HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-04-24, Page 6POP 'OW Nt4.1".41(,
(Bos' fl Trane(flipt)
'But aeeeno eur rieena ae anything at
' 1). 1.0
New Tort:
- A re e on the same man who ate my
nrnee pl.: hist Week?"
"No. :num. I'll never be th' same man
- -
(Boston Transcript).
ts•bbs--f never orate) ivith my wife.
!Mere -Same here. I always plead
aunty and take a light sentcnee.
(Philadelphia, Record) '
" tit
ti( aver8ge. man wants is fair .
1011,)" cemarked the Wise (us.
"Yee, hut the trouble Is he also wants
to act as unpire," added the Simple 1\131K.
(Tit -Bits)
81!0-1111t you love me in cold De-
eemher as you do in Wiwi one?
tiesealore, darling:
ills -Sure; there's One more day in Deem-
(Flicgende Matter)
"If you say your wife is a doctor Nally
(Isn't yeu go to her for your cola?'
. '"I`C•0 t.xpenr=ive, doetor. Last ituip she
ordered me six weeks in the 'Riviera ana
eame with zne hersell.
s • •
Willie -What sociology, .clad?
(Nrebshaw-After you hat e AVOrked
earONI a (loner, my boy, sociology tells
yen hew you shall spend it.
1,411%4d-1:ml don't believe love you?
Sttele-"No; you don't hea.ve your ebest
like the lovers do in the moving; pict-
(Bestan Transcript)
Mrs, Gableigh-The minister imnpreseed
epon us this morning that we all in time
Join the silent majority,
ller husband -Yes; and in view of that
I think we Phov1d begin practising silence
w EI'C en earth.
(Boston Transcript)
artea-e tell 3••on when you get arotind
the proposing point NO01 a girl the eus-
pense is awful.
Tom -Well, omit how about the expense?
-Whittier (to his daughter) -Did eeou tell
t hat young men he couldnt stay after
"Yes papa."
"Then why didn't -he go?"
"He wanted to Imo-Ny.1f the .order. has
been confirmed by mamma."
(Buffalo Exprese)
"My father has money enough to buy
this whole city." boasted the small boy.
"limitpli1" sneered his companion. "My
father is wealthy enough to be a United
States ambassador,"
Philadelphia Iteco0)
Silicus-I consider Gotrox a. man of the
Cynicus-I should call him rather a man
lt the dollar mark.
(Washington Star)
• "Is that woman a great actress?"
tile chief of police.
"I should say so." replied the
tive. "She rrintle as great a fuss
losing her rliemencls as if they were
a .1
• *4
• ,
.10•04.444-4•.el-tif4-.4-4-.4-40sie4e.-**.+44-.4+4.4•11r4e•-0,44-41-94-..-0-41r41-011e440i "That is a, sign of fie Worn). he'Ort,
tle ono," repl:et1 Cronkite petronizing.
Jeleven il'eloele, of Saturday night; and
Little Clues That Led to a W041410 UOInaSICing ' the gang of idlers who. lied surrounded
4+4+4...+44++ +44++ 44, 1,1IR 1101140. HI The Planes with threats of
se•-44--•-asei fire and lyncliherwere quickly quelled
had come to. Ii1 and respeet Dovid and corralled by the Sheriff's stout
A well intentioned,. inoffensive
IPsa8:04)ftstritracilej•leYr aPleaetoedbekviat(i'giTille,kble4.‘,11.11'
aeliolarly man who mbould have been left
it not !ewe!' ler ime serious oeettrrenee.
tranquil in the aebede of hie eorrow.
There was A (Viet charm, though, about l'hit4t11)11-)tiVultilky;.1gptiltPegeltiegtli/Owiligleith(0) 4:11:04..trZil,t8t
hie dentate featunee, hie eloquent (Tee,
shot rang out from the busbee direetly
li refined drees aa manner, which the
o unruly oppoeite. Though it must have gone wild
detective could see might stir a seeed tlott an aSbaSSill had tri:1 to
nature to love ana hate were itenot for
in. inne and escape under cover of the
tbat obvioua break and drag of self -
tome, How would 'Mies Oftner be bene- confusion.
Ie ck of ai
Med by WS death? If lie died intestote
the runabout which had been sent again
nn 1
little Enid would inherit everythiuss So
Even before he rettehea the Planes
Abe Croukite caught an eeho of the Weal
sentiment ageinet David Untie. rer-
hepS he sought for he was unusually
affaMe to the countryman wine took the
seat heel& hint at the 61:111,1011 beiow,
"Yee, 1 em tt, stronger in these parts,"
the deteetive agreed smilingly, "Sent
4own by the big book 'house of iti,pern
Fleming to put a valuation on Mro
Hague's library. My name is Cravens,
dames Cravens."
"So Mr. Hague is really going to Bell
clot,- chose up and get over to Europe,"
mused the other eagerly. "There must
be somethin' in it. Well, Mr. Cravens,
1 donlit if he will get away or you finish
your job Sit peace, The people are very
touch aroused."
"What'e the row/ Has be been put-
ting up the rents? Ho owns the whole
piece, doesn't lie?"
"No, sir; so far as being fair and kind,
I never heard any fault made with Mr.
Hague. indeed, if he hadn't been so
rittiet and °Melt we might have sent him
td Congrese time end twenty 1'o nevet
lied anything, aninst; him; quite the
contrary, Be tias used me good, buying
IU his horse tackle of me and never a
word about the price. But ever since
*...luillisksinfatfpier disappeared folks hose hum
"Mize Offuer? Pray who es
"Miss °finer w s the governeSs for the
little gbd, Enid, A likely young Wonutn,
though her eyes always seemed too black
and ber face too white for me. Besides,
she had such a noiseless way about her
used. to give me the creeps. Ligon
you knew it Was was or she wasn't here
or there. But, God keep m.e from speak-
ing ill of her, the poor thing, when they
do say she's been murdered.
