HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-01, Page 7KiNG .MANUEUS BRIDE. • - Rescued Him From Turning Into Priest. LIS NEXT YEA BrookI3, n Papd s London Writer is Authority. QUEEN AND PRINCE May Accompany His M I esty on the Trip. London, April 27.--1ing reported to be gentinisiest:eally in love iwith his fiancee, the Prineese Auentetina. Although they are sevond voueins, they did not meet until a few weeks ago, it le said there has been a nhthle ehange lately in the former reier n. Pottle -ail ie has been taking life seriouely and enquiring into dark ear- ners until it began to be believe,d that he would joia the elturela like Peinee MaXo saxony* Hie mother, Queen Antonia although elle is a very religioui woman, did noHilte this idea 'rho :story goes that she and the Infanta Antonio; NtINV York, April 27. The Brooklyn the grandmother of the Priueess Aiigu Faille London vorrespontlent under date that, enter 1 into a stitieme by whiadi the of .April 12 writes as follows: am atle to announce definitely that King George will 'Obit Canada in 1914. Only fiome such unexpeeted event as a European war, involving England, or a family bereavement will prevent this trip taking place. "Ile King and his advisers are taking latter war in tha ho with bis eautifee couain. The plans of the two ladies, seem to have worked to perfectien, judging from the announeement of the eagegement a few daye ago., .somewhat unnecessary pains to keep the proposed visit eacret. They are uo afraid that the Canadians-.. will be dis- appointed that they dread the King's intentioue being announced at this die- t ant date. A meeting between King George and Prtsident \Nason at Niagara Falls is likely- to be urranged within the near future. King George has intimated his will- ingnees to open' the r.l'orouto Exhibition in August,. 1014, and preparations foe this event are already being made in Eitglieh Court circles, QUEEN ALSO "1.1AY CONE. It will be the first time that. any King ot England bat; visited Canada. It ire hoped that the Queen will accom- pany the King, but •notliiing is yet de- finitely settled as regards this, The Prima: of IN oleo is quite likely to bo with his father on this trip. In Canadian circles here a visit from the King has long been anti:Aran:1. When Lord Grey was Governor-General, powerful repreeentatione were made es to the desire of the Canadian people to Fee in person the King. ''rheappoint- ment of the Duke of Connaught us Gov- ernor:General was in no small degree the to the royal appreciation of this sentiment. lt is understood that the Duke of Connaught hats cordially en- dorsed that earnest Solicitation of the .Ce•nadian Government and people, to whieh the King hat: now aceorded, so far ;le his plans can be arranged in advanee, a welcome. af.4.Sellt. Lord aztrathcona, the veteran High Commissioner of Canada, eaid yester- day: "No people of the Empire are more loyal or more attached. to the King than the Canadians. His Majesty re- eeived evidence of this. in 1800—when the Boer war broke out. Should the King go now or any 'subsequent time it would 1:e impossible for him to re- eeive a finer welcome in any part of the world than in Canada." 'WITNESS YACHT RACE. As the yacht mem for the America's Cup take place in September, 1014. there is just a chance that the King, on his aetutu trip home, may be a- spectator of Sir Thomas :Lipton' S fourth attempt to "lift the cup." It has been saggest- Otat the warehip on which theKing will make the trip to Canada should be dirattd to Sandy Hook, so- that King Geeree can see in person what happens to the four-leaved "Shamrock." It is not likely that .the King would az4hOre ..11.t :New York, but if it can Le suitably arranged he would be glad to s:e one or two of the raves for the Ameriea'..s Cup. Miring the King's abeence from Eng -- 1111111 the royal prerogatives wilt be vest- ed in a eommission similar to that whivh wt 4 appointed when he went to India, to receive the homage of his sub - in that empire. For reas0118 Of State it may be decided that the Pepin f f Wales stay in Fragi a n el while hie father 10 abrogd. This trip to Canada is only the fere- ranner of others. It is King George ambition te be the first King to vieit no only Canada, but also Ametralia and Sooth Africa. A QUEER FATHER Flung Child to 'Wolves to Save Himself, Meamel.to visit her, that he would fall lit love . St. Petereburg, April 27,--a terrible etory of a father's deeperate at in throwiug his child to the wolves is re• lated by the Astrakhan correspondent of the Viedamosti, RISING IN LISBON Abortive Attempt at insui. rection in Portugal, Supposed PislOVal Troops Refused to Join. Lisbon, April 5,7, -- The city woe etartled late last night by anabortive uprising against the Gevernmente Re- volvers were fired and bombe explod- ed in the streets, bet nolnele')14 Rpown to bare been burt, There Were aheut 150 arrests made. The leader Of the outbreak does nol: sppeer to he known, It. 