HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-05-01, Page 4,sten ihateiy eons overalls don't'ofteii run up tigais st a test flke the above, but DON'T FORGE'' 'itit the same qualities which will stand this strain wilt withstand the wear and tear of your, day's work. 'LEATHER LAE3EL OVER -HAULS ARE DOUBLE SEWED on every searn with thread ;toted in a pulling strength of ten pounds. Every pocket is cross-stitched at the corner with three seams. Think what these things mean to you. Your LEATHER LABEL OYER -HAULS wiU hang 'together until the fabric is worn out. They cost more per garment brit LESS per year.,, -E, njjve. r`over.Hauls are the BEST ECONOMY. \ WE MET8EAGENThi' Mr. Farmer and Laborer How About Your Wearing Clothes ? Make Your Work Easy. ---Insist; upon Leather Label goods and you will never regret it, they are better made and give best results. Working Shirts --For Men and Boys in good, fast colors and cloths that will give satisfaction. Prices -50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1,25. Men's and Boys' Clothing—In the newest cloths and most up-to-date styles. House 'Furnishings. ---Carpets, Bugs, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Window°Shades, etc. Come and see what we have before buying. PRODUCT; WANTED iS• PHONE 71 Keep the Stub -It's your receipt THE stub, which is torn off and handed you when you pur-, chase an Express Money Order, is only part of the protec- tion you have when you use this form of remittance. If your letter is lost, the Express Company will promptly re. fund your money. Even if you lose your receipt the transaction can be traced and the amount of the lost order will be refunded. Moreover, when paying an account b ' Dominion Express Money Order, the receipt referred to immediately protects you against any possibility of loss or future claim. Next time you have occasion to remit, use DQmiiiiiEXpN ss OFFICES Every railway station has an Express Orliee where "Orders" may be. obtained, and In almost every town there are branch offices located in the residential districts. Ones f✓ erg &or4 Checitia RATES $6 and under.... So. Over $5 to $10.. 60. " 10 " 80...10c. " 80 " 50...16e. " 50 at suns rates. NrY1JNi1iYiMhtNiW OVERALLS FREE WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR WALKER'S s OVERALLS MADE IN WALKERV1LLt, ONT. We guaratntee 10 emits for every button that comes oil and 25 cents for every rip. ]"or every six pockets cut from worn garments we will give you one pair of OVERALLS or SMOCK, FREE. Get the habit of saving your pooketlx. = SOLD AND GTTARA.NTEEt IRY '.. ,, . a , . u• A. Taylor A. MoGall Jhos. Honderson Belgrave Bluevale 'W`hTtet hureh A.1t o by the -Walker Pant and Overall 0o., "' alker'vlll , Ont l OTTAWA JOUI N AL ON Ti1E CLERICAL POLITICIAN. Capital's Independent Newspaper Geta Off Rot Roast OI Rev. J. A. Alrlcdonald For His Statements OA Closure Scene. Tho Ottawa Evening Journal (We - Pendent) does ,tot ounce matter's in dealing editorially with the gratis misrepresentation resorted to by Laurier supporters iu dealing with the introduction of the closure resolution in the House. Oa Tuesday, April 15, under the treading, 4"rho Clerical Politician,' the Journal Bald 1-- "Trt the course of a fiery denunci- ation of Premier Borden beee,oi;e of the induut,ion of eiostire in parliament, Rev. Dr, J. A. Macdonald, editor of the Toronto Globe, says that M. Bor- den "in power as in oppoitition affects kid glove methods but couptenance3 the methods of a brigand,' What methods does Rev. Dr, Macdnnald af- fect ? What methods does he coun- tenance --nay, employ ?" "As his name suggests, RPV. Dr. lclardonald is a clergyman. His abili- ty for graphic writing Ted to hie entrance into journalism and he oc- c•tl}sies an editorial chair that has been fiilrel by honorable men. Ae a clergy- man, he enjoys a certain prestige the ordinary journalist does not enjoy, the popular supposition being that the ideals of the Christian ministry stand as a stone wall between Rev, . Dr. Mac- donald and the temptations of party political fighting." "Rev. Dr. Macdonald, therefore, af- fects the methods of the clergy. Occasionally he delivers sermons, good