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The Wingham Advance, 1913-04-17, Page 1
,• s 1�1d�anI'll ce.,11I'll, '. - - - _. _ ,�� .. _.. ....4"!1M •+�+�+�•w=s, _ .. _ . - _ w+.wyw. »e�rwrri.T' aF.4.l. �� ^ _ 1. Ir 41ST YEAR, T�►. 3, 'Pi�INC .l'�I, (,� Y '., THURSDAY, APRIL 1'� .9 3. lg $ao cY zo rM.,. 0_XX" *M 0 so . . _ F,iUITURIAI, PAIZAQ► 'APHS� ing red -tape and technicalities, Mr, may be done even when another meat- It;sty Year's Aga. A lkestern Trip. ••'"' �,aurant �i]ow. *sem'"' " 1"'•�. Crothers has always taken a direct bar iso in the middle of a speech. The On another page our Bluevale friends '����$ ' cause to effect a derpired and and as a motion that the debate close must be p g Mr. William Hlliattof Olenannan hasE------local l3ardert w1118 ht and Bo> dors will result be has been enabled to do many, Immediately put to a vats without will ,find a d--scription of their village returned from an extended trip p Did you see the show last week ? things for workingmen during his an discussion whatever. in the year 18ES3 t rou h Western Canada and reports be right. * *, * seventeen months of office. The the third amendment prapsaaed by �� many ©state men in that county �oa>t �reex's Sb This is the eager inquiry of those who Minister does not intend to be hamper- t e Glaverntnent provides that on list Busy."y oee and Rubbers. enjoyed the wonderful perfartxiance of BARGAINS --Gbetructton wins not u]ox4 than ed iu dealing with labor questions as Thursdays and Fridays the .House out of jobs. Ontario will.soon tonne Don't forget the Choral Concert on Eugene Laurant, world famous magic - honesty. * * * tpeanollowing ofi cet'noteconnecPd theres in a letLer rwith xvithoitten shall git deb tao into co It is talsaee � provided, after 0 �ve� have juIf we are kids ist 30and yearsa each men to her own, Friday evening Apr, ISth, ran at the Wiingharp (?para Rouse, P ' You should attend the Choral Con. Thursday wind Friday nights, No one ,-• Oogd morning ;Have you .last your shows; -It may , ccur to you that I am however, that. the eatimr�tea of each with 1300 eight hour working days, or A Large Crass.Saturday autonomy yet ? dealing with a >Aaatter that dose not department must first be taken up on 72,000 hours to make good. Better got cert, Friday, Apr. 18th, w��uld have known the stage in its 8 $ On Sunday, I3cb, nits a +► * directly concern me. That, however, some other day, so that any member bus y I' q eplender of rich red and green dray. «--Why call It "free" speech if it Ida not admit. Ip any event I am desiring to challenge the adminietra- y.* unique event took place in the Mrstho- Mr- C. P. Smith has sold his cottage. arise and when the curtains 'i'vaa<e coats $8,500 every day the house syit ? determined, so far as is rise lies, sweep- tion of the department any ;respect Wingham goy Promoted. diet church, the occasion being the on abater fat. to Mr. P. i3tricker. drawn aside it was like opening the * * * ing aside all forms, to secure for the will have full`opportunity to do so. 4 .hr#stening of eleven children, They Mr. Cleo. Daly, who has been very portals o£ fairy land. ,may wage workers of this country a square Mr. Frank Gillespie, who has been were • Robt Beattie -son, J. 'Pit'. Dun- low is, we are pleased to state, im- Special "Bill" Taft to Fielding and Patter- deal," Although within provincial in the employ of the Bank of The wizard opened with the pro - can -sow, , p d, L Proving, duction of the British flag and then Jurisdiction many factariea have been C RCa eland --son, son -}'whey shall we three riies�t ,i surfer And Nero Oa The commerce for the past few years, has Awde-son, �- Gamble with our wife at home if t again ? * * * inspected and material improvement .. W H Gurney' son, F. suggested and accomplished, With Political Fiddler, been pramotes� to the Sudbury branch. ' y with a few clever manipulations he much success the Minister has insisted Frank is a young man of excellent Davidson --son, Alex, Coatts-aon, W. you must gamble. It keeps ties converted the stage into a garden We llaVrd coutractec dor a --The Globe says there cannot pos- y g Armour -son H F, S g den of u an Aoverrnmeno contractors (tdherr• , Hicks --son and mons at home. siblp be an election before June, The p habits and has shoots the ILverage y gorgeous flowers. One mystery fol- large amount of this; following Globe is right. . ing strictly to the fair wage schedtiles . They tell u3 the ,Emperor fiddled daughter, Wm. Fields --daughter. g * * * prepared in his Department, Elis idea When the City of Rome was on fire business talent. He is the kind of - A meeting of the 'GVingham Bowl- lowed another, the first act closing goods at a special price and we is that such contractors made large pro. 