HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-04-10, Page 70
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4DO44 AU KAUIV4,104t tO ' 40W
96 Vol 44014 I It MA40 to MOV'R 0010, . .
Iro I'll 114111, to to - I . y'A NO CONSC , I
I - M books , 10 per - . no Atrike NVAlt 4001A riot th't #An, Thav muRi4to - RIPT, ON
, r44 follolving a tb4t "It 14 it hqM1114048 iturylvall,
III. -ot"t" 110 [UROPEA.N _VAR
N EW TARIFF BILL Up kri, from 00 ,J, -*TIE-S_, "4 tuAt A "torlwtl'oa fff`jr %
Cent, '40,0'ED 'G " "
n.. 140-ating thAt bagiin, ,at I o1olook this =4 tho =*Iona Is "gIV04 _4WAY", I'
' , .
,,, Th,o,ra t4e t,arlff ratea balAnce the morning and 10ted. UAVI da.ribro,ak. A --- ..---- , _* Vio man also W 91VOA AW4 ,
i 4owe a uctlon At I 1 MOS4 meoting of the mpA was lielil later " or the 011,1tom rspealfA 7.:- British Writer 5hows Falv
P.4 abroad, lnolu4ix4, an ftjlo v- '
11 auce for the diff4orenee Ili freight rat ha, lit tile days at t4o vloip of which g. otate. German Chancellor Thinks Other 1a4Ignitlt,,4 Ure allogel. ill tho hicy of the Plan,
. *"—
-, , . CONGRESS ere -I Y -)Eo PAR . , , 1wide,
"o -ft -0 -ft"" . '. -1 -1 tile tariff Mwit bo competitive aull froln, IN I mk'nt Will given out declaring that the I, matter of the Ong alid th ,* , . 1.11 ..
that Point downward to the lowest tar- I :, , , , C'UndItiolls under which the men worked One is Unlikely$ . grouill's itiveompillivilix -110elaratiort: T ' '
.0 0 Oro bad, that th, I 'olt,loll# .Npril I.—U. j% *t-111 ilitt
on Food and Clotk'ng Iff that can be levied will contiltuo to, + a IvItgoij Are the '91114i,11. , . 111,101 all h.111y worldly 800111i I thee j
-?, I bQ cOnlPetitivo to m greater or Im ex- London iCrowd Hoot()d the ("it I)OM In Xew YOI'L' State, and that . I . - I willow", Ir 6 is dollonnoed bec(LU00 Ilovellst and w4t(-r on A.- ,ollopli... ,,,Ill
I tent. Where competition Io not inter- tile well llavo begall it struggle for tho it id ilover truti, and the Glovarnine , lit other toploi, coutriNite,i to tile I)jIlly
Reductions C a All Necessaries, I Would Consider Naval Pro- I
I fered with by 101 Women Speakers. I ,,aniz N .6 asked to drop tho ring ceremony , 11all tho first (V three arti0c.-s which ,11(k
I I vying tb \ tax abbvv the right of org atiou, for the robista,te-
I—. I ... I I 111g)106t Competitive point, tbo profitti mert of tbo Inen di-ionisse(I since tl;e I Zitl tile formula or eompel an
posals From Bri.ain, . (',V"- is. to writo on tile, war. 110 &,al:i primar.
.: nufacturer o.re not pvotected. .. I . .. Nvoik of orgauizing., tlie,", I)Qp-o, wid for i .1 '- - 4 liallgt d at r rllig i and the proniloe froal ilY "'Ith thO %11001 -inn of con-geriptiorn, aii j
"OI4 the other hand, when, *t4e dittled , a, written 4greement Covering the follow- , the brJ eg 00ill: "I will toll no "mono-
evy on Luxuries, and an Income ()f tile n1a PANKRURSTILL nlk faleeltoOds or giv,4 ally i4oral. of, C00011(11 that it 11-ould Ilot Illerearm
101104 at the custom houlle are high MRSo AL A-* Ing conditiolls;
. QUOU.914 to ARM the ,i , merfqaa mallufao- " I Berlin, April 7 --Dr. Von Dethinann., fonee.11 0'rc,at Brititi0i Inilitary qf
. tur,e 80VOOF-five per cent Of all runa, on EjOjlNVe ',The sevelit), Iwite , ficiewey, btit,
Tax on $4, 000 and Over. r to maice it profit beforo Mj; coax- 9. the Imperial Obancellor, mpnt to spirit- Vrould I* 4118ast'rous, Ile dec-lares tilat
* . Petitor can enter t4 field, wo -have - 'be"'lea to bk) klIONVII A14 0401QS' ual arrogance aj Lj tyl-anny,!, t1j,a njaul. Ile fa II(A Jkleading for peace Where tili-re
.. May Be, Freed From Prison ittIttled [',i`At(%, an,a outt titev shall w coy W11110 submlttlxlg the Government's
I plete(I witilin , A
. . . . . 14VAded tho' (10mal'a of the proteatlo'n of . . eleven CQ&ecutive hours, billta Incre4siDg the a '"to ,"Pcj, "13 thQ Vll4i$tQr"i VrQ- clit' bQ 110 PeAeo. Ile dInits tile n((,(,,.
) . profits. in tile commit-tee,13 judgment - rmy and. latro. nollneement of tile ,,air as, =n Ond 81 t.v
I "MI run.9 Avorking le,%j t.11411 nine Ilours f .eat .111-taln 1119111tfibliv a
W-ashington, April 7.--.A. complete re- , 'Ucz s and boys' cotton Soom o G r
the protection of any pr,oilt njust of I . aueln; new forms of ta:katloll in the wife, tho Impll"'. tioll that tho Nvowan is. InAx 1111118 Of wilitary effjcjejj :y, *but
VWou Of the t,.ixiff law; modificatio . $6.00 , I
,a of ivork- glovQs ,, .. 80.17 Zeces,j;ity halre a ten4onq ta.Pav nine hours' time. I Imperlal Parll4meat to -day, dell wholly tile wlie anti the man not jvholl y I
Knit shITU, draivers, eto., * I , e to deitray 'TGo an(I ouo-listif for all time jvork* ,.A vored the 1111-41xind.11 . - colitend'i that to, attempt to pleet thl'i
tho nation's ,Izurreuey syitenj,- propodaid and underivear . , 00.21 -25 competition omd P,reat a monoply Londan April U.—Witbin t4e 24 hourp ed over the dally selledtaoi. A.trildng speeQh wholie keynote With ('Onst' Option would ale like-
, IM0 whether the proji NV+118 Tile 1)(1titi011 that IV mail shall love filling, ills arlilti with einpty a boxer
.Collara and -otiffs .. .,, 40.10 -30,00 able or unpegsoljablp. ,, fa. all prob- lli boxing glove;;
for J)h1lippine ludependeuc -, for t'OPell t protee,ted L% reason, after Uri. L'inmelln( . "A U-uropean conflagration
c .) Paa)c-hurot was fien- 'A flat rate, of III -1190.9 of 32 cents per A Wife 10 Ciiricst 41d the Church $
of the Pollaina- Canal froo-toll pro -vision. Vrki;il pts . . .. ,, ..., 7?.g.69 25,00 .a and theil Ivith Ili$ f,.%re 1) - jr, ,
. . I *I-*— . - tonved to t1trec Tearal pelial servitade 11011". ability, will not Occur, but it oiltside declared to be "All appalling hul-41,11a.- thell rush, into t1 ro 1441, . Jtbov,o
I , IP fl'RV.
