HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-08, Page 4M __ Canadian Money Situation. otttinately your overalk don'# often ran up agaliist if test hike the above, but DON'T FORGET tat the same qualities which will stand this strain will withstand the wear and tear of your, day's work, 'LEATHER LABEL OVER -HAULS ARE DOUBLE SEWED On every seam with thread tatted In a pulling strength of ten pounds, Every pocket is cross-stitched at the corner with three Sean% . Think what these things mean to you. Your LEATHER LABEL. OVER -HAULS will hang together until the fabric is worn out. They sos t more per garment bt)t, LESS pet year.1 atict3advt (Over -Hauls are the BEST ECONOMY. ARE TaEAGENTS Mr. Farmer and Laborer Now About Your Wearing Clothes P Make Your Work Easy. Insist upon Leather Label goods and you will never regret it, they are better made and give best results. Working Shirts—For Men, and Boys in good, fast colors and cloths that will give satisfaction. Prices -50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. Men's and Boys' Clothing—In the newest cloths and most up-to-date styles. House Furnishings.—Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, etc. Come and see . what we , have before buying. KING BROS. PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 71 -DOMINION EXPRESS ,•• MONEY ORDERS - ISSUED HERE i "I'm Sure This Bill Was Paid!" HAVE you ever received an ac.. count you knew you had paid, but for which you hadneg- lected to get a receipt? if !so, you can realize the inconvenience and annoyance involved, even should you be so fortunate as to escape the necessity of paying the bill twice. When calling in person to pay nn account, you generally get a receipt, but when tending a remittance out of town are you equally careful) You invariably get your receipt immediately, protecting you against any possibility of loss or Ensure claim, when paying accounts with Dominion Express oiFFICES Evtrr railvt*ay shtion o n e has an Express OffIes "Orders" where O d may eY r ere be obtained, and in there /seta ranch e r s there are branch j omcrtt located in the residential districts. &Foreign Cheq s C3 RATES ;5 and under....3e. Over 36 to $10., « 6a " 10 " 30 ..10o 30 " 60...16c. „ GO at stone rates. OVERALLS FRE WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR " The Financial Post of April lOtla haa the f ollowing to say about the financi- al outlook —Although nioney is plush cagier in the wor'ld's centres, it may be some time before the affects are felt in Canada, Bankers are not disposed to increase credinn. Most of them have adopted the polio), of tak»», ear* t'•f eustomera on the same terms 4 as tb.t-3' were given last year. There will be very few loans made by Canadian bankater the purpose of increasing plant, foretiiewtly commercial purpose all classes will be in a position to get lines of credit on the same basis as last year. All the financial machinery therefore is available for Canadian commerce t`o handle the same volume of business as it bird°last year. It col- lections remain indifferent it may be. awkward for those who have been giv. ing extended terms. Pressure, gener- ally is being brought upon traders to keen within limits agreed upon and this will necessitate thenx pressing lag- gards in respect of payments. The Post's information continnes to be such as to warrant conclusion that Canadian industries generally are quite active. Those engaged in the production of building material finding no let-up in respet;t of ordure. If any- thing the situation in that respect'ap- pears to be improving. .Althougharoal `esfate speculation and trading is being discouraged by financial institutions, nevertheless, there are signs, especial- ly at Eastern points, that it will be- come very active. In the West there does na appear to be any tendency of prices to decline and building does not show signs of bt ing materially less in volume as it was at the corresponding period of last year. Although winter projected itself well into April it was succeeded by extremely open and favorable weather for seeding. It can be said that the seeding operations are proceeding sat- isfactorily and in their normal season. In Ontario the crop lookout is steadily improving. At the same time the fdrmers are finding a better market for their stock and there never is .a keen demand for breeding stock, This latter is a healthy indication from a business staudpoint. THE INGI AM AD VANOE Jamestown. The following in the result of the recent promotion exitn 1nations in S. S. No. 10, Morrie. . Nir~tsnee In order of 'merit ;—Hrttr'arte,• Ci}ties—IV.laggie