The Wingham Advance, 1913-03-20, Page 741. 400.0.. J tillIntSDNitt MA1CRr 20, 1913 THE WI WINGUAIVI ADVA N°,y/ BIG HALF PRICE JEWELRY SALE COMMECNING SATURDAY, MARCH 1st, ENDING MARCH 31st • DIAMONDS AT HALF PRICE 1 Ladies' Cluster Ring, 7 diamonds; sells reg- $45 ular at $90, for 1, Ladies' Ring, 14 diamonds and 1 opal; sells $70 regular at $140, for 1 Ladies' Diamond Ring; sells regular at $29.50 $59, for 1 Ladies' Ring, 2 pearls, 1 diamond; sells reg- $17 ular at $35, for 1 Ladies' Diamond Ring; sells r^gular at $30, $15 for 1 Ladies' Diamond Ring; sells regular at $18, $9 for 1. Ladies' Diamond Ring; seise r gular at $13.50 $27, for 2 Ladies' Diamond Rings; sell regular at $11.50 $23 each, for, eaoh , .. , 1 Ladies' Twin Ring, diamond and ruby ; sells $11 regular at $22, for 2 Ladies' three stone Rings, diamond and em- eralds; regular $14 each, for, each $7 1 Gent's Diamond Ring; sells regular at $30, for $15 1 Gent's Diamond Tie Pin; sells regular at $12 $24, for 1 Gent's 15 stone, Diamonds, Tie Pin; $175 special price PEARL RINGS AT HALF PRICE 5 Ladies' 3 stone Pearl Rings; sell regular at $6 eaoh; for, each $3 100 6 stone Pearl Rings; sell regular at $14 eaoh; for, each$7 ....... 4 single stone Pearl Rings; sell regular atWG. I$4.50 each; for, each $2 25 w ■ wM w w 11 �2111111111110:11 a"w_� ■ 'll ■ 1111.. MINawaaa. wtwlaal ir111l11111 11111111111111111111' 11 411MISTS IF MM �MMMM11MMrMMiMM/tr allia mresetemsammameaneWM,WMMIVUW~MW1WWW1VMMIMYINWMFIMAMMI NO GOODS GIVEN OUT WITHOUT THE SPOT CASH Your choice of any article in the store at 20 per cent, discount. ,THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR W INGHAM WATCHES AT HALF PRICE 4 Gents' 20 yr. Watches, gold filled cases, Elgin movement ; sell regular at $16 each ; for, each • MOO 1 Gent's 8 day' coin silver Watch ; sells reg- ular at $16; for $8.00 1 Gent's coin silver Watoh, 17 jewels; sells regular at $14; for $7.00 $10.00 $5.50 5 niokle case Watches, fever movements; sell regular at $4; for, eaoh $2.00 1 Gent's Stop Watch; sells regular at $6; $.00 for CLOCKS AT HALF PRICE 12 8 day Clocks; sell regular at $4,00 each; for, each $2.00 24 Alarm Clocks; sell regular at $1.00 each; 50c for, each , 6 Alarm Clocks; sell regular at $1.50 each; 75c for, each Regular at $1.30 each, for 65c 2 Gents' 20 yr. gold filled cases, 17 jeweled movement; sell regular at $20; for... 4 Gents' 16 jewelled movements in nickel oases; sell reg. at $11 each; for, each . • 3 Black Mantel 8 day Clocks; sell regular at $8 50 each; for, each .... $4.25 1 Grandfather Cloak, 6i feet high; sells $10 00 regular at $20.00; for 30 Gold and Silver Headed Umbrellas at half pried. 25, Hand Bags at half price. Brass Goode at half price. 25 pieces of Out Glass at half price. Toilet Sets and Manicure pieces of all kinds at half price. , 50 Watch Fobs at half price. -,•,: -... ,.. •3.•V•0►r'e�.4'!W'.i .. .-'p.:.. Psi ..rh-�.7.W. ,. ..:1•• ,;zY�.i :S:,„;:t �:.r. �:'�.'.}°�•4ri.0 '/ry ABROAD statement—Yet literally true. The aim of man from the beginning has been to make his building materials as nearly like nat- ural stone as possible. The great labor required to quarry stone led him to . seek • various manufactured substitutes. The only reason he ever used wood was that it was easiest to get aids most convenient to use. Wood is no longer easy to get. Like most building material, its cost is in- creasing at an alarming rate. The cost of concrete is decreasing. So, from the standpoint of either ser- vice or economy, Concrete is the best building material. Canada's farmers are using more concrete, in proportion to their numbers, than the farmers of any other country. Why ? Because they are being supplied with Canada Cement Without this label it is not "Canada” Cement. a cement of the highest possible quality, which in- sures the success of their, concrete work. The secret of concrete's popularity in Canada lies in the fact that while we have been advertising the use of concrete, we have also been producing, by scien- tific