"Tho'l,igilt to havP grievauces; pre
alld f0le the iminediate conitructlon of Zlanlkyll . - , , - , , , - - 03.20 30.00 ' for instign,ting deitruction of property . sent. forces Should threateri, us Germany tioll, to tile 1volivin alid - a poiIiiii ouo . Aloreovt% oays Ur.'Alrolll; V,rpat B1.1.
ys in Alask%, Clothing, ready wa4d 70.36 . iffreaetteA the cani- A CVnipany by a colninItiec of must ,stand ready with her last exaltation of tile 111'all.11 ,fIlle Inaui- - taill Nvoilld no , ,to ere-ite lit
Govvrument orned railiva, ,J P
Womell'4 and children's I . mau." more be able
are the eldef probleg,s confroll.tIII& the . Paign. of teprisals was begull.; Irithin iho Inen's organization.,, Tile good intention$ of tile festo qnotea St. Nulls
. . Nvorde "Wivea - ten years sliell a voliscript ,arinyas ti),It
5.00 Preach ,
die*s goods .. .. 00,70 $35-00 FOR iEC IPR CITY ' 5111,1111t YoUrsolves to your hous4andsj" .of France and Gerniany fli4til ;1110 ",olIld
ArAt s"islon of the i4ty-third Congress, Seivingallk .. .. .. " 25-00 15.00 - tbese'114 botus, in -additioll to oporadie, BRA ".4 ` and Russian GOVOMInents were be all(i "y,$ tllis , another hulignity - be able to cover LOngla, "
1141111hig at uooivto-day. 117TUpping paper ,, ., 36-00 25,00 . . N1,1314ow breaking, postal box outm,ges, Yond question, declared the Chancel- . wilic . )a -ho Ild with a tropical
, Bool ri . . . - - I I I - - - - 1),5.00 1500 . 10r, ut Germany must re,ckon wi ,11 niust be counteracted by i - foreet.
8111111110n,ed b,,,' tile President for tile ex- 8 - and shuflax sniall critnes, now scarcely b th 44ditioin of "and liuRbands sitbuilt your- ' Ile itj convinced also 01--tt tho con(ioript
- t,kriff, the Hooks ., .. .. ,. , - tile great force of mod
press purpoie of rei Ising tht ,10.00 15"60 U. So. C . Iffers Olive , ranCh notice(i Inflow oil a large atale, a v,oun- MATIC. sulciof . ern ,public opill- Selves to your wiveis?) 1. al-lbit'.4 of H'11101)e are tmorinoiwly oyer.
"' India rubber, mailufac- tr.y 1101-18P -was btirned itowi, it raitway foil, wbfcllps In the forni of French 'war- . #-*4 , - - rated. He sm Uornuxny ,i.;4 ti, I,( " jv tjj
liew Congrois faem extrenic presstire tureo of . ,_ 35.00 10.00 to World. - station W like patriotism )Xer S
I a . .115 blown up, a train. wrecked , an4 Russlaii poln- ' a waileil flit MIMI is rather heavier
frow znany quarters for early action on Afatclien .... .. .... 27,50 14.00 . I SlAVISITI, threatened the peace of the tbau lilti,l)(My. lf(,A c-olltill1jr.q:
.. tho, other subjects nanied. , Lead Pencils .. .. . MW 25.1)0 1 1 It"d MIUa4le pictures were damaged in Further Account of Par4 $ world AgAllist the wlshes of the great I
. grellt provincial art gallery, Olt hsat- I . I . r4asses, of both people "WIlell tile "In-i'lent (-oIne;i for Viat
leryp urda,3, a race couree 111itrZi burned at Ayr, ,s,
IVIJ.'Vt Meastires.,,rotlwr than the tariff, ' Realizes Mistake of* Bullo & I DEFIES POWERS Inaile(l. fi.st to be lifted 0110 10101t) oi
will, be taken np daring tile speell,l se.s- otlier than leather S5.00 20.0 Scotland, ,and two, wo Bandit's Death. . - It 'was noteworthy that in tile Cjljarj
. lien wore arrested 1 p1loportl6nate, eysteln Avill toppl, over,
$1011 clepends i ,,,Tov4 I , . . Oellor's speech Great Britain was re- . .
opoll tile pro, ..j 111,,lde $80,000,000 REDUMEOX. dozing Payne Law, Whilo LkttellijAing to set fire to. onother. I ferred to Only as Q Pacific, factor. Dr. 'lilt -se buge eongeript armim are mtad,
v.-Ith the tariff rev6lon, and tile 51%cesa I 11 The suffragettrs dainaged 20-0 lottera not ,of military muselc,, but of % jjunjR
Von Detlima Montenegro Will Not Give "
tha,t may ttttend preliminary work upon The new rates u.e estimated. t*',.e* duce - , . . I in Brighton and Hoye'.' eut telephone Officials Parley, But Can. 1111-11olliveg, adthough ill- , . Proportion '04 1111lital'y fttt, and it tbeir
A general currency reform bill. the ettitoins revenue approximAtely $S,o,- , Aegraph %vires near 1,,olitypoul, dicatlug by Ills- Manner that lie had
2(11 - . AN'Ohing,tihi, Alpil J,_.All mttejupt to , and te 1, alitagon4sit l'i 1110ble fuld (lextermii
For the -first time Ili elgr4teen years, U0QA000 a year, V16 14 Alxpu ted to be NNtiles, and sillashed ten windowe ill not Prevent End. . little belief In the -practicability of Up'Scutari 011011911 to 1. (1041 With the,in properly they
. Congrm A ,t - - made tip by the inoome tax. Widell, tile iorolga Mallklt for Anieri-xi,11 , I . the suggestion inade by Winston I I
,1 %tblsus with both its bIanoll Glasgow. olvlug, to the widespread poll- . Spen- I will becolne ft mero eviba-i-I-Itminent jo,
.. I - tile Roods, and to e4couraipa rociprocity -acti- I oer Churchill, the First .Lord of the P their ami people.
es wder cantroi of the Democrats, and BudorriW by 4?rosidont Wiloon, , - sterruition cau,3ed by,the militant's, Parl.5, April 6.—Lacombt,, British A
With a, Democratic -co measure represents tile efforta of tile 'tmatiesa wlih rJ1 foreign na-tions, is elu- vitloi, 044if,worth, K* . the An. , . ftlraltY, for a -Year's naval ven Though Powers Are
Prosidnit to -oper- Prei.,ident and the Rouso tariff makers bodiea in the iiew taxiff oluie and Haddon archist bandit, comillittQd 8111cido yes- holiday, said Ger=ny was willing to . 4-- "Tho war experience. of tjli I.-Ist fit-
Atc in SIIAPIII ,, its polloles, and to ap- bill iutroduced 14all. in Derbyshire, are guarded nigplit * te"ll Years," (Iolitiline-i Mr. NVPII,.; 1111,14
In ove its The tt ti) carry into effect Deatooratip plede,05 to.dn.y in mclallge 11, oolas4der ,concrete proposals fron, tile Before Antivari. , $
Acts. triff law to be pass- , 0 powering the 11resi, 11114 clttY b,Y the police forco And gaine- t Qr d ftY 14 tit(-, Prison de Lx Sauteo . .
ed by the, appejal 2jes$jQjj t1lat of downward revision and of cQncess ua - British Ooverilment, I "I"w" 1-01VAtOdlY tile ellornioti-i defeii.
I , Opens to, ,. ")113 delit to grant faivors to .Iliy ;ltttjo)j ill, kqepers. A 81)0041 Watch jo being kopt der mo4t dranuLtie,olrounli3tances, witil . .. Slye Power of 61all but "-w1ontifie-Mly
.1 d4v ;ViA1 be the f1mb tr 110ral Dawoer&,41a. `0 the American coii3umcr. A at Nottilighaij, Caotle. - The Imperial Cilita,cellor opened 'his lialldled bodie"i of Itlen, whivIl if properly
V I Vrotmtion to the farmer Avill be vut, gives lautual concessions to the Unit Anarehial expressions wingled Nvith an - speech by poln Cettinjo, April 6 —Tllo little Kingdom
3'1. "Isiou of tile revenc".10C laws 011100 the Oct , I , ting out that the m4ed van readQr vAst c0l'-Wript tirmies ti4
. ,aet of Aug.*27, 1804 lmown to his opt by more than, iO per ,ent, In an - -tutco- 'Ehe reciprocity clatise tolves tile 311L)BRUID LN HYDBJURK. ' appeal for Ills inother on his lips, Ile strength of the army 11ad of 1-lonteiiegro bas thrown, down tile ollt of
I tory not' kept . date as flip, 11.101-nan Jeffion."
