HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1913-02-27, Page 4I f,,YlliyII THE WNHAM ADVANCE KING- :13 O 3rd ANNUAL SALE OF WINTE' MERCHANDISE TWO YEARS AQQ when we took over this sump AND THINK business we gave the people of Utrrilzghaln and * vicinity a sale that has not been forgotten by those who shared in the Great Bargains. LAST YEAR when we had things in shape for our Big Sale we had the misfortune of being burnt out of everything entirely. THIS YEAR we are in a better position than ever to handle our ever increasing trade, and feeling the disappointment caused our customersin not being able to give them a sale last March we have decided to make the Sale this March doubly interesting, LEADING FEATURES FIRST. --Everything Brand New. No last season's .goons to offer you. SECOND, ;, just the time of year when you want goods if you want .to save THIRD. --Nothing misrepresented. We guarantee all the goods. FOURTH. --Nothing reserved. Sale includes all General Dry Goods, Men's Ladies' Ready-to-wear, House Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Read over the list, come and see what interests you and you'll that this is a real sale. money. Ready-to-wear, &c., &c. be convinced 15 only Ladies' Witter Cloaks, Fins 84, 86, 88, 40 ; regular $12 50, $15.00 and $18 CO; your choice for $10.95. ALL NEW GOODS. Ladies' Fur Trimmed Coats, 7 oialy; regular $22.50 and $25,00; your choice for $17,95. Ladies' Fur Lined Coats, 4 only, Canadian -Rat lined, fine English Beaver shell, genuine Alaska Sable, collar; to clear, $41.75. Three only Coats similar to above; only better quality ; regular -$75.00, tla clear at $59.60, One only Ladies' Marmot Coat, a beautiful gar- ment, perfect fitting, full furred, satin lined; , one to be proud of ; regular $75.40, for $60.00. One -only Lady's Marmot Ooat, similar to above, bas fancy -trimmed bottom, exceptionally fine far - red and exquisitely lined; $85.00, to clear $68.00. Muffs, Stoles, Oaperines, Throws, Ties --in Mink, Persian Lamb, Fox, Sable, Lynx, Muskrat, Eto,, at Sweeping Reductions. Ladies' and Children's Underwear must all be cleared up regardless of price. All new goods and splendid values. _ .• PRINTS I PRINTS 1 All Brand New, fast colors, choice patterns, light and dark colors ; regular 12)ao and no, to clear at 9o. Come early. TABLE LINEN -4 pieces (brand new) exquisite patterns. 72 in. wide, elegant quality; $1.25 value for per yard 880. All ocher lines in Table Linen and Napkins reduced comparatively. STAPLES. --Everything must go to make room for more new goods. All Flannelettes and Towel- lings, reg. 12io for 9c; reg. l0c for 8o per yd. MEN'S FURS 6 only Dog Coats, sizes 40 to 48; regular $22.50, to clear 1 only Coon Ooat; $100.00, to clear at $85.00. Will be season. 2 only Coon Coats; regular $95.00, to clear at $80.00. 1 only Coon Coat to clear at $69.00. You'll never buy them as cheap again. Fur Caps, Robes, Etc., 20 per cent. off. Gents' Underwear, all wool, unshrinkable, all sizes from 82 to 46; .regular $1.25 per garment, for 89o. Same as above only not so fine; regular $1.0o for 68o, per garment Put in your supply. Mitts, Sox, G1oveil, Shirts, Eto., Etc., at clearing prices. MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING Just passed into stock $1000.00 New Spring .Olothing in all the new fabrics and designs made in the most approved styles, Right up to 'the minute. Put on sale with our other new etook--20 per cent, off. The choice of a lifetime, Come along. 