"It's this way, sir. She dropped plumb
ma of sight, You know how keea village.
folk IWO to What goes on at a great
ileum film took no train or stage; not
eoul caught a. sight or sound of her.
Then her handkerchief was found on the
shore of Brasser's pond; there were
knots in it, sir."
- "Didn't they drag the pond" aeked
the detective. .
'"No use dragging 111-asser's pond, sir.
Onto down always down there, The wa-
ters are .very eoid and very deep, '' is
said there's an underground passage to -
the eca. No possibility of a body being
reilevered, from there; and nobody Limo
t -so well as David Hague. Why he
wrote an article about it for a scientific
• "But she may lutve committed suicide.-
Wity should he be suspected?"
•-:"She told the milliner, yes, and • old
Mies Sythe, the postmistress, that she
was good of him. You know how men
. are, a young widower living in that lone-
ehouse. Perhaps it's all talk but' it
keeps getting uglier. So tell hi'm from
joe Minnick,. the saddler, to watch
ent the night of town• meeting; there
are apt to be doings. Hero we are, sir,
and your cart gyee there. S'longi"
The smart trap brought Cronkite rap
• idly to..the gloat- gray house set among
tlie planes. As he entered the broad cen-
tral hall prim ana elderly lady wet-
-on:led. him. She wee Miss Byng,
Hague's' deceased WI•fei.s aunt Matilda,
/lio had come to keep house for him
.and look after her little -greatmeo.
Nesould he :step right up to the library,
where Mr. Hague wne Waiting?
The pale :awl neholarly young moowbo
I a Croukite over to the desk and smiled
intl at his message corroborated. all
a y
thitt the worthy saddler said.
asked "'Minnick is a good: sort," he replied,
detec- "and in hie shop one hears all thot is
about going on, A rough crowd gathers after
toSeti meeting; the next one just three
on Saturday might. You've
"' • to the county seat swept up to the porch, SHELL PINK,
too a will drawn with his considerate
A dignified old gentleman stepped out , _
care would doubtless give the .child the It sounds old.
and_ advanced with. the stately bearing -But it is very now,
bulk of the estate, properly safegoarded, of authority into the parlor, It was -
with o liandeome competency for Aunt andtte Josiah Marcellus. .
Niallida Byng and remembrances for the .
The scene presented to. the .old lawyer
servants. Where was the...mercenary
was a etteinue one.. Um:Idled together
motive? in the rear of the room were the rioters
Besides, all tide was more theoretical
Ituder guard of the stout posse, On one
than practleal. .Admitting his assump- side at David Hague in the calm of de- '
tions, they were of little nee Unless sup- jection, On the other side, sat Aunt Mas
plewented with a knowledge of Miss Off- tildes Byng, prim aml. rigid. A table had, '
nor's methods. Cronkite sad been 50 - been deputized by the District Attorney
diligent that now only a few books re. and the magietraco of this county to in-
mainea for hie examination, Red these quire into the recent violation .of the
weft but barrenly. It was characteristm report will depend whether it be die -
of the thoroughness of the man that he mieseir from eoneideratien as the well'
fetched the stepa ana mountea behind mew if impulsive expression of publie
the mos in order to see whether some faeliug or be subjeCted to the 'Grand
volume Might »et have fallen down be- Jury, with all its consequences of pro-
hina the long -lines of books. There was . secution as a -criminal conspiracy. 'Let
such a volome, sinall, dingy, cheap. He
inc 'entreat you for yoltr own welfate
held its faded letterieg.to the light. It to be as candid with MAY as I.a, inwith ,
Was "Lady Byron Vindicated," by Har-
riet lieether Stowe, You, Whafe then, does this all mean?"
There was
Cronkite took this small, elteaps dingy woo goeaeo litnulillee7ilreinntg'?e, Paridse.,thfeintletal -
book to the desk by the windew, ITe ;woke creed:
went over its yellow pages with seropo- "We were going to rid the
town of Hague, your Honor. Decent folk •
lous care. Even before he eame to pege
.330 ho saw the shadow of the mark, and corm!, ,
can't, stand haVing a mmelerer among
indeed on that page be found the long - "Th I) t's definite " nodded stile. Judge ,
marginal trace now so familiar to him. approvingly "and • now for the facts,
-It has, indeed, been resive(i.
-Shell pink hat. faeings are aoted.
--Shell pink boudoir'. govvns are here.
-Shell pink foundations evening dress-
es are now, •
--.111a01C, °renal and other colors are
lovely over,thle
-Inteeee, alien pink is ten pretty to have
been overlookee eg long.
were treatises and reports which prom-
. . Peace And dignity of the law. Upon my
If yea suffer from bleeding, itching,
blind or protruding p:les, send me your
address, ana I will tell you how to mire
yourself at home by the new abeorption
treatment; end :will oleo send some of
this home treatment free for trial, with
references from your own locality 51
requeeted. Immediate relief and per-
manent euro assured. Send no money,
but tell others of this offer. Write to-
day to Mrs. M. Summere,, box P Wind.
sor, Ont.
RACK POPI 011.4.eN.
ItoW 101. the rep foro.pren 10.%t
it is difficult to soy, but tor the moment
the eveniug dressy* are in tho most vio-
lent of grass greene.
tlreen 1110feeline de eoles transparent
• upon the neck and arms„ with green
ehartnettseo rolled 'mud the agave, with-
out e, visible waistline,. le ono o'f ihe
fevorite evening dreeRee of the hour.