'Che htell us the Emperor trembledyoung man who will soon fill a man, Division Court Cleek. 0 Ing Club will be held In the Firemen's with a marvellous series of lightning axe going to give you the bene- --The Liberals have decided to fight fits and have no manner of excuse to Wen he bowed to the Citizens ire, ager's chair, The fact that Mr. D. We understand that Mr, C. N, room at the Town Hall, on April 17tb, character impersonations. These were the naval proposals. "to the bitter end:" withold any portion of wages so fixed, Davies, whom he served under here, at 8 sharp. -L. Binkle ,Sec. accomplished with an old felt hat fit of our saving in price.. And it shay be reworked that the They tell us Sir Wilfred wobbled Griffin has been recommended as the P y p - ,E For the sake of political ,ern g y P new Division Court Clerk. end will be a decidedly bitter one for p g is xiaanit er at Sudbury, s eake.louder g g yphich enables a brim and a few slight accessories. The following rices are good these eeparatis ts, --The DemocriLtic TtLriff Revision While the Empire was calling for He will Courage is a thin g p f3 than words. The Advance wishes him make a ca able and efflrient officer man to tackle a hard teak with ease. The final character was manacled to a on Saturdays only ---eve ,�Jat- $ill, which has been presented to the Dreadnoughts P « y very * * * & And calling Sir. Wilfred in vain. continued success, and his appointment will be ver Nerve is a thin which enables him to torture board, disappearing in full louse of Representatives at Washing- g PP y g urday until further notice. -Laurier makes a great boast about ton mttkes sweeping changes in the acceptable to the people of Win hats tackle it when he is scared to death view of the audience at the firing of a p t; g They say that you shuffled Six Wilfred lacrosse Meeting. P P P S the preservation of Canada's "auton- tariff of the United States. It is wide And if all that theysay should be true $ and vicinity. shot' Other days regular petites om W hat about hie indecent haste enough to satisfy the most exacting At a meeting held in the Council We are pleased to learn that the Y g y g In spite of your ways bright and sunny g The second act was a delightful prevail. to make Canada an "adjutfct of the and though it will rouse the formid- I don't think that I'd care to be you Chamber the Lacrosse boys organized (scat Salesman Rev. Mr. Croly is improving and we , United States ?" able apposition of many, interests yet y and are putting a y g hope to soon see him around. • novelty entitled the wizards supper, * * * President Wilson seems to be hopeful No I wouldn't, be you dear Sir Wilfred P g team in the inter- While soliciting produce for the P Rice was converted into all sorts of 5QC per lb. assorted For millions of rubles and gold mediate C, L. A. The following of- Mrs. Robert Ferguson, daughter of Regular that the bill will eventually become 6 Wm. Davies Co. #n the vicinity of good things to eat and drink. There --When an obstinate 'bull stands in law. 13e was elected ou the ionise I would rather be infamous Nero ficers were elected --Hon. Pres., Dr, J. Mr. Peter Kin of East Wawanosh Cadillac Chocolates P Riversdale, Mr. A. H. Wilford g was coffee for the ladies, wine for the ._ ,. front of alimited express and attempts of tariff revision and be will try to Mid the barbarous pagans of old, P. Kennedy; President, Mayor Y''n,n- his car in front of a Church, around Passed away at her home in British gentlemen, candy for the children, not �f r� {, I, to impede its progress, all the authori- carry it through and with a large For Nero that tipae that he fiddled Stone; st Vice Prep., ' ,.'cid which several rigs were gathered, to mention a roast duck that came to Saturda Special ' S3c fib. ties are united in asserting that the 1 B Doyle; .Oolumbia on March 29th, Y q majority at his back he is likely to do Oen the roof of his picturesque home i' consequences are apt to be decidedly Vice Pres., Geo, f8potton; 3rd Vice unpleasant for the bull, Laurier and so. But Canadians are interested in Bad never yet offered his sovereign Presently a bridal party came out, and Monday, Apr. 14th, was the Annivssr- life #n the pan and flew from the stage P the results of the revision betaine it help Pres., Reeve McKibbon ; Sec., (' I'!, Mr• Wilford kindly offered to drive sarry of the sinking of the Mammoth right into the startled audience. his herd please note. justifies their action of September 21, To the Sovereign City of Rome, McLean; Treas., E. Nash; Mane,ger, them to their home. On the wayhe steamshi the "Titanic," which car- The third act puzzled everyone. ver one. Mr, Reblar 35c per ib. Turkish * * * 1011, when they refused to carry out No he'd Haver backed out of his ofidr W S. Vanwyck. The boys should solicited their cream fvr the