HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-04-24, Page 81 11111.1111011111 11 Hair Goods The approaching visit of Mr. Frank R. Pember of the Pember Hair •Store and Beauty Culture Institute of Toronto, should prove of interest and advantage to every woman who reads this announce. merit. Professor Pember will display e '.e an assortment of Natural Wavy Switch- es, l8raids, Puffs and Traust>?ormatiou8, tette equal of which have never before been seen outside of Toronto. Professor Pember Will also examine and diagnose free of charge all hair and scalp troubles and his advice may be relied upon, Fine toupees and wigs for gentlemen a speoialty. All goods are rnauntfaotured of the Finest Natural ,Hair. .A. visit will be undoubtedly worth your while at the BRUNSWICK HOTEL, TUESDAY, MAY 6th Ladies who for any reason can, not visit the Hotel, write or phone and Professor Pember will call at their residence. For mail orders address, PEMBER HAIR STORE, 127 YONGE ST., TORONTO, ONT. } ah • 000.0 t HE WINGRAM ADVANCE tenfarrow. On Wednesday ravening, April lab, a number of neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mre. Mac ersie to spend a social evening. ere they left for their new home in f orrie, The eveningwas spent in instrumental music, hinging, and 60. elal ohat. The Main feature, however, was the presentation w de to Mr, and Mre. r4acl erele of an arm -chair and rocker,, the address. being read by Ur.1+.aloft, teacher of our school, and M. Thos, Bolt mid Mr. Bush made the pv'erentatione. Mr, and Mrs, Mae. Kersie each made a suitable and e{'fee. tive reply. The company then en- joyed lunch. The following is the address :— Mr. and Mrs, MacKersie ; It affords us great pleasure to meet with you in your home to spend a social evening together before you pass from our midst, and we feel that we oannot allow this opportunity to pass without showing the esteem in which you and Mrs. MacKersie have been held during your on stay a- mong us, and we desire to show to some little extent our. appreciation of the kind manner in which you have characterized yourselves, both socially and aborally, We meet here ae neigh - bore and friends of long standing and lapse of time brings us nearer togeth- er in our affections. But, we gather tonight more especially in the capaci- ty of church workers and friends.. You have for some time past been associated with us as trustee of our - church at Salem, and also of carry- ing the mail from Wingham for a number of years and have filled the positions to the entire satisfaction of all. We take this opportunity of recognizing in a slight but tangible form, our high appreciation of your work and labour of love in our midst, and, while we very much regret your departure, which we trust will be for the benefit of yourself and Mrs. Mac- Kersie, we trust that God may guide you both safely and pleasantly through life. We now ask you to accept this arm -chair and rocker as a token of our sincerest regard, and as an ex- pression of the profoundest respect in which you are held by the neighbor- hood. We pray God may spare you lgng to enjoy them amid the constant separations of Life, and the changes peculiar to this sphere of existence. We too are reminded that our time of parting must come, but, we think of the associations in the great hereaf ter-" Where congregations ne'er break up and Sabbath have no end." May airs be that experience, supernal is our united prayer, In behalf of the neighbors and friends --Signed, Eva Bolt, Maud Higgins. Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer spent last Sunday with friends at Teeswater. The Sabbath School will begin for the coming summer on May 4th at 1 o'clock. SUITS MADE TO ORDER We measure the man, then make the Suit. ORDER YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW. Suits, tweeds and worsteds, from $21.00 to $32.00 Odd Trousers from . 4.00 to 7.50 Perfect fit and workmanship guaranteed. Call and get prices. MOON &WHITE Phone 26. - u WILSON BLOCK ..;111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111.111111 small Hats, Medium Hats, Large Hats, Dress Hats, Tailored Suit Hats, Pana- ma Hats, and all the latest and most popular trimming effects. Every article en- tirely new; Open evenings. M rs. Runstecller's Millinery Parlors. 2 Doors North of Mr. Hamilton's Drug Store. 