There is not a dinner party where,
lehot one of thee sereen satin Ire.
Is not seen. •
The bodice is areaugoa eeith chiffon -
above, with the lino. (if satin rierese the
:linst outlined with el:Merino green
stones. These. stonea are to bec'fouud itt
, every coloring at the big eetablielimente,
and have boom° very popular as a finieb
upou the neck and sleeves ef all trans-
paeent naateriale,
• Forty years in use, 20 years the
standard, prescribed and recoil,:
mended by physicians, For
Woraan's Ailments) Dr. Martel's
Female Pills) at yoursdraggist.
Lovers of statistics inay.be interested
to know the calculations just made by
well-known authority here to the
amount of time the average woman
spend e before her mirror between the
ttges -of 0 and 70.
Ho reekons that; between 0 ana 10
years she remains on the iiverege seven
ininutee before the glass every day;
from 10 to 15 yeam a gnarter of an
liour; from 15 to 20 yore 2;?, minutes;
from 25 to 30 yearsha,if an hour or 35
minutes. .At this period the maximum
is reached.
The downward eurve allows 24 main-
utes between the ages of 35 and 40
years. Filially, between 50 and 00 the
elderly woman finds) six minutes en-
ough to study her reflection.
The figures of a lifetime reach. the
total 13',9,576 minutes, or nore than
242 days. -Paris Cor. New York Times.
It iudicated this passage: -Who JAIN, murderer? -Who was • num: .
"But Lord Byrott'm strategy was al. Gera?, . "Siteing Governor Hodges," said •
. .
tvaye of the bold kind. • It was the plan qt.'s Dave -Hague, your Helier. lie a: newepoper correspondeot, "reminds me
of the fugitive who instead of running wood .miss ()finer, tbe governess; -every of the first time I !saw the Xansae goy -
away atatione himself so• near to. denger one kr.ows that," were the reoponses. motor. He was ouly state senator then,
that no one would think of looking for "How goes everybody know that.? Ile was called to Leavenworth. to inspect
• •••."
0746 cD
54. 740'ee.,0,4
hint there." Who told ,you so?" the penitentiary and I had to go down - efa
and write it up-inetaihe governor foe -
Even as the detective read- 10 was eon' Again the agitalea- pause and then
flitting shadow frone without. 'He looke successive (ILI'S: 'It was Joo Menniek as the first thue. The 'MOM by way of
giving a special treat to tho prisoners,
SQ10113 for all•his absorption of a Swiftly
ed out on the trim lawns and gi•aveLled told me, And me. Ausl me. And me."
lied collected 700 or 800 of them in the
paths, Jim Minnick, the bluff saddler, "And where is this 'Menniek? Ha$ he
assembly ball end in an ofihana way re -
was imaging toward the gate w been apprehended?"
queeted the senator to fairest; them..
harness thrown over his •ahoulder. ate
1th a "Yes; Judge, hero be is. Caught ill the
Mr. Hodgee wasn't as proficient in poi-
plaioly _
remembered. how be bad heard his voice v*ery act. He'd. have killed Me, Hague
while he was searching. Wt ill Wh01111 sore if I hadn't knocked up his arm." itiqs then a's ho is TIOW• ire was
embarrassed, awl lieeitated. a .ininote, :.
then; bad' this 400d sort of a village ear- It Was Abe Cronkito ho spoke as he
'My fellow eitizena-s. he beg,en. -
actor been talkmg? By an odd freak of advaaced, drivine, the wretchea Minnick
0 -* •"Thet -didn't sound right, rind be emu-
• memor the •man's -own words 31 oNv vexa- before him.
M ell, • mencea again. At 1. 11
Seey se...ow ereiviets---'
A d i n 1 w 1 1
n ne o
tiousiy recurred :"Olhe had such a noiSc. "Dir that thfie the prisoners were stint-
Ilyng, who haa maintained a eemtemptu- .
less way about her, before you knew it WI Mr. If oleos d o e i 1. 1: f • 1
she wee or she wasn't here or there." Teener, and smiled, too. 'Well, I don't
ITI, raised her hand bid took off rim' dark
know exactly how to addoess you boys,' ,
dlasses. She gazed Upon. tne prisoner
Oils unconcern, bent forward eagerly, She • le' le et. os et=
As the thne shortened Cronkite saw • he amended, 'but 1'm miality glad to see
more and more plainly that he could riot with great black eyes as piercing as a
so many of you here: --lattusae City
e,, •••
rely upon. Mr. Hague for suggestton or sword. Minnick was obviously dis- -
information. Something of a victims' trutea between . their power and. the e • '
,, .....
merciful inertia had %settled upon the pull of his own terror. He denied, he pro -
poor gentleman. He shut himself up in tested, he ravedaFinally, be turned upon
Cronkite, screaming:
consultation on the ground that had he When taere are ehildren in the home
keown what to do lie would not have me 1 n
”le. that Uwe eouldn'e be skeer- it requiree eostant, attention to keep
help. The detective ed otiffi.
"Of course," agreed the detective, ailmente whieh come Eto quichly-essome
aplied to his lawyer, Judge Afarezilus, for ' them ',free fV0111. the many eltildhood.
awn salvation unaided.
11111St work' out his e.
