HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-04-17, Page 81
We measure the man, then make the Suit.
Suits, tweeds old worsteds, from $21.00 to $32.00
Odd Trousers from . , 4.00 to 7.50
Perfect fit and workmanship guaranteed.
Call and get prices;
Phone 26.
Small Hats, Medium Hats,
Large Hats, Dress Hats,
Tailored Suit Hats, Pana-
Hats, and all die latest
and most popular trimming
effects. Every article en-
tirely new;
Open evenings.
Mrs. Runs te dlex '
e er s
Millinery Parlors.
2 Doors North of Mr. Hamilton's Drug Store.
Ono 0ommuser• o lowain __semens a rn moo nmrssiasw slur ammi mrir amts
We guarantee 10 cents for every button that comes off
and 25 cents for every rip.
For every six pockets cut from worn garments we will
give you one pair of Overalls or Smock, Free.
Get the habit of saving your pockets.
H. E. Isard & Co.,Wingham.
Also by the Walker Pant and Overall Co., Walkerville, Ont.
sasammineastetammossamesomeeseamsammimmoamomma r0
What Cures Eczema
Many different remedies have been" tried
for Eczema and other skin ditleases. But it is
now known that the only possible cure is a
mild, soothing liquid made up of Oil of
Wintergreen, Thyme], Glycerine and other
ingredients, so carefully compounded that
each ingredient has its proper effect?
This compound is now made up in the D.D.D.
Prescription. Years of sucoces and thousands
of cures show the merit of thils wonderful com-
pound, but the most convincing proof is a trial
Homeseekers' Excursions
each TUESDAY until Oct. 28th, inclusive
Winnipog and Return . . $35.00
Edmonton and Return . . . $43.00
Proportionate low rates to other points.
Return e n limit two months.
Settlers' EXcursions
Every TUESDAY until April 20th inclusive
from etationtl in Ontario Port Hope, Peter.
born, and West, at very low rates,
Through coaches and Pullman Tourist
Sleeping cars are operoted to WINNIPEG
'without charge, leaving Toronto 11.00 p.m.
via Chicago and St. Paul on above dates.
The Grand Trunk Pacific !railway is .the
shortest and quickest route between Win-
Perth Xtesorvationa and particulars from
Grand Trunk Agents.
11.11. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket
A gent, Phone 4. W. F, Burgman, Station
Ticket Agent, Phone &1,
of the remedy by any eczema sufferer.
D.D.U. will prove to you that you can be
cured. The very first drops will give you
instant relief.
You don't even have to pay the regular
price of $1,00 a bottle, for we .have arranged
with the Laboratories to:offer, for a while, a
special large 25d trial bottle. Get this special
bottle today and see how quickly the itch
will vanish.
A. L. Hamilton, Druggist.
36 -In. Reversible
Printed Madras,
all the rage for
Note the rice—
15c a yard.
lie, lSc and 25c Store 10
Farm For Sale. I fittfrOitit.t ' 4
Centre l} lot 42, Don, 7, East Wawa*
nosh( 100 ages, 85 acres cleared, 8
acres fall wheat, 14 aloes fall plowed,
4 aorta orabard, mostly winter fruit,
halance lu grains, well ander-drained,
1 storey, frame brat's, kitehen and
woodshed, been 050x70, with stone
*tabling, tternaent floors, wlridnalll and
Water in hones and harsh rni.lee from
po ttornoe, school and church. A hats
gain for 01100k +Hale. For partieulare
. Wi hit it lot
6 tldtlr
1�a; i t mOen.
10, Or Beigrave . O. '
Whea t. 8Ro to,
Oate.85 to 40 rtes.
Barley -48 to 55 ete.
Peas -800 to Mo.
Hay -108.00 to $10.00 a tett.
13utter-.22 to 24 eta,
Eggs -17 to i7ete.
Potety�riee-700�ytoVVyy per bush.
Live Roger' -*$O.00.
or fun Toronto 'gasket xe orto erect
New Regulations Governing the
free Entry of Pure Bred
On the first of .April this year tbsere
came into force new regulations gov-
erning the free entry to Canada of
animals for the improvement of stock.
To this end the following amended
vegetations have been adopted by.