0SS 110100 0111111111111011110 ~IP SIG 0 01011 0110M0 aelleillimila .._ . ales 1 OVERALLS FREE WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR 1 WALKER'S MADE IN WALKERVILLE, ONT. We guarantee 10 cents for every button that comes off and 25 cents for every rip, 1 For every six pockets cut from worn garments we will give you one pair of Overalls or Smock, Free. Get the habit of saving your pockets. SOLD AND GUARANTEE'? BY 1 H. E. Isard Co., Wingham. Also by the Walker Pant and Overall Co., Walkeniifle, Ont. • ru yesse umwmanum_ sermosrr+rrnilL reel Mr. Wm. Nixon has tented Mrs. Charles Milner's farm for one year and takes possession at once. - We are glad to hear that Mrs. Witt. Brophy Is improving as well as eats be expected after her brief illness. Mr, John Jammison was the first to Ow grain in this locality, having down 10 are of oats on the 15th of April. For full Toronto Market repot;t+e Net Mr. Robb, Taylor bas sold hid farm page 2, i i i 1 ,1004040. WIN6HAMi MARKDTS., Wheat—•90e to 95c. Date -85 to 45 ate. 13ar1ey-48 to uv eta, I'e*a--9Oc to $1,0Oc. Harte 8.00 to $10.00 a ton, Butter -20 to 22 etc Eggs -17 to 18 Cts. 13oteatoet-70o to 80c per bush. Live Rog*— $0,10. to Wm. Taylor, hid brother, for the sum of $4,000 and has bought Robe. Loekhart's farm near Auburn and will trove there ehortly, Mr. Joseph Flynn nn bad ,a euoceesful emotion gale ott the 15th of April.Mr. Purvis Was auctioneer. MrFlynn• and family intend moving to Toron- to in the near future. Pordy'Ce. Mr., Chat. Milner visited at her I sash tees eat 13 c rdy ae Tae't week Mr, Ams 1tintou1, has engaged with i�`ohn Martin for the summers, Mrs. Andrew Gemmill returned from the West where she has spent the past year visiting friends. Mr, and Mrs. John Robinson from near Fordwich visited Mr. and Mrs. R. McMichael last Sunday. Miss Stella Harris of the B line Howick spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs, A. Gallaher. Miss Murray from near Mount Forest returned to her home after visiting her aunt, Mrs. McClean. Mr. G. Bennett returned from the West and has moved on to the farm he purchased from Mr, R. McIntosh. Mr. R. T. Collins of London, who' visited his aunt, Mrs. J. Wray, sang a couple of appropriate solos last Sun- day at the service here. The seryice will be withdrawn in the church here next Sunday after- noon owing to the Sacrament which will be held in Wroxeter at 10,30 a. m. Mrs. Wm. Weir returned home after visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Hart- ley of Vankleek Hill, also friends in Toronto. Mrs. Robert Weir of Toron- to came with her and will visit friends around here for a while. Mr. I. Elliott of the Oth con., Turn - berry, passed away last Friday after a lingering illness. He was laid to rest in Wingham cemetery on Monday. The friends have the sympathy of the neighborhood. Belgrave. Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Hastie, forinerly of Belgrave, purpose attending the General Assembly meetings in Toron- to, and 'hope also to visit for two or three days in Belgrrive and East Wa- wanosh before returning to their home at the coast. RALEIGH, N1 C. CHILD. Made Strong and Well by Vihol. When we tell you that Vinol is the best remedy in our whole stock for making weak, puny, ailing children strong, robust and rosy, We are only telling you what has been proved by hundreds of mothers. Mrs. W. 0. Strother, 'Raleigh, N. C,, says: "My little girl, Hazel, has been taking Vinol to build her up after a severe spell of sickness, It has done so much good by restoring her appe- tite and building up her strength that 1 think Vinol is the finest tonic ever prepared, and I ant telling everyone about it." What Vinol did for this little girl it will do for every weak and ailing child, because sickly children need the strengthening cod liver elements and the toele iron that Vinol contains --that is why Viol builds them i.t quickly and gimes them a fine, healthy color. It is pleasant to take, and we guar- antee that the results will Satisfy you — money baok if they, do not, J. W, McKibbon, Druggist, Wingham. POTATOES. A oar of choke seed stook will arrive thee week oonfisting of four varieties:- - IRISH COBBr as- -The most favor- ably known early potatoes on the mar- ket, very early, large size, splendid keepers, BLISS' EARLY TRIUMPHEarller than Cobblers, more prolific and never known to rot, size not eo large as Cob - biers. DELAWARE.