HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-02-27, Page 8• MH, 1 WINGRAM ADVANCE RAINBOW FLOUR MAKES GOOD BREAD Pure Manitoba Flour, made from Choicest Wheat. Rainbow Flour Will help your reputation as a good cook. Put tip in 24 lb. cotton bags. FOR SALE BY J. HENRY CURLSTIF3 NNa'Q\\�\�\�\\\\�.\\\�\� • WHEN we have occasion to send money through the mail, we can do no better than follow the lead of the business man, who long ago discovered that the easiest, safest and simplest way is by Express Money Order. Business men invariably remit by this method. Women are rapidly learning to appreciate the significance of this fact—and they, too, are now large users of Express Orders. There is an Express Office in your town—find it and make use of it. You'll be met by a courteous and obliging agent. who will explain to you the advantages and simplicity of Dominion Express Every railwsy station bas an Express Office where 'Orders" may be obtained, and in almost every town there are branch Offices located In the residential \ districts. onel Order s Foreign Cheques ISEED I 1 c We have in stock a quantity of choice Seed Oats for quick sale at 60 cts. per bus. These are extra fine sample E of bright heavy Oats weighing about 40 lbs. per bushel and have had no rain. Now is the time for you to secure your seed and we can show you something really good in this line. Also Alsike, Timothy, Red Clover, Alfalfa and Barley. L'__°J FARM. FOR SAL The north parts of lots 15 and 16, con. 2, Morriss, comprising 120 acreb ; good soil, in flrst•c1ass state of cultivation ; two aoree of orchard and five acres of bush. This farm Is seven miles from Wingham, 2} from Bluevale; buildings first-class, Easy terms of payment. Apply to— J. E. EARR,BN D, 20-27 Bluevale Or to Dudley Holmes, Wingham, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. 1 will receive marked tenders tip to noon on the 17th day of March x,ext, for a two-story cement building, 22x35. to bo erected at the goal in the town of tloderieb. Tenders for whole work or for scparato trades will be eott- tcldered. A Marked elitquo for ten per Bent. of tendered price must accompany tender. No tender neeea;earily aeecpted. Plana and _specs. fleabane aatn be seen in the County Clerk's Oinrb. B. C. Mt3NNINGS, Chairrnan of Com. Dated, Goderlch, Feb. 10th. IAia. RATES S5 and under ... 3 cts. Over SS to $10 .. 6 " " 10 " 30 ..10" 30" 50..15" 50, at same rates GET YOUR SPRING SUIT NOW have a large fresh stock of 41e best and latest goods, which are sure to please. Suitable for Ladies and Gentlemen. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. E. C. WHITE MAXWELL'S OLD STAND. Phone 227, OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON. Farm Wanted. • x.344: Ra • SATURDAY AFTERNOON !t� k! AT 2 O'CLOCK • WE WILL COMMENCE 10 CLEARINU THE DECKS 10 • WATCH OUR WINDOW ft 4' 10 >ti 10 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Store Will exchange good town property for a good farm close in to Wingham. Apply by letter to Box 10, ADVANCE OFFICE, OWNERS WANTED FOR STOLEN WATCHES. Ladies Gold hunting -ease Satoh, No. 743011, Walton movement, monogram "A.B.D." engraved on outside. Silver open-faced watch, Ami. Walton move- mens. No 4074408. Silver hunting -case watch. gold, stop watch, "N. Norden, L L.O.C. . (apparently maker'a name) engraved inside, N. 1163. Owners please telephone A. WHITESIDE, High Constable of Huron, Henstll, Ont. Itch Gone Instantly What *Irmaa sii l`errer would not *vend 2i cel is to cure that terrible agoni?.inx itch? ...ince our rep Mb ret! mn enriettiontt tailed t0 include *Ube externt ottfltdre'e rigs=t; Iry situs town to try D A1)l. D. Presteriptlou at $I 00 a bottle. we wan aurin -ad with the D.D.D. Lftbora• torten