HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-04-17, Page 5. THURSDAY, Ai'f<1'I Z ', 1913 —I Blue Amberol Records played on an Edison Phonograph t will give you more pleasure than any records or any sound -reproducing instrument have ever been capable of giving you before, This is because the Blue Amberol has caught all of the richness and beauty of the music sung or played by the great artists, and because the Edison Phonograph brings out all that is in the Blue Amberol. And the pleasure you take in your Edison and Blue Amberols will never diminish because the Blue Amberol will never wear and is practically unbreakable. Hear them today at your Edison dealer' s. Thomas A, Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave.. Orange, N. J., U. S. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at DAVID BELL THE DOMINION BANK SIR EDMUND R. OSt.ER, M.P., PRESIDENT: W. D. MA/THEWS, VIOA•PRESIDENT. 0. A. BOGERT, General Manager. 1 Capital paid up - - Reserve Fund - .. ( • Total Assets - - + - $5,000,000 • $6,000,000 $78,000,000 Whenever You Travel —at home or abroad—carry funds in Travellers' Cheques or Letters of Credit, issued by The Dominion Bank. They are current all over the world, and cashed at their face value. They prevent loss—and save all the annoyances of being identified, and the worries of foreign exchange. WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. M , ',. ei .Iletin., !rl!';7,i)gr.q i4:S:it 'b7,'1':`:7i:i- 3t1F"rti::!sl: -i .:M'.�... MN� �., • , ..... ,...' iii The Propritlatyorl INedieineArt. d1�rggetable Preparation forAs-I stmrtating the FoodandRegula&. tingthe Stomachs and Bowers of .�Y- ales Di�esiian,G • rldltest.Gautaiits t.Marpltit:e �or� NARC®B'iiC foldDr.S11�17t�t Anglo Sreri- e1'ca�rrt + Addle Salts- -416eSteel+ c�mai� at�Sodds 0!7l1.1_�P. �- rrlJal3bger ltrrlr.tmrl?�'c`,s Prom lieerrul cess a neither, Opitm titieral. NOT . Rerrp°ea P -4'w N� • Tu i -5 For Infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Aperfcct Remedy torConstipa- lion, SourStomnach,Diarrboea, Wot•ms,Convu i sions,l=everish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEK Facsimile Sisnalurc of ME CENTAUR COMPANY. MONTRUAL&NFIW Vali In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. i TH[4 Cwt:NTAU1t e6MPANV. HC* Ybg1t efTV. •,Y: N19 ' • i •„:N is EXCLJ1tSICDNS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta flOMESEEKERS Loeb Round Trip Rates end* Tuesday. March to October inclusive Winnipeg and Return e $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Other points In proporttOn Return Limit two months. TOURIST 8LEEPINO OARS on u1l exeur!eit s Comfortabll berths, fully equipped with 1>etdi:tg, tan b^ secured at t"OLOMISt# CARS ON ALL 'MAINS For settlers travel- Settlers end families ling with live stock without live stock and effects» should use SPECIAL TRAINS REGULAR TRAINS Willleave Toronto Leaving Toronto Each TUESDAY 1120 p.m, Deily >ilAtrCB AND Akita Through Colonist 10.20 yam. anis Tourist Sleepers Moderate rates through local agent. N'o charge: for Berths nOnde Seekers' rains Leave Toronto 10.20 pan. dittrtrtg Maretlts April, September and. October, and at 4 p.m. and 1040 p.m. during May, June, July amt August. Three u,dh Trnine Toronto- to Winnipeg and West l~'ull particulars from any C P.n. Agent of write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto 'Electric Restorer tor Men Phos honol restores every nerve in the body " v to its proper tenetoti ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay rind all goxual woalmost *varied at oleo. Thosphonos wilt alcolys tut newgmian . 1 ries 8 a box + t tiro fc s�t o s IaNM►�dWI a 'OoiNllll iii t Believe in pour own ability' to do something, then do it. Success is the result of good hard work het accident. No one ever really etteceeded who did not enter heartily into his work. FIFTY YEARS AOC.