sermons too, because he knows a lot more of then and things than the average olergymau knows. He can get a look at things from several standpoints at once." "What methods does Rev., Dr. Mac- donald conntenance and employ ?, What does he do when the church door closes and he leaves the Mid- week prayer meeting to take part in a political party council -of -war ?" "Words to describe the methods Dr. ;Macdonald employs will come to those who read his comments on Mr. Bor- den's personal actions in introducing closure in parliament, as follows .:-- "His (11r. Borden's) voice joined with those who planned to howl down Sir Wilfrid Laurier into humiliation." "for him (Mr. Bordon) to ,have cried "Sit down 1 Sit down !" as the press gallery men report him doing, etc." "It is a lie, plain and unvarnished, to say that a plan was made to howl down Sir Wilfrid Laurier, It is a lie, also, to say that Mr. Borden cried "Sit down ! Sit down !" to Sir Wilfrid, as Dr. Macdonald's introduction of the remark in his despatch implies. .Fur- therinore, Dr. Macdonald was in the press gallery when the incident he refers to occurred. He knows that Sir Wilfrid Laurier was not howled down. He does not know that Mr. Borden cried "Sit down,' but he ehelt- ors himself behind others to drag in the insult." "Dr. Macdonald has chosen to take his place amongst the party beelere. Is he forgets his sense of justice to make a cruel attack upon Mr. Borden, he must lose his self-respect and he will lose his influence, The political prominence which had its birth in in- genious defence of graft will die a natural death. Neither Sir Wilfrid Laurier nor any of his supporters in the House has claimed that be was "howled down' in parliament ; nor will they claim it. But it remains for the party camp •followed to play fast and loose with the truth. At their head, Rev. Dr. J. A. Macdonald is a grotesque figure." BREVITIES. *Waal al..aagada People learn to think by thinking and to talk by talking. In explaining a theme to another it becomes lumin- ous to ourselves. It is the iron rule in otir day to require an object and a purpose in life. No life now wanders like an un- fitted stream ; there is a mill wheel for the tiniest rivulet to turn,—tNa- thaniel Hawthorne. A little more patience, a little more charity for all, a little more devotion, a little more love, with less bowing .town to the past, and a silent ignor- ing of pretended authority; a brave .looking forward to the future with more faith in our fellows, and the race will be ripe for a great burst of light and life. The man who is worthy of being a leader of men will never complain of the stupidity of his helpers, of the ingratitude of mankind nor of the in- appreciation of the public. These things are all a part of the great game of life, and to meet them, and not go down before them in discouragement and defeat is the final proof of power. Faithfulness to the highest ideals of life, living and thinking and acting in such a. way as to deserve the oppor- tunities worthy of man and worthy of those who are interested friends, should be the purpose of all public then. Seeking to express such a life in words and deeds each day will "unfold a page for the world to read," which will -make it a happier and a better place in which to live. Many a one has failed because he was not a man before he was a mer• chant, or a lawyer, or a manufacturer, or a statesman --because character was not the dominating influence of his life. If you are not a man first, if there is not a man behind your book. behind your sermon, behind your law brief, or your business transaction, if you are not larger than the money you make, the world will expose and despise your success ; history will cover up your memory no matter how much money you may have. What subsists to day by violence, continues to -morrow by acquiescence, and is perpetuated by tradition ; till at loot the hoary abuse shakes the gray hairs of antiquity el us, and gives it- self out as the wisdom of a ba g Thus the clearest dictates of reason are made to yield to a long succession of follies. And this is the foundation of the arist:ocratio system at the present day. Its