aa the "WIN011'rip-I'Man la% .Jq) and. whieh- effort to reduce tho cost of food. PkIce Of tile penalty elv%%ise of'tho, pn*emt Tito police to -day again saved tile. was awaiting tt,!&l for assassinating 31, pace with the growth Of the Germaij gauntlet to the six great powerg. Sim *_ : " '
President Cleveland alloirc to becoj e Protection to, tile isteel mid implenicilt toriff 1my, liq whif.,;1, it vtj,q SQUOlIt to injiltallt suffra-g-ettes from violence at Ducret nation and asked., 1 1
, , editor of the Anarchist lie'xa- declines to yield to the demand )t UnI,
4 14W without Ills signature. I wallulacturer wollid Ili ttira be cut by soomo epecial conoxy,,ilone ti), tha United rlie ligndti of crowds whicill. attended IMPer, VIdee Ubrtv, and of Murdering "Could Germany alloNv Itself the ' pow THE
uillar faacs were ftbpeiit in St"Ites, rV114--now tariff bill Proposes their nieetillp. in .uydo Park, Ramp- soyaral other luxUrY of. dispensing witi, t VERY LATEST
6cores of fai fully Ae Wide a viar.crin. peeple it various Vftrts of tons of ers to abandon her im tempti te, .
botb 11ouses. Ta tile House, Heaviest xeductions f,all upon f.cK-.d- Oat tile nqrmal tji;ri'f shall J.)o tjie I - thousands of trained soldler,sr, --
tile eoul- I , inaxi btead Reath and Wimbledon Common, F, rance., gain poc.session of Scutari, and ba , uf-
plete change lit tbe seo,tin, stuffs, 08-ricultural, producis, Avoollelialid 1111211:11, and that opnial rates ,sliall be -a.L014t 12,4.00 ,'W",wbled in Hyde Park. 8aturday Tlie conditions of 111urope, ,11' ficially annouiiced that 11there will 1)
g , e oaid, -e from an attitude wbieli
. . arrancy menU morning, whilo .LaconibO have been radically ,changed by the no departin I
Cotton clothing. ATanted tro. coun,tr1w that will elita into 1,11ey III- 0 Parisienne Whose Costume
bad made even old I'lleulters str"a lyi-e to atle such a rack ,i talkbig with his lawycr in an
0 The free wool, jm>posal, backed by reciprocity treatiea with the Un4ted ,Ull)(Msitllf for tho stiffragette spoakers enclosed cotirt yard 11113i(le the pilson Balkan war, .
thl" 5oene. Ill phkee of the Inabog'ally - - Which had substituted conforras to tile 11'eCeSSItiCS Of t1l) -VltU t
deeks and sArivel cliairs, to ivhich 1peni. Preeideil,t Wilson and accepted, by the States. In 'the present ]aw, j,he no,niull to wake theinselvei heard. .The mob . Ills 91lards stood a few yards off. Bua- for the Passive Buropeaa Turkey of Was he Limit. -
).%ra had clujig for House coumlittee, is c.tpected to provoice riates are the Tnillimflm, pelted the,-wimien wi ivar exif3ting betNvecn the allics #111d . . .
. many years, stiff _ th turf, orange denly Lacombe, wno was an all round other st$tes 'Of fevOrlsli political ac- - ^
.- rows of leat1wr-up4olstered 6enches, ar- a. severe fight within the Deniocrtl-iic The elmicie, d"igaed to I open wider the peels aii(I other such thillirs. Une of tlie .athlote and a professional periormer tivitY'. They were, lie continued, fac- Turkey," Paris, April O.—Rain spoiled the
ranks of both Houses. nutilkete for American exports throtigh- ,%,peaheri wam struck ino
vill-ed ill si-emi-circle.4, filletl the the face, but of feate of strengt.h rogress indeid, bilt. shoiild be An international fleot. cowiwisin.-f I)! 11011-expe eted Pleasure at tile opening
r_1 -Ltou"; Important changes in ra-tes not Included -01tt the world, is as follow.l: at country fairs, a great European 0011flagrAti0ii be- .
Chamber, The neiv bench sy,stein, sollie- - w413 'lot le"jously hurt. The police . spra)ig-lorward anti grasped tho' JoAver I warshipa of Au.stria-11wi,-,,m,ry, lti-l.%j. of tile 1,01=11111111M racing season to.
Miat Bimilar to that of Dritish house of 14 the fort—going, follows- , "That for the parpoaolof reiii1jaeting .urined a phalanx arolind th' ungs of an irort hadder leading to, the tweell GeYm-'111islX1 and. Pan-Slavism France. ("Vermany mid Great, Br,.'- t I,. 's e' 0
. Barley walt, from 115 eute to 25 Cenj6 tile prment du6ea on, imports into the viatiorin froIll which the ivoln-en were .Qonie, this ChftugO would "alter tile nou, blockading the Montenear".1 1,1011t (lay, but the r-,reitt crowd ill a t telida lice
Commons, givt4 no desk.space at whicli. buohel. United sta-tes, and tit tho mme time to trying to i;pe.-&L , and prevented several pire of flit, biiildlng lie had balance In. German's f-Mlor-.-This, how. of Antivari. r' n wilq t"N'tted 'to at lear3t olin Ejell-.1tioll
I - - 0
ittember.i caa write or Nvork -while in the =ered past tier after tier of cells and
91i it. The had njolinfe(I $Aviftl. to tile 1.0 willch ivits %rorth the price, of adillimicay.
f r', ltow5e chamber, Bnekwheat, from 15 to 8 ,Pmts btwhel.' encourage the ,export trade al -this couil- attempto by tile crowd to rm 'V of fjeforo ever," he said: "Does not alter the On Saturday the Brit6li Adnii t ; m,ent
. t NVOInell left the park surrounded by a, the pij ` _ c r the wonjoll it) (11.
NOW meVabOU r,redoluinato the ltkrger 0,-vts, from 133 to ia cents --bushel. try the .PreMdexit of the United Siotes trds recoverOJr.9)n their aston- ase that I consider this confIle.t prob, 010 following nimiIsage 'to the U"initeivi- lt 1`3 till- ectitoill fo , .,-
%Rice, cleaned, from 2 to I cent ponud. is% illorlzed and empowttrA. to negeti- guard of mount6d police. The crowd islunent. ably will be added.,, grin Premier, Dr. L. To vlay the la,st woiq ill dressei on tills
. .aie . nulnovies. .
I[Offile ill tho iiew Congress, Phe incre Wheat froin 25 to .10 "*nts bushel. afe trade agr" . The- Clian oceasioll.
of tile inember,ship of tile irouse froin mente Avi th forcigil followed And yelled derisively at, the A (1ozen wardens possed through the Wellor declared h e ha d "I have tile hollor to' 111forin you thlat .
blitteTl' from 6 cents to #1 cents pounti. uiafloi)s, whoredu matual eoneos4lo& are women. - roof by trapdoor;,_x, made sPecial Worts -since assuming the international fleet is Ojise lk:):.,. t Ill A Paiisian tte'tress oi soine Ilojc,.jjtt--_
nO to 435, which beeameeffc,Alve Afdreii PG , I The police barred the gat o prison and on to tile .
4, brought; h, 011eese, frGni 6 cents ooking toward freer tra.de role- and prevented the lilob from follow, office to ,cultivate good relations with Montenegrin waters -a,a & pi,41.e.,t eelle Prince Nvas driven out of t'lle (Ill-
. a larger proportion of new Ing gradlially surrounding him on, thme I elomire thr'
eent. advalorew. tious and further reciprocal exImnsions the wonjej, into tjjt etreet's. Russia, and believed the Russian r1ij-. against t"he non-fulfiTinent, of the W slies ougall. sheer ridictile of it,.,r
me ibers than have appeared in ally ,je,,1119 bt,j. of trado,and commerce." Tile Speak- Eatjes. Ile threatened to tilrow .hlinself i V. -I ". It consisted of pale ljljiq .,jj:j,,
Gotigresi of ,ieepait ye%ni; , f rom '15 cenb; to 25 eeat,s bucs Oars then drove to Hampstead 11 er and Russian Ministers reciprocat- `t -'t the great powerfi. I desire to ,,, L10(ifillIlL
IT .
and made r!.ggs, fraill 5 c6uts to 2 cent% dozell. Some reciprocity agreelilents, iluder th.- trikl ill w-thl to make Vftth mild down and the Vards, hesitated -to mP- ed, but t'he ev,ents ,of the year liad with. bri
I more conspieuow,v tha ab6ence of old-time addrmes there. proach, '.. )Our E.xvellency's attent'.on to tille 1,flft Yellow edgqng. Tile e0r.-Utrl
leaders, such as former S pcajcer Cantioij, Nin,sery cuttings amd 'Kedling % from new law, would have to be ailproved by The crowd madc a terrific, diti, but the T.&LICED WITIr ]MA10115TRATBi. . greatly strengthened the -Pan-Slavic presence of the flept ai a proof that the wa), ornamented irith enibroidere(I 61'.