R.ich- ardeon, alienate Moffatt, Tereeeit Rota,. Sr. 4th---7.4esiva Tnrvey, "Vola lira cJend, Mary Milier. Sr 3rd ---Addison p'raeor, Hirzel Robb, Harvey Rs1hHt't- son. J. 3..4—Eivrt, J ,tunHay, Oh, Islip Forrest, R.ertitt, Turvey (equal) Veva Johner' n P• 2nd-•-Gi'rtit4 Rohe/twin, (Jordon Moffatt, Laura Johinttttn, Janet Miller Sr. let—Margaret Mc- Dougall, Harry Robb, Duncan Mc- Dougall, Louise Fraser, Jessie Mss - ser. -M. IL McLelland, teacher. Large machinery houses report ex- ceptionally heavy demand from the large railroad companies. General business is also stated to be better. In the far West capital expenditure is somewhat restricted because of the difficulty of getting, and the high price of money. Nevertheless it would appear that for this class of capital ex- penditure manufacturers are finding money. a WIT AND HUMOR. . RHEUMATIC PAINS GO SWOLLEN JOINTS VANISH RHEUM -- Greatest Remedy For Rheumatism, Gout And Sciatica Only 50c And Money Back From J, W. McKibbon If It Doesn't Satisfy Thousands of persons during the last year fre r d themselves from the bondage of Tthuematism ; rid them- selves of the torturing pain ; reduced the swollen joints ;_ threw away canes and crutches, and from belplees beings became able to work And be of use to themselves and their"families=.. They took RU1 IThEA.: the modern enemy of Rheumatism, which is also sure to cure Lumbago, Sciatiea, Arth- ritis, Gout, Chronic Neuralgia or°Kid- ney disease. Don't be skeptical about RH.LUMA. You will know in a few hours after beginning the treatment that the poisonous Uric Acid is leaving your system through the natural channels. You will feel better in a day ;; you will know you are going to be cured in less than a week. Don't think because REIEUMA is sold for only 50 cents a bottle that it won't bring you back to health. There is no guess work about it. REIEUMA is better than any remedy at ten times the price. Ask J. W, McKibbon. Speaking at a St. Andrew's Society dinner, 1 remarked that if my jokes were not always appreciated iwmedi- ately by the Scotsmen, by the time the next yearly dinner came round, they bad always seen the point. "I don't think that's a very fenny thing to say," growled a handsome old Scot, who was sitting beside me. "Oh," said I, "that's all right. You'll see the fun in it a year from now." Some people are lazy in getting to work and slow after they do get to it. Probably they wrap themselves up in the same mantle of self -complacency that the Irish labourer did when the section foreman accused him of allow- ing his pick to remain too long in the ground at each successive stroke of the implement, "Sure, and don't I be after letting it stayas long up in the air to make up for it." A minor Missouri politician, who was a pestiferous and continuous office -seeker, was a candidate for nomination as Lieutenant -Governor. He made a canvass and everybody seemed to be for him. On the day of the convention he . came to afriend in great distress. "Bill," he said, "I am, in a terrible pickle, Seventy per cent. of the con- vention delegates are for me for Lieutenant -Governor, but I can't get anybody to nominate, me V' wvra""Ka WALK13R'S OVI3RALLS MAng IN WAL`,KERVILY.E, ONT. We guarantee 10 cents for every button that comes off and 25 is for every rip. cents For everyslx pockets cat fro 'Watt yrmentswwll give stotx one sir of OVERALLS or SMOCK FREE. Get the habit of saving your pookett►. SOLD AND G'UARAN'TEED BY t -,r Ars Taylor Her A. McCall Thos. Henderson Belgr vc Bltutcvale °lutes +tiku rch o by the Walker Pant and Overall Co., Walkerville, Ont. Lower School Test Exams. 1913. GASTORIA Good Old ra= xoraov �a cw�a�o�. The Kind You Hare Always Bought 4:4 Ontario Beare the Signatures of TOWN of WINRIAM By=Law No. 669, 1913. A, by-law for the purpose of raising the sum of $6500 by the issue of debentures for the purchase of cer- tain road .making macbindry and for the erection of a suitable build, ing to protect titleb machinery from the weather and for a hose tower. WHEREAS By-law No. 662, 1912, for the pur- pose of paving and grading a certain portion of JoseJosephine Street under the provisions elite i Local improvement Act was regularly sub- mitted to the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Wingham and road twice on the 9th day of December, A. D. 1912, and was sub - Milted to the electors for approvnl on the 6th day of January A. D. 1913, and was by them the said Council received third of January A, D, 1913. AND WHEREAS the buildingheretofore used as a•hose tower for the drying of hose was destroyed by storm and it is necessary to erect a suitable building for the above purr pose. AND WHEREAS it is necessary in order to carry out the above minted work that certain road snaking machinery should be purchased and a building erected for the protection of same and for a hose tower ; the estimate. cost . of which is appended hereto markea Schedule -"A" and the cost of same amounts in the whole to the sum ot $6500.00. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue said debentures at one time and to make the prin- cipal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of twenty-five years, being the currency of the said debentures, such said yearly sums of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each yearidebt shall beoaas nearly its possible equhal to the amount so payable in each of the other twenty-four years of said period as shown in Sehedule "13" hereto annexed. AND WHERE 4.8 the total amount requir- ed by the Municipal Act to be raised annual- ly by special rate for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is $161.20. .AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole ratable property of the Town of Wingham according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is $804,098 00. .AND WHEREAS tho amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipali- ty (exclusive of local improvement debts se- cured by special rates or assessments) is $147.- 253.01 and no part of principal or interest is in arrear. THEREFORE the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts as fows :— Corp 1 —That the Municipal Corporation of the $65 • Total 800 marks. Required to pass Town of Wingham shall expend the sum of 40% on each subject and 60% of the 00,00 in the purchase of road,. making Never since tl A laud was first settled could Duron farms be bought at better valves than at the present moment. We have something good to offer all the time. For two weeks only we are presenting for sale the followieg - Lot 1 end west half Lot 2, Cion, 12,. Lowick, containing 150 acres with a Brick Dwelling.. House, and Bank Barn 60x64 with cement stabling ; drilled well. Close to Churches and School, Parra all to grass and will ba sold at a remarkably low price to wind up an estate machinery and the erection of a building total or 480 marks. Honours 75% or to protect the same from the weather and for 600 marks. Figures after names in- dicate Dumber of subjects in which candidates failed. --Sean Webb (Hon.) 625, Chrissy Miller Mona. 619, Cora Gilkinson (Hon.) 812, Marion Alkii 595, Mabel Gilkinson 594, Metba Mc- Pherson 574, Nora Smith 57.2, John Campbell (1) 57.1. , Mary Currie 567, Elmer Aitken 567, Annie Wilson 565, Margaret Aitken 562, Grace Plunkett 561, Laura Currie 554, Florence Barber 553, Kathleen Gibbons 551, Elmer Wilkinson (1) 548, George Joynt (1) 532, Gordon Jefferson 505, Norman Stonehouse (1) 501, Anna McRitcbie 500 Marjorie Haines (1) 496, Norman Butcher (1) 491, Bernice Shaw 485, Hilda Buchanan (1) 484, Edna Smith 480, Gordon Bucbanan, Aegrotat, Emma Walters (2) 476, Olive Knox (2) 473, Della Haugh (1) 486. Leon Oan- telon (2) 458, Norman Radford 456, Mary Rollertson (1) 4.19, George How- son (1) 448, Eimer Taylor (2) 445, Lil- lian Watson (3) 443, Stuart Donaldson 443, Louisa Devereaux (2) 440, Gordon McLean (2) 434, Mabel Isard (1) 433, Weir Elliott (1) 430, Herman Hall (1) 422, Millie Nicholls (1) 415, Howard Wylie (3) 411, Irwin Ferguson (2) 405, Della Miller (3) 402, Margaret Perrie (2) 399, Annie Williamson (2) 396, Geo. Patterson (3) 370, Wilbert Mothers (3) 365, Walter Haines (3) 355, Alice Reading (4) 3552, Melissa Biehl (4) 313, Evelyn McLaughlin (3) 301, Annie Lloyd (3) 290. a hose tower and for the purpose of raising the said sum, debentures of; the said Town- to the amount of $6500 as aforesaid in'sums of not less than'$100 each shall be issued on the First day of August A. D. 1913, each of which de- bentures shall be dated on the date of the issue • thereof and shall be payable within twenty-five years thereafter at the office of the Treasurer for the time being of the said Town of Wingham. , As a large ocean-going steamer was making, her way down the Clyde the officer in charge found ' his passage blocked by a dirty looking empty baliest barge, the only occupant of which was a man sitting smoking a short pipe. Finding that he did not make any effort to get out of the way, the officer shouted to him in true nau- tical fashion, Taking the pipe from his mouth, the fellow rose and said :--- "An' is it yourself that's the captain of that ship ?" "No," was the reply, "but I am the chief officer." "Then talk to your equals," said the Irish- man ; "I am the captain of this," Senator