methods, a cement so uniformly high in quality that the concrete made with it gives the complete satisfaction our advertisements promised. Concrete would not have been in such universal use today, had an inferior grade of cement been suppl:Jd. Insist upon getting Canada Cement. It is your best assurance of thoroughly satisfactory results from your concrete work. There is a Canada C ;ment dealer in your neighborhood. Write for our Free r6o page book "What The Farmer Can Do Wit Concrete" —No farmer can afford to be without a copy. Canada Cement Company Limited • t.Iontreal .4 DUDLEY IIOLMES Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham. CAST•RI For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Ream the eignatara of Not Here Of Course. A post office clerk kept tab on the number of times a certain fatnily's mail was called for in nnc, day. Four. children came 4 times each= -that made sixteen ; the mother dsupped lit N. out five in the evening on her way 1 ome from the store. After supper the head of the family walked nn t.r' the window and demanded his mail. When informed that there was no- thing for him, he blandly inquuu��+ "Ain't there no papers?" Being asked what paper he received, be replied : "0, I don't take none regler, but sometimes I get a sample copy." As the window closed for the night the clerk gasped, "0, Lord, deliver us." Read ! It deans You. We wish to announce to the worthy publio of Wingham and vicinity that we have all ready in onr store a very large assort- ment of all kinds of Men's Spring Wearing. Speoial a.tteution has been paid to Men's Ready-made Snits. We could guarantee you a Snit which will be according to your taste, also at very reasonable price. We are also making Snits •to your measure. We have special lines id Blue Serge Shits, the 'very best cloth, the very best make, also the very best prices. Give us a trial Thr your next snit; we guarantee full satisfaction. We have also a large assortment of Boys' Suits, very cheep, and best gttality. Now, what Dbout your being protected from softness We have in a very large assortment of Baia Coats, guaranteed water- proof, best quality, reasonable prices. Any bow, before you are doing your Spring buying, see us firpt; you would not be worry. See also onr prices in Boots and $hoes. COOPER HERMAN THE BARGAIN STORE OPPOSITE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. WIN MI AMVM Every girl has an not like other girls—and she isn't. idea that nhe Offer For Farmers. Draw a sketch of your farm, giving the number of acres in each field, the kind of soil and the kind of crops grown on it for the past three years. Also specify the line you are particu- larly interested in, namely, dairying, beef production, sheep or hogs, or grain growing. Distance from the market has also to be considered. Send this to the Commission of Con- servation, Ottawa, and they will make suggestions that • will be a material help in deciding the best crop rota- tion for your farm. Rural Mail Patrons. A new regulation of the postoffice department requires rural mail -car- riers to transact money order and postal note business for box -holders on their respective routes, and also to carry a supply of stamps, sufficient to meet the requirements of the pat- rons, and to accept letters for regis- tration from box -holders, and give receipts therefor. In this way the rural delivery system will become a poetofljce on wheels, and will add much to the increasing conveniences of rural life. Patrons of rural deliv- ery will be supplied with blank appli- cations for money orders and postal notes, to be used as occasion arises. The patron will prepare the applica- tion and hand it, together with the purchase money, to the courier, who will give a receipt therefor, and will purchase the money order or postal note at the distributing office, and deliver it to the box -holder on his next trip ; or the courier may he en- trusted with the open letter in which to enclose the money order or postal