That is what, 1 was here for." of them proving fatal, while othere leave
Such uhte the eituation, than, when And then it was that Aunt Matilda the little one evoee, restless and weak.
late on Saturday afternoon Crenkite Byng folded her arms, her head upon her To keep little once well. llaby'e Own.
gainedaseeret a,ceess to the room form- breast, like one who knows that struge- Tableta west be kept in the home. These
. ,eele is in vain. ' Tablets reeulate elle stomaell and bowels,
Ins own roOms, curtly relasuig further •"It was you who egged me on; makIng
• 1.0HEDYfonALL
111.41i • h. • 14I
It's the CLEANEST, motor'', and rierr HOME
DYE, one can bur -Why, you don't even have to
know what KIND of Cloth yOlur Goods are made
of. -.So Mistakea.are Impossible.
Send for Free Color Card, Story Booklet. and
Booklet giving results of Dyeing over other colors.
Montreal. Canada.
. ,
(New York Sun)
eriy occupied by Miss Offner, and. whiell
he had learned remained jiist as she had "Yee," resumed the Midge, "that is break up s.teldte and fffees) expel eserme
why my man, Abe Cronkete, was here. and make teething oil Tho Tablete
left it through the aversion which so
soon and so often cline to 'whatever i • 1,t, is hazardous, Mende, to plot a crime. Tare sold ty inedieine dealere or by mail
cdnnheted with lite unexplainable. For man ingenuity is imperfect; it leaves a aleditine Co., Broekville, Ont.
the first time lie was enabled to do so. 4
Mr. Ripe was hi leis gloomy teelueion. trail of trifles behind it. By marks,
scraps and.serapee the wrongdoer is be- INVESTIGATION WANTeD.
Ihe rashest act is often -the safest. nue ,at 2,1 evil.% a box hem Tim Dr. Willhinis'
Aunt Matilda Byof lied gone for a drive tra;,•ed. Through her me% mute approval
(Notareal Gazette)
with the Utile gir Prlie
alone and •wotild be al
quat4orriiv.811;In".N.1(2are-of sentimeette she eame aerose in her .
fate for a titne. reading Cronkite learned the nature of ,S°rce tvorking girls acrossanitniloiseitullisotraadtleetri
baled in the rear
this niiising Miss Offner, the duplex. nit- iftnieentisallesilatidge ct loTilererroige "Welt!:
o shor sharp work to do, Mr. cron- For a time, shore cruelly short. It
(Judge) Cre.vens, to save me from being lynolied," waits this urgency which qaickened the
detective's wits. One verifyiag look at
"That man who juet registered says he Ilefettr,"
Is a light sleeper," remarked the hotel iricoSSou know- tailing, sir, besides- what • the scrap of paper Mown into ft eoruer of
you wrote to ,Toulge 1 the closet's top shelf: one rapid scrutiny
•aioode' exclaimed the manager.
areellus It" asked
"Marge him extra for lifsht." Olio detective itoruptly. under his -glass of the threaa flutterine
Pr_ ." • "..; ••••••=f
"'Nothing /ooze as to Miss Offher'e from a nail outside the window tend of a
disappearance. She was here one night, serape in the paint along the eide of the
gone -I be- veranda, roof, and he was down the
the next merning she was
(Boston Transcript) lievo, As I wrote, by her own strange; stairs back to the stables and off in a
"Were you in when Sponger called?" rnticti;:nit to the county seat.
"Yes, and 'out' when be left, confound yonti°11."
him:" "tut as to her motive, sir?" • As Cronkite returiesa more leisurely
,David, Uagtie looked eonfased. There through the village be drew up infront
was a.faint flush on his pale cheeks. of the saddler's shop at a wave from
Vow shall I say it?" he said,. "Mess Off- bluff Joe Minnick. The gang of idlers.
'Tie eook wants more wages." ner onee and again evinee.d a personal within stared out it t- him sullenly. "Tied
"She says she can't be responsible for .1:iterest evhich I didn't reciproote. Of
"won t for?" • les get My report off to the firm on the
Ours°, you understand, my wife'S five -thirty," be said, anticipating the
anything so valuable as beef and mutton 1 Manis frank curiosity.
at her present rate of compensation." doll' WAS MI irrepill'ithle loss to me;
& :
• .., Wee only been able to assuage ;eler grief "And you'll be going next, I reckon,"
IT DOES. .hy closo study. I tried to explain, but suggested amnia's:7
she Was very bitter. You must see 1 "As soon as the word comes, you may
(Philadelphia Record) dOn't want to say anythhig against her." be sure. I don't cafe to be around a
alugeins: "What is your favorite
Bee," agreed Cronkhite, with man who hasn't the petite to heed a word
Metlitel of punishing the children?"
genuine sympathy. "And now, sir, if In season. I'm a man of reace$ I am."
etneeins: "wen, r consider that spank -
hits takes the palm."011, did you' tell him? What did be
aes-a you will be so kind, as to tell Incme of this
"Dune. Woman's habita ril refer no more say?'
VERY POPULAR. to so disagreeable a solved."
(Philadelphia Record)
Oviggs-Has that fellow Big,liedcle, Much ' 4 1. •
popularity? 1"5110 'Mil very fond of reading, Cron- yesterday; why didn't you tell him yeur-
Wage-You bet he has, but unfortun-
raely it begins and ends with himself. kite quoted to himself. 'It wits a common 8On))
4.4.4 , to see her sitting in this very room "I wasn't fit, to go into the hotise in
FINANCIALLY. With a dozen open volumes abottt hor m3r working elothes----"
"Just laughed and said he won't the
kind to be seared off V a pack of cow-
ardly loafers. But you were up there
turo, jealous, vain, vindictive, yet Ohl other condltioir b'Y ladles W1110
come vOpt t S011le ot big
of official paper that must have the
investigating their
of wealth ana comfort. Through a bit • 1)ave lfl Pe"
nuipioNglatalonn ho, nraeshte asnaaa•
from the Surroentes Mut a OILS cOtin- thneyreasreo living
iv lie found ea,' that the will of Agettha sbould trot ee slanaered by people •who
au Nt: 1 re comp a a n
• do not have to work, Few will filet
Nierton, which becheeathed all thie pro- f It 111 ti I • 1, It ot a V
petty to her niece, Anne, wife of Darla would objeet if they staried investi-
Haguo,. and now deceased, made a reser- gettlon of the mode of Ilfe of the idle
'rich tttrith their uP-to-date dancing, el-
vation in favor of her sister, Matilda.
