HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-04-24, Page 7e
p " •
When Suffragettes Ddied
Law in Hyde Park
House Entered by Ladies
Was Stoned.
Louden, April 20, --The Sufftegettes
to -day defied the pollee order pro.
lohiling them from holding Sunday
meetings in various placee, and there-
fore had to run for safety -under pollee
protection front al. angry crowd in Hyde
Park. The brilliant weather, added to
the expectation of a row, drew a bigger
trowel than USual.
The women did not attempt to seeele
frenn the platform, out darted aronnct
sinly and In wos and threes and piped
out "Votes for Women!" Then the). et -
tempted tit make spec Otos. Not one ot
the womeu wee able to get in more than
a few words before the mob,rasieet at
her and began hootine; and hustling.
Several hundred policemen were ou
duty, and they immediately pounced on
the men with a view to saving the wo-
men from' violeitee, -ft,u alSo prevent.
inie: them from eofying the official pro-
hibition of,these meetinp,s. The angers
in every case took the woman by the
:am and l her -towards the exit, but
not one of them was allowed to 410part
quietly, The erowd fuelled at the women
end hooted and pelted 0:ern and threat -
(Tied. the pollee, who were trying to save
them from the veto-re:wee of the mole
The crowd stppearefto be Emery et the
pollee for balking them of their prey,
end the constables 'were made the tar-
gets of mieeiles AA well as the women.
There wes some rough ecrimmaglag
here and there, ana ae times the Police
were swamped by the mob. een elderly
woman dressed in a fashionable nem
got into the halide of the mob andlost
some of kr elothing. notwithetanding
the efforte of the police to reseue her.
Other women were hustled about in
rough feshion by one iJeetion et the
crowd while the poliee were busy in atie
ether part of the paik. About twenty -
Jive women were irm out of the prole,
end iu S01110 N14.08 Were llhable eVell to
reeeh the gates, and the FoTiee had to
hoist them over the rallinge.
When the women arrived the
streefs ooti.zide the park they were no.
better off, 114 there were hoetile erowde
everywhere. Some flea ia cabs, and
°there., who were lose fortunate, were
hooted node hustled by the nsab. in
two inetancee residents of houses ad-
joining the park, who were moved to
compaesion for tho women, opened the
doors of their houses to the fegitives,
and took tliem, at the peril oi having
their windows smashed. The mob, how-
ever, did not attack the nottses, but
contented therneelves with hoots and
It is probable that some of the
women who were huetled about the
streets had nothing to do with the
Suffrturettes but the crowd was on a
woman bunt', and Was not very &aim-
iueting as to whom they attacked. The
pollee were 'kept busy for some time pro.
teeting these women,
A meeting held by tile Women at
Hampstead Heath ahio drew a noisy
noile The pollee broke the meeting up,
on the ground that it was obstrueting
tut ie.
There was a big row at Brighton,
ether° Same Suffragettes made speechee
en the promenade. A bun crowd gather-
ed ane hooted and jostled them. They
also tio•ew pebbles at the speakers. The
race then prreueded the women to quit.
They did. so. lnit were followed by Eta an -
(qv mob whielt. on seeina St11120 Weatell
b • -
eoter a house on neteria Road, bom-
barded it with stenes, nearly every
Will•lOW in the place lied been broken.
The police then charged on the mob and
made three arreetg. Thia aroused tlie
anger of the crowd, and an attempt was
meat, to rescue the prizoners. The pri-
Cotters were held by the police and land-
ed hi the ecation house.
An improvised bomb similar to "hose
previously found at other places Wa8
found in the doorway of the Yorkehiro
ltereld at York today. It Was wrap-
hea up in the trual Suffragette papers.
Panama Trouble Is Plan
of U. S. Senate Leader.
Waehenetoe, 2I.---Abrogatiou
the Ilety-Paencefote treaty and the
Clayton -Bawer treaty,. which preceded
it, is the objeet of a joint resolution
wide+ &meter Chamberlain, of Oregon,
prepared to -day for preeentation to the
Senate, and reference to the, Foreign
Hehitious Committee,
&see clearly Inatkrateil it tvati to be
Mimed by another from Sir tdwerd
Grey. It:es:,-retary for rereign Again Bet
Ode wee withheld in view of intimetione
that President Wilsen would mord ide
opposition to the exemption of Amen -
tart chipping 'from Jolla esi form of
sribeidy, regaril.leie of the queetien aii
ekion was
to whether or not such exem
violation of the Hayerauneefote treaty.
Devee is leaving Washington next
Friday without filing the expected sup-
lementary note. His sueeeesor, Sir Ce.,
Sprimeeltiee, 14 underetood to be
brinoing the late it views of the
Foreien. Office on the subjeet, but their
preoe ation will ilepend ukon the de-
veloinnente in the Congreeelonal situa.
tion following the introduction of Sen-
ator Chamberlain's n.2;0.'41011.
Most of the points eet out hi the
preamble to the resolution have been
developed lit a preliminary way at
least in the epeeeltes of Senator O'Clor-
man aud other advocates of the right
of exemption, As to the prineipal point,
that the Claefton-Iltilwer treaty woe in-
tended to. apply to a canal eonstruoted
Niearagne, $tato Department Offi.
eials have long eonsidered it, but be-
lieved that the treaty lute no such lim-
Dead Financier Remeinbered
All His Employees.
Art Collections' for Pleasure
of the People,
New .Yotk, April 20. ---The will of 3.
Pierpont Morgan will be offered for pre.
bate Monday by his executors, ef.