stronghold with all those now immediately interested in it Is the reverence of antiquity, To-daybegins a new year. The date on theealendar does not matter, The earth starts every morning on its year. long journey bound the sun as truly as on the first day of January, and each new dawn is therefore a flesh op• portunity to beggin right. It is for us to determine what the year shall he, The demand upon us is not that we succeed, but only that we tr ; tied to THE WINGHAM ADVANCE It Does Make A Difference, I reni,,lizbaip my old friend, Peter ' 'inne'r'r.y, laughing; very heat'tily at Donn -thing I had wi it coin ablaut t he Sewell ; but it wa-t billowed up sty to s kE tclr of the Ir•ir•h, on which Ito closed his hook, looked grave, and said ho disapproved ens it eiy of all national r'e• flections, 'or luihuts velli € l,iltl�t'en. Teo KIrJ You slava Always Bought 13e•'%re the It Wingham Real Estate Signature of .Y 'r THUS 1'', MAY T, 191,3 SPECIALS «mor440440.44.-60-. RUEUMATIC TOWN of WINGBAM SUFFER13RS gy=LaW No. b69, 1913. ASTONISI-IED RIiEUMA Acts on Kidneys, Liver and Blood the First Day ---and Out Goes Uric Acid Poison. .Anybody can affotd to pay 50 cents to get rid of terrible Rbsunnati,m, Sciatica or Gout, and that's alt 1iH1 U'- MA casts at J, W. McKibbon's and be says if it doesn't do all that is glain'ied for it, 'money back. It's wonderful how speedily this simple remedy taakes hold and how the sone muscles limber tip and the swollen joints come down to nor'wal. Make no mistake--REIEUMA cosrs but little, but it's the best remedy you can find to drive Rheumatic poison from the system and brtng back health to misery -racked bodies. "I had Rheurnatismr for a long while and tried many medicine s, but was not cured until I used R13EU11A. I cannot praise REIEUMA too highly. My advice to those suffering from Rtheurnatism is to use this great reme- dy, RSI believe it will effect, a perman- rant cure in any case." ---0, 13. Lanham, Sattes, W. Va,, Apri127, 19I2 E • We have a full Tine of the finest Red Clover, Al- sike, Alfalfa and Timothy, also all Tines of Garden and Root Seeds, Perma- nent ' pasture Mixtures, 6'c., all I9I3 fresh seeds, not a single old one left over. Now for a rush season in strictly high class seeds at very rea- sonable prices for cash. We are also selling Seed Corn. Our motto "Nothing but the Best." J. L. AWDE Ns 11 .. 11 ri ..I...Si ll. A by.law for the purpose of raining the sum of $0500 by the issue of debentures for the purcbtsse of cer- tain r oad making machinery and for the erection of a suitable build- ing to protect such machinery from the weather and for a hose tower, WHEREAS By-law No. 662,1912, for the pur- pose of paving and grading a certain. portion of Josephine Street under the provisions of the Local improvement Aot was regularly sub- mitted to the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Winghant and read twice on the 0th day of December. A. D. 1912, and was sub- mitted to the electors for approval on the Otis day of January A. D, 1013, and was by them approved and received its third reading by the said Council on the 13th day of January A. D. 1913, AND WIIEREAS the building heretofore used as a hose tower fer the drying of hose was destroyed by storm and it is necessary to erect a suitable building for the above pur- pose. AND WHEREAS itis necessary in order to carry out the above named work that certain road snaking machinery should be purchased and a building erected for the protection of same and for a hose tower ; the estimated cost of which is appended hereto marked Schedule "A" and the cost of same amounts in the whole to the stun of $6500.00. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue said debentures at one time and to make the prin- cipal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of twenty-five years, being the currency of the said debentures, such said yearly sums of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each said`debtlshall bo as nearal and ly asrest ltpossiblee eqthe al to the amount so payable in each of the other twenty-four years of said period as shown in Schedule "J3" hereto annexed. AND WHERE 9.S the total amount requir- ed by the Municipal Act to be raised annual- ly by special rate for paying the staid debt and interest as hereinafter . provided is 5,461.20. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole ratable property of the Town of Wingham according to the last revised assessment roll thereof i, $801.098 00. .AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipals• ty (exolusivofif local improvement debts se- cured by special rates or assessnnents) is $117.• 253.04 and no part of principal or interest is in arrear. THEREFORE' the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Wingham enacts as follows :- 1 • That the Municipal Corporation of the 'town of Wingham shall expend a he sum of $6600.00 in the purchase of road, making machinery and the erection of a building to protect the same from the weather and for a hose tower and for the purpose of raising the said sum, debentures of the said Town to the amount of 56300 as aforesaid in stuns of not loss than 5100 each shall be issued on the First day of August A. D. 1913, each of which do- bentures shall be dated on the date of the issue thereof and shall be payable within twonry-five years thereafter at the office of the Treasurer for the time being of. the said Town of Wingham. 2 -Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the said Town or by some other person authorized by By-law to sign same and by the Treasurer thereof and the Clerk shall attach thereto the corporate seal of the Municipality. 3—Tho said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum pay- able yearly at the office of said Treasurer on the First day of August in each and every year during the eurrenoy thereof. ' 4—During the ourrenoy .of the said debentures there shall be raised annually by special rate on all the ratable property of the said Town of Wingham the sum of 5161.20 for the purpose of paying the amount due under each of the said years for principal and interest in 'respect of said debt as shown in sohodule "B" hereto GET 'OUR- annexed. 6—This BY -law shall take oil'oot on the _ date of the final passing thereof. 6—The votes• of the electors of the said Town of Wingham shall be taken on this SPRING _= By-law at the following times and places, that is to say :— On Monday the Nineteenth day of May next oontmoneing at tho hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until the hour of SUI five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, by the following Deputy -Returning Officers • T . and Poll Clerks,. namely :-- Ward 1= At W. J. Johnston's Tailor shop on Josephine Street by W. .1. Raines, Deputy - Returning Officer; E. A. Hammond, Poll Clerk. Ward 2—At Wm. Gannett's Implement shop on Josephine Street by A. J. Alderson, Deputy - Returning Officer; P. H. Deans. jr., Poll Clerk. Ward 3—At the Town Hall by Albert Flem- ing. Deputy -Returning Officer; Allan Fraliok, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division 1 of Ward 4 at Ritchie & Casena' Office by J. W. Dodd. Deputy -Re- turning Officer ; John Ritchie, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division 2 of Ward 4 at Albert Bell's house on Josephine Street by T. 3. McLean, Deputy -Returning Officer; T. Miller, Poll. Clerk. 7—On Saturday the Seventeenth day of May _ next the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at the Town Hall iu the said Town at eleven o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the various poll- s stag planes aforesaid and at the final suninting up of votes by the Clerk on behalf of the per- sons interested in and desirous of promoting or opposing the passing of this Bylaw re- spectively. 8—The Q'erk of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at the said Town Hall at eleven o'clock in the forenoon on Tuesday, Twentieth day of May next. to suns up the number of votes for and against the By-'aw. Dated at the Town Hall In the Town of Wingham, this Twenty-first day of April, A.D. 1913. IIIAXW ELLVS OLD STAND. Phone 227, - l Mayor. NOW I have a large fresh stock of fhe best and, latest goods, which are, sure to please. • Suitable for ' Ladies and Gentlemen. Pit and Workmanship Guaranteed. E. C. WHITE OPPOSITE DANK OF HAMILTON. Another 30 Days' Sale.. TEAS. ---40o Oeylon for 85o, also at 80o, 25o and 20c; 80o Japan at 250. DRIED FRUITS.