HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-04-17, Page 41.1,4+*++444.14- a. ' TRS WirING II AM ADM&. SCOTCH WIT It HUMOR, TWO GOOD MEMORIES. A 1<iruple Highland girl on her way home for the north, called as she passed by Orieff »poo an old master with whom she had formerly served, Being kindly invited by him to slant e in the family dinner, and the usual ceremony of asking a blessing having been gone through, the poor girl anxious to compliment, as she con- ceived her ancient Bost, •exclaimed --- "Ah, master, ye Maud has a grond memory, for that's the grace ye bad when I was wi' you 7 yeara ago." NI1 W USN FOR A "COSY," 4 Spring Styles Of the famous NORTH - WAY BRAND COATS for Misses and Ladies. Prices range at $10,00, $12,50, $15 and $18. Ladies' Rain Coats, specially priced, $5.751. NEW WASH GOODS Now is the time to buy your materials for the Summer months and get the sewing done be- fore the warm weather comes. We are show- ing some very pretty cloths in the newer wash fabrics. RATINE.-- This is one of the new cloths that is in so great de- mand ; it has that soft, spongy finish and is guaranteed fast color, in all the new shades at 40e a yard. COTTON CREPES. ---This cloth is shown in plain and fancy patterns and weaves, and makes a very desirable material for Summer wear, and reasonably priced at 25c, 40c and 50e a yard. New Ginghama, Bordered Chambrays and Prints. How about your House Furnishing requirements for Spring. Be sure and see.,;what we can do for you before buying. Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Window Shades. I�INC BROS. PRODUCE WANTED I PHONE 71 You Know Us We are in business right here Arherre you live. You are an acquaintance, neighbor or a friend of ours. This money -backs if•not-satisfied offer should prove the sincerity of our claims. When we say we believe we have the. best laxative and back up our statement with our unqualified prom- ise to return without question or formality the money paid us for it, if it does not prove entirely satis- factory to you, we believe we are en- titled to your confidence. Our business success and prestige depend upon your confidence in us., We know we must secure and hold your confidence in order to get and keep your patronage. Therefore, we would not dare make this offer if we were not positively certain that we can prove our claims for waszi..1122- Our experience with them and the many reports we have received from those who have used them prove that they are really the most pleasing and satisfactory bowel remedy we know of. Retail Orderlies taste like Candy. They are soothing and easy in action. They don't cause griping, nausea, purging or excessive looseness, as do the usual physic or laxative. Rexall Orderlies seem to act as a tonic - strengthener upon the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They prompt- ly relieve constipation. They act to overcome the cause of constipation. They tend to eliminate the cause of sick headache, biliousness, bad breath, nervousness and other ills attendant upon inactive bowels. Ma4e Us Prove This We want you to Come to our store and get a package of Rexall Order- lies. Use a few or use up the entire box. Then, if you are not entirely satisfied, come back and tell us and we will promptly return the money you paid us for them. You promise nothing you align nothing -- you obligate yourself to us in no way whatever. We accept your mere word. Don't you now believe that Rexall Orderlies are worthy of a trial? Could any offer be more fair? Try Thera at Our Risk We particularly recommend Rexall Orderlies for children, aged persons and for delicate people. Rexall Orderlies come in vest- pocket tin boxes. 