HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-04-24, Page 2La'SfiON W. APRIL 27, 1013.
'10seph Seat into Egypt, -Oen. 37t
1 36. Print 37; 23-36.
- tantunenta.rre- T. ,Tosepli and
dreams (vs, 1-11). The story -Opens
shae; le a lad of sevoiteen years,
obieet of envy among his brothers.
ofe:esien of thio envy is not ter to s
Joeepli wam Jacob% favorite child,
son of his beloved. 11aclutel. It ie
to see that Jamb wits unwise in sh
ing favoritism among his ebilaren. 13
if ,Joeeplt was pure and humble eno
to Toe uninjurea by his father's part
ity shown to him, his brothers were
inan ena 6nbjeet to envy, jealoasy
hatred. '.fite rota of malty eolore
pieeee, given by- deceit to Joeoph, nu
ed. the latter as being greatly.ouperio
hie brothers in hie father's) estimat
lt is .thought thot the coot was a sle
ed untie, reaching ne.arly to the ank
and 1.vern by those not much enga
in Manilla labor, It was also woru
a mark of distinction. Joseph's f
dream was -interpreted to 'mean that
eleven brothera would some time sl
lemor to him as their superior.
seeond seemed to inaivate that not o
hie brothers should bow humbly lief
him, but Jaeob and. Leah or Bilhalt
would aeknowledge las superior
Joseph% artless_ nature lea him, to
the dreamo frauklY, and he had
.tliongitt that there could be any trail
to follow his making them known, '
dreams in reality were fulfilled 1
/Liao' yeals later in Egypt. Jos5th
oitly had dreams, but God used I
moro than once to interpret dreams.
IL A wieked plot (vs, 12-22). 1
oeetipation of Jacob as a aerdsman
goired those who kept his. flock"
trovel far in search of pasture, Jo.
owned land at Shoehorn, and thither
brothers of Joseph went with. the het
Ae danger was likely to beset his s
and his poesessions, Jaeob was deir
ot knowing how they - were gett
along'. It was neeessary for Joseph, v,
evne-eent by his father, to journey six
miles to Dothan to find brothe
Joeeph" arrival was eesug;gestion to
brothers to rid themselves of the area
or, The plan. was quickly laid to I
him, bat ...Reuben., his eldest broth
and the ono who would naturally
behLresponeihle for hint, undertook
eaVe his life and restore him to
father, Ae the first step in thie-dir
tion, he advised putting hint in 0
of the pits or cieterns, whieh were us
in that country for holding water d
ing the dry season. In shape, these p
• were circular,- huge at the bottom- a
small at the top. They wete outdo
exeavatino, in the ground, or ooft bro
stook, One renal not escape from thh
Unaided. The .brothers were plannt
to report that he had been slain by Iv
III. Sold into slavery tees. 23-28.) •
Wheit Joeeph wits eeme unto his bret
ren ---On his part there \nes suspiet
of mieehief and only'relief to know ta
he had found his brothers, for who
welfare his father had sont him to i
goire, On their part, there was a spit
of astred. and murder. His coat -T1
token of hie Miler's especial offeetio
was, tei his brothers, a hated thing, al
they would have the tatisfaetion of 1
moving from his that mark of distin
tion., 24. The pit Wa.s ampty-Althou
tbore wee no water io it, there was pr
belay mud or slime in the bettom, arta
eves a foul obeli to stay. If they pla
ea the -Ilene') stone cover upon the mon
of the pit, Joeeph's imprisonment w
rnemnfortable, 'indeed. 24. Sat down
eat bread ---To be eontent ta eat mid
midi circumstances showed that th
wert eating delicacies that :Joseph he
bronght them from Hebron. A comma
of lerneeelitee--A caravan eompOsed
leloaftelites, dependants of Ishmael, ai
Nidietites, deecendants of Midian, a s(
of Ab.rahain „by .Keturah.„, There nta
bite°. been other tribes in the commin
tot travel was prineipally by eeravan f
safety. Dothan WAS on the came
route from Damascus to Egypt. Spice]
--Probably the gum tragaeonth, whic
with myrrh, was used Egypt for ezu
baltnime. Balm -The aromatic liaison
foe whieh Oilerol was noted, was used i
tho temples of Egypt. 26. judah-Pe
. haps he was slightly moved by the crio
of deeeple .fer help, and saw that thee
would be an opporamity to get rid. o
304ifi al without putting him to cleat
oda at the same time, they could gt
some money for themselves. 27. Se
him to 'the 'Ulm:lentos-The merchant
in the caravan were not only dealers. i
Melee% but els° in slaves. Content -Th
brothers evero .satisfied with that turn o
affeirs, 28. Twenty pieces of sliver -Elle
Pivot of .silver was a shekel. weegh
awl. worth about sixty cents.
W. A father's sorrow (ys. 29-30,) 28i
Mullen retunted-at 13 likely he we
away plannieg, to rescue Joseph. 30, Th
child ie not whither . „ whither shal
go---Iteuben, being &mob's °iciest son
felt the responsibility upon hitn fo
joF.ephce care, and he appears to hex
teen ,stroogly opposed to his brother*
course in getting rid of hbn. Reubm
refere to tide :vain (Gen. 42: 22.) 32
P.ent the rout , to their father -
Thee? prnetised deception upon their fa
ther, ae ite had praetised deeeption year
before upon his father, haat. Kum
teow whether it be thy son's coat -They
did not say. "Oar brother's ooat." Her
t8 partiolly eoneoaled taont, because
jaeoba boally expressed preferetee
'for .heeeph. ;la An evil beast bath de-
voured, ban -That was. exactly 'what the,
brethers desired' him te believe. It was
a ;sliest natural eonolusion, for savage
laetete roamed over that regime.
Jneob rent his elothes-Hiolielov-
iiii Raohel wee dead, and now hie favor-
ite son was dead, as he believed, and no
greater gotof eotild come to ;11m- He
vent elothes in token of his grief.