corrin P, p y Delight the reciprocity pact entered into by g ried down with her 1500 persons. Laura& seethed to possess a super- --If every reader of the Globe would Nor tried to explain it awe receive good support. P P - g read Hansard he would take little Messre. Fielding and Patterson. One P y 8 PP season, , of the chief arguments used b the By shabby evasion and humbug Mr. Melbourne Vanwyck of Orange- natural power over a pack of cards { i n {, stock in what he reads in the Globe. g ;jealous for the g y Children's Aid Society. WANTED. -A y v position 3' Saturday Special 17c lilt The same remark applies with equal Conservative party, When it came to the settling da goad simart bo to ills has taken a iii the cloth- that literally seemed to have life. • farce to the Toronto Star. upbuilding of- Cana&!a home indult- Old Nero no doubt was a monster .A. concert will be held in the Town learn Telegraphy and Express. -W. J. ing store of W. A• Campbell,, Mr. The ladies then were entertained with * * * tries, was, that. when the Democrats And versed in the ways that are dark ,Hall Friday evening April 18th by Greer. Vanwyck has been in the employ of fortune-telling and the children as., would come into power, as nitich yet he never let loose on an innocent Try a pouud and be convinced --The people of Canada are not in- would be roan b them without Ca- the Choral �5ociety; the proceeds to go McMillan and Torrie, and is an excel- silted in the most startling transfor- p p g- y land I Social Vvenin . • mations of canary birds and rabbits. terested in the selfish efforts, of a nada being obliged to lower her tariff The crude spoeches of Pugsley and to improve the condition of neglected >F lent type of young man. beaten party to regain power and one iota. The prediction has some Clark, and dependent children. The Child- A very pleasant evening was held The program closed with a wonder- Headquartere for Wall Paper and gal reduction o£ rainbow silks which office at any price, but they are in- true. If a bili becomes law as its strands ran's Aid Society is engaged in a great under the auspices 'of the Ladies' Aid Window Shades at Knox's, P terested in the speedy and effective at present Canada ga's many of the So I think I would rather be Nero yB transaction of public business. promised benefits of the reciprocity That renegade roaring old blade and goad work, Many families in our Society, in the Presbyterian Church, The Greyhound Dotroit Excursion, were converted into two immense McK'I'bbon * * * pact iu so far as that agreement was Than Laurier fiddling'for Pugsley community and vicinity Have been on Thursday evening, April 14th y silk flags, British and American to the J. s While the Era ,re was catling for Rev. for 1913, will be arranged so those who strains of "God Save Our King." to throw open the market of the p' g assisted and the future life of little D. Perris acted as chairman, and - g --Latiriev's recent conduct and his aid. - have to remain home gaturrlay and Such a production rarely visits a United States to the Canadian- farmer ones turned into a better and brighter gave a very interesting address on _ P y DItUQ�CtIST � OPTICIAN apparent attitude to the Mother of the West, the fishermen of the g „ Sunday, can leave Goderieh 9 30 a• m,, tJountry have been such that In Cana- East and the coal miner and the lum• ' path. - Other children have been better The Highlands". Solos were ,wel. ; y town of this size. SIR WILFRID THE WAILER Tuesday, Suns 14, and return Thurs- dian history he will fill a much less • cared for in as much as the parents rendered by Miss lei Currie and Mr,Re�%O�-M� r "' Y barman. Thus Canada stands to get P day; June 12. Full particulars first ��e�41'�6 honourable niche than Canadians gen- most of whatever there was in the knew that if they did not get proper Gerry Willis, and a duet by Misues BOARDERS WANTED. -For particu- erally were hitherto willing to ,grant Recfpracity agreement without expos . VanNorman and Geddes. t week in Map. him• ing her business interests to underir- Sympathy is siva a invited but attention the Children's Aid Society, Recitations lana apply at Advance Office. y Eyessgbf leered area. and glasses tele.• * * # able Connections with the economic plays would step in. We feel that there will were also well given. .After the pro- : Miss M. D. Little, of McKellar Has- For Wall Paper and Window Shades pl%d at reasonable prices, never visits an athlete who -Could anything be more insulting difficulties of the United States. lacrosse, as Sir Wilfrid Laurier plays be a crowded house. Not being able gram, lunch was served. Owing toil pital; Fort William, returned to her go to Snow's. Opposite National to the people to be told by Laurier * * * politica. to attend is no excuse, for by purebas the state of the weather the attend- home in London, after spending the lEiotel. Phone 05, Pugsley, Graham, and Company, that Canadians urged the Lnurier Gov- Ever title in the book and ever ing tickets you are assisting the work ante was not as large as it otherwise • past week with her sister, Mra. J. GOING WEST ?