—'hie variety is very popular as shippers. targe, smooth, white etook and excellent cookers. GREEN" M0UNT.A.I11,—Equally pop. Mar as Shippers, and splendid: pro- duoere. We also have a quantity of domestic potatoes in this car, get your rnipply now ds this Will be our least oar tiiie aeamon, MO 2, Z. A 71 SIE. e RI-3EUMA DRIVES OUT RHEUMATISM after 25 Years of Misery, This Man Walks, Works And Feels Fine Again. Right away --the first day you start to take RREUMA, ..the Uri() Acid poi-. son begins to dissolve and leave the sore joints and muscles. Its action is little tees than magical. RREUMA works so speedily yon actually can feel the Rheumatism leaving the body, A bottle costs but 50 cents, and, if you arenot satisfied 3, W, McKibbon will return your money. Read tbis ;-. "I wish to state to you the facts and nothing but the facts. I bless the day a friend brought me a 50 cent, bottle of RUEUMA, I used one-half of it and it did more good than all the other medicines I ever tried, I had been afflicted with Rheumatism all over my body for more than 25 years ; 1 could not walk, and was a broken- down mann. During that time I spent a email fortune trying to be rid of the horrible (Boerne. but without help. lriowever, RI3ET7MA. reached my ease, and I thank God I can again use my feet and do my work. "Before taking your medicine,' was staying with a daughter on her farm, and despite her loving efforts to tempt my appetite I could not eat, After I had taken RHELTMA two days my appetite returned. Yours for pros- perity." Prof, H. 11.. Kolling, 7 S. Ninth St„ Richmond, Ind., Oct. 10, 1912, Uorrie. Miss Gertie White spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs, Dr, Armstrong visited friends in Harriston on Friday afternoon last. Mr. S. Nay was taken quite serious- ly ill on Saturday evening, but is re- covering again. The many friends of Mr. Arthur Spotton will be pleased to see him out again after his severe illness, The farmers around here have com- menced plowing and seeding. George Walker's dog "Teddy" was run over by the noon train on Saturday and killed, Mrs. Merrett of Clarksburg and lit- tle daughter Eva, who bas been visit- ing with her father and mother, Me, and Mrs. Chas. Heibiue for the past few days, returned to her home on Monday. A number around town are having new roofs put on their houses owing to the damage done by the fierce wind storm on Good Friday. Among the numbers are H. and V. Holmes and Mrs. Richard Ross. The same student, Mr. Lee of Huron College, London, occupied the pulpit of St, Stephen's Church on Sunday. Owing to repairs not having been made in the Church service was again held in the Town Hall. Their Sab- bath school was also held there. Mrs. Walter Jewell after an illness of several months died at her home at Forest, Man,, on Friday afternoon, April 18tb. The remains will be brought to the home of her brother, Mr. W. 3. Gamble, on Monday night. A loving husband and two little sons survive her besides two sisters, Mre. Albert Saner and Mrs. John llyndman and three brothers. The funeral will be conducted on Wednesday after- noon from her brother William's to the Harriston cemetery. East Wawanosh. The Council met on April 14th ; members all preeent. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communication from Samuel Peddle received complaining about damage he was sustaining through no proper out- let forwateron his property on North- ern Boundary. The Olerk was in- structed to correspond with Mr. Peddle and suggest that proceedings be taken under. the D. and W. Act for a satisfactory settlement of this natter, Currie -- Stonelaouse -- That 0. A. Jones of Petrolia be appointed. En- gineer for the township under the D. and W. Act in place of 0, D. Camp- bell, Galt-- carried. Mr. Calder, representing the Saw- yer & Massey Co., waited on the Oouncil in reference to the purchasing of a new road grader. Further action regarding the purchasing of a new grader laid over till next meeting Buchanan--Irwin--That J. E. Ellis be appointed tax collector for the present year at a salary of $60 pro- viding he furnish sufficient security for the due fulfillment of said office -- carried. By-law No. 5 and by-law No. 6, 1013, both read and passed. A number of accounts amounting to $97.955 principally for repairs to culverts and waehoute were ordered to be paid ; then -the Council adjourned to meet again on Monday, May 213th, at one o'clock as a Court of Revision and for the transactian of other town- ship business. --A. Porterfield, Clerk, Bluevale. On Wednesday evening, April 1t3ch, a pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Ilea. and Mrs. F, E. Davey, when Mies Fletcher Hawley of Calgary became the bride of Mr. Fred N. Haney, formerly of Bluevale. The bride wee becomingly gowned in pale blue charmeuse satin and car- red bridal roses, Her bridesmaid, Mies rauliee Davey, was gowned in delf blue satin. The bride's little niece acted as ring bearer, and Mr. H. D. Smith supported the groom. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 1+. E. Davey, brother-in-laaw of the bride. Mr. Haney is a young.businees Man of the city, being a representative of the Silks Co. Ltd., Toronto. He le a former graduate of the Winghaatri Business College. The Advance joins in wishing Mr. and Mee, Haney every happiness Exanfinatians. The 3uniout► Blgh School Entrance exanninationtsr for 1013 will be held on the 18th, loth and 20th of Juno and the JuniourPublic School of Gradua- tion Diploma examination for 1013 will be held feom June 113th, to 20th. Candidates who propose writing at either of the above examinations must notify the inspector before the 20th of April. Where fees have been Imposed aa provided In section 46, sub- section 5, of the High School Act, each fees shall be paid to the chief presid- ing officer before the close of the first day of the examinations, . ii:0 36 -in, Reversible T Printed Madras, 0 all the rage for le 10 e� Draperies. !a h �; Nate the price - 15c a yard. MA.RSHALL'S 5e, 10c, ISc and 25c Store FOR SALE. Part of lot Number thirty-three on the South side of the B' line, in the Town Plot of Wingham, comprising three acres more or less and being the premises lately occupied by the late Edward Haines. Upon this pro- perty is situated a brick house and stable. A desirable property. For further particulars apply to the under- signed. DUDLEY HOLMES, tf, Wingham, Ont, FOR SALE. That desirable home consisting of four acres of land, close by the Town of Wingham. A good part of this place is under orchard, small fruits, and plantation. Buildings are all in good repair. Apply nn the pre- miser, to JOHN AGNS W, Lower Winghain, THURSDAY, AMU. 24, 1913 i1IF-• _N, 0111011110100 j DON'T BE AFRAID TO KEEP A TIGHT REIN on that lively or pulling horse of yours if the harness came from here. The reins will stand all the pulling either you or the horse oan do. WE HANDLE HARNESS that is wade for service as well as show. Better secure yours here rather thea frons those far away concerns time deal in har- ness made for show and belling only. Come and choose from real harness, not from a picture of it. THOS. KEW Home of Hand Made Harness.. e W 1NGJ-IAM. I se. sasmismoss ems ssamesees sees AP CHRISTIE'S' GROCERY PHONE 69 JUST IN DRINK Fresh Assortment o ABIT Heinz Goods RELIABLE ROME TREATMENT The Orrine treatment for the Drink Habit can be used with absolute confi- dence. It destroys all desire for whis- key, beer or any other alcoholic stimu- lants. Thousands have successfully used it and have been restored to lives of sobriety and usefulness. Can be given secretly. Costs only $1.00 per box. If you fail to get results from Orrine after a trial, your money will be refunded. Ask for free booklet tell- ing all about Orrine. J. Walton McKibbon druggist. Howick. Council met today in Beswither- ick's Hotel, pursuant to adjournment. Members all present ; the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of Edgar and Crawford were adopted. Moved by Crawford and Edgar that j the following changes be made in the pathznasters :—R. J. Hunter be path - master instead of Geo; A. Dane and I Henry Zimmerman be pathmaster in- stead. of David Hicks—carried. Moved by Harding and Demmerling that By-law No. 4 appointing path - masters, poundkeepees, and fence - viewers be read the third time and passed—carried. Moved by Demmerling and Craw- ford that no action be taken with re- pairing the Earngey bridge until the May meeting ---carried. 3. H. Johnston waited on the Coun- cil asking for a grant for the Agricul- ture Society. Moved by Edgar and Harding that the Council give a grant of $30—carried. The operating of the road machine was then considered. Moved by Dem- merling and Harding -that Bert. King be employed and that he be paid $13 per day and he to furnish everything -'carried. Tenders were then opened for build- ing the abutments of the McLaughlin bridge. Moved by Edgar •and Craw- ford that the tender of Schaefer and Rogers for $3.76 per cubic yard be accepted, the contractors to furnish all material and all excavating — carried. Moved by Crawford and Harding that the following accts. be paid—G. W. Walker, express charges, 35c ; J. F. Lotheran, damages to road, $5 ; A. Graham, jr., filling washout, $1 50 ; Jas, Stewart, putting in culvert, $5.50 ; Stewart Finlay, filling washout, $2; Ed. 