Saelecloth ---- A eoarse, eloth that would
irritate the skin, worn as a oign of
deep eorrow..115, 1116 daughtets-Oely one
daughter. Dinah, mentioted„ but he
may have had more. nia ;ono' wivote are
doubtloso meant. Rorie op to oorafort
him -The acts Of his 8011s, AS _they pto-
itYksiffia tts t.oinfort. their. father, were
inoet hypoetitieol. They lived under the
voesere of thele tonlielerteee for thoir
erime. end. they "were compelled to wit-
; for year,: the. heavy aorrow of the
4.,Kn'ati,Ved parent." DOwn into tho grave
onto nie. eon-tnto tho oleo& of' the
deed, Here ie referonee to the doc-
trine ef immortality, Thua hia father
wept air him -.Jacob waa ono bundred.
mei eight oears ohl at thie timo, ated the
grief -e,f thei aged Data:troll during the
followiteg twenty-two :ewe, rtinst hove
been. a eonetent reminder to his 601114 of
eater eruelfee not only to Joeeplo tut ol-
eo to him. 110. Sohi him into EgYpteee
sleekly le not mentioned before thts -
thoornipturee, leo it .mtiest lutve .exioted„
The <dia.:vex ieidet in war were tiletently•
gi.eadamer-Where NVAA *Iamb's home
thie time? How did he Show speolloI
infection far Joseph/ Relato. Joeophate
tore -ammo 'Give. tbe interpretatieroDeo-
11”.• 161,67,r6.4",*16**.
eribe tile feeling of timer:leo la/Al:eve to
svard Tdpon weat eironl deel d'acce: -
0,enie 1".'"hat 1,1ot (LI iliey farm?
AVlicit woe Vottliena, oregteetiette 'What
etal ;India 1,rereace at hat vote
clone wi th , se eph . \Viet t d es- opt ien le a
practieed itpott 3.1,401. la -glebe arteolee
• feelinge.
Plartsritee ea' 11 VEY.
Zelda-. °biome" providented.
a In vorioue Lamm of preferment.
If. In N.:trireme methotti. ot reeietance.
I. in variene tokene of prefermeut
Jo.,epleis piety is htim einanteiel with
tha wiekedneee of Jaeolre other fame
eloeiving tho poseibility Of youthful piete
amid adversity. WO here exo malice pro
yoked to entel deeds towar4 Inoue -et
parity, The promo of Jeeteplobeought
to light the base tuttores of his. brethren,
influenee exaoperated them 'to do
their worst. Their wiekednese rapidly
brought forth its. fruitie The woekind
of -evil paseions and moral impurity were
brongbt to a <limo through the dewlap.
ment of God's graee in the life of Joeeph.
wae the Cain spirit brought to light
be. the -Abet spirit. In J'aeolhe
dim) woo the same epirit of murder as
in Matteis family. The -cause of Datred
toloinot Joseph wee the superior place
Which lie enjoyed io hie fttber's Offre.
tions, the superiority he evidencal above
themserveo, and the suporior honor he
revolved from God. It woe in mowil
statore that the 60115 of Meat -iota
Zidpalt felt that they were outgrown by
the stripling Joseph, Iire would. 3Wt
Sent to be one of then in doing the
taings which they knew their father
woild condemn. Joseph. oaw tho iniquitv
of such soelety and sought to bettor it,
while he remained uneontaminated be
the midst of evil, ,Theeph seemed to poe-
seso the highest quelititee of hio.alitee.
tem He was (separate from sinners by
a. dignity of winch his youthful dreame
were permitted to.give a dim indefinite
prophetie of his fut'ure great-
ness. .1.11s- dreams were such as pre-
cjietea only. advaneement and bonor,
peals ana imprisonment formea no pert
of bis dreams. The happy end. of all
hio trottblee was tints mereifully mode
kitten to lam, that ',le might bo sup-
ported under them and be etrongthened
to endure the depthe of affliction into
evaith his brethren were wont to plunge
him. Joseph &mood of prefermenabot
not of imprisonment. Giving Joseph a
coat of many More wao an ordinary
emetern enstoni of indicating that he
was to be ihe future leadee Jaeoba,
meaiumment, Joe,eph repaid.bis fittitera
'warm affeetion by filial obedience atul
e U. In various methods of reeistanee.
',Ricoh- Was a tutted brother. Hie dress
and his dreams Were exteperating to hiS
brothers. They entertablea no thonght
of killing him, until their envy had by
indulgence acquired a great degree of
streugth. Then they rieizea their °mole
tunity with an eagernefes which sbowed-
how inteneely they hated. him. Their
hatred overcame; their humanity. Theh.
eon.spintey aimed at •the deitruetihn of
Joseph's life. The old of murder was
merely prevented by 'the coming in- of
another passion. It. Was the trio/malt
eafoava.rice over malico, Joseph sought
his brethren' in loving concern. They
took advantage of his Iove and their
father's interest to wreak vengeance up-
on Joseph. thutatural sons. Ten sons
againk ,a father, ten plotters against
Oiiie brother! They combined in thought
;And strength for a wieked. purpose. It
was a. eruel. trick by- which 'Toole was
deceived. It was ineult added to malice.
Those brothers were guilty of murder
in the sight. of men when they put Jose
eph in the pit, but- in God's sight they
weremurdeeers when they began to hate
ril'oeseph. Reubet, the only .one wbo seeno
eidvto have some virtue in him waa too •
thoid to assert himself with vigor and
boldness, ,as became the- eldesthand take
poeition of micomprothising. eoodera-
nation itgainet the plot. Sin WAS tem---
porarily cheeked by Iteuben's senSe
responsibilitaa but his neglett was his
datoat. Judahee sa#gestion touchea
etheir bunion •nature, Selling,. as oontrast.
led .with slaying, seemed so moderate
and amiable a, thing as 'actually to ap•
pear a kind, of virtue. That wicked pro.
-peal wits a hideous discover,y of tho
utter perversion of moral nature which
had taken place in ,Teeephre brethren.
.Ilittred had grown into murderous eon. •
lOpiraey, rude violence, lying deceit. av-
arice and fraud, even the araffie
human flesh. It was an act of cold
ealeulation and selfish adoantage to sell -
Joseph, a step beyond raging passion;
Vat they appeared to haVe.viewed it as
pit admirable eontrivence by whieli they
could get rid of areeeph effeetuelly with.
,out, loading their conseiences With his,
death. Jaeob's grief was.deep and. overi
He who had deceived his..
faalter was here deceived ay hid chit-
dtab. T. R, A..
e „.
fear la S'.COCIa.
Export eattle, eholee 11 80 $ 7 25
Do., medium 0 25 6 75
• Do., bolle ......, 0 00 0 80
Butelter eattle, elioice 75 7 10
Do., medinut 8O 0 40
• Do., eoramon 5 00 4 5 73
1• 3utelier cows, choice „ , 3 30 0 00
Do., medium 4 20 4 75
Doe canners ..... 3 00 S 76
Da, bulls 50 6 00
Feediug steers 5 00 5 85
Do., Iiglet a 75 4 ta5
Milkers, choke, each 55 00 75 00
Springers . 50 00 75 00
00 7 23
Bottles awl voile ..... 3 00 .3 efe
Lambe . ... . 8 00 0 5
Ifiges, fell and watered 0 65 ...