'wes Lipper- eutly not .11 nionerebiele olibangh Sionp unofficial Monaraista Were 411110.4 certainly mixed up in the 'affair, The chief responsibility 'for the out, break is laid. on a section of disgrun- tled Republicans eelled "The Radical Republican Federation." These are allied with the Syndlealists. The af- fair was evidently very poorly. organ- ized, at seems that thoee responsible for it depended on their succees 011 an off -thence of the soldiers responding to an appeal of the conspirators, but only it few o'f the troops joined those, who startedthe demonstration.. At a aalireconeertedsignal bombs were exploded and revolvers fired in various parts of the city late at night. Shortly . afterwards about one hundred men, who, according to El Mundo, were .soldiere .of the Fifth Infantry-. Regimdit, went to the barranks of the -artillery and engineers under the lead- ership of Capt. Dime, Diaz, ehouting "Long live the Radieal Republic.' They appealed to the officers to "de. 'fend the republic," which they said WaS threatened by eouspirators. The offieers replied that it was their duty to defend the republie, but that they could not leave their barracks. Other groups went tothe barracks( of vari- ous regiments , but ditl not have any better euecese. Captain -Diaz havine- failed to raise the soldiery seems tohavereturned to hio own barraeks,. that of the Fifth In- fantry, but was hustled away • by the eavalre patrol and returned in the ,li- rectimi of the headquartere of the era gineers. Before he got there another patrol arrived. The alemonetrators arn-i- ed themselves from the various storee anti gathered at the headquarters of the Radicak Republic . Federation. Meny were . lie:wide:1 with bags vontainine-°bonito. The headquarters of the federation were surrounded, bv pollee and. Republiean Guairda fit 3 o'ylock this morning. A- quantity of arms was diecoverod and thirteen ar- rests were made. Other houeee were searched and a quantity of green,- white and red armlet:, which were de-Ala:al to be -need as tevolutionnaa" badgee, was :seized. - The failure a 1-11° 11P"'Ising aeeribed to the fact that the Govern - men got wind of the affair and called out the carbineere to aid the pollee and -e'en:lame-a. The 150 perS011$ ar- rested ineluded Gen. Guedes, Captain Carrazeda, the public. .prosecutor of the Lisbon court-martial, and three other officers. Of the fifty soldiers .ar- rested some were imprisoned on the NY:1176111p Republican and others itt the Si, -George :Military Prison. A peasant named Grnsueijoil, micom- panied by bis wife and 4 -year-old child, it is stated, was travelling- by sleigh to 'N'olehuni, Towards dusk, Wil011 only a few mince from the town, he siuldenly came aereee a pack of wolvee. Grusneijofre wife in her terror sug- gested that he Should appease the fam- ished beasts by •flinging them the child. This, however, the man at first refused to do, eo-ntinuing to belabor lila horses, At length, however, seeing that the woltee were gaining on the eleigh, he flung the child into e!`neroael. hie mai- flee wee in vain, for tlasiwolvel, diseard- big the livieg .1m:idle, flew to the attetek with renewed fury, and' at length drag- ged the peasaitt from the sleigh. Men elle horses nriived in the town tee weman was f0falid lying mill! On. C...cious in the sleigh, The child, whieh had not diffqred the elightti,4 injury,. w.0o. found lying peaee- fully oleeping, on the road. AMHERSTBURG COULDN'T SLEEP Amberstburg., April 27.--Tite contintle 0%4 ringing, of the antomatie fog belle plated thia year •on the L'aneklin Cross• ing liOtehips was so dlaturbing to reei- ilt lite of Amlierstburg that last week they rope in 1111g111 1'eV111011 declared *4-4 • SIR RICHARP SCOTT'S FUNERAL:,„ Ottawa, April 270 -Merehere ef thi Dominion Cabinet, leaders of the Gov- erintent and the Opposition, fellow - members of the Sepate and friends in every walk of life made up a eortege three-quartere of a mile in length whieh followed to the geave the ronams of I lie. late Sir Milliard W. Seott, former Setae • try of State fur Canada and a tamer Mayor of Ottawa. The service took place yWerday at St. Josepif'e Church. There a solemn High Mass of requiem was nonducted by hie Graee Archbiehop Ganthier, as - Fisted by Fathers William Murphy, Coi- ling and McGowan, while qperial muel- servieee were rendered. Interment W:18 Made in,......***Notre Dame Cemetery. _ ____ MOVIES OF JUNGLE L1PE. iseeee". APItrwror....040091.0.1100,1411.0.. EX -AMBASSADOR BRYCE, WHO HAS LEFT HIS OFFICE AFTER SIX ARS' VALUABLE SERVICE IN WASHINGTON FOR G.REAT pRITAIN AND THE EMPIRE. •••••••••••••1...