Quay was fond of telling a story of an experience of this in a country hotel near Pittsburg. Hang- ing on the wall in the parlor was an inscription, "Ici on parte Francais." The Senator noted the sign and turn- ing cog to the landlord said "Do you speak French ?" "No," the man re- plied, "United. States will do for me," "Well then," said Quay, "why do you have that notice on the Wall ?" That means, "French is spoken here." "Well, I'll be blamed 1" ejaculated alae hotelkeeper. "A young chap sold that to me for "God bless our home," Thomas A. Edison is very fond of children. • While on a visit recently he Was endeavoring to amuse the son of the host,when the youngster asked him to draw an engine. Mr. Edison promptly set to work, and, thinking it would please the child, he added a couple of extra smokestacks and trey+ oral imaginary parts. When the plan was completed the boy eyed it critical- ly; theft he turned to the inventor with disapproval in every feature. "You don't know much about engines, do you ?" he said with infantile frank. ness. "Engines may have been that e chang- ed n way in your time, bot t ht� yr v ha K- ed a whole lot since then." Some years ago the Chief Jostle° of the United States found the€ the tire of one of hie wheels was loose and kept slipping off. Conning to .ra,..littrit stream he drove into it ant got one little section of thebre i wet t, then drone out andbolted hiss horse, and the same part by the wheel went into the water again. Thus he kept going backward and fotwat d, all the time wetting the sane part of the rvheel. A negro saw the situation and, told the juestloe to back tato the water again, He did so, and then negro took hold he spokes of the wheels and, turns , it slowly, Boom had it Wet all*silty �. "Why, I never thought of that, & r1 1 the elhhf lustiae." "Well," repli the yy��dazky��ittpp����"yyggeotywp'�e other.," DRUNKENNESS rattly ls°a 7J he'll 'Mei'u'4 Vhan t8ther.," DRUNKENNESS is it curable disease, 'which requires treatment. The ORRINE treatment can be used with absolute confidence. It destroys all desire for whiskey, beer, or other intoxicants. Can be given in the home. No sanitarium expense. No loss of time from work. Can be given secretly. If after a trial you fail to get any benefit from its use your money will be refunded. ORRINE is prepared in two forms : No. 1, secret treatment, a powder ; ORRINE No. 2, in pill form, for those who desire to take voluntary treat- ment, Costs only $1 00 a box. Come in and talk over the matter with ue. Ask for booklet. J. W. McKibbon, druggist. The men whom I have seen succeed best in life have always been cheerful and hopeful men, who went about their business yvith a smile on their faces and took the changes and chances of this mortal life like men, facing rough and smooth alike as it came.—Oban. Kingsley. For Dyspepsia it you suffer Stomach Trouble, and you try our remedy, it won't cost you a cent If it fails. To prove ,to you that indigestion and dyspepsia cnll be thoroughly re- lieved and that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will do it, we will furnish the medicine absolutely free if it fails to give you satisfaction. The remarkable success of Roxall Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the high degree of scientific skill used in de-. vising their formula as well as to the care exercised in their manufacture, whereby the, well-known properties of 7lisnauth-Subnitrate and Pepsin have been properly combined with Carminatives and other agents. . . . n ssi I3itsmtttl�► Subnttrate and Pep are constantly employed ;and recog- nized by the entire ip dial prcfc'.s-. scion as invaluableeee the tfonttneut of indleeetian and dyspepsia. Their �rrr;►p e4orrtlainotio»s it alcea a remedy. invaxluaUc for stomach relief. 'We are so certain that there is otllin 10 good for stomach ills as 1�tsxr�ll y>spepssiaTebleta thatwe urge t you to try them at our tisk. 'Three ellen, 23 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00. Yell can buy Rx xttll Dysprptsia'Tablets la this community only at our store: J. WALTON McKIi3BON. *tuition Di* a Corer Outerlo r ftere las a Roxall Store in nearly �a + ttr r1 eity in the Unite L WARW. . Cat a •rust; ritsin. rxe la a exstll melody tot nshrl entry ordinary human tt�lrlttlir rlowi slgt� ed f the r'4iaular !4t will it is reedeameuded. The Rion f tdres e fryr l 's Gteetest Apply to ---W. J. Finlay, Newbridge, —or— Ritchie Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Wingham, Ont. C. P. R. Tickets to all points WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1640. Head