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The Wingham Advance, 1913-04-10, Page 5
THURSDAY, APRIL TO, 1913 THE DOMINION_ BANK 1 RIR EDMUND D, OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. 0, MATTHEW$, VlOE•piiIE81D1EN1'. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital paid up • Reserve Fund - - Total Assets $5,000,000 • $0,000,000 $76,000,000 Financial Headway 1 of the sure and permanent kind is rarely made without the assistance of a Savings Bank Account. It stimulates saving, keeps the money in absolute safety, increases it with interest, and provides the ready cash to take advantage of the business opportunities which come ones way. WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. Owsumesseesaaesemmatealassiesomeessmemmesssememe One of Thomas A. Edison's new lue Arnberol •: ecords was played 3,000 times on an Edison Phonograph—and gave just as true and sweet a reproduction the last time as the first This was not an endurance test for mere hardness. It was an endurance test for quality of reproduc tion —to find if the Blue Amberol would be as far superior to all other records in tone after countless playings as it is when 'new. Your. Edison dealer will play some of these won- derful records for you on an Edison Phon- ograph. Ask him to do so today. Thomas A. Edison. Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U. S. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at DAVID BELL j' 1 P� i I,t a , , I u. i N i7iteProprielaryurl enllietiicincAct.(►Vegetable Preparaiton forAs.•simtiating theFoodantlRe sulci• ' lingiheStoraachsandneweisor _7f a • Prolaotes Digestion,Chcerfu riess and Rest.Containsneither • Opiunt.Morphine norNiaeral. NOT NAR C ©TIC. 1'ccjcofOld Dr.,?,1'TJ LP Anyda7 dad * -d&Scrmtt •r . locfrlreSc(fs- Aaisc&etl ,r Aux -mint - Il�&ardonut:Sada* Irvin Seed - Clarified Spoof libtrgroer falai. • Aperfect Remedy forConslipa• lion, SourStornaduniarrhoca. Worms,Convulsions,Fevetisli ness and LOSS OFS;.EEP. FacSignature of ME CENTAUR CY;'it'ANY. �1ONTIIEAI.&MEW YOR1t frY 44 Nl a :Foy' Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Mways Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thkty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. • YHe CENTAUI, COMPANY. NEW YONK OIYY. J EXGiJRSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta UOMESEEKERS Low Round Trip Rates each Tuesday, March to October inclusive Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Ethrlonton and Return - 43.04 Other points Iii proportion • Return Limit two months. TOURIST SLEEPING OARS on all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped with bedding, can be secured at - moderate rates through local agent. SETTLERS For settlers travel- Settlers and families ling with live stock without live stock and effects. should use SPECIAL TRAINS REGULAR TRAINS Will leave Toronto Leaving Toronto Each TUESDAY 1020 p.ni. Daily MAtCtt AND AP$iI Through Colonist 10.2Q pi.m. and Tourist Sleepers COLONIST OARS ON ALL Timms No charge for Berths -1Rome Seekers' Trains Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. during March,, Apacil, September and. October, and at 2 p.ni. and 10.20 p.m. during May, a y, June, July and. August. Through Trains Toront6 to Winnipeg and West run. particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto SHOCKED CONN FOR BEEF CATTLE, In any kind of stock feeding the amount of capital required to begin op erations, the amount of time and feed required, the resulting fertility and the final profit front the transaction are tour vital considerations. There are other things to be considered, some in ,special cases and some in .certain spe• cial lines of work, but these four are always present. When considered from this basis the shock corn method of feeding cattle will compare favorably ;with any, says (1 A.Waugh in Country Gentleman. A pound of corn fed as shocked corn will not produce so much gain under some circumstances as a pound red in Hereford cattle are unexcelled in beef type. They have plenty of scale, good bone, a blocky confor- mation, short faces, are wide be- tween the eyes, have roomy mid- dles. good ribs, heavy quarters, wide backs, thick totes and, in fact, are Ideal beef animals. Hereford cat- tle have else best natural protection because they have the heaviest hides and mossiest coats. A heavy hide protects an animal against both heat and cold. In winter feed- ing more of the feed goes to make beef and less goes to keep up bodily heat. The Hereford bull shown was grants champion at the Kansas City Royal show. some other form, but a dollar invested in shocked corn will produce as much beef as a dollar invested in some other feed capable of malting greater gains pet' pound. This does not imply that cattle can be fitted for show on this feed. Even though .it does appear wasteful to some and though it does not conform to the standards of a bal- anced ration, it is tor practical pur poses au excellent feed. Some feeders may say that such methods are impractical and wasteful. yet the fact remains that over 5,000 cattle are fed in a single county in Ohio every -winter. and that this meth od is followed in nearly every instance, Moreover, out of their profits these farmers are paying for land worth $150 an acre which, on account of the great