HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-04-24, Page 5'"z D b , r, Aria o4r# 1913 The opera, the concert and the vaude- ville of the city come to the small towns more vividly than ever before on the 'son Phonograph because Edison has just created a new record—the Blue Amberol —which is sweeter and finer in tone and reproduces in a more lifelike way than any other phonograph record ever made, And once the best music and songs of the best artists have come to you on Blue Amberol Rec- ords it will always be yours as vividly as at first, for the Blue Amberol never wears out. Hear it at your Edison dealer's today. Tlsornis A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U.S.A. A complete'tnne of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at DAVID BELL THE DOMINION BANK *IR EDMUND R. OSIER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE-PRESIDENT. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital paid up ,tz+ • - $5,000,000 Reserve Fund • Cs • �• • • $6,000,000 k.Total Assets - • • ' • . - $76,000,000 1 i Business Men On Farms ---like business men in towns and cities—make good use of the facilities which this Bank offers. In addition to their Savings Accounts, they open Checking Accounts and make all payments by Cheque. The Bank makes collections promptly, Discounts Sales Notes and transacts every kind of banking business. Are you conducting your affairs in this business like way? WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. For Sending Non Homy 01 1 This is the Easiest day to Send Money Home. Dominion Express Foreign Cheques are paid immediately upon presentation—no vexatious delays—no trouble—no risk. Payable in every city, town and hamlet in Great Britain and Ireland. They are also cheaper than any other form of remittance. Whenever you have occasion to send money to ,the old country, use OffllfliOfl ' xpress OFFICES MONEY ORDERS AND RATES 4 Every railway station L1 or under, 20. has an Express Office Over 1 to £2... 8e. where "Orders" man F'ORE I '" 2 to 0.. , be. i7c obtained, and in " 5 to Y0...10c. a almost every town " 10 to 11...12e. there are brnnehCHEQUE " 11 to 11S...15e. mikes Iodated ilt the "` 12 to ib...lbe. eeefaentiial distracts. " 15 to 20, ..20c. TO BE HANGED BEFORE JULY lst A car load of Wall Paper having the most up-to-date designs suitable for every room in a persons' house. Prices ranging from &c a Roll tip. Come in and look over our Lar e stock. Sample -_ books sent to your home if .�' required, #+. *lo HOTEL r�.71jM." OPPOSITE NATIONAL HO.FyEL PHONE '654 TIME TO WORRY when you are constipated, bilious, have +sour, gassy stomach, sluggish liver and eick headaches, FIG PILLS will make you feel (Inc. At all dealers in 25 and 50 cent boxes or by mail from The Fig Pill Co., St, Thomas, Ont, BR VITIES, 0 You alwayaa find those men the most forward to do good, or to im- prove time and manners, who are al- ways busy, Gladstone. Watch the little leake and you can ive within your salary. Aim at perfection in everything, though in most things it is unattain- able, however, they who aim at it and persevere will come )much nearer to it Mixt those whose Iaziaese and despon. dency ,make them give it .tip ass un- attainable. The only responsibility that a than - cannot evade in this life is the one be thinks least of, his personal influence. Man's conscious influence, when he is on dress parade, when heis posing to impre8s those around him, ie woefully small. But hie unconscious influence, the silent subtle, radiation of his per• eonality, the effect of hits worths and acts, the trifles he never coneiders, is tremendous, A. successful man once said that he found his opportunity washing the windows in the store where he was employed. Young pepple are very likely to think of opportunity as mak- ing a dramatic entrance, flashing on the view in brilliant array. Instead it may come to your door as humbly as a street pedlar, and in as poor a guise. The chance to show yourself reliable, painstaking and efficient may come through very ordinary work, but such a chance is often the gateway into splendid success. It is an unusual day that has not room for a good laugh in it. The hour which affords no opportunity for an uplifting thought is an anomaly