11L).;•SI foClob6 •••••••••••• 0 20 4o* 4
1. Calves . . 3 00 0 00
Dressed hogs, hettry ... , 12 00 42 50
IDo., Irght .. .. . , , 17 '70 :3 25
Butter, ditirt... „ . .. , 0 30 0 35
Eggo, new laid „ . „ . 0 22 0 24
Chieleouo, lb ,. ,. 0 22 0 26
Turkeys, lb. — . , .. 1) 241 0 28
Apples, bbl, .. , . , , , . 2 00 3 00
Potatoes, bag_ „ . , • 0 80 0 00
Celery, dozen.. ,., . , ,.. , .0 50 0 60
Ctbbage, elozen., . , .. 0 40 0 50
Beef, forequarters, ewt. - . 8 00 9 00
Do., hindquarters, cwt_ 12 50 13 50
De., chore° sides, cwt1 1 00 1 1 50
Do., medium, ewt.. .. „ 0 00 10 00
Do., common, cwt.. , . 7 00 8 00
Mutton, light, ewt, , .. 10 00 13 00
Void, emmuot, mt. , .... 9 00 11 00
Do., prime, cwt,. _ _ 12 00 14 50
Lamb...*. , .. • ,. - • - , 10 00 18 50
Da, Spring .. .. . , .. 8 00 10 00
SUGAR alet.R.E.T.T.
Sugars are quoted in Toronto, in bags,
per ewt., as follows:
Extra, granulated, St. Lawrence $4 60
, Do. do. Itedpettlds„ ... .. . , „ 4 CO
Do. doe Acadia , . - - „ . .. , 4 55
Imperial granulated .. .. - .., 4 45
No. 1 ,yellow . „... „ , . .. .. 4 20
in barrels, ile per ewt, more; ear
lote, 50 less. .
. High, Low, Close.
Wheat -
July „• . 92% 03% .92% 93%b
„ .911/4 92 01%. 02%n
„33y8 35% 30 a5z
daily • ...... 3614 3014, 301,43 30Veb
• afinneapolio-20lose-Wheat-Mity 87.
7.8 to 88e; july, 90 1 -Se; Septembee,
neer; No. I hard, 901/eee No, 1 **t-
ern, 80 to 00OLNO, 2 Northern, 87 to.
88e.. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 55 to 5,5tee
Gats -No. 3 white, 82e.. Ilye--No. 2, 5
to 58e, Floor-TJnehanged....
Dulutio-Close: Wheat -No. 1 hard,
90e; No. 1 northern, 80e; No. 2 do., 86e
to 87c; May, 890; truly, 907/8c to 91e
ftleked; Sept., 01 1-4e bid.
Cowansville, Que.-At the meeting of
the Eastern Townships Dairymen'e As-
eociatin, held here this afternoon, six.
ten factorieo boarded 029 paekages of
butter, Five buyees pre4nt, Three 'Hun-
dred. a,nil fifty-one packages sold at 20 -
lac, Balance ursold.
London Ont. -At the open eheeee
market to -day, 274 boxes ()Vomit; no
sallelseileville-At the 13elleville Cheese
'Board to.day„ SO boxes white boarded;
no bids; no miles.
St. Hyacinthe, Que,-.13ntter sold 'here
at'28 3.elt.IGAG° LIVE STOCK.
Cattle, receipts 19,000,
Blarket steadi,.
!Igasteers . ... 6 75 tO 7 90
v:s.• 6 4•• ••••*•• •• Oo 4 7 23 to 9 25
Stockers h.nd ?adders-. 6 10 to 8 W
Fors and heifers... . 3 90 to 6 40
4 6 60 to 8 60
Market ateadY.
.. ..•• 8 145 to 9 25
8 00 to 9 4"
...... Si 70 to 9 "A
ITugh ....*........ • ,tt(oi
.. 9 05 to 9 25
Sheep, receipts =Awe.
Market steadSr•
MttiVO 44•." 1 * 0, • I Woo to 7 15
Yearlings -.., „, ...... • 6 ro 1.0 1
Lambs, native.., , 46 00 to 8 75
" East Buffalo elespateh -Cattle Re-
eeipts 4,500 head; fairly active and 30 to
lee lower; prime steors, $8.75 to $0,00;
ehipping, $8.00 to $8,65; butzliers„ Sl6.50
to $8.60; cows $4.00 to $7.503 butte, a5.75
to $7.50; hcliers, *6,25 to $8,50; stock
Jesters, *040 to $0,00; etoekers ond fed'
*h.00 tO $7.73; freS'a cows and
rizeeris, ideally, $35 to 685.
Veals-Reeetpts, 1,500 head; eetive,
aar higher, $5-.00 to $10.00.
Hogs-Reteipts 14,000, native ond 11)
to llie lower; heavy, $9.40 to *0.45; mix-
ed. $0,45 to $0.50; yeritere. $9,3a to
$0.50; pigs, $9.25 to $0.35; rouglie, $8AO
to $8.5,0; pigs, $7,00 to *7.30; articles,
$9.20 to $0.50.
Siteep---iteeeipts 1,0.000 head; aetive,
yearlings, steady; oteers 10 to 25e high.
er ; lambs, *O.00 to $8.,h0; yearlinge, $7
to $7.50; ewes, $0.00 to $6.001 eheep,
taxed, 1.40.00 to $0.60.
Montreal despatch: Met End Market.
-Cattle, reoeipts about 1,400, calves 800
sheep and lambs 200, bogs 2,300.
Trade was good, with firtn prices for
lohue.elit,esint ettitrtitel:., lint all others kinds were
Primo beeves 7 1-4 to 7 3-4; medium to
to 7; common 3 3-4 to 6,
Valves I 1-2 to 6. •
sheet> e. to 6 1-e.
Lambs 7 to 1-2.
Hogs 10 1-4.
London-Oate were scarce and broiteht
LIS to *1.25 per eyet. Hay wale iiIso
inner at $12- to $13.50 per top. Butter
oul aims wore firm, eggs sit 200e per
lozen and butter frorit 28e to 32e pee
tound, retail. 'Vegetables were quoted.
lo, same 115 a. week ago) except rhobarb,
Who was awarded verdict of $1,500
adarriages against Chief of Police
Slemin of Brantford, end other mem- $
bera of the force. Tho aetion arose
out of her arrest by the 'police and 1
exanthiation by the Medical Health
aOffieer as the result of the finding
of a dead infant's body In the Grand t
• • *44 •
vhich dropped to $1 per dozero nroa8od
ogs were easier in price, ranging from.
11.90 to $12,25 per owt.; other dressed
tatte wore qttotea the sante as a week
Jacksonville, Fla.. Aptil 21..--lhele. n
- gotes from praetieaIly every State in It'
ilkket.nion, and from nutny parts of Can. .",'
*la and 'Mexico, are oxpeeted at the an. "
, f„ecornotive Engineere. which eonv_o_nee t
1 meal ronvention of the Brothevhood ef 11,,
here to -day for le six-day seeeion. Mot- h'
etre of genera! importanee lo railway -t
eogineers will be diegueeed.
