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The Wingham Advance, 1913-03-27, Page 8
1 0 8 A THE WINGliAM ADVA. GE YOUR LAST CHANCE TO ENTER THE MARCH FUNTO'%VASU CONTEST $100.00 In Cash Prizes lst Prize - $10.00 2nd " - 7.00 3rd " - 4.00 4th " 3.00 Next 10 Prizes 2.00 each 56 " 1.00 " COUNT THE DOTS (IN THE OPAL ONLY) Send in as many replies as you like, but all replies must reach us by 3 o'clock on April lst. At that time the three judges will shake all replies together, and the first 70 correct replies will receive the cash prizes in the order drawn. THE ONLY CONDITION. --With each reply must be enclosed one MAMMY HEAD out from .a 5c or a 10e, package of "Fun-To-Wahh" Washing Powder, and not more than one reply in each envelope. Be Sure to address Contest Dept., Standish Manufacturing Co,, Limited, 11 Colbourne Street Toronto, . eereIMPORTANT in NOTICE ode :ing Lot fi est 'Washio not have ng Powdsell er ever produced to enter so We have • They thean fors for the past six months and wash to assure you that they are absolutely fair and that every conte,,tant has an equal chance. There are no other conditions whatever than the ono stated in this advertisement. We give out ;$100 each month and the names and addresses of all the winners are published in each paper monthly. All replies must reach us by 3 o'clock on April lst. The Standish Mfg. Co., Ltd., II Colbourne St., Toronto, OM. Spring 1913 Millinery Opening Pattern Hats and Millinery '; Novelties WEDNESDAY, MAR 19 *Mss IktlAnoUs WINGHAM FLORIDA LANDS FOR SALE. The land of sunshine and flowers. Three crops a year ; ideal climate ; no frost or snow ; no coal required ; all varieties of semi- tropical and tropical fruits as well as all varieties of vegetables can be grown. While er lands are deep under snow Florida is se `ng out her fruits and vegetables. The land I ' ood, as I have personally investigated same an ' ' have all facts and figures. Ten acres will slake you an independent living. Come and see for yourself. Personally con- ducted special excursions. PARTICIJLARS FOR THE ASKING B. J. REID 220 ALBANY AVENUE TORONTO, ONTARIO i all11111111111111111110111111 East Wawjanosh. Mrs. Jas. Noble spent a few days at Clinton. Mr. S. Carter is recovering from his illness. Mi©s Dobie is recovering from her recent illness. Mrs. M. Waugh of London spent the holidays with friends on the 6th line. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walsh are the 'proud parents of a bouncing baby girl Report of S. S. No. 7, East Wawa - nosh for month of March :--Sr. 4th— Maud Tisdale 72, Lena Obamney 59 Jr. 4th—Irene Boyle 61, Eva Boyle 52, Ella James 48. Sr. 3rd—Annie Robinson 57, Joseph Finleon 50 Sr. 2nd—Melville Beecroft 82, Mary Finle- on 79, Lyla James 68, 'Mary Boyle 63 Jr, 2nd—Charlie Robinson 47, Clarence Chamney 46. Jr. lst—Wilfred Robin- son 81. Primer --Cecil Chamney 60.-- I. 11. A. Taylor, teacher. Salem. Miss E. Crawford of Howick spent the holidays at the :home of Mr. , 0. Higgins. Master Geo. Mines spent Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Jas. A. Wray. Experienced' mothers say Zam-Buk is best for chil- dren's injuries and skin troubles, because: It is herbal --no poisonous mineral coloring. It is antiseptic—prevents cuts and burns taking the wrong way. It is soothing—ends pain quickly. It heals every time. Just as good for grown- ups. Sold at allstores and druggists. What Beautiful Hair! How often do we hear that exclama- tion about a certain woman's or maid's hair. A prominent scientist and Bair enc. Mallet emphatically states, and bas proven, that any man or woman can have luxuriant, lustrous hair, by using the famous prescription called PARI- SIAN Sage PARISIAN Sage is now m'"le and sold in Canada, J. W. McKibbon, the druggist, is the agent in Wing - ham and the readers of The Advance can buy from hire for only 50c a large bottle. J. W, McKibbon knows that PARI- SIAN Sage will beautify the hair, cure dandruff and stop falling hair, and for that reason he sells it under a guarantee to 'cure or money back, Price 50 rents. The R. r. Booth Co.. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont,, Canadian Makers, To the Citizens of gingham and vicinity Y As 1 have purchased the Restaurant of Mr. Robt. Johnston's, I respectfully invite all his patrons, as well as new ones, to call when needi ng anything in . this line. A fresh stock of er verything always on hand. Quality is our slogs in, Watch our advertisement in future iSSUf 'ours Respectfully WALDO MILLER Amrommerasommonimmiosiorr GET YOUR SPRING SI1IT NOW I have a large fresh stock of the best and latest goods, which are sure to please. Suitable for L l s and Gentlemen. Fit and Wbrhmanship Guaranteed. rureir_. . rarrisimirriiirsourkarair E. C. WHITE MAZWEL1,►S OLD 8'li!A1 . Phone 227, OPPOSITE 3Al'IK OP HA71f1LT0 . Belmore. Mr, August Miller, our blacksmith, traded horses with Mr. Con. Baker, and afterwards sold it to Mr. Schlosser of Culross, for a good figure. Belmore is getting thawed out and times are getting lively, Thos. Ros- well has sold his 100 acre farm ad• joining the village to Jas Douglas of "I'u'•nherry for a stun in the neighhnr- hood of $6,000. Jas. Dteug),th sole) his 50 viers farm to Mr Wm Fel g►i.un tf the village for $2,000, and Mr. Roswell nought Mr. Ferguson's house in the village for $400, and intends moving in. BENEFYCIAL RESULTS Can Only Come From The Timely Use Of The World's Most Popular Laxative THURSDAY, MARCH 2`', 1913 i a 0 FIG PILLS If you are constipated, bilious, have a sour, gassy, upset stomach, an in- active liver, sick headache ; or if you are tired, worn-out and down -hearted, and the organs of digestion and eli- mination fail to perform the all-im portant functions, see to it that you cleanse your system of undigested food, foul gases and excess bile in the intestines and bowels by the use of the popular fruit tonic laxative. FIG PILLS This remedy, being composed of valuable tonic, diuretic and laxative ingredients, constitutes thein the best treatment for weak kidneys, sluggish liver, indigestion, constipation, and that bilious, tired -out feeling, 7.'ry Fig Pills the next time you are not feeling up to your usual good health and you will be convinced of their wonderful curative properties. Re- fuse all substitutes. At all dealers in 25 and 50 cent boxes, or by mail from The Fig Pill Co,, St. Thomas, Ont. GRAND 'TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Colonist Rates ON SALE DAILY March 15 to April 15 Inclusive From WINGHAM to VANCOUVER, 13 C. VICTORIA, B.C. SI ATTLI, WASH. SPOKANE, WASH. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOS ANUELES, CAL. SAN DIi:40. CAL. MEXICO CITY, MUX. Proportionate ]ow rates to other points in Arizona, British Columbia,. California, Idaho, Mexico, Montana, Nevada, t►regon, Utah, Washington, etc., from all stations in Ontario. Ask Grand Trunk Agents for full par- ticulars, 1$47.45 47.45 Uomeseekers' EXcursions To Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta Each Tuesday rlarch to October inclu- sive via Chicago and St. Paul Through coaola's and Pullman Tourist S1eiping ('ars will leave 'Toronto ll pan. 'on above dates for WINNIPEG. NO CIIANGIE 05' CARS WINNIPEG AND RETURN $35.00 I:DMONTON AND RETURN * $43.00 Tickets good for 60 days. Proportion- . ate low rates to other points. Settlers' Excursions To Alberta and Saskatchewan March lith and every 'f UE3D Al( thereafter until APRIL 20th inclusive, from stations in Ontario, Neterboro, Por' Ilopo and West LOW RATES The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the Through O',anheg and Tourist Sleepers shorte-t and quickest route between Win- to WINNIPEG withou' change, leaving inpeg-Saskatoon-lidmonton, Toronto 11,00 pan, on above dates. Berth Reservations, Literature and Full Information From Any Grand Trunk Agent e H, B. Elliott, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent. Phone 4. W. F. Burgman, Station Ticket Agent. Phone 60. •tom ®MII • • alllli, MIME SIIIIIIMIMMINNI 611.11111111111101a. Or• Londesboro. Miss .A, Brethwaite visited at Mrs. H. Moon's for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Crittendon have taken charge of Mr. J. Fairaervice's farm. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fairservice mov- ed to their new home near Seaforth this week. Mr. H. Hutton has his saw -mill in splendid working order and is turning out some fine lumber. Mrs. Robt. Caldwell, Mrs. H. Moon, and Mrs. S. McVittie spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. T. Cole of Waterloo. Miss Margaret Wightman of Bel - grave visited at the home of Mr, Thos. Fairservice, jr., Londesboro, for a few days this week. The heavy windstorm which passed over Londesboro on Friday of last week shattered a large number of barn roofs in this vicinity besides consider- able damage to trees, silos, windmills, etc. The Methodist church belfry was also blown down and completely de- molished. It is our sad duty to announce the sudden death of Mr. John Lee, on Wednesday of last week, at his home on his farm near Londesboro. Deceas- ed was sitting in his chair smoking his pipe and reading a book when the sudden summons came. , He was huried in Londesboro cemetery on Friday afternoon. Electric Restorer for Meti Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once, Phoaphonol will male you a new Ivan. Price $t a box, or two for O. Mailed to any address. Tho Scobell Drug Co., tit. Catlutrines, On't. CANADA'S HAIR FASHION STORE GLENN CHARLES HAIR GOODS Our MiEs Glenn will be in Wingham on March 27th, at the Queen's Hotel, with a full line of Hair Goods—Switches, Pomps, Partings, Pin Curls, Transformations, Men's Wigs and Toupees:- We are pleased to demonstrate our goods. Glenn -Charles 89, KING STR ET TORONT Ladies desirous of having Miss Gleen call at residence, kindly leave address at Hotel. EXE RSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta HOMESEEKERS Low Round Trip Rates each Tuesday, March to October [reclusive Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Other points in proportion Return Limit two months. TOURIST BLEEPING CARS on all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped with bedding, can be secured at moderate rates through local agent. SETTLERS For settlers travel- ling with live stock and effects. SPECIAL TRAINS Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCO AND APRIL 10.20 p.m. Settlers and families without live stock should use REGULAR TRAINS Leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS No charge for Berths Home Seekers' Trains Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. during March, April, September and October, and at 2 p.m. and 10.20 p.m. during May, June, July and August. Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto ...».,..,-.........�... . ---..-..,.....r Special Notice Cash vs. Credit. Kindly take notice that on and after Monday,. April 14th next, we intend having two distinct prices, CASH and CREDIT. We have been figuring out this matter for some time and have come to the conclusion that it is the only proper method. -One exception only, the price of Queen Quality Shoes are fixed by the makers and these are the same all over Canada. We do not intend getting out a Spring Book- let this season for the reason that our cash prices • on all lines will be exactly the same as those quoted in Toronto catalogues. If we do not show you the kind you want, ask for the kind in So and So's catalogue and in nine cases out of ten we will have the same kind and as above stated you will find our prices the same, and do not forget all rips and soles tacked free on all Shoes bought from us. Our Spring Stock is now complete and is with- out doubt the best selection ever shown in Wingham. Willis C Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR 5'h'OE LADIES !,, Eczema Curable --Proof Now at 25c It is usually very costly to consult a special- ist in any diroa;se, but for 25 cents, on a special offer, we can now give to those suffering from Eczema or any form of skin disease absolutely instant relief, with prospect of an early cure. A special trial size bottle of Oil of Winter- green. inter- litol and tiseDnthe Laboratories the com- pounded D. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 441-‘444. 1NK A IT RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT Thousands of -wives, mothers and sisters Grp enthusiastic in their praise of ORRINE, because it has cured their loved one of the "Drink Habit" and, thereby brought happiness to their homes. Can be given secretly. ORRINE costs only $1 per box. Ask for free Booklet. J. W. McKibbon,. druggist, Wingham. "BEAUTIFUL HAIR" makes ev -ry woman beautiful, and all who desira to make the' mo -t of? their appearance have the opportunity of pay- ing a visit to Prof. Dorenwend OF TORONTO who will be at the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham, Friday, April 4th With an immense stook of the Latest Fashions in Hair Goods. A style to Suit Every Individual. "Ladies with Thin Hair." see and have a demonstration of THE DORL'NWEND TRANSFORMATION. They will give a charm and attractiveness to an otherwise plain face and will assist any woman to keep her youthful appearance, They aro superior to all others in Directs they pr,.duco when adjusted, in quality of hair and efficiency of workmanship. "A FREE DEMONSTRATION IS OFFERED TO ALL," Wigs, Transformations, Pompadours, Bangs, t'ronts, Waves, Switohee, Braids, Rte. ',Gentlemen If You Are Bald" call and son 'run DORENWL'ND SANITARY PATENT TOUPEE, which is a perfect protec- tion to the head. For natural effect, strength, durability, bygenio qualities, they are un- equalled. Besides this they will make any inan appear years younger, This Toupee is protected in all countries and mai' only be purchased from us. Da trot fall to call and see theme and 4.,.. ht rematrlbet date, THE DC RtNWEND COY. OF ' `O114 (The Rouse Of Quality Hair Goods.) X03-105 "! oNo l; ser. .. . O Company, may be had in our store on this 25 cent offer. This one bottle will convince you —we know it—we vouch for it. Ten years of success with this mild soothing wash, D.D.D. Prescription, has convinced us, and we hope you will accept the. special 25 cent offer on D.D.D. Prescription so that you also will be convinced. A. L. Hamilton, Druggist. CHRISTIE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 The Best Foods Save You Money Think this over and we believe you will find only one answer. The difference in price between Poor and the Best Foods is more than saved by the intense satisfaction in every bite, and also by the fact that there are NO UNEA.TABLE LEFTOVERS Good Biscuits. Are never overdone by flavouring. A biscuit that is rank with Vanilla, Lemon, Maple or any other flavour is not the biscuit of good taste. Our Biscuits are CAREFULLY SELEOTED ,A.ND , ALWAYS FRESH. Use Crisco. We believe Crisco to be nn- equalled for shortening and oake baking. Less of it is required than of either butter or lard, and used - accordiug to directions will be much cheaper. PER TIN - - • 80o )/i)OENTRAL,? T., STf ATFORD. ONT. The best practical training school in On- tario. Three departments--- COMMER- CIAL, SHORTHAND and ThaLOGRA- PIIY. All courses are thorough and practical. Teach err are experienced and graduates are placed in positions. We give individual attention and students may enter at any time. Write for our free catalogue at once. D. A, McLACHLAN • Prinolpitl Dr. de Van's Female Pills NO,, 'F A reliable French regulator; never fails. These Ills ars exceedin ly powerful In regulating the generative portion the la' a.KrRefuse all cheap !initiations. Dr.. an�radd TORONTO.) ' bMx411reoRO,, $t1lt1ur sold Ladies' Ready--o-wear We are showing the newest styles in Coats. and Suits. e • 1 Newest Dress Goods, Whipcords and Bedford Cord. Fide Tweeds for Coats to be made in the new Johnnie styles. HANNA St CO.