Morgan, jun., William Pierson Hamilton,
Herbert L. Satterlee and Lewis CaF8'
There are twenty specific. bequeets
amounting to $16,565,000., money
given outrtgat or In treet, hi addition
to a year's salary to Oath employee of
J. V. :Morgan & Co, of this city, and
J. S. 11forgan & Co., of London; $1,000
to each household servant uot othet.
wise .provided for, and a, $1,000 piece
of silver to each member of the Corsair
Club “as a token 'of my pereonal affee-
There :tee aleo bequests of annuities
ameonting to MA150 year,
. Mr. Morgan's great art collections go
'to his only eon, J. P. Morgan, jun„ with
the expresied wiell that be carry out
the fatlier's intention, which the father
bad not time to put into effeet. "to
nuike *some suitable disposition of them
or of such portions of them as I might
determine which would render them per-
manently available for the instruction
and pleaeure of the American peo-
"It would be agreeable to me," says'
the will, "to have the Morgan Memorial,
whiell forms a portion of the property
of the Wadsworth Athenaeum at Hart-
ford, Conn., utilized to effectuate a part
of this purpose."
J. P. Moroan, jun., gets $3,060,000
outright ane all of the reeldrutry es-
tate. leis 'slaters, Mrs. William P.
Hamilton, Mrs. Herbert L. Satterlee,
ond Miss Anne Morgan, each receive
To his widow, Mr. Morgan willed an
income of $100,000. She also has the
use of the eitreiome -at Madieou aveuue
and Thirty -Sixth street, aud the me-
tre- home.
The largrit single 'bequest outeide of
those to the family is $000,000 left in
trust to the trustees of the diocesan
convention of New York. The income
of $‘300,000 -of this fund mice to St.
tGeorge's Church, of whiche'lla Morgan
was senior warden, for the support of
the mini:4,1y, and the ineome of $100,000
is for the establishment and support
of missionary statione of the Protest.
ant Episcopal Church in this State, pre-
ferably within the archdeaconry of Or.
The eeeond largest gift outelde of the
family provisions is $'250 000 outright
dto my friend, 3, Beavor Webb."
Mies Belle da, Costa Greene, "who has
long been my efficient librarian." re-
ceives outrieht $,Ri.o0o, and a Wl81.1
expressed that 3. P. Morgan. jute. to
whom as residuary legatee the Mor-
gan library pames, may retain her as
Iepon the Ilay.Peenteefote treaty,
Ofeat Britain bases her protests against
free paveage for Ameriean ehips the
Panama Canal. Senator t lutinherlitito
a leader in the Senate of the free pees,
age exponetts, deelared to -day that he
considered aloe:gation 'of the treaty the,
easiest and quickcet way to frt. to the
bottom of the affair,
Senator Chamberlain 'eeplained that
while Cleytetn-Bulwer had 'been super-
seded by the existing Thiy-Pituneefote
treaty, lie included it'in Wei resolution
for abrogatioe, upon the theory that
\Vera the Hay-Perinea:4e treaty to be r at a moment when hie fettle
:abrogated alone, t4reat elterition taken up with twin I IA
rebeee her elaime upon the oltil trmiglea, etesiniliroiveitettnitiothie latter than et:11401011J
snowleg the (ddidee
with the contention that the abreagt:- '1
thin of Its istiereseier 111 left it in Ii?ft:el* t it rieleehbor, who was paRs•
:Abrogation of a treaty involve's the iiiV)-t.ei the titillation rit .a
gieks and the approval of the presia )1. • 411AIllit.1118/.1ititifineiti.A‘211101'1 1,1111tIVIWetVourPiTtrtitta
pint fiction of both ITetteee of Cie - •
begun to revolve and the eltildes headt'wlas
One rciAlla of the introdtletion oi le nenrly etvered 'from hie el 11
reeolut ion volute; in 'inetarit death: unt "st 1."
Probable' will be to hasten
To Mies Ada Thurston, a library em-
ployee, is given $10,000; to Ceptain-IV,
13. Porter, seilieg master, $15;000; to
Mrs. Margaret, Heedersen, hOusekeepor
at Prince's Gate, 1- 1 tinfl
,J011(.011, a year;
'fo Hem rendry, butler at Pripecee
Gete, 4,250 a year; to Mrs. A:leiner,
housekeeper at Itoehamptoe, $1,250
year: to J. F. MeLeod, gardener at Do,
ver House, $1,250 a year; to Melt of Boston, Ifass„ April 10. ---Twenty
the other servants ill New York, High- cabin passengere, ell from Scotland, be -
land Falls, Prince's Gate and Dover -came brides upon the eerivel of the
House, who leave been in Mr, Morse:es Paxismil yeS1erday, •
employ eont biliously for five years, Die.appointed when the immigration
$1,000 outright. °Ukiah.; held them up, the girle plead -
Vatter the will, "my friend, Arary ed to be allowed to lana, but the law
eyfellvaine," of Loedon, Was to helve gevereing steal mere. le inexorable, The
$‘250,000 outright, but, in a e mai eao, young Men lied eoine prepared to have
ea January 0, two days after the will the Thaetlegee pet forinrel on the pier,
was exeeuted, this legaey wee ehamea ae they brought their liceneee witIr
to an amity of $.25,000. A yrily In- them? and were taken on board the
tome of $115,000 is bequeathed to Dr. eteemer and became husbende tie soon
satisfactorily answered.
qnestione had boon
James W. Markoo, or to his wife In tea as the 11-eivegarY
event of his death. -
The third largeet sum given eutrieht In each instance the young people
$100,000 for the nonse aoit ter had become, engaged in eltotland, and
Soueumptivee, to be deelgnated as "The the ruining of the girls was in aceord-
Amelia titurges Morgan 111 e uteri al 111100 with an agreement made at beim.
Pund," in memory of istr. '.11Toegen's °fit.
..0.0`1•4114•01,000t.••••114.0 '
Chicago Maternity Homes
In Strict Investigation,
Physicians and Sanitariums
Divide Profits.