12 tablets, 10e; 30 tablets, 25e; 80 tablets, 50o. Usual dose one tablet. CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Rexall Orderlies are not sold by all drug. gists. You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at the Rexall Stores. You can buy Rexall Orderlies in this community;only at our store: Jr. WALTON McKIBBON 1Ningharn The 220XcLet Store Ontario "There ie a limn Store in nearly every toren and city in the United States, Canada, and Creat Britain. There is is different Rexall Remedy for nearly every' ordinary iaumai� Ili--. each especially designed for the particular ill for whieh it is recommended The Rexall Stores are America's Greatest Drug Stores. SYNOPSIS OP CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS A -N Y person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old. reelhem.e- aatead a quarter section of available Dominion land in "Manitoba, Saskatchewan or .Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district, Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on Certain conditions by father moth- er, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend - in homesteader - Duties. -six menthe residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in Oath of three years. A homesteader: may live within rhino bailee of hie hotneetead on a farm of at least 80 acre solely owned and occupied by him Or by his father, rnothor, eon, daughter, hter, brother or Mister. In certain districtM a homefsteader in good Standing may pre-empt sc quarter -section talong- sid6 his homestead, Price $3.00 per acre, Duties.-Muet reside Union the homestead or pre-emption six months In Bach of RIX years from date of homestead entry (ineleding the time required to earn home etcad patent) and 'cultivate fifty acres extra. A homosteador who haft exhausted ht battle. (stead right and cannot obtain a pro -emotion may enter for purobaeed homosted in certain dietriots. Prise ss.eo per acre. Duties. -Must side six Months In each Of three y*eare,.culti- vatet fifty aoroe and °root a houso worth 1300, W. W. CORY, beputy of the Minister of the /tinnier. ve rtisetnent will nott beppaid for. of thirst tzei- Dr tie Van's Feil .le Pilis A reliable1+ren0h regulator; ri r ae Thenl ►illts are exceedinglportant in regulating the h . of se gearae►z�nflvel portion ofthe fetnalC *yawl. Refuse - 11 cheap �irmitrrattio'nii,��� r. de Vaa�"Il are told at box, lli UhPrr Co. . Cp t anyNt 14 SEEDS We have a full Ike of the finest Red Clover, Al- like, Alfalfa and Timothy, also all lines of -Garden and Root Seeds, Perma- nent Pasture Mixtures, &e., all 1913 fresh seeds, not a single old one left over. Now for a rush season in Strictly sigh class seeeda at very rneaw sonahle prices for cash. We ire also :Selling Seed COM Our motto —"Nothing but the Beit." BLUE DAYS belong to those who are eonstipitead, billow or have sour, .gassy, unset stomach, tick headaches, lame back or that tired -out way of going about the daily routine of life, 1+ Liar PILLS will snake you feel fine, have a buoyant spirit and will ward off any attack. of sickness usually oaueedd by consripa• tion and weak kidneys. F1(.* PILLS are a mild fruit tonic laxative and al- ways do good, Refuse all substitiztee. At all dealers in 25 and 50 rent boxes or by mail from Tia FIG Pill Co,, Sr, Thomas, Ont, A newly -married lady displaying her wedding presents to an all High, land servantanaid, shows a fancy tea - coy, Servaut.uitaid--"That'll, be a bonny present." Lady—"It is indeed," Servant -maid --"Ay, an' yau'Il pe ehurely wearin' this at a grand party ?" A WIFE'S PROTECTION, "Wake up, wake up; there's a wan in the house!" cried Mrs. MacDougal to her husband the other night. Mac rolled out of bed and grasped his revolver, and opened the door to sally forth for the robber. Then, turning to his wife, he said ; "Coxae, Maggie, and lead the way. It's a . cowardly man that would hurt a woman," CARING FOR A MINISTER. A minister was called in to see a man who was very ill. After finish- ing his visit, a's he was Heaving the house, he said to the $man's wife "My good woman, do Younot go to any church at all ?" "Oh yea sir, we gang to the Barony Kirk." "Then why in the world did you send for me ? Why didn't you send for Dr. McLeod?" "Na, eta, sir, 'deed no, we wadna risk him. Do ye no ken it's a danger- ous case of typhus? BREVITIES. Morris. At the Council meeting held, in the Tp.. Hall, Morris, on April 7th, all the members were present with the Reeve In the chair, The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. No action was taken in