I police again protected the women -frora great powers are , ,"(4-1)"10-110to ,alid a botiquet of IMP. -i of
John Dalzell, ,A Pell ne,yivania; .NLiellelas 26 per cent. to 15 per cent,., Con,c:n,-e&i li,efore becorning effikitivro. A sintrular conversation then took current in Russia, which was a Man-. ., actbig ill eQncert au(i .
'10resh vegetables., from 25 per cent. to - 0 'er for peace. request that their ivish4ll be fixiiillcd
Longworth, of Ohio; 113mnuel W. Alcoall, In a statemeilt ftocompAnyliig the Vill, violence. Place between Lftconiije. the exaTnInIng 8, t!I0 Y."Rov. The skirtAuad vivid yellow
. I Is'. J. Hill, of cflolliie(,, 15 -per Cent, Chairman Uildenvood declareit -tb,.Lt t rder There were 1,70 policelnell oil (luty int-gi-9trate, N. Drionx, ' Gerinany, the Chancellor added,had Without further delay, ,flease inforin libbons 11 0110 Side, and on the'0614,r
th Payne 1 w, tbe T I
. Apples, peaches, etc., froni 25 conte to .Jftlted Stv,(," haa. ftt Whli].Aedon Commou but "tcl the PresQnt been working to mitigate the Aust ine innuediately that your Governmealt ft IfUge kliot enibroiderixI %vith for-et-
tieut, and Will. D. ATeXinjoyt of illinoI& . theY WC;d ing! attorney
" .' , , Al. Loscouve, who had beeil. ro- . ljlc-ilotr . The hody of tho .,.kirt '%'V,1A
Tile work bef'ore Covgreai to -day co;i- 10 4cents bushel, nd our connnorce by liot, able to proteet the'romen entirely t0ephoiled for. Russian te_1191o,n but sholi.14 war break is ready to carry out the wishes of the
Lf , tight., aud there was a -tiiiv slit at (11
,, ,.Aed eliiefI7 of organization bualuesa. Jkth;dn,. , fronI 111,1.. conts to 2 certts force, froin the croArd. Miss Annie Kenny Lacmnbel.q lawyer, George Doucheron, Out, the Germat 11)niplre w.olfld un. great powers."
pound. - I "We ivent to the nations of the ivorl(l and other wolijen Nvert llandied, some- , To this the Montenegrin Premier re- bottom. She wore heelless'tilloc.-i of the
11'roMile,ut IVII-ion's niessago will. be read . with the dem, nd others nlean vllile ,gathered on a bil- hesitatingly fight beside her,ally, _ . 811MIC, Color as tile skirt. There Nk-vre
ses shortly after tile begin- . TRE TNICOUZ TA -,K, and that they stand'and wbat rovqghly. A, Section of flic crowd tony overlooRing the part. of -the- roof The Chauellor then
to both Von, deliver, or we would pualsh,,,Lhem," lie, of f ive thou . eane, ritahed the 1) tf - relterated plied fil, a note expre t at the aI ]MU, bf the valley oji bows in hee
I'lie Wcome tax, i0ilah ,"!ffl 'transfer . la 01 W , Prince Dismarck,s saying: pre.sence of the flcet,'iybidi lie consider- "'
1111Y9 of the sesliion to-raorrour. Indirect taxes levied, thrmigh the tariff where Lacombe was standing. "It the cd a violatioil of flie uentrRlity pro- cloak, which was of- black silk 'ill thp
said. . . and hustled the ,Ivomea about. rrliev ' ni,ench wait for us to attack them OI -11 by luen ill QV011,11 0
Demcciztie maj"Ities ill Wth 7tou'ie . . " A1,11,0-3frata Drlowx called on Lacoml)e
and Senate are -,oiuOered Arong enou ' to a direct tax upon the ineomeff 01 Many Yilars- aga t1lis 9ystom of ex. hu stled them off tile. eomnion, and We to render. . th0Y wfll'walt forevOr" claimed by the powers at tile b .,
I to eaxry through the ll, -,,; I i, !" 1) I . sui . 1, and conaluded eg"ll"ll.tr drepo. Ifer liat, wiliell
.1nding trade anti cominerce waa abaw Police had the greate.it difficifty Ili .% is that there was e'very reson to be- of the. war, and to the detriment- of Nvas in the fol -ill
. - program , of iii-di-vidual citizens aiA eorporations, ex- " too late. T Nave finislied. I killed of "t turball, was -tied at the chin AVUh
-I- doned by the enli,tghtaned ma,tions. Th e nreventing wbat peemc(t likely to de- lieve that the present Prenell, Gov- Montenegro. The Prender cokilitted.. 1.
, f tariff rovision determine(I TIpon by recent 1"Opts all Gums below $4,000.- Incomes Dupret. becanse lie %vas a spy. I was at ribbons and was a] -,o adorned with )ANI,.,;
centferevees. in o=er,o of that -amount will pay I per wily true course that oarL W pursued velop into -a Ipiching if it were not bezoll.'i and abot, tile Postmaster ill 8011 ernifient wished to live in peace with "Despite-tbe pressure which the pres- of the valley and forivet-nic-nots.
cer plies, there w A be 0
sses - O_ I
ThTeo eawlidtUes haa bt,.en Gelc,otea to tt. tax tip to $,20,000; 2 per mjit. from to expand our foreign trade along, stopped. Tile,' police railde repeated defence, jalt I all, J111jocent 0,f, any other Germany, and that the Prencli nia, enc -c of the fleet ini i -
$20,000 t '$50,000; .3_ r,atiomd lines N through mittuaj comes- eliarcyco. oa the niob, and evelittiall,, no departure from an attitude which
0 r cent, from ,$SO,- n ,,, got wished it too, but the wa Ike party
lead the three parties In tii )xtilotinger per cont above , inurder." ri Aties of the state KVN. DENTIES SENTENCED,
I 000 to $100,00, all(11 . sions that may prove beneficial to both tile wonion into tha house of a, synipittli- In France counted o conforms to the ucce,L
Ill f-110 U01180, i,o-da.v for tho 6pert,kership. , Laeombi! tilell 40.olnpj&ijje(j of the n the superiority
, inchl(1138 ill ita of of %var existing between the allies and
but the ro-elcctio u'af Speak(,r C,l al the contracting, parties, free from izer with their ,cause. Five persons in of tile Preach- army on tile belle 0, .
ark nn( j tbat fiWirc- - The bill so . . food prnv-1,leCi for him, and of tho jacl , t th Dadapest, Ilimg-ary, _&pril "._,qcverjxl
. provislolls tljc properby aml. K. rnings in cloll." the crowd were arrested, t Turkey." . . I
the other offict,rs Who wryed the Home 10'r of heat Ili Ills coll. The garrison witr* ilitary Instruc. (10PIltik'S U1 MO 11unaltrian. Lower Hou u
this country of pemon,A living abroad. Another aouceiiq,loji tli&t would be tors had been tried and found wantilIg A twigaile of Austrian troops frorn
in the lalgt leca8lon, was a-Aure,J. -DAY. den shotited to lifin that he 1111119elf , of Parliament Ivere;
The preeent eoipor itjoji tax, levying made by the new bill is il,*lgnerd to on- I ' Y Turkey,. on the Russian alliance, ela.ttaro has been manoeuvrijig nettr the eentenced to -day to
The Progressive menibew appear for 3. per cent,. on eorporatimi ineolnes ab ' courage American shipping, A coaces- Mrs, Pqn1churstle Brst roleaso frora ,rould see that better -Incals and- more u .11ontenegrin boundary. The custiDniary ternis -of impri,sonnient, -.Intt fille:j for
. _%V` ,V10 filrvt t4zn in tile ne%v Congress - a QTQ. heat were provide and p iatance,
. US I Hoiloway 'jail is expected to-luorrow. _d. erhaPs oil British , ass cauAing di6turbance.s.-daring the sc%sluu.
