The Wingham Advance, 1913-05-08, Page 3000000••••••
- F E
Achingloibiago Backs BETTER FARMINi.
THE •PI1P ES ON AC t, Are Quickly Helped
And Permanently Cured
Release, Yes, and a Cure for
Lumbago is Now Known.
• . , fte.S*40.40,00/004044.4....
Scratched So Made Red Sore.
h„,„ impriiVP. loose. Sandy sidhi
(Aokal inelibittOrg Call 110 11111 111Hler a .. by wking them noge eompata and more
i' UtMtiltWe' AND 'VIEWS%
aide eattety of eonditions and do sat- Trouble Grew Worse Alt the Time, retentive of meieltUV. INF thie purpose1
isfigrew work.. They will endure
consideraate etegletions of tinted() tem- Box of Cuticura Ointment Com, ay. recommended. and in inurlt entailer
per:tears without harnitrul change a iiii:antities owl tor clay soils. ( lay sent
htItt 'Within the egg ehamber. The pletely Cured, will stand more lime than eandy soils.
regulator will need but little MUT- - ee The improvement of sandy teals wili
A Cake of Cutioura Soap and ft some him corbonate linte is ttett-
eratiou Is to a large (Attilt. Aututplie. . 0
our )ears. had so many pimples o'n her , ,.. ,,
V.1110.Tonette, 040,-4sur ntue ed awl often be emelt greater if tae lime is, .ap-
plied to a green. ;imp turned under. lame
tion after ono, adjusting, and the op-
N't hile an inenbator ean be run, in , face, artne and logs that X 1 not know naig01144 We, -0011Veri5ion of the vegetable
pretty Intl& any corner, or any room. 1 t t d 'PI e 1 ted matter into humus, and thie, with the
it will do best whore the temperature
Is moot uniform. Whatever claim is
made for the certainty of eelf-reguito
lion. it Just ao well to remember this '
point awl eluiose the best place to be '
had for ifs operation. For this reason
a welleventilitted cellar le generally
better than a room above groand., A
for a year, flho corn- lime belps to fill the open spaces be-
inence4 to scratch and tween the Fiand grains. It its claimed by
Ms made pimples, clear, those WhO hoere given meek attention to
not rea. Site seratehed so light, eamly. eons, that thcre ttre no
much that the blood ran. other types of solle that will respond
and it made a red sore, quite so readliv to liming, provided the
7,--tfr-ricri- The gores were worse on neeessary vegt;table nuttier le supplied
- her arm and. legs. and on in the form of a green cover (lop turned
pooray-ventilated cellar le nOt Llo good. eer face, and they were ugly looking whit mule
Alt Imileatfel rOont Is better than a the blood, X was told what to do to stop r'
Lc ;tied room, because heating a room tar sneering, toed I used tho treatraent but
(Me :3 the air, anti to do good hatching' other /gutless eame out all the time. 1 tried In the past eonsiderable lees line been
an ineubator needs all the moisture an sorts of remedies bat the trouble grew sustained by Wisconsin eattlo breeders
lhe air naturally holds. The feet that worse an the 'time. 'lovas always the same from a fatal disease of ealvE it knot% 11
(Tilers are naturalle' damp maY have storr, until I used Outieure Boap and °Int- as white limas or ealf dysentery. 'Ile
'something to do with many of ' the . met. 1 began to apply the Cullom. Oint. veterinary seienee depart me»t of the
good results. =ea on her, also hot water and cuticura College of Agriculture of the Univereity
. If unused to running an incubator, Soap. Immediately I began to sce that of Wieconsin calls attention to .a. serum
set up the new machine and run it a they were, curing her, and after having which has been found especially reliable
low days before putting in the eggs. used a cake of Cutieura Soap and a box or as a, preventive treatment for this die -
You. will get used to the "feel" of it cuticura Ointment shO AM completely .., .
ease. %Vitae scomet peony in the new -
slid Will llaVo a chance to study the cured. She has Just as fine a shin as before,
'torn emit, and are manifested by a Very
e011t1.01 Of it fl regulation, Give the "My lmsband also used Cutieura, °int. 6
profuse, stinking. white diarrhoea which
regulator sufficient time to act and twig, for craces ia his hands. After three
usually reettlts in death within a few
don't be too fussy, The better class • applications of the outieura Ointment he
hours°. On aceount of its infeetieua na.
ot incubators will hold the tempera,- wascomPletelyeurecl." (Signed) Mrs. Alfred
ture, affected eolvee and their 41111114 =1St
ture within a fraction of a degree for Carrier, Jan. 16, 1012.
Cut:Were Soap and Cuticura ointment are be isolated to prevent the disease front
days at a time when once properly
regulated. If the temperature does
met vary over a degree it will do very bsoolodk,by drugglsts and dealers everywhere, sireading to other animal% Careful die.