•••••••••••••••. .AION F,NEG IN TROOPS EVACUATING SCUTARI ryi t Mountain Nngtorn iaipitterty Protests Powers Compulsion. , London Busy Talking Plans For Celebrating Peace Centenary Vienna, Austria, April 28—Crown Prince Danilo, of ,Montonegro, and his troops have marched out of Scutari toward the north, according to official despatches received here to -day', Only five batteries of Montenegrin artillery remain in the city. • MONTENEGRO PROTESTS. Loudon, April 28—The representa- tive of the Montenegrin GOVerMilellt ID, London. to -day received instructions from Cettinje ordering him to protest formally again ae the demand of the European powers for the immediale evacuation of Scutari by the Monten- egrins, which is described by the Government of King Nicholas as !ainjust and cruel." The demand of the European pow- ers is couched in the following terms: "We have the honor to declare col- lectively to the Royal Government of Montenegro that the taking of the Fortress of Seutari does not in any way modify the ,decieion of the Euro- pean powers relative to the delimi- tation of the frontiers of 41,k1:hern and northeastern Albania, and conse- quently the city of Scutari must be evacuated with the briefest possible delay, and must be handed over to the Epropean pewers, represented by the commandments of the inter- national naval forces lying before the Montenegrin coast. The Royal Gov- ernment of Montenegro is invited to give it promptreplyto this communi- dation. " London, Anvil 27.-'411111053 par1101. and Cherry Keel:ton have .sailed for Afelee from Matseilles to take moving p'etnres of rare famia, eepeelally of the intlfalo, elephent, toriga, gorilla and okapi, of which no w)tite men hits ever sem the last of the peves alive. They will devote math time to the Antilift, of Witit41 So lithe is IMMO. They will eeitreh for new speeita in - the Congo betwen .1.1e size ot ttelibra panzee mid the .gorilla. They .-will also - The Montenegrin representative in ward eaelt other, stleY''' London, to whom this demand was "Some weight must be allowed to the cabled back from Cettinje, said. to -day feet that the absorption of Canada "T have been ordered by my Goy- within the abilon has ceased to rank af3 ernment to protest formally agtfinst a political possibility, since the recent this unjust and eruct demand and vaet development of the Dominion ' in once more to ask the European pow- material strength, ana in material eon- ers to examine in an equitable man- edousui ne began, but most of all the tier the vital question of Monten- ebange ie due to the irreaistible magie egro's future and to nlace thut +if int el' -el »immtileation. The ateamehip nation 011 an enual tooting with the ana cable that did their work Ter years other Dalkon :alive." so slowly have done it well, and of late 100 VEAllS OF PEACE, yeme Ha finite here appeared in it rieh- or lou i eat 1 hall Ma I eernen of the last London, April 28.- The -movement fin generation emild have hoped for." WILL TEST CURES su;t University to Try Tuberculosis Remed, es. Washington, April 28 ---In the belief that it cure for tuberculosis has been diecovered, aside from that announe.. ed by Dr. Friedrich JP. Friedmann, it was anuouncea here to -day that the Jeenits had decided to establish it research laboratory In Loyola `Univer- sity, Chicago, in whieh tests lookine to the eetablisliment et the claims or the inventor 01 the cure would be made. NQ report ao to the supposed efficacy of the alleged cure accom- panied the announeement. The serum, it was announced, is the discovery of Dr. Peter Duket, i. pliers!, elan of Chicago, who Claims he has curea advanced cages of consumption through its use. The Jesuits will in- vestigate these claims, and also 'will test other serums and supposed cures in the new laboratory. Dr, Maxi- millian Herzog, formerly a patholo- gist In the United States public health service, will be in charge of the tests, celebrating one hundretl years of peace between Oreat Britain and America forme the .prineipal subject of editorial c,omment this morning. "It was a aappy chanee," sap:: the Daily News, "that made Ambiteeador Beyee'e farewell speech to the Ameriean people eoinei- dent with the departure from these' shorefor America of a British delegit- thin eharged with the duty of making arrangements for the eommemeration of a century GI peace between the two Englisleepeaking peopleS. - Together those ineidente. emphasize the most hopeful and perhape the greatest faet in the wort,' today." Going on -to refer in terms of WarIll approval to Mr. Bryan's seheme foe set - ling up maehinery at The Hague for inquiring into the causes ef internation; 0.1 disagreements before -ea -ea takes Once, the Daily News saykis- -"The 'United States eall Play no better or more pro- per part in leading Europe out of the jungle of mililtarism itt whieh it, is involved ." The Standard says: "Everything promises well for the centenary of the peace of Ghent, and there is -no need to fear that in coin- memorating peace there will be any risk of reviving unpleasant -memories of the cant eat wit la Was waged throughout 1813. and almost to the elose -of the fol- -liowing year, It left bitter memories, but that bitternees has long sinee been buriell in oblivion." - The -Daily Telegraph, discussing the miraeffloue chnnge that haa taken place in the disposition .of.the two people's -to- SAVED FROM MINE Two Rescued From the Pennsylvania Horror; Total of 96 Dead So Far Recovered. • • 1 li bcoolisfeotrtrli iertd a tlic:i Rep a isiaitfisiftitAt,itonnuoiefisbtoattlei JOROAN sued a statement ' claiming California's rightto enaet an alien land law barrine tanford University_ Head ' - ; from owner,,hip iorognere who cannot become citizens. Ile points to the feet S t that other States have passed similar A ain-t Alien Law 1 1.1WS. but that does not mean that their ES. *0 PASHA IS ALBANIAN KING - Surrender of Scuiari a Deal With Nicholas. PLOT OF THE ALLIES Vienna and Italy Down on New Ruler. London, April 2:8. ---The Cettinje cor- zespondent iff the Times eays he hears that the negotiations preeeding the stir - relater of Seated involved it treaty be- tween King Niihoia uf Minitenegeo and Eeetul Paeha, the Turkish eonunander, based on reciproeal liberty of action awl eseuring the promotion ef li.0/111.1 PnDIta_ .15 2111 ladependent prince of Albania. The ue‘repapers here are generally aceepting t ne surrender of Scutari ns e taodtiitLeilbetween King Nicho• las and Eeead l'aeha. They devote .iography of .2.