17 only Gents' Sweater abatis, high collar, all wool, good colors ; just what you want ; regular $1.50 to $2 00, to clear for 980. GROCERIES Whisks ---15 dozed to clear Alt 100 each. Lantern Globes- -10 dozen only; regular 10o each. to blear at 4 for 25c. Extracts -Vanilla, Lemon, Pineapple, Raspberry, Banana, Ete.; 4 for 250. Currants and TRaisins---all fret&h fruit;; 3 lbs. for 25o. Royal ''east- -2 boxes for 50, Maple Leaf Salmon ---250, Tomatoes -4, oasis for 25o. at $17,25 worth $150 next SALE STARTS SATURDAY, MAR. 1St TERMS, -Spot cash. No goods charged, only at regular prices. DING BRO.S. BEBpKB.,tPERSt Are You Going West P (From Ont. Agricultural College.) • The winter so far has been a rernark- ably easy one on bees wintered out of doors says Morley Pettit, the Pro- vincial Apiarist. What is causing unettsinesti at present is the naked condition of the clover. It remains to be seen how it will come through the freezing and thawing of spring. Mice are reported to be bad In some parts and the rascals can do a lot of harm in boxes where bees or combs are packed, They are very fond of honey and dead bees and will destroy combs to get access to either. They also find the packing material nice for making nests right close to the cluster of bees. Of course .this kind of thing would not be tolerated by the bees in summer, but now they are asleep and will not defend themselves but suffer heavy lose from being so disturbed. Wintering boxes should by rights, be mouse -proof, but is not always easy to have them so. The alternative is a free use of mouse traps and poison. Out-of-door wintered bees must by all means be sheltered from cold winds. This is especially necessary on the ap- proach of spring when brood rearing will be starting and all the heat pos- sible must be retained in the hives to aid incubation, Remember that the brood chamber of a hive is an incuba- tor whose temperature is kept up by natural heat generated by the nurse bees who "sit" on the eggs and young larvae. If the hive is cold the brood- ers have to sit closer together and cannot cover so many eggs or larvae. If the hive is warm they can spread out and cover more brood. This means more young bees will be batch- ed in the same time, Then when summer comes there will be more workers in the hive to gather honey. Anyone who thinks about this for a moment will see why all hives should pe kept warmly packed and sheltered from cold winds du'tring what bee- keepers call the spring breeding up time, right up to settled warmer weather, On the other hand entrances must not be closed. There is that about bee nature which does not brook. con- finement and except when bees are screened in for moving they must have "free ingress and egress" to their hives. On bright, cold days it is well to shade the entrance, however, lest the sunshine tempt some bees to come out and be lost on the snow. The winter is the time for purchas- ing preparing next summer's supplies. New hives can be nailed and painted and old ones repaired. Loose joints in suppers should be given extra nails, and, above all, every part of the hive which is exposed to weather should be well coated with a light colored durable paint. For covers, the most durable and satisfactory water-prof- ing is galvanized iron. Then for pro• tection from hot sun in summer and cold spring and fall a cover should be packed. =_- We can soli you tkkets, to any point via CANADIAN PA- CIFIC io RAILWAY or any route may dt' ere. Are You Staying East P We can give you bargains in. either Town or Farm pro, perty. Should Be W. D. • Rev, John McNeil, a distinguished • British .preacher, now stationed as pastor of a Toronto church, in the course of a recent address at an annu- al banquet of life insurance men, wound up by proposing a new degree that deserves to crowd some of the other often ornamental initials off the parchment. It was not the "D. D.," " or "L L. D.," he declared, that a man should seek to have after his name, but "W. D.," standing for "well done." Watch this space next week for list of Winghar pro- perties for sale. Sores From Elbow To Fingers. Zam-Buk Worked A Miracle Of Healing. Reverend Gentleman Fully Cor- roborates. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE C. P, R. TOWN TICKET AGENCY G. 11. ROSS, P.D.S., L.D.S. • Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry. OFFICE OVER H. E. ISARD & CO'S. STORE ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Office in Macdonald Block - Mies Kate L. Dolliver, of Caledonia, Queen's Co., N. S , says ;-"I must add my testimony to the value of Ztm- 13uk. Ulcers and sores broke out on my arm, and although I tried to heal theta by using various preparations, nothing seemed to do nie any good. The sores spread until from fingers to elbow was one miles of ulceration. "I had five different doctors, and faithfully carried out. their instruc- • tions. 