong—Case—That Thompson and Donaldson be appointed to have the sinkhole repaired,on can. 10 op- posite lots 27 and 28 as it is reported to be in a dangerous condition and to have it repaired as soon as possible— carried. Armstrong —Thompson — That we appoint Win. Case to have the cul- verts opposite lots 20 and 21, con. 2, re- paired as soon as possible—carried. Thompson—Armstrong—That as the 25 sideroad, con. 15, is out of repair that Jae. Donaldson and the mover have the saute repaired as soon as possible—carried. Case—Donaldson—That we appoint the Reeve to go and. investigate and interview the parties connected with the O'Malley drain as we have been notified that it is blocked in several places—carried. Thompson—Armstrong — That we give the Greenoch Council until the 12th day of Nay 1913 to pay their shaa e on the Bell and Sittler drain, and if not paid by that time that the Reeve take proper proceedings to cello lea the same.—earried. REPoRT. ,We the undersigned keg leave to re- port ae follow. That we examined the Grader and find it in a very bad condition and would recommend that a new one be bought. Jas, Donaldson, Jno. S. Armstrong. Thompson—Case—That we appoint Jae, Donaldson and Jno. Armstrong to buy a grader and deal the old one as part payment and we. would recommend them to purchase a pick plough as we would consider it a great saving on grader—carried. Case—Thorapson—That all parties, who have been putting stones or other obstructions on sides of roads must have them removed immediately, otherwise said parties will be held re- sponsible for any accident that might occur as provided in the general Tp. By-law—carried. FINANCE REPORT. • Frank Wocks and others, building culvert, 8'; Robt. Smith, cutting trees off road con, 13, $2; A. Schumacher, sheep kil'ed by dogs, $8; Jno. inspec• ieg sheep killed. by dogs, $4 ; D. M, I atyre and others, hauling tile and utting in culvert, $8.50,; A. Me- an, d, rep. culvert and hauling ee WI, $5. .‘.rmstrong— Thompson — That the Lance repbrt as now read be adopt- ad—carried. Donaldson--Case—That this 40outi- oil do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, May Igtb, as a Court of Re- vision and appeal and other businese, Court to open at 10 a,rn,--carried. Chas. Button, Clerk, WHITE mAxwave OLID SAID, Phone an, - OPPOSITE tiAlgtCOP lifiXILTON, . . CENTRAL ATrOft D, ONT. The best practieal trxining sehooi In nn. Three departments— CONLVIE11- MAL, SHORTHAND and TEIXOlti • All eourses aro thorough and prattleal. Teecherr are experienced anti graduates arc placed in positions. We give individual attention and elm:dents mar enter at any time. Write for our free catalogue at once. O. A. Yens Principal .111,4 TO TIM PUBLIC. We Are Agents For Parisian Sage, And We Know The Guarantee Is Genuine. PARISIAN Sage, the quick -acting hair restorer, is guaranteed— To stop falling hair. To cure dandruff. To cure itching of the scalp. To pat life into faded hair, To make harsh hair soft and luxuri- ant, To make hair grow, or money back, it is the most delightful hair dress- ing made, and is a great favorite with ladies who desire beautiful and luxuri- ant hair, Large bottle only 50 eent9. The R. T. Booth Co„ Ltd„ Fort Erie, Ont„ Canadian makere. 3 W. Me- Kibbon, druggist, ••••••••••••••., The head that is loaded with wie- dom doesn't leak at the mouth. Laziness grows on people; it begins in cobwebs and ends in iron chains. For Loss of Hair We will pay for what you use It Rexall 4$93" Hair Tonic does not promote the growth of your hair. In all our experience with hair tonics the one that has done most to gain our confidence is Rexall "93", Hair Tonic. We have such well- founded faith in it that we want you to try it at our risk. If it does not satisfy you in every particular, we will pay for what you use to the extent of a 30 day treatment. If Rexall "03" Hair Tonic does not remove dandruff, relieve scalp irritation, stop the hair from falling and promote a new growth of hair, come back to us and ask us to return the money you paid for it, and we will promptly hand it back to you. You don't sign anything, promise any- thing, bring anything back, Or in any way obligate yourself. Isn't that fair? Doesn't it stand to reason that we would not make such a liberal offer if we did not truly believe that Rexall "93" Hair Toni e will do all we claim for it — that it will do all and more than any other remedy? We have everything there is a de - mond for, and are able to judge the merits of the things we sell. Cus- tomers tell us of their success. There are more satisfied users of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic than any similar preparation we sell. Start a treatment of Rexall "93-" Hair Tonic today. If you. do, we believe you will thank us for this advice. Two size bottles, 50c and Si. Yon can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tonic in this community only atpur store: J. WALTON McKIBBON. Wingham The ItSalreore ontarlo ' Therc is a Rexall Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human M— anch especially designed for the particular ill for which it is recommended. The Resell Stores are America's Oresteit Drug Stores The . Best Brains in Canada have participated in the prepar- ation of our splendid Home Study Courses , in Banking. Economies, Higher Account- ing, Commercial Art, Show Card Writing, Photography, Journalism, Short Story Writing, Snerthand and Bookkeeping. Select the work which most interests you and write us fer particulars. Address 'rho Shaw Cor -espondenee School, 391-7, Yongo St., Toronto. •• ly THE DOMINION BANK arts comUr40 0,..01$1.So, HA, PRESIDENT. W. O. MATTHEW, Vi4E-Plig,51DENT. 0. A. 00caarm, General Mana4ere capital paki up • 04, - ,, • $5,000,000 1446110 punct * A °A' 0 0 Tt‘ • $0,004000 'Total Assets • • R • $70,000,000 Whenever You Travel. .--atiloine or abroad—carry funds in Travellere Cheques or Lettere ct Credit,. belled by 'rhe Dominion a at*. The *reAOurrcnt all over the world, and cashed at, their face valve. They prevent los'—and save all the annoyances of beteg 1deniMetl, and the worries of foreign exchange. W1NGHAM BRANCH N. EVANS, Manager. • RwpRAPAPARPP4***44...*****R.• aarlianwammaiassiiimimanamaissampmeneiNamailamonaranallmilill.01.2 OVERALLS FREE i I . We guarantee 10 'cents for every button that comes off and 25 cents for every rip. For every six pockets cut from worn garments we will give you one pair of Overalls or Smoek, Free. Get the habit of saving your pockets. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR WALKER'S • OVERALLS MADE IN WALKERVILLE, ONT. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS ANY or any male over18 years old, may home. person who is the sole head of &family, stead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant .must appear in person at the "Dominion Lands Agency Or Sub -agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agenoy, on certain conditions by father, moth. or, son, daughter, brother or Sister of intend. Ing homesteader? Duties,—Six months' residence upon ancl mi1. tivation of the laud in each Of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-Ompt a quarter -section along. side his homestead. Price p.m per acre. Duties —Mint reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homesteadentry (ineluding the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader Who has exhatisted his blue - stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption /nay enter for a purchased homested in certain districts. Price 53.00 per acre. Duties.—Must side sit mouths in each of three years, culti- vate fif ty acres and area a house worth 3)300. W. W. CORY,. Decision of oharacter outstrips even talent and, genius in the race for suc- cess in life, Character is more than intellect, A. groat soul will be etrong to live. as well as to think. Goodness outshines geniue, as the sun makes the electric light cast a shadow, H. E. haft' & Co., Wingham. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY Also by the Walker Pant and Overall Co., Walkerville, Ont. 41.111111111/111111111411111111111111111.11,61111.111111011110611111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 61111101111111•110 IMO 1 1 Deputy of thetlinister of the Interior. N.13.—Unttuthoripxl publication or this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DOSIONS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyoftpx Sendinilf a sketeb arid description mai quickly aseortaillA our opinion free wiletlier an invention pro nbly Dateplable, Somvuntaa. mons strictly con dential. llANDBuOR on patents tiont free. Oldest agency or NooluniFtpatontit. ratonts taken through men 03 Go, Plidelt41 speciat notket without anima), tutus iitatritan. A. lutudoergely illustrated. wseltly. Lgrgest etc. rulatinn of any scientiac II:lomat, worms tor Canada. 3475 ,1/WW1 P04134 4 1#41gtid. 1341(1. b$ Rfl newscloaleit.. 1ilyNt LI Co 3$18roadway. New York Drano 0100. 426 7, St.. Washington, 4 TO BE HANGED BEFORE JULY ist A car road of Wall Paper having the most up-to-date designs suitable for every room in a persons' house. Prices ranging from 5c a Roll up. Come in and look over our large *stock. Sample books sent to your home if. required. A KN • 0.1. • , OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL t.aiwift_i_•~11%.0.4..••••61.0,1101.."1.04 PHONE 65. SEEDS We have a full line of the finest Red Clover, Al- sike, Alfalfa and Timothy, also all lines of Garden and Root Seeds, Perma- nent Pasture Mixtures, 8,c., all 1913 fresh seeds, not a single old one left over. No*, for a rush season in strictly high class seeds at very rea- sonable prices for cash. We are also selling Seed Corn. Our motto -- "Nothing but the Best." J. L. AWDE, Hope nothing from at , probability le that you will be so prepared, forewarned and forearned, that all shallow observers will call you lucky,—Lord Lytton. Nothing Is so contagious OA eat-m- ei/tem, it is the real allegory of the lute of Orpheue, it moves stories ; it churns brutee. Etithusia.stn is the genius of drteetrit,y, and truth ace cornplishes no victories without it. Another 30 Days' Sale. TEAS. -40o Ceylon for 350, also at 80o, 25e and 20o; 30o Japan at 25o. DRIED FRVITS.—Prunes at 10o, 13o and 150; Peaches 18o; Apricots 15o lb.; best Valenoia Raisins 100 ib, good. mnscated Raisins 3 lbs. for 250; bog quality Currants 10o lb; good Figs 50 lb. JAMS AND MARMALADES. -50o pails for 40o; 15o, pure, for 12o; 100 Jams for 9o; 10o Marmalade for 9o. 0A.NNED GOODS.—Maple Leaf - Salmon 25o, Derby brand 20o, Aut- limn Leaf 18o; 18o Quaker Pork and _ Beans for 10o • 10o Quaker Pork and . Beane for 8o; '20o Champion Catsup for 15o; Canned Corn for 9c; Peas 130, 2 for 25o. SUNDRIES.—Cow Brand Soda 4o pkg.; 5o pkg. Gold Dust for 4o; Dutch Cleanser and Panshine 80; _ Sunbeam Oil Shoe Polish 80. SOAPS,—Comfort Soap 6 for 25o; , Oenada's best, 6 for 25o; Magic Naptha, 6 for 25o; InfantarDelight, = 10 for 80. LARD. -18o, 15o, 13o, 2 lb. for 26o. MRS. GRINE Alriarmismirws 1 Electrlc Restorer for Men Orestores every nerve In embody toslort y:oforcia vtnt Vrengiar')tit°r0P6*decay stnot 511 fsextutt and SpvhitO:ItOyli weaknest averted at ono*. PlinriphonO1 will maketiTen a now man. Price 18 A, box, or two for $15. ailed to auy addresS. ICho Strobel" Dru _ g to CO411,14riniOdo Onto pyrely herbal balm; beat thing for the tender skins of children, yet powerful enough to heal lan adult's Omni° Sore; highly antiseptic); eases pain and smarting soon ae applied — that Is Zarnalluki emember It le purely herbal—no mineral poisons, no animal fated Power and purity oomblned Alt4119111.040 aaJ wart* HO art SIM oho, 11 -A • BARD'S Headquarters for Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, Oil- cloths, Mattings, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Lace Curtains, Madras Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, Art Sateens, Art Muslins, Furniture Damask and all kinds of tfouse-Furnishing floods at less than City Prices. Linoleums.—New patterns, all widths, 2 yards, 3 yards, 3 yards and 4 yards wide. New de. sign, at, per square yard..., . • 50c Carpets.—Big stock to choose from, including new patterns in Wool, Tapestry, Brussels, Union and Hemp Carpet. Special bargain, yard wide, for.... OOOO • O • 1 • . • • . . . . . 50c Rugs.—Large range of new designs and color- ings, in all sizes of Wilton, Brussels, Tapes. try, Axminster, Wool and. Union Squares, • See our leader, size 3x4 .410.00 , Lace Curtains. --Never so many to choose from, See the samples, displayed on the ground floor. Prices begin at 25c. See our special line at o•*•*, $2.00 Art Draperies.—New patterns and. shades, in. tu.ding very pretty bordered goods. Prices are . 4 • • • • • • • • • • 10, 15, 20 and 25c Window Blinds. — Washable Opaque Linen, mounted on good spring rollers with lace or insertion. Our price.......... O • 50c IL E. hard & Co. • • , J., 14' , Pr— MEM 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\ Opening Days Thursday, Friday, Saturday. We have moved to our new stand in the MacDonald Block, next door to McKibbon's drug store, opposite the Bank of Commerce, and are now ready to serve you, better than ever. We invite you all to come and see us in our new quarters whether you want to buy or not. 25 Per Cent. Discount .•., During our three - Opening Days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, we will give you a discount of 25 per cent. off the regular price of all goods bought and paid for. This means that a purchase amounting to $1.00 will cost you 75 cents, a $5.00 our - chase will cost you $3.75, a $10.00 purchase will cost you $7.50. We have a complete range of all lines of Spring and Summer wear for Men and Boys. Don't forget the new stand, Mac- Donald Block. oprarlomporlprowsioni, W. A. C PBELL SUCCESSOR TO McBEE & CAMPBELL