amount of manure that Is returned to it is becoming even more valuable. In every case bogs follow the cattle. When the latter are put on feed a pig weighing from 100 to 150 pounds is put behind each steer. Smaller pigs do ;not do so well as those of this weight. When the cattle are weighed out the hogs are usually ready for market. Often one is able to fatten two droves of hogs with a single bunch of steers, Few kernels are missed, and in almost every case every pound or4gain made by the hogs represents so much clear profit to the feeder. We have always been partial to short feeds of from ninety to a hun- dred clays, anti for such feeding we usnally aim 10 get cattle wtiicb weigh a thousand Il'tunds or more and which can be mai rued up to an advantage. Two pound.; a day is an average gain. tbough 1111 ,earn ninny instances where three li;,r nds have been made. Two pound-. Roily will put cattle of this sort in 1'1 t' condition within the hundred da' Illicit. I i takes time to get a bunch of cattle 0•t run feed. it any grass is at hand .ley are put on it and given u light ration etwh day, the amount being in- creased until they are on full feed. A month Is often taken up before they reach this stage, but after we are feed- ing them to the limit we . do not cut down on the ration supply because they do not happen to elean up all that is given them on some particular day. The hogs are there to pick up what is left, and it seldom pays to feed in a stingy manner. Straw is always rel- ished at the noon hour and we aim to give them such a feed at least three times a week. Outside of this it is sel- dom that anything other than shockeii corn is fed. With meat at the prevail- ing prices of the pest few years, it has always paid us to feed clover hay when it can be secured for $10 or less a ton. Cottonseed meal helps to make gains. I Electrle Restorer for Men Dolt 0 Wa a F`e pale iiia phbsphonoI rwstarei every nerve in the body A rslieble leratAtt regulator; never f(tils. These . to its proper tension; restores pills are ittofteninely powerful in regulatirig the vire fled vitality'. l'rcrnature dray and a all ;sexual gsortative pertle a of tie female tryatem. Refuse weakness averted at Cate. 141.01,04/101 Will All cheep i ,, tatiotil. Dr. ds Van's arc sold ttt snakeet't new mien.. Price 1 a box or two far ►1w i ° iJ°> X00., Ii. osthstlia r O*s,1 00.s St. 0sth* i atartdi dont. ti tiro ►«Ix Drug Feeding Young Stock. The amount of gain the young stock will make during winter depends largely upon the feed and eare they get. It is true that the scrub will of- ten make very little gain even with good rare, but In these days of high priced feed it does not pay to keep s("rules at all, so we cannot take them into eonsideratiou. A enif of good blood, however. will always answer to good tending, but even it cannot do well without it. Providing n"arm gnnrters for the young stork daring winter Is also an important factor. Nut only is this to protect there from severe weather. but It Will sane feed as well. Young stock that is unsheltered during cold rteath- er ('nunot be espec'ted to do dwell. It will take tt good bit of feed and time to make sup for -the loss obtained .dtir- ing n single night if the stock has been nut in severe weather. r¢. TIM 'MNG 'AM N.O BREVITIES, Ambition very often dies for lack of courage. Many a genius refuses to work at hie trade.. The way of the pit is filled with people who are going to turn back at the next corner,. The busks of emptiness' rustle in every wind ; the full corn in the ear bows noiselessly to the Lord of the harvest with its golden fruit. Great souls are always loyal, sub- missive, reverent to what is over them, --Carlyle, When women vote and the election doesn't go to suit him a man can blame it on his wife. The man who pays as he goes may not go very far, but he always gets there. If the average man could have his ownway all the time he would keep others busy getting out of it. We should feel pity for the man who is forced to take consequences that he isn't entitled to. Obildrenb' Day was observed in the 9, A. Citadel last Sunday under the teadei•i hip of Capt. Milton and Ser- gt ant :51,11r and Mr's,. Law. Die WI, e a I may, I want it said of me by those who knew me best that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower when 1 thought a flower would grow.—[Abraham Lincoln. Perfection consists not in doing ex- traordinary, things, but in doing or- dinary things in an extraordinary spirit. "I Want a Little Levin' and 1 Want It Awful Dad" sang 011ie Wolford in a Detroit theatre the other day and the ong was so convincing that one young fellow left hie scat and scram- bled up on the stsge. The singer fled s,nd left the intruder to argue with the nwtager. The latter started a riot when he attempted violence and the audience, Odell with t".e man who chased , it'I. The police took a hula. and at. t e next performance the song was toned down. ARE YOU GOING WEST THIS SPRING. If c;n. excerational opportunities are now being (del ed by the Grand Trunk Railway Svs;en' in connection with Colonist. Hometteekers and Settlers xcurrsit ns. The Colonist rates are one-way wickets apnlying frau stations in On- tario to Vancouver, B.C., Victoria, 13. 