HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-01, Page 5THURSDAY, MM To Our Friends and ' You know us• You know we would not that we could not altf ord tco ---- g barn. on our wo.' , Nor call you afford to ignore' s w 47, ,a 2#,1 "c' n ee, -:7 list 114..1.'12 $p".saldid laxative, • , `�' s' • ta, ra dispelled remain ,, • 1)triit�. c� rt c:► b.^ ..tY• , 5. ::u.•,aa•G risk dill• rseett. .tiu.r• !Ay is+rt:.:t��, b.:rtl statl'ua ntn ttld 110 Lot f�;.i : ;cLI g ru would llttdl thein true. Our faith is built both on the knowledge cif what Rexall Ordeflies are made of and on observation of very many severe cases in which they •have proven their merit. Try them at Our Risk If they do not abundantly prove their merit with you also -- if you are not entirely satisfied with them — we will refund your money -- and wo will do that on your mere say-so. We don't ask you to risk a penny. Isn't that fair? Just let the bowels fail in properly doing their work —just lot their action be delayed and incomplete and the entire system and every other organ suffers. Wastes that ,ness, nervous. •' :sting and seri. `ten the I)osvels ' re intended. avoided, if you will t.c.<:e;ft our advice. taste just like candy, They are soothing and easy in action. They do not cause griping, nausea, purg. ing or excessive looseness. They tend to tone and strengthen intestinal nerves and muscles. They promptly relieve constipation, and help to per, manently overcome it. Rexall Orderlies promote better spirits and better health. In all of these things they are vastly superior to old-fashioned, harsh salts and ether purgatives, which are not only unpleasant to take but which usually leave the bowels in worse condition than before. We particularly recom- mend Rexall Orderlies for children, aged and delicate persons. Rexall Orderlies come in vest. pocket tin boxes. 12 tablets, 100; 30 tablets, 25c; 80 tablets, 50e. CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Rexall Orderlies are not sold by all drug, gists. You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at the Rexall Stores. You can buy Rexall Orderlies in this community only at our store: J. WALTON RReKIBBON The l¢xaR.E Store Ontario Wingham Thero is a Reza!! Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill— each ospcoially designed for the particular ill for which it is recommended ' The Rexall Stores are America's Greatest Drug Stores. THE DOMINION BANK SIR EDMUND D. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. O. MATTHEWS, VIOE-PRESIDENT• 0. A. BOGERT, General Manager. • .• . • $5,000,000 • - • $8,000,000 • • • $76,000,000 Capital paid up • Reserve Fund • Total Assets • • Financial Headway 1 of the sure and permanent kind is rarely made without the assistance of a Savings Bank Account. It stimulates saving, keeps the money in absolute safety, increases it with interest, and provides the ready' cash to take advantage of the business opportunities which coma ones way. WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. • llll�l11111 <<���a ill'il i t, 4�;:, .l �,=,'t� TheproprietaryorPatentli dicirtekt. AVegetable Prrparalion forAs-, srmrlating the Food and Regales, ling lhe Stomachsand Bowelsof { .4 1 Promotes Digestion,Clteerful ness andRest.Contaiitsneilher O iun.Morphine nor Mineral NOT MARC OTIC. RerOstOlrlDallet ZPIT121ER PLmpkin Seed" ALLSenaa t Addle Sd(s- ..4nisetreed +• .er onaffC ilAalrrf law Seed- flarifled to ' • Tr tr Aptrrfect Remedy forConstipa• ' lion. SourStomach,Diarrhoea; • Worms,Convulsions,Feverish• ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSimile Sisnatureof mow. ME CENTAUR COMPANY. MONTREAL.