Chicago, April 20. --Splitting ar-
rangements between physicians and
onitariums, based on the barter of
babies, were revealed before the Gene
eral Aseembly Committee appointed
to investigate iteeternity homes and
etitutions where children aio 1:014,
The teiiiinony cusciotieo an agree -
Ment :e*; which the physician recom-
mending a maternity home to a girl
recelvee otuethird 01 the money paid
to the sanitarium and revealed that
Chicago is a clearing house for found-
lings throughout the Middle Weet,
The committee was told that moth-
ers. disposed of their babies before
birth, signiug a contract in which they
agree "to never see said child, but do
release and abandon it forever," The
legislators were informed that babies
were slapped out' of the State when
only a few hours old and their moth-
ers were employed to enrse the in-
fants of the wealthy.
Superintendents of maternity homes
adulated they kept no records; that
once a child was sent away there was
nothing by which the infane. could be
vfluf don't you ever enquire how
these baletes are treated; whether they
live er die?" enquired Chairman Cur-
ran es Dr. Charles S. Wood, of the
Union Park Maternity Homo.
"We keep no records at all," he re-
The testimony brought out the fact
that eighty-five per cent. of the pat-
ients in the maternity hoepital. aro
from out of the State. The heads of
the homes said they advertised ex-
tensively, that they had "babies foe
adoption," but that such advertise-
ments are. blinds. They said the de -
mend for the babies exceeds the sup-
Dr. Wood said that in twelvd years
there have been. 665 patients in his
hospital. He said he spent $1,600 in
advertising, mostly in farm pablica-
tions. He charged patients from $100
to $300 each, he said.
Dr. F. W. Briney, superintendent of
t'he Anna Ross Snnitarium, testified
that there . were eight mothers and
babies in the sanitarium, the standard
charge in etteh case being $60. These
mothers, he said, were sent to him by
physicians. He said he paid $20 to
the physician for each patient sent to
him, "At least two out of every three
cases are from other States," he said,
The witness explained it was a simple
matter to get rid of the babies left by
young mothers at the "home."
e "We have calls for three times as
many babies as we can give away,"
said Dr. Brinek,
"We charge the mothers nothing for
giving their babies awny, but we are
paid by. the money the mother earns
in nursing."
"Have you an account book or
.saisdre keep a loose leaf book," he
41— •
Toronto Hydro Quitters
Apologize to Ellis.
Toronto, April 21. --Mr. P. W. Enis,
Cho irm of- of the city Hydro-Electrie
Cominissiou, Netted hie promised elate -
meet bet eveningein ponneetion with el e
dismiesel of Min hitt-eager W. R. Swee-
ny. In connection with .the statement,
Mr. Ellie made peblie tt letter eleolee by
four of the men who eignat
Sweany's letter of aunplaillt• to the City
Couneil. Theee ineu ere Mezere. e. Mad
Callon) Superintendent of eub-etatiore;
J. G. dackeoe, oleetrical negincer; A. (..h.
Long asaistant eleetricale engineer, ;um
Herb'ert Barber, aFsiklant to the acting
manager. Their letter to the ohairman
withdraws the statement they mode,
contains a complete apology and says
they misundersiopd the eirenansternees
and did not appreetate the gravity ef
their couree. It is said others of the 1021
have expreseed a desire to withdrew
their charges,
altitough they are ilistattly
The Reiter calle the Prince "eoussin,"
but the blood. relatiottehip between the
two would he teutol hendrede of sere
ba ch.
Althrotgh Ptincete Auguetine not of
a reieninee her` father Wee in de
reet etweeeeion, lrom the threne of Thee
mania, Ile Teem:owed. his right of etue
eeseion at Baden-Baden in ISSO. The
meant Prinee of the family bee remain-
ed quietly utost of the time in hie hie -
torte eeetle, pitehee on a high crag lie-
- bee above the Town of Sigmaringen In
M11(1110110% n.
Prineeee Augustine: le deeidedly good
looking, anti has the added advantoge of
being young. She was born on Ana.
' 100, 1g00.
The family to which the Princess be-
longs is tho only Ifolieneoleirn family
whieh belongs to the Roman Catholic
Wholesale Wedding on Ship
bOard at Boston.
Sir Chas, 1). Rose, Former
Canadian, Succumbs. liameetary electIous along the same
lines shall immediately be conshiered,
Tho adoption of thie inethod b,y the
Was Friend of Late King
(inimiwr would mean the end of the
etrihe, whielt is parahtein hie tuu
of Ending. Ah
Belgian Trouble.
Clericals May Flop and
Carry Conciliation.
lima:sole, April 20. ---The °pluton time
.general• in volitive' eireles that at the
session of the Chamber of 'Deputies on
Tuesday the (lovermnent will be pre-
pared to accept the consiliatory motion
of the Liberal leader, Messon, This
peovidee 11114 if the Parliamentary
,C*ounnittee appointed recently , to son -
eider the refeem of the provineial and
communal franehise system evolves a
plan Which appears to be a mullet:it
• improvement on the present methods,
then the advisability of revising Par -
Edward. 111(11161 2108---a Strike, W111011, jUdgillg
• from present • ladle:Won:et has uot yet
reriehed anythitte like higlowater met.
It ie known that soverey of the more
Londoe April 20. ---Sir Charles. Day
moderato Clericel deputies do UOt .4y111,
rt°", M. P., 1.1, .):°11tv°41•1 pathize with the Government'e ueconie
president of the Royal Aero Club,
eyaelitaman and breoder ol raee borsee,
died to.day Nvitit tragic sueclehecesi
He made hie. first flight as a paesenger
in an aeroplane at ITemion this after-
iroon end was delighted with hie novel
experionete On hie. way to his home
in motor ear he Med from ileart
Sir Charles departed on hie home-
ward journey about 4.30 o'clock and
hie death muet have occuvred ;lame -
7,qeafore, April euroeity le
know whet was inside it heave iron roper
proved fatal to the four -year -red son .of
feeeeeno Durnside, a termer near bete.