"'. 011se $5,000,ivoald W retained as part of Vie elon of five per unt, -would be inade while Germany could not Ignore tile notice bao not b cn givem the Ntontene-
serarate body in the eo)i.(ljICt of if The 30,xprees fitsttes , Jje is in a state of '9'oo late," replied Lacoinbe. "It is &
a f f a i m. ir.-Cowe t4uv. in all tariff rates ozi, woods brought to rin Government, and Austria's actiQ11 DePir"Ity Zachfirias was condenined to
- I 1 collapse in tile ilifirmary, ,alid that her fin'shed.11 aspirations of sAich French and Pan- V
President Wil,,;onls influenom Is exptet. To encourago trade with foreign coun. till.% country Ili Amerietta-built ships, Slavic circles. 18,,,collsidercd untriendly and menacing. .thirty (lays in jail and $100 fine for bow -
M . Cy
ed, by De tries, the bill would reverse the maxi- wvned,, wholiy by A oticza -citizens. Re- condition is scrious, She line no HO then sitU lie would like to talk to General 'Von Heringen, Minister of bardin n the Prender and the Minister of
anoorati., Tea(lers ef I)Ot711 11011$N inuni, and minimuin provision of the pi -es. strictions lipoll Philippine importa prac- since slie- was takeft to the jail last .M. Bollelleron, Nflio thereupon. eaklmDed YIELD ONLY TO VIOLENCE. Agriculture with jilkstands (jurilig ..%,
Pot t factor in. the Ishaping,of . ,bill an;, Thursday, has been forcibly fed,'but has down, X-O".hed Lacombe, shook hands War, spoke briefly, and witliout giv- Paris, April G.—King Nicholas of Alon- Aot ill tile I-jollse .solnc,
legitslation t ariff law - . ap Ing details of t4e . 111oliths .a,,,o.
i ,()ughout the oxt,ra. acasioll, ont t, .,,. The new 4.riff rates tically are rdmoved by the now 1, I been res'nitin all the thne. with lim, and talked with him for Imif tene-ro is quoted in The Temps as say- Deputics 11offinan antl Beek- were see'll-I
Ho has made it known Iliat lie iiiay fre , would be tho inAvx1mum tariff, and the important changes in I.Lbe motholl 101, ell- .g . whieli will b s,
01 *_0_41 . (tit hour, e communicated in con. ,ng rt'hat lie line learned with 6orrow' -
qiiently ups et precedont by v1siting the MWO .re prov -, I I d a
rr&ident would be given authority to f0lvillg 0-11stOms I a ided foi tenced to fourteen dapi in jail Li .
e yll'e ' Now alid thell -,11ping tears from Ilia, fidence to the committees of tile I,nl.,, that the erttisw .Edg4r Quinet will similar offenev,
. Capitol, anil seeking personal conferenceo 21( ,,gotin,te reciproelty treaties -and make following 01it th oriffitelldn'tions I-dode BOY SCOUT CHIEF eyes, Lacombe Perfal Parliament. oresent Frailee it T('P- , fbie of $60 eaeb for
, begged ArAloncheron to I the mtval demonstra. IvIlilL, (V L
witli those active ill V , can4cession6 to eoutitries that olter receilt investiga,tions, of the clia- . . f0jIr otiler (leptities jv(Il- a(.qjl; -
. lie condlwt of legis, want I tomA servi". , I I 1 ok offer Ills .-notjjer and grandmother, _ Hugo Haase, a Socialist inember, tioll on the Montene-grin Coast, ted, .
lative aff-alre, favors to A.mericon exporb3. I I . made a lengthy attack on the military "It is a bitter irour" says the Kitig,
I . —, .00 . IN I I Trembliag with exciterneAt, lie contintliod - *-04
bills, deojaring ther6 was no. necessity 11that the name el
TIM' NMW TARIFg BILL 'UNDERAVOODIS STATFuMENT. Connaught "to be Head of talkillig, saying: for additional militarisnI. of th ;llusCrioiv3 writer,
, I In a statement accompanying the bill, - "I tegivii t beg, when I was seven - R'dgrar Quillet, the upholder of peopleti . CHEQUE RAISERS SENTENCED
Washingtou', April 7.—Renioval df all Chairman Underwood said tile nioasure A . years old. I triodlo Nvork, but fate fol. 1 _0111-4 . ..struggling foZ independence Rod unity, Quebec, Quo., April 7.—I -Sentence wau;
fariff from inany articles of , food and would, in the opinion of its inakers, re- . the Organization, lowed Inc., shonld be associated with ivii expedition -
.. I passed ill the Sc!it3lons U'ourt till,, forn-
clothino- broad reditetions Ili the ratce vi,se the tariff "to a basis of legitimate Many firmucii and policemen' MANIAC HAI) AXE against tlje small but v011ant champion illm oil F. Morgan,. Mitt% Lemieux, and -0
0 ) ' I mean -
of duty on all necessaries of life; an compet1tion, sueh as Ivill nfford a whole- , * London, .4,.pril. 0,_j t is e%- cetetj t1lat While had gatliered On tile roof of tile . of Balkan ludependence. You may say n .
it f tariff oil Ina0y lukurles; oome influence on our commeree, being Cuban Kills A . p . I I A. Bertraiul, allas Lacha le. of-,Yojitt '
. icre4ue 0 .Pe
X.Ing George will sbortly sign n conjujis. prison,, preparing to capture, Lacombe, I , tbat despite thp, li*nsures of coer0on TOM, charged with ral4ing accepted
and a now Income tax -that would touch relief to the people in the Inatt., ,r,' who still stood on tile. edgo of the taken, by Ehirope ilgainst her, 11ontene.- chequo; froin $5 to $500 and $3 to $309,
I .
r V American eltizen the high o-ost of living, and at the same, Formal Meeting. Q011 making the Duke of cakillaught ebief roof. Two hours had prv;.q;'d since lie Stratford Man Creates Ter. gro \vill y - i6d only to violence. It re- aturday
I which they pl,.e.sented late on S.
whose not incorne exceeds $4,000, tire time work no detriment to properly of the boy ecout4.1 It 'to understmI thalt eltimbered -up, and during his falk with mallis for 1.4','urope to add the ridicide of afternoon in ,,, payment for jewelry,
this is Ili accordance, with tbe Duke's Ili$ ION%-yer oillp I I
the striking Yeaturee of the new Derno. eonducted manufacturing indtistrics.11 Tfavaaa, April '0,—Rudolph IV%vron, 'r priq , ror in -His Home.
,oners fit Adjacent . . .. armed force to her hijustice.11 cliall'ye beiliq given thelil. Both 111011
Ln _
m.tl4jariff revi,iiou bill, preeented to 111a its tariff, revision work, tho, coln- myn ide-ais, as lie rp,tunied from Canatla, c0]$, overlieltring Se ps of tho conver- . STORA.UNG AT SOUTZAPT. plesided guilty, and Uorgnn. received %%
mittee has kept in mhyd," lie said, "tile soft of Jere Warren, a promlnen Amer- enthuaiastie over tho, Nvork of the boy ra
day to the 110u,.40. . . sation) Shouted to Jam and criod. "Ifur. Stratford, AprIll G.—About ton o'cl(wk London, April &—A des -patch to the five-year term in tlie pelil toll tiftry. an(t
6gar -would bo free of duty hi 1010, 'distinction between the necessities and jeall sugar plautp,r, died in it, hospital scouts lit the Dominion. Tito boy seouto rah for Anarchyll
* _ . Saturday morabig Willialn, .1jontgoillery Chronicle from Vienna, 6aps Oat Kill Bertran(l. .3 R
, 9 dryears.) Their coinp, nl n, A. '
" I t ,
the bill propoMing an inimo(jiftia 25 the luxuries of life, reducing the tariff hore to-Ijig)jt- from A, pistol wol,lid ill ill England are organized under a royal Ail. Boucheron reneAved his arguynents . Nitholas of Montenegro .i s resigned,its iloy, wit] ,Nv h s plea of guilty, and
IV' the ubdoinell, whieli lie T" le I UP lic, went insalio at his holne ill Elie street,
lwy ,cont, roductioa and the removal of burdens ou tile, uteessitles to tile 10 ' I elved in, liaxter, and, therefore, it is ixectwqary to ,La oinbe to 1 reasonable, 6tit tile chief in Command of tile arilly bes ipging, wa',4 noilL uji. to the Court of Ring q
1 1
'I I
a to diave a Kingle colinnimion eo far ew - 0
the rtmaining duty In 1.910. efit 1)oint,S Commensurate with revenup. du4-1 yest6j&.V, jV,jth Ifi%wilba-1 A[eaa, a. Anarchist. gloncing at a clock in o. an4 tile first thing he did was to ger to ,scutari to the Servian -0fellerall J30- Bc,nell.