the matter of changing of school section by Mr. 0. I, Taylor. The contract for the construction of the Sunshine abut- WHEREAS By=law Ne. 662, 1012, for the sur-. pose of paving uud grading a col tarn portion ments was given to L, J. Looby of of Jose Street under the provasionP+ of the Lceaal ti4aprav�ment Act was regularly sub - Dublin at $5 per cu, yd. and the abuts mated to the Munioipai Corpgratioza of t.ho Town of Wthgham at�d read twine on the ments for the C3rainee' bridge to Duff Jth day of December, A. D. 1912, and was sub- & Stewart of Bluevale at $4.40 per GU, mitred to the electors for approval on the Gtbi clay of January A. 1). 1813, and was by them yd., contractors to use 12 % stone, con- approved and reueivcd its third reaeiinl; by crate 1:0, excavations included. The WA. i 1913 euncil on the 13th day of January two culverts on the Blyth creek drain ,A.ND WHERICAS the bulldinlr heretofore will be constructed byL. J. Loeb at used as a hose tower for thea,drying of hose y wars destroyed by storm and it it neces*nary to $735. The Council appointed the erect n r�uitable building for the above pur- Reeve and Mr. Frasbr to meet the polo. ANA WiiIGIi.]O�.S it is necessary itt order to other interested parties to consider carry out tho above named work that certain road making machinery should bo purchased improvements on the prairie road anti a building erected for the protection of south of Win barn. same and for a hose tower; the estimated g nest of which ic, appended horoto marked The following accounts were paid :-• Schedule "A" and tho oast of same amounts In the {whole to the sum of $6500.00. Municipal World, $5 ; S. Skim), re- ANn WHigtito it is desirable to issue saki moving ice, $12.20 ; P. Moffat, $5 ; J. debentures atone time anti to znakc the pain- cipal of the said debt repayable by yearly Spier, work on east Br„ $2.50 ; W. sums during the period of twenty-ilye years, Cunningham, filling washout, $3.50' Rai volarly seurums of suchsrespectiveuamounts Peter Haley, filling $3 00; Jno, Nivins filling, $2.00; Rus Fear, drawing Br. material $6; Geo. White, work on west Br. $2 ; Chas. Pollard, work on east Br. $3 ; Thos. Bolger, hauling and placing tile, $3 50; Thos, Bolger, ditch on east boundary, $2 00 ; Thos. Miller, assessor salary, $80 00 ; W. Wells. farm bridge, McCall drain, $15 00, Pathmasters for 1013. North Bdy,-- James Renderson, A, Magee, R. Tay- lor, Geo. McDonald, Jos. McKinney, W. Robertson, Geo, Thornton Peter McDougall. let line --James Magee, J. McEwen, Duncan Campbell, Thos. Abram, J. Brooke, Chas. Turvey, Jahn Johnston, Chas. Forest. 2nd line ---Wm, Findlater, Thos. Scott, R. Garnise. jr,, Henry Mathers, Geo. Tur- vey, . J, J. Sellers, A. Mustard, D. Ramsay, L. Eckmire. 3rd line --A. Brydges, John Hopper, E. Higgins, Ed. Pollard, Fred. Brewer, R. War- wick, W. Sellers, Joseph Shaw. 4th line—Thos. Brydges, W. Whaley, 0, Wilkinson, James Nicholson, R. Me - Murray, R. Shedden, T; Bradshaw, Alfred Cochrane, John Barr, A. Crooks. 5th line --G. W. Proctor, A. Cloakey, John Clegg, F. Martin, Jno. McArter, Thos. Clark, Wilson Marks, James Davis, Elston Cardiff, Geo. Kerr, 6th line ---D, Kelly, J. Helly, R. Young, jr., R: Smith, Wm, Ber- nard, J. Robb, T. Miller. 7th line -- R, Nesbitt, Jno. Phelan, J. Craig, G. Pierce, Jno. Nivins, AY Howlett, S. McCall, R. McLean, Sas. Parish. 8th line--Jno. Scott, 3. Gibson, A. Laid- law, 3, Brown, S. McKelroy, J. J. McCaughey, M. Jackson, G,. MoOal- luro, J. Buley, E. Bryans, J. Lawson. 9th line --W, Logan, T. Wallace, 0. K. Taylor, F. Laidlaw, Jno. Laidlaw, R. Shortreed, Thos. McCall, J. Far;- quaarson, T. Marshall. South Bdy.— W. Shortreed, West Bdy.