11'0 little bov erawled part way into the
the definitien of the attitude rf
Adrainietration toward tee ebee, SCOTT'S DIARY PRAISES MEN.
tipti of the e:eemptien of Anterivan Ala)). Loudon, A 11 ir
2 ...i captain li'.' 84e1)iii,LietY0 .'?"ttth III)/ 1%0'1(11
she expreeses° i3.%.
p:ng from t011s in the Panama Cana, tilt Antath, hits whitthh a ihtul.rs tilt-pl
ethiell. it le uteleietalel, Prceident Wil- ne.,e/spa, eers'in wideh
',on intended to koep in Ow baa:grenind ta.an1-4, for the sympathy exteidel to litt
until the teriff logielation lie 1 'tiro- in her Iberieoayrermocnnotrot.ja:tyl i'n : ' ier
geeeeee tame hit a 0) f . . -t• I hotly 10 , /1 1 • nt thanks eve eye
ienteron itt the itiousnbinennho4latilinfAhewsili Lielie added. tliat her
. .uberiptione
lime" ..._ _mi Am practiettto 6 pubitmlied in tedi
began hist sninmer by the preeentation i (..mestanee_ the glory oe tbe e'xt11;p;:edr:40114e6nliirttl
ei _ diary, "featly ifeott s'
Ily taeit Revetment the negotlaitione 111.1 them
of (heat Beauties preliminitey uote Wive eel!, %Pelt et,pvere offieer and man eon.
ativetlf Ltnect ta It.
bcon 110111 in ithetanee einee the
tinfoirithien totitt.vekt.A.r;len4eitill_stara.tion, 'file Tara The tinuf*"*-*****-******--**"''"f habit etarted in England in
I led by Aufbaseedor l'iie2.
lo...0000doomor-41, roao....010-o
p rem ie ing at t ude,
it woula require -the defection of
only nine Clensels to assere the pass -
ego of the motiou, nna there is lithe
donlit that the Sovieliste would accept
the olive Mauch offered lo the motion.
Tide ie indieated by en article by tee
Sovialiet deputy, hi. °I/Potreo, of Char-
leroi, in wheel speake 'of "ponee,
it Well meet Wee:40-4101y be tinged on
There is no doubt that the eater tioa
where between the Aerodrome ilea lee will be vevy agave if the Giverement
residence. in North Andley Auk, 118.,
when ihe chauffeur drew up the ear
at the doer and got 410W21 to aseist
eiir Charles, to alig,ht, lte 'found the
baronet dead.
Outries :Day Rose, the second
ot the Rt. Hon, Sir John Rose, of
Montreal, was born in 1817 that
city. Ile was created a baronet in
1000. He \MS a captain in the Mont-
real Garrison Artillery and assisted to
quell the Fenian rebellion in Canada
in 180a.
Ile was a, member of the Joekey
-1:1111) sine° 1801, and Wai3 for a time
raeing pariner of Ring Edward
when Prince of Wake. lie wee email.
dent of the Royal Automobile flub of
England, Later he became intereeted
ill yaehting, his boete ineluding the
Emerald, the Satellite, and the ,Aurera.
lie once iseued a. challenge - for the
America's Cup, which, however, was
He sat in the Britieh House of Com -
moue for the Newmarket division of
Cainbridgeshire from JalltUtry, 1003, to
:January, 1010, when he was defeated,
Ina was re-elected in December, 1010.
Ile Wag 41 Liberal.
lila mother Wa s the daeghter d?
Robert Emmet Temple, of Rutlend,
11, Hie father, iSir john Rose, was
the partner of Levi P, Morton in- the
Anglo-Amerlean banking hope of
'Morton, nese and (RIlhpany, Sir Charles
leter taking his fathers place in the
Ife hese ehoke in Parliament a week
ago Frtday, when, hei eeecraded the
National Serviee Bah Ile Was 110
(vide, Liberal io Leek the measere.
I 7 I
Ex-Kini to Marry a Ger,
.man Princess.
otaks•••.• p•Al,
Had Joy Ride on c. P. R
and Escaped.
T (gall to, April el,—The Conaeian Pa -
eine deteetives are now eoneta
vorino to locate a nervy thief, who stole
Et ligla engine from the siding et 1.1roele
junction, and. when going on a long die-
tence."joy ride" unwittingly ran the lo-
comotive mio the Guelph yards, where a
freight engine standing on. the read was
rammed headeen ante throwu into the
theft occurred early yeelerday
afternoon. The station agent and
watchman noticed the engine iiapidiy
pull ottt of the siding and ruela. along
the line. From Brock Junetiou the
thief rualted merrily along the road
to INfoffat station, on the Guelph. and
Coaelieh line. The driver then decided
to take another little jaunt, and Un-
knowittgl, ran into the Guelph yerds.
The a eeidint which occurred there
fortunately was not a serious 6110, and
uo person was injured. When the de-
railment occurred the mysterious driver
vaniehed before any of the yard hands
coeld sceure hitn, The railway autliori-
ties aro now making every effort to ap.
prebend. him, and will conduct a rigid in.
vestigation into the affair.
Calgary, April 20.---Tite only change
in the reeults of the Provincial elections
sinee Saturday mooting is the transfer
of luniefeil feat the 'Liberal to the Con.
eervative column, whet,. Areher won
out by a majority Of SOV011 Over 01 0101
tlle °Meet member of the laet
Legielature and former Deputy Speaker
of the Territorial House, The figures
now eteed: Liberals, e8; Coneervativee,
10; doubtful 1,
The recount of the ease of llon. A
G. Med:flee Liberal, in Edmonton, the
running mate of non. W, Croes, Will
begin toenorrota
Amu. en, Pormer King Van-
inq or Portugal is betrothed to Prin-
cess Augustine Vietoire, daughter of
Plinee Wilhelm of Holieneollere, a relit -
tire of the :Kaiser. The formal 011,
nounceinent lias not I eon iliaille but it
ie uuderetooil that the ariangements
have +eon eompleted and the offieial
etatemetit will soon be forthcoming.