among its brothers and sisters. And when the hours go by, and you see no chance for doing a little kindness to somebody it is pretty plain that you need a pair of spectacles. Nothing is worth doing by halves. If it is worth attempting, put some earnestness into it, so as to make it splendidly successful, and,if not worth whole hearted effort, leave it strictly atone. To do a thing by halves is an insult to the enterprise that is worth while, and to attempt anything into which you cannot put your heart is an insult to yourself. RHEUMATISM YIELDS TO ZAM'BUK. Read This Lady's- Experience. Just at this season many people find themselves buffering from aches and pains of rhuematism, sciatica, etc. For these, Zam,•Buk is a sure cure. Mrs. Mary Harman, Wheatley, Ont , writes: ""1 had rhuematism very badly. ft affected my right arm and leg, and was so bad that I could not put my hand to my head or behind me. I was quite helpless, could not do my work, :bud could not even dress myself, but had to be attended to like a child, The rhuematisnn in my leg was so bad that at tunes I could hardly walk. "Natu ally I tried various remedies, but they seemed to do me no good. A friend advised me to try Zian-Euk. I obtain:d some, and had it rubbed thor- ough'y into the affected muscles. 8ef ie the first box was used I was vek y much better. I could move r and the house with ease, and needed .cry little personal attention. I con- tinued with the treatment, rubbing 4AW-13uk in thorougbty every day, and in a few weeks' time the rhuema• tism was driven completely out of my system. The cure was permanent too, and since that time I have never been troubled with rhuematism." It is just as good for skin injuries and diseases, eczema, scalp sores, erup- tions, piles, cuts, burns, bruises, braids, NLe. All druggists and stores, 50e. box, or by mail from Z tin-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. OVER O6 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone bending a sketch and description teal qulcicly ascertain our,opinton free whether au Invention is probablyVatentable Communtci1• Mans strictly confidential. }LANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Qidedt agency tor eecariug �patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special Netted, without Charge, in the $ien1ific Rmerlcao. Q handsomely illustrated Weekly, Largest sir4 culotte/1 of any 8rientitle journal. Terms for Canada, ts.75 a year, postage prepaid. Bold by all newsdealer*. MUNN Ot Co SBleroadwoy, New if ork Branch Omce, 625 lB" 55.. Wasbinaton, D. . THE WINGITAVI ADVAXOB Wroxeter. The following is a description of Wroxeter fifty years ago taken from a business directory published in 1802 ,--- post village, In the township of Hawick, finely situated on the north branch of the Maitland river ; forty three miles from Goderich, twenty. six miles from. Seaforth, and twenty.- four wenty«four miles from Walkerton, in the county of Bruce. The village pos. aesaes excellent facilities for manu- facturing purposes ; the river here furnishing abundant water power, It has a saw and grist mile, woollen factory, wagon and carriage factory, and several work shops, in the various mechanical trades. four stores, one drug store, three hotels, one church, and a good school. Wroxeter School, No. 14 ---Total at- tendance, 120 ; average, 45 ; Thomas Scott;, teacher. Wroxeter Temple, No. 488, I. 0, of G. T, --- Organized, Ic ebruary 1800 ; meets on Thursday evening in the Orange Hall, Officers --W. A, Roy, W. 0. T, ; Mary Daw. W. V. T; .A, G. Berney, W, S. ; Alexander Thompson, W. T. ; David Henderson, W. F. S. ; Richard 0, Scott, W. M. Berney, County and Provincial De- psi y; Matthew E liott, . W. I.` G ; J ►inn Elliott, W. 0. 0, ; William 0 Crich, P. W. 0. T, ; W. A. Roy, D. T. ; Post office address, Wroxeter, Wroxeter Presbyterian church -Built A. D. 1862; opened "February 1863; size 47x55 ; cost $830 ; number that can be seated, 850. Rev. W. C. Young, residence Ainleyviile. Wesleyan Me- thodist body meet for worship, in the school house. Name of Ministers, Revds; Messrs, Hudwin and Oullin. Wroxeter Postoflce -- Established A, D. 1858; name of first postmaster, Andrew Patton ; name of present post- master, A. G. Berney. Daily mails received 10 p.m, ; despatched 4 o'clock p.m. from Seaforth and tri -weekly from Lisadel and Gorrie ; despatched at•8 30, and returning 4 p.m. and tri- weekly to Walkerton. A. 0, Berney, postmaster. List of Professions, Trades, etc.