&NEW YORK i For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always fought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years • Exact Copy of Wrapper. STO.r _� :QE THC CRNTAUM COMPANY. NEW 'OnK cirv. s ' w ! w - - �- TO ISE HANGED BEFORE JULY ist A car load of Wall Paper having the most up-to-date designs suitable for every room in a persons' house. Picas ranging from 5c a Roll up. Came in and look over our large stock. Sample books sent to your home if required. KNOX A. M. OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL PHONE 65 Treating System.. The Middleton anti -treating bill. introduced into the Michigan. Legis- lature not only' prohibits treating in s rloons and bar -rooms, but makes it the duty of bartenders and proppria - tors to refuse drinks to those seeking to treat friends. It provides a penalty of a fine of from $10 to $50 for the fliret offence ; and for the third offence theincenseof the saloon in which the "have ane on me" takes place can be cancelled, Gordon Tradgedy In McKillop. Hugh Gordon's violent death was a tradgedy of seeding -time. On Tues- day, he and his son, Robert, were plowing all day on their fares in Me- isillop, Robert had a young horse in his team, which did not behave well. under the spring grind. When the men stopped wank - and drove to the stables, the young man began to punish the animal. His father hurried from the hayloft to pt otest. Robert picked up the first loose object he saw, which happened to be an iron bar, and turned on the elder man, striking biro over the head. Hugh Gordon died, unconscious, after lingering for one day. The story of the encounter is told by Robert himself, as there was no witness. The pity of the tradgedy grows with every new light thrown upon it. Robert Gordon, a man of about 24, is not a strong physique. as the father was. During all last week he was 111 and during much of the time lay on a sofa in the house. Harassed by the strain of a day's trudging in the soft earth, his father's well meant in- terference was as a spark to gun- powder. The.young man struck but one blow, but it fell on a vital spot, crushing the skull. It is likely that he could have bidden the deed, at any rate from the law. First reports in Seaforth were to the effect that Hugh Gordon had been struck over the head with a falling timber, and fatally in- jured. But young Gordon apparently covered nothiria. He even told High Constable 'Whitesides, where the weapon he. used could be found, The ciyunty officer had been notified of the uccurence by Crown Attorney Seager, on Wednesday night, and when he ar- rived at the Gordon farm. from Hen- slali, at 2 o'clock, Thursday morning, Robert, fully dressed, was lying across his bed waiting. The scene at the Gordon home, when Robert left, a prisoner, for the Seaforth lock-up, can- not be described. Constable White - sides will be thankful if he never faces another like it. The funeral of the late Hugh Gordon took place from the Gordon farm on Saturday to Maitland - bank Cemetery. Healthogralms And Aerograms. The following are some Health- ograms noticed in the Health Exhibit Oar :— Educate the mother and save the child. In saving the child you are saving the state. Teasing a baby to make it laugh is a crying shame. Tender aged children in factories means a crippled citizenship. No spit --no consumption. So long as people expectorate in public places, we may expect a rate from consumption. The Civil War killed 205,700 in four years, consumption kills 800,000 in this country in four year'. If "War is Hell," what is consumption? Consumption is a dirty air disease. Fresh air and sunshine are its worst enemies. When we really become an intelli- gent people, consumption will vanish from our midst. Consumption can be cured if taken in time. The necessary thing is to find itout early and start the neces- sary treatment at once. filet the fresh air habit and you will ahold eonsuml tion. The following are some Aerograms noticed in the Health Exhibit Car :— Open w indows close the doors to c ►nsuml tion, You mode of living determines y )ur 1 ngth of life. Yo Iungs cannot be washed but t h ,:an be atred. .. day in the park may save weeks t u the hospital. If you have eaten too much get out in the open air and walk. Floods of sunshine in the home may fade the carpet but it puts the bloom of health upon your cheeks. Take your choice. A walk of a mile in the open air, Will save you more than a nickf l fare, It will cleanse your brain and redden your blood, And bring you more cheer and health by far, Than you can possibly get in any old car. Turnberry. JUNCTION SCHOOL. Report of the Easter promotion Ex- aminations. Primer to Jr, Pt. 2nd— George Fowler. Jr. Pt. 2ad to Sr. Pt. 2nd --Chester Rintoul (honour') Clark- son Martin. Sr. Pt. 2nd to Jr. 2nd --- Russel Henderson (honours) Harold Moffat (honours) Addie Procter (hon' ours). Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd—Margaret Henderson (honours) Norman Walker (honours) Vera McKenzie. Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd—Lawrence Lennox (honours). Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd—Gordon Walker. Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4th—Vera Procter, Wil- fred Anderson. TR1E WINGUANADVANCE ALLITERATIVE ALPHABET FOR MARRIED WOMEN. A.. . Affect Adoration. B..Be Blind, 0. , Ucnverse Circumspectly. D..Doubt Dumbly. E, .Entertain Everlastingly. F.. Foil Frequently. 0.. Graft Gradually, l3 .. Hush Hurriedly. I..Influence Insidiously, J..Jest Judiciously. K .. Keep Kitchenwise. L. , Learn Leniency. DI, .Manage Mutely, N„Nag Never, 0, .Osculate Occasionally. P. . Pray Patiently. Q..Quell Quarrels Quietly, R..Rant Rarely. 5, .Suffer Silently. T, .Tend Tirelessly, Ur, .Usurp Unobtrusively. V..Verify Vanities. W..Work Willingly. X, .Xterminate Xcentricities. Z..Zigzag Zealously. Belnnore. The following is a' description of Belmore fifty years ago taken from a business directory published in 1863 :— Situated ,n the bt,undar•y hue of Huron and Bruce, and on the four cor- nerft,of the township of Tuxnberry and Hawick, Huron county ; Culross and Carrick, county of Bruce, distance 45 nailer from Goderieb, from Seaforth 31, and 16 from Walkerton. It con- tains 3 stores. 1 saddler shop, 3 boot and shoe shops, 2 blacksmiths' shops,. 1 tannery, 1 tailor, 1 waggon shop and 1 carpenter shop. Church—Belmore Wesleyan Metho- dist Church, built 1861. Rev. J. Hough, preacher. Postoftice—Established 1857 ; name of first post -master, F. W. Irwin; present same; mails tri -weekly; Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays, from Seaforth, 11 o'clock a.m., despatched 12 o'clock- a. m„ from Riversdale, Sat- urday. John Moffatt, assistant post- master. Belmore'L' dge B. A. O. of G. T.— Organized December 1862 ; meets Wednesdays over Trott's building: officers— W. C. T., John Moffat ; W. V., Hiram Lloyd ; W. S., Jaynes Mc- Donald; W. T. James Flemming; W. F. S., Joseph Young ; W. N., David Rush ; W. G., Joseph Anderson ; I, J. G., Helen Flemming ; O. S. G., John Proctor; D. T., John Irwin; P. O. address, Belmore. Alphabetical list of Professions, Trades, etc.•—Belmore Hotel, Thomas Chambers, proprietor; Bone Adam, shoe shop ; Davidson Isaac, black- smith ; (aiffin John, pearlash maker ; Hamilton Joseph. ashery ; Hamilton John, general merchant ; Hueston Archibald ; Hutchison George, Tailor ; Irwin Francis W., postmaster al d commissioner for taking affidavits; Irwin Thomas ; Jeckson H. P., black- smith ; Jones Richard; pearlash mak- er ; Lamonby John, tavern maker ; Lennox Joseph, boot & shoe maker ; McLane Samuel, wagon maker ; Mc- Nauly 'Win. Shoemaker ; Melon Robt., blacksmith ; Moffat & Cantlon, gener- al merchants, (John Moffat and Jacob Caution) ; Moffat, Irwin & Candor, manufacturers of an improved wash- ing machine ; Nevin Robt, ; Rush David, carpenter and builder ; ,Terriff Peter, shoe shop; Thompson D., drug store and groceries ; Thompson Joesph, saddlery and harness maker ; Travel- lers R'st, Archicadd Docketeader, proprietor; Trott Joseph, tannery : Young Joseph, shoe maker. TO THE PUBLIC. We Are Agents For Parisian Sage, And We Know= The Guarantee Is Genuine. PARISIAN Sage, the quick -acting h lir restorer, is guaranteed— To stop failing hair. To cure dandruff. To cure itching of the scalp. To put life into faded hair. To make harsh hair soft and luxuri- ant. To make hair grow, or money back. It is the most delightful hair dress - in made, and is a great favorite witlf' ladies who desire beautiful and luxuri- ant hair. Large bottle only 50 cents. The R T Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Oat., Canadian makers. J. W. Mr - Ribbon, druggist. ; SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS AA NY person who le the sole head of n. family, or any male over 18 years old• may home- stead a quarter section of available Dominion lend in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency Or Sub -agency for the district. Entry by proxy may bo made at any agoncy, on pertain oonditions by father moth• or, son. daughter, brother or sister of intendl- ing homesteader. lluties.