Following atliournment Sotnrdags tI* ,.11),
delogettee will visit Itaeante ond other ii
retreat pointe, embarking front Key *
Weed. Arrangernente have 'been made a
for the eterommodation of 1.000 dela- Oe,
gatee for the trip.
go. Wheett, per burthel, .05e; oats, per
Aiello], 40e to 42 1.2e; potat pea bag)
holesale, 93c; retail, $1, to $1.03; -
mike, pee barrel, $1,25 to 050; hay,
er ton* 12 to.$13,a0e sitrew, per ton, $7
$8, butter, ease per lb., 28o to. 29e; -
o„ creamery, Ile, 31 Ite to 32a; iloe
roeks„ lb., 27e Jo 118e; #ggi., 'dairy holl
riee. Me; do., basket, 190; (to, orates,
holpeale,180 to 199 honeg, stroined, 10
of,. $1.20; do. eeetions, dozen, $2...20 to
2.10; hattple syrnp, $1.30 to
1.40; turleb owe, .eaeft, $50 to $70; fat
$0.10 to AO; Small pigs, poir
7.00 to $10: eteleet hogs, Pole $0, Poul.
dreeeed--thilekens, per pair $1.50
81.70; lb., Orholosolo, 190 to
e: fowl. per lb., 16e; (Woke, per lb,„
. .
Remo April rommitte or ilea • '
tenhniettft, iiretile(1 Arsaterreasa Ito'''. -0
c to lea; do., per poir. $1.00 to $2;
trleeye. per gOe 'We, 13Attaltere"
eftte-tamb, per the I4e to Mc; dretested
llfmno. pri•Pant petition to Prezio 10
ler telolittt eekIne• tor the vote. trefeee
thl4 petition is eonsiderml favorable the,
Itomen oven:lee to create trottlde.
hooe„ eltolee„ $11.410 to $12.20; veal, pier
Mt, $10,1 to $1a; beof, young. ewto $3
to $0; motteee per cwt., $10 to O13;
pork, gleaeter, ibe 38e to 15e,
Cow hidee, Nee 1, lb., Jae to itio, Maks-
Cow hidees, Ne. 1 lb., Ile:, do, No, 22 10e 5
do. No. 3, VI- wool. unwallied, lOa to
No; the weehed, per lb., 10e to thIe; calf.
ehine, hie to 15o.
tietlph -There was very little oltenge
in prieeie, wero as follows: .Reef,
foregnarters, 10e; ltindgnarters, 12e;
eggs, 16e- to 18e; butter, 27e to 300; ear -
robe, 20e a Whet; beets, 20e 0, baeket;
potatoes, 30c a basket; potatoes, 304
baeket, .$1,00 per bag; oelone, 300 aas-
ket; 20e a basket,
St, Thomas -The price of eggs re.
Mained at 180 tO 20c; buttor, 30e to
3'2e; chiekens, 16 te 18e; potatoes, $1.10
to $1,2a bog; oppleff, 50e to 75e Inuihel;
hides, tie to 101-2e; wheat, -07ai oats,
32e; loose bay, $14 to *15 tons baled hey,
*17 to e20; live hogs, $0 per ort,
Brentford -The price of butter ranged
from. iffie to 32e. The latter priee
asked for creamery hotter, bot the gen-
eral priee asked was .30v. alaplo eyeup
was rather Scaree and found ready buy,
CrS at $1,50 a gallon. Potatoes took a
slight drop, being offered. at 75 eentS
bag, Other quotations were; Ego, 184
to 200; cheese, 17c to 20e: beef, 7o to 18e
pot lb.; pork, 10e to 18e per lb.; clack -
eta 00e to $1,10; geese, $1.00; ducles,
$1.25; lamb, 15e. to 20o; veal, 12e to 15e;
mutton, 150 to 20e.
Stratford-Quotatione were; Eggs,
100 per dozen; butter, 284 to 20e per
pound; ehickees, 60e eaohe potatoes,
$1,10 to $1,2a per bag; wheat, 93e per
busbel; oats, 3(le bushel; hoy,
$0,50 to $10 per ton; hogs, live, $0 to
$10 per owt„t wool, syttehed., lfle to 20Voe
per ponntl; hides, 11e per pound; ealf-
skins, 13e to 14e per pound..
Clot t h a 111.-Egge plentiful a t 1Se ; but-
ter declined from 30o to 28e; ruling
price 304 chickens, 35e to' 80e; hay, tint-
othy, $10 to *la ton; hides, 10e; calf -
skins, 10e to 12e; woole Waiined, 20e.
Grain' prices unchanged
Sarnia. ---Eggs were plontiful, but the
priee has not ehanged, remainiug 20e
per dozen, The following prime
. Wheat, 80e to 90e per busted; bor.
ley, 48e; oats, 300; hay, load, $10 per
ton; straw, load, $9 per ton; bran, $20
per ton; shorts, $22 per ton; eorn,
ehop, $24 per ton; oats, chap, $27 per
ton; potatoes, 75e to 85e per buehel;
turnips, 30e to 45e; onions, 60e 'to 700;
earrots, 10e to 50e; ehickene, Hie to
20e per pound; butter, dairy, alle to
32o; creamery. 32e to 35e; apples, per
berm], $2.50; beans, aand-picked, $2 per
bushel; oa,bboges, 40e to 50o per
Owen Sounda-Tho following are the
ruling prices: Butter, 27e; ens, 17e;
potatoes, 000 per bag; hey, $14 phr ton;
fait wheat, 38e to 40e; peas, 00e to $1;
55e; oats, 38e to 40e; peas, 90q to $11
live hogs, $9; ,dressed hoge, $12; butch-
ers' <male, $6 to $0.75; exporters, $5
to *5.50; butehers' cows, $5 to $3.75.
Peterboro,---No change Las oceurroa
in live hog prices and the sopply is
good. They cost V. Baled hay, $16;
loose, $17; wneat, 92e to 95e; oats, 40e;
fanners' hides, 10e; butchers', lle; po-
tatoes, $1.10; ducks, $1.75 pair; chick-
ens, 75e to 95e each; butter, 32c; eggs,
6* -46.••••••••••••
Belleville -Eggs were 180; butter, 28e
to 30e; fowls, $1 to $1.40 pair; hay,
loose, $11 to $12. laaled hay, .$12.50'per
ton, fora. here; 'lire hogs, $8.40.el"eleess.`
ed, *12,75; potatoes, $1,25 per bag;
wbeat, 90e per btteliel; oats, 42e busliel;
wool, washed, 20e; eelfskins, 13e to 14c
Wheat, spot firm.'
No. 2 Ntanitoba--7s, 9 1-20.