. King ?gantlet i‘t 110W l'141t1t1g Sigtonr•
ingen Criethe the home of Prin: ees
Atigrotinese father, evil lie has epont
much of bie time there einee laet fall.
Even though official ennfirmation ie
lacking, it le believed that the report
is authentle.
The marriage 'Will not Ming the ex-
Xiug into Orme leletionellip with the
it'aiser. Men though leltieer
Ana Prinee Wilhelm are both Ifolieneol-
they belong to different familiee,
refmes 1 /Inept a eOluproul!s4e at the
coming eezeton of the Chamber; is
questioeable whether the leadere will
then be able to hold itt the etrikers.
The number: of thoee who have joined
in the 1110Vetuellt vemaine almost nu -
changed, with a elight tendency to la -
crease. The Soelalists assert that
there will be 500,000 111011 out to -mor.
The burgontheters of Brussele received
e if cation to -eight that the municipal
gas \vorkers will go ou strike Tueeday
oight. The prietere have eecided to re-
turn te ork bevense of the feet that
the Clerieal papere have the fited to
themeelves, but will coutributo half oe
thole wagee to the strike fend. On the
State reilroade prteeenger traffic, tor the
week fell to sixty five, per eked.
Already the 'strike lute caused. groat
loesee to Belgium's iodustriee, about 75
per cent. of which have to do with ex-
port. Leading bushmes mon say- that
Most of this has now gone abroad awl
that it is their experienee that it will
not easily emu, batik, The seem eon-
dition appliee to the collieries, altieh
are losing 2110rO that $200,000 dail*,sh
suecEeDs momicKEN.
Winnipeg, 'April '20.--A. re Donny-
eaetle, Deputy Proxinelel Seeretaey, lute
reeigned from that positiot toil will take
over the ditties of Provincial Pollee Mag.
istiate, etweeeding Alexander Mdellekeit.
Baldwinson, :1f, P. re Milli,
_ lute eeeigned Seat in the Provinoiel
ttgielaterie. and lets boil appointed to
seceeed 7101112y0a41 at3 1)01alty 15140.
't 11.010 Seereiary.
- L. 'reeler, IC, Ce Las boon oskiel by
ft large Dundee' of the eleetere of the
ceestituoney Mint, both Csitservit-
tht aud TATA, to aseept, the seat
vacated by Mr. Baldwinson, and lie has
signified hie aceeptanee,
retie. Alai' 12.0. •-,artgene Proepor
efevor of the City of Gentillee
to the !teeth of Pieria, W.I PU.11011(14
pmteriby to 15 year* impritsonment
on u charge oY attemptieg to merrier
two elderly wemen by e t lig them,
on December eilth Wit, at Perrot; near
Piton a ae promitent morehant
ttnd it was alleged that the Motive ef
the treue Wah robbery, tt4 he had re -
(Tittle? Met heavily in epeculatiore
orarro........amorroalt • 1
Runaway Machine Took
Children Into Seine.
Paige, ApTil 20. ----Two ehildreu. of Is-
adore, Munn, the Allieri04111 &Wel°, ft
girl of fiVe and a boy Of three, and
their Englieh governese, Were draWned
lt\t:elrieenrlatilLe atouotnogroonliiieleiloi:
levard Bourbon, ie the euburb of Neu.
pluegod from the road-
way ioto the Sete° River,
The maelilue bad been brought to n
etop by treother automobile approeelt-
ing from the opposite direction one
had beet power. The chaetteur de-
scended the ground and started the
carburetor, but es the power had out
been tweed off the machine started
abruptly and headway so quick.
ly that the chauffeur was unable to re-
gain his seat.
The motor ear, with no guiding hand
at the steeriug wheel, loft the roadway
and ren over the embankment, which
then dashed into the river.
The chauffeur ran or walked dis-
tenee of haif a mile'to the police sta-
tion, where he stunmened help. 'When
aid reaehed the scene of the accident
the water was nearly up to the roof of
the closed car, 'The three inmates
were unconscious when token out, and
they died shortly afterwards while pity-
siciens were tryine to resuscitate theme
Paris Thugs Went Liquoriess
to Guillotine.
Parie, Aped 2L—None, of the three
auto-bantlits who were guillotined in the
Fre tub. erepitel ehortly before 5 teeloek
this mailing woula take the big glfe-et
of rum offered, AG ie tenet]. to moo about.
to he exeetited. Collet -nen and eh -Aldo
just eignefiall their refusal by 0 nee,
While Monier said, "I will not elehholize
Without the definite. knowleige that
letonday wee to be the day of their death,
the three eondemned men played cards
on Sunday afternoon in jail. Stuldenly.
while the game was going on, Callemin
roeo atilt mid, "I have a preeentiment
that thee Le my last day. Toonorrow*1
See Deibler, the exeentioner." This
morning whon ho was teld 'Too time
lete eosne," lie said: 4Then this is the
day withoet a tomorrow."
4paew •
011ertees ef the I?Ope's condition as MUell
The Pope laity recdAer frem pre-
eent illnese end linger fee' menthe, but
he will elwa,ye bo invalid and prase
tinily heft/rider,
rf 10,10 I; h ill 411,0401 Ill rep t
te the ernieleve and the vied:Lou ef the
ettecezeor to Piths X. elle meet likely
earelidate 8001214 to be Cardinal
Denude Ferrate.. who ie a friend of
Cardinal Rampolia, the Seeretary ref
State 'antler Pope Leo XIII, tie le a
num of great tad anti experienee, anti
wenhl Platte a pohtieal as well 88 a
N1440114 Pope, The only draWinuilt
vandillney ie seandal in which a
woman Wa8 llIVOIV011 Moot he was
nuncio at Perla The woman followed
him from Belgium and made several
8001208 by trying. to, fiee 1111121 de-
claring. that he owed her monoy. The
pollee expelled the woman from
144railee. The leelilea Was forgotten,
and he was 212a(10 eardinel \viten his
friende said. that the wonuto Was en
adventaress, who Watt trying to get
meney out of 1110;1114 of It
Cardinal Gibbons Shocked
At His \Vords,
Regarding People's Trust.