-44ad Esead tO WINO been an Albanian; abaut. one-half a 00Ver/111Wat offiver aed the other half brigand. He mid it brother, Mani, W110 Waii a, favorite with Abdul liamid, the deptIsed sultan a Turkey, thanks to who..ie influence 1415S.114 had a Stleeed4ftil careeritt the gendarmerie, Mani; was Lilted during tome intrienie Constantinople. in accordanee with the Alban- ian vendette, killed the murderer of his brother, and theu.departed to the Alban- ian mountains and became it sort of gendarme-brigaad. 1t aided the Young Turks in their upriiing against ' Abdul ifamid, and wtys eleeted a deputy. lie turned agi.tinst the Young Turks on sev- eral :ice:mons, and then. went to Scutari to assist lfet-vi.am Rim, the Turkish *am - wader. liAsad Pasha, on learning that the pewee; intended to insist that Al- bania be independent, sought to raiee tile Alban hue ihig over ;ea -uteri. Alessi.= Rim wee faithful to the Turks, however, Jest night after, the expert helmet—and, after be had attended a friendly mole ana • milting inspectors had given • dinner given by Eesad lateha, in Februe up work for the night -When MeVickers ary, he wee assassinated while on his and Gibson reacheda, point two and a Way 1101110, Not long 0,,70, after this, half miles fron the entranee• they heard >realm Pasha, the Turkish_ generalissimo, a faint ery, towards whieh they groped, • wee: assassinated in Cenetantinople, and and discovered the two minci's itt what Es,sitel Pasha was made commander in is khown as room 10, or entry 20. The Scutari. The eapittdation of thie.place men were barely noaselowe and had to leavee himat the head of a strong force, be practically dragged through the long NV111141 he W116 olloted to take from the tunnele to the opening. It was eonsid- f"trem• The Duke of :alontpeneier, in a letter erea miraeulous thatethey had survived" to a member of his family, enwninces at all, for the expleion and poisonous that he has formerly resolved to deelthe .gasee had already claimed. the tires of 00 men, Crawl is it widower and has two chil- cflorerin,:_oirise first words when rescued Were it plea ,.to see hie ehildren at once, lie said it seemed he had. been the 1111310 Atthe hoeplial II& morning Crawl had reeovered suffielently to tell his story. al eittered the 'mine at, 0,240 'Wednes- day morning," he said. "Legler ititil .1 Were eating lnach-in the room where we were found, whea shortly aft -ea 12,30 o'- eloek Wednesday aftergoon, we heaed a dull :explosioe, which seemed to be far 'away. We continued eatiag Deal fialehed our lunelaaa' began to get aervons when tii‘eot hear the other minerent worizaaae-.' X went. to investigate. 1 found deadmillaaa,lying all Around, and then 1 knew what' the explosion had been. "Remembering by former experience, I told kegler to follow me and we ertewl- --ed into the old workinge in alt effort to find a way to get.out. I think we had been erawliug 52 homes. itt that time we had only a sliee of bread apieee, and we quenehed our thirst with sulphur water TrOin the miee floor. WO crawled and erawied and we could not find any way out. I gave up hope of ever getting out alive several times, but as long as my strength lasted I pushed ow. Legler wanted to he down avid die, but 1 urg- ed hien on. in room 23, entry 10, we found an old man ani his f3011, TheT were alive, but .eould not move, We tried to carry them, but their weight was too great and we were exhausted. When- we left the. old man and his tion my mind seemed to wander, but :f held to Legler'e hand, and in 601110 way we got had,: to where we had started .froin after the explosion." When Crawl was taken from the mine, meseage was found ecribbled in ehalk on the -legs of his overalls. The mes- Pit taburg despe tilt; nutrias ( with Philip Legler, was taken 'alive last midnight from the Oinchmati mine, of the Monongahela River Consolidated Coal & Cuke Compeny itt Inlevi1lc', where 0. disastroue explosiou occurred on. Vedne.dny,r,r110 rosette of Crawl end Legler, both (yr whomr ee yeara Wa14 ef feet ea by J. MeViekere and Clyde (Mean, :members cr the eclat eampany's reen qene (TOW) W110 tered the mine olitt er sage read:"Good. bye, my ebildien, Got bless you," Legler furniebed it simple account of his experieneee, giving eredit to Crawl for Galling hiS "Only 'for Crawl," lie said, 'I would have given en 100 different thllegy hat he urged me on, 1 never expected to ape daylight again, but God Wta3 With Ili and helped ue through." On their trip