HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-02-27, Page 5L 1r 'THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7, 1913 Going Out of Business This is the place to buy and now is the time Our stock is gradually being carried out, but •there are still a goodly number of plums left. There are bargains here that you cannot afford to let pass. Remember, we are going out of business, nothing is being held back. Every article in the store is marked away down. Don't delay a minute. Delays are dangerous. NOTICE ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID AT ONCE. SI 1 111 N.11Igo t .1 N. 1st:1i 1 igh g a I latga.gi aAall .11101.1. 111.11)11.N1111 Kuld le II i ilk MIMI Mil 1! galagglial 1 It.1.11. wig Itt g ileGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS rea FURNISHERS OVER 66 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica• tions ntr1cIy confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for Becuringatents. Patents taken thNt Co.C rough unn . receive (medal notice, without charge, in the Scientific Rilericati. A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest eir. ,f•niation of any scientific journal. Terms for (Anada, 83.75 a year, postage prepaid. 13old Dy all newsdealers. MUNN & CO 3610;adway,NewYork prAnch Office. 625 V St., Washington, D. C. Try The Advance. For Sale Bills. For Church Reports. For Posters of all kinds. For Bill Heads, Memos. For Note Heads, Letter Heads. For Job Wolk of All kinds. Small Postoffices Closing. Forty-eight postoffices in Canada were closed last month on account of the inauguration of the free rural system of mail delivery. Two systems of course, are not necessary, and aboli- tion of postoffices in part compen- sates for the expenses of the rural deliveries. Lambs From Chicago. On Tuesday, February lith last, a car-loal of lambs was sold on Toron- to market, having come all the way from Chicago. Sheep and lambs were in demand, and. the supply was not sufficient for the enquiry. Owners say that sheep and lambs are no' available in this country, and predis many shipments from Chicago ti spring, Choice lambs sold ai 0 30 per cent. on the date referrtd to This is a fair indication of the slacnt- age of sheep in Canada, and the pre pects for money -making in thi- • branch of the live -stock industry. On this same day live hop sold as high n- $9.10 per cwt. and the hest cattle $7. Who says there is no money in live stock ? The old folks are never lopesome—they always • have company when there's an Edison Phonograph on the table. For them and the young folks, the scope of the new Blue Amberol Records includes everything, from old time favorites to present day tunes—popular and classical, The real fun and enjoyment afforded by an Edison Phonograph is unequalled by any other instrument made. A call on. your Edison dealer will convince you. nowt A. Edison, (nag 100 Lakeside Are., Orange, N. 4.1.11. se A. A complete Doe of Edison Phonograph* eta It000rcla will be found g DAVID BELL Atlea t.1116.4411111.L.14•1661•11..441...— _ — elpeRe.. 1Ii1 ..... P ORTRY" NOTES 110C C.11.11ARNITZ RIVERSIDE PA, CORRESPONDENCE ,SOLICITED [These articles and Illustrations must not be reprinted without special perm's. sion.j THE DANDY BLACK ORPINGTON. The far famed Dorking, which Cae- sar bore from Rome to England 55 B. 0„ has been knocked to splinters by the big pink skinned Orpington, England's now most popular chicken. England has many varieties, both in rose and single comb, but so far the American Poultry association has admitted but three to the standard— S. C. White, S. 0. Buff and S. U. Black, This breed, originated by the late William Cook at