note, and thus save time. In the case of registered letters for box -hold- ers, the postmaster of the distributing office will notify the box -holder of the arrival of the registered article, and the box -holder will be required to give the courier an order on the post- master to deliver the article to the courier, and the box -holder will be ex- pected to meet the courier on his next trip,'and give a receipt on delivery of the article, Registered letters on which the postage and registration fees have been fully paid, will be accepted by the courier and repeipt is given therefor. imememsMilMiltqatletadOm ,,,r..,bi The ProprieiaryorPatentMedicineAct. r AVcgetablc Preparation forAs- sun:lat %the Food ggqdRec;ular. ,linslheStomach and Bowelsor For Infants.. and Oiiilaronl. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signatuio of . Promotes Di eplioli,Chcoll=; rtes 's and t Conialnsnetliltr., Opit:tn4,1\1orp1tlite not i'�aerai. *Yr NAMC ATP a,'old Dr.X11�:'UL1I'11tom' ktrni1 n ,Srcd- :r1Lae-arta Iloddf Sd1- �Qnrse .S're�iC� �•�' 71lfCa itil afro, list Nil!! litif we t fe lip Aviegvrs Aperfect Remedy forConslipa• lion, SourStompch,Dlarrhoea, Worpts,Convulsions,Fcverisk. Hess and LOSS OF SLEEP. ,FacSimile Signature of 'Ma CeNTAURC''MPAXY $ONTRUAI(, d,NI'iW YOR It In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy, of Wrapper. 7H4t a,CNYAUP3 COMPANY, NkW YORK CITY. Capital Paid Up $3,000,000. Reserve $3,750,000. Total Assets Over $48,000,000. BANKOF HAMILTON Providing For Your Family. SUPPLYING your family with present•day com- forts, does not constitute your only financial obliga- tion to them. Their futnre demands more consideration than their wants of today. If anything should happen to you, you would not want your boy to give up his education, or yoar wife and daughter to be thrown out on the world to struggle for a living The surest way of providing for your family's future is to save your money. Deny yourself a few extravagances now. that they may have comforts always. Ono dollar will open an ac- count with this batik, and inter- est at the highest current rate will be credited every six mouths C. P. SMITH AGENT - WINGHAM -111111111.11111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111, ake Us Prove It +"3 We dare not exaggerate to you. We are dependent upon your patronage. To get it we must have your trust and confis dence. We make the following, statements with a full under. standing of what they mean to us. You are safe when you believe in these statements. For the Bowels If you only knew as much as we and those who have used them know about Rexall Orderlies, you would be as enthusiastic about recommend- ing them as we are. They taste just like candy. They act so easily and so pleasantly that the taking of them is a pleasure. Even children like Rexall Order- lies; and you know that if a medi- cine appeals to a child, it will appeal to grown-ups. ??"4. .101 help chase gloom, dispel blues and make you feel happy by their splen- did tonic, cleansing and strengthen- ing effect upon the bowels. — They act to free the system — and keep it free-- from the distress and ill feeling that naturally results from irregular and inactive bowels. Rexall Orderlies do this quietly, without griping or causing nausea, purging or excessive looseness. They act to overcome and remove the cause of bowel ills and in a short time usually make unnecessary the con- ° tinned use of physics and purgatives; thus tending to stop such unhealthy habits as may have been formed. Make us Prove This We do not ask you to take our word for this. We want you to make us prove it, and at no cost to you. Buy a box of Rexall Orderlies at our store. Use them once, or use up the whole box. Then, if you are not thoroughly satisfied, just come back empty handed and tell us. Without obligating you or question- ing you we will return the money you paid us for them. Doesn't that indicate that Rexall Orderlies are at least worthy of trial? Doesn't it prove our faith in them? Doesn't it merit your confidence? Could any offer bo more fair to you? We particularly recommend Rexall Orderlies for children, delicate and aged persons. Rexall Orderlies comp in convenient vest-pocket size tin boxes. 