—Prunes at 10c, 13o and 15e; Peaches 13o; Apricots 150 ib.; best valenoia Raisins .100 lb , good muscated Raisins 8 lbs, for 25o; b-st quality Ourrants 100 lb; good Pigs 6o lb. JAMS min MARMALADES., --50o _ pails for 40o; 15o, pure, for 12o; 100 Jams for 9o; 10o Marmalade for 0o. OANNED GOODS. --Maple Leaf Salmon 23o, Derby brand 20o, Aut- umn Loaf 18o; 180 Quaker Pork and Heats for 100; 1,0o Quaker Pork and - Beans. for 8o; 20o Ohampion catsup for 160; °alined Corn for Oo; peas 18o, 2 for 25o. STJNDRIES.—cosy Brand Soda 4o Ditch Olepkg. uks •r and Pa atbi a 40; Sunbeam Oil oShoe Polislis80. 8o; SOAPS. ---Comfort Soap 6 for 25o; Canada's best, 6 for 25o; Magio Naptha, 6 for 25o; Infants' Delight, 10 for 80. l a ED.— 18o, 15o,18o, 2 lb. for 25o. try mranfnlly every day an all. ,dal ._ . LE long, is inevitably to attain in the end . supreme success, The past confirm. 0 ally takes the form of vases into which the thought of to -day is poured. �rMtAMtI�MirtwWlNririiN►�'. i' `a i t" 4 r> .......................... Clerk. NOTICE, TAKE' NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law whlch hits been taken intoconsiderationy i at and. whish will finally passed y the Council of the Muni-- cipttlity (in the event of the assent, of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publication in the Wing - ham Advance, the date of which publication was Thursday, 'Uwontyfourthday of -Apt 11,•A. D., 1913, and that the -votes of the Eleotors of the said Municipality, will be taken thereon on the day and at the hours and places therein fixed. ANI/ also take notice that every tennant who desires to 'vote on this Bylaw must deliver to the Clerk not loss than the seventh day before the day appointed for taking the votes, the declaration provided by the Con- solidated 1V1unicipal A0t. rd JOHN F. GrtOVES, Clerk, SCHEDULE "A" TO THE .PROPOSED I3 Y •t,.e.W. Being en estimate of the e:tpondituro refer- red to in the foregoing 13y -law. One fifteen ton steam road roller.,.,..3000 00 Crusher,. bins, elevator and screen 1500 00 Building for machinery and hose . 2000 '00 tower ,1..,..,.. $6500 0 SCHEDULE"B" Showing in respect to each instalment of the debt to be hereby orbated how much of the atuonut to bo annually raised is for principal and how much is for interest. 1914 ..,..,,,.... I136 20 1916 • 143 01, 1016 160 16 1917 167, 67 1018 165.56 1919 .,,,..,r173 83 - 1920 .,.r......., 182 62 1021 ..... ..,...,161 65 1922 ,•. r,.,..., 201 23 1023. •..,..,211 29 192162.5 .•••.•.•,..'23222 91 1926 ,•Y,,.,,,4., 214 559 1927 .,.,..,,. ., 2•+6 82, 1028 r, 200 66 1920 ...,.,•••. 2832, X1)44 19.10 •,•.•.,,••., 297 •70 1931 ..,,,.,.,., . 312 17 1932 ., .....•.. 327 77 1933.....,•••..• 34,118 19.�l.'�r.1~i 87 1 44 1936 ,,,., ..s.., SDK 41 1937 418 38 190d,•v,r,r,•,,, swim, $325 00 si s la 1 4612081 19 303 53 461. 20 295 65 461 20 287 37 461 20 278 68 461. 20 269 55 461 20 259 07 461 20 249 91 481 20 239 35 46120 ?belle 54, P. O. Box 118 216 26 461 46120 201 ,38 461 20 178 64 461 20' 163 90 9.61 20 149 03 461 20 133 43 461 2fr 1161161' '•radnate of the Royal (ol1oge 117 01 461 29 0#' St111eo08 Of Ontaritl,, Heiner* si 8'2 461 Graduate of University of Toronto 62 70 461 20 'atoUlt7 Of Dentistry, 42 87 di t old0�z wCo To*19Q *1Ilii Brick veneered house, 2 stories, 8 lots, in good situation. .Just the place for a rt+tired farmer, Brick house, central, conveniences, a nice home, Prices right. Brick house, all modern conveniences, stable, central, in txe .1lent repair, zdee grounds. Will be sold cheap Briok veneer, new, all modern cow. forts, central eorner, No better or cheaper home in Wingbaltn. A snap. Other properties in all parts of the Town and in Town Plot. Ritchie & Cosoos REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Buy your C. P. R. Tickets at our office, WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS, CO. Established 1840. Read Mee. GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all elapses of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mitna note system. GEO. SLEEMAN, JOHN DAVIDSON President. • Secretary. RITCHIE eSc COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont W IN OI -IAM General Hospital. (Under 4 overnmet.er Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to ali regularly licensed physicians. Rates foratients (which include board and nursing) --41.90 to 516.