--Jas. Cool- ley, Jae. Taylor, Thos. Gosman, Ern- est Sanderson. East Bdy., Ed. Ber- nard, P. McLaughlin, W. Oakley, T. Oakley, Thos. Bolger. Walton—Jno. Watt. Belgrave--Geo. Daley. The next Council meeting will be held in the Tp. hall, Monday, on May 26th. A. MeE wen. For Infants and Children. The Call of The Kind Yeti Have Always Bought Bears the $i,gnaturo of .1,A4( TOWN of WINGNAM By�Law No, 669, 1913, A by-law for the purpose of raising the sum of $aa00 by .the issue of debentures for the purchase of car, taint road snaking machinery and for the erection of a suitable build- Ing to protect such machinery from the weather and for a hose tower. Pride is the grave of progress. Night is the daytime of the soul. Solitude is the hospital of the spirit. Common sense is the sense of pro- portion. Repentance born of emotion gen- erally has a short life. A spark will consume a city, and a word will blast a reputation. Memory is the scourge of the trick- ster, but the benison of the just. The trongest friendships are those which leave something to the imagin- ation. Nothing is so dear and precious as time. Moral—Do not waste it. Never do a thing concerning the rectitude of which you are in doubt. Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire conscience. Keep your face always to the sunshine and the shadows will fall be- hind you. Let no man enter into business while he is ignorant of the manner of regulating books. --[Dr. Samuel John- ston. Aim high and work hard to' hit the mark, Make to -day's failures aid in to- morrow's successes. Work with a purpose and then ac- complish it. Be honest. Look the world squarely in the fade with a clear conscience, ZAM-BUK IN THE HOME. Read How Useful It Proved In These Widely Different Cases. that the aggzegate amount payable for prin cipal and interest -in respect of the said debt the West. Because of the emigration to our Western Provinces we'occa°a sionaily have a good farm placed in our hands for sale at a will" fce price. Just think of a 200 acre farms with fine buildings, good land, big orchard, well fenced, in a good locality, convenient to school and churches, for the price of 100 acres. We have seldom had an offer like this in our hands. Two thousand cash, balance on mort- gage. Must be sold at one. shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other twen- ty-four years of said period as shown in Sche- dule "B" hereto annexed, AND WHEREAS the total amount requir- ed by the Municipal Aot to be raised annual- ly by, special rate for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided is $4(31.20, AND WHERE \.S the amount of the whole ratable property of the Town of Wingham 'according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is $801,098 00, Zain-buk's strongest point is its ef- fectiveness in all kinds of skin diseases and injuries. Just note how excellent these persons proved it in widely dif- ferent directions. Sore Heel. --Aire. C. A. Campbell, of Powaasan, Ont., writes:" One of lay heels was very badly blistered by a pair of new shoes, and the poisonous dye from roy stockings got into it, and made a bad sore. For weeks I could not put on a shoe, and suffered great pain. - I applied Zatvm-buk, and in a few days it drew the poison out and healed the wound." Bad Cut. --Mrs. S. Virgint, of Onon- daga, Ont. writes, : "Zan4-Buk healed a had cut which I sustained. I was hurrying across my yard one day - when I slipped and fell heavily, nay knee striking a stone. Ab the - moment I did not realize how badly 1 was hart, but I found I had a bad cat about two inches long, verb` jagged and very deep, We bathed the cut and applied Zam-Buk. This stopped elu k yry very ie l the smarting, and in a few days it had heeled the wound completely. Fon" cuts and bruises Za.nn-l3uk ae a splendid renxendy, Eczema Cured.—Mrs. Antoine Ai senault of Maxiatriville, P. E. L, writes: "1 can highly 1.ecomrnend Zai'- Buk to any person offering from eco tone. I had this disease and was under doetere' treatment fear two years, without any good result. 