1 drank pint after pint of blood medicines, tried salve after salve, and lotion after lotion ; but it was of no avail. ".12y father then took me thirty miles to see a well-known (lector. He photographed the area and hand. This photograph was sent to a New York hospital to the specialist; but they sent word they could do nothing further for me, and I was in despair. "One day a friend asked nie if I bad tried Zam-Buk. I said I had not, but I got a box right away. That first box did Me'more good than all the medicine I bad tried up to that time, Ito I continued the treatment. Every box healed the sores more and more until, to make a long Rory short, Zrtm Buk healed all the soros cotn- pletely. Everybody in this plane knows of my case, and that it is Z.ui- Buk alone which cured Inca " Minister corroborates. ---- The Rev. W. 11. M. Parker, of Ca.'edonia,, Miss Dolliver'a mtnister, writea:--"This is to certify that the testimonial of Miss Dolliver is eorreet as far as my know- ledge goes. 1 have known her for a year and a half, and her euro effected lty 'Z in-13uk 39 remat kablo," 'Wherever there is ulceration, blood - poison, sores, cote -cracks, ahpeesses, ruts, burns, bruises, or any akin in- jury or dittea'. , there 1 trta-Buk should ire npplisd. It le also a cure cure for piles. All druggiate and stores 11P11 a,f. 56e per box, or post free from 7.'tu- Buk Co., Toronto. for prie.e. R..fuiw cheap and harmful imitations and substitutes. w. R. HAMBLY, B.Sc., RD., Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Sur- gery, Bacteriology and Scientific Medtcine. Office in the Kerr residence, be- tween the Queen's Hotel and the Baptist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 118 DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER OFincEs--Corner Patrick and Centre streets PHONICS- Offices n0N1 s -•Offices 43 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr. Calder 1.51 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted.. DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. E. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lend./ Physician and Surgeon. • (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) DR. H. J. ADAMS Late member House Staff Tor- onto General Hospital. Post grad- uate London and Dublin. Successor to Dr. Agnew OFFICE IN MCDONALD BLOCK DR. E. IY. COOK VETERINARY SURGEON SUCCESSOR TO DR WILSON DOGS AND SURGERY A SPECIALTY Residence and Office in. Dr. McDonald's old residence on Centro Street, next to Englisu Church. . 'Phone. 250. WINCIIIAM General Hospital. (Under Government Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. Rates for patients (which include board and nursing) -$4.90 to $15.00 per week, according to location of room. For further informa- tion --Address MISS L. MA.TIHEWS Superintendent), Box 223. Wingham, Onb. WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELPH. ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. Gto, SLEEMAN, JOHN DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE ec COSENS, Agents. Wirngham, Ont R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. WINGXIA1VI. D. N. GRIFFIN' GENERAL AGENT issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Lift, Aroldent, Plate, Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with A Real Estate and iitoney Loaning business. DUDLEY TIOLM ES Barristers Solicitor, etc. Office: Meyer Block, SVingham. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICI'T'OR., MONEY' TO LOAN, Mee: i- Morton Block, Wingbatn Tn- uR DAv, E3aRu .Rx 24, 1911; NOW FOR A BIG HOUSE CLEANING SALE MOW Our Clearing Sale has been quite a success, but we have a lot ofwinter goods on hand yet, also quite a stock of broken lines and a few lines. that we are going to clear right out. PRICES CUT DEEPER THAN EVER ON THESE LINES. Underwear for Men, Women, Boys, Girls, Infants. Winter Hosiery " �� « " 4' Winter Gloves ". Sweaters, Tams, Caps, Toques, Hats, Shