HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-03-27, Page 4Nic
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Men's Heavy Blue
.Serge Suits, $17.50
made of best West of England
three piece; fast colour and the
make that hold their shape
until you are ready to discard
Fancy Tweed an
Worsted Suits
at prices to suit everyone, in
brown and grey effects.
Specially priced at $1O, $15
and $18.
Men's and Boys' Rain Coats.
A great variety to choose from in the new styles
and cloths. Prices range from $8.50 to $18.00.
Hats and Caps are Here
for your inspection, in the new
hard and soft shapes. Prices,
$:t, X1.50, $2, and $3.
Boys' Tweed and Navy Blue Serge Suits in all
the new styles. Prics from $3:50 to $10.00.
Notice the new styles in Arrow Brand Collars
shown in each corner of. this ad. We carry these
in stock in � sizes. Try them and you will
have no others.
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Amongst present efforts of social
amelioration nono should appeal more
strongly to public support than those
which having regard to the fiats:e
manhood of the 3 cnpire seek to build
tip character and form habits of
discipline 111 hope, Cadet corps, boys'
brigades and other quasi -military
organizations have for many years
dun good work hut; the latest in•
etitution of this type,, the Boy Scout
movement, has within three yetis
attained to extraordinary influence
and popularity throughout the British
Empire and even in foreign countries.
Scouting ie essentially for the pur-
pose of character building, and it
includes training in discipline, un-
selfishness and courtesy, The Cana-
dian boy has usually plenty of ' are-
soureefulnees and self-reliance, which
scouting develops, so =Iola so that he
may be inclined to be too independent
and to be lacking in the other qualities
mentioned, In a Scout's training his
loyalty and obedience are developed as
matters of honour, and his instruction
in woodcraft, camp work, pioneering,
etc„ tends to make blas far more effi-
cient ae a, soIdier should he decide later
to adopt a military career, Personal
responsibility for his own physical de-
velopment and health are encouraged
in each buy, and be is trusted, on his
honour, "to do a good turn every
day." The movement is interdenomi-
national, and the prerogatives of
pastors and parents are not interfered
with, but the observance and practice
of whatever form of religion is pro-
fessed is insisted upon, The main
duty impressed upon each boy is the
daily practice of chivalry and helpful-
neeR tO others.
When inaugurated early in 1908 by
General Sir Robert Baden Powell,
the defender of Mafeking, the move-
ment was intended to be used by ex -
!sting boys' organizations, with, in
stone cases, unattached troops and
patrols. Its rapid spread has, how-
ever, resulted in separate organiza-
tions, and in Great Britain the Boy
Scouts' Association is now incorporat-
ed under royal charter with His Ma-
jesty, the Ring, as Patron and Sir
Robert Baden-Powell, as Chief Scout,
For the control and direction of the
movement in Canada upon lines of
general uniformity a headquarters
council was formed at Ottawa in 1910,
with an executive committee under
Elis Excellency the Governor General
(Earl Grey). Provincial Councils, each
with a commissioner and secretary,
were formed for the nine provinces.
On November 18, 1911, H. R. H. the
Governor General accepted the posi-
tion of Canadian Chief Scout vacated
by Lord Grey upon leaving Canada,
and all Canadian warrants are now
issued in His Royal Highness's name.
A contingent of 130 Scouts from Ca-
nada visited England for the corona-
tion under the command of Lieut. -
Col. F. Minden Cole. They were
honoured with a place along the route
of the coronation, and on July 4, they
attended aScouts' Rally to H. M., the
Ring in Windsor Great Park. On
September 30, 1911, the Boy Scouts of
Canada numbered 18,808 in 297 associ-
"The tie which binds Canada to the
motherland is stronger to -day than
ever it was before, and, Please God, it
will never be broken," --R, L, Borden,
Microbes in Your Scalp
Authorities say that a microbe
causes baldness. 11 you are losing
hair try our remedy at our risk.
Professor Unna, of Germany, and
Dr. Sabouraud, the great French
Dermatologist, claim that a mi-
crobe causes baldness, and their
theory has been verified by eminent
scientists. This microbe destroys
the hair follicles, in time causing the
scalp pores to close and the scalp to
become shiny. Then, it is believed
nothing will revive the growth. if
treated before this occurs, baldness
may be overcome.
We know of nothing that has
given such universal satisfaction in
treating the scalp and hair as Rexall
'193" Hair Tome. It has been de-
signed after long study to overcome
the cause of falling hair as discovered
by Prof. Unna, Dr. Sabouraud and
other scalp and hair specialists, and
we believe it will do more than any-
thing else can to rexnove dandruff and
stop falling hair; and if any human
agency can• promote a new growth
of hair it will do that, too.
We want you to make us prove it.
'We will pay for a month's treatment
of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic used dur-
ing a trial, if you will use it ac-
cording to •directions, and are not
thoroughly satisfied. When we will
do this, you surely should not hesitate
to at least try it.
Start the treatment today. Your
mere request will get your money
back if you want it. Two sizes, 600
and $1.00.
You can buy Rexall "93" Hair Tonic
in this community only at our store:
'wingitam The 111 ,tons Ontario
There is a Rexall Store in nearly every town
and city in the United States, Canada and
Great Britain. There is a different Rexall
Reinedy for nearly every ordinary bureau Bl—
each espacially designed for the particular ill
for which itis recommended.
The Rex,}I Stores are America'. areftest
Drug Stores
The Call of
the West.
Because of the emigration to
our. Western Provinces we occa-
sionally have a good farm placed
in our hands for sale at a sacra-
lice price.
Just think of a 200 acre farm
with fide buildings, good land,
big orchard, well fenced, in a
good locality, convenient to
school and churches, for the
'price of 100 acres.
We have seldom had an offer
like this iii our hands. Two
thousand casts, balance on mort-
gage. Must be sold at once.
Ritchie & Cosons
Buy your 0. P. R. Ticket$
from u*.
lir. Edison
has invented a New Record
that will rekindle all of your first
enthusiasm, in your Edison Phonograph
----a record that makes your Edison Phonograph far and
away the best sound -reproducing instrument that can be
.ad. The new record is called the Blue Amberol. It
not only has greater volume and decidedly the finest tone
of any phonograph record on the market, but
is practically unbreakable and will never wear
out. Go to your Edison dealer today and
ask him to play some of these wonderful
Blue Amberol Records. Then take them
home to keep and play the rest of your life.
Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 100 I.akiside Ave., Orange, N, 3., U. S. AA ,
A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at
EMINIMIZONNOMMainelane=tzdi.r`II11 ill I. 6I1s., b
HEN we have occasion to send money through the
maiI, we can do no better than follow the lead ofthe
business man, who long ago discovered that the easiest,
safest and simplest way is by Express Money Order.
Business men invariably remit lay this method. Women are rapidly
learning to appreciate the significance of this fact—and they) too, are
now Large users of Express Orders.
There Is an Express Office in your town—find it and make use of it. You'll be met by a
courteous and obliging agent, who will explain to you the advantages and simplicity of
Dominlon Express
%Foreign Cheques
Every railway station has
art Express' Office where
"Order." may be obtained,
and In almost every town
there are branch Offices
located In the residential
1S5 and under ... 3 cts.
Over 15 to 110.. 6 "
,10 " 30..10 "
" 30" 50..15"
" 50. at same rates
��'t\���\\\\\\\' \\\\\' v\ , \
Tomatoes, 16c for 13o
Standard Peas, 13o for 110
Maple Leaf Salmon 26c
Derby Salmon 20o
Quaker Baked Beans, 100 for 80
Corn, loo for 90
Sweet Rinkled Peas, 15a for..18c
Red Poppy Salmon 22c
Autumn Leaf " 180
Quaker Baked Beans, 13a for 10o
Champion Catsup, 20e for....15o
" 1. 10o for.... 8o
Heinze Sweet Pickles, 20o for, .17e
Celery Relish, 10o for ... , .... 90
6 lb. pails of Jam, SOo for....
10o Marmalade for
20o Jam for
Heinze Catsup, 25o for. , ... , 20o
St I. 160 for 13o
Torten Brand Pickles, 16o for13c
French Mustard, 5o for 4o
A,JVD S3 R%77?'.