Orpington, England, Photo by C. M. Barnitz. MACK OItPINOTON COOK DIRD. is the most popular thus far originat- ed on English soil and has as large fol- lowing in this country. All the standard varieties are alike in weight and shape, and the Blacks have many friends. A look at the cuts tells why. They are a fowl to be proud of, pretty for show and bully for eggs and meat. To make the Black Orpington a Black Minorca male was mated to Week sport pullets 11'0111 Barred Plym- outh Rocks. Pullets of this cross were then bred to a Black Langsban cock with clean legs. This was a fine combination for eggs and meat, size and beauty, and it was found that the young matured from a mouth to six weeks earlier than the chicks of the original breeds bred stra 1 g b t. To get the Blacks to their present perfection was a tedious task, Mr, Cook persevering for seventeen years before be reached his ideal. He made both rose and single comb' from this combination. The Black Orpington is of remarka- ble vitality. It is large, compact, Photo by C. M. Barnitz. • BLACK ORPINGTON REM Pitimp, big breasted, and as a general purpose fowl for fine grained meat and big eggs it Is hard to beat. It should be low in stature, have rich, glossy, black plumage; rod comb, face, wattles, enr lobes; dark eyes, black shanks, and ,the soles of its feet should be pinkish white. As a market fowl it is rather large for the common call and does not have the butter colored skin and trilbys so popular with American market buyers. 'ORPINGTON STANDARb WEIGHTS. Pounds. Pounds. Cock 10 Hen .. 8 Cockerel 81/2 Pullet DON'TS. Don't argue over trifles. The man Who seeks an argument and prides himself on hiS argumentative ability needs only to argue with a suffragette and he will fizzle away to a zero with- out the ring, Don't fail to be neat. If your goods are nice and you look nice, no ,trouble about that extra price. Don't get the idea that any old hunch of feathers will win at the county fair. Just try the trick and get licked, Don't think every fellow who takeS a look at your plane is trying to steal your secrets. There Is a secret you shouldn't tell - how you fake at the shows so Well. Immense Cement Tank. Berlin, Ont., is said to have the largest cotterete water stand -pipe on the continent. The tank has a. capa. city of dive hundred thousand gallons, and IB supported by reinforced cons erete hil 12 Inches thick and 80 feet high, resting on a circular foundation, 13 feet wide. .The entire structurci )8 125 feet high, and costs about 885,000 It Was greeted to increase water pre, tittre for lire proteation, THE WINGUAM ADVANCE tmogrationsoulemaammiaslimmamalre „, mg 1 I 1 1 71111110111801111igaigAM461.41M11115111110111111MINOM1111 1 11 ‘1 I 11 1 Yosisailitsomsvasetoasso *ilkimassootaprimessisesititissii 1 N - 11MVNIMIMMINI I 1 1 ,,1111 111 llllllll 11111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 11111111 11111111 11 1 1 1111 I 111 1111 II 1 11 1 1 • 1 I 111 1 II I 1111111111111111111111i, 1 1 1 / IlINRIMIMINOISSISIORIMINIORI 111111 i 11 11 11 1 1 1 111 I 1 I 1111 11 1 1 I 11 H 111111 III 11 1 1 fowl...mum ' qlPildilr.i ; I'lf,iiiJI"iri,!,;,,, iii: "!, ', .. ,, i i } 10 ,I, shAs lc, St, ,,, i', ',1'0'..'. i ..1,', ; • !A,, ii1.ii,, ! H ''i :i '''' 11;:.:1,':.• ''''ii; '''', { II (/ GI* 'El'4 (7,777") .. , . ,..,,... . .;•..... •• ( 1111,1111111 1111 11111111 11111 111 1111111'1 11111111111• 1111111T111111111111111111111111111 FOR FOUR DAYS, at ISARD'S inittt4 g SALE OPENS SATURDAY, MARCH THE FIRST, AND CONTINUES UNTIL WEDNESDAY, MARCH THE FIFTH Hurry up for BIGGER BARGAINS than ever. "PRICES GUT IN TWO." A great buying opportunity. You will save money on all lines of goods. This is our last hit at all Heavy Winter Stock and rather than pack any away will make sweeping reductions on MEN'S Fur Coats, Fur Lined Coats, Fur Collared Coats, Overcoats, Suits, Pants, Lined Jackets, Fur Caps, Fur Band Caps, Heavy Rubbers and Socks, Under- wear, Sweater Coats, Felt Hats,. Top Shirts. WOMEN'S Fur Coats, Fur Lined Coats, Fur Collared Coats, Cloth Coats, Suits, Top Skirts, Sweater Coats, Underwear, Furs of all kinds including Muffs, Ruffs, Stoles, Gauntlets, Caps, Etc. Dress Goods, Silks, Coatings, Flannelettes, Shawls and all lines of Knitted Goods. Special Cut Prices on Table Linen, Table Napkins, Etc. w 0 STORES FULL OF BARGAINS Shop early. We've values for everyone. Up to you to attend this sale. Remember the date—Saturday, March the First. rOur Bargain List of Reduced Prices in Cut price§ on some lines of Men's and Groceries will be_continued for this Sa1e,J Women's Boots and Shoes H. E. Isard Go. 4 Hi • 111111111111•11111 BIG HALF PRICE JEWELRY SALE COMMENCING SATURDAY, MARCH DIAMONDS AT HALF PRICE 1 Ladies' Cluster Ring, 7 diamonds; sells reg- .$45 ular at $90, for 1 Ladies' Ring, 14 diamonds and 1 opal; se]ls regular at $140, for $70 1 Ladies' Diamond Ring; sells regular at $59, for $29.50 1 Ladies' Ring, 2 pearls, 1 diamond; sells reg- ular at $35, for $17 1 Ladies' Diamond Ring; sells regular at $30, for $15 1 Ladies' Diamond Ring; sells regular at $18, for $9 1 Ladi.s' Diamond Ring; sells regular at $27, for $13 50 2 Ladies' Diamond Rings; sell regular at $23 each, for, each $11.50 1 Ladies' Twin Ring, diamond and ruby ; sells regular at $22, for $11 2 Ladies' three stone Rings, diamond and em- eralds; regular 14 eaoh, for, each $7 1 Gent's Diamond Ring; sells regular at $30, for $15 1 Gent's Diamond Tie Pin; sells regular at $24, for $12 1 Gent'15 stone, Diamonds, Tie Pin; special price $175 PEARL RINGS AT HALF PRICE 5 Ladies' 3 stone Pearl Rings; sell regular at .$6 each; for, each $3 100 5 stone Pearl Rings; sell regular at $14 each; fol., eaoh $7 4 single stone Pearl Rings; sell regular at $4 50 each; for, each $2 25 Your choice of any article in the store at 20 per cent. discount. • IpluesOnownsweumt . lst, ENDING MARCH 31st RANIANAMMIYAIWWWAMMANWA NO GOODS GIVEN OUT WITHOUT THE SPOT CASH • GI PATTERSOI THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR WING -HAM 111111111111151=111111111111111§11EMI THE DOMINION BANK 515 EDMUND B. OSLER, M.P., PRESIDENT. W. D. 'MATTHEWS, VIOE-PRESIDENT. C. A. BOGERT, Cleneral Manager. 1 Capital paid up • Reserve Fund Total Assets • • - $5,000,000 $o,000,0oo • • $78,000,000 Financial Headway 1 of the sure and permanent kind is rarely made withoutthe assistance of a Savings Sank Account. It stimulates savihg, keeps the money in absolute safety, increases it with interest, and provides the ready cash to take advantage of the business opportunities which come ones way. WINGHAM BRANCH: N. EVANS, Manager. Weight And Measure. When we watch a dry goods man measuring material with his yard- stick, we little realize with what great tare the State watches over the stand- ard on which that stick is based. For twenty years the standard yard mea- snre and the standard pound weight have been sealed up in a vault In the Palace of Westminster, and the time for examining them IS almost due. The security of commerce depends largely' upon the accuracy of these measures. Land in cities is so enor. ,aaaaallaamagtamgm.a.141111411144111% iuously valuable that surveyors mut make measurements of the most per. feet minuteness, and they could not do this unless their measuring ire, atrumenta were strictly correct, The standard yard