0,, Prince Rupert, B. C., Seattle, Wash.. Spokane, 'Wash., Portland, Ore., San Francisco, Cal,, Los Angeles, Cal.. S1.rt Diego. Cal,, and other points in Arizona, British Columbia, Cali- fornia.. Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Ore. gon, Utah and Washington, and are on sale daily until April 15th, in- clusive. The t ettlers excursions apply from stations in Ontario, Port Elope, Peter- aaurcl and \Vest to points `in Afherta a.nd Saskarchewan every Tuesday un- til April 29th inclusive at low rates. Homeseekers' round trip tickets will ee issued at very low rates from sta.- ions in Canada to points in Manitoba, 4askatchewaxt and Alberta and are in effect each Tuesday until October 28th ..,clusive via Chicago and St. Paul, and will also he on sale on certain Tuesdays during above period via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. The Homeseekers' tickets are gond returning two months from date of issue. Through coaches and Pullman Tour- ist Sleeping cars are operated every Tuesday in connettion with Settlers and Homeseekers excursions, leaving t'.,..nnto at 1100 P. m, and running through to Winnipeg via Chicago inti St. Paul without change. Reser- vations in Tourist cars may be secured at a nominal charge of application to Grand Trunk agents, The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is he shortest and quickest route be- tween Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmon- con, with smooth roadbed, electric lighted sleeping cars, through the ,'west, most picturesque and most rapidly developing section of Western 0 ',nada. Through tickets sold and reservations made by all Grand Trunk agents. Costs no more than by other ',flutes. Trains now in operation Winnipeg to Saskatoon and Regina, Yorkton and • Canora, Sask., Camrose, Mirror and Edson, Alta., also to Fitz- hugh and Janne, B.C. Before deciding on your trip, !Leon - suit any agent of the Grand Trunk Railway for descriptive literature, timetables and particulars or write 0. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto. Ont. Ticket agent, phone 4, A B Elliott, Town Passenger and W. F. Burgman, Station Ticket Agent. Phone 50. Shaw's Schools Toronto, Canada. include Tho Shi w Cor- respondence School. The Central Business College, The Ceintral Telegraph It Railroad School. and Four City Branch 13usinoss Schools. All provide excellent courses leading to good salaried positions. Free catalogue on request. Write for it. W. EL SHAW. President. Head Offices, Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Ontario Liquor License Act License District of North Huron. Notice le hereby given that the Board of License Commissioners for the License District of North Huron will meet at the Town Bali, Wing- ham, on the 2lst day of April A,D. 1013, at the hour of 11 o'clock a.m., for the purpose of considering applies, - tions for Liquor Licenses for the Li- cense year A. D, 1013.14, All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly, W, CLEGiG, Inspector. Dated at Wingham this 2nd day of .April, 1013. 812, Ontario Liquor License Act License District of North Huron 'Tor Hair Health .iit Rexall "93" flair Tonic does not alp � thewe will of your and will pay for what,ou use during the trial, We could not so etrongly endorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and continuo to sell it to the eanao people if it did not do all we claim. Should it not prove entirely satisfactory our cus- tamers would lose faith in us, we wotdd lose their patronage, and our busieea would suffer. If your hair is falling out or you suffer any scalp trouble, wt, believe Rexall" 93" Hair Tonic will do more to eradicate the dandruff, give health to the scalp, stimulate new hair growth and prevent premature bald- nese than any other human agency, Wo want you to make us prove this. We ask you to risk no money whatever. Buy, a bottle of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, use it according to directions for thirty days; then if you are not entirely satisfied, come and toll us and we will promptly hand back the money you paid us for it. We won't ask you to sign any- thing, nor even to bring the bottle back. We won't obligate you in any way. We will take your mere word. Could anything be more fair? Could we do anything more to prove our belief in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, and our honesty of purpose in recom- mending it to you? Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is as pleas- ant to use as spring water and has but a faint, pleasing odor. It comes in two sizes of bottles, 50c and $1.00. You can buyRexall "93" Hair Tonic in this community only at our store: J. WALTON Mei<i BEON. Winxham The " Moro Ontario There is a Rexall Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill each especially designed for thei particular ll. for which it is recommended. The Rexall Stores are America's d'reatest Drug Stores SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS AN' person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, inay home- stearl a quartet• section of available Dominion land in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. Tho applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the district. .1:ntry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father, moth- er, son, daughter, brother or sister of intend- int ntend• sin ► homesteader. nties.—Six mon the' residence upon and cul- tivation of the land in each of three years. A. homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by Ms father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain distriots a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section along- side his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. • Duties —Must reside upon the homestead or Pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including Mw time required to .earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted Ms home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homested in certain districts. Price $3 00 per acre. Duties.—Must side six months in each of three years, culti- vate fifty acres and erect arhouse worth $300. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.—Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. Notice is herebyiven that there were eleven Tavern gLicenses, and no Shop License'. Issued in the License District of North Heron during the current Licence year. There are eight Tavern Licenses and no Shop Licons- es, applied for, ,for the License year A.D. 1013-14. 'VY ��yyy . +OLEG10. Irl specter. Dated at Wingham this 2nd. day nt Ap'rIl,1918. 31.2. Tho best practical training school in On- tario. Three departments— COMMIon. DIAL, SHORTHAND and I'ELCGItA• PRY. All courses are thorough and practicrgl. Teacberr are experienced and graduates are placed in positions. Wo Lgive individual attention and students may enter at any time. Write for our free catalogue at once. D, A. MoLACDLAN - Principal Capital Pald Up $3,000,000. Reserve $3,750,000. Total Assets Over $4$,000,000. BANK OF HAMILTON PLANNING YOUR FUTURE. THE young man who ex- pects to make'a success of his busiueFs life must save a part of his wages. The owner of a bank ac- count is looked up to and respected by his fellow men, and is. also in a position to grasp many opportunities that are denied to the man who has nothing. Acquire the saving habit, and you have taken the first step toward future success. You can open up an account in this bank with one dol- lar, and interest at the high- est current rate will be credited every six months. C. P. SMITH AGENT - WINGHAM 2 +LI wOMEN are fast learn- ing the advantages of Express Money Orders in sending money through the m a i l s. An Express Order is easy to obtain, simple to understand, and always safe. There is no need to register letters containing Express Money Orders. They a r e loss - proof. All pro- gressive stores and merchants prefer to receive remittances in this way, i f an order goes astray in the mails the money is promptly refunded or a new order issued free of charge. Both sender and, receiver, arc fully protected by using Every railway station has Mo e an Express Office where "Orders" may be obtained, and in almost every town there are branch Offices in t h e residential di.irku, Orders andForeignCheques RATES t 11S and ander . . 3 cts, Over t S to $10 . . 6 •• 10" 30 . 10" " 30 " b0 . 1S " " 60 at same rates. -- �► w w w w •-.- w w - TO BE HANGED BEFORE JULY 1st ' A' car load of Wall Paper having the 1 1 most up-to-date desi ns suitable for 1 t0 �' every proom in a ersons house. Prices � ranging from 5e a Roll up. Come in and look over our large stock. Sample books sent to your home if required. A. M. KNOX OPPOSITE NATIONAL HOTEL PHONE 65. HI I.i,I. G.,w,w�.r,X ISARD'S April Showing New Spring Suits, Waists, Skirts, . Coats, Dresses and Rain Coats. Smart Costumes for Girls' Wear, sizes 16, 18 and 20 years, made of Fancy Tweed and Serges, Silk Serge Lining, well tailored ; our price, $13,50. A. stylish Suit made of fine Serge ; comes in navy blue, black and tan ; best of linings and tailoring ; our special price $15.00. Spring Coats -just received ; take a look at the pretty styles and new materials ; all prices ; special bargain, $I0.00. WAISTS. --Large showing of Women's New Spring Waists, Fancy Net, Lawn, Plain and Embroidered Linen ; our range is large. Prices not to be beat in Canada. Bargains in Underskirts. --Just opened up a new line of Skirts ; very pretty makes ; best wearing mater- ials, including Silks and Satins. Take a look at our Moire Skirt at $1.25. Just passed into stock alarge shipment of Women's, Misses' and Children's Wash Dresses, White Skirts, Duck Skirts, Corset Covers, Slips, Combinations. Dress Goods and Silks. --Special cut prices on new Wire Weave Serge—dollar value for 75c. Costume Tweed at close prices ; Whipcords and Poplins in new colorings. EXTRA. SPECIAL 36 inch Pailette Silk, regular $1.25 vahtte for 90c. New Frillings, New Belts, New Laces and Embroideries. un it n. I .fiM1i illu. .. . E. Isard & Co. . SPECIAL MEASURE SUITS TAILORED BY EXPERTS FIT AND VORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED We are making a specialty of Suits made to your measure, and have a number of attrac- tive patterns that we can make up for $18, $19, $21 and $23, in any style you wish. These are cash prices, and all special measure suits will be sold on these ter — namely, cash down when your Suit is ,% to you. 13y selling on. these terms AU business on a very small margin of proft, and every one doing busi- ness with us in this department will be bene- fitted. W. A. CAMPBELL SUCCESSOR TO McGEE & CAMPBELL ,1