Raw wool. would be roade froe tLt TtIquirements, and inaking tile luxuries the Inembers of the orgailiza-tion are I ______.*_04
1 meml cr of a wealthy Cuban fam clitirch steeple "Ar tile PrI8011, Whiell the W'Oodshed,nt tho, rear of Iiiii house ]Ovlc-;
one(, with a correspoildhigly heavy- re. of life bear tboir propet portion of the fly. concerned, although they are ,-ill. loyal to .
the , 7110 two -young Inell have reftntly point -ed to 11.28, said., I'lle correspoildent addi Clat a gell-
duction In tariff on all woolou tariff reaponsibill ties. 11aliv items of tile founder, Gen. I'lard'em Polvall., "At linif-papt (-,jf.-v%- 0 fin'ts'a- and 6K-ure an ,axe, with which ite chas- . el BRANTfORD'S CLAIM PREMATURE.
I b of .n till ,%vlll 1) ml storming of Scittarl was se le illed
gpod'ir. manufacture controlle( y monopolies had severAl phyeical 01100111ltOrS, all([ The toctfulness of the Dulco ' Con- eat" and at that niolneut", raliging Ills cd eVerybody out of tile, house, 1.10 then to take place ,Sunday, -with tile ) a ( i I d of Toronto, April `.--The claint af,Brant-
All these other nttivles are put oil ha-ve beeil. plac(,d on the free lit3t. Were r6puted to be rivals for a wo 's iin-uglit in regard to tile sinalleat d -e- hand to Ills fort-liend ilf salute. sil6uted: went east in Cambria. street and broka fresh Servian ordinance and troor.n. -ford, a.4 aimonnett'tj in a morning paper,
,;70 AffCCUMIS. As ,a result Men, 4 h man 4-. 44A .11 r #.-I
. IL V 1111.4 1 IN rl- 1IL t "Tito idea of the largo extension o( allengod tails whieli oro illumxatcd ill his tri'at. cc I I
Z, (3 I. VC, , JJUIjj%7 ;y -j U. :1I 1VU17) ) It is the nipniejit. Tell my, motlier %; AV4%& UU& V is, 1111,51 MICe, E It: OW11- . . . Z-4-4 Ir
lVer, coal, the free list for the unmanufactureil Warren, which, according c Ouban meat of tile boy scouts in CanivIn, Ynay that, lily last illoll-flit wa.4 of her, Viire. er of N01ch bappened to be out of tho that ilia Coverlinielit Was Preparing to
=;ObOtli Alld 01,10CA, IUW p'roduots har, been the funditmetitt, to tb ) 0 . - "
tl con- - Ode eonforred t-110 O'Glice of weapons oil etenl. a. aluall tibing, but ther') have beeli WE& RAILWAY STRIKE. AI)Q1111 000 oil a 9009"00licaJ Bill -V
-s1%ddl(,r, iron ore, milk- and I rren, well. City, aild or-molleed hiln';elf Ill the par. Of the Grand Rover, with it view to so-
_- 0eptioll, 'while the effort baA been inacte IVA ' , considerable beartburniniN, among tile .
eream, potatop.q. &alts OW1,116, 4corn, corn- ITO thell jumped like'a diver to tile lor,'whore, for almost two hottra lie de. )Iufalo, X. Y., April 7.—FOlowing a curing some ,check to the f;pring flood.r.
ni&al, -cotton baggIng, agi-leultural Imple, ttis of the manufac. T110 d1lel IVRO at 35 Paeog. NT-arreit English boy scouts tililoo they learned stone courkyard beloNA where lie was fied (Lit visitorA, includhig three police. complete tit -up of ovor stiven. liours, tile rl
n1eht,A, leather, wood pulp, Bible.4, print- turNl hiniber. Thus sawed boards, oth. Jell at the first fire. jk-j,bP,O, U'a, , the Duke .bad pDroolially. signetl -ed a is slightly proniatime. When tile innt-
I g U()t thaf I drtolied to death. inen, 144 hAther, and several otl cr hitcriiatiounl Railway to -day rpstoi
Ing paper not 'worth more than 2 1-2 - er flian cabinet wood, have'been eartied harnied. Warren was IttIcen to a, li,efl. CVerV COlYlInJimion Ill. Canadn' i I 6pite of .. , q ., " 't ter wati brought to Ills ftflention thk
to the free 114, while sawed e.abillet pjt&j, jVfiere he made a, stat(.111ont. to the jabol. it entailed, For tilia reaSon 1 nicill - partial sOrvice oil the prinelpal eity and forenoon, the 31infister of Public Work -A,
iters, , in inter-urbali car
cents per pound, typels-11 sewing Ito.- 11gin. tile FOR HUDSON 13AY HARSOR. F' ally, by a ruse, Ili-; father got. into flneq , and it was art- Ifoli. Da. Reaunip, declared Mat it Was
.a, t, pp,liettini 'llia,(-Iiiiicc+) -ca'.sh reffis. jj)jg I dtntal!y shot f 0 RWA, April 6. — Tho Doni;nion
eldne Woods, which were 12,75 per cent, in Police that lit haj ace! tho Viore zrw the criticisint "Im itouneed that .,,. detorniied effort wotod
are tow 10 pot cent.; eagkis, bar, him&elf - Vqjije Duke of Connttught, the uncle of the the finst lie. h,ad lipard of the ex- endi-
, , Ott the room, tind stiddenly jumped on Ills
terso steol raih,4 fefieo wire, tottoll tieg, , h4tidling a revolvc,r, 1M. 1 j . . missi.o.11 jit Call- Government , oil SAuMay I ))IIi- be inft(le to break the strike of motor- P
rels, ote., whiell Wore 30 por cent., 11gi (T , cc %v a I (1,. .1 soil,, grapping the arni wltlt whiell ture. The Uinister wils unabl(.- tolitato
'. nalls, hoop awl band !roll, fish, sulphur, -q-rc fi*&A-tely After the doel AU ,.q% sailled for 81."ning nien aud comlitetors declarod on Sunday -
now 14.77 per eent. and house furn, I a vith libi own lunid While q,ener4l contra.ets to tho Thor lion, Works of hold the axe. This was the sign for t1w uld be ink -ell, tholip:11 the
0 *
$ 1
"a, talining materials, ao.otle aild sul. turo " hiollillng). Lockport and Niagarit Folls
Will, Xflv' York Or' tho steamer HavailLt. The a'd .
phin-fo acidA, horazt, lumber prodneti, ill- pe, ch was 35 per cent., is now 15 Pxtromo range at jrhi(s 11adelt 1101voll Uses .1 rubber stanip on Toronto for tile oonstruction of t;vo Otheri to oome to tbo resene, and for ears were cnt away on, "'i'lledwo (4overninent had ongaged it hydro ongi-
. . r cent, ,h jilc d1jel jj.jjf4 - our oammhoGiots Ivith it fite-Aimli'le fl glla- AM bftrgm and trwo, seows, to be several- nunittes tho flemented maij g1tve tinlet neer to make a, report.
and -IN, elapbortr(li, hub4 , I it .%VRS stiltett, that tile, Service to a I
clud.ing brooniti. I"Tobacto suld spirits bave been found 11049 is exi(I t )o bocu, MT11,1190d t1irei'" * I used, on the harbor works at tho ter- it wonderfol wdijbition of Ill.alilacal AM I ' 4`6 I .
for W110C18, perabs, laths, pielcets, stave, for ftlo purpose of I.X111 11. I . I '0410 - - llearlr,v tolvlw Nvould lie, ullillipairtd, -
I to ba&ood producers of revenue and mizing tho (14 111iftus of the Iludsoll Rty 16,11%vay. atrPligth, bellig filially hallActiffed all(I WILSON IGNOR
allingles. ,.r , . _. I... R1. E. ated A4sopia-
have, , rofore, been left at the salue 901'j but jWsa Is Ali Oxoert 1 hot at all - " I. Tile eost vill be, $18,500. As tjo.)li ,R% taken to %ha lc"ella. Offfilcrs of tile Anittlgam.