— follow. ing is the description of Bluevale talc. ;en from a directory published in 1863; This village is situated on the middle branch of the Maitland river, thirty- two miles distant from the County Town ; twenty -sig miles from Clinton, and twenty-six from $eaforth« It has excellent Hydraulic power for mill purposes, The business of the place consists of, viz , one Saw and Grist mill, driven by the middle branch of Maitland, Lathe and Cabinet factory in Connection ; three stores ; two Blacksmith shops, Wagon shop in connection ; one Carriage factory ; four Shoe shops ; two Tailor~ shops ; one Presbyterian and Primitive Methodist Churches, Wesleyan Metho. diets, Congregationalists and Bible Christians, meet at present in the Orange ELall, a Lodge of Good Temp. lars, one School, and Orange Lodge, Bluevale Canada Presbyterian Church, built A D. 1857 ; dimensions 2486 ; Qoet $400; number that can be seat- ed 150; Rev. Mr. liastie. A Priwitive Methodist Church has been erected but not iiniehed 2402; Rev. R. Paul. Morris and Turnberry Branch Ag- ricultural Society, Exhibitions are held in Bluevale. Inaugurated, 1862. Annual exhibition October each year. ()PRICERS -- President, Wrn. Thomp- son; Vice -President, Jno, Messer. ; Sec„ Thomas Farrow ; Directors, 1. Buchanan, Wm. Turvey, Henry Robbs, H. C. Pugh, John Fowler, Jas. Mitchell. BLU1 V,A.LE UNION SonooL.--Num- her of pupils, 83; average of pupils, 45 ; Thos. Farrow, teacher. BL,UEVA,L POST Orr, roE. –'- Mails Tri -weekly, viz, --Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a.m. ; despatched same time ; Jno. Messer; Postmaster. Armstrong Robt., shoe shop ; Aitche• son James ; Bigham John, M.D., coro- ner, etc. ; Btuevale Mills, W. H. and Joseph Leech, proprietors (Win. Keary and Joseph) ; Bruce Alex., shoe shop ; Brown Peter, sawyer ; Bu- chanan James, shoe shop ; Rev. Mr. Day, Congregationalist minister ; Dun- can Alex, Duncan George, black- smith shop; Duncan Richard; Dun- can Wen, ; Ennis Richard, wagon shop ; Ennis Webster, labourer ; Far- row, Thos., school teacher ; Gardner John A., merchant ; Garnnar John ; Garnnar Thomas, plasterer ; Hill Ephraim, blacksmith shop ; Hicks Rev. Peter, Episcopal Methodist Min= ister ; Kay & McCash, General. Mer- chant (John Kay and Thos. McCash) ; King Duncan ; McGee Janice ; Messer John, merchant ; Neubert Mae., mill- er ; Paul Richard, M. Minister ; Piper James, tailor ; Pugh Henry, tavern keeper, Bluevale ; Quay David, car- penter and joiner ; Reid. Robt. ; Sing- eton John ; Smith Elias, chair maker; Stewart Chas., tailor ; Stewart Dun- e:an, of the fires of Duncan, Stewart & Bros ; Stewart Wm. H., pearlash mak- ; Tibbald Robert, shoe shop ; Tin- lal Edward, carpenter &joiner ; Wad - 4611 John, fire insurance and general +.gent ; Wilson Henry, commissioner if Queen's Bench ; Wilson Thomas ; Wawsley Charles, sr, ; Wamsley Chas., jr. ; Wilson Richard, laborer. Turnberry. Minutes of meeting of Council held 'n Bluevale, on Monday, April 7th. %Members alt present. Reeve in the .hair. The minutes of the last re• .alar and special were read and adopt - yd on in ,tion of Messrs. McBurney 4Ynd Wheeler. Wheeler -- McBurney That the Retire, Mr. Rutherford and Mr. Well - 'x•,,,,4.1 be appointed to meet on north Ty. re Bryce drain April 9th at 3 clock. Rutherford -•- Wheeler — That the Wiogharn Advance get the Tp. print- ing for this year. Wellwood—McBurney—That Chas. Barber get the contract of building r.wo cement abutments at Wood's bridge at the rate of $4.10 per cu. yd. Work to be completed about the end *)f May. A. Hill Sc Co, got the contrast of the steel work and cement floor for $3,745,00. The bridge to be ready for traffic about the end of July. Tenders for the Bolt drain were opened and on motion of Messrs. Rutherford and Wheeler that of Breekenbridge and McMichael was accepted at $32.00, it being the lowest. Work to be done according to agree- ment. The following accounts were passed and cheeks issued :—C, A. Jones, $171 50, survey, etc, ; H. B. Elliott, S13, printing ; Municipal World, $274, drain forms; Jas. Wray, 50e1, work on road ; Vanetone, $1.50, work on toad ; Robt, Sharpin, $0.00, Linton's bridge; Treas. Morris, $2 14, balance 'ceount ; Wm, Campbell, $8.50, wont on bridges, - Wellwood —. McBurney'•--- That thele tneetingnow adjourn to meet in Blue. vale, May 5th, at 2 p.m, P. Powell, clerk, HOW OLD ARE YOU BY YOUR HAIR? You may be 80 in yeare, but if you reteope ogray, you cannot prvenplfrom you Are years older. Dandruff le the root of all hair evils, If it were not for the little destructive germs worthy foa fi titer with tse there `onuld be no baldness. PARISIAN Sage, 0Mada'it greatest hair restorer*. will keep you looking your and attractive. It le guarantee you.. by W. J. Mct tbbon to make hairrow and stop falling hairt to dine dandruff in two weeks; to atop itching of the scalrt er,lmost instantly. PARISIAN Sage is the root invi . orating, llatisfyitagi an'b pleasant hear dressing made; it makes the hale soft, luxuriant and handeotne; it ie es. peolallyy praised by women who love beautiful heir. 50 oeutn 4 bottle„ THE WINIGIEAM ADVANCE ■ UOMINJON EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS ISSUED Y ��• i•-''MP1M MI!M••7.