For a liberal, free sample or each, with 32-n, infection of the navel and emrtateitevtaa
send post pard to Potter Drug& chem. stuToundings must not be negteeted.
well, and. will hatch all right if the
Corp., Dept. aaD, Boston, U. S. A.
eggs are good. After you have the •
There it4 11, great differewee in the
regulator adjusted and the eggs in, -
go away and forget it untie it es. time nest, %he only method in picking out motherly quality' of sowa, and whee
to trim the wick and fill the lamp. the best egg producers. a breeder finds one that produces uni-
Don't try to put too many eggs in. The high-grade poultry feeds now be. amity large 'Woe, and all good. etrong,
Crowding generallY resalts in. break-. ing Put on the market are of a much healthy Rigs, while f,110 has a eortetant
age, and You only lose the over -plus. better grade them formerly. Canape- 1 and large now or meg tor her offspring,
Atte e 30 or 48 hours, turn the eggs talon ansi a demand for a, feed that ' he should keep her fur, breeding purposes
as directed by the maker of •the ma- pfodueed results have been largely ' a's long as She Will breed well, 1.1e1 she
ebine. Don't try to ,hurry at first. the cause, ,A.gain, more Is known will be found to be one of the most
Throwtoet all the cracked egga. They about feeds than. in the past, and 'many profitable anhuels on the farm.
don't often hatch, and they are more' of the feeds have been put up accord -
trouble than they are worth, if the Y 'Mg to expert breeders' results in their
To cure tannbego-eurely it's a good
thing to knpw how. Thio information
infant to dna. E. Nene the differeuee
between. itivalidiem and. - reined. health.
Writing front his home near tetrnwitlIA
teayai "Aaevere and prolongal attrek
Lumbage ia my youth rendered me -at
nil timeallable to, ;tam tlw letelt and
Mine. tee establiehed beome the pre-
disposition. and ao frequent the attaeka,
contekl areepted the emelition ee
my partieular weakneet, to he borne
with RS 111111;11 etImposnre ally evil
ehaatmatattee might permit, One day
an unusually heti attaek developed, and
unfortunately there wee no malt -hie of
any kind in the lenaan sent 10 a
'neighbor for help and, reeeivea NVith 11.
trung reeollraleltdatioll a 1041,1:t t.t! N ir
ftlend W.113 z‘ilrprisea We
didn't 110 NO11,01110. t-aying flea they
found nee for it in their family. ithneet
everyday. Saquie'aly Nerviline cheek
the -attack, anti eo grateful was the r0-
lief4'fhtlt WAR 111 a day on the high
road ttl reeoVery. 1111,Ve PUMA my tell.
telley 10- 1..4111illagrO With ,NerVilille, and
44011Si:der it the 11104 poWerf111 pahl-91111-
dying linhuent ever Made."
oning bo;tr*ellei4, tight
idlest and. winter ilk Nerviline as a,
marvel; let for Lumbago, SrAatic.t and
Rheum:10mi. Nerviline 1;4 eoittildereil to
be -without a peer. In the home it 14
ett9eeially bet...lase ettrlYil
cramp's In. half a minute, stops nausea,
control); vomitina and tweet etomaeln
Fee internal and' external we, 'wherever
there .is pain. apply Nerearee. Get the
50e. fainily size bettle; trial size, 25e.„
et Ag etorekeepere and dritgelete,„ or
ThfCa ta rr_liozo_ne.,"4Co„,„-nu I Ellie N. V,
• did, In cold weaher tshut the inete own yards -the only practical way. The simple remedy fort inked adder
bator door while turning the eggs. In New is the time to Plant the fruit after calving is frequent bathe with hot •
warm weather it will- do no harm to trees in the poultry yards. Peach, wetter, Thee greaee the quarters .
10LIVO It open. plum and apple trees are profitable with a mixture .of turpeetine •one part, '
Put in onlY clean eggs and have .and in a few Years will glve a natural and: melted lard, two parts, using it quite
clean hands while turning them, shade. Poultry to do their best need' warm. Rub and knead the udder a gooa
th.e lamp after, instead of before hand-
lieg the eggs. Keep the wick clean.
The flame .should be high enough to •
furnish tao •required heat, but never •
so high that there will be danger of
After the fifteenth day the eggs will
throw • off enough animal heat to in-
crease the temperature in the egg
hhamber •and most likely the flame
will have to be turned lower, and the
regulator readjusted to' offset' this ef-
fect. The enore fertile the eggs the
greeter the iltaxige. About the sev-
enth day the infertile eggs may be
• used for culinary purpoees, and will
be found. just as good as .auy. • Surely
seven days in a good, clean thou- •
bettor is less harmful than the saute
time in a sunny, dirty, fly -filled store
The 'eggs should be turned twice a
dare -night and morning -until they
begin to pip. ' Whether or not they
need more moisture than is supplied
by the atmosph-ere under the condi-
tions that are present where the ma -
Is in operation Is a question
That always invites distussion.
Under some • conditions eggs will
hatch better te added moisture is sup- danmening the room in which
Me machine ie run, or by wet sponges,
Moths, or by molt -tine pans in the
machines. We prefer the last Method,
sei it gives a more thorough moisture
In every section of the- machine and
Is more lasting.
Wheo the eggs begin to pip shut ut
the machine and 'get the family to-
gether and go away for a day or two,
• if it is the firet batch. That is the
only way to let the machine alone. If
you stay at home the baby will
to look, then a neighbor will just drop
hi and before the hatch is over yoa will
run the temperature down. and have
chilled the chickens. Don't attempt to
open the doors to try and help some
anfortunate chick that has been cov-
ered with another 81101, or cannot ex-
pel itself from the egg and ruin 60 or
More other chicks in trying to save
one. Those that don't come out aro
better 'where they are. They as a
rule prove weaklings afte r being
placed la the brooder and never make
profit -payers.