Order in Council for the guidance of
Importers and Oilstone House oifl,eers,
"1 ---No animal imported for the im-
Provement of stock shall be admitted
free of duty unless the owner is a Bri-
tish subject, resident in the British
Empire, or if more than one owner,
each is a British subject, resident in
the British Empire and there is Turns
isbed an. Import Certificate staling
that the animal Is recorded in a Can,
adian National Record or in a Foreign
Record recognized as reliable by the
National Record Committee,
"A statutory declaration by the
owner or one of the owners, that he is
a British subject, or that each is a
British subject resident in the British
Empire and that such animal is the
identical animal described in such
certificate must be provided, and that
such animal is being imported into
Canada for the improvement of stock.
"2—In case such certificate is not at
hand at the time of arrival of the ani-
mals, entry for duty may be accepted
subject to refund of the duty upon the
production of the requisite certificates
and proofs in due form satisfactory to
the collector within one year from the
time of entry.
''3 --The form of certificate to be ac-
cepted for the free importation of ao,-
Imals for the improvement of stock,
and the Customs procedure in connec-
tion therewith shall be subject to the
direction of the Minister of Customs.
"4—The above declarations shall be
attached to the Free Import Entry
and may be made before the Collector,
Sub -Collector, Surveyor or Chief Clerk•
at the port where the goods are enter-
ed or befere any functionary author-
ized by la'w to administer oaths."
Under the old regulations a British
subject residing in a foreign country
or the citizen ' of another country liv-
iving in Canada could secure the free
entry of properly registered animals,
whereas under the new order foreign
persons or firms are excluded from
this privelege.
Customs officers are required to ex-
amine carefully the animals presented
for entry to see that they correspond
with the description contained in the
Import Certificate and if they do not,
duty is collected,
As in the past animals are subjected
to veterinary inspection at the port of
entry. Officials of the Health of An-
imals Branch who do this work are re-
quired to make a report as to color
and markinge. .ff it is found by the
Canadian National Records that for-
eign certificates of registration do not
correspond with these reports Canad-
ian registration and Import Certifi-
cates for the animals in question are
Better To Re Safe Than Sorry.
G. A. Field of Sarnia, Ont., writees :
"I have tried five different kinds of
fertilizer on my garden farm this year
and can recommend as being the best
by a long way, the Homestead brand
which I bought of O. A. Yates. It
gave me good results. I do not say
this as an advertisement but simply
to let my friends know the beat kind
to get because I know=.it means a lot
to plant and care for a crop and then
have it turn out poor. I say buy the
Homestead and you will be safe."
Homestead Fertilizers are manu-
factured and sold by the Michigan
Carbon Works, Detroit, Michigan,
who will send free to any farmer
their book on fertilizers with a hand-
some calendar, postage paid. They
want agents where they are not now
represented, Address, Michigan Car-
bon Works, Postofflce Drawer 814—A,
Detroit, Michigan, asking for terms.
Howick Boundary.
Mr, Herb Neil of Gorrie is in this
vicinity just now cutting wood for the
Mr. and Mrs. T. Bolt of Turnberry
called on friends in Howick on Wed-
nesday last.
Quite a number of the farmers have
started to plow. Seeding will soon be
the order of ithe day.
The farmers, who had their build-
ings damaged by the recent wind
storm are having them repaired.
Mr. R. Nichol, jr., gave a party to
his young friends on the 17 con. on
Wednesday night. All report a very
nice time,
Mr. T. Abraham, who attended the
Wingham Business College, has se-
cured a position in an office in Shel-
burne. We wish hint every success,
East Wawanosh.
Mr. Thos. Ross has purchased fifteen
head of flee grass cattle. •
Mre. Finley Walsh of Guelph is
visiting with her parentiehere.
Mr. John Porter left for Toronto
after a short visit with friends here,
Miss Mary Patterson of Auburn was
the guest of Miss Minnie Dobie last
Will Find a Helpful Suggestion
In This Letter.
Overworked, run-down, "fagged
out" women who feel as though they
could hardly drag about, should profit
by Miss Richter's experience. She
says; "Last whiter I was completely
run down and felt fagged out all the
time, wcs nervous and had indiges- 1
"Ono of My friends advised me to
take Vinol, and It has tions nie great
h I
The tired, "tvarn.ollt feeling is
all gone, and X am strong, vigorous
and well. The stomach trouble soon,
disappeared and now L est beartilr
and have perfect digestion. I *Wish
every tired, weak, nervous woman
could have Vinol, ter I never spent
any money in my life that did me so
trunci good as that 1 spent for Vinol."
Marie ltiehter, 'Detroit, 1111eh.