No. 3 Manitoba --7s, 8 1-441.
Futures firrn, ilkfay-7S, I 1-2d.
JuIV-7s, 5 1-2d.
Corn, spot steady Oetober-7s, 3 3-40.
American mixed new -4s, 11 1-2d.
'Futures new Ittln, dried -5s, 1 1-20,
Old -4s. Dd.
Olcl Via Galveston -6s, 0 1-20,
8teacly 11lay Amn. mixed -4.1s, 10.
•Ittly.Laplata-5s, 1 1-24.
Flour winter patents --29s, 60.
lions 'in LOndon (Pacific Coast) -I4, 10s.
To -I5, 10s.
Beef, extra India mess -133s.
Pork, prime iness, wesiokrn-102s, 60,
Hams, short cut, 1.4 to 11.1 lbs. -71S.
Bacon, Cumberland cut, 20 to 20 lbs. -67s,
Short. ribs, I6,to 24 lbs. -70s.
Clear bellies, 14 ta 16 lbso-67s.
Loog clear middies, light, 28 to 04 lbs. -
LOrig clear middles, heavy, 05 tO 40 lbs.
Short elertr Lomita 16 to 20 lbs. -68s.
Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbS.-r57s.
Lard, prime western, hi tierces -58s.
American, refinee-59s, 30:
Cheese, Canadian, finest white -62s.
Colored -68s, 60.
Tallow, prime eity-32s,
Am:trail:10 111 London -36s 10 1-20,
'Turpentine, spirits -29s. 941.:
Resin, 00=1011-A-128; Sci.
Petroleum, refined -9 3-8d.
Linseed 011-27e.
Cottoneeed oioarttli refined spot -26S. 9Ct.
Montreal: The effect of tight money
and the coneequent poor settlements are
being. telt by file wholesale trade. Money
heti not 0:toed yet, arid tole -out demand
persists for commercial purposes. Gra.
eery business moving fe on a fair basie,
Some etinntate bus oonie to dry goods
homes, Ilardware ond building meter-
ials aro active,
Toronto. --Trade le noritial• from the
wholesale etandpoint, With a more op-
tiniistio outlook than has been for some
lirhile no lo-oaeninrr hes occurred
In the ttionv anarkot, the'ere la promise
of a, better'ilay soon. Groeeries eon.
time fairly ao,tive. Hardware :houses
are .bneete Lumber yards are having it -
Inteee oraeon. Seettrity Markete are hold-
ing up in vaineo, but are rather tepid,. e
Wittnipog.--Perennial optitniem seems
to characterize the business world of the
northwest. The aniount merehandiso
moving IS large, and ordees are erriving
in eatisfo.etory numbero, Dry goodoreasi.
ne03 is progressing well, Deliverieo from
faetories are only fair. A lively move- t
meat in oltoos onr rubliers to tepotted. 8
IrardWnre trade ittmovee. Foreign'goain t
trade hos been aetive and Market 'MACS t
l�ve advarteed. Colleotiono and remit*
taneee show a little ingerovement.
Vancouyer,-43ttsiness houses state
thet money le eirculating more freely,
and busineeo activity hito itnproved.
is. truo of the Wocery trade. A bealthy
tette exists in dry goode awl hardware,
Hamiltoo: Real eetato is ttotive, and
lettildifiee will (1°1.11410e be on a largo,
setle this eeosion, Wholesale bOuseei are
deing an aetiVe 'business travolleto all
over the eountree ropordng satiefactor-
ily. drhe geentent evorkerfr Strike that
began tide week is likely to retard dei
liveries and inerettee valueo on twarty
intetialre navigettiot opened -from
tide port, vesfeele leoving Theodoy,
penditure of millions on lutraer Is pro.
mieett Maio in me,ato eta procloeo WAS
light, With egga abundant $1nd easier in
Wet, weather tee proventtl
( di 441 bet 1'1 g (10110 UP 1.0 tiqlte, bat the
fine 'weather of tho loot few dari will d•
dihrt it gaithe heat Week. Factersel; are
111,111Y" onPged filling orders. Tlarlwnre, vt
dry goodie and intilailig metelletle axe aw
moving' freely, mid fair reenittaneee keep d
(Ittstenti A good deed' buildieg is teh
PO1110 Who4leAttle inXiSoft reeleort an 1,1‘
imtweveirent in outlook. aloe:Oars 1.14.06 ,tr
064141 41010 nit IAA $0111401144 efooket /eft :a,
thele hende. wi
100.10$1011$ 110404010$6
11601.11 '1"...A"411144"1111.6.41" 1' ' I 1, 11 • r '11.44040600,0001011400011M... ' '" , 0 ,
ond tedoin, eight horees and tweentwilve - GIA, __ LE
he,.,x of cattle belemoineo (diver. 4()42,432 -CAME
stablea impleineate. Itav =*
. lot 3,. eone,esetort 4, -of the tewneeip ' * -
llAyrey, neor liaetintie„ weee Opetroseo
• • •
• •
Armistice Signed Between
Turkey and Allies,
St. Thonrias Boy Wins Hon-
or at Yale.
Seven Toronto Isiand houeee were
destroyed by fire.
Tile Toronto teaneeters' otrike evil!
proboaly enel todlay,
Three thousand caldfellows marched
to §erviee at affaesey Hal.
The corner atone of the now Metho-
dist Oltureh Tillsonburg was laid.
Christian 'Bender, a retired farmer,
aged 02, was killed at Listowol by a kick
from a horse.
joeepli Hummel, of New Germany,
roared away, aged 90 years. Re was, one
of the veterons of the county.
Hon. S. If, Blake, who is at the Wes-
ley Hoapital, Toronto, was reported as
"doing very nicely after. the operation."
•Hon. Robert Rogere has been gozetted
Hotorary Lieutenant -colonel of tho 31th
0G01101.ay..11. orse, a new Winnipeg regiment.
Front street, Toronto, will coot $2,000,-
A new customs house to be built on
A.'E. Ferrier, Toronto, proposes
to give $10,000 to start a new commun-
An umiak() was signed at Bulair on
Saturday between Turkey and all the
DalicR21 anicS, except Montenegro.
no bounties on iron and oted are, it
is moleretood, not to be renewed, but
atititetti•eesawill likely be some revision of
Mrs. William Cumming Story has
been elected the new President -General
of the Daughters of the American Re-
afro. Anna E. Price, an elderly To-
ronto iody, died ao the result of injur-
4es otestained in, a fall down the cellar
Stairs of her home.
In the Frae,zari murder woe et Guelph
it only took the jury a alicire tizne to de-
eitle that Giuseppe Pototelli was not
tan *
Mrs. John Stowera who was terribly
binned at Woodstock throttoh het
clothes ignitinsoofrom rubbish she was de.
strosing, at the hospital.