1 then tried Ztt,tn.Bttk and in the end it cured me." J. L. AWDE AN APPEAL TO WIVES. .AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipali- ty (exclusive of local improvement. debts se- cured by special rates or assessments) is $147,- 253.04 and no part of principal or interest is in arrear. THEREFORE the Municipal Corporation of the 7,Yoven of Wingha.iu enacts as follows :-- 1-That the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Wingham shall expend the sum of $6500.00 in the purchase of road making machinery and the ereotion of a building to protect the same from the weather and for a hose tower and for the purpose et raising the said sum, debentures of the said Town to the amount of $6500 as aforesaid in sums of not less than $100 eauh shall be issued on the First day of August A.. D. 1913, each of which de- bentures shall be dated on the date of the issue thereof and shall be payable within twenny.five years thereafter at the . office of the Treasurer for the time being of the said Town of Wingham. You know the terrible affliction that comes to many homes from the result of a drinking husband of son. You know of the money wasted on "Drink" that is needed in the home to purr'h»,se, food and clothing. ORRINE has saved thousands of drinking men. It is a home treat- ment and can be given secretly. Your money will be refunded if, after a trial, it has failed to benefit. Costs only $1 00 a box, Come in and get a free booklet and let us tell you of the good ORRINE ie doing. Zanm-Buk is just ee good for piles, - blood -poison, festering eoreta, pimples, eruptions, cuts, barns, bruises. and all Skirl injuries and diseases, 50e. bort all druggists and etores, or port free for price from Zany+BMC Co., Toronto. - Try Zatn'.Buk Soap,- 25o. tablet. - A darky blacksmith reeently ann. jounced a change In his business aw' follows: "Notloe- -De copardnersbip heretofore resisting between me and e resolved. v el tent Moe Skltirawf la hereby r s e . y' i whale owe de firm will settle wid are, and deux what de Arra awes will settle wid Motet" Another 30 Days' Sale. - TEAS. -400 Ceylon for 355c, also at 80o, 25o and 20o; 80o Japan at 25a. DRIED FRVIl S, --Prunes at 10e, 18e and. 15o; Peaches 18o; Apricots 15o lb.; best Valen"oiaa Raisins 10crlb }food rrnttaoatect Rnlsina 3 lbs. for 25o; bast quality Currants 10o 1'b; good Figs 50 ib, JAMS AND MARMALADES. -500 pails for 40o; 15o, pure, for 12a; 100 Jails for 9o; 10c Marmalade for 3)o. CANNED GOODS,—Maple Leaf Salmon 25c, Derby brand 20o, Aut- umn Leaf 18e; 18e Quaker Porlt and Beans for 10o; 10o Quaker Pork aitd Beans for 8o; 20o Champion Catsup for iso; Canned Cont for go; Peas 180, 2 for 25o. S"UN'LRI'15.—Cow Brand Soda. 40 pkg, ; ilo pkg. Gold Duet for 40; Dutch Cleanser and Patshine 80; -. Sunbeam Oil Shoe Polish 80. SOA.PSs—Oorttfort Soap tl for 25n; Canada's best, 6 for 250; Magi° Isapcha, 6 for 250 Infants' Delight, 10 for 8e. LA.111J.—leo, 15o, 18o, 2 lb. for 25o. 1 MRS. GRISDALE laesseileiesioiseas Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AILD INSURANCE Buy your C. P. R. Tickets from, us. WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1810. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. GEO. SLEEbrAN, President. RITCHIE Agents. JOHN DAVIDSON Secretary. COSENS, Wingham, Out WINOHAM General Hospital. (Under Governmoni) Inspection.) Pleasantly situated, Beautifully furnished. Open to all' regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing). -4.80 to 115.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion --Address MISS L. MATTHEWS Superintendent, Box 223, Wingham, Onb. 2 -Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the said Town or by some other person authorized by By-law to sign same and by the Treasurer thereof and tho Clerk shall attach thereto the corporate seal of the Municipality, 3 --The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum pay- able yearly at the office of said Treasurer op the First day of August in each and every year during the eurrenoy thereof. 4 -During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised annually by special rate on all the ratable property of the said Town of Wingham the sum of $461,20 for the purpose of paying the amount due under each of the said years for principal and interest in respect of said debt as shown in schedule "B' hereto annexed. 5 -This By-law shall take effect on the date of the final passing thereof. 