Thousands of Women . and Trion
who were formerly weak and eiettly
ower their present rugged 'health to
the wonderful strength -creating effects
of Vinol. ' tl guarantee Vino' to build
yott up and make you strong. If
alt does tot, we give beak your money.
', " '. McKibben, Druggist, " 'it its.
11,10Val+ .
S. Paul Shipped a carload of hogs
Mrs, B, Rattan visited at. Milton
Snaith', over, Sunday,
Mrs, R, Musgrove is at present visit-
ing friends at Toronto,
Mr, Hugh ainnauson has treated
himself to a new buggy,
Mr. R. Casemore of Matisque spent
a few days with friends in this
Miss Mabel Coultess returned to
Toronto this week after a months visit
with her parents.
On Feb. let, 1013, Ohristianna John-
ston Jewitt passed away at the Gener-
al Hospital, Sault Ste Marie, after a
brief illness, She was born near Bros -
sell, where she resided during her
girlhood, removing later with hsr
parents to Newbridge and from there
to Fordwich, where she continued to
reside until bet removal with her
sister, Mrs. Wesley Wallace, to Sault
ste. Marie. On August 21st, 1902, she
was married to Mr. Amos Jewitt, of
the same place and formerly of Blue-
•vale. She lived in Sault Ste. Marie
until the time of her decease, She was
a faithful and devout member of the
Centrar Methodist Church and at-
tended both Church and Sabbath
School the last Sabbath on earth,
Not only did church activities engage
her time and interest but she was an
enthusiastic worker in the Women's
Christian Temperance Union, being
Vice -President of the Union at the
time of her demise, On Feb. 7th the
W. 0. T. U; held a Memorial service
for their White Ribbon sister and
many tender references were made to
her beautiful character. Mrs, Jewitt
was the daughter of Mr. and Mre.
Robt. Johnston, Bluevale. She leaves
to mourn her loss, a sorrowing hus-
band, one daughter, her mother, one
sister, Mrs. Wesley Wallace, and two
brothers, Robt. of Mohall, N, D., and
Wesley of Sault Ste. Marie.
Mr. D. McDonald had a very suc-
cessful wood -bee on Friday,
Mr. Alex. and Miss Martha John-
ston spent Sunday with Orangehill
Miss Margaret Johnston is a suffer-
er from quinsy which is so prevalent
this spring.
Mr. Phippen of Wingham spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. R. Carr
of the 3rd line.
Mars. Alex. Bryans of Brussels visit-
ed with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Bryans of
'the 2nd, last week.
Misses Minnie and Margaret Carr
visited at the home of Mrs. Geo.
Johnston on Monday.
Gathering and storing sap buckets
and utensils is now general. Reports
are that the sweet article does not
.measure up to its usual clearness.
Friends of Miss Flossie Scott will be
glad to learn that she is making favor-
able progress since the surgical operas
tion she underwent in Fergus Hospital
last week.
Roe's W. M. S. elected the following
officers at their meeting on Wednes-
day. President re-elected, Mrs. Robt.
Pearson ; Rec.-Sec., Miss L. Bryans ;
Treas., Miss L. Jackson.
The missionary evening, held by the
Epworth League of Roe's Church on
Apr. 8th, was well attended and every-
one enjoyed the address by the pastor,
Mr. Wren, and the excellent musical
Miss Carrie Jardine purchased from
the Misses Murray the house and lot
north of the village, situated on Wel-
lington St.
Mrs. Darling returned from her
home in Port Elgin on Saturday to
resume her visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Loin Shire.
The "At Home" given by the
Bachelor's Club on Friday evening
was a success. A number attended
from Wroxeter and Fordwich.
• Mrs, 3. Garnet Armstrong of Luck -
now spent Friday with Dr, and Mrs.
Armstrong, on her way home from
Toronto, where she had been visiting
friends for the past two weeks. Mrs.
Armstrong took her two little daugh-
ters home with her, who had been
visiting with their grandparents.
The April meeting of the Woman's
Institute was held at the home of
Mrs. Armstrong, on Wednesday last.
Mre. G. W. Knowlson read ati excel-
lent paper on "Virtue." The mem-
bers discussed plans for raising funds
to improve the appearance of our
cemetery, and for keeping it in better
We have to thank Mr. Jas, Bow-
man, M, P., far sending two snaps to
be placed in our Public Library. One
is the map of the Dominion of Canada
gotten out in 1912, and the other is a
Dominion Railway map, These Maps
aro hanging in the Public Library and
anyone wishing to consult them is at
liberty to do so.