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion --Address MISS L. MATIHEWS Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Ont, W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OF LATE DR. WILSON. RESIDENOE--MISS GRACEY. Phone 179. Night Phone 148. Ex Gov. Vet. Inspector. DR. E. H. COOK VETERINARY STURGEON SUCCESSOR TO DR WILSON DOGS AND SURGERY A SPECIALT'' Residence and Office in Dr. McDonald's old residence on Centre Street, next to English Church. 'Phone 250. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer . of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. DUDLEY HOLIV. ES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham, R. VAISTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at Lowest rates. WINGHAM. DRS, KENNEDY & CALDER Or, orons—Corner Patrick and Centre streets PrtoNics— Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Stall Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dt1.blin, Successor to Dr. Agnew OrrICB IN MCDOI ALD BLOCS DR. ROBT. a. REDMOND (1 E n . tn.) ) Physician and Surgeon. or. bhisholm's old Stand) ARTEU E J. IRWIN Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Lieetlt ate of Dental Surgery of Onts.lrlo,, --Office in 1Maodonald 31odk—. W. R. BAMBLV, 4,S0,, Dm, D.M, Speoial attention paid to diseases rrr 1V•arnert and Ohildren, having takenostgraduate work in Sur- gery, qer y', tend Scientific Medioine. Oil ide in the herr residence, bee tween the Queen's tiote1 and the Baptist Church. All business givencareful attention. G. 11. ROSS, 0.8., L 1D AS• TUE PROFIT .TTARING S TO:�, WINGIIAM errs Bird AGZNTS--,glome "GOOD DRESSING" , GRNTS Ladies" Journal Patterns Monthly I+ashion'Sheet Home Journal .Free To ,All The Quarterly Style Book only 5c GOOD DRESSING The best monthly style sheet published, Absolutely Free. ROLLER WINDOW SHADES. Curtain Poles White Curtain Pole complete, lOc Special orders for Shades promptly delivered. ASK , AT OUR PATT ERN COMM fOR NEW CARPET SQUARES • Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry. NEWEST DESIGNS. SEE THEM LACE CURTAINS CURTAIN NET BUNGALOW CURTAINS MUSLIN CURTAINS CRETON, ETC. Summer Dress Goods. Silk stock, great variety, most popular goods. Silk and Wool Delaine, Wool Delaine, Cotton De- laine, Silk Stripe Voile, Vestings, Linens, White and Colored Muslins, White and Colored Crepe, Poplin, Bedford Cord, etc. Handsome Satisfactory Clothing. None better than "Progress Brand," sure to fit right. Newest styles for Men and Boys. Boys' 2 and 3 piece Suits, price $3.50 to $5.00. Don't pay too much for your Clothing. See our splendid Suits for Men at $9.00 to $12.00. Good material, newest styles, splendid workmanship. Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds, Mange' and 'Sugar Beet, and Garden Beet, large assortment. House Furnishings Now that spring is drawing near the busy house- wife will be making preparations for house cleaning and some particular room will want a new Linoleum, another room Oilcloth and still another a Rug or Carpet. Never has this store been so well stocked in all these lines as we are passing into stock the last few weeks. Nairs Scotch Linoleums of excellent designs ; Eng- lish floor oils, lovely patterns ; border Oilcloths and Inlaid Linoleums. Rugs And Carpets. We have an unusually large stock of Rugs now in ; including Union Rugs for bed -room ; Granite Rugs, something entirely new, from $4.00 to $ t o.00 ; Tapestry Rugs, Velvet Rugs, English manufacture ; Brussels Rugs, Axminster and Wiltons, in price from $6.00 to $40.00. We lead in House Furnishings, Call and see our stock before buying elsewhere. 2 Cars Of Sugar Now. In For a short time we will sell for cash Wallaceburg Sugar at $.. 75 cwt., Redpath extra granulated $4,85 ; in Soo lb. lots, 5c cwt. less; zo Ib. sack $ t.00. Phone 89 PRODU t or ALL KINDS WANTED. A. Mills (Successor to T. A. MILLS) WIWGHAM •