HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-03-20, Page 44114'4N4I4..p..Vierre.. KDiG BR 3rd Annual MARCH SALE Throngs of ECONOMIC BUYERS are sharing in the WONDERFUL VALUES we are now offering on all lines of General Merchandise. Are You Getting Your Share; We want to clear out the balance of our Winter stock in all departments and have not spared PROFITS on any of these. $2500 worth • of Furs and Fur Coats. 12 Ladies' Fur Lined Coats. 8 Ladies' Fur Trimmed Coats. 50 odd Muffs and Stoles, mostly Western Sable, Alaska Sable, Persian Lamb and Mink. 20 Men's Fur Coats, Canadian Coon, Dog and Calf. Men's and Ladies' Fur Caps. . a `ri Alf : ' Men's and Boys .� .. ti's• �w�i Suits and Over- coats, all new and up-to-date stock at which appear to the most economic Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Japanese Maftings and Window Shades at a saving of 15 to 25 per cent. prices. buyers. Come and get your 'share of bargains while they last. Terms Cash. 'Phone 71. Produce Wanted. ING BROS. 011 1.1111111.111 .. I GRAM ADVANCE PATRIOTISM VS. PART1SANK uipt For fifteen long years, Sir Wilfred Laurier and his party were masters at Ottawa. On September 21, •1011, tbo good people of Canada lured ante her Administration and ever singe then rho (1irrxli88ed Helwatr►t$ have bee+la most petulant and irritable ; in shor'f, they have been poor losers, Seine defeated ministers and, a few members who thought they were in eight of port- folios, are instrumental in holding up the following important business hop- ing they may personally gain by a • general election, 1—The Bank Act. 2-1 he Canada -West Indies Trade Agreement, E3111, 3 --Mr. Burrell'cr bill to give ten million dollars for agricultural ad- vancement. 4—Mr. Cochra re's bill to give a mil- . lion dollars for highway improve- ' men t. 5—The bill to amend the Customs • and Fisheries Protection Act and incidentally to discourage steam tr,t,wling.. a --The bill to incl a :tse Wet: tern re- p-esentation in the Senate. 7—The government railways provi dent fund bill. 8--A dozen public bills introduced by private members. 9 --Nineteen private bills dealing with important commercial interests. 10 --No supply has yet been voted, In March, 1900, little New Zealand offered a Dreadnought, and such other addition to its strength as might be determined after consultation with London. During all these fifteen years, Sir Wilfred dilly dallied and contributed nothing to the defence of Canada and the Empire. He would not consent to our boys going to South Africa, until a storm of pro- test was raised. However, this is all in keeping with his statement in other days, that had he been on the banks of the Saskatchewan he would have shouldered his rifle against British troops. Now when a man has arisen to the occasion, and proposes to spend $35,000,000 for throe Dread- noughts and loan them to Britain to be recalled when desired, these anti - imperialists come forward and ob- struct, not only this, but Canada's business, lowers the dignity of the Commons, holds Canada up to ridicule in the eyes of her sister states, her motherland and the world at large. A Liberal British Government and the Admiralty say a grave emergency exists. Laurier and his lieutenants say there is none. Who ie the better authority ? Great Britain has spent $400,000,000 to protect us. We hao'e borrowed from her $2,,152,245,000 for our provinces, municipalities, rail- roads, etc. Ought we not do some- thing in return ? If the opposition really want a Canadian navy and are successful at the polls, three Sears hence they can then call home their three Dreadnoughts and proceed. But they cannot wait ; they believe the people regret their defeat and are just awaiting the first opportuni- ty to put them back on the Treasury benches. Are they actuated by Patri- otism or Partisanship ? Their motto seems to be "Happen what may to the Empire, we must be returned to power." HE GAVE HIMSELF. He put his heart into his work, Forgot the bruises that it caused Forgot the little things that irk, And so forgetting, never paused. He gave his task the best he had, Regardless that his fight was grim, And in the end the task, my lad, Gave back the best it had to him. He gave himself completely to The work confronting him each day, Forgetting, if he ever knew, That others trod an easier way. Battered and bruised and faint and sore, He still put in the best he had, And from his work drew more and more Of what was best, and he was glad. He gave himself to life, and faced, With all the strength that he pos- sessed, Its trials, seeking not in haste To shirk its duties, or to rest. Unwincing, uncomplainingly Ile bore the bitter blows of strife, He gave his best to life, and he Won back the best there is in life. The Call of the West. Because of the imigration to our Western Provinces we occa. sionally have a good farm placed in our hands for sale at a sacri. Tice price. , Just think of a 200 acre farm with fine buildings, good land, big orchard, well fenced, in a good locality, convenient to school and churches, for , the price of 100 acres. We have seldom had an offer like this in our hands. Two thousand cash, balance 011 mort gage. Must be sold at once. Ritchie & Cosens REAR ESTATE AND INSURANCE Buy your C. P. R. TiltYkcts front tit. You will want to hear more of the U lue Amberol Records as soon as you've heard the first In tone they are finer and clearer than any other records made. They are more lifelike. Play them once or play them 3,000 times and the result is the same, for Blue Arnberol Records can't wear out. What's more, they are practically unbreakable. They are musical and mechanical triumphs. Your dealer will be gad to play them for you or we' 11 send particulars. Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, N. J., U. S. A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at 1,1111 11.+1 d. n 13AVID BELL I I Y L 111 tatalltaiLl THE DO1NION BANK SIR EDMUND B. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS, VIOE-PRESIDENT. . C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital paid up • - $5,000,000 Reserve Fund - • ' - • $5,000,000 Total Assets - s - • $75,000,000 Financial Headway of the sure and permanent kind is rarely made without the assistance of a Savings Bank Account. It stimulates saving, keeps the money' in absolute safety, increases it with interest, and provides the ready cash to take advantage of the business opportunities which coma ones way. ai>tsa WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. 1 1 r A I Examine Our Complete Line of "C K UTT" PLOWS AND FARM IMPLEMENTS PROFITABLE farm demands the very best implements. The name "Cockshutt " represents the highest procurable quality. We are local agents, and can supply you with any article of their line promptly. Let us show you Cockshutt implements or tell what the particular implement in which you are interested can do for you, if you select a Cockshutt design, ecxnH�tt4'' �gaANTro146, CAHAI► CALL AND SEE US Call on us before you buy. We can do several things for you, We can give you prompt service on both machines and repairs. We may have an improved model for you. We may have special plow bottoms exactly suited to your land. It Is to your interest that we show you catalogues Here are Some of the Lines You Can Get Here • Seeders Disc Harrows Drag Harrows Cultivators Corn Cultivators Rakes Hayloaders Mowers Binders Manure Spreaders Wagons Carriages Gas Engines PLOWS—Every kind of Sulky, Gang, Disc, Hand Q>r Riding Gang Plow. _ J. J. FRYFOGLE, - Agent WING HAM a. • d.:.....;� e,.40 • ;...M..• th,:, uyq�i� 5-41 9 Dominion Express Money Order Service Includes "Courtesy" POSSIBLY you've never had occasion to send money by mail. Possibly you have sent money but never by Express Money Order. When you do have occasion to send money through the mail, a call at the nearest office of the Dominion Express Company will result in an easy and pleasant transaction. On your part–a simple request and a mention of the amount to be remitted. The agent then hands you your Money Order, all ready for enclosure --and that Order can only be cashed by the one to whom it is addressed. Is it any wonder that most people are adopting the Express Order as the safe, simple and satisfactory way? Madam --next time you have money to send anywhere, use ti. omhuioii Express Mone Orders OFFICES Every railwaystation bar as Express ()Mee where •' order," mar be chained, and in almost every town there Rte braneh of'iees looted In t h e real. dcatis1 d1 tries. or roreign Cheques RA TaS SS and ender • .. 3 eta. flier ES to $10. 6 " "10"30.10" "10"SO.15" 504 at slow atter a m THE PROFIT SHARING STORE WINGIEIAM Kerr & Bird AGENTS -Home "GOOD DRESSING" AGENTS -Ladies' Journal Patterns Monthly Fashion Sheet home Journal Free To All Advance Showing of Spring Goods New arrivals in every department signalize the near approach of spring. Very interesting are .the ideas prevailing in the new goods for Spring 1913. New Dress Goods and Suitings. New Vestings, Foulards and Prints, New Art Sateens and Creton. New Laces, Insertions and Embroidery. New Allover Lace and Embroidery. New Flouncing and Underwear Embroidery. New Carpet Squares and Rugs. New Boots and Shoes. New Gloves and Hosiery. New Chinaware, plain and fancy. Our Big Railroad Sale of all Winter (Goods will be continued throughout the month of March. This Season's New Styles of D. & A. Corsets at special prices for another week. Take advantage of this special sale of new goods. New Garden Seeds Now in stock. Full Packets No. 1 Seed. 3 Packets for 10c. WANTED.—Large quantities Butter, Eggs, White Beans, Dried Apples, Etc. " [Awakening of Spring Spring Goods Are Rapidly Filling Our Store Although it is quite early in the season, our store is fast filling with the newest Spring Goods that can be bought. We are showing new Dress Goods, Angora Suitings in Plain and Stripe, Glorada Suiting in the newest weaves, Fancy Mercerised goods, Embroidery of different lengths, Bordered Wash goods, °rums English Prints—new patterns, Ginghams—in fact everything that is correct for Spring. We handle the famous D. & A. Corsets ; a fall stock now in, from 60c to $2.50. Also the Bust Form Brassieres and Good Shape Brassieres. Window Curtains, ,Curtains Scrim, Nets, Etc. Snaps In Groceries 3 packages New Seeded Raisins -25c. Sultana Raisins ---3 lbs. 25e. Good Salmon -20e. A car of No. 1 Granulated Sugar, guaranteed pure cane, to arrive next week—$4.75 cwt., cash. Leave your order at the store and Sugar will be delivered from the car. No Sugar will be charged at this price. Car No. 1 Granulated Redpath Sugar was shipped from Montreal on March 11th, should arrive on March. 20th. Price, $4.85 cwt. ; $4.80 in 80011b. lots or more. Best grades Flour always in stork ; Golden City, Universal and Celebrated Royal Household Brands. Bran, Shorts, end all kinds Feed. ameemameessillimanausionimismosaimmaisammasaritsitaiiimsamassitima PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WANTED. J. A. Mills (Successor to T. A. MILLS) WINGHAM