toalai trial - for the vett't--• a a rt anal 96.ate . dotes IsPe40.1 bOlael Proof at 25c nominal uric`°. to made to osnralt a trial by ayery akin sufferer, D.1 D. Proceedption will o'arlvinre /On in. artnntl7, for it takes ttto itch sway the very moment you stn �tto witch the skin, and it ou'ree- .aas wo KNOW, 1r, %fa m'ilioli, Druggist, MARSHALL'S aaaaesnaR. SPECIAL CRUISE AROUND THE WORLD EMPRESSES OF `RUSSIA' and `ASIA' (New C. P. R. Pacific Steamships) The Empress of Russia will leave Li- . verpool April lst, calling at Gibraltor, • Villofranohe and Port Said, proceeding via - Suez, Colombo„ Singapore, Hong Kong, - Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe and Yokohama, arriving Vancouver June 7th 1913 Vessell remains 16 days at Hong Kong. Empress of Asia will sail from Liverpool - .lune lath. particulars of trip will be an. pounced later. - Mot direct connection for April 1st sail- ing is via "Empress of Britain" from Sr. = John, N.B., March 21st. RATE FOR ENTIRE CRUISE $639.10 Exclusive of maintenance between arrival time in Enffland and departure of "Empress of Russia,' and stopover at Hong Kong ' Get particulars from Ritchie & CosenQ, Town Agents, phone 123 ; 3, H. Beemer, Station Agent, phone 7. ; or write M. G. MURPHY C,P.13y„ Toronto. .•••..,...,. - 11 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Each TUESDAY MARCH 4 to OCTOBER 28 (inclusive) Via Chicago. and St. Paul Winnipeg and return, $35.00 Edmonton and return, 43.00 Tickets good for 60 days. Propor- tionate low rates to other points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta The Grand. Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Win- ni eq. Saskatoon, Edmonton. Time 'fables. Land Pamphlets and other descriptive literature relative to the Grand Trunk Pacific Ety. may be obtained from nearest Grand Trunk .Agent. H. B:` Elliott, Town Passenger Sc Ticket Agent.; phone 4. W. Burgman, Station , Ticket Agent ; phone U. ....,1 1.l Farm For Sale. South half of lot 35, con. 9, East Wavdanosh ; 100 acres, 2' miles from Bplgrave, ?4 mile from school and post - office ; well -watered, comfortable house, frame barn and straw -shad, with stone stabling under both. For sale at a bargain. For futher parti- culars apply on the premises. ESAIAS PEAHEN, Marnoch P. O. - PURE BRED HEREFORDS. Clearview Farm is offering for sale four young Bulls, and a number of females of all ages. These will, be sold at bargain prices, to make room for natural increase. H. T. PERDUE, 23— Wingham P.O. North Huron Phone --line G13, ring 12. East Wawanosh. Mr. Wm. Hallahan lost a fine horse last week. Mr. Wesley Quinn of Winnipeg has gone for a short visit at Parkhill 'be- fore returning home, ffi -- Mrs. Geo. Henderson sale was very successful. Mrs. .Henderson intends removing to Plattsville shortly. Miss M. Dobie, who has spent the past fortnight with her sister, Mrs. Dingwall, returned home on Satur. d ay. Messrs, John and Robert Howard are selling their stock this week in preparatory for their removal to the West. . „.� The farm on the Oth line and grr..vel corner recently vacated has besyr sold by Mr. Dobie to Mr. Victor Jermyn, who gets possession in the spring. A quiet wedding took elites in Blyth last Wednesday,marwbr.