The following presentation was
made to Mr, and Mrs. Henry Edwards,
Belgrave :—
To Mr. and Mre. Edwards,
friends,wishr ss in
to err pe+
snxrtll measure, our gratitude to you
for past kindness by presenting you
With this conch and reeking -chair.
Truetiog that you may still he spared
to live among u4, and urgently request
that you make daily nee of this 'couch
and chair and take much comfort out
of them.
Signed by T. II. Taylor, L'. S. Scott,
Mr. and Mre. Edwards, through the
°alluring of this paper wish to thank
their friends, who so kindly presented
them with d e�, and
. the above e addr�,
desire that the kindly feeling which
now exiete between there may Still
Part of lot Number thirty-three ,on
the South side of the B line, in the
Town Plot of Wingham, comprising
three steres more or less and being
the premises lately orrupied by the
late Edward Baines, Upon this pro-
perty is situated a brick house and
stable. A desirable property. Fns
further particulars apply to the under-
tf. Wingham, Ont.
Ice ! Ice ! ice 1
I beg to announce to our patrons
that 1 have engaged Mr. Alex. Reid
phone 130, to deliver the ice for me
this season of 1913,
tf: W, J, Armour.
That desirable home consisting of
four acres of land, close by the Town
of Wingham. A good part of this
place is under orchard, small fruits,
and plantation. Buildings are all
in good repair. Apply nn the pre-
mises, to JOHN AGNEW,
Lower Wingharu,
Coal ! Coal ! Coal
Direct From Independent Mines.
Nut, Stove and Egg, $6 50 on car;
Nut, Stove and Egg, $6 75 delivered ;
Pea, $5 50 on Gar ; Pea, $5 75 delivered.
Also Soft Coal and Coke, at popular
prices. R. J. CA.NTELON, Ree. 5
doors west of Gurney's Glove Works.
Shed, G.T.R. Enquire at Mooney's.
Coal- 1 Coal ! Coal
We are now prepared to receive
orders for supplying the best quality
of D.L. and W. Scranton coal at the
following prices delivered. Chesnut,
$7.15 ; stove and egg, $6.90; pea, $6.00.
Above prices for April and May.
Farm For Sale.
On Easy Terms For Immediate Sale.
I am offering for quick sale my fine
quarter section of land just 3 miles
from Goldburg P. 0., Sask., on easy
terms for prompt sale 'as I am very
anxious to dispose of same before
seeding time. There are on the pre-
mises 110 acres of breaking, a good
pasture, stabling, frame, for 8 or 10
head of cattle and 12 head of horses, a
sod hen house 14x14, comfortable
frame• house 14x20 with up -stairs and
good cellar, a first-class well of spring
water, free from alkali, with pump and
well house, granary capacity for 4,000
bus. of grain, also a quarter section
near at band, of nice level land, which
may be homesteaded, also a quarter
section adjoining to the south with 80
acres of broken prairie almost ready
for crop.. May be rented with privi-
lege of buying later if desired. Pro-
vided 1 cannot sell, 1 am prepared to
rent same for term of years reserving
privilege of selling at any time.
Would like to free myself of holdings
at once, A. snap, for any one moving
West to locate. Will sell stock and
implements with farm if desired.
G. M. JAMES, Prop.
30.33 Coldburg, Sask.
Mr, Harvey Spencer is engaged with
Mr. Jas. Martin at present.
Mr, John Martin has commenced
cutting wood in our locality.
Mr, John Champion has engaged
with Mr. Ed. Haines for the coming
Mrs. Heavens and her two sons are
visiting at Mr. ' Wm, Taylor's at
Miss Viola Jamieson is on the sick
list at present. We hope for her
speedy recovery.
We regret to learn of the serious
illness of Daniel Wheeler, but hope
to soon see him around.
Mr. Daniel Martin, who has been
sick with the quinsy is improving as
well as can be expected.
Mr. Bokenham, who was engaged
with Mr. John Webster, during ,the
winter, left for the West last weeks
Mr. Alex. Rintonl has been appoint-
ed trustee of the Fordyce school in
place of Mr. Wm, Bell who has moved
Mr. and Mrs. John Vsui0amp of
Morris visited with Mr. and Mre. Thos,
Fair service on Sunday.