12 tablets, 10e; 36 tablets, 25c; 80 tablets, 50c. ,,„A CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Rexall Orderlies aro not sold by all drug- gists. You can buy Rexall Orderlies only at, the Rexall Stores. You can buy Rexall Orderlies in this community only at our store: J. WALTON McKIBBON Wingham The Zcxclet Store Ontario There Is a Rexall Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill -- each especially designed for the particular ill for which it is recommended The Rexall Stores are America's Greatest Drug Stores. THIRTY DAYS' SALE AT GRISDgI,E'S GROCERY. CA JO VVED GOODS. Tomatoes, 15o for 130 Standard Peas, 13o for 110 Maple Leaf Saltnon 25c Derby Salmon 200 Quaker Baked Beans, 10c for 8a Corn, 100 for % Sweet Rinkled Peas, 150 for...18o Red Poppy Salmon 22c Autumn Leaf " 18o Quaker Baked Beans, 13o for l0c CATSUPS AND PICKLES. Champion Catsup, 200 for....15o " 't 10o for.... 8o Heinze Sweet Pickles, 20o for. ,17o Celery Relish, 10o for 90 Heinze Catsup, 25c for. , , ...20c " " 160 for 13o Tarte!). Brand Pickles, 15c for13c French Mustard, 5o for 4o ,YAMS AND SYRUP. 6 lb. pails of Jam, 50o for. , ..40c 10o gems of Jam for 8o loo Mermalade .for 8c 15o Jam for 12c 20o Jam for 15o Muskoka Maple Syrup, a quart 25o D?REAKFAST FOODS. Kellogg's Corn Flakes, loo for,90 Puffed Wheat, toe for 90 Shredded Wheat, 18o for 110 costars powder, 50 for 4o SOAP'S A ND 0 bars Comfort Soap for a bars Canada's beat Soap So Gold Dust Powder for 5o Naptha Powder for 100 Panshi}le Gusto, 10o for 90 Quaker Oats, 26o for 22o Corn Staroh, 10o for 8q Liteter's %-min. pudding 100 for fro WASHING POW D.F'.S". 25o 6 bare Magic Naptha for ....250 .25o 12 bars Sailor Boy Soap 25o . 4o 5,o Pearline for 4a 40 loo Old Dutch Cleanser Se, Cleanser for 8o `t'arLET .SOAPS. Tntante' Delight, 10o for, .. , . 8o Buttermilk Complexion, 3 for..lOo Pilre Pottle, d for..., . , . , . , , Oatuleal Soap, 5 for 40 SI1QB FOLXS r. lunaeam Oil DreEaiug, loo for, ,8o Japanese 011 Dressing, loo fol:, , . So Black Cat Shoe Dressing, 15o for....10o STOVE POLI, S1-1. F3taon Polish, 10o for 7o 1 Second Polish, 10o for . .7o Rising Sun, 6o for 40 1 tokets' Blue, So for 4o TEAS, St/044. R ETC. 40o Ceylon bulk Tea for 85e 80o Japan Tea for 25o 40o Rod Rose Tea for.. , .......85o Dates, loo for 8o Pare Lard at 15o Compound Lard at 130 Redpath Granulated Sugar, 18 ib...$1.00 ' WOW RS. GRI,SDAL 1 THE LEADING STORJE Arrivals of New Spring Goods We are passing into stock daily. the Newest and Daintiest of Dress Goods, Suitings, Gloves, Hosiery, Veilings, Laces, Embroideries, White- wear, Waists, Tailored Suits, Skirts and Spring Coats. NEW DRESS GOODS An attractive display of some of the latest importations of English and French materials for Ladies' Spring Suits including Fancy Tweeds, Serges, Whipcords, Broadcloths, Ottoman Cords. HANDSOME NEW SUITS 4 For Misses and Women. Made of Black and Navy English Serge, Diagonals and pretty Tweeds, smart models that are Vali stylish and handsome. Suits are beautifully lined and well tailored, showing the new cutaway effect trimmed with novelty buttons. Prices range thus --$12.50, $14.50, $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00. r,......,0013,......a . a.. NEW COATS. Women's new Coats for Spring wear. Styles absolutely correct. Take a look ,et our large range. Prices begin at $5.00. 11. 1J. ILXLIU lx VVK. F �n�. � vssisimarinissamonommassivamaimansmi r 1VIcGEE & CAMPBELL Pisso1ved Partnership The business will be continued by W. A. CAMPBELL All accounts owing the firm. up to January 1, 1913, are payable at once to R. S. McGee. Our Sale will close Saturday night, March 22nc1. We wish to Thank our many friends for their very liberal patronage during our six years of business dere.. CafflJ1b11 CLOTH I.E12S FUR/JSIIE 2.S' • 1„