office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in. surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. GEO. SLEEMAN, JOHN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE & COSENS, • Agents. Wingham, Ont �� WINCiIHAM' General hospital. (Under Govern neub Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates foratients (which include board and nursing) -34 90 to $15.08 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion—Address MISS L. MATIHEWS Superintendent, Box 229, Wingham, Ont. 2 --Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the said Town or by some other person authorized by. By-law to sign same and by the Treasurer thereof and the Clerk shall attach thereto the corporate seal of the Municipality. 3—The said debentures shall bear interest at tho rate of five per cent. per annum pay- able yearly at the office of said Treasurer on the First day of August in each and every year during the eurrency thereof. 4 --During the. currency of the said debentures there shall be raised annual1 by special rate on all the ratable property, of the said Town of Wingham, the sum of $461.20 for the purpose of paying the amount due under each of the said years for principal and interest in respect of said debt as shown in schedule "B" hereto annexed. 5—This By-law shall take effect on the date ot the final passing thereof. 6 --The votes of the electors of the said Town of Wingham shall be taken on this By-law at the following times and places, that isto say On Monday the Nineteenth day of May next commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until the hour of five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, by the following Deputy -Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, namely :— Ward 1—M W. J. Johnston's Tailor, shop on Josephine Street by W. J. Haines, Deputy - Returning Officer ; E. A. Hammond, Poll Clerk. • Ward 2—At Win. Gannett's Implement shop on Josephine Street by A. J. Alderson,. Deputy - Returning Officer; P. H. Deans. jr., Poll Clerk. Ward 3—At the Town Hall by Albert Flem- ing. Deputy -Returning Ofilter ; Allan Fralick, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division 1 of Ward 4 at Ritdhie fie Cosens' Office by J. W. Dodd, Deputy -Re- turning officer ;John Ritchie, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division 2 of Ward 4 at Albert Bell's house on Josephine Street by T. J. McLean, Deputy -Returning Officer ; T, Miller, Poll Clerk. 7 -On Saturday the Seventeenth day of May next the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at the Town Hall in the said Town at eleven o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persous•to attend at the various poll- ing places aforesaid and at the final summing up of votes by the Clerk on behalf of the per- sons interested in and desirous of promoting or opposing the passing of this By-lit.vw re- spectively. 8—The C:erk of the said Town of-Wingham shall attend at the said Town Hall at elei'en o'clock in the fore,.eon on Tuesday, Twentieth, day of May next.to sum up the number of votes for and against the By -taw. Dated at the Town Hail in the Town of Wingham, this Twenty-first day of April, A.U. 1913. Mayor. • Clerk. W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE DR. WILSON. RESIDENOE—MISS (MACEY. Phone 179. right Phone 148. Ex Gov. yet. Inspector. NOTICE, TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been taken into consideration and Which will bo finally passed by the Council of the Muni- cipality (in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) after ono month from the Brat publication in the Wing - ham Advance, the date of which publication was Thursday Twenty fourth day of April. A. D ,1913, and drat the votes of the Electors of the said• Municipality will be taken thereon bn the day and at the hours and places therein fixed. ANI) also take notice that eVeri*. tennant who desires to vote on this By-law must deliver to the Clerk not less than the seventh day before the day appointed for taking the Votes, the declaration provided by the Con- solidated Municipal Aot. JOHN F. GROVES, Clerk. SOIi11 D13L10 "A" TO Tilt l PROPOSED BY-LAW. Being an estimate of the expenditure refer- red to in the foregoing Bylaw. One fifteen ton Steam road toiler ....Atom 00 Crusher, bins, elevator and screen 300 00 Building for tnaohiner3r and Mao tower' . , +... 1000 els $6500 00 SCft1tatVLE "13" win qh 0 to each intstcclsa't ens of tho i debt to be n respect created how much of the amount to be annually raised it for principal and how tntnchis for interest. DR. E. H. COOK VETERINARY SURGEON SUCCESSOR TO DR WILSON DOGS ANn SURGERY A SPECIALTY Residence and Office in Dr. MoDonald.'s old residence on Centre Street, next to English Church. • 'Phone 250. C. N. GRIFFIN GEM! RAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, -Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. • DUDLEY HOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham. 111r4'..7'.1-.... ., $136 20 $823.0 $40t 200 191,1' . �'► 43 01 318 1'9 461 20 191!5 mei. 311:101 48120 1911 167 (r "'� ,. b¢3 46120 11°91180 1913 A' 165 6 2R� 65 461 20 1910', 461 20 1920 130 sit 2T3 136 'k. 461 l0 1921 791 65 260 66 ' 161 20 1923 129 2 0 07 4 6u 191k1A 1924 221 8'1 230 36 461 ` 1925 282 91 228 26 46120 1926 14 tffl 216 6L 461 2ti 1927 1216 82 204 38 Ods 20 1923 260 66 191 64 4111'20 1929 233 14 178 06 461 20 1930,297 30 163 90 461 20 1931 312 17 140 08 451 20 1932 „• .31' 7 7 7 133 43 4151 20 1933 311 15 117 04 461 20 1934 351 87 90 '' i11 las 878 4 i r 781 78rifiRV 7 it R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. WINGBAM. DRS, KENNEDY & CALDER OFFICES—Corner Patrick and Centre streets PHONES— - Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr, Calder 151. Dr. Sennett ti speotaiires in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Sticessor to Dr. Agnew Orman IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. G. REDMOND (4En.? n .1 .1L�oo Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) ARTITUR J. IRWIN O.D.5.,1 D.B. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen. neylvania College and Lacent ate Dental Surgery of Ontario. -OMoe In Macdonald lleekss • W. R. IIAMBLY, B.SC., 1,D,, CI. Speeial attention paid to dinensea of Women and Ohildren, having taken postgr'adnate work in Sur. gory, che 1ologloine. and Scientific MedOmoe in the Kerr residence, be• tt een the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Ohuxoh, All business given oerefni attention. Phone 54. P. O. Box 118 C , E. ROSS, D.D.S., L.D.S. _ oonor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario honor Gleidustte of University of 'fronto Faeolty of Dentistry. .01110X a -1 , to. Mann dr QO'L ; ti r - THURSDAY* MAN' 8, 1913 Taw PROFITE R IN'G STORY Kerr ak. Bird AGENTS—Home "GOOD DRRSSING ' AGENTS- »,Ladies' Monthly Fashio�z Sheet Journal Patterns Fr.iee To .alt Home Journal The Quarterly Style Book only 5G GOOD DRESSING The best monthly style sheet published. Absolutely Free. ROLLER WINDOW SHADES. Curtain Poles White Curtain Pole? complete, lOc Special orders for Shades promptly delivered. • frrn! 9.... 1:1 .... , ri la-,.. •,•, • 1, BUTS THIS BIG BOOK OF 600 LATEST FASHIONS +•. `moo The o� .ASK AT OUR PATTERN COUNTERFOR -Style :Book . • SUMMEie 1d3itt, 11.1.U3TRATING THE FAMOUS XAIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS amok NEW CARPET SQUARES .Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry. NEWEST DESIGNS. SEE THEM LACE CURTAINS CURTAIN NET BUNGALOW CURTAINS MUSLIN CURTAINS CRETON, ETC. Summer Dress Goods. Large stock, great variety, most popular goods. Silk and Wool Delaine, Wool Delaine, Cotton De- • laine, Silk Stripe Voile, Vestings, Linens, White and Colored Mitslins, White and Colored Crepe, Poplin, Bedford- Cord, etc. Handsome Satisfactory Clothing. None better than "Progress Brand," sure to fit right. Newest styles for Men and Boys. Boys' 2 and 3 piece Suits, price $3.50 to $5.00. Don't pay too much for your Clothing. See our splendid. Suits for Men at $9.00 to $12.00. Good material, newest styles, splendid workmanship. Garden. Seed, Flower Seeds, Mangel and Sugar Beet, and Garden. Beet, large assortment. House Furnishings Now that spring is drawing near the busy house- wife will be making preparations for house cleaning and some particular room will want a new Linoleum, another room Oilcloth and still another a Rug or Carpet. Never has this store been so well stocked in all these lines as we are passing into stock the last few weeks. Nairs Scotch Linoleums of excellent designs ; Eng- lish floor oils, lovely patterns ; border Oilcloths and Inlaid Linoleums. Rugs And Carpets. We have an unusually large stock of Rugs now in ; including Union Rugs for bed-roorn ; Granite Rugs, something entirely new, from $4.00 to $io.00 ; Tapestry Rugs, Velvet Rugs, English manufacture ; Brussels Rugs, Axminster and Wiltons, in price from $b.00 to $4o.00. We lead in House Furnishings. Call and see our stock before buying elsewhere. 2 Cars OfSugar Now In For a short time we will sell for cash Wallaceburg Sugar at $4 5 cwt., Redpath extra granulated $4.35 ; in 300 lb. lots, 5c cwt. less ; 20 lb. sack $ r.00. . _ 1111 Phone 89 PRODUCE OF ALE KINDS WANTED. A. Mills (Successor to T. A. MILLS) WiNE'H AM 1 1 i hrj.I 1