Wm. Moon whose barn wee badly
damaged by the high windstorm com-
pleted the repairs on Monday of this
Maple Syrup Beason is over for this
year in these parts and some of the
farmers have begun seeding already,
We are pleased to learn tbat
Beatrice, the little daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Thos. Fairservice Jr. who
was ill for a few days last week is get-
ting along nicely at present.
We are glad to hear that Miss Edna
Lee is able to be around again.
Mrs. Harry Allen and daughter are
guests of friends in Clandeboye. .
Mr. Alex. Baird of Paisley is visit-
ing at the home of Mr. G, Phippen.
Mr. A. M. Crawford was in Dutton
eek his
last week attending .the funeral of
Mre. M. Zurbrigg has returned after
an extendedvisit with friends in
Mrs. L, Reynolds, Toronto, .and Mre,
I1. Marealea, I3ulfa,lo, are visiting the
Misses Reynolds at present.
Messrs. John Ritchie and Geo.
Spotton: attended a Masonie meeting
in Brussels on Tuesday evening.
'Via, Or Vanstone and Counetl1or
"yrtttn1, are in Pronto investigating
Wingham's future rre•Hydro Power.
The many Mende of Mr. J' oseoph-
Gibson will be pleased to learn that he
herr returned from the Preston Spring*
very hatch improved In health,
"� ► .t'.
-. .:i rust: ��
should be even more carefully
selected than that intended for
carriage use. The strain on
it is so mach greater, the eflis
oieuoy of the horse is so much
influenced by its fit or misfit,
whether it be for plowing or
trucking work. You'll find it
strong, well made, well fitting,
and priced strictly according
to quality,
Harness Emporium
L011111101111111MI OEM 01e■■w10IMP er
I have a large fresh stock
of the best and latest
goods, which are sure to
Suitable for Ladies and
Fit and.: Workmanship
When leaving the table have
you got that deep sense of sat-
isfaction which comes from a
really enjoyable meal, OR is
there an unexplainable some-
thing causing just the least
bit of discomfort ?
The reason for this is often
found in the use of poor quali-
ty food.
Thtt's the kind we're selling, and
it IS GOOD. Per ib. 20c.
is a most economical food. When
good butter is scarce it makes a
grand substitute. Per packet, 150
and 25o. ti
Drop in and see otir fine assort-
ilent of Pot ?hurts. Flowers beauti-
fy the home PRICES RIGHT.
The best obtainable in Bananas,
Pine 'Apples, Ripe Tomatoes, Oran-
ges, Lemons, Eto.
Bel more.
Mr. Wm. Willie has returned from
the West,
Miss Ella Jeffrey visited in Mild-
may last week,
Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Edwards spent
Sunday in Corrie.
Mr, and Mrs. Paul Willie have re-
turned from a few days' visit in For-
The funeral of the late Mr. John
Farrell took place from hie late resi-
dence, 2nd con., Carrick, Wednesday
afternoon, to the McIntosh cemetery,
Mr. Leslie B, yce of the boundat y
between Turnberry and Culross, fell
from the barn roof on Monday after.
noon and received a severe shaking
Mre. Chas. Eaket, who has been in
Mildmay undergoing treatment for
her eyes, spent Sunday at home, but
returned on Monday for further treat-
Mr. Geo. A. McDonald, a graduate
of Knox Ooltege, and who hast been
appointed to take charge of the Mild•
may and Ayton Presbyterian chrxiches
will exchange pulpites with Rev. A,
Gibson on Sunday.
nzu RSDAY, APRIL 17, 19 13
The C. P. R. Telegraph
Dominion Express Offices
Are now located in our store.
Prompt, efficient and courteous
service guaranteed.
Willis Co.
Sole Agents
For The
H o Ike
This is the season to re -furnish
your home' with newest Home Fur-
nishings in Curtain materials in
Madras, Rugs, Linoleums and Squares.
Our new Curtain materials and Lace
Curtains in dainty designs and fine
Our Rug department is now at
its best to show you our largest as-
sortment in Velvets, Brussels, Ax-
minsters aund Tapestry' in all the new
Spring designs. The Oriental is
again fashionable this season in Me-
dallion centre, also the plain.
We can give you any size in a
Rug. Prices—$7,50, 10.00, 12.00,
15.0 0, 25.00 and 40.0 0,
LTNOLEUMS,The Scotch Lin-
oleums 'are what we sell you and we
want you to have a look at our big
assortment in the baser.ent. We
want to lay our Linoleunisf as we
know our quality,.. patterns and prices
are right.Prices-42.00, e _.
i and
2.50 per yard.
'.1.)110NU 70