—, Allan Nathaniel, sash door & furniture factory ; Angus Robert, mail carrier ; Bell Thomas, carpenter ; Bell Thomas, cabinet maker ; Berney A, tG., manu- facturer of musical instruments and postmaster ; Boyne Inn, John"' Mc- Lachlin, prop. ; Brown William, black- smith shop Caldwell John, carpenter & builder, Carroll Oyruspls, commis- sioner B, R. drug store, assistant post- master ; Only John, gentleman ; Cur- rie E , general merchant ; Duperow & Terry, tin shop ; Duperow Erastus, tin shop ; Ferguson John, general merchant ; Gibson Alexander L., mil- ler and machinist ; Gibson George, carpenter & joiner ; Gibson Bros. (Thomas, John and Robert) proprietors Wroxeter Mills, grist, saw and card- ing ; Globe Hotel, Chas. Day, prop.; Grott Randle, laborer ; flandersen David, wagon maker ; Hodgson Ralph, cabinet maker. St. Augustine. . It is with a feeling of deepest sorrow we report this week the death of Albert Graydon Dow, little ton of Mr. and Mrs. David Dow, at the age of 2 years, 3 months, 22 days. After several weeks of sufferingborne with wonder- ful bravery God took him Home. The parents have the deepest sywpathv of all in the loss of this child of such rare promise. The wee flower lent for a little while from the Heavenly garden has gone back tok+the Lender, but the fragrance of the little life will last through Eternity. It is hard as we look through tears at the empty chair and the scattered playthings to say "Thy will be done." Shall I have naught that is fairsaith He Have naught but the bearded grain Though the breath of the flowers is sweet to me I wiIl`give them all back again, He gazed at the flowers +with •tearful eyes • He kissed their drooping leaves It was for the Lord of Paradise He bound them IA His.sheaves. My Lord bath need of these fl .carets • gay ThReaper said, and smiled Dear tokens of the earth are they Where once He was a child. They shall all bloom in fields of light Transplanted by My care. Arid saints upon their garments white These sacred blossoms wear. And the mother gave its tears and pain The child she most did love She knew she should find there all again In the fields of Iight above. Ob, not in cruelty not in wrath The Reaper cause that day 'Tomas an angel visited the green earth And took the sowers away SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH E' WEST LAND F} GUi,A"i'IrONS NY porton who is the vole head of a family, Or any tattle over 18yoars old, may bathe - stead a quarter section ot available Dominion land in sdeanitobaa, saskatchowan or Alberta. The applicant.;must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub agono ter the district. Entry by 'proxy May' be made et any agency, on certain coktditio*►rs by father, moth- er, on, daughter, brother or eider of intend - Ing homostosdpr. lluties.—Six Menthe' resldonoe upon and cut- tivetion of the land in each of three y�ears. A homesteader May luso within nine milett of hit; homestead on :z Horror of at least 86 acted solely owned And eecupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daugghter, brother or sister, In ceratin districts a, homesteader inoed st�andin may pro.ompt tt quarter -section along- side hitt homestead. File* $3.00 per acre. Duties.—Must reside upon the homestead or Preemption nit Months In each of Six years from date of homestead entry (Including the time required to earn homestead paatentr and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who liar exhaust.ctl ht home• sts,ad right arid cannot ohta,ln as pre•onptinn may erster forts pnreheeed homn.tc'id In certain distrietc. Price 300 per actor. Duties,—.Mutt side et months in. oath Of three yearly, rrilti• irate fifty notes and erect a. houne worth 1100,. W. W. CORY, non* of the Minister of the Inserter. N. .K»'Vnaut orteod publto attion of thisad- Vat l SU not bs psi d for. f" Must You Be Bald What have you done to stop your hair from failing? tiave you tried Relxattll "93', Hair It not, we want you to try it at our risk. iiou have dandruff; if your hair is falling out and