Edward Dixon, a vardoutetor at the-
Weet Toronto yards di the Canadian Pa-
oifie Railway, was ground to pieces be-
neath the wheels of a, pasaenger coach.
A man named Fred. Ball, About 35
years old, wan killed at the Maplo -Leaf
Milling. Co., Port Colberne, by' being
caught in the machinery. Ball was a
married man with a family,
lenthuslaotie endorsemenie was given to
the proposal ta send the Mendelesohn.
Choir of Toronto to Europe in 1910, at
a dinner tendered to Dr, A. S. Vogt up-
on his return from abro:v1.
There was a celebration in St. Thomas
tp mark the dose of the Whieloand oant-
paign to raiee *50,000 for a new Y. M.
C. A. nuildidg. It was found that a
grand total Of $67,000 hod been raised.
West Elgin LiCenaa Clotunus-lioners,
as.t: nollelee:i.ng held In St. Thoinae, cut off
four city hotel% three of them for pod,
namely the "Wabash, Grand Union, and
An order-in-Counell will soon be is-
sued in -the Canada Gazette proclaiming
the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation
wIth Japan as in force from May .Ist,
Hon. Dr. Roche, it is said, will not
resign his •portiolio, but Hon. W. T.
Crothese, Minieter of Labor, will for a
while be also Acting Minister a the In-
Walter A. Bell, son of James A
Bell, C. E., St, Thome, has won th
Delia Fellowship in Geology at Yal
University, the highest honor in Oa,
The launch of the Allan Royal Mhil
quodruple wow tortithe Calgaria n
took plate from. the yard of the Fair-
field Shipbuildink and Engineering
Comparly, Glasgow,
The C. I'. R. depot at 'Melrose was
burned to the -wound from Stelae Un-
lenown rause. It is believed, however,
that the station was ignited by a spark
from a locomotive of e, passang train.
Thomas Flaxen, who resides just out-
side of St, ThoinaS, fell from his car-
riage' on to the pavenient while driving
on Talbot' otroet, nod IS in a critical
conaition, suffering from concussion of
the brain.
Fred, W. McFarlane, it aoese-dealer,
in Lanigan, and an unknown livery
were drowned, togather evith one horse
when they drove into a swollen creek
oh the way to Shoho, near Saskatoon.
The bodies have been recovered.
Otto W. Brodie, a, professional avia-
tor, was killed by a, fail. of his machine
roue a height of 45 feet at the aviation
groande, on the West Side, Chleogo.
Brodie was head of a school of aviation,.
and was testing a new machine.
Sir Cecil Spritig-Illete the new Britioh
Aietbassador to Washington, is expected
o make an official visit to Ottawa
hortly often...his arrival. ne will come
O enquire into matters pending be -
ween Canada and the that dStates.
William O'Brien, aged 18 years, an
naptoyee in a too erage establishmeht
Sinithle Falls. d ed as the result of
ininriee inastaleied when le rig he waa
driving was strutk by the noon Caned -
ion Paolfib Railwoy express- at a tress-
ing tWo mince from toevn,
Edward 'Afro -tiler, fifty years of age,
Ifitileybury, has been et -Mewed to two
yeitro in Kingston Penitentiary for an
attempted asaaalt on lids daughter. His
wife received ft sentetiee of twenty
monthe in the Mereer for compelling
the daughter to lead n life of aliamo,
Williem Gilbert, en monocled Man,
twenty.time years of amee, employed at
thee Ihototford plant of the Boll Tele -
Phone Company, fell off a pole in Weet
Broutford. Avail picked. up uheon.
Sei0114 and removed to the hospital,
'Where it Wine lotted that his Spine ima
• iolured, There is Blight hope of
is reeovery„
The firet sea.going vesieel to bo elee.
loony propelled WaS lauothed lost
eta: at Midleiborongla Eriglittd. The
hteinount, AA the tiew veseel le funned,
ell be ariveia by ah eleetrical motor,
o potter for wieleh is how:rated by
011 engines. The Witch le too -
oiled by eleetrie eivitehae, She is of
400 tono„ 240 feet long, 42 14 feet
(16 nil 10 Met deep.
the eituation healtho.
Thomai Taller died at fit. afiehaela;
Ifeepital„where he had been taket alter
he wee struek Ily an automobile, He
had coneuesien of the brain, and other
juries, but the immediate eauso of hie
death was pneumonia.
The seeond trial of a member of the
Shoe York pollee force arrested. fee
grail -pg., resulted in the eonvietioa ot
Patrolmao Thos. P. Robins%) On a charge
of extorting "protection" money irOnt
ea tauram t keeper.
As a result of blood poisoning caneed
by an attack of erysipelas, death eloimed
Causlard, Witheervile. As
secrotary-treesurer of Our Walkerviiie
alirewing Campine% Mr. Cau:sland mato
-pied it promhient place fining the bueb
nesse men of the town.
A newepaper in Berlin prints a etatee
ment that the Kaiser Joie invited Whe-
aton Churchill, the First Lord of the Ade
Worthy, who recently proposed that the
natious should. evaoo their taval eon.
,structions for a year, to be his persotal
guesit at Kiel during the yachting week.
1SaskFighting Fierce Fiaixies, .
atchewan Farmers Are
Moose Jaw, Sask., April rider
from the south country reporte a
fierce prairie fire, whieh started Satur-
day afternoon and eontinued tight,
begimting Butteress, on the expanse
line, and sweeping the Blue and,
around them, stopping at Fort Waleth
trial, nine miles distitot. Jameo Farns-
worth's and his father's farm building
ouffered badly. Paddy Doyle and a Man
named Plaster, of Blue Hills, lost their
all. No fatalities are reported,
Morse, Sask., April 21,--A had prairio
fire is raging in tho country to the
south, estimated to be fifty miles in
width, and swopping everythieg before
it. Already half dozen or more home.
steaders have loet everything and also
several have had narrow escapes for
their lives. It is the worst aire known
here, and has already burned over a
large area, with 110 signs of abating.
Rumors of lives loet lack confirmation.
Hundrede of men are out fighting the
flames, but with little or Ile suceess, for
the territtory- in which the fire le rag-
ing ie largely virgin proirle.
Pegenerate Boy Confesses.
• to Killing the Sleeps
Elgin, M., April 21.-Herimen •Cloppes,
whose mentali.ty ia eo low that at 10
years of age he hits only been able to.
advance to the fourth grade in 601001)
has confeesed that no 'M143 the okover
of Mrs. Manny Sleep and. her two stmoll
cloldreto whoee bodies were. found Solar -
day in a cistern under the kitehen of the
Sleep farmhouse, five miles west of here.