•TM... "FSI 14,10041,41 I!4..•.... 011310101101.101001.0211111001% �, Y,P!MM mI truly.••!.•••••M1FI!.AMNIIF'.IY9•FI.WMil..lwIOIIII•I,IN 111$ I1001110 There is one 111 vour Town Shaw's Schools Toronto, Canada, inoiude The uhas Cor. respondence School. The Central Business - College, Tho Central Telegraph & ,Railroad School, and Four City Branch .Business tachoois, All provide excellent courses (oath ng to good salaried oeitione. Free catalogue on request. write for it. W. 11. SHAW, President, Read Offices, Yong° & Oerrard Ste., Toronto, VERY Itaiiroeid Station _es an Express Office. In every town and city in the country there is at least one place where you can get Express Money Orders. To send currency in a letter is never safe, Even when sent by registered mail, there is danger of loss. Dominion Express Money Orders are SAFE. You CANNOT lose a single cent because the Express Company will reimburse you for the f ull face value of your order, if your better should be loaf ire the mail, CaII on your local Express Agent. You'll find him courteous and obliging. Ask hire to explain a few of the many advantages of • Capital pard UP *3,000,000. Reserve A3,760,000. Total Assets Over ,348,000,000. Domi ion Express q Moneij rders eiForeign Cheques The Express honey Order is favored by busln *s nun as the modern method of re- mitting money. Wo- men, recognizing the significance of this fact, arc also adopt- • fug this safe, simple arcl satisfactory way of sending money by- mail. .IIWnM.•.I .Y ARE YOU GOING WEST THiS SPRING. If so, exceptional opportunities are now being offered by the Grand Trunk Railway System in connection with Colonist, H.omeeeekers and Settlers excursions. The Colonist rates are one-way tickets applying from stations in On- tario to Vancouver, B.C., Victoria, B. C., Prince Rupert, B. C., Seattle, Waeh,, Spokane, Wash,, Portland; Ore., San Francisco, Cal., Los Angeles, Cal., San Diego, Cal°, and other points in Arizona, British Golurubia, Cali- fornia, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Ore. gon, Utah and Washington, anal are on sale daily until April 15th, in - elusive. - The settlers excursions apply from stations in Ontario, Port Rope, Peter- 'boro and Weal to;,points in Alberta and Saskatchewan every Tuesday ,un- til April 20th inclusive at low rates. Homeseekers' round trip tickets will be issued at very low rates from; sta- tions in Canada to points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta and are its effect each Tuesday until October 28th inclusive via Chicago and St. Paul, and will also be on sale on certain Tuesdays during above period via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Corripany. The Homeseekers' tickets are good returning two months from date of issue. Through coaches and Pullman Tour- ist Sleeping cars are operated every Tuesday in connettion with Settlers and Homeseekers excursions, leaving Toronto at 1100 p.'m. and running through to Winnipeg via Chicago and St. Paul without;, change. Reser- vations in Tourist cars may be secured at a nominal charge of application to Grand Trunk agents, The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmon- ton, with smooth roadbed, electric lighted sleeping cars, through the newest, most pictureFque and most rapidly developing section of Western Canada. Through tickets sold . and reservations made by all Grand Trunk agents. Costs no more than by other routes. Trains now in operation Winnipeg to Saskatoon and Regina, Yorkton and Canora, Sask., Camrose, Mirror and Edson. Alta,, also to Fitz- hugh and Jaune, B.C. Before deciding on your trip, con- sult any agent of the Grand Trunk Railway for descriptive literature, timetables and particulars or write C. E. Horning, `District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Ticket agent, phone 4, H. B. Elliott, Town Passenger and W. F. Eurgman, Station Ticket Agent, Phone 50. RATES $5 and under.. , .110, Over $G to $10.. r Oa, • " 10 " " 30 " 50...15c, " GO at same rates, STJ ATFORD. ONT. The best practical training school in On. tario. Three departments-- COMMER- CIAL, SHORTHAND and T�LCQR.S.- PRX. All courses aro thorough and practical. Teachorr are experienced and graduates are placed in positions. We give individual attention and 'students may enter at any time. Write tor our free catalogue at once. D. A. McL &CHLAN - Principal BANK OF HAlLTON Save Your Money WHAT a man earns is not as important as what he saves. An office boy making $6 a week, of which amount he saves $1, is aotnally earning more than thel $26 a week :man who saves nothing. The boy's business is paying a dividend; the man's is a failure. No matter how small your salary may be, yon make a serious mistake when you fail - to save a part of it. When you get your next week's salary, make up your mind to de- posit a certain percentage of it in :this" bank, where it will draw interest at the highest current rate. C. P. SMITH AGENT . WINGHAM impoommarinammemaimmummag TO BE HANGED BEFORE JULY 1St A car load of Wall Paper having the most up-to-date designs suitable for every room in a persons' house. Prices ranging from 5c a Roll up. Come in and look over our large stock. Sample books sent to your home if required. A. M. KNOX OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL PHONE 65. ° WHETHER for a silo, a milk - house, or a million bushel grain elevator, concrete is the most economical building material in use to- day. Concrete never requires repairs, and the 'saving in repair -expense alone makes the greater economy of using concrete more apparent every day. The cost of other building materials is constantly increasing. The cost of concrete is being reduced. Canada Cemen t which Canadian farmers we, with their own sand, stone and gravel to make concrete, is the only ingredient you have to buy. >f n able to i We have, by reason of our large output and scientific methods, bee bring the price of "Canada' Cement so low that it s within the reach of everyone. Att increase in demand results in a greater economy of production, and when conditions have warranted it, we have, from time to time, shared this saving with the consumer by reduc- itag the price of Canada Cement. This demand will continue to increase—a$ fast as farmers learn of cots» erete's superiority over other materials. When you buy cement, see that you get "Canada" Cement; by so doing you will assure the complete success of ali your concrete work. Send a post card for our book "What the Farmer Can do With Concrete." It is free. 1'ltitirh is at Csnsda Comet haler ie you. selgiibtyrlteml. Canada Cement Company Limited If this label is not on every bag it le not Canada Content. Montreal • 'h gsseis.IYrIIrI,..YI ISARO'S April Showing New Spring Sults, Waists, Skirts, Coats, Dresses and Rain Coats, Smart Costumes for Girls' Wear, sizes 16, 18 and 20 years, made of Fancy Tweed and Berges, Silk Serge Lining, well tailored ; our price, $13.50. A stylish Suit made of Ane Serge ; Gomes in navy blue, black and tan ; best of linings and tailoring ; our special price $155.00. Spring Coats just received; take a look at the pretty style0 and new materials ; all prices ; special bargain, $10.00, WAISTS. --Large showing of Women's New Spring Waists, Fancy Net, Lawn, Plain and Embroidered Linen ; our range is large. Prices not to be beat In Canada. Bargains in Underskirts. --Just opened up a new line of Skirts ; very , pretty makes ; best wearing mater- ials, including Silks and Satins. Take a look at our Moire Skirt at $I.25. Just passed into stock a large shipment of Women's, Misses' and Children's Wash Dresses, White Skirts, Duck Skirts, Corset Covers, Slips, Combinations. Dress Goods and Silks... -Special cut prices on new Wire Weave Serge—dollar value for 75c. Costume Tweed at close prices ; Whipcords and Poplins in new colorings. EXTRA. SPEOL&L 36 inch Pailette Silk, regular $1.25 ' value for 90c. New Frillings, New Belts, New Laces and Embroideries. mosreammsommusesma H. E. Isard & Co. Spring A11110111100 ffldllt WE announce to- day our readiness 'to serve our patrons with Spring's choic. e s t productions in Outfitting for Men, Boys and Little Men, OLD FRIENDS, who have made this their chosen Outfitting Establishment, know of the good ness of our Clothes, and they will come to us again this Spring of their own accord. NEW FRIENDS, who will investigate our claim of selling Clothes of special goodness, will be quick to see that we offer unusual values and better Clothes' service, and they also will not be slow in making this their Outfitting Establishments 5 PER GENTS DISCOUNT AOR CASH On Amounts up to $i.00 and over, W. A. CAMPBELL SUCCESSOR TO McGEE & CAMP$ELL