the two rescuers found the bodies of eight miters whieh brings the total known dead up to 9.0, MINE HORROR TOLL 96. Pittsburg, Pa„ April Me—Phial r‘ search or the Cincionati urine of the Pittsburg Coal Company near Pinley- ville, Pa., where a disastrous explosion o6ourred last Weduesday, was cone- pleted this morning, end the fact es- . conetitutional1 p,', California. will find tablished that ail the dead, 96, had Aiding U. S. °S.ecretary to )lf " 1"w 1" enacted here." been removed, laws are eonetitutional. They are not• • Get Settlement. • JAPAN'S WISE COUltsle. Itoderiek, chief of the State Bureau ANWitingilm, April It was stated there had Neel no ehange in the etatus of Mine Inspection, and a party of four i at the Japaneee Embassy to -day that district inspectors, will go through the workings. Official investigation into the Ws - aster will begin to -day, when James E. •Siteramento, Cal„ April 23.- Dr. David , of the negotiations regarding the Cali - Starr Jordan, prceident of Stanfotd Cid. : gorilla alien land bill einee Seeretaty vereity, .and a leader in the movement .: Ilrean's departure for Saeramento. The for intorno tionel petufb, has tome to 'i dateineee Govermnent 14 (malting the outenme of the eccretarv's mission. Sacramento at the request 1.4 !7.see1'etary 1 'Meanwhile it is felt that anything in of State Bryan to confer with the "V:S•j thi, %d'art', !it interferenee, through the 'tor from Waelington on the pending PrePeutation of diylomatie protests, or any attempt to inject itself lute the alien land legislation. - eonfere)ce about to begin in California . , Dr, doialan is :minis:el to a land bill between Seetetary Bryan and the tqate , of any kind that would Angle out the Leeisloture would °ply teal to ember - the belle a it:dean/2e. This is the filed try to eeenre p:eturee of the pigmy ant - people of ally nation, and liartieularly rte., the Slitlatlifil. ceasnn for the new signals, they being phildous elephant, Whieh Wa4 reetintiV the 1.1.111,11110Se. With W110111 he beliet,e,. i ...—...—.......4.4.4,0„.........., . placed on the lightsMps by the Cana- teported as having been seen in that the rutted State:- slsould be on moat I — NOTED PENCERS IN DUEL. (Ilan tilovernrnent to eliminate the neees- eountree friendly ier11lie is to speak in at tite National , Paris, April duel is elated to Ineteaa (it being coneected only. whThey will take ehonegraphs en tour Will try to secure reeorde of native Louis later tk eity of ringhig them by hand. 11g, his wee St. thee wee fug, Inc bells rang whether soege and timid (lye. Peeve Congres.!‘, and would be able to t take place ehortly in Paris between . Vie. weather wee foggy or lint. . rennin .Saeramento only two days. I the inittel fencers, IL C. Berger, stan of' As an alternative to it rigid lead law the Parte deputy, and George Breitt. Department of alarine Pielieriee hae • barring thoee inelieilae to. eitieenehip, inayer. .A quarrel oceurred between Mee:Inoue wore the tempi:Ante thet the TO EXAMINE CANAL PLANS. ani docided to remove the no1,4eutak m4, At, Intawa, te the which 1)r. Jordan dt7elares, would be un- 1 the two men three. ar,1), bat M. eletered, the belle collide -be from work on the 11eW Welland Canal, Alfred • footle lias. a real el:tevanee it elieuld riod, end lie .refeeed to etett„ ea few al plans for that twolortaking, • The de, Waeltineton, .1ml have the vontroserey • linen speeifleatioee have leen draWrs N't.11---T mearly deed. I hall a. ter. up, but will be earefiilly gone over by rible siege of ineoniiiie last night. Belle Neble, who ha one .of the beet C. —What caused It? Dell—Oh, aonie young pertA on the eon then. , s I d i 1 7.... • "Slee den4 will be &tiled in the eortriim of a nitwit the eame position fie our (40eein- lea( y t 1 Berger had been quite recently ntaie tueendiner Vie eompl tints; te- tonneeneement of the emietruetion eonstftutionult he etneeeests thet if Cali - low end of the WWII te the 0(1(.1., fm,1 'Noble, of Near Yetie, hae been engaged Provide fer eohnneedou to lee. the daye ago lie qttarreled with ae. scunded like the toiling s'lleral large 'by the t7lovernment to report on the fin. matter beton.. the State Department at I qmtintanee and eittillenged him to a (.1. .1 b Settiell 1/S.' 1Lean,4. of it 111'W treat. ; The Prenth code of *honor, however, "'the tiaponeee tIoseeunient forbids -this ding until the affair with only to aveid n dietuthauee:' said Dr. ; M. Breittmayer hee been settled.. Jorden itie•t night. "In that it is in Ilreittmayer •announces that Ire ie - . • • i • • • * i • 1 are idiot un er ae 1,441,2-na: ( 1t Vcaultingtou This matter ott1.1 exchanged. 4 ri TOL or SO 4 Lally, Itep. • the throne of Albania, because if he aceentedoliP Would lose the two titles WaS proudeet of—Frenchcitizen and a Frondi prince. PROCLAIMED HIMSELF KING. Cettinje„ April 27.---Eeend Pasha, tlie defender ef Scutari, who surrendered the town of Seutari to the Montenegrine and was permitte.t to depart with his treaps, leas proclainut ehimeelf King of Albania,. at Alessio, A. PLOT OF THE _ALLIES. ' London, April 28.