- , Oto ailw4y J."ni- WitAlillintoll, April d. --President Wil -
rates as in. -the prostnit law. rill:igm, and V'Varren was not aeoustomed a I U constructed fliosp bargm and scows Ili the afternoon lie AvaA arraiguett be. Moll of 8tropt "'1114 E "trie R. 0
Tbeoe princip.ti Iterna are talceu from 1 L to firearnis, BUFTAL0 CAR " I ployee,; of Atlierlert to-Ciay elaimed that son will .go in person to the Mime of
the free list and. tft,"Rld: R011f,fl, alid Un- 1 '41n th('.. -effort to relieve tit# cousumer ' . . I Ml be oevt to, Ilud-gon Day with 11 f0re Uagl%trate Jamps O'Uaiw, Who over I 040 of the 1,700 car mon involved Repre-Aelitftfivea oil Tue.4day ana roatt
eut diamonds an(I preelous Fitolies, itim, I abd to rnitigate the high And rising, coat ThO V 11)411 'Governmelit if5 tak, dredging plant -and work on the 1mr- tionitnitteil liffil, fo jail. Uoijtgojnel y, .1 1. (% 2-
coal tar produ0s, 10 per cent.; volatile , of -living, aelie,aille (1, wbich deftls With lmc'"U'res fl) SNtft tht arrmt 1119 I * , . out. Officials of tile 00111pany dt- ilis first lues,qAgo to Congress, Setting
lInd ex. City Service is -Completely bor and dooks'at 'Port -N*t,loon, wP11 bo. Vjjo is 4 .'4.trap liff MIX -footer, bas beell C .
offif, 20 per cent.; 'ce, Irolil One e0lit, agrieultural produets has bon thor. itAdition Of 110BIL oil his arrival *11 1. . I - contraento(l. M litied to volve ailv fill-ures, fortli tile purpow, for Mitch ho lla,q Call.
to two ioelite or 111pil . lit Nor heAlth"Itiring the greater part A mob, tftiqlc--,il aol. tttht strc ,t car ;U (q tjIQ gpoe,,,11 '
p pound, oughly revisea fuld important'recInotiong New York. lit, will 1,0 Charge(, ,%V ' Tied Up. P1.1113 are ilow being preparetl I 8m.Ooll. It will be the
ith "' 1 Of tile whiter, Which no doulit ivas tile 111imboldt PhAtway thii mornitig, derail. firgt jinle
01"XiTmall *n&1r%V00d) of tile Ways arml havo, been, Made. For ilistanee, the duty h0inicide. - . .11 0 ., -1 Ottawa by It. T. 11(tZell, tile k3oveal- . .since tile days of 1ohn Adains,
.... ... III, -
'Memns Conitnitteo, in, hi's 6tatonjent Ao. on horses b4s been redueed from 25 _., ,... Cause of hio 711bld faillog. ing the tar and arivillf, out the pa..4c;ell. the ripeon(l Pro'sidont of tlt(-,. t!yIjtp(j
,00mP.,1UyiUgr,thkN limy tariff billo P. ve tile per Cent. to 10 per tt%nt.; eattle, from Buffalo, April 4.—A.9 A. restilt of tile ment, enoneer, who survo-yed i'lle . I __ I.. I -& _ _. AeTs. 1-*,vvr.y Nvindpwr' Ili ilie ear .was ,c; t a t e.,4, t I I .
BRITISH WAITP-08 MAIN. ports of i4q.18011 and ChUrAill t(141 if at a Chief Executive will havo
following eontparafliv,o Mblo, to j1how ' 2MI per tent. -(,6 10 per eent.; ,shv,011, uilexpeetect oktiou of tile liewly-organiz- ' ) 6,yolcen, but Ito oile Wits injured. A riot re4t(j his ine.-s.1ge to (,olittresq
-, tolidou, April o,__Ttj($ "I' ht - , who will have, personal oliar4LA tf OBEY YOU' VE o.ttli, -%vAs sol)t lit and, the police Peattermil r, . .
rpildefloils in tariff dtltit* made uponj from 16.141 per cont. to 10 per eent, rikot ;' ae they are ,c.111t, 11, "Vag t%d AmalgAluat,od Association of stx*et R W1 S It' Avas explaineil to-Iliglit tlIftt.1ir(Nt.
tho pre. , Wirley, frotu 43.05) per iamit. to 23.07 per I .
M .(I, of j%0 ree. tlllct tile dovelopilient, Nvork. tile ric7tcts. .Ko arre8N wero made, 'Ser* 'ilso i hns deci(le
)i"Osaarlpi. Ili each item, both _, t"It !Meetrio R#,Iliva,y%`mployees flo-day, . . ** *`. - "...l."- . detit IN it
sellh tariff and tlj(, propos-ed tarifi &td. . tolit.; hay, from 43.21 per eett. to NAT 11MIlt waitors during ifi(i p . Vito oil tho Lockport-13off-116 lino callit) - . q to Miauge tho
nist,,Ir reault ill & 1,j%_,qv ,tj of tas"', wtokv thi% (.4tv is prattle4i.11jr without stroot I tllq
. 1010e. . , 11 .
- YOUTHFUL HUSBAND% SU A . Pract, ee of inore a eolltur v becallso
J)eon retlueed to .-w ad valorem basits, I por eetit,; fruits, from 27.21 X'011 cent, Whilt raro bird, th,p ll-% 0"16- carvorvica to -night. Xftora day of tiot British Oider Ott sttrdafill t "'-% 1116"61111fol *%V11011 tile lin beIlQV(,(j it JVJJS fjl( b(+lt 4.nj0tlj()(j. f,jr
1pjn,v Would Re, -o t
J,rpoent propoAttl ', to 153i per &Amt.; livo poultry frow . INTI,%vilitc,r, fqjjc,', ' (hIt, 611biltl).1111 (1ljjj)lo,V,1(1.4 j0jjjc(j fit(* I
- of -: , -nnil flit, company ftimoune to. Buffalo, , 8tr1l0j'-,4. N ,Dt Io eilitivnie lx,ttoy riwilt.
I por t-oot. fither JASt Tuegjjgy, ond tun d bolie eteid, lyellado landanum - - t 06,00, - - .. I flIP Prt Md(
the 9taff 'of fl)(t h'Aperial night that It %vould bf. Inlp(*s11e)l0 ft Service'.