The hatch should be over In 24 hours
after the beetling, but it may run
fileng for 30 or 40 hottrs. When over,
take the unhatched eggs and empty
Shells and leave the chick e in the in-
eubater for front 24 to 48 hours, ac-
cording to the ceason of the year and
the appearance of the strength of the
ehieks. Do not feed or water them
until 48 hours old, They absorb the
yolk of the egg. betore hatehing and
WO provides them with nature's food.
for at least 48 lteers. Toe early teed.
'''ttteesestagele, statIseelearmful eatotaltoOld.
avoided, no mattee licav hunkrY they'
• may seem,
'Whatever incubator you select, re-
member one teenortant thing, the sec-
ret 'of succeeztal hatching lies largely
In the eggs. The best incubator that
Is sold will not giro satisfactiou With
poor eggs.
Remember that ducklings grow
qtfickett if no sevimming water to pro-
vided for them.
Previde variety of feeding for the
young chicks and ete that they are
never allowed 'to look back.
Do not tamper wlth the broedy heti,
An irritable broody will rsoon. spelt a
;getting of eggs.
Vet down eettinge of eggs from the
heavy breed% as the progeny Will,
with care, prove profitable winter lay-
PoultrY, like every industry, has Its
Pod aud bad yearo. . The polgtry
raiser who tick to it year after year
ie tile one that reap e the benefits.
There alwaye Will be mency in poultry
for theme who will work and learn.
Set all the hens you ean title month.
Pullets liatehed in April will mean
next winter 'layers.
Broiler prices are increasing.
Protect the chides by giving theii,.
toutfortable quarters, Its there is Much,
changeable weather.
1)o not plaee more than thirteen
eggs this month under the broody hen.
Chicke hatehed last fall should
weigh from time to four pounds each
ItONV, for which. a good market tart be
April is a good month to hatth
goose, dk and turkey eggs.
Hensi ti3 a rule nitrite the best breed -
erre Pertilite is sarong and the chicks
hatcht,4 are tilt kind that live. These
hresdigg to eg*Droductio. ratt 4.1.00
Om, ilikpeciaMrtlietill ti tEe trap
shade, and natural is better than
artifieial, although the latter is better
than* none, Protect the trees by wire
screens the first few years, as the
fowls will eat the green leaves as they
appear, especially if the runs or yards
are hare, whieh as a rule is the case,
unless double yards are used, when
one yard can be growing green food
while the other is being used,
• POultry breeders should receive
more for their hatching eggs, day-old
chicks and stock when the fact Is con-
sidered that the up-to-date methods
must be used. Preeders must be
handled differently than those kept for
commerciel purposes only. Extra
'males are kept that are 'high-grade
specimeus; extra care taken in the
hatching egg from time of laying to
shipment. The same applies to the.
day-old chick.
: I
Titanic Beacon U. S.
Memorial to the
Brave Men
:we progirweoto utivA.Rw00.13.
The lighthouse tower which tope
-theettoot home of the Seaman's In-
stitute, New York, ereeted as a mem.
oriel to the victims of the Titanic
disaster. The memorial tablet upon
it, unveiled Apeil 15, reads
"This lighthouse tower is a memor-
ial to the passengers, officers and
crew of the steamship Titanic, who
died as heroes when the vessel sank
Atter eollision with an • iceberg -
baited° 41-40, north longtitude 80-14
west, April 15, Erected by public sub-
deal each time. (live the eoW internally
a teaspoonful of fluid extrnet or poke-
loot three tima esday. Continues the
treatment for twit weeks.
aloderate exereise etsential to the .
brood mare while carrying her foal.
Work. which is ftee from epecial riek of •
accideut ie quite compatible with the
well -doing of tlie mare nutl
Though „some mares work up to within
a few homes of foaling and do tee% 11.
Is advisable that work should be gentle
and not continued beyond the tenth
month. On removal of the brood mare
from work it Is highly important that
she should have the opportunity of -ex-
ercise up to the time of her foaling,
Pa YOUR, Oo&fi UOid
If you to- any of your friends suffer
front rheumatism,' kidney disorders or
eXeess of uric acid, eansing lameness.
baeltache, muscular pain, stiff. Detail!,
neuralgic pftiofi.' invite you to sent for
general 141REEI TItt,tft irittl4.TMEINT
of lily wellknown reliable titIltaXI-
.11iFtligt wth igt(17".1T14 and
tar . no .
O. D. eeh eine) . 11 o mat ter how
many may have failed hi your case,
IPt 180 • n% su al .1) e 114 et. • .
11)117 tit) g9: fitt4 (It Titi /IN
teafrete eitereedst where. en P1PP
VilitC)NDIVItEl TI11.1 WAWA)
and 11.1010V1:114 the IllitS1.1. Also for .t
weakened, run-down condition of the
system, Yon will find Cl'iltONICIMIN a
most satisfactory VENiatAI, 'l' )N1('
thot MakeS ;$ feel that life is Worth,
ltelLor, Please tell your Wends of thie
mania offer, and send to -day fOr largo
free package to MItS. teralafrats.
ling 3, Windsor, Ont.