--Bix months' residence upon and oui- ovation of the land in each of three years. A. hotnestoader play live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely Owned and oeoupidd by hint or by his father. mother, son, daughter. brother or sister. In oortatn distrLots pr homesteader inood standing may pro-ompt a quarter•eection along. aide his homestead. Price $3.00 per mors. Duties. -Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption sir months in each of six years front date of homesteadnol entry (Iudin the tirno required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. . A homesteader who hofs exhausted his hemp. stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter fora purchased homested in pertain dietriats. Prloo $3 00 per $tore. I7ut ofl..- •Mu*t eido atx menthe In each of throe yeare, atilt'. vete fifty acres and greet a house worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N,D.-thi iit)w rix publi .e ion of this sol. verUicm.nt winfile ba pate fpr'. ► IIMUM 11 111 II 1I MOO air Goods ............ The approaching visit of Mr. Frank R. Pember of the Pember Hair Store and Beauty Culture Institute of Toronto, should prove of interest and advantage to every woman who reads this announce- ment. Professor Pember will display an assortment of Natural Wavy Switch- es, Braids, Pairs and Transformations, the equal of which have never before been teen outside of Toronto. Professor Pember Will also examine and diagnose free of charge all hair and scalp troubles and his advice may be relied upon. Fine toupees and wigs fur gentlemen a specialty. All goods are manufactured of the Finest Natural Hair, A visit will bo undoubtedly worth your while at the. BRUNSWICK HOTEL, TUESDAY, MAY 6th Ladies who for any reason can- not visit the Hotel, write or phone and Professor Pember will call at their residence. For mail orders address, PEMBER HAIR STORE, 127 YONGE ST., TORONTO, ONT. M11,1111111,1111111.111111111111111111111111111110.1111,11111.11111111,1 ,�• 1' P4 The money you invest in Phonograph Records goes farthest when you buy Blue Amberol. Records Farthest from a musical standpoint,because Blue Amberols have a finer tone than any other phonograph records and reproduce in a more lifelike way. Farthest from'' 'An investment standpoint, be- cause Blue Amberols will never wear and repro- duce less perfectly than when new, and will never become -injured by careless handling. • The Blue,Amberol is a Record for The Edison Phonograph • Hear it at your Edison dealer's today •Thornes A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave.. Orange, N. J., U. S. A. A. complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at DAVID BELL CENTRA. STBATF'ORD. ONT. The best practical training school in On- tario. Three departments— COMMER- CIAL, SHORTHAND and TELCGRA- PHY. All courses aro thorough and practical. Teacherr are experienced and graduates are placed in positions. We give individual attention and students may enter at any time. Write for our free catalogue at once. D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the all cheap imitations.f thDrfemale de Vans are sold m. at !ti a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Isoobell Prue Co.. 8t. Catharines, Ont: How Concrete Work has Made Easy For You • • Shaw's Schools Toronto, Canada. include The Shan; Cor- respondence School, The Central Business College, The Central Telegraph & Railroad School, and Four City Branch Business