tattlar pexlpfte1;141(1):tige11.0
Byng, wheraliaa not been heard from Such an
for many years, should she by any pos- investigation woula 'maim interesting
reading for many classes.
sibility be still alive. Through a serape
of the paint on the verandah roof he
verified his suspicion thatthis man Min-
nick must have helped Miss Offner to
escape hide and assume a new disguise, z B k
for that same paint is still on Minnielees am• u
Yom.m•••••=a, •••••••*116
ealed It In Few Weeks
:Have you teome old WOlind or sore
boot, as you all can see.
"Of course, when Ile telephoned all this which had defied all dortors' remedies y
to nut this afternoon, together with the if so, yours is a ease for SSetmentik!
- unconscious admissions of principal and . Mr. Oliver Shiite, of Pnrvie, Man.,
. aceompliee, T told him to- bring the pain- ' writes: "I had an old: irritating sore
fal matter 0 rt head, and, came down to on my. forehead . that had troubled. 2110
settle it once for all. 1 need not say for four yeare. Zamelluk. woe mom -
more. 1' think you dioorderly fo'lk must -enc.nded to. 11if, and hi a, marvello•uely
have *learned a leisan of self•reetraint- • short time. It llealed the obetinate eore
and reliance upon the law, and I Shall eterfe•ctly, Yon may depend upon it that
recommend. that no further action be after thie proof of Its power we Will'
Wien against you. • -Abe, deliver the two hever be without a pox -of it."
As a rapid end eertain he.ater of ultare,
geilty persons over into ,the custOdyeof
. abecesses, *piles, inflamed placee, (alba
the sheriff." • •
tven as •Cronkite motionea to two de- bores, brinsee, ecalp mores, eezema, fruit- ,
pu' . support the ha lees Minnick. fions, etc., you ean get nothing' to (quill
. nAd her notebook on her knee, leer 'But you might have 'impressed the Aunt :Matilda Byng tore off her ola ago Zam-Bole. All druggrete ttad. etores at
taste': . Catholic,. Poetry, history,. bio.. danger on Mies Byng; she was out on the dieguise and stood end, defiant, a slime fille. �>o.', -or poet free for priee front
(ew Orleans Times -Democrat)
Tettcher-What Is the difference between
hire a taxi and I have a. taxi?"
WaehIngton Star)
"1 am sure that girl has a kind heart
and considerate disposition," said the
young Man.
''W hy?"
"i3veatiee, when asked what her favor -
Ito flower was, she took care to name
something that doesn't cost more than
So cents a. bunch."
Met amateur pbotographer-Did that
expert show you hew it 'Was done?
She had made "Oh, that nice old lady tending the pale and ker all too black.
trim young woman, 'with face all too liZottanit)-Bia01.1: teetiti.iter'lloLoititisto.and.Trbyab3Zotstinb-Batitill::
graphy, fiction, everything. One day she greunds."
• el know her. They do say, though, if 'the tried. it onee; I would try it again, o 1, 25c, tablet.
dame to me, apologizing.
- e •i'l 1 mark b a passage sho plants? You see, I just couldn't ; 1: don't "Yes, it ie T, Miss Offiter," she said. "I
had bleed. Sho said she had dote it
WtihOut thinking. It was an old habit of worst slionld come she would be a, mo- so gladly, for then I would, make sure
her bitter deys" and watch OVCP to kill that, hypoeritical villain over
• ther to the little girl
4 -
the country folk ftne. Sort of saintly there,'! (Buffalo Express)
"Well," mused Cronkite its ho pro- "Young ottani yen must learn that time
eeeded with his task of cataloguing the 1""nri, ain't she" She pointed full at David Hague, who is money. counsenod the /mho,.
books, "what elle eves wont to do with- • "Jump in and take a spin around ,ree stie remained in calm dejectiOn. Then (Incl. 01r' I have notea poInts
out thinking she may have done with- Of similarity beeen them."
the lastsaid Cronkite suddenly; alie turned toward. the detective.
ak, keen and. general interest will be felt
in the 'working' of the Morale (lona wiiich
Eat for the first thno Chicago yester-
day. Its purpose, as we understand it,
Is to prevent rather than punish the sort
of offences that come before it, to reform
characters rather than anerely to cheek
and interrupt temporarily evil eourses
and careers. In the matter of women
or the town, in particular, salutary and
fruitful efforts are awaiting from it.
Di Wise, prudent and thoughtful hands.
such a tribunal ehould he aine to ac-
complish much: ner should it be dis-
couraged by many fallerese'A. little im-
provement, a little gradual gain: that' fe
how the reelamation of charaet er weeks,
and not hy eataelysms.
Unsightly Warts Removed
The operation ite eimple and painless
.7 --just apply Putnam's. Wart and Corn
Extrac(or. For fifty'yeare it has boon'
<amino' warts and will euro yon too. Try
Pututim's Extatetor, 25e dealers.