- Ltw. LA -w. , 13,10 ivr OpAlt. to -0.07 Vestaitrant exPept lit thii nuit nn(I forin Marriage "
1410)0 *.# of. # . .,.#* 0.1i S 1. M ; ehatigm ttro in proportimi, wid *tile Roil. - kjt,oiien j, " 1..,,1;3 emitinuo cArs through torday calimsd the death of f4t(MV010 I ti -Ons with 00 Ittl0slativo hranvh of the
bton Of Writilh. It h." alwa the nighto evon I Vs' . 'A 0 W 1 0 , OEYAILS OP SCOTT 01SAMA. (loverninoilt,
"And0ones .. .. .... 1), 2) 1 8.13 eral offeet littig tpon to rkuet in VL vl ry a,S4lInjt4 YA bj vll (4 (,Lor1jj)j1.fly j ,.%%,Nj 18'ehooloy, 1,10 years ,tjl(l, (if Cryjtal ]104aeh,
I i ,n), I t1lat FulgIL41, -,V,jjVt'Pt* 166111 1 not Under pollice mi4rd. Th t, ' ' t, - t I
Uwj.el" .. ., .. .. ., ON 25A ) at("ri"(1 rtion the boaxy taxes 011C., aj the 1-',inergoney Hospital hero. tnndon., April 6. --The $'pIritjI,jl jj,lj. Londoo, Alir'tl O.—Vie Imperial IV r-
') t il; on 1,in pril" "MP"tre Witt! f6r 1gI%4.%r9j I)JIt t1l - * A. ht4temelit ,4&atijI& t1lat oilly a C'MiAll ANOTHeR -MAMMOTH CAM
Pllicvket knivo-i .. .. .. 7 7. 0 8 3 5. 0 (), . orted f(mastuffo. Ik %vor, fmin(I dyfing in tin alloy botweeo italley T,k%,(gu,0; for ) ,O)ant G%til(I of Uverpnollolq roo-olved
I JI)ri Ij Im"r, whoiqe et,mt of proillid- I,- = - I ity en are out., AV611101110 ldgljt q, %vitli
0,116,cpq of tile, W(*t 0 Mil or) in but the Ogden. t,tall, April 6.--Avitli Arliat
.-I nil 55,00 I havo prove4 th ,11,11 'CIIII)s of llni,on (Ininis that ovier two-t-hirAq of the Chippewa and ,Genesee Streets, - 80016 Actalfiq of ilia dMth of the f-kmAt AI)I)ART's to bt ph-hNtorie hiproglyphiei
IL.izors , . . , . . . . . - . . 'I 2. 3 el 35.00 tion is As low in thits ,touiifq, under i tbey Aro e a t if proptTly handled A000rdiug to. 11rij. 6-hooley, wlio livos - whiph Lady Aberdeen, VI o ra Aiplit, Antarefle. party froni. Captain 71. J. I'Vot-
, favorable rwiditiorft. as it is tinywhere - qIVtIl,V AS 900d. UVII employed Are, on strike. Not a Par . steel, the noveliot, an(l. other prominent son; the guild's agent At Ulellhigt4m, eftried on it" NVaNs, s '.'1j,qjjjIJl()tlI*Q'&j-(%0
and 55.00 ; . .,# #i 'I, with ber aistor in V Anklin f1trept ber(w, rivalhig the hiI)I,)jj,i eftv(..,, of jCpjItjjc!;V
# in t, ho world, llAs boon trstnsferred to - - Was blovi.hg to'night in 11affithy, Niagara VOW 7 ('41 y, 4 .1 . ,
k Sewctlrg atid Alit,ars.. 4*03,77 30.60 , ex-POLICtMAN IN -e, ohe nua hor-husband Iseparated several WOnlen are identiffiA, liftq ifi gwtl it 111all. . '00111(tild, ltaill lvat.qoli sa -!( -
M , the free list whou Avorth lt,v-s thky, '21A .TAOUDL PkIls *r LoAport. WAN dise0vel'01 ill Pik -inity, )-cmterilay.
ICIlives and fork ....41;0.8 27, 1 0,110. por "111141 wjli)6 . , V NVIlo had Thomas Whittaker, a -ravellWillatle if".
he h li($ $t,liou8 64order.,; ooUrrPd on tho, oa,st ,
,10() ?, .r Potrolt, April 1I.—WEetifivis to dity tinjiliatioll4l, it emivomation with ConmutiAor Byall l diseovel A. , ail 11 Jill-tV tit Vl%i-
I .
,Xurnituro . .. .. .... 0 an4 awith yildm to-nigIlt, and evtry po. - 'It rf"'Ovilig tht- 'Ih , lit, 1011 110, -
35M I . . They luad been married four ypari. Sho P965 M Ill
, Aprad(,i bayri bv n givon t tariff I it Metd Arthur Ti. Pvmmlo hvj j,jgtqj 21-1 L in thf parriftgo serviee of A I IlAboan at byttelton that At the thilo %V11pil'O.I.P. J."r, -f 11-111 jnofts-lorg oll 'i four of
*014M it If .1 0-10 f. 'If a ,r huisband oil the 111glit of ilia ,4itv j)
'1110 1"M ' r -ont. , . met hc 0 A ,
t llloIA64 ago, following a bil) to Florl,&j. ifmto domanding t1uU, the (lovQrnment "I hPar(I from & slnpina-.4ter
2* " ,r ,, fkb i
' , ,er t in plaoo, of 1,00 pt orent. I Contral Wtobnmn, vinder s1r. lic%rdan iyi the eity bsul boen kfpt on tllc &,Ath, Nho 1,tati%s, and WA ativinpted j,0 - Chur,,h. it &pecifie. jiftpoll ,so. tqj (I
Wo ... 0 4 . . 0 . 0 1 0 34.88 14.2.4 ' ealled mor. t,'till 00N lPft tile OthOrs in 010 tfnt : h1vtstigatiou. Tht . is lesmted ill tho
9" I Vop ing paptr litts bttn tut from 42.30 . rcst I ror,10,OMPINty ill tba robbory of a laftip. Oor wlnd,o ?i wero rjIt,,t.&hod, cono . ) I
k frult, iroe $4.4-1 iAff off(vt a reeoncillittion, This she wmild,JI'l iftdfgniflt,.,q to 1vomen, 11tho isubtle (Ind went olltsitlp lie littJ P6 fe,01ing, hav- , nimillillinq'i 110"'Ir I ronlontory polot, 1'.4
"" , ' T*r cent, in 00, Ymr eont.-, bAg,0ftv(,16P0,4, JV-1,91if tar, fr6m willeii it jq g1lopoi a (Inctors and motiormen who remailiM at ft lowea -giving of preeetlonee an(I promilieneo by Ing lost hli,j feet through fro4tb Rome Inilk's froill Ogdvil, aild has prollablip
4 , "t*, . " ... 0 42.74 9d.40 ! eip. from 40.02 por colit. to &I por ., ense of t4ggtra wA,g v. ft (It 01181(10'. F01100leV tb(% AWAI . ff ito. ".
. - ,
fq% _ tly Atillf..j. V(,Iq. Work wero philed from the eftrfl, ond the Poison. the bridoginoni') bein flit" 08-sence of tillie previouAly I f0so lwar(l thAt When Itever bt,on viAted bywhite men, a.4 viA
ntmjy ,a , Inuoh 44mage wita dono I
I *ftot,tt ,t )ciltlo(ello(.) tilhikeolm o, 11,111 I emit.; jKrohmeAt papors, from 47.1ft por: Ito, wbo im- hw,rlod, wits for , . . ,., 406 '11-.11111 till 00, eomplailit.y. " tile Party got out to look for the 1.1,611t1j. 9tirroundin,q, eountry i,i a ble'lk de-qurt.
. 4 4V . evftf. to A3 "r "ht.; plinfWalibiv, I*- tvvW*r 01thd T,ftdnn (,)ut., pollea fam It 'mast Antioubmd t(I-111911t, bY offivit'lol The onlv toft"n ewnio pooplo ,wajit X11dignity numl,,er one i.Ao of 4%ourse,
* Iq RA i por. from 28A) Per vt,nt. to 25 por Tte ho.q boeqt on1ployeq , "
Loop . * . . .. .. 4.1 tarn p-11-ty and later diw,overed the bod. "I'll(I fI'011t'tIllfdktb11V' Of the Hf-rit"A i.14 .1
imelve wi rt, Awltellf".111 he tho 111for"atinnal 11'allwal"'OvApany R fingor i i fbA pio i,,4 to Uei,p snulcone fo An wnril 'Obpy." TIAN) ilit" InAiii, ic-c% till' IV
(19041 r(,nt.; writiog. pApr,r,, from 41.1.1 por lipj--e for j40ffl,e,, jimp, . ' wortt P't) ratelluAte(I ,A,4 lo lie h.V 1*0 ya,iA4, 41 tpq itigii, ana pe wi'114
In I .. fliat tit r1k -br(%Aprti uoill(i jjo jjjjljnj jj,tj 4,jt (%. from 6ating it. festo tleeloroj- , most I)o iIA-4-11 ,r.r tial. U1,1r,('00gilizablo" limr pliotur(,%* of Indlaws trudely 41raN tit
,,,, - I " I I. aiil 1. 1 . 14
_ - I,_ 1, Al ._ ..ftj'-it9 "I"""1
, .IF "IN
1 11