your scalp is not glazed and shiny, if you use Resell "93" Hair 'genic according to dire- tions for thirty clays, and at the end of that tuns you are not thoroughly satisfied with the results and will tell us so, we will immediately hand back Your mousy. We won't Ask you to promise anything. We won't even queatton you. We will take your mere word and return your money. Doesn't it stand to reason that Rexall "93" Bair Tonic must; be a lrnighty good remedy and have given great satisfaction to our customers if we endorse it like this? We know of no similar remedy that is as good. It is because of what Rexall "93" Hair Tonic has done for others that we hack it with our own money, Why suffer scalp and hair trouble or bo bald, when Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will removedandruff, make your scalp comfortable and healthy, promote hair growth and tend to prevent baldness -- when we will pay for the treatment should it fail to please you? We don't obligate you to any- thing. Yousimply buy, the treat- ment; use t, and if not pleased. come back to us empty-handed— and we will hand back what you paid us. Two sizes, 50c and 11.00 a bottle. You can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tonic in this community only at our store: d. WALTON McK I BBON. Infnghaam Thr awa &mg Ontario There is a Rexall Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. Thera is a di8erent Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill—» each especially designed for the particular ill for which it is recommended. The Rexall Stores ere America's greatest Drug Stereo Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These Pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. , Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de V ram's are sold at !b a box, or three for 510. Maned to any address. Th. ecobeu Drug Co., 8t. Caatharines, Ont. GET YOUR SPRING SUIT • NOW I leave a Large fresh stock of the best and latest goods, which are sure to please. Suitable for Ladies and Gentlemen. Fit and Workmanship .Guaranteed. E. C. WHITE MAXWELL'S OLD STAND. Phone , OPPOSITE BANK OP HAMILTON. 4 Another 30 Days' Sale. TEAS. -40o Ceylon for 35o, also at 30o, 25c and 20o; 30o Japan at - 251. DRIED FRUITS. --Prones at 10o, 13o and 15c; Peaches 13o; Apricots 150 lb.; best Valencia Raisins 10c Ib , good nauseated Raisins 3 lbs. for 25c; - best quality Currants IOo Ib; good Figs 5o Ib. • JAMS AND MARMALADES. -50o pails for 40o; 16x, pure, for 120; 100 Jams for 9o; 100 Marmalade for 90. _CANNED GOODS.—Maple Leaf almou 25o, Derby brand 206, Aut- umn Leaf 18e; 18e Quaker Pork and 1 Beans for 10c; 100 Quaker Pork and Beads for 8c; 20e Champion Catsup for 15o; Canned Corn for 90; Peas - 18o, 2 for 25c. SUNDRIES.—Cow Brand Soda 40 pkg.; 5o pkg. Gold Dust for 4c; Dutch Cleanser and Panshine 8c; Sunbeam Oa Shoe Polish 80. SOAPS, --Comfort Soap 6 for 25c; Canada's best, 6 for 250; Magic Naptha, 6 for 250; infante' Delight, 10 for 80. LARD. -18o, 16o, 13e, 2 lb. for 25o. 1111.1110,01.1 capital Patti tip $3,000,000. Reserve $3,750,000, Total Assets Over $48,00,000, • B ANK OF H AMILTON • The Saving Habit MANS' people who are earning less than you, and whose necessary expen- ses exceed yours, have been saving for years and now have snug and comfortable back accounts. Systematic saving was the foundation of many a large fortune. It is a habit that 'is easily acquired, affording more saatisfaotfon and offering larger rewards than - any other habit that you could form. You can open an account in this bank with one dollar and every six months your savings will be credited with the highest current interest, C. P. SMITH AGENT . WINGHAM -111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111 a Electric Restorer for Men restores every nerve in the body Phosphonol to Its proper tension,; restores vine and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make. you fe new man. Price $8 a box or two for *5. Mailed to any address, Tho Sco ell Drug Co., fit, Catharines, Ont. Shaw's Schools Toronto, Canada, inoludo The Shan; Cor- respondence School. The Central Business College, The Central Telegraph & Railroad Sohoel,, and Four City Branch. Business Schools. All provide excellent courses leading to good salaried