Never lose sight of the facet -hat the
using of the muscles of the colt develops
them and insures great poweot of en-.
durance, while dieuee mew flabby
muscular development and a weaker
animal. •
Old Winter Couedhs
Now Easily Cured
A New Remedit Now Cures Without
the Use of Cough Syrules or Drugs.
;fast think of it ---you can clear away
that hard, racking voligh, drive it ewe-
pletely out of the eystem, make your-,
eelf perfectly Iron. by the new breathing
cure that employs no medieine at all.
You wonder how; very simple, in-
deed; you shuply breathe in through a
Gatarrhozone Inhaler rich haisdanio
essences that heal and soothe away the
cough in a few hours' time.
In using Catarrhozone you bathe the
lining of the nose and throat with that
powerful antiseptic of the 33Ine Mtn
Tree of A.ustraliaovhich is probably the
tercet, cold and cough cure m the world
t6-tc'lllati:ence E. Cromwell, writing from
Medicine Hat, ettys: eure 53100Zing eold in about ten minutes the one
thing k of i do it it Catarrh-
• . ,
ozone. To relieve an liriteted throat
quickly. nothing can exrel Catarrhoeone.
It simply eats up a i•ough or eold of any
kind. I know of colds that have hung
on for months that Cetarrhozone tined arms -
quickly. 1S:early every man know ear- a
ries a Catarrhozone Inhaler mita him RATH E R P ESS M $T 10.
day awl ni ht Rua in. this country it (se John, N. 13., Telegraph)
fnuffeht Votirlert
The Les Angt:es Samileipaltrews vtas
esteblishee oo a Itterenfluiri vete of the
MOM*. it has been reealle.1 by another
referendum vete. Less t34,000,
'My, but there was lots of fire ant?
brimstene InMr. flowers' sermon this
morning." eepested there 'would he
it telt thent yesterday." floe -
41. ::.$0.4.t.:•
::•*, ..4-•:: . • ir:::
4..;:e0...i41' St'..4.;;5-.21•;:i..."°;*1.- i:!,i.......:- .
, .. ..
, ......,,,em,• 0.
.;,..,,:::.:.:7.:1.;13.-.T.S(!f. 54-•
11....... .
1„„ CAYAGQ1V4•04)
0.00--0,0•000000 00100.0.•
C. P. R to flu Special
Again Nis Year,
000.00rt• 0.0 -
The -Better Farming ratieeial" which,
eat ran over the C. la Veep/tem toretiga
the Provitiee of Ontario blot year proved
ingots toreetetill, and uith tste vu -opera
tion or the Department of .1.grietuture
ot the PrOVilleiat tinvernment a see )ati
atietter Itarmims Speelal" vommenee
fleet month eu a t oar extending over
fleetly two inmate, Tee special io being
ex advertieed, atui the coaehee
.lateging itt) tue train wilt eontaiu ex -
inlets suitable for use lit the demon-
stration leelures which will he given by
eeperte. (Ovine. to the. oteromatedation
ot the coatmee being atetowhat .hutelo.
quate for tee large erosvali patronizing
the leeteres, arraugemente are being
made at alt points where the ivie offt-
eials or other responaible persone will
uutlertake to previde a hall tor tbe moo
pcee. The puelle eelloola will be the
plecee where the leetaret will be elm -
(Meted after the demonstration (amebas
have been vieited. The beturere will be
drawn from the agriettltural ettllegee, and
nil inFornlatlon 211111arted Will be ..tit ttn
expert tharaeter, Tile official itinerary
has been arranged, end the first
wUl be etWitittser en. May e3, after-
wards making the followiug Chat-
ham, May et; Kent Ilriage, May 28;
.North (*neve, May 20; Loudon, taq,
30; Thanteaford, 'May 31; Wo nIstock,
.1 nue ; Belmont, ,1 Ulle 3; Till. .
June 9; Streeteville, 'June 10; Bramp-
ton, June 11; Oranbeeeille, June 12; Shel-
burne, June 13; Caeteworth, Pune 14;
Owen Sound, ;lune Fleshertani, auu4
.17 ; WoodbriAge, June 3 8 : l'ott enh a in, 1 have had so many letters from
tute I 0 ; A iston, um; 20 ; Cra ightiret,
June 2.1; Coldwaler, June 9-3; (mum, different mea on the subject of the
Julie 24; fandsay, duns 25; l'eterboro dress worn by the young woman. of
June 29; Norwoofl, June27; Tweed, the preeent day that I, feel that I
2caustie remarks.
villo .118;aii:‘cl::::ir.i:t1,1,(„1.4.Titaii,nLttia3,1);,11atiTit:211;e• Valls, must reply to some of th.eir rather
July 5; Wineli‘cv:illeit'l.'1,11;lyt jStitt-Ii- the tlrt placo i 1thkel°01)011°11,tib'YelWiellitg
July 8; tteple }fill, duly tit llurketon does not • wish we bad a national.
aekameA.4,00„,emea, vaaaaaaelea, tom\ e ataaavaaa eaxavaa've,„aeaa;
•,,, '',1'
.• ''''l
. :§4.