6 --The votes of the electors of the said Town of Wingham shall be taken on this By-law at the, following times and places, that is to say :- On Monday the Fifth day 0! May next com- mencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until the hour of live o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, by the following Deputy -Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, namely :- Ward 1- At W. J. Johnston's Tailor shop on Josephine Street by W. J. Haines, Deputy- 1-teturning Officer ; 10. A. Hammond, Poll Clerk. Ward 2 -At Win. Gannett's Implement shop on Josephine Street by A.. J. Alderson, Deputy - Returning Officer ; P. H. Deans. jr., Poll Clerk, Ward 3 --At the Town Hall by Albert Flenz- leg. Deputy -Returning Officer ; Allan Fralick, Potl Clerk. Polling Subdivision 1 of Ward 4 at Ritchie & Cosens' Office by J. W. Dodd, Deputy -Re- turning Officer ; John Ritchie, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division 2 of Ward 4 at Albert Bell's house on Josephine Street by T. J. McLean, Deputy -Returning Officer ; T. Miller, Poll Cleric. 7 --On .Saturday the Third day of May next the Mayor of alio said Town of Wingham Shall attend at the Town Hall in the said Town at eleven o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the various poll- ing places aforesaid and at the final summing up of votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the per- sons interested in and desirous of procnotiog or opposing the passing of this By-law re- spectively. S --The Clerk of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at the said Town Hall at eleven o'clock in the forenoon on Tuesday the Sixth day of May next, to sum up the number of votes for and against the By-law. Dated at the Town Hall in the Town of Wingham, this Seventh day of April, A.D. 1913. .............. Mayor. Clerk. W. J. MOON VETERINARY SURGEON OFFICE OI+' LATE DR WILSON. RESIDENOE-a/ISS GEAOBY. Phone 179. Night Phone 148. Ex Gov. Vet. Inspector.. DR. E. 11. COOK VETERINARY SURGEON SUCCESSOR TO DR. WILSON DOGS Jan) SURGERY A SPECIALTY Residence and Office in Dr, McDonald's old residence on Centre Street, next to English Church. • 'Phone 250. NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been WW1 , into consideration and which will be finally passed by 'the Council of the Muni- cipality (inthe event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month frotn the first publication in the Wing, ham Advance, the date of which publication was Thursday the Tenth day of A pill, A.D. 1913, and that the Votes of the Electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon ofin the day and at the hours and places therein xed. ANT) also take notice that every tennant who desires to vote on this Dy -law mitst deliver to the Clerk not less than the seventh day before the day appointed for taking the votes, the deolaration provided by the Con- solidated Municipal Mt. JOHN F. GROVES, Clerk. SCHEDULE "A" TO THE PROPOSED fY•LAW. Ileittcf an estimate of the expenditure refer- red to in the foregoing By-law. One fifteen ton steam road roller 13000 00 Crasher, bins, elevator and screen 1500 00 13uitding for machinery and holo (�r�(, 'yl, tower ....14. 101....,. . ....., 2000 `s, $13340 00 SCftitl)ULE •'l3" Showing in respect to each instalment of the debt to be hereby created how ninth of the amount to be auenally raised is for )principal and how much is for interest. 1915 . ,•,••,$16016 14'1 01 1018 1917 .,' ,....,1157 67 165 55 1014 1738,3 1921) 181 62 1921 1;11 651922 , 20123 211 29 1994 221 81 1995 . , 232 9t 2 Y. YY1aYY Y..Y 244 450 2`(8Y 32 19272'99 MS 283 14 1931 312 17 1932 , Y .. 327 77 n' � :344 14 1031 .,.., .,30t .27 1935 ,...•...,379 44 1038 �39tt 41 .' Y..Y YY 1031, 1, ry� Q . Y i Y �qV,f,��, 1. NON ,....... ,,.4 4tow 1 24 1923 . 1,444 1928 ,..,..Y 1021) YY,.Y.Y.Y $318 9 X40120 311 04 401 20 '205 65 4011 0 287 08 401 0 20845 40120 259 07 401 20 240 01 48t 20 239 33 411; 20 218 261 431 0 19164 40120 178 60 461 20 16..1 110 481 Zit 14908 401 20 133 43 4131 20 117 0 0 2- t 41 0 376 48120 42 87077 461 22p0 2196 431 19 C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licensee. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. DUDLEY ROLMES L Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. WINGHAM. DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER Omens -Corner Patrick and Centro streets Psoras - Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Caldor 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Caldor devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member Honse Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE Ii'4 MCDONALD BLOCK DR. ROBT. O. REDMOND M. R. 0, S. Eng.) ( L. E. 0. P. sed,)) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) 1irT.11 JR J. IR 11 IJP\ 1?,D.S..,L,D.s. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen. nsylvanta College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery ,of Ontario. —Office In Macdonald Blook-- ..- ----. W. R. HAMBLV, BSc Special attention paid to diseases of women and Children, having taken postgraduate wont itt 'Sur. gory, Baoteriology and Scientific Medioiito. Office itt the Meier resident*, be' tw'een the Quean'a hotel and the Eaptiat ()hutch. .All business given earefrnl attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118 G. I. ROSS, D.D.S., LDS. TUURSDMt, APRIL I 191 ,3 TUE PROFIT SHARING STOREI Yy .NGTIAINT Kerr AGENTS,Home "GOOD DRESSING" AGENTS --Zaglas' Journal Patterns Nenthl, . 'ashffan Sheet Horne JournalFree To All AFTER STOCK -TAKING HOUSE-CLEANING SALE A. quantity of Dress Trimmings at one.third less than regular prices. Colored Silk Trimmings, White Cotton Trimmings, etc, 33 off. Velvet Ribbons, black and colors, all widths, 25 per cent, less than regular prices, Rain Coats for Men and Women, all new goods. Big out in prices --$7.00 Coat for $5,25, $7.50 Coat for $5.62, $9.00 Coat for $6.75, $10.00 Coat for $7.50. Hand Bags, no reserve, Every Hand Bag in the store at cut prices ----$4, 00 "'Bag for $3.00, $3.00 Bag for $2.25, $2.00 Bag for 61.60, $ I.50• Bag for $1.12, $1,25 Bag for 94e, 750 Bag for 55e, 60e Bag for 45e, 250 Bag for 20c. Ruching for the neck. A quantity of very dainty Ruching, regular 10c, for :50 a frill. A quantity of Gide Combs, Back Combs, Fancy fins, and Brooches, at HALF PRICE. 36 Black Sateen P 6 cc cc 1 " c Silk 3 White Linen 6 White Cotton etticoats, regular $1..00 for .69e 1.25 " .84a 6.00 " 3.98 1.50 cc 1.12 1.00 " .75c 'j .75 " .57c ei cc cc cc 8 cc cc cc cc et Ladies' Waists at cut prices. $4.50 Silk Waists for $3.38, $3.50 Silk Waists for $2.33, $2.00 Lustre Waists for $1.50, $1.50 Sateen Waists for $1.12. 2 only, Misses Top Skirts, black, regular $4.25 for $2.48, A quantity of Men's Black Overalls, regular 850 for 59e, Carpet Sale. --$1.10 Carpet for 79e, 90o Carpet for GSc, 80c Carpet for 50c, 65c Carpet for 45c, 50c Carpet for 37e. Wrapperette Bargains. ---20c yd. for 15c, 15c yd. for 110. 12c yd. for 9c, 100 yd. for 80. Tweed Bargains for Men.—$4.25 Suit lengths for $2.55, $7.60 Suit lengths for $4.90, 0.50 Suit lengths for $5,55, $7.00 Suit lengths for $4.50. Prunes, 5 lbs. for 25e while they last. • r i of the Bo y al College Roma: Graduate On rlo - Pfo ae r eosof to ar 11 o Dental �3 f Graduate of '�'ril'velltbity of 'Toronto aaaottltt of Dentistry. Orbe* orika 1t, ie. MOD At oo s, tfirOlkit. A 0' House F rnishings 1 1 .,..114604 Jai .• I W: Now that spring is drawing near the busy house- wife will be making preparations for house cleaning and some particular room will want a new Linoluem, another room Oilcloth and still another a Rug or Carpet. Never hast his store been so well stocked in all these lines as we are passing into stock the last few weeks. Nairs Scotch Linoelums of excellent designs ; Eng- lish floor oils, lovely patterns ; border Oilcloths and ltiaid Linoleums. Rugs And Carpets. We have an unusually large stock of Rugs now in ; including Union Rugs for bed -room ; Granite Rugs, something entirely new, from $4.00 to $ i o.00 ; Tapestry Rugs, Velvet Rugs, English manufacture ; Brussels Rugs, Axminster and Wiltons, in price from $halo to $40.00. We lead in House Purnishings. Call and see our stock before buying elsewhere, 2 Cars Of Sugar Now In For a short time we will sell for cash Wallaceburg Sugar ar at $4.75 cwt., Redpath extra granulated $4'85 ;1n 300 lb. lots, 5c cwt. less; 20 lb, sack $x.00. Phone 89 PRODUCE Or ALL KINDS WANTED. J. A. Mills (Successor to T. A. MILLS) WINGHAM i • 4 i a