Charms and,Saints,
13altimore, April 10,—When part of
the epeeter of Sir William Oeler at the
derlioalory eXercii08 of the Philp.; lies-
er the Mule Tiopkine
ifoepi lel evae reed to Cavdinal Clibbone,
the prelate evelnimed: "1 am sbook-
Sir William, who is professor of med-
icine la Oxford University, said in
part: "Primitive views will prevail
oven eller° of males relation with the
world aml to the mehaeted religion
about bine So recent le the control.
of the forces of nature that even in
the moet eountriee man has
not yet adjusted himself ehe new
eonditions end stands, only half awake,
rubbing his eyec..
"Ninety-five per cent. of oftr fellow
creatures, when tronble, sorrow or
sickness, trust to eharme, incantatione
ilea to the saints Many shrine hag
more followere thee Pasteur, limey a
saint more believers than Lisle,
"Less ihnit teverifeafiVe years ltriye
paSieti sinoe the last witsh wee burned
in the British Isles.
'Montane. the race is still in leading
-eitrings, In the childhood of the world
ean not expeet people to put away
ehildish thinge.'
"geieetiste in any lino eometimes
make statements mobil as that of Dr.
Oeler," said the Cardinal, "and only a
short time ago I had to defend, some
blithe thet Thonme A. Edison attacked.
"These seientific epeeialiets think
their etetements should go unchallen-
ged but tide one of Dr Oeler ehall not
Atritilt,tiletsliita.11 write to him asking him to
"I would like to efill the attention of
Dr. Celer to the fact tient Pasteur was.
a devoted Catholic, and put Ids trust in
the saints, Tee stied that es hie know -
Jeep of his medicines increased. his
faith grow likewlee. The statemente
attaintett ft) Dr. Osier ere en attrtek
"I: am suvpristel thet slimed make
eneh attacks in Ole lige.
"What do the things flak Dr. Oaler
preaehes stand for. anyhow? Vilty
yeara hence all his teachings may be
overthroeen by new diecoveries. efis
whole doetrine is based on theory.
efifty years ago the scientists of
that (lay imagined they knew all that
was to be known of mertieinee yet to-
day their vonclusione are overthrown
by late discoverice.
"l'he Catholic Chureh is not foundea
on theory: and whereas the wifole
well(' is lafOrIllea of its doctrines, the
conclusions of Dr. Osler are known to
comparative few. The world. at, pre-
sent ie alarmed by the condition of
the head of the church and changes 'in
las 1Wal Lk are of great interest — more,
perhaps, than that of any seientist
whom we now know."
Dr. Osler when informed that the
Cardinal regarded his reported. utter-
aneve ne an attack on Chrietianity ap-
peared to be greatly disturbed.
"I am no enemy of the saints," he
declared. "7 will talk to my friend
the Cardinal about this as soon as gei
beek from Nett' naVen."
Sir William made it dear that he re-
portunity to settle -the difference by a
gretted the exeition talheli by the Ca:-
ainro about it. ife mentioned the Car-
dinal's 11111120 in a wily to indieate that
ly and that he is eager to have an op -
heal t4o-heart talk,
hie feeliegs toward the prelate are kind --
Cardinal Ferrata Favorite
For the Position.
Rome) April 20.-- During the illnees
of the Popo the government of the
Orwell is in the ban& Of Write-
ivrete of Cardinals 'Merry del Val,
Vivrely Trittie and Cejatan Thu
triumvirate will go out of meet nee
when the Pope dim bet, OA the Poetiff
may live for eome nenithe pt. it will
be all poeertul until the end c011105.
Three cerilinels Maintain unpreee-
deuted eeeleoy tO the Pope's eon-
dition, end 1110 only detaile which are
given oet are the .1aeonie, optimiKtie
bulletins of the dectore, svhieh Are
imperviseS personally bF Cerinal Merry
(lei Val in order to minimize the mai-
Pius X,
on the Road to
Doctors Wilt Issue No
Further Bulletins.
Rome, April ele Pope Pitts X. con-
tinued to -day on the 'road to von-
valeecenee. A brief bulletin to this ef-
fect. wee issued by Doctors Mareldafava,
ana Amite at the Vatlean this.moming,
with the announcement that the Pon-
tiff's ernedition was so satiskaotory that
there would be no farther bulletins pub.
ilelied as to his health.
The Pope this morning wae in »melt
brighter epirite, and felt altogether
stronger. He still suffered from spells
of coughing, but the expeeteentien
•companying it was loose. As the day
was brilliantly sunny, the pontiff WaS
allowed to rise and sit in tut armchair,
in whieh he wee taken to a seat in front
"cif the eteeed windovr, into which the
Mlles rays poured in it eonstant
For the that time since his, last relapse
the Pope was able to look into. the 1121,1
mense piazza, Di San Plattoa Whieh was
alive with people, When he saw that
a largo number of flags were flying he
aidred. the reason and was informed that
-to-day was the anniversary of the foun-
dation orRome, 2`,003 years agree The
Pontiff remarked;
"Mee grow with age, while men
The physteians and attendente of the
Pope are takinO•the greatest . proem.
tione to preveitt him from making any
exertion pet now, al -1 any activity on
part etill regarded tie dangerous,
owing to his xecent lew-eondition. As
the Poetiff, however, is most desirous
of beginning work again, he often in-
siete that Mgr. Mreesan and Mgr. Pes--
eini, .his provate seeretariae, read him
the most important of the letters which
aceumulated :during his illness. -
The bettermen of hie health wee so
marked. t d a y that Pro feserni t ore
hfarchinfava permitfed lihn a change of
diet, consisting orerice . cooked in the
Vele:Mau way, a small piece of breast of
chieken, and half a &se, -ef old :Bor.
denote -
I 4 e
Political Club Wag Neadv
Wiecked by Dynamite.