To guard itgainsi1ui in
Baking Powder see that *11 ;ogre.
&eats are plainly printed on the
label. The words "No Alum",
without the ingredients is not
sufficient. Magic Baking Powder
costs no wore than the ordinary
kinds. Full weight one pound
cans 25c.
CoNrettse At' "
•••••W . ,
Fashion is Not a Wo
a Man's Idea
unetien„ t 10:, , lareamitt, July 11. dress, AB dO the Chinese and Japanese
1.1 hi the illtellt'(in tf) t eer to If We could all weer 'clothes eut in
lite storks iarioding bootee dairy Pattie, the sante way We could put all our
beef cattle end poultry, seta ills eeeond taste and iudividuality into fiae bro-
ear will contAla seed and eon aubjecte ,cades, embroideriesand beautiful
and pri.hably bees. A new featere has fabrics, BUT we must do these chang-
beta lattoduted atit t'Oar 1st tooPeet to ing fashion stunts as often as possible
the stoppages at the varieue towee. -so that Orrmanufacturers and mer-
it:And of meleingti top only of et few
chants will be able to keep their
lit•tirs, arrangement -I have been made elates of business open, their employ -
whereby the eattelle, will remaie for a es engaged day after day with peofit
. whole day at the placee to •be, vieited, to themselves.
thus enabling thole interested. to make
themsove..; lay iminainted with the There will always. be women .who,
eubjeete on exhibition, will go to extremes, Put it you iocet at
the average well-dressed woman yon
will find that she usually picks out
something that will look well upon
AND ERUPTIONS side the. present fashion zone not to
herself and alto keep far enough ie.
be, conspicuous.
in the Spring fioqt People Need
. • Golf has allowed. many men to in-
dulge themselves in knickerbockers,
a Tonic Medicine..
• One of the surett signs that the would never find fault with a woman
for taking time to pick out her apring
blood. is out - nf order 1t4 the 111711piease eat,
unsightly eruptions 4111 eszen.% that The vea.y men. rushed to the display
40004**1000.0000 0 400.
and. if you ever saw a' man buying
his resplendent golf :stookings you
come frequoittia' 'with 11(' (1)11\4;0 et faucy sillt hosiery, when tight t'rous-
frMit *winter to Th' se Pr'1-eeri and low shoes came -in would
that the long indoor life of winter
, have made the nawspapers howl with
hot had "4 Mefoc't the bler'"i derision and the clergy with paint It
and that, Nide nuslieine is peeled
people who do net heed a tonie
, of immodesty in women.
would have been called the height
to put it right. Indeell there. artefew
Men .have taken. with alacrity to
thiss"s", J/3(1 %(.1°.'9` not the green hat with its ."cute little
merely show itself in dialiguring Pim).
flow. .."111. thi-4 svue rondition is due bow" at the back and while their
other enanges in. -resilient are not al -
attack ot it2111:11111:!s11 and 11.11111)ago;
the sharp stabbing pains Of vciatica, ways so nottceable, yet even the most
and neutelgia ; poor appetite and a conservative Mall would not wear to-
day the padded and built -out should -
desire t° avoid "ffil"' Y." ealltint eas that were once thought to be, the
etre these troublee by the nee. eV par- thing.
go tivt Ireetieinee --you uede a. tartie,
and a totele oply, lid among all
met% hem t here 1) none -can equal. lha
- Williams' Pink Pille ler their tonie,
fliftv'giving n"""re'‘t"ri"g Pmers' Deep Sea Denizens liaVe Bach
1141 (11
EVM • •••
The truth of the. matter is, gentle-
men, we -both men and women -are
more or leo- like. sheep -we de just
as nearly as we • can the thing the
other fellew is doing,
If anyone goes out of the way to
wear an. indieldual costume. on the
Street as does Isabelle Duncan or her
brother,.he will be ridiculed, insulted
and probably arrested, as was Mr.
Duncan whet). he was in this country.
If a woman wore the hoop skirt of
the first Empire 'on the street to -day
she would be mobbed..
' "We have got to march with our
regiment," says Olive Schreiner. Awl
just now the regiment in which wo-
men are marehleg, is not that under
the banner of "votes for ewomeo," as
some of 'them tbink, but under the
little banner made by man, which is
often changed, but which always has
the same- meaving, "prosperity for
textile eommeece"
• ra,shion is not a womatrs mania,
'but a man's idea au'l women, since
the world began. have adopted with-
out e murmur men's ideas and have
been pilloried for it.
EN'idellee is nesumulatirig Viet the ar-
*nor plate fire* avo the great mentlfae-
: turere of eniergenete4 and War eearee.
1atee ifarradan, the Brif lea anther,
allot tefuses to pity texee otit of gyve..
• thy for the Suffragettes. Is elle alio it
Every dose of this medieine inokee
new Tiell blood Wiliell driVei 6.11t
purities, etireulates organ • and
and 'wino a feeling of new 'health and
energy to tived. ailing men,
woineu and ehildreu. 1f ,citt are out
of AOrti ge-e •this inteladne :se trio.'
and $.400 how quiekly it will restore the
appetite, revive drooping qpirit:=, and f a
your voiles with new, itealtiogivipg
bina.cltod;i. sail act theee pills from any
Although you db not see very many modieine dealer or by mail at 50 :cents
white blouses were, without coats, a box or Six boNle4 for AIM from The
I yet their being uncommon, makes Dr. Millions' 16:Heine Co., Droeleyine,
them very stylish on. the tall girle Ont.