--Desad Pasha's dra- matic :assumption of the kingship of Albania imparts a lively complieation to the Balkan tangle. The ineident ta said at Belgrade to be a Montenegrin-Servian plot, whieli was elaborate1 at Seufari with the knowledge of Djavid who will now march to john Eas'ad Pasha with 10,000 men of the remnant of the Ottoman army in Maieadonia, to become Esend Pasimaa Minister of War. The deal i aid to include an -alliance with the Montenegrins, who will keep Tara - kneel' ridge and Boyana valley, while the town of Scutari will become Albanian. It is said that the - Mentenegrin-Servian &theme was prompted -by a deeireto keep Albania as a vaesel of -Turkey, so that they may be able to maintein inti- mate relations- with that country. The story has eaneed angry excitement in Vienna, -where it is feared that it will cause more nerione trouble than the fall. of Scutari has already done. It is said that To matter what happens,''Auatria will not tolerate Albania being anything lint independent, in oceordanee witlt the established plans of the powers. Italy, t00, /13 reported as, being determined not to reeognize Eesad Paelai SS King df Albania. WITHIN ITS RIOTS Underwood on the Protest. ed U. S. 'Tariff. Washington, April 28—A rush of speech -making on the final day of general debate on the tariff bill made lively prceeedinga in the House. Democratic leader Underwood, fram- er of the new tariff bill, contend the United States is entirely within Its rights in the provisiens of the bill against which foreign nations have protested. The clause which would grant a five per cent. tariff preference on goods impelled in American ves- sels, and which has caused protests from a, number of nations, Mr, Under- wood SAYS, is to encourage the build- ing of American ships, and he believes it violates no treaty. The French pretest is against the Provision that foreign manufacturers are:aexporters shall submit their books to United States agents when de-, mantled. This elause, Mr. Underwood declares, does not mean that the United States is going to try to learn the secrets of foreign manufacturers as it will only be need in cases where there Is reason to suspect that goods have been undervalued. 4 *4 SHOWSRS OI RIC t IN OHINA, Shanghai, April 21. ---The Mines° ia Shanghai reeently-had good reasoii to believe that a miracle had happened. It rained rice. Prom 10 o'clock tit night until well after midnight groups of Chinese were on their lthees scraping together the grait which, like a gift from the gods, fell In little showers. The explanation was that some miles away the reef of a granary had beet swept off by a typhoon an dthe grain had been whirled for miles by the same agency, to fall hi $11owe1s when and where tlue force of the wind abated. LASH POR A warn.. \Nonastock, ApriI 27. --Two years itt Kingeton Penitentiary with forty lash - re. twenty to be given in the firetmontlt and twenty in the nietle WW1 ii10 gen- tenet, meted out to Thomae Cudinore, of Drumho, A‘as laved trial en a serious elietee before County Judge Pinkel yts- ter(W'. Cudmore pleaded not guilty to the thatge, end put up a, stubborn defence, i. 3,Ir al 14 liel<a7 Kt'., of 111:54 eity. BRITISH OFFICER To Command Mounted Bri. gade at Petawawa. ON BIGAMY CHARGE Oshawa Police Magistrate Under Arrest, South Dakota Divorce Declared invalid. is Oshawa, April 27, ---Mr. W. J, Wattage police magistrate of this town, was .plae- al under Arrest this evening on it cheep of ,bigamy, Inid eAterday by his first wife, and is bele, without bail in the Oshawa jull, pending it prelhninary hear- ing liefive Justice of the Peace Drys- dale at 11 Weigel: to -morrow morning. Watson's appointment as magistrate dates back only a few weeks. The story told by the--polleo by the woman who claims to be Watson's legal wife alleges that theywere mereied 111 Lokefield, Ontario, in the year 3878. Iler maiden name was AUTIO. Long. Three children were bon. The eGitple ated, she says, la 1004, with an areauge- ment that he was to make her an allow - (Inge of twelve dollars a Week. The woman removed, from Toronto, which was then Watson's home, to California, and her allegation is thatabe•eeneed to make the weekly paynients within it few months, :Ind sinee then haseontributed nothing to her support. Watson secureit it divorce ham Annie Long in 1007, under the laws of South Dakota, taking up temporary reeidence at Sioux Falls, that State,"tor the pur- pose. 