4.1 et_
(Harpetes Weekly)
"Hem fast Is YOUr ear, Jimpsen aeaea
"Weil," said Munson, "It's keeps about
six metallic ahead of my incomz gee-
MrInnii:;d"'s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia
A young eleotehman reeitlent idLondon
pereuaded an elderly unele from the
*Highlande to accompany him to a ser-
viee ate St. Paul's rathearal. As seen esi
intruallytOry voluntary began, the .
lleplieW•-desirouS of diverting hie uncle's
attention from the playing of the "keit
0' whistles," that:abomination of -strict
.Preebyterianism-handed the ola 'gen-
tleman a 13.00k of 'Common Prayer. Ale
kr °lutes' unused to liturgies of any kind, •
the uhcle opened the book. etemewhere 111
the midst of Colleete, Epistles, ana
pole. and Was soon observed to be rap-
' idly turning over the pages in an exeittel
kind of way. The egimax soon tame.
nuetily eloeing the book and handingit
back to his nep"aew, the old man took up
his -hat and -stick ana hurriedly walked
down •the nave, The nephew followed.
Safely °aback the building, the explan-
ation came. The node's eye bad lighted
on the word "voila:et." then a enippet of
a prayer," then two "snippets from •God's
NN'ortl," then the word "collect" again, •-•.
an dso on, page after page, "If they e
, were going to hew, as many collections
ft8 that," said the miau, "1 shouldn't
0 I 0 ALL 04
.4 'WIVE*
R - AND TOstoh.lr itOlf0ASE.
Curea tne sick end Itets ots A preventatiVe for othere.
Liquid given on the tongue. Safe for brood mares an all
otherS. Bolt kidney remedy. Soli/ lay all druggist* anti
lairneSS 110141104 Distributores-ALL viliaLESAIX DRUG-
CIsIPBoTHs.N meDicAt. co„choymiots, Goshen, Ind., U. S. A,
ISSUE NO. 17 1918
seoessoessaeaseoe.a. , soeseooso.,,,,,,,,..
charge at inght of Three Set W001.
preference given to one having Waal-
APPIY, I3ox 03, Iiamitton, Ont.
ion mill, Must be able to ,eontrol help,
eel experience in earaing or spinning,
La, Seangston, Ont.
R°ActlYG°tVICNNing.ageeto4n 411140 4 I ee°119 8 teaQn. to
Prepare Some puff pastry. Pound the
sardines and mix with A little anehovy
osoenee and lemon juice, odd also a dust
ot cayenne. Cut out the pastry and place
In patty pans; put the mixture in the
centre, and place another round. of pas-
try on top; brusla over with egg, and
bake quiekly for .a, quarter of an hour.
odo..••••••••••••• ...,•,•••••••••
We Will be Pleased to Mail
Upon Request Letter Deal-
ind With This Subject
Members Toronto Stock Exchange
90 King St. W., Toronto
They're chorister variations.
Some of tuent, reach. the knees.
The shorter length is preferred,
tI°Tultgelly. are all scant at the lower edge.
Little armholes are one of the feat.
A Medici collar is seen on some of
thAelienwarTopws, shawl collar ending in
revers10sisoroan000theetruefninlinsb.a.vo no
all, being simply draped. collar al
• . .
' I MigelOggli
I, F tS-Slmple home treat-
ment. 23 years sucess.
. CURED Testimonials from all
parts of the world; over
, 1,000 in one year.
Innusr Na....TH$ E WfoemsoeteNrs.orecesil
(Philadelphia. Record)
Chicago has gone to the front in ap-
preciative acknowledgmeent of the su-
periority of women as teachers of the
young and in administratam ability in
school manaeement. Mrs. Ella Flagg
Young is the Superintendent uf Schools
in that city, and the Board. of Educa-
tion has recently 010013d Miss Elizabeth
W. Murphy to the position of Assistant
Superintendent, with a yearly salary of
VAL Miss aiurphy was chosen on the
recommendation of airs. Young, This
- is as it should be. Women have intui-
tive ability US teachers. Prom the time
the youngeters are taught to walk and
. talk to the UM() when they are done
with primary ochno1 instruction they
shuuld be kept fast, so to speak, to the
apron strings of the mythers, and daught-
ers of the lend. It is safe to prediet
gaexbvesruhinteanst. the outcome of the Chica-
• .4, farmer old, so we've been told,
W ith a team of horses etrong,
Drove down .the road. with a. heavy load.
While singing his merry song'.
But.his mirth and eong. was not so long,
• As he ran atnuck in the rand he stuelc
his horses, gave a leap,
Cuter up to his axles deep,
Bad roads did Itt
Mid a wheelman -gay went -out (ma daY
For a jOyful morning spin.
With the weather bright, ins heart was
As he left the eountry inn. -
But he went not far when he felt a, jar
W hich started his troubles and ogres.
ITe waa laid up 111, while the doetor's hill
Came in with the une tor repairs.
Bad roads aid ite
In an automobile or wooa ana steel
A millionaire pi•ini and neat
. Went out for a ride by the rii-er's shlo
In, style that was hard to beat;
13ut, Wast he found that the broken
And the ruts, and the holes so great
Had smashed a wheel of his automobile -
What ho said we cannot relate.
Bad roads did it!
Euara in ciacinnati Coniine"
cia 1.
To whom it may concern: This is to
eertify that I have nsed h.eI.1NARD'S
LINIMENT anyeelf as well fee prescribed
it in my praetiee where a linimene was
required, and have 11PITI' failed ta get
the doeired effect.
• C. A. KING-, M. D.
Minard's LInInient Cures Burns, Etc.