New York. April e,.`, The bomb -
throwing which. nearly wreeked the
four storey brownetone building of the
Poeassett f lab, a Tammany organiza-
tion, eerly to -day, is charged by the Po-
itgai»st unknown politleal enemiee
eembly distriet.
of Nicholae .T. Hayes, for twenty years
the Tammany leader of the 2011 Ae.
Hayes, a framer eheriff, ie president,
of the Pocaseett Club, which ie located
on 110th street, io. the beart of Littlo
, it expleded with emelt tome. that every
Italy, of the upppr east side.
The bomb, heavily eherged with tip»,
mite and tightly wound with wire, Wa4
thrown. into a basement hallway, where
window in that and some adjoining
buildinge were broken. part of one floor
itnogr an 101Pf, taline4 Pliinosntseer of?ilataill,winoura;i113-.
The only persons in the place) at the
time were four men playieg cards, nom -
of whom wits more than silightly injur.
ed. The thickly settled neighborhood,
however,. was roused almost to a state
of panic, The perpetrator of the aut-
rage escaped without ,leaving any chive
. ' <1. a- 11 <,
Magistrate Would Appoint
Prisoner to Police.
Sault Ste. Marie, Onte, April 21. ---To
take a prisoner from the doeketunt give
hien a ' job on the pollee force wee the
extraordinary propoeal anade to Chief
heincont by Police Magistrate Elliott in
Central court this morning, when Paddy
O'Neil, former Guatiteman from the
Brinell. army, and who had seen service
in South Afrita, faced the benelt on a
charge of having troesed the interna-.
tional railway :bridge into fettinda. con-
trary to the fumigation Act.
When. Paddy entered the court he
bronght his beetle together with military
precieion, though with a most. natural the Pop grathprea ionnd litm, itot be
0114 Ste0t1 to -attention. 'trans- cen.,f. of the gravity of his illness, but
Pine! that hig reaSons erooditg .1 he from their deeire to be near the patient.
bridge at enidnighe was none other than htitle that Father Pavan, the Pope`e
Report 1 hat Evangelist Se-
cured Million Dollars.
Mtmtreal, April 111 ---Word bee been
received here, by friends, that D. Kidd
the Toronto -Hamilton evangelist, who
two or three years ago was lett ft
fortune by Australian, otiose
daughfer he had saved from a life or
shame, and who went to the Anti-
podes to claim the money, estimated
at over a million, will return to Can-
ada on April 26.
Those with whom he has corree-
ponded believe Mr. Kidd has eue-
ceeded winnig his suit against the
other claimants to tho muneSe
In accordance with the conditions
of the bequest, the evangelist has to,k_
en the name of the millionaire, "and
now signs 'himself Mold Kidd -
Vatican Newspaper on Re-
ports on Pontiff.
Rome, April 2 1. --",The 0:qie-rratore Ho-
. •
mano, the Vatierin rieW8paper, in pule
likhing the. last bulletin on the health
of the Pope, a1111011rieetS that it will con-
tinue to ehroniele the eondition of the
dietinguished. iiatient, and will orelerivor
to eet right maws ,of the erroneetts re.
porte which have been put in eireula-
tion, although it reetigetizes that the
prees of all parties awl in all eountriee
has intliecriminately ehown reepeethil
and unanimous interest in the Pontiff.
The paper insists that the relations of
-that he eonld gat acress for nothiage The
.offeneo.ia serious one front tile illuld-
gratiolt standpoint. Priddy woe broke,
belt hie • apparent respectability -anti
smartneee eaused the bench to
"Yeti \valid make a good policeman.
Can you. give Min a job, Ohief?"
"Not at present," lm replied.
"Not even special service- at night ?"
said the ,bench,
As the negative was given, the magis-
trate told Paddy to. get a. job in the
city, and or; soon as there NM% a vacancy
he -would be appointed.
.Athens, Greece, April 21. ---The reply
of fleet Balkan fillies was presented to
the Eutopean powers to.day. he a
general aeceptanee of the offer of medi.
atien between Turkey ond the al110-4,
with the reeertettion, however, that the
queetione of the diepoettl of the islande
in the elogian Sea and. of the delimita-
tion of the frontiers of the Province of
Thrace's. and of the future State of M.
bailie shall "be left open for debato be-
tween the allies and the powers attring
the negotiations,
Paris, April P.O.-111e eupereDread.
nought Proveneeo was launehed to-dav
L'Orient, M. Pitere Etudin, the Min-
ister oT Marine, in a epeeeli at a lunch-
eon after the launehing, congratulated
the country on 11)0 fact that the ship
had boon pa into {lie water in eleven
menthe end, twenty days after ber ton-
struetien hail been commeneed, and nisi)
on the feet that sister ship Bretagne
will be lesinelied to -morrow.
The eonetruetion work showed a. big
improvement, he said, Pe the ;Nan l3art
foul Courbet were thirteen months ori
the etoeks.
'Sew Yoilts April 21.---Isatlora Minoan,
the deneer, grief-strickee over the death
of her two Whine). and their nurse,
'a era IltOWIled Sattirday when the att.
tomoblIe in Which they were riding
plunged into the Seine 1St Paris, is Said.
in table tolvices toelay, have have defite
itely amannteed lier division to lease the
etage awl to devote the reet fif lier life
to the (etre of the poor and sick as a
216sPital ranee. It is maid that VI soon
as she reeovered frone the shock of
the eseident she Will go to the fiold of
military operations in the Tialkaue and
join the Bulgerian lled
Will Call For Nearly 200-
000,000 Pounds.