measure has already been lost once—when the 1101380s r.f Parliament were burnt Co vn in 1831 Nine years later a special commission of scientists was appointed to make another measure. It took them eleven !years to complete their work. Over 200,000 ealculations and tests were made before the standard could be completed. And then, years after the work was completed, and the new measure was reactor. Electric Restorer for Men restores every nerve in the body vim°flusdPvhit°elnit°y./ toits decaytl proper tension ,• restores and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will rnakeArou a new man. Price SR a box, or two for $si Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Co.,St.Catharines. Ont. Snd us your name and addrefs • and we will forward to you free a map of THE CITY OF WINNIPEG and full desorption of our very i high class sub division Rosewood Crescent, with price list CRESCENT LAND CO. N. P. GIZIDER, SnenivrA.ny - see McArthur Bldg., WINNIPEG, Man. .....1%.^046.00%W."10•041,040.4%.~."..."."". Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Caahlers, Oillee Assistants. Cenuriet eial and Shorthand Teachers aro in great de. mand. If they graduate from (ho ELLIOTT 1ik* TO13.0141TO, ON, Many former students are HCW 00.filliiR frani $70(1 to wan a year. We deal in only the MUT' It IN l) of Practical 'Education. Wo use best aystorna, employ 1)e4t. tcherei and ptoduce the bOn TOS1110. Enter now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. az. 'Tonga suit Alotauder 84, `i•is•h4•~..44^N•WW*Aofirro ' • 4 Ts i 1 1 1 WATCHES AT HALF PRICE 4 Gents' 20 yr. Watches, gold filled cases, Elgin movement; sell regular at $16 regular at $14; for $7.00 eaoh; for, each $8.00 1 Gent's 8 day coin silver Watch; sells reg- ular at $16; for $8.00 1 Gent's coin silver Watch, 17 jewels; sells 2 Gents' 20 yr. gold filled cases,s17 jeweled. 00 movement; sell regitlar at $20; for.... $10 4 Gents' 15 jewelled movements in nickel cases; sell reg. at $11 each; for, each .. $5.50 5 nickle case Watches, lever movements; $2.00 sell regular at $4; for, each 1 Gent's Stop Watch; sells regular at $6; for $3.00 CLOCKS AT HALF PRICE 12 8 day Clocks; sell regular at $4.00 each; for, each $2.00 24 Alarm Clocks; sell regular at $1,00 each; for, each 50c 6 .Alarm Clocks; sell regular at $1.50 each; for, each 75c Regular at $1.30 each, for 65c 3 Black Mantel 8 day Clocks; sell regular at $8 50 each; for, each 1 Grandfather Clock, 6i feet high; sells regular at $20 00; for • $4.25 $10.00 30 Gold and f3ilver Headed Umbrellas at half price. . 25 Hand Bags at half price. Brass Goods at half price. 25 pieces of Cut Glass at half prioe. Toilet Sets and Manicure pieces of all kinds; at half price. 50 Watch Fobs at half price. • •- •`0,1- , - • -.; . ' • MEM We ish To Announce to the worthy public of Wingham and vi3inity that we are preparing ourselves for the spring. We have in all ready and it is coming in every day, all supplies for your spring wear. Our prices for spring supplies will be great surprises for you. But meanwhile we are selling our hfavy wear stuff at below cost prices, and this will he positively your last chance. Specially we wish to draw your attention to the following—, On Saturday, March Ist, between hours 2.30 and 5.00 p. m., also 8 to 9,45 p. m., we will sell 18 pair of Men's Boots, all sizes, reg. $3,50 at $1.98 ; also 8 Men's Suits, reg. $8.50 at $4.98. Remember the time, because we will not posi- tively sell at these prices after the time mentioned. COOPER i HERMAN OPPOSITE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 1111111111111.111111111111111111111111111$1111111111111111111111111111111111111. 1 4