Copps tho reselted from
Moo Sleep saying she “wottid Ace about
it," when he had. refused. in ill -humor to
do one of bio aceastontod eitoree after
Leek a &cop after being arrested
aopeared. to have eaueed Coppee to eon.
fess. At first he only- admitteel 'writing
n, letter found with Mrs. Sleep's body.
which purported to tell of her intention
to commit suicide ofter sihe i
her -two children. Later he gave the de.
talle of ble orboe.
Estimates or Its v ame Atre
Largely Conjecture.
Now York, April 21. -Interest in the
twill of J. P. Morgan, made public yes-
terday centered to:day in the gaestion
of the value of the finaneier's estate,
and in what disposition his son would
make of th.e vast collection of Morgan
art treasures. Lew; than $20,000,000 Was
accounted for in the specific bequeste
made by Mr. Morgan, the rest being the
reeiduary portion left to the son with-
out mention of tho amount. Some es-
timates made toolify placed the tetal es.
tate as high as V125,000,000, but, accord.
trig; to a member of the firm of S. P.
,Morgan & Co., not even the son biniself
ean tell within many millions the Actual
valeto of the fortune. Until appraised
by the State for the purpose of eolleet-
ing the inheritatee tax,the question will
probebly remain open,
P. Morgan declined to -day to say
atorthing in regard to the disposition
of the art treasures, Wait was intimat-
ed that he might have a, statement AOMe
titne this week, The treasures were
left to the son with the hope that "Ho
wilt be able in so& a manner as
thinks best, to make a permenent dio-
position or dispositions; of them or such.
portions of them as will be a sulatantial •
earryiog out of the intentimis whieh
have cherished to render them permit-
ently available for the pleasure and
instruction of the American peOple."
Orleone, La., April
ting the volume of water coming
down tho Mississippi River Was greater
thon firer before, 0. MeD, Townsendi
President Of the Missiaeippi Rivor Com.
miseion, last night declared the levree
are in better condition to tare for the
flood then they Moo over been, Mr.
Townsend prediots a, stage of more than
21 feet, General Bixby, Mr. Towneend
and the other members of the Commis.
sioft, report gonerol eonditiono eatisface
g ge too regiatered 19,3 last
hight, a, rise of three -tenths in twelve
nr Al" tIre''' "11'1 At $1 44-111° r"lit rt CCOIllpaily that it refrain front pushing
. Immigration r igures r or
, Soldiers Leave Poit and Canada Last Year.
Shoot Pursuers.
deo, • ff.
Ottawa, April 21.---Durino the fiecel
Guardsmen on Duty Cheer year ended Mardi Zilst, 1913, 40413:; Leo
migrant; arrived in Canada. This total
the Strikers.
trom ail other eountriee eonafined.
Inuttigation to Valinda for the pre-
cedin ftseal year, the tuelve monthe
elided ',March Wet, 1912, was: Britieb,
g 108,121; from the United States, 133,710,
Y and from all other countriee combined,
✓ 82,400; total 331,237.
4 Peiecutagea of increases are: Brilisb,
• per cent.; Ameriean, 4 per cent.; other
vounteiee 37 per eent.; total 14 per
velrIP(; illustrate the magnitude of the
figuree just quoted, it le neePSSaty to
only state that bast year's immigration
stool:nada is greater than the total pop-
ulation of New Drunswick, according to
the vensue of 19110 by more than d0,000
German —P—ro-fes-sor Finds
immunization Injection.
21 -Two Belgian Soldiere who ever
ort guard at a steel mill, proteotin
the property agabest the poesibilit
of an attack by atrikers, left the].
poets toalay, tarrying thole riflee
withe.oem, They were pursued bY
military patrol, which wao about t
capture them whet both deoorter
fired. killing ono of the pursuers. 'rile
escaped into the ndietent forest
where all traeo thein Waa los
All the troops in the garrison wer
immealately drawn off frOm Mateo
Ilan duty and dispatched, into 'th
woods in eeatch of the fugltlives,
NtaoSvTolt, InKeliligRiiSialB,LAAparliallI2TISA. pass
°tiger train was wrecked near her
to.any by boulders, whieli had beet
it:01111e: roantatnhye. track at a shorp curve
Several persons wero injurea, bu
The oceuxrenee was at iirst attrib
uted to the striking textile workers
but it was later disoovered that th
rocks liad been ploced the line. b
two youths. who had not Joined th
strike, Tatty were arrested.
Liege,. Belgium, April 21-A. de
taehment of the cavil guard. called ou
for the preservation of order till
inorniug, cheered a gatherito of kb
strikers here, The local pollee ex
imetulated, upon which the gaierdsme
shouted even louder, "Hurrah for tb
Strike!" muoh to the scatdal of
authorities and to the amusement o
a huge bedy of strikers, 'rho guards
men were later pereuaded to returt
floramtheloruthyo.nies, after being dismisse(
Feignies, France, April 21--A quail
tity of elYnamite was found uader
bridge here toeday, Tae authoritie
suspect the Belgian atriaers of bootie
attempted an outrage, but have faun(
Do proof and in other quarters it. i
thought the explosive might hav
been placed there bY disorderly roogb
who could easily. obtain possesion
dynatnite from the neighboring pits
is made 1114 of 150,012 British, 130,ii0a
faun the United Ptatee, and 112.8$1
Antwerp, 'April ale -Another 4,000
men Joined, In the strike at this .sea
port to -day. Tao totol number 0
strikers neve is. noW 25,000,
Ghent, Belgium, Apell 21. -Some
hundreds of •strikers returned to work
here to -day. Out of the 00,000 moo bee
longing to the various. trodes it this
city about half have loa dowel their
Bruseels, Belgium, April .21e -The ,gons
eller strike for equal suffrage it Belgium
enters on its seeond week, with • .the
ranke Of the strikere unbroken, nod, it
faea•streegthened by tho adhesion.. of
'still further reeruite, bringiog their to.
tal op t.e hooray 500,000, according to
SOciallat Computations. A cheerful spirit
prevails among the .working classes, who
feel that the Govertment will be oblig-
ed to yield, et least to the promise pug.
gested by the Liberal leador. This pro-
videe that the equalizatioo of • the Par-
liantentary franehise evolving 'a plan
ellen be immediately taken into enside
eration in the, event of the oommittee
oow denling with the p•rovineial a'nd
eommercia1 feauchiseieimproving on the
present method.
Cabinet Ministers, on the other hand,
aro determined not to -surrender, if the
Government' still minuends a majority
of the Chamber of Deputies when it re-
ifeeemblee toemorrow.
.The Socialist national eonveiftion
meets on Wednesday to dismiss the .eit.
To whom tho United States has emit
an invitation to visit that Ottitintry
cose the young heir to the throne
inakee hio promised visit to Caneda.
frOtiriEfiar BOOTY POUND.