I 1
"In what way?" asked the eacoUraged
oat noticing afterward. It is worth try- and honest Minnick. WILS so gratified ley "rm sorry," whispered .A.lie Cronkito parent. Those Ridiculous Corsets.
ing, at any date." the invitationo with its chance for fur- no he led her from the room.
ther talk, that be did not note the de- replied the Young Hopeful,
"You knOW the eXnrecisiOn 'Wile MOS.' "
Illustrated advertisements lead one
• it WaS Worth trying. M the detective
tective's quielo to suppose that to be anything near I
fit his patient, dogged search kept find- A NOBLE WOMAN. in fashion one must be in a tube-like I
Verifying glance at the.
broad feet he raised to tho step )1 the thing called a corset. This corset of 1
ing the same long marginal mark he rtu b
Somme!. costateur Photographer -e Yes: but came 0 . e earie 311
Le didn't show me how to do it. and character of the reader, Acute? Yes.
Again and ogain did an obseure passage
HIS SCHOOL eitiew this not of apprepiation. 1toman. -
.(tneveiand Plain Dealer.) tie? 'Yea. Wildly, fiercely so. Why, Ilea
aren't tiint Daubs, the artist, zig-zag- ran't "Lava wag full of them. Philo.
cf.ng along the sideWtilic? By Jove, I 80phie? Yes once more. nut eadly So.
Slidi.c.t know he drank like that!"
"lfusla that ain't drink. Daubs., Is one A. mind; must be tit once mereiless ana
of tire new AngularlstS."
• • • - - f 1 -
trerneet, passagee in "The Prince, o3f, Cravens," she said in her old fashioned,
:Nittelliavelli and Ilobbee' "Leviantliari.
(tionaon &Pinion.) • ' There were other passages, too, of the eyes'os agreed Crofikite, NS 1 heel to
'aft's. leaehiy looks very bad shire she lighter sort, in Freneli melodrama, and mend off my report to the firm I killed
divorced her husband." , Shilling eereamers, that seemed to show . two birds with ono. stone. 1 riokoci up a ,
"Yee. sive didn't know what a STddu a liking for -craft and daring, tvidentlY chap 1 iliet'On the train coming down,
Lusnaml she had tin fille SAW hOW gf71
OrtrUSIY he behaved about the alimony,' this strarge young Woman had not only and, that mode it all the pleasanter.'
the mind to conceive, but the -disposition 000 fee it was Minnick, Joe ltioniek., .
THE 'BREATH OP SCANDAL. to do a deed, unusual, illegal and heart- womot it, '1 saw with you? no is 01,13
Miegonde Bloater.) k*it. a a II, village ebaratter, Mr. Covens. Though :
eameer-are you quite hem, Bertha? 1:08, Creillsi
- te was forced to Adria 1,0 I heoe been here for eo short ft tittle 1
(Mil for your neighbors sale toe either day tiniself with a gig'', 10 could not pie- - havo mate to eall on him for all sets,s
id, liNkril y(at and 's.nui, bilShand quarrel- lure her ae slyiug for love, she might rie oda cl.r tete TIe is 80 &penile:We, .ss
31i 'Y awftruY. ..
They passed the returning carriage on
the way; and it 50 happened that Crone
kite got back to the house just as it
also arrived raieeil his hat dietant-
ly to Miss Ilyng, for his work had nob
enlarged their first brief aequaintance.
nut the old lady advanced from the
porehs with little Reid by the hand.
„ "1 ton glad you took ttn airin4, lir.
waY "You heve been so confioed"
fll(t-,-1" fttliliellt:tillg mamma. "kVA ea,1116 eeseiey, even death, one et reeeentoo J. woo toollog him ,only yesterawy
wiva.tet vileleen te melt otlar for a 011° Ithe eeeseu wooht live to enjoy the "ere teat Me got in the habit of
1110.1(1(ml:1d yet easentia1 flung of the 'coming to help out evlien the little girl's
(lime. They seemed insuperably joined, ooyernese wits here; -what was- her
her 'violence arid lier Avarice. name, Iny little dearr
So ueli wits gained, but ii, great deal ulti/Iss Offner," interposed the child
lle Sntlit t -So you have plsteed YOUro . nteit lemitined to be learned, It Was now eagerly. "She didn't have to wear big, .
sett unto i• toe eare of a. nevelt:an Wh.....„
tedUe65 Fuppriweirtm 1.1,1111, Dld he eeeetn- J.: may es ternoon. The tteXt itilit /Ala aerie glasses like poor Aunt lvtatilda,
n/ S
'mod erepeelal diet? 111/1$ a "1-"ITO•I'lle tbstt wouid Pa 0 - but IteS boa Was always like here, as
rsew iturNo, i rouiadaro; )16 girrifily t inquiry futile, In Ids short *tar be toid,11.4
, ii . t. qt, 10 Re,
A noble woman does not descend to
sarcasm, hints, innnendoes nor any
speeches or covered poison.
.5110 uneonseions13r tries to render her-
self agreeable to whomsoever she is
She is polite to her own ellildren.
She never makes a weapon of her
power to he disagreeable in order to
gain Iter own way.
Site is COV-1-01Cet
She never dreeses conepleuously.
She never reads the letters of other
people, no repeats what she hits heard
of other people's affairs.
iSlfe is true to her convictions, firm in
her self-respect, faithful and utichenging
in her love, gentle in her manner, tills
obtrusive in her relations to -others, And
the more une esteems hers
In a Word, the false aniatoerote are
among whose familiarity breeds tons
tempt ; the arietoerets of the epirit
Are they 'who, the nearer you ettrie to
them, the nmee highly you hold them -
Dr. Fmk Create hi WrOilittreS World/ for
Something is wrong when A 010.11
tiro( jtis went by his ineantotiii.4011.
exit° Ne*o,
HIGH sptto
in t class*:ly Itself' -the elltlett 1.
melee, the most eubstentielly beet,
ilis Mott tatiStettOry wailier, 'Mr
Only wither worked with chtek
handle at side as wen as the leset-end A
the only ens where the whois top
beenS up.