--Travel by C.P.R. party advantage is more in the in- g y y would have been. The proceeds of the Cloaks of town. Miss Little intends and buy your ticket from RITcHiE & terest of Canada as a whole than the ernment and the Borden Opposition trick in the ;game are used` by players acid no one is compelled to attend P y CosENs, Town agents. carrying on of the Ding's Government; to agree on an offer of Dreadnoughts in their- attempt, to outwit adver- because he holds a ticket. Then hide evening amounted to $10.45. returning to Fort William in .about g . . safely and eanel ? to Britain in 1909. dear, - - two weeks time to continue her train- SEED$ FOR SALE,— Red Clover, Alsslke, y y safes. it Hat ,the inners of the soul * * * The fulfilment of the offer might + Used In Ohio. ° Ing in the hospital. Alfalfa, Timothy j all Fresh and Gorern,, , have taken money from Canada. The Occasionally these players are sympathy expressed, with kindly menf tested, -KING BROS, • Laurier torsi misjudged bans• acceptance of that offer would have taught to realize that there are rules On A til 7tih there awed easeful- ri. Vttsu,. grosslyp g voice but let it like a shining river p ' P p ' The local branch of the Women's WANTED. -A cant -maker to work ` • " �� than sentiment in the reciprocity deal, strengthened the United Kingdom ly away at the bonne v£ bei' eon, rift. r v P Y g t; in the book that can be turned against roll to deserts .dry, to hearts that Institute will hold their regular on Ladies coats. Write, wire or ; 0 Now he is settinghimself up 'as the with a moral power that was worth Jap. A. Caspell, Painsville, Ohio, Mrs. 1 them, there are tricks in the game would rejoice, Oh 1 Let; the sympa- monthly meeting on Thursday. Apr. Phone E. C. White, Wingham, Ont. dictator of Canada's views regarding more than money. Orpha Agnew, at the advanced age of ; ' her relation to the rest of the Empire. The rally of the British nations in that can be played to their disadvan- thy of kindly voice sound for the 24th, at 3 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Newest and latest designs in Wall ,;:% Could there be a more definite example the darkest hours of the Boer war tags. poor, the friendless and Che weak, and eighty-three years. She was a wo- Wm. Bone. Subject for the meeting Paper at Knox's, , • of grotesque vanity ? taught the hostile overs of Euro a man of kindly disposition and true „ > „ g q y g p p Sir Wilfrid Laurier has develo ed lie will bless ou. Ha, who struck --- Woman s influence, b Mrs, Dr. , p y y ( WANTED --At once, apprentice to % c.;i * * * that the British Empire was one in all the characteristics of the lacrosse the chord will strike another, when cbristian character. One daughter, J. P. Kennedy, Members and all learn barbering; good opportunity r V. , 'the risk and sacrifice of .life. So the ' Mrs. Wm. Swinson, � r% V -The Conservative art in arlia- y la y y Marlette, Mich., y for right arson --Chas. Swanson. �, party � p tall of Canada and the other British player who utilizes ever trick in the *in turn you seek, others interested are cordially in. g P t %;• ment is solid to a man behind the and five sons, (,leo: bi, and Frank R, Ecigs. --5. C Virhite Le ", nations in the crisis of the compels game to the disadvantage of ori ad- oiled. shorn, good Government's proposals to increase tion in naval arrangment.9 has taught An Enjoyable (lathering. of Caspell, Oregon, Wm. of Caylay, laying strain, $1 per setting of 15, _w:r the effective naval forces of the Em- g versary, and then wails when the ad- Alta. Germany that the Britb4h nations are On Monde afternoon a nunibser of Edmund of Vancouver, B, C., delivered. Jae, Master, G. T. Agent, "�►� ire. On the opposite side the issue versary discloses a trick that can be y Bluevale, _s;e;� P pP one in the risk and sacrifice of inoney, ministers and Epworth Leaguers of and Jas, A. with whom she lived, are �;;•,. seems to be a pretty, squabble as to Canadra s offer of Dreadnou�zhts wrLe worked or a rule that can be used P g , j� who shall lead the disorganized rem- a contribution not to war in Europe; against Sir Wilfrid.