London, April. 20. ---If the British
-stondard of valuation were the dollar
and not the pound sterling, the coining
!budget would andoutitedly be known as
the billion. dollar budget, fox the. eum
which David Lloyd -George, the Chan-
allor of the Exchequer,. will have to ask
of the nation in the budget epeeeh this
week falls a very .little short of
£200,000,00te The principal item* of
this unique budget are as follows:
National debt -e24,500,000
Jeoeal frovernment grants,
road°board, etc.. .... 10,800,000
Royal and judicial servicee.. 1,/00,000
Ealucation.. t .... 10,645,000
Old -acre pensions, national
health insurance, etc... e0,00,000
otbar civil sarvicea 15445,000
Collation -of reveirup.. .... 4,533,000
Peateffiee telegrapa mid tele -
plumes . .... 24,300,000
Total oivil expendithre XJ20,888,000
..... 44100,000
Army.. , • • • • *6 101 • f v • 2814•20i000
$1,000t000 NEW YORK FIRE.
New York, April e`h----A loss of near-
ly a million dollars was eausea by fire,
altieli destroyed the old Shooter& Island
ehipyard in the Kill Neon Kull, near
Staten Wand, New York bay, early to.
day, The plant had been purehased a
few year's ago by the Standard 011 Com-
pany. Besidee sweeping the yard, the
fire. burned to 'the water's edge the large
transfer ferry express of the New York,
New Haven & Hartford Ilailroad, the
ferry boat Vordham, barge ahul two
The Clerman Emperor's relit, hletoor,
WOO 1111111. la the Shooter's Island :yard
ht Wben many celebrities,
lug Prince Henry of Prussia were zres.
ent et the' launching.
St. Louie, 'Mo.—West lend Ireiglite,
one of St. Louis' beit known eammer
gardens, Wag de-ltrt2yeil by fire early to-
day at an estimated- hies of $e200,000.
011e 1114111, 1).111 Slattery, the aatelinian,
who eves ill of pneumonia in hie bed in
the hotel, is miesing, And it ie feared
that lie peri.thea.
tupletw, eelebrated ntass daily, and ad,
mieietered lite conmoinion 1 ale Holy
Welland. Aprll coo-
ilticter 4tf etielitean Central and T., IT.
B. *yard er0w. Wag :ceStertlar
\Oen a freight ear standing' paltly 101 1)
0112148-0Ver arid the fOrce Of the impaet
threw the top off the truckR. It tlild
over. idnioning the man akainP1
P14.11f01.111. etie beck NkatI 1Toktin,
Sixty Vessels Leave Head
of Lakes.
Port Arthur, Ajril 19.—To-day thero
passed through Thunder Bay eastward
bound, from Port Arthur and her twin.
City of Fort •Williant, sixty great lake
freighters. laden with approximately 1:!,-
250,1)00 bushels of wheat, ;eats, flaX and
barley, being the vast fleet 'watch hag
been laying in the Twin City harbors dur-
ing' 'Winter, and which the opening ot
navigation has set free.
This gigantic fleet, mama stern to stern;
would form ,a.une et ships over foal, mliet;
long, 'hut extended as they were to -day
the3,* formed. procession pf vastly great-
er length and presented' the grandest
view of a commercial fleet ever beheld
on inland Waters, illustrating as it did
the great development of Western Canada.
and of these twin ports as the greatest
shipping centre of the Dominion,
Mexieo City, April 21. ---The Imperciat
publiehes a story abottt an alleged plot
to involve the Mexican southern fron-
tier states in a scheme to merge Hon-
duras, 'Nicaragua and. Salvador into ello
republie, The eonspirators it is assert-
ed, are trying to have Yucatan, Cam.
peehe, Chiapfte, Tabaseo and part of the
State of ()axiom secede from the Mexi-
eell republic aud join the movement.
It is said thaf there has been a von.
eiderable quantity of arms smuggled in.
to Yeeatan from Britieh Ifortdurae,
New York, April 21,-.WER. Hoary IL
Warner, wife of the English ;tete, who
bas appeared. in numerous prominent
1)1.01111110ra parts on the American stage
during the last &ado, and was so bad-
ly injured in an automobile aceident Mat
night on the Morrie]: road, in Seaford.
Long Wand, that Ole died 80011 atter
being taken -to A, hospital. Mr, Warner
wee brui-ed 111)0121 the faee and body.
but was not selionsly injured. Tho other
numbers of the party eAcape,1 praelleal-
iy unhurt.
Tltomas, Ont., April 21.--aGeorge
Chalk and Marlow Chalk, brothers, tr.
speetively 21 and 18 yeara, sons Of S11.111-
11ei PhaZ, fanner, of Port Burwell,
werc drowned in the Otter Creek nt
that plaee Sunday 110014. They at-
tempted to ernes a deep channel to a
small Wand in the. river, and it is stip.
posed the boat upaet. No one 80.,v,
the aeoident, The bodies' wore found
this morning 'twisted in Koh other's
firing in ten feet of water.
illtlif;tx, Se .‘pril 20.,—Conttnamtor
lleetlerialt1 the men of the Niobe
paraded yesterday mornieg lot the pue.
toe of infor»iing them that they will be
1111Arfy to take their ilieeathe et
lime •withont lwing required to pity.for
the unexpired titre of their fantraet
'Mill the naval serviee. Thairo t•011441,
Prabie SlItitAllatiOli in the city es to the
ieeaning of the move, and more ea tor it
has been enuouteed that the Nieto, 11
leave port on a trip on April eel.