Atk your deities to show yen the
"Champion" Washer.
"Favorite" t hem is tha tverld's
'tbest thure, Write
- for tatoottle.
*Vol MixwttL4ten
rr. MAZY'*, teer.
the inoment extends some sIX inches
above the \valet, anti perhaps three-
quarters of a yord below it.
The impossible figures on whom
these are represented are standing and
sitting in the pictures.
But how can any woman, however
supple, sit in a corset which presses
her frame from the waist downward
to within hailing distance of the
knees? The girl who, seeing an td-.
vertisement of one of these corsets,
came from the country Itt order to be
fitted, thinking she could achieve an
ultra fashionable air by wearing One,
tonna that when she had get it on elle
could not sit down, It was returned
for alteration, but the Autoerat of
Whalebone sent It back, explaining
that she would soon be able to man-
age it.
however, that proved ineenclosive,
MI there lies tho experteive appliance
shut away nseless in a drawer. An
elderly woman sttpplied herself with
one of More moderate length, and
feunti that every time she leant baelt
in her chair the corset pushed into the
seat and rushed itself up oft her
shouldere, a very uncomfortable ex-
perienee. These are some of the in-
COVOIllonetta of trying to ipprovo
npon Nature's rottsterpleeee,
(Rochester Herald)
Fire 'llundred persons at Indianapolis
are to refurnish the homes offive hun-
dred persons in that eity who had their
belongings ruined by the floods. That
is the principle of the brotherhooil of
lima vitalized.
"The Family Friend for 40 years." A never
failing relief for Croup and Whooping Cough.
(Washington Star)
"Did you, find anything in that hotise?"
asked the footpad.
"Nothing worth while," aliewered
burglar. " But it's bud luck to come
tmay einplyhanded, so I brought along
the watehdog and a lot of burglar alarm
Only One "BROM() QUININE."
That is LAXATIVE Bno-mo QUtNINE.
Look tor the signature of E. NV. GROVE.
ures a cold in one clay. Cures Grip in
awe clays. 23c.
\ant vinird1-3,* ifl PlaVoS j1
; tl SOlt! eiceptteal of the
It would seem as if tho expericee of
(BUffalo News)
%rifinite value of vaccinatiox but there
are those who would not ho persuaded
ir one rose trom tliA dead. The only
thing to do is ito ifitty;aetthit;rtriiittrlisertifootirlil.,:i,
the itpnlieatioit
effective 111 fighting the stnitlIpmt eurse.
• •
for Gall Stones, Kidney Trouble, rad-
ney Stones, Bladder Stones, Gravel,
'Lumbago and all diseases arielng
fronl, 'Uric Acid. Price 81.50.
ailnere's Liniment for sale everywhere
"Does your wife always have the Ittet
'ne. inoet always say: 'Yes,
clear,' or 'Very true, dear.' '
onle remedy wbich has a record, of
complete. cures of Diabetes. Price
Itor sale at all leading druggists.
Send for free, literature.
The Sanol Manufacturind Co., Ltd.
Winniped, Mac.
(Borroio Express) • -
Amundsen succeeded In reaching the
South Pole by the strange chance of tak-
ing only remaining route of. three which
were supposed to be available to ex-
plorers. Scott, who was in the field
first.. had chosen one or tho others and
another expedition had taken the next
must likely route. Amundsen had no
ehoice, yet be reached the Pole with eotn-
paratively easy going. Scott had trouble
nearly all the time and, in the. end, per-
ished. The third party was turned back
by obstacles.
Arctic and Antaretie exploration ap-
parently IS to be a great game of chancre
for many years to eome, if not forever,
regardless of the remarkable progress
selenee has made in helpinz...., the advmr-
your druggist wili.refund moneer If PATO.
OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch.,
Ing. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles
In 6 to 14 days. 60e.
A man's best thinge are neareet
leo termer about bis feet;
lit is the distant and, the ditn
That we are eick to greet.
For ilowere that grow our hande
We struggle and aspire --
Our hearte must die, except they breathe
The air of fresh desire.
Minaret's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
(Buffalo EXpreete
"What do you mean by sending me All
fareh afoor,s errand? asked the Indigo -
ant youth.
-Whom would 1 have found better fitted
ror the mission?" asked the cynical maid -
meekly stops coughs,
the throat and lunge.
-They 'turn down.
-Some are plaited.
--Shadow lave appears. • • r
--Sheer mull is effective.
-Small colored bows figure.
-Plaited frills rest out upon the gown.
-Some ruffled frills stand in Medici
--Silk eliirts are made with white silk
eellars, .41
--Lace and embreiderY serve well for
coat suit finiehes.
-with necks more or less low the (rol-
ler is more than evee important.
cures colds, and hest*
.41111121 !eta's, 4dIlI
tS111 1,411iiiiiiIle ,..,1111:4 LIM
A splendid 10 cent Household Specialty is being Introduced all
over Canada. It Is.appreclated by the thrifty housewife who wants
things "just a little better." Send post card to -day. Simply say:
"Send Packape of Household Specialty Advertised in My Newspaper"
That's alit You will be delighted! Pay If satisfied -we take the
risk. Address P. O. 1240, MONTREAL, CAN.
This Offer Expires June 1st, 1913. SEND TO-DAVI
m.t'V 444
We have prepared a Special Folder dealing with
"A 7% Profit Sharing Bond in a
WOI Established Industry"
We consider these bonds an exceedingly good Investment from the
standpoint of reliability aod good Interest yleld
Copy mailed on request
-National Securities Corporation
1; ,
. '.,...,