'rho bigamy eharge 18 groanded on the allegation that this divorce was not in aceordance with the requirements of the marriage laws of Ontario, The SeelAld niarriage took plaee itt 1005, the second 111.54. Ntatson havaikebeen Mary Farley, a resident of Toronto. The etre- mony, however, is .said to have been per- formed at Northfield, 'alichigen, • Watson the first says that ehe has planned laying the beharge of big- amy ever since she learned of the sec- onl marriage, but her circumstances have been such that she has been unable to eeenre fonilii for the journey until now. She arrived at OshaWai 'last even- ing, comiug here directlyafrom Cali- fornia, and immediately .Preferred her complaint to the loyal police. Watson is a native of Gnelph, and spent the early part of his life in the printer's trade in Western Ontario. Ile then removed to Toronto, where he was for a number of years editrre of_ the Cen- tral Press, He came to Oshawa within the lesit three years, and up to his re- eeut appointment had been in ell'arge of the Vindicator, a weekly newspaper. The separation, divorce- and second Mar- riage all tookplaceduring his residence in Toronto, where Watson was active in many circles.. He was at one -tithe. presi- dent of the Toronto Camera Club. The prisoner has retained the ser - Vices of W. E. M. Sinclair, Liberal mem- ber for Smith Ontario in the Legielature, as hia :Mr. Sinclair is confident:not an ac- quittal. He Inaba:thee th4j.Mr. Wat- son's South Dakota,. divorce' is perfectly valid and in accordance with the Pro- vincial requirements. :TROUBLED MEXICO:1 Another Revolution Appears to be Imminent. 4ro.orrrr•Orwo.r0.0.«1 Waehingtoe, April 28. -Another explo stem 111 Mexiee hs now f( area by the Washinston authorities, Melees receive ed from various parte of Meade() in the last week or two have revealed a I1104t dist re -sing Aate of affairs, eta general indicatious that the control ef the fluor - tit Government is diminiehing. A despatch to the State Department to -day reported that Ow economic situa- tion in Mexico City lots beeome very bad indeed, Trade in the eapital, it is eald, Is 1111110St paralyzed ai it result of the general, conviction that the Ituert4 Governmeut eannot umeli longer main- tain itself. It was learned to -day that agents of the carransa revolution tele- graphed, the London hankies, reported to have agreed to loan to the Itherta Government $7,500,000, that such loan or any other loan would. be repudiated by the revolution as soon as it Calltie into power. Tbe eredit of the Merin (Imminent is not believed to have been helped, by the reported priee of thl: lolilids for the um loan, 881/4 r , at five pe e)oi.. Admiral N. RI( eonneending the Ameriertn aisle\ hip equadron in the gulf ports of Meeleo, ieported to -day that alarming remove of fla attack: on Tampico c_ontinued, and that 14 le like- wise repMed that the rebele have at- tackea Victoria. the eapital of the State, The admiral sari he ha; receiv- ed aeluraneee from the Federal eon]. mender at Tampieo that the city 14 in no danger, The Carranistas representatives nt Porfirio Diaz claim that their forces de- feated a body of lkderals at iloata. The rebels have put in prison Luis F. Sahlana, a peace commissioner. who came to represent the Itherta Govern. n.rnasig. itin negotiations with the Car - i .. I. FOUR-YEAR COURSE Will Be, Required For Vet- ' erinaries in Future. Ottawa, April 27.---A4 a reenit, iir an • arrangement made last .summer by ; the Minister of Militia and Defeneo itt England coneerning the interchange of -officere in the Canadian and British armlets, the -official aurtouncement made_ that Lord Drooke, eldest son of the Earl of Warwiek, wil 1 vommand thita year at Petawawa the eeeond mounted brigade. He Will be aceom- panied by a brigade major. The second mounted brigade eon- sists of the 3rd Dragoons, with head- quarters at, Teterboro, taking in Vie- toria, Durham, .Northumberland and Ibtetinge Couuties, also the 4th sere - with headquarters at Kingston. taking in Prinee Felward, Lennox. and Addington nd Leeds Counties, The - third regiment will be the 501 Prin- (vim Lonii4c. Dragoon anal*, station. oil at Ottawa, and taking in the City of Ottawa .and Carleton County. Lord Brooke is a distinguished Bri- tish eavaley °Meer of muelt experience. lie Wtt,4 ataff officer of General Sir • John Freneli's cavalry divielon itt tlie eBoer War, he made it spevial trip to the Dulgarian war, le a colonel of the Territorial artillery, tied also colonel of O, Territorial eyelist eorpe and cap" tain of the Life Mardi on their epecial reserve. Thig Is tite firrit l'efatit Of 60 hlter• difiltiet8 for eamp command initiated by Col. hon. Sam trughes itASt YPttl, • itt 1"...:11011114. An an.. notineement will be made eltortly con - renting •eertain officers of the Oana- dian service, who will -go to England .. on the Sallie miesion. THE WAR MAKERS Serious Charges Make in German Parliariont. Berlin, April 27. a opeeth in whic:11 he &Oared that the Crown Prince is the leader of it seeret officers' earmaril- la engaged in war -baiting, Dr. Lieb- kneebt, the Soeialist Deputy, renewed his attaek on internationer armament end capital in general and the Krupps' firm in particular during thethird reading Satnrday of the military budget in the Reiehatag, which WAS li•ent to a eommittee late this evening, Dr. Lieb- kneeht (-barged that the 'Vickers and Armstrong concern in England Was the originator of the Boer week that the 'French armament interests, particularly Schneider and Creezot, itt eortjunctioe with certain batke, had carved on erim- Inni in the Balkans, and that German minion and arms industries sell German Imes and weapone to every- body so that German soldiers may be matdered with them. The 'Socialists Stbored the business morale of the Xrupps end declared that among all the revel emerean eeneeme there was rono which worked 0 ostensibly