The one shown to -day is of red moire • ' flee+ .
with a darker rod taffeta belt and a TALKING 'TICKER.
white net bodice. Tbis blouse also has . •
the short sleeves which are rather A Machine That Saves the Trouble
uncommon this year. However, as it of Reading,
rows waemer. one may look for the , .
annual baring of the eemmer girl's
makes a wonderful proteetion ega.inet
all -winter ills."
Get the' dollar out fit, including the
-hard rubber 'inhaler, and, medication to
htst two months; medium size 50e., sam-
ple size 25e„ itt all storekeepers and
druegiste, or The Catarthozone Co., Big.
falo, and leingston, .
"Truer said the ready-made philoso-
• pher, "is Stranger than fiction."
replied the man with a buneh of pieture-
tom ntagazines, "and so much cheap-
cri"----Washington Star.
+The world is by no means a perfect
world: Taking it by and- largo, 11 18 a•
hard and cruel world, in•which little is to
be got exeept by toil and anguish; and of
that little tiot all can be kept by any de-
gree of 4.ntre and pain. There are, indeed,
re&lons where tbe earth bring' forth spon-
taneously and freely, but these are not
regions where num has arrived at anY
promising degree of maturity or strengtb.
1:Iven there, in the midst of tropical plen-
ty the seilient stings, the earthquake and
tornado, work their flightEtil inizehlef, •
cholera and malaria kill, and. gaunt fam-
ine, at irrogular intervals, covers the land,
• :with the dead. it is only at fraction of
human misery Vett can ho (Imaged upon.
Mimi Lily chine, (at left) end Miss allot CI
*ter Vilept; vgi T'fwg. 11441;1 v
deg, manner of adoptieit- the" i&ft 1
George 1.1. 'Webb is the inventor of
the new talking ticker, which is thus
descrileed in the World's Work:
"There is Et talking Miter now, a
machine that will entertain and in-
struct you for twelve hours on a
stretch with the gist of the day's pol-
itical speeehee, baseball scores, elec-
tion returns and any other news that
eeems important. It will tell you all
tills in your home as soon as you could
Lind it out if you stood in front of the
newspaper bulletin boards, and when
there is no vital news to tell it will
entertain you with ragtime or ,grand
opera. When you go to the station
the same =chine will tell you when
your train leaves or what track your
friend's train is coming in on. When
yort go abroad it will help your feel-
ing of security cu shipboard, for it
enables the captain to give simul-
taneous orders to all the trew no mat-
ter where they are. All these thinge
are true if you happen to live in the
right apartment -house In Wiltningtoe,
Philadelphia, Baltimore or New York,
if you go to the right station, and if
you go to sea on the right ship, for
the magnaphorte that does all those
things is new and has not yet had time
to be very widely adopted. • The newe
serviee is accurate and speedy. At
least once every hour the bulletins ttrift
read over the lines. Prom every avail-
able eouree the news conies Into the
central distributing station."
(PhliadelpIda ilecord)
Otte of the weeders of the twentieth
century is the development of Canada.
During' the 'year eding March Mt it Mesta.
ed over 402.000 immigrants, of whorn no
letia then 10e,000 when front the ttnited
States, many of them the very flower ve
Nire5eterit illgrIellitUre communities. To
oast) up with this aetouishing progress
ono or Its railroads, tbe Grena Trunk
ha, planned the pallthikto Of roll.
Int Meek valtird $86.000,900 and itenther,
the Canadian Northern, has an eentioneht
elogramme that wet require the expen-
diture or tos,eeo,e00 in the next three vett%
(me item wills for 40.00e freight care.
Sicspite the great dl*parity 111 papule -
tion, there 15 now more railroad eon.
struction in ('1105(18 then laths rnited
Suttee, ''Tite LIAO of the Snows' welt-
- ed a. long time for her (Inv, hut it Is now
hers with a riisiWand she Is making tho
• most or it.
Their Range.
When a disaster occurs at sea, and
people read that some leviathan has
gone down to the utmoet depths of the
ocean, imagination is stirred in. wonder-
ing what tonditiona surround her.
Aeeoreliug tu Sir John Murray, one of
the greatest authorities ou, ocean.
ography, the batten is e desert of pitoh-
black darkness, penetrating cold and
eternal ente. puddings,
and coral polyps, eluggishly crawl or
sway la the almost eurrentless depths,
and only t11. epee es o ish, t
i f fi tl of
them small, with much head ana httle
body, have been found deeper than a
tnile and o, quarter. down.
The range of fishes An the sea is as
though it were divided. into layers, one
-above the other, ana iigh can lire
I above or below this layer. Thus many
of tha deeper fish -three-quarters of a
• mile below the surface -have been found
flotitingnat the top. They had ewollow-
el a fish as large or larger than thorn -
elves, and ite buoyancy retd lifted them
out of the strata, to whit+ they were no-
The physiology of A bottom fish is al-
most imposeible to know, 'bosons° they
are built to resist a tremendous pres-
sure of water, and when title pressure
Is released -as when they are brought
to the eurface a net, sometimes the
fish has buret; the organ e are entailed
• beyond, reconstruction.