- -[Evening Tele. the Wingham District Inst in the left to mourn her loss. The funeral Churg► 'll ewe P:LSTvap To CDT. --Parties wanting ��e P g � 15 pasture apply to W. J. Deyell, P. U. nant of Liberalism. . but to the ecce of the world. It is a I Methodist Cnurch for the purpose of was held at the home of her. son on - Q P gram. P P Box 2$1, Wingham. * * * b happy coincidence that the Borden meeting Rev. G H. Raley and holding April nth and interment was made in &.,- policy of 1913 associated its develop- "Evergreen Cemetery." + POTATOES. -A carload of fine Dela- --Young man, da you drink, do you an informal Conference. Rev. A. J. Painaville. The services in St, Paul's Church on ware potatoes will arrive in a few went with a great improvement in the g y t moke, da you chew, do you gamble, relatiaiis between Britain and Ger- If you L a sighing fur a lofty work, Langford of Kincardine, President of The deceased formerly lived in bath Sundae last were conducted by Mr. days, Order now, Duff &Stewart,""' " do you.read cheap literature; in short, If gr;•.:at ambitions dominate our Bel rave and Marnoch. C..E. Du lan of Huron Colla a Lon- Bluevale,Ydo you waste- your time and energy many, Germany would have abrLn- y Wingham District Epworth League g p g r tf, - "KNE • , doned her insane naval rivalry two ni•nd Association, r don. Rev. W. A. Shipway, Christ doing anything that. dues not count presided, Rev., G g• Health exhibit. Er3GrS FOR SALE, beat laying yearsa ago if the Laurier -Borden policy Ju t watch ourself and see you do Church, Lakeside, will be in charge of strains, Single Comb White Leg -- far rosters and a high and noble y' y slay gave a very interesting account g Leg-- Ina ood, In the springtime of life of 1909 had offered Britain Dread- not shirk Mr. J, F. droves, secretaryof the In the horns. $1.00 per 15 ; $5 per 100, that an OId shoo will not fir; of his work among the services next. Sunday. noughts and thus lined Canada up g the Indians and y Field Win ham, Ont, 30-tf sow the seeds of effort fur- a future rhe common little was of being local board of health received the fol- morning }ifs topic will be -•"Takia Wm. � g y with the British Empire:-- y' g also the Marine Mission work of the g P• g Out feet. - harvest of success, Young man, your lowingletter from the Provincial mind is a mine, but every mine has to "Now and forever one and kind. Pacific coast carried on by the Metho- Root and Bearing Fruit , in the even- Wall Paper from 5e per roll up be opened u ' b the expenditure of Indivisible." If you are dreaming of a future goal, dist Church In the avenin a ban net Board of -Health. "I expect to send a Ing, "A Tragedy, and the Trials of at $lox's. Opposite National Hotel. - P P y P g q Phone fi5,� time, labor, and money before it will * * * When, crowned with glory, map was $fare by the Leaguers in honor et public health exhibit to Wingham on Friendship," this subject being asps- WIE yield up treasuries, Unless you pureup The closure resolution which }ray shall own our ower April 21st., arriving there at 11.15 c#all for young women and oun LOST. -Party who by mistake took a Like course h means o£ Careful y power, Rev. Raley and after all had. partaken y y g young Drygoods parcel off our counter an Y been introduced by Premier Essen Be careful that you let no struggling A. M. and remaining until Wednes- men. study and persistent energy, the great to prevent a continuance of the par- - of the good things, the programme same -Hanna April Doh, kindly return p P soul day, Apr. 23rd. at 11.30 A. M. It will , possibilities of your mind will rerraafa liamentary anarchy which the atub- proceeded.. Mr. Benson Cruickshank p same & Co. dormant. �, Gob unaided in the resent hour, be shown at the Railway Depot in the * * * hotness of the Liberals have brought Y P acted as chairman giving a short that With InYJIs�fUS shoes We Cart MARRIAGES. FLAT To RENT.• -A nice comfortable about has been drafted with remark-. Grand Trunk R%ilway car. The local flat comprising five rooms. Ver give your feet every comfort, and l f you are moved to pity for the earth, opening address. Then followed ad- Hoefer--Allison-1n Brandon, Man. --Laurier and his followers are able care and wisdom. It protects byard of health will secure a hall and + suitable for housekeeping~. All mod - peevishly eamplrtinipg of the gas. free speech and rasa ample o br- And long to aid #t, do not look so dresses by Rev, Dr. Rutledge, Rev, April 8cb, :by the Rev. R. S, y0tx will have style and quality p g• p Pp electric ower •and an exhibition of ern Convenience:?. Apply to Robt. They apparently are of the opinion that tunity for all reasonable debate and high Me. Hibbert of Gorrie and Rev. A. J. P Laidlaw, Catherine, daughter of the Mooney. as well • the treatment for a crowd of unruly yet revents a minority of the mem- An address was read to pictures on health subjocts will be late Waiter Allison and Mrs. Al. • p Y You ass some oor, dumb creature Langford. echhol boys is, not the whip, but large bers from degrading parliament and P P ' g given in the evening from 8 to 10 lison of Belgrave, to Mr. Lewis As Iam leaving town I offer for sale and liberal sticks of Band Prior to faint with thirst,; Rev, R%ley by Rev. Hibbert present. , H.oefer of Cullen, Sask. my house corner of John and Leopold COME IN -try on a pair, then y• making the house of Commons a o clock. I hope to have Dr. T. J. the last election, Hon, Sydney Fisher laughing stock as has been done in All life is egitsal in the eternal eye. Ing him with a typewriter from the _ ..._._ ..