and systematienely with ()alters than the Xrupps. AVInet in the comae of hie (Imelda- tions of milieariera, Dr, Liebknietht .eharged the .Crown Prime with being the leader of a (-wain eronarilla which was working for war and he was sharp. ly pelted to order, the eonfrisloe whieh begau durieg some of•itis ehargee threat- eteretrtro .slitertureneariielgttonne.u.on, way Min. ister, in replying to the SoCialist, deviate ea that the Xrupp• investigation Wail heilUt preeeed regardless of the pe,rsone involved, anti that OS far ae be Was per- i.on,111y coneerned he regarded the So- itlit attaele upon himself .an honor. BOAT STEWARD DROWNS. Nelson, c., April 28-- Robert Os- borne Abbott, steward of the Cana- dian Pacific steamer Boyle, fell from the OOmpanion ladder of the steamer into Kootenay Lake as the boat was nearing Worth yesterday. Abbott was tiee 1 swimming In the water and a lifeboat was lowered, but he sank in the icy depths before the boat reached MM. The body has not yet been recovered. Toronto deapatehe .kt Conroe:tern Hall yesterday afternoon the graduates of 101:1 of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege reeeived their diplomas at the aft - 1111111 :dosing exercises, while a large number of friends tend undergreduates looked on and applauded the huce oss of the. fortunate men. Pre,.,Ident It. Faleoner, of the Uni- versity of Toronto, spoke, urging the students to realize that their diplomas were meant to edd to their self-respect, whieh •We0, niter all, the main factor in finiti 51100444 itt Moreover, the diploma leas nu indication of it duty So the comunmity. No school sueli as this W114 kept up by the feee paid by the students, and as the eountry had aided them to get their rdneation, so should they do their beet to take their share or the work for public good that fell to their hands. "nese ,(..eradaia.tes have it reel obligation to fulfil. Dr. Valeoner made the important an- nouneement that, although nothing had been definitely aettled, it was probable thut another year would shortly be add- ed to tin‘ emirse, maitting it one of four years. a Mr. Duff presented the diplomas to the ,i.tenalnates, who were introduced by Mr. E. A. A. Grangeprineipal ni the college. 14 STRANGE DEATH - Man Found Dead in Shal- low St -team. Exe•i•er .d(spatelt:: Seemly cower,' by the shallow water in tsborn Town- ship near here, the apparently drowned body of an unknown man wee found early to -day. F.xamination of the pockets revealed a gold wateh, still rmming and marking the correet thne, attached to a peaV. fob. A tail- or's thimble, it pocket .comb and fifteen eents in silver were also found.on the) A light grey overcoat and a hard felb th hat lay on the road beside e ereek, rcrohrepsie. nitials M. F. R. are perforated in the band of the latter, which bears the label of it dealer itt 163 Griswold. street, Detroit. .The man, who appears front Itis clothing to have been in good eireum- stances, was about 35 years of age. Ile Wtit3 clean -shaved and had brown hair latalionaetar. ether lone. The length of the body is five feeeeeven inches, and tin' weight 140 pounlle. There are no mark of violence, so far ies has been risme C. P. R. EMPRESS AT CEYLON. Qac., April eable- erem received from Colombo, Ceylon, ttAes that the C:inaditut Paella! Rail- way's new Royal ALtil steamship Em- preee of Itaieela arrived at that port this moruing on her rouret-the-worlik trip to Vencouver, to take UP SerViC0 between cereda end Japan end ,China. The petty ore IU -day lsiting the Oriental Wafter, in search .of eaetern novelties, for Wilieh titis 1)011 13 famous. and are eghteeeing Pelona the many -Moorish mosques and llindu temples. So far the trip has been tole ter unitseutl •pleasure and interest:. The fleet pelt to be visited is Sieve rem weaal bo refueled. next Wed* nesday, IMPERATOR IN OAK) LUCK, Cuxhaven, Germany,. April 28—The trial trips of the Hamburg -American • liner Imporator have boon defihitely Postponed. The bearings Of One ofolier turbines ran hot during yesterday's • speed trial, necessitating thetits- mounting of the turbine. The c om. any hopes to resume the technical, trials of the V08801 Ott 'May 13. 4 -- MORE SUFFRAGETTE ARSON. London., April 28.--A militant suf- fragette "anon Mad" set fire to art empty train standing o na siding of the Southwestern Ita.ilway at Tedding. empty train standing on a siding of London, at an early hour this moreitig Little damage was done and no ar- rests were made. Quantities of oil and other eombustibles, suffragette literature and pOstcards addressed to members of the Volts° of Commons were found in the ear where the fire had been started. POPE'S BROTHER LEAVES. now, Apo, 24, ---The departure of Angelo Sarto, brother of the rope, from the Vatioan title morning, is re- garded as eontirmation of the eon - tinned improvement of the condition of the Pontiff. The Pepe wee later permitted by his physieittne to stand behind the window of his bedroom and watch the American pilgrims crossing the square of St. Peter's to cater the Bronze Door of the Vatiettn, for their reteption by Cardinal Merry Del Val, Pored Secretary of State.