Schools. All provide excellent courses leading to good salaried positions. Free catalogue on request. Write for it. W. H. SHAW, President. Head Offices, Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality, Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make you a new man. Price f3 a box or two for *5. Mailed to any address. The Sco'be11 Drug Co., St. Catharines. Ont. 1YY14.Yii:ilI. Ill 11.11iliY�YW�IIm . .iY. . r.I IIilWdllliJ,.,l`', UNTIL a few years ago farmers considered concrete a rather mysterious material, that could be used successfully only by experts. They knew that upon the quality of the cement depended much of the success of concrete work. They had no means of testing cement, such as big contactors employ, and so could not be sure of its quality. Yet the farmer needed concrete. He was kept from using thisbest and most economical of materials by 1. Lack of knowledge of how to mix and place concrete. 2. Lack of a brand of cement upon the quality of which he could absolutely rely. Canada Cement has supplied both these requirements. We employed men to make a thorough investigation of the farmer's requirements; to find out where and how he could use concrete with profit to himself; to discover all problems he might come across and to salve them. This investigation was expensive. But when it was completed we had the material for our campaign to show the farmer how and where to use concrete,:and we printed a book, "What the Farmer Can do With Concrete,” for free distribution. That book makes every farmer who reads it a, concrete expert, as far as his needs are concerned, He finds that there is nothing mysterious about con' crel;o—that a few simple rules supply all the knowledge required. At the same time we met the farmers' second objection—inability to test the quality of cement—by produc t.g cement of a quality that does not need tobe tested. The Canada Cement that you buy by the bag is the same Canada Cement that is sold by the train -load for great elevators, buildings and bridges. :Ai: Lobe( is your asxfeMute o, f s.iitsfaeloty concede troth here ti a Camila esissin Desist 1* Y, r fleitlttorlterd 7/ you have not aleeady done so, t.,rite for the book "What the Farmer ran do with Concede." It is Free. Canada Cement Cornpa;ny Limited Montreal .11 w. ,,i,, ISARD'S Headquarters for Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, Oih cloths, Mattings, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Lace Curtains, Madras Curtains, Tapestry Curtains,Art Sateens, Art Muslins, Furniture Damask and all kinds of HousewFurnishing Hoods at less than City Prices. Linoleums.—New patterns, all widths, 2 yards, 3 yards, 3i- yards and 4 yards wide. New de- sign at, per square yard.. 50c Carpets.—Big stock to choose from, including new patterns in Wool, Tapestry, Brussels, Union and. Hemp Carpet. Special bargain, yard wide, for 50c Rugs. --Large range of new designs and color- ings, in all sizes of Wilton, Brussels, .Tapes- try, Axminster, Wool and Union. Squares. See our leader, size 3x4 ..$10.00 Lace Curtains.—Never so many to choose from. See the samples displayed on. the ground floor, Prices begin at 25c. See our special line at $2.00 Art Draperies.—New patterns and shades, in- cluding very pretty bordered goods. Prices are . .. ' 10, 15, 20 and 25c Window Blinds.— Washable Opaque Linen, mounted on good spring rollers with lace or insertion. Our price S0c H. E. Isard & Co. VISZNEMISSENSOMMEINIEMISMOSEIESENNEMMENISIMIL r Speaking of Mens' Wear and Boy's Wear We are ready to Outfit you with everything that's correct and handsome in Suits, Rain Coats, Hats of all kinds, Shirts, Ties, Hosiery, Under- wear, etc. Don't think you can find another such an at- , tractive showing of Men's Wearables hereabouts. Lucky indeed will be the man who turns to this store for his Spring Outfitting, for, while giving him the best of everything, our prices will work no injury to his finances. 5 Per Cent, Discount for Cash on Amounts of $1 w OO and over. W. A. vnuePvia. L SUCCESSOR TO McGEE & CAMPBELL Il