- streets. Furniture, earpe�ta, ate., will , g McNally, District Health Off eek come : you'll know what we know. stated on at least three occitsions that if the present Cage. The purpose of If you would help to make the sarong W inghsLm District Leagues. illi, y �� be sold at residence by private sale,--' his party were returned to power they closure is to secure to the arses jority of � I Raley made a suitable reply thanking down and give an address, • AUCTION SALP. Alex. ]lose. would bring in a cloaurp. The tbree the people's Representatives the ower things right thein for their thoughtful gift and , , + URNITttrtzv,--Y`ou will find a well p p p p W. J. I.McOlenaghan, Lots 7 and 3 I' T 1•l E GEST GOOD SHOE- occasions were at Waterloo on Au to carry on the business of the COW)- Begin at home; there lies alife-tithe gave an interestingaddrers. Mise Hazel Teachers Courses. . assorted stock of springs, mattresses, " �,,, - 1•rt, 1011; tint Magog on Arrg, 19r�. try, for which the are ices onsible to toil. Brandon favored the companv with a ' 1at con. Kinloss, will hold an auction Y Y p For the purpose of supplementing , iron and brass beds, furniture of all 1011: at Knowlton on Aug. 21�t, 1911, the people their sd vps, Weed our own garden fair for all Couple of instrumentals and F. J, Frill the training received b students at' sale of farm stock and implements on kinds at the store of James Walker, � •� Both Great Britain -the Mother of and A. l3: Wilford rendered solos and g y � hionda Aril 21st, . No reserve. furniture dealer and undertaker. �'�' The rules which have been prvpdaPd men's e# ht g ' Parliaments -and the A>i»er#can Con• rLre far more moderate An�1 not neatly K a most enjoyable evening cense to a the Normal Schools, the Education = y+ P gress have strict closure rules; similar as da'�Lstic as these in force in the Before you plan to till another's close, the missionary convenor report- Department has instituted spring - Call in and see the new 1913 Wall incidents to what have occured in the British House. soil. +`lla Wheeler Wilcox, in a large sum subscribed durin the Paper at Knox's. . Tliw:v are also not as sail L g g g' courses far Chase who graduated at picture Boase Notes, Canadian house forced the United drastic as those which are used in day to the goad cause. All accounts owin McGee & Clam Kingdom and the United. States to the American Uouie of representa- % Laster and summer courses for ragas- p y g id , Do not forget our four reel special bell are a ablr3 to R. S. McGee and bring in closure. If the .King's Gov t#ve4, Livery represantatfva assembly 'Pioneer Passes Away. larly qualified teachers and for those for Wednesday acrd Thursday, our an- must be settled at office. All accounts ernnient is to be carried on, the in the civilized world has been com- 130"11onS TO HOSpltal IJUIIGI119 On Friday, p • p who complete their examination in imated weekly on Friday, also our big not settled b Aril 35th will be laced A til 11th the IMpassed 3' y f� Y P� p nnajority must rule, and that; is exact- pellod in the course cif tittle to pro- Fund. away at his home in .Lower Wingh&m June. For the spring course free Matinee Saturday at 4 o'clock. Child in court. Signed R, S. McGee. ly what Mr. Borden intends to do tett itself by closure rules in one form one of the old pioneers of this district ward and transportation are provided ren 5 cents at Matinee. despite the Wingham telegram or a oth a d bbl P P WAINTED.•�--A good reliable maty to r • . U er n pro a y none are a5 . in the person of Mr, J:i.mes Netterueld, - * * * moderate or so protect free speech its , sr, The late Mr, Netterfleld was born for the Summer Course, only free Father Qioioe. tapir rs- nt the Cauar9ian Pacifle Rail the xesont ro owls. It is doubtful Western Foundry, VVinghatn, ..104 UO r trans oetation, These coheses are way Land Department in this vicinity, • •Laurlerhaao>tioemoredemoxt teat- P P p Nasnaith'sa Ltd. Toronto,. ,..., 5,00 in Belturbet, Cavan Co., Ireland, 87 P � '1`he follorPin taken from the ILr particulars apply to S. C. Mit- THE SHOE MAN if rules have been introduced in an f t f� P- for full pp y ed that the dream of his life is the y CV. D. Pric►gle, �Vitzlzhain ..,.., 10.00 Years ago•and at the age•af sig years held at Guelph and Toronto, and in- ley Bxpreris of Apr. 3rd, refers to the shell. District Sala Agent, 601 O, P. R. independence, of t�anada•, and the Country under snore Commrinsifiig anti Martin Senour Co., Montreal..,. ' 5,00 set sail for Canada with his parents on elude such. subjects as Agricultural death of Mr. Murdock McLean, fathe.c Building, Toronto. 