Similarly, if a Mil of a higher gra..
tum attacks bottom fish in the tete,
tral gone where both cell live, end -as
ang, daughterof Chineee The fellow wlio lnaLes 1igbt of
Witeikatou by tlirtl, ev6rythirg ¶rill 1111Ver tet tilt world ttrt
nAte itryle3,
eometimes 110,1mm-his teeth become
entangled. So that he cannot let go, and
he is dragged into deeper water be
strangles instantly, for his breathing ar-
rangements are of no use to him under
the pressure of water in the lower strata
of the sea. As a lade, however, the fish
of the various depths rrtrely feed on
those above or below them.
• There have been broeght -to light an
Astonishing number of forms of fish, and
eeperially of prawns of a brilliantly red
eolor, liviug in the ocean at a depth of
3,000 feet. lint, astonishing itS it may
these brilliantly V ()lova WI and
proves.. instead of being 0011S1)ie110114111
the water at tha,t depth, aro nearly int
aleible, when oautet any other color
could be easily tom -London Tit -Bit,
(Rochester lietablt
There are very few peOpte who ex&
1101144t enough Or big enough to own up
to the truth when they are tletetted do-
ing somo low thing. It is ettiOY 10 Shift
the '011110 of blatnt on to someona
ftud meet 1!1kdo. 11!a Mall hocernes a
drunkard, *eldom has matillttess
• orgh to Marne himeelf for becoming
• WhItt Ito 19; 1101 he usually blatanet the
tee ram; „mn who ever aoffered kirn
1 01*.as Of Vint or hoer, althougb. iht) per- ,
Son who offered Um his first glass was
a, good end aober citizen. lf he lies, or
%teals. or tommits murder, he can tell
you ititt WhO it was who made hint rc
liar, thief- or murderer. !Ms truth is Orl
eourse, that he is what 1:e is "wallet or
his earl natural depravity, lint he hopte es
kett30:yrnpl:vtlitilly. bzuttsatiututritatttrialet %tt'ntr.
ate lq blaneilid hi* spouse tor hie arts of
The Tokio people aro banging war
601%4 ill DIMS; meeting and demanding
the sending of a war fleet to the roast
of California.
Queen Vietoria, it it said,, zw.ts Ovrel4
od to woman suffrage. tbr fact that
her Intsineei_w_Lto Mal &Ode au
polities make her any less a woman?
ilut the real white slave traffic eon.
SiStg in girls being 41.0101 and kidnapped
against their will and then held in bond-
age worse than death to earn money.
for their mestere, Love of finery doea
not enter into it.
lu New York City there are ;moo
• womeu wbo work for their Jiving, Of
these 100,000 are married and 50,004 of -
them emitted Intsbands. Yet there
are actually people who declare that
woman'e place is in the home, says ar
eontemporary, and that abe aboula not
Itiiitoti-les,a vote, in creating indastrial
A. Cincinnati, Welnall.wiio cottfeeses to
• haring seen thirty summers declare*
that she has never been kissed, and what
le more, never 1.411 be. Tide woman's
name le Miss Eleanor Stager. kile-011yt3
that jibe is not a maniutter but that the
habit was uneleale agalust her scruplee,
and that she would never kiss any one
while she Was alive, Atter she was dead,
she said, ehe did 1.10.4t care.
We are so inclined to look upon China
ns burleeque among the pations, and
to regard the Chinese ni an inferior sort
of people that the request of their Gov-
ernment for the prayere of the Chris-
tian world that they might be guided
aright in the selection of their riders
and in whatever steps they might take
for the advaneement of their country,
eante upon the people of Canada, as a,
surprise. • r.Fhe appeal watt in its cesenee
atiapnast.hetic one, and could not fell to
meet with the sympathy of all Chris-
ete- 4
The 'United States branch of the
Scott memorial fund is anxious to raise
$10,400 as an Americazt contribution to
the permanent memorial to the Antarc-
tic heroes. Henry Clews, the treasurer,
=tikes tide appeal to the American pub-
Ite:tNationality is not a f ictor, We can-
not lenve this matter to England mere-
ly because Scott was an Englishman. We
wotildn't wish to even if we could. litot
Peary met ditastev in the region of lite
North Pole, the English would hare
vein... forward promptly with recognition
, of his great world seta ice.'
_• Over $5,0_00_4.1ms .1:en raised by the
.Antericait branch.
What is there in the plumbing trade
that leads to diehouesty, or to the
talk of it? They. have an examining
board for plumbers in New York, and
it is stated that the members hive been
grafting at the rate of $100,000 a year,
an amount which the plumbers passed
Ion to patrons, Of course, with heavy ad-
ditions. "Why, took in $60,090 my-
self in a, year and a half," said an ex-
aminer who is reported to have confees-
ed to the District Attorney. "When I
beeame member of the board I
thought I WAS an I had
never stolen from anybody. But the
money was so easy that I just drifted
into being a, grafter."
r.rhe Montreal Board, of Control has
fixed the schedule of wages for the irtflate
ing trades which will be inserted in alt
civic contracts for buildings this year.