Wilmette, April 20 -Tito theft or 23 $3e.ts
Wiesbaden, April 21. -The _discovery
of a method of prolonging immuaization
agai»st diphtheria, consisting of an in-
jc.etion of a mixturo of diphthertie toxin
and antatoxin, wae =muffed toolaY Ito
Prof, Emil volt Tiebriog, of the University
of Manbtirg, at the Congress of Internal
Medleine now in eession here.
_Adequate tests of the new method in
the clinics ef Maclgebarg and Marburg
had, said the professor, bhown that the
tieatment was harmless and offective,
The earlier attempts to linnumize
of Behringai original diplitherto
serum wore utience,eosful, as the immun.
ity was very brief.
r'rof. Belinug offered to eupoly
with the tow prophylactio under Proper
guarattees of observation and regietra-
Auburn, ".7. Y., April 21.- The Columbia
Rope Company mill, where 1,160 opdirs.-
!Ives have, been on strike since March 20,
resumea operations this morning,
51;0 employes at machines, To -morrow
tho full force is expected to be back 10
All efforts are now being directed tn.
ward effeeting settlement of the Inter-
national harvester Twin MI11 strike.
eeigh officers ot that corporation are ex-
pected here to -night to resume negotia-
tions with the State Board or mediation
end Arbitration.
$ •
Sault ilia Mayie, Ont., April 21e --
1,Vanted England for ,the alleged em-
bezzling of $10,000 from the publie
funds of the town of Romford, Essex,
Itnio, where he was treasurer stud tax
collector, Frederich Adotedule Strafford,
alias Georgie Johnston, was arrested at
his breakfast table at a house on Dennis
street this morning. The prisoner was
taken quite by gurpriee, and denied that
Ito' was the man wetted, though admit-
ting that the pioture was of himself.
e •
.nreeoen. oaxono, April 21. -Professor
lioch to -clay inoculated as a. nrepentive
against rabies •Trincess Maria Iranacul-
ata, wife ef Xing rredertek August or
8axon,l,os brother, Prince Johann George,
She and several menthers of her putt()
and a number of domestics of the palace
bad been bitten by the princess' favorite
japaeg, which bad Shown signs of irrita-
tion for a week past and had snapped
viciously at all -comers,
The presence of rabies was ultimately
enseected by the attendants and a bact-
eriological arid chemical linvesolgation
proved that this woe ehe caee,
Ont.„ April 21. -Bishop
will preSide at the special meeting of Oie
Ontario .Synod, to be held to-morroW,
which coardintor Bishop win be appoint -
x4.1 Bithop :11111s is feeling a great deal bet-
ter, but it will be some. time before hels
able to take up the active wOrk atnong
the parisheS.
Bedford, Que. April 21. --Charles
Reynohls, wlio Vode wife a plea:milt
good morning to -day, walked out behind
his barn, pot the muzzle of a double
barrelled gon in his mouth, pulled both
triggers bo means of a cord tied to his
feet, and blew off hie head. Ile is sup.
poeed to have been depressed by illness.
alftegow, A.pril 21, -The largoet
steamehip ever built in Great Britain,
the Cunard liner Aquitatia was success,
hilly launched on the Clyde' to -day, The
.now vessel is doubleeehelled, and ear-
rios boate. sufficlent to accommodate
4,200 persons -the entiro complement of
paoingers and (TOW, She- is a vessel of
,bout 47,000 tons gross,
Rochcstor, '1%, April 13..-Charl
Anderson, a farmer, shot and killed early
tills morning an macnaWn man as he was
!Mout to enter Anderson's chleken coop.
The injured man Wa3 brought te title
pity otter the shooting and died 11J n 1,,eol
hospital. Ile steadfastly reftiSell to di-
vulge 111e name, although eonselous
fore death. There is no due to his hien-
Oti awa, Ont., April 21. -Arthur oteIghen,
P., says that the report that he may
be appointed Solleiter-General newi
to btu, Ire (lees not beneve that it hae
ever been considered by the Governmeht.
Montreal despatell: The coroner's
Jury which Investigated the cause of
the deaths Of oight people in the Oen-
tral Vermont Railway iteeident near
St, Lambert on Sunday this morning
rendeeed verdioto treeing the wroelt
to tile feet that tho tender left tho
track beeause It was being pushed
insto..ad of being pulled. Tho inry
tile finding that such a Practice IVAS
°minced, euggested to the railway
Washington, April 21.-4Tho Dome.
'grotto tariff bill as amended by the
Motto° canetio was reintroduced iri
the 'Immo to -day and was ealled up
for general debate SVedneedaY.
eWitb, the reintroduction of the bill
to -day views of tho tninoritY attack.,
ing it Were presented to the House by
RoPre•oontotive Payne and Republican
colleagnes of the Ways and Means,
- The entire Ways and MettITS- Com.
mittee will meet late tokday to formal.
ly passe ttpon the bill, Sited tho majority
report by, Representative Underwood
probably *Ill be made to the House
Trtink Itathray rqty in the Wind-
' tendero in tile frituro.
(till Et g8;
,f.. . . r was )fital"ate,
i e
)., .„, 11_1116YeKI, •tvh ni lee( n e t
11ail 1..1.(11 broken filto ant who later i`ptlnii.
the MCA seert,ted mei r the rafiiiae
deeks, where, tile thievee had. placed them
. undcr rovor of darkness,
i tj)illiti:1:'te(iittvAittlfil4thtrigroY1CeetIsTt ntittgtr.::
Tut' the rvinrn of the thieves, btlt no per.
Pon rell Into tile trap.
' -4 *4- - - .
munberteo HER LirrLe ONES.
Ilgin, ill., Allen 20. --Mrs. Mauro Steep,
wife of a farmer near hete, broke the
taeke til her two bebei, lowered the
!wait 4 ..:0111 11.01, -elf into a dry eietorn,
alai then idiot herself to (i•eetle Dioeov.
el.,, of the ly.),llos W0,3 tilde yoeterday
sifter a eeerelt Iftetime sinee aforulay,
m hen the wooan loft the fare Immo, oat'.
ing elle WEK ping for a v,alk.
riostote. April 2ft --The Drury eset-an,
Minot" i;4uftrage Mil, which provided
nod State eleetion en the advisabilitY
WOMOti Prifitage, Was kiii0d In the Ifouss
by 113 to 71
.60•6.6•666.6...4444.6••••••••66 At
r s t t) taV:11,t
thnaesinp(e0ru oaf it41:(elitytreetis.set;1(„ttrelit(rin;,‘,;. fo
proentintectiint; itieteinitouu ri ro!
Itnitielmle(!ont iltiteleec'invitit4;tenrs13
flvti,"(,S Columbitt.