32-31, Separation of the Dominion from the more provocative circumstances than �, A, rilflls, heclaest . . :.... ... . . . 'ia",UO the old sailing boat )mord Ashburton, and Horticulture, Art, Household, of MO. Alex, Reid and Mrs±. B. Van, Motherlaud► In reciprocity lie saw those which have dictated the steps Newsome & Cltbbert, Toronto, . , 5,00 the peosage taking nine woeks which FINE SrEb O,i,Ts,•--•A carload of the thin edge of the wedge to this end, now proposed _by the Government, . is now accomplished in five days. Physical Culture and Manual Train- sickle of WinghtL»a : good Beed oats arrivin this week ; � B B Jahn Martin, Cobalt .. t t • . • • t } , 20",04 p y MuTdaek ri1CLean, who hits reside g s, The people rejected Laurier and reel It is 'a the highesat degree credital,le orMan Macdonald.Torcintn, 5(10 On arriving in this new hind his frig, School Boards, securing the set- on then homestead, at Lot22, Coil. , 80) bu,4hels are the New Great Dane ,a reader ity together. Now the LiberAY to Rt. Rob, R, L. Borden and his col- Luc 4wanna Coal Co. ... , .:.. , r) 00 parents resided In Kingston. After a vices of teachers having certificates in Huron, for the test 60 years, passed oats. Farmers should secure SOMA of lender is urging the leagues that tinder the circumstances , ° tftnt the subject of this Pknteh io,vied p , theso great yielders, Samples at Mills 'aCOLLEGE g r people t ti regard the have twoti ht doom mkasures 0o On May 31st; of last year il(q of the � I the above subjects and whose work in away' ou Tuesday, surrounded 1 y the a list •Bo4den rirapoaalss• to give sitar- �` g , to what is naw %,ower �Visngltam and members of the farriily. Last Decern- islet©. Also car of corn and feed oats. meliatµ Lnd Qff.�ctive aid to the naval eminently fair and evew generous to T. 4, Millss b.ciuest was Bard the loos built the residence in which he lived them is Fatiafactory •are #n some bar he had a paraly"tic Stroke, and rL Tipling & Mill:?. 30-tf I H' 0 forces of the Em ire, as a blow at self- the opposition, and have . r;hown so itai A further amount will be re• for almost the past fifty years. The courses allowed an initial grant of week Ago he was again aftiicted and SIrlwci<7rx's i 5111%," �LvS I ----Vire are re- sAT ME ' p• strong & desire to reserve intact to c ' - se %vas a kind neighbor, tin f- • , g it • 'British government and autonotnr. Iii other �' * p • calved at the final winding up of this deceased a $50, in others of $..5, and further an an .Cueadwy the third attack rauaet ceivittg• a l:argequttntityof best . s. ,.,,.,, . - �-••�, words the last thittiz Lsturior desires is the utrilast possible extent thss liber estate,fectinnat father slid a most excellent noel rants tlf X30 and $2u resps;etive- which resulted in iris death. The de- C;oluriilii:r, bhingles which we are sell• s that Canada should do a.nytbin to ties of the reprercentr�tives of the opo- vitizen, Tr`or thirty -Sue years he was g, cea.ssed was a kind neighbour•, tend a Thousands of ambitious. young eco strengthen the ties wbicl to of all shades of party opilifnn. -- aSu a ntendeiitof conatruCtion work ly. Liberal grants are also made to ing at $1 per hunch. Those learotashprut?srirsginthoiroriyhornea g i bind her a highly respected in the community. s+ I' e t p « lig y p rihingles sly°)old place their ot�derss tit to oaelr<p lucrative positions ae retches the lilntliexlarrd. 13ut in this ILtterxipi, 1'kio lirst•chati o in the rule prrtaldNs3 on the Canadian PaciflC R►iilway. A the susreeesful teachers of these sub $e v,ag sal, member of Knox Chureb, once •tri insure prompt delivery. -J. A. �' ksL here, bvookkee ers,tele idphorrr civil . • • tat motioria o a mors ate 1esN f,rrrxi Ll Pipld Crop Competition lovin Wi sets. F+�r teachers desirin to secure Ripley. and in politics a t�ttttinch c.f,i,;;ty >?, all:t:tr y * tie vant+r in foot eVOrY sv�ero of `basil• as iii the one tresppCtttig reCtprocity h g fe send five children Survive j g I 'p y* P M . , V N Laurier will fall. Canada is part acid character shall tint be -debatahlY aw;4 The Turnberr rik,ultural Soeiet him•• -••Urs. Sell and Mrs. Wel8h of Y,ibsrt►lr He leave8 tL wife and three �, nea:i Activities, You ma finish at ool- p y.Ag Y Wits harm Thom La of Moncton Jai, higher certificates, there are also sum losro if ori fro wish. Positions g'I" " - parcel of lire British Etnpi,yP, tend she theret`ore cannot he Used for the Ali h a decide to a terid he time for t3 + « son;a and sev> n d:xughters�. Tlie t:onr� SUMU) RHADQUAItTEtts.