The more important trades affe'eted
the scale of wages ere as follows:
Stone masons, 9 hours a, day, 50 cents
an hour; bricklayere, hoors, 55 eents;
plesterera 8 houre, 47%, from Jury! 1,
50 eents and from September 1, 55
cents; la'thers, 0 honre, 50 centh; ent-
itles, 9 hours, 45 cents; ornamental iron
setters, 9 hours, SO cents; plumbers and
steam fitters, 0 hours, 37% cents; help-
ers to eame,.17% cents; stone tutterats
hours, 45 cents; enarble cutters, S hours,
$3 a day; iron workers, 9 hours, 35 cents
an Lour; steel structarel workers, 9
hems, 35 cents; painters 9 hoursa 40
ernts an hour; sheet metal v,•orkers,
houre, cente; roofers, 9 hours, t 5
trete; eement finishers, 9 hours, 45
eentS; earpenters and joiner:4, 9 Imre
-12144 cents; laborers for buildings, 9
houre, 27ta cents; orilinary laborets,fl
hours, ti.:ItA cents; earters, $3.50 a day;
CArter:4 (do.uble), $.76 a day.
Mrs. Marshall Tens How Her Husband
Suffered, and of His Speedy Re-
covery When He used the Great
Canadian Kidney Remedy.
:Parkinson'Algoma., Ont., May 5.-
(Speole1)-Living far front townand
with doetors not within easy Teeth,
many of the settlers have found Dodd's.
Kidney Pills an tineatimable blessing.
One le*.f those is Mr. Charles Maeshall,
Sen, whose recovery from it severe ease
of kidney 'disease lute xecently been the
melte of much satisfaetion to'bis family
and. friends,
lzueband was outfoxing very much
with this buck and, lege," Mrs, Magehell
says, speaking of her husbaud% cure.
He went to see the elector, and he tela
lam lie liad 'urinary trouble, but he did
not seem to get any better:
'Then I sent for some Doddtt It:Jit-
ney Pills, fehiee -taking them lie lute
no more pain la ate back and 'lege, and
his other troubles aro all gone.
"I' ant indeed thankfal for what
Do -M'8 Kidney Pills did fer iny lute -
band, and hope other eufferera from
kidney.'disease will benefit by his ex-
Derienee, And 11Se DOtld'S Kidney Pills."
Urinary troubles are <guise(' b y dis-
eased kidneys. So Are beekeelie. rheu-
matism, lumfbago and heart disease.
The natural remedy is to euro the kid-
noys by 'ming Dothils Rielaey Pills.
0000000000-.0004 • *
nag tho latter part of this month
the inmates of all prisons in Japan
wig %No A holiday, this order having
gone into effect from July It the doy
atter the emperor'e death. The tide -
mien etre uettally employed for 10
hours a day stt Stone 'maims, digging,
sewing and kenlit WeaVing, 'Older
the veeetion eale they will have no
work to do but listen to lectures by
Me prisott offiehtle for two hours a
day, It h reported that the prisoners
all over the empire were notified of
the emperorillneets and 'hie death,
andtsorrow wee generally expreeeed.
Immediately following tin; emperor'*
death SOMO enterprising Japanese Dm.
eltent, whose name is yet unknown to
tits public, began A, tomer of all the
trape in the enapire, As this goods is
net manufactured in Jape)), he easily.
rteeempliehed Ids purpose. 'When the Tok-
it) papertook up the matter and waged
etteh eampsign that the merehant re-
tired into the baekground. The Klee of
eine, however, owing to the unptere-
dented denuteul, went ep eoneiderably.
The prevailing priee 18 31) son, or le
(-tette, for en •arro, -baud or hat :band,
and V, sett, or 10 flints, for a breast
hadgc..--New 'loll: Sun.
If a max Aoessn't mstit to be :spoiled
by Ai lat blul get job with the
voithir reath
"I never saw a girl that nould bit
atything she threw ht." "Well, you
neeett saw my girl throw a iilnt."---
1n4la1utPOlIS Stan
The travelling salesman had four min-
1.11ft4 ill Whieh to catch his trein. "Can't
you go faster than this?". he ticked the
street ear cominetor. "Year" thebell-
ringer answered, "but T have to stay
with myeer."--Waehington Star.
Wiggeallenpekke eays his was rt elute
inve at first sight. Wagge.Amt
• euppeee he haa never had it Alamo for
another look.
‘'My wife muet be doing the enokine
to -day." "Why?" "Ott these (Inv it*
dog altreye vows to the office. Alt
right. Tower, you ean eo to tench 'with
tne."--Waeltington Herald.
-Is yeur wifo int" as.kal the friend
ef the draegiet. "No," reptie I the &use
atot, abeentenindedlyi 'but T eau eltov:
eon something ittet .14 goea'teel'uok.
"A eelf-matle man is of tio partieular
help to his fellow-mau:' "Weill" "But
11 tellemele woman ii a perfeet mine of
infotmation about hair dyed and fitee
Ide,achos and wide and thinge."-tonia
A ill e Courier-burn:a.