positions. b'ree catalogue on request. Write for it. W. A. SHAW, President. Read Offices, rouge & Gerrard Sts,, Toronto. CENTRAL STRATFORI7Z ONT. The best practical training school in On- tario. Three departments-- COMMER- CIAL, SHORTHAND and TELCGRA- PRY. All courses are thorough and practical. Teacherr are experienced and graduates are placed in positions. We give individual attention and students may enter at any time. Write for our free catalogue at once. D. A. mcLAC13LAN • Principal • SEEDS' We have a full line of the finest Red Clover, Al Lf. like, Alfalfa and Timothy, also all lines of Garden and Root Seeds, Perma- nent Pasture Mixtures, &c., all 1913 fresh seeds, not a single old one left over. Now for a rush season in strictly high class seeds at very rea- sonable prices for cash. We are also selling Seed Corn. Our motto ,-- "-'-Nothing but the Best." MRS. GRISDALE J. L. AWDE A restaurant run by the city has for fifty years existed in Grenoble, France. Meals are supplied at cost, and the food is excellent. For lid, P.Utt cuastomer can fill himself with bread and eoup, and for 01. he is ftttnished with a four•course dinner, ..i HOW 0110 ARP 'VW BY YOVR MIR? `' "ou may be fie in years, but if you are baldheaded or gray, you cannot prevent people froin thinking you are years older. Dandruff is the root of all hair evils'. If It were not for the little destructive germs working with a persistency worthy of it better taauae there, would be no baaldneAs. PARISIAN Sage, Canada's greatest halt restorer. will keep you Iookiug young and attractive, It is guaranteed by WY S. McKibbon to make hair grow and stop falling hair; to core dandruff in two weeks~; to stop itching of the scalp almost instantly, PARISIAN Sage ias the roost invi`• olra ting, satisfying. asatyb plea'ltnt hair dressing made; it makes the hada soft, luxuriant and. handsome; It is es• � peoiall praised by women who love autIful heir. ISO Cents ;a bottle. ri OVERALLS FREE WE ARE S0LF AGENTS FOR WALKER'S OVERALLS MANE IN WALKERVILLE, ONT. We guarantee 10 cents for every button that domes oft and 2.5 cents for every rip. For every >;iz pockets cut from worn garment' we will give you one pair of OVERALLS or SMOCK, FREE. Get tie habit of saving your poeketp, J/ or„ R, 1 R, SOLD AND GIYAIONTEEn B At Taylor H *McCall Thoso Henderson t fleigrave Bluevtle " hlteehureh Also by the Walker Pant and Overall too., Walitcrville, Oz..t. w Headquarters for Rugs, Carpets, Linolettms, Oil= cloths, Mattings, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Lace Curtains, Madras Curtains, Tapestry Curtains, Art Sateens, Art Mtislins, Furniture Damask and all kinds of douse -Furnishing Goods at less than City Prices, Linoleiims.--•New patterns, all widths, 2 yards, 3 yards, 3i yards and 4 yards wide. New de- sign at, per square yard.... , 50c Carpets. ---Big stock to choose from, including new patterns in Wool, Tapestry, Brussels, Union and Hemp Carpet. Special bargain, yard wide, for , • .. 50c Rugs. Large range of iiew designs and color- ings, in. all sizes of Wilton, Brussels, Tapes- try, Axminster, Wool and Union Squares. See our leader, size 3x4 ..$10.00 Lace Curtains. --Never so many to choose from. See the samples displayed on. the ground .floor. Prices begin at 25c. See our special line at .,..,..,... $2.00 Art Draperies.—New patterns and shades,in- eluding very pretty bordered goods. Prices are ..............10, 15, 20 and 25c Window Blinds.— Washable Opaque Linen, mounted on good spring rollers with lace or insertion. OurP rice . , nimsommaimmommmamivamuilimin Spring AullOullce mont WE announce to- day our readiness to serve our patrons with Spring's choic- e s t productions in Outfitting for Men, Boys and Little Men, OLD FRIENDS, who have made this their chosen Outfitting Establishment, know of the good- 'ness of our Clothes, and they will coxae to us again this Spring of their own accord. NEW FRIENDS, who will investigate our claim of selling Clothes of special goodness, will be quick to see that we offer unusual values and better Clothes' service, and they also will not be slow in making this their Outfitting Establ.ishm.ent, 5 PER CENT, DISCOUNT FOA CABH On Amounts up to $1.00 and over. W. A. CAMPBELL SUCCESSOR TO McGEE & CAMPBELL