-•-I have In * Icre Triter oollc! o am des. Inds ' ntebda to remain such. B attempt- pose of Obstruction, a � rC t of Torontro txnd Roy at homO, 9ta mor courss�s at the i7tyiversity df To r Nornian at Duiutb; Daly at Reis- stock all kind of No. 1 s+ends, Mamoth 'e` ual instruotion. Zxpert any, Thir- i, 1' ''.Cho. socotia amendment rovido,& tecetvinig' entries in the Standing 1Matahett cif Owen 'found and 1Mrs�. ionto leading to examinations for u e + Clover, Red Clover, A.lsike, Lucerne, �' ty� yearn' exporieiiao. Laraoat tMinera izig to wpa en British criti><)eCtinin, 1eirel that flet t e w , r toter. Jahn, ,Lt horns , 7 hg daughters mimoth I4I.Ln le S��rads. ctc. A car- in Canada, seven collegos. spoc161 L+ urler In irtdpliriltryl v postponing the n, .y h a h debate upon the , l:'seld (trop Competition until May Everitt and daughter of London were E,,itrance to Normal Schools and the 1tre k% a. Alex- 11.efd and Mrs. Vert y� et,u n of the Iyibryrtil ueatian tinder canafdpratfcin hast been competition t encu titoer, 'tivhr� attended ricin a Win h)ttn• 1rA, John load of hysex Solocted Seed C1or>c to ih coarse for teri~oherd, l r t . part�r ttt aflilet.. . t _ . 1st Th p tition #s for he best g Faculty of RAucation. Urban ar.+ �Ttxrtefckie, of Et , N J >we»tI far o. ai of r•necl in the louse a i4linister of distance. The funeral wets conducted ref ld and arrive in April, Givtra.uteed to grow. Affiliated with Commercial 3duta- He apps q iso to r Alize that this i, field of white oats, and liberAl prizes rural school boards, desiring to inN sell of Ripley I WI , (:bile+. 'tWy � tors' Association of oa 449. :Summer t:ountr Is into.nRpl �rltish and. has the Clrown may give tactics that such by the Wingham Loyal Orange .Lod f,1A g Mr.,. Henry Id, H•siro», tLtnd Tensa. I buy nothing but the best that can be � y o Y motion or proceeding sthall riot be are being Awarded. A tiiumbtw of and u wards of levant •hoe of the erers.se the efficiency of theft, schools y t:' aecured. No risk when buying from $ ;school at fetniocsx spottoa Rosiness laverry intention of to rtm:11nitigr 1 l� Y and Muraine, a ,home. us.•��. A. 11lillsi, L"Crin iia � college, London. 4f ,t * ad ourned beyyond the nest sirtinir, efittrlea havo. already been received but brethren attended to pay rospect to and at the samo time to obtain higher g mb so , 1C the 1,onao decldod favorably on the tho Sooiet It anxfonss to have alt their deceased brother. The �p all- _* One of tha largest schools In Ontarl& Mo. '1�. W . +brotherh mister of e y $ratite, should encourages their teachx I . SUUG�iA . 7•o the ptetent flint I have ri M , lkl motion then they debate scan lr�itat �w bearers tas?�f'o, A. H Msiitgrove, John -,tom. � )k Tabor singe he h,qo assumed rof'frce, bao tilt rairnaindtar rel' that da attcl tlulll many oompetitorrs as possible. 'These avidson Chao. BArber Fred Rodort g err to take one of the above coursers, ,sat' advstod any cuatarz�e�rs fa hair �ugsr, * Pastel" Term commetuces March rna•clo hitt depattinout Moot real value two citolook the following day or competitions have been very sttocssg>t• Alex Your Arid `Virni. Guest The and teachers desirous of adding to but I think ft has reached the; bortom .r*r+ A �� � � A Word t3� �� lanat>ian. No vAe.�,mIo�t to the Itth6rring men of Canada, There until the close of the eech of ral In other arts of Ontario and late Mr. Nettet•liald toast A mamtiet of 11 t � pi4ce now, For ,rr limited time t will sell + li lr their aegtxtt emeynt8 atxd incidcntit y t1 , * _ liar rwrtit h++Att any fetid bOrt.att<, but In rt ritpnibe>r who ilia be s eakily at two then Ari llcari t;littrch ,end in cilftirs� Read about it in out ad. on Idst p6go. Redpath sr E'xtrs Gtionulafed tot $4,75' per e so tint ed, any rho. i�Sir wo but hexa n'clriak, y p g ptrizo. winroors hav� roealvo.d good g P inereass6 their earning pinwer, could p 8 hundred ounds, 'l ollacebutg Grasnulited � '�1g�Ilglri �►USllltw55 Cc1'�1eg p i -lc was a strra.�iris�h C'anee>rvatfpe, The A d« 'qhs, about Improving conditions of t 1 p P 6A for their seed grain. Gist full find no more profitable And crnjoy0td 5��5, hrse ,noes are: lar cssh oniv�, f Ores. fsroTTotr Vi. T, 1Mansstc g Under lac Ens rah rules tiny mom. venae joins with the conamubity In ;+ p , 0 1 �s.00f, throughout the Dominion. A bet m)% seri An thoh movA the cslaAp 110totmatfon 'strain it. B. H1llrott, Sec• w4 of rs eatdia thele summer holm WILLIS� ., � 1 +111 'it!'', BONN, Central Garoct.ry, phare 11.1. th lE reeideni:, grin lett .. �`, y'. -_ � g _ _ estasndit,g �ryrmpettlsyr to thus ber�•ea'Pe'� 1�' 15 g > a�#Allam* �tic.xl mart desf►1sl�ln�g :riffle ,stt,isl hsrVt- , of -thrt desbatie on any surj•ect. Tlal,s j r+1�t�ry', tit; ilrli �'imree (It3lcts. chair. � days. Illi \� a� ; '0�'tfp�haxrr, � A