�led '�nto nMiLns N. SuAnanie Patterson was dercock. The ceremony took place at the mane. The -,appy couple will re- side in Blyth. Word was received last week of the death . of Mr. James Wightman in Manitoba. Mr. Wightman formerly lived in Relgeave. He leaves his wifie (Who was Miss Black) and one little girl. The pause of death was, pneu- monia, Harris. Council will meet March 1Otb. George and. Mrs. Johnston, 1st line, Morrie, have been Harte ill with the grippe, but we wish them a speedy re- covery. The farm of J. 13, Kerney, 4th line, has been leased for a tot in of years to Pates' Rutledge, of the stupe line. 1i r. Ket ney will remove to the Koos farm, 3rd line, which he recently par- chased, One day last week as Harvey Knox, 3 d line, was driving his team to Bluevale, a valuable 3 year old colt burst a blood vessel and died on tie road almost immediately. It was a good animal worth from $200 to $250. W. S. Davidson will build a straw shed, 36x4$ feet, withcement stabling under it, A straw -shed, 4203 feet, with stone stabling, will be put up by M, McVittie, John Mustard will erect a new kitchen also a driving- ehed and Alex, Mustard a kitchen and woodshed. A driving shed will he built by Walter Forrest. The 100 acre farm of Walter L, Breckenridge, let line, Morris, bas been sold to Robert, Messer, North boundary, for $:1250, possession to be given March 15th. The proprietor was born on this farin and always lived there. Be and his mother will probably take up residence in" Wing - ham after the sale. Mr, Messer will now have 200 acres. The steel superstructure intended for Sunshine new bridge over the Maitland will be taken to the let tine and used to replace the Graham bridge and a 2 span bridge, 170 feet in- stead. of 125 feet, put on at Sunshine, Two cement abutments and a centre pier will be built to sostain it, Hill 0o. of .Mitchell have the contract for the bridge and are to receive $1,700 additional for the bigger structure. This Council met bleb, lit; members all present, except Coma. Edgar. Alex, Gibson was,a,ppointed Truster of Fordwioh burying, ground in place • of Thos. Gibson deceased. The auditors' report for 1012 Was presented and accepted, By-law No.. 3 appointing 11. W.,, Laird, auditor, was duly passed, The Treasurer was atxtbur zea transfer all moneys from the Sin'kity to fond to the general fund of the taY vrt `ship. The tender of the ''t"Vingham. Ad- va>tioe; to do all the t tvnehip prig ctityg and advertising for $l'3ca WAS $tory Belgrave. Miss Dean Geddes of Lucknow spent Sunday with Mrs, 3, L. Geddes. Mrs. Tucker of Durham is visiting her. sister, Mrs, Henry Brandon. Miss Pearl Anderson spent a few days last week with Wingham friends, Mr, Rich. Beilby of Saskatoon, formerly of the 4t1:4 line of Morris, is at present renewing old friends around here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spotton of Wing - ham were guests of lie. and Mc'a, 3. W. X, VauNorman on Sunday, Mrs, Baker and family and Miss Susie Allison of London are visiting their Mother, Mrs, Allisen, at present, Mr, John VanNorman has purchas- ed a tine new I+aditon Concert phono- graph from Mt'. D, Bell of Wingham. Me. C. G. McCrae, who has been t•oufined to the house for a couple of weeks on account of sickness, is able to be out. Miss Knox of Goderich, who Day b visiting h sister, Mrs, (Rev.) i pastae for some time, returnedto h homelastweek. RUNDOWN: PEOPLE Made Strong by Vinol. Run-down conditions are caused by overwork, worry, too close con' iiuement, a chronic cough or cold which it is difficult to cure. We want to say to every person in this condition ----you need Vinol, our delicious cod .liver and iron tonic without oil, the great strength cre- ator, It Will supply' iron to the blood in the most easily assimilated form, create a good, healthy appetite, strengthen your ,digestive organa and 1111akt soU. eat better, sleep better and feel better, A case has just Dome to our atten- tion, from West Scranton, li'a,, Mrs, Chas. Proper says: "For three yearn I was all run down, weals and had no appetite, tied after all that time am glad to say Vinol bag bro,,ught back my health and atrepgth, which is lust what I was told it would 40." We are epnfldeut that Vino]. is the