'Mathews, work on road, $1.50 ; Jas, Stewart, filling hole in road, $1; D. Wilson, drawing tile and dirt, $6 50 ; A. Gallaher, repairing road, $2; G. Hardgrave, repairing washout and culvert, $8 ; as Mathews, filling in at bridge, ; W. Spencefilling in washouts, $la; F. Gedkie, digging ditch, 50c; Jas. Rowe, insurance on township hall, $3,60; Thos, Hayden, putting in culvert, $5, Moved by Edgar and Demmerling that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on the third Wednesday in May in the Tp. hall, Giorrie'-- carried, O. E. Walker, clerk. Blyth. Mr, Thos. Cowan of Thornhill, Man,, is visiting:relatives in this vicinity. 13orn,--1n Blyth, Apr. 13t3, to Mr. and Mrs, Will. Watson, a daughter. The W. M. Society of the Methodist Church will hold a soelal in the school- room of the Church on Thursday evening, April 24th, District Deputy Grand Master Col- lins of Exeter paid an official visit to our local society of A. F, & A. 141. last Tuesday evening. Rev, Mr. Jewitt addressed the Odd - fellows in the Methodist -aural on Sunday everiina, taking hie text from Eplhesiat s 3:15, A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Rev. Mr, Jowitt also the choir for their musical selee- tione whi+ah aided the service to be impressive and profitable. 6•100110014.00.11100.01•401006100.00•10000.0060W AM. India Relish 41 Spanish Queen Olives Tomato Catsup Select Onions Baked Beans Tomato Soup We recommend these goods. Their quality is unbeatable. They are put up under the best sanitary conditions. Homeseekers' Excursions To MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA each TUESDAY until Oct. 28th, inclusive Winnipeg and Return . . . 535.00 Edmonton and Return . . . 543.00 Proportionate low rates .to other points. Return limit two mouths. Settlers' Excursions To ALBERTA and SASKATCHEWAN Every TUESDAXuntil April 29th inclusive from station in Ontario Port Hope, Peter. born, and West, at very low rates. Through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleeping care are operoted to WINNIPEG without charge. leaving Toronto 11.00 p.m. via Chicago and St. Paul on above dates. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Win- nipeg -Saskatoon -Edmonton. Berth Reservations and particulars from Grand Trunk .Agents. 11. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket - Agent Phone 4 W F Burgman Station Ticket Phone 60. Phone BIG $HOE SALE FOR MEN On Monday next, April 28 At 7,15 p, m. precisely 41 Pairs Men's High Shoes Usually $3.50 and $4.00 For $1.97 Per Pair Nothing whatever wrong with these shoes, simply a clearance of odds and ends. One shoe of each pair shown in south window Note the time, 7.15 p.m. precisely Monday. THE SHOE STORE Sole Agents For The 211111111.11111111111111111111111111 Co. r1 FOR %,�,a LADIES oys Suit Sale 35 Farm For Sale. Centre lot 42, con. 7, East Wawa - nosh, 100 acres, 85' acres cleared, 8 acres fall wheat, 14 acres fall plowed, 4 acres orchard, mostly winter fruit, balance in grass, well under -drained, 1!e storey frame house, kitchen and Woodshed, barn O040, with stone stabling, cement floors, windmill and water in house and barn, 4 miles from postoIfice, school and church. A bar- gain for quick sale. 13'or particulars apply to Wm. Wightcnan, lot 85, con. 10. or Belgrave P. 0. Coal i Coal ! Coal f Direct From independent Mines. Not, Stove and Egg, $6 50 on ear ; Nut, Stove and Egg, $6 75 delivered ; Pea, $5 50 on car ; Pea, $5 75 delivered. Also Soft, Coal and Coke at popular prices, R. 3, OANTELON, Res. 5 doors west of Gurney's Glove Worke, Shed, G.T,R, Enquire at Mooney's. Coal i Coal I Coal I We are taow prepared to receive orders for supplying the best quality oft D. L. and W, Scranton coat at the following prices delivered. Chesnut, $7.15; stove and eigg, $0,00; pea, $6.00. Above prices for April and May. J. A. MoL +'Art, 0i40•rw+0+0.'+ 0.0 Www• uW.51..rt Alt Skin Remedies Fail ? Many eeyeme suii'erere have failed fio titter. ly with etatVCR and O'lier 'kli,eoveriere that oven the a,4uranr e of the shy' loran or emit. faint cannot induce them to invest another dollar in any remedy. lt ii it theft devouraged stttreeerh itsewe tloisler that we new offer, at only £ oonnr„ a trial bpttle ofhe >a0�tepte etabdard COZerfa. totlt�iEd�'r thnpls Waith of Oil Of Wiabsrgre+in, thyiunl and glycerine, es eon)punded in lel).1). Prescription Itundredn of Curer have convinced 1'n and we know yoit can prove inn antly with the ftri;t appltoatto i of 1).1).1). I'reicri tion that it taken away the itch all onee. You have e f t ewe i qu1 nd arter to et instant relief, A. aj, I3114Xl,V6N017rssi{ lei oys' Suits on Sale this week for. $4.49 Wth $ Trousers an double breasted Coats in Tweeds, Greys, J3rowns, Navy verges, regular $8.00, $7.50 and $5.50. See our window as we have all sizes, 25 up to 34. 4 '.P0 `Zu 70 Ci