.40o 10o gems of Jam for , ... 80
8o 160 Jam for 12o
15a Muskoka) Maple Syrup, a quart 25o
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 100 for.. 90 Gusto, 10o for 90
Puffed 'Wheat, 100 for 90 Quaker Oats, 25o for 22o
Shredded Wheat, 180 for ....110 Corn Starch, 10o for. 8o
dastard Powder, 5o for 4o Litster's 3 -rain. pudding 100 for 7o
bars Comfort Soap for..... ,25o 0 bars Magic Naptha for . , ..25o
6 bare Canada's best Soap....26o 12 bats Sailor Bay Soap ........250
50 Gold Dust Powder for.... 4b 6o Psarline for, .. , .. 40
5o Taptha Pfrwder for 4o 10o Old Dutch Cleanser 8o
100 Panshine Cleanser for 8o
Infants' #3elight, 1Oo for. .... 8o Buttermilk Complexion, 8 for,.lOo
Pure Castile, 8 for 25e Oatmeal Soap, 5 for....... , .. 4o
S1tfO. ` POLISH.
Sunbeam Oil Dret;sing,10o for8o Japanese Oil Dredsing,10o for...8o
Slack pat Shoe Dressing, 160 for....10o
.S'1OV POLL -574
Staab Polish, 10o for. , 74 1 Second Polish, 100 for 7o
Efsing Sun, 54 for 4o Itioketa' Blue, 5o for ..... .. ..40
Z.CA,x, SSUGAW. Ere.
400 Ceylon bulk Tea for 85o 80o Japan Teti for . 28o
400 Red Bose Tea for ..35o Dated, 10o for 80
Pure Lard at 15o Compound Lard at 180
Redpath Granulated Sugar, 18-
TN as».`t 1V1ARcn 7, 10,
Kerr & Bird
Journal Patterns Free To All
Monthly Fashion Sheet Home Journal
Advance Showing
of Spring Goods
New arrivals in every department signalize the near
approach of spring. Very interesting are the ideas
prevailing in the new goods for Spring 1913.
New Dress Goods and Suitings.
New Vestings, Foulards and Prints.
New Art Sateens and Creton,
New Laces, Insertions. and Embroidery.
New Allover Lace and Embroidery.
New Flouncing and Underwear Embroidery.
New Carpet Squares and Rugs.
New Boots and Shoes.
New Gloves and Hosiery.
New Chinaware, plain and fancy.
Another lot of those choice Prunes regular 10c ib. now
4 lbs. for 25c, a:
Coral Toilet Soap, 3 cakes in box, regular 15c for 10c
per box.
Choice Evaporated Peaches, 1 lb. packages 2 for 25c.
Choice Seeded Raisins, 3 packages for 25c.
25c fins Cream Maple now only 15c a tin.
Bargains in Oranges, regular 30c doz. now only 20c doz.
Sweet and Sour Pickles also Cucumbers in brine.
New Garden Seeds Now in stock. Full Packets No, 1
Seed. 3 Packets for 10c.
WANTED.—Large quantities Butter, Eggs, White Beans,
Dried Apples, Etc.
Now that spring is drawing near the busy house-
wife will be making preparations for house cleaning
and some particular room will want a new Linoluem,
another room Oilcloth and still another a Rug or
Never has this store been so well stocked in all these
lines as we ake passing into stock the last
few weeks.
Nairs Scotch Linoelums of excellent designs ;. Eng-
lish floor oils, lovely patterns ; border Oilcloths and
Inlaid Linoleurns.
Rugs And Carpets.
We have an unusually large stock of Rugs now in ;
including Union Rugs for bed -room ; Granite Rugs,
something entirely new, from $4.00 to $ i o.00 ;
Tapestry Rugs, Velvet Rugs, English manufacture ;
Brussels Rugs, Axminster and Wiltons, in price
from $6.00 to $4o.00.
We lead in House Furnishings. Call and see our
stock before buying elsewhere.
2 Cars Of Sugar Now In
Por a short time we will sell for cash Wallaceburg
Sugar at $7.45 cwt., Redpath extra granulated
$4,85 ; in 300 Ib. lots, 5c cwt. less ; 20 Ib, sack $1.00.
Phone 89
J. A. Mills
(Successor to T. A. MILLS)