best body-builder and strength -creator we have ever sold. Try a bottle on our guarantee to refund your money if it fails to benefit you. J. W. ¥oKibban, Druggist, Wingham. Bluevale, LIBEL SuiT,—An interesting libel suit was tried at the meeting of 'the Literary, Social, and Debating Society on Feb. 19, when Miss Patience Putty - foot sued the Bluevale Literary Digest for $10,000 damages for libelous state- ments about her cooking, injurious to her chances of matrimony. The court- room was densely crowded and the judge had to warn the spectators that they were present on the sufferance of the'Court and should act accordingly. His Lordship, J. W, King, looked striking in the full robes of office. He severely reprimanded the learned counsel for appearing in Court with- out their gowns but excused them for once on the ground of poverty. . The Clerk of the Court, W. H. Raney, annc unced several cases on the docket but only owl was heard before the court adjourned. Four witnesses were c4lted on each side. One lady talked in German and had to be disrnis! ed as the court had not supplied an inter- preter. Some said the evidence was dragged out too long, but a number of the witnesses thought they were. dragged out too soon. A., L Po-ltff, C., counsel for, plaintiff, produced two exhibits—exhibit ('s) --An apple pie covered with whipped cream ; exhibit (h)—A. plate of bi wilts. These were sworn to be the work of trc plaintiff and were ;..pronounced ex- caliept by the expert witness called upon to test them, Mrs. H, A. Mc- Calif -and Miss Mary Collie. Stuart MvNaughton was called a5 an expert by the defence who produced a pie and biscuit of a very substantial nature purporting to be the domestic pro-' Kilpatrick vtslk g er nisi , r , • duct of the plaintiff. But he turned - leotiori. pale and refused to act and this was to her considered eufficientl d evi- Mr. Abe Brydges, 3cd line, Morris, de. ace, The spectators found it itu- had a very successful wood -bee on possible at times to ret,tr'ain the; Friday, and at night gave his friends feelings and Court Grier, Howard dance, of which all report an t�,-1 Stewart, and Cailnstable, Crailt C1It3�. ne: born had very hard work to keep, r Mrs. John Proctor and son Gairdner the fury were both lay" ng P y dame in • CHRTSTIE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 MARMALADE ORANGES THE, BEST of STOOK AN:D WELL COLOURED Per Doz., 25c, WE SELL GOOD TDA AND COFFEE We have had largely increased sales. in these two lines during the past year, for which we thank our Many customers. GOOD Quality is the principle on which we hope to obtain and hold all tea and coffee business. They are worth just the.prioe we ask. COFFEE Per Lb. 40c TEAS Per Lb. 30c, 40c, 50c, 60c, and 75c. Bought Too Many Herring Our lake herring were No 1. (duality but we bought too 'many. We ofies. the remainder of our stook at PER DOZ. I5c, PER BARREL ��4.00 v NOTICE TO, CREDITORS. T1IURRSDAY, EBBRTMI Y 1913 IN TIIE MATTER of the estate of William Henry Knox of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to ,NOTICE V, Chapter 26, °eotion e5 that all err' sons having claims against the Estate o1.,'the said William Henry Knox, who died ora the Zits. day of November 1912, are required, bn or before the 35th. day of March, 1913, to file with the undersigned a statement with fuck partic- ulars of their claims, and of all of the- seouria y hold by them, if any, and that after•, the said date the a.dministratrix will proceed[ to distri- bute the assets among the persc'arfs entitled, haying regard only to the claims, elf which she shall then have notice. Dated this 11th. day of Februtarr, DU nay HQL,IIMY,S, Solicitor far Ad_ministratrix; FARM :FLP. During that coming season 1 wart be 111 a position o espply F :perienc' and inexperi.-ne d farm laborers froom rimed dtt;tricts of British Islas, & ' ,rty of twenty to arrive first weep{larch. WM MEQjI'P' 2'1-- St, c ie.ens P.O., Ont. Phone --.N Huron out in check, The counsel in rl-' �i of Palmerston, who have been visit- eloquent, while the ?' ,r11cd, at d ing the former's daughter, Mes D at, u ode l of i.ut ext',3p .APs charge w s, l t C. Robertson, for some time, returned The u`r ret oP .tory and re:,,Zrr' r 11 to their home last week. Jos, jstan1$ ` to tet>ix• f� v.a llic lkit~. , returned a v �rdict, of- in concert held last Frid,a�y night "guilr.p wi' h rpeotnrrnsndati,tn t' in the Forester's al.il under the aus- t4Y r'',�-" AT di the judge senteneedf ae ptces of the Woman's Institute was T literary Digest; to be suspended _ for quite a success, cont.idering- tLte one week, a full apology to he pr." anted its own costs. The musical,: to pay $.hiss. The receipt amounted to about part of ,$22,00. the program was supplied: by the Young Men's orchestra frc,' ti G ienan- Wroxeter, nan, who played a numbO ' of spirited selections. Miss Belle Per .veil was the On Monday evening, quite a large accompanist and Mies. 'gessie Aitken number Me hodist gtau ch spa tint thea Sat�of hm : e sapg several very -'releasing songs. to Next Wednesday r,ig ht there will be Ah LclRusselld, iKQ A.byvvehooist�eavRinv. another good proFsTa, m with a variety g of pleasing featly;es,. Wrr�;t+t er for the North West. Speci- al singing was rendered by a strong choir organized from the three church- Ladies �� es on the circuit ; Rev. R. S. La,ckland >i > Not Preserve occupied the chair. Speeches were given by representatives from each Y appointment. Mr. Thomas Bolt of Salem epoke of the sterling worth of Mr. Russel as minister of the circuit. Mr. Hazlewood of Wroxeter spoke of his worth an the Quarterly Bo>ryrdi, `PARISIAN Sage,, the quick act.iug and as teacher of the Bible Class hi'{ hair restorer, is for sale in y:rirtghara leaving would leave a gap that .would by J. W. McKjbhon and is sold with .a he hard to fill. Mr. W.' H. Ltvvey of rigid guarantee at 50 cents a large Belmore said that he had loved o, bottle. Russell ever since he carne ora. the PARISIAN Sfg P has an immense circuit 6 years ago as pastor, and this sale, and here are the reasons More he knew him the better he liked It ie safe and lb armless. him. After singing "Biles` be the tie It cures dans''.ruff in two wveek by that binds," Mr. Wesley Tremble. read !killing i'13° do' idruff germ. a kindly -worded address and Mr. It �t S fan,' ding hair. Gemmill presented Mr. Russell with a 1,in pion="�,tlp stops itching of the gold -mounted umbrella. Mr. Russell s ►3P.• replied in suitable terms, and said slims, �'.c ma,aJ ,es the hair soft and luxuriant. Dr. John Williams once said to hip, It gi''ies life and beauty to the hair. "Russell you will never be a,>,sytY' -' It i not, sticky or greasy. else but a boy," that he thous.? eitzg It is the daintiest perfumed hair the greatest compliment, tbo' ,ut was wile. keeping young and "' as ever It is the best and most pleasant and vigorating hair dressing made. on motion of Crawford and W inter, hat trnder being the lowest. The accounts were ex,tmittl� �d stns ordered to he paid, 0oun fl adjourned to meets 3 as Gorrir 1'fareh 10, when patltlttea� t exit, eta,,. will be appointed., Limie 'Walk, y , °llea<k, stormy night. The program way; firsts in its next issue mad eaeli side. • or,r Youth And Beauty P paid to him, and Alas ..c w way going,to ft y.- ..slat was why tie After singlpk,. .ung man's country. meet again.` `God" be with us till we Nervedaw Light refreshments were .,d a delightful evening closed. Blyth. A male choir furnished the musical part of the service at the Methodist Church on Sunday evening. The Epworth League of the Metho- dist Church are putting on a. high class co>ert for March lith, St. Patrick's t2t y. Mr, :i?ohn Mains was elected by acclalarnat nix to the School Board to fill bite va'a pep gauged by the death of, Mr. Chel"tew, Frank, McPherson of Edmonton renewie tg old acgnaintanee. He ;speaks h,ghiy of the West for a youtsg man with a trade. On Sa,tt'`,rday, while bringing nettle to town,: for shipnexlt, .Mr. Henry x ebur read the niiyforr.unet to lose a Wiltx,stihl e steer by rhe a nirn 0,1 slipping on thf' ice and breaking one leg. Tld ere was a good attendltn.se at the F'at'' avers' Institute meeting held on ` '4' ataday of last week, A union meet - at' g of the Women's Institute was id in the Industry Hall its thn even - 7 nfr, A good musical prograxit and address were given ; the hall was tilled, Mil111AM iilARKETS. Wheat ----00o to 020: Oats -33 NI 43' ets. Barley' --18 to iii cte.. PA,as.--1 0�) to $1 00 Hay —$11-1X) —$11.1X) t,t, $12,C 0. a tont. Rist•ter 22 tt, 21 eta Eagan ---22 r ,k tura, l rrtatttee---)0x: to 000. per bush. Live Bo --3 00, rot full trOVO> to tita 4013 re *rt�i 1te low Fight shy of the druggist who offers you a substitute, he is unworthy v'j your confidence. The R. T. Booth 0•n,., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont,, Canad'tan makers. A Bl6 DiFFEItNCE. Conrad Feick of St,rat fart 1, Ont., writes :—"I used some of thi , Home- stead Fertilizer this eg•asor . on my oats and 1 ant well smashed with the reeulte. 1 could stand's- bttcl) : twenty rods and show you just; whet' e I sowed it." - Ilometltead FQrtili s n,:re manu- faetured and sold by the Michigan Carbon Works, Dt troit, Michigan, who will send free,,' to go se farmer their book on forth izeir - Wit r a hand- some calendar po itage pant i. They want agents where they are not row represented. Atlemess, Miekl~st, gen Car - hon Works, Postoffice Drta vre t 814—A, Detroit, Michig•,t i, a, king torr tering. • FARM FOR SAI,.F, .1 1 Pa!< SALE. o:ru rhItter e uleF.'irable home consisting of 4 of land, close by the Town gharn. A good part of this '047 d repair. Apply on the premises JOHN AGNEW 1I 1 LOWER WINGHAM. SIIE SALE F012 GIRLS REAL GOOD SHOES AT MARVELLOUSLY LOW PRIMES 69 Cents For sizes 8, 9, 10, and 101- 89 01 89 Cents For sizes 11, 12, 13, 1 and 2 On Sale Monday Next, Mar. 3rd At 4.15 p. m. Precisely One . Shoe of each pair on sale is now . being shown in north window. Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The vessomommemiammigatammemallass North half of lot 14, con. 2`,, Morris, 100 acres, 00 cketared, br1Ck house and kitchen ; hart with atone Welling, good driving tiled. two good wells, seeing creek, For further parh%oulare apply on the, jprernibes. MRS. L. FRASER. Bluevale 1'. 0. F arirn Help. During tth.,•a coming censors,, 1 shall he in aA poeirt nn to supply ails rite help x1c-'atlPcl by its .' fila -mete in tltai+ district, S .m' ,►i" t.1 v arriving are &I pet leti`tci- r•d, others 1 nexperienced Poo fiber- eY•aa; alar it wnestio servants. Mete mare at No. i" 1t5. DA.VtD . mason, :17 11Wlilthtou, 41 d r Ili 9Ji a4;i1L111, 4.11. It01..161' THE SHOE STORE 700-041/ FOR .517.'0,E;LADIES Men's and Laches' Tailor Made Suits For Spring, In the newest City Styles and tailored workmanship. For good dressers call' and see our samples. We take all measurements and guarantee all fits for Men's and Ladies' Tailored Garments. Sole agents for Men's and Youths' Hobberlin Clothes—$'1.8.00 to $30.00 per Suit. Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Snits in tans, whipcords, serges and diagnols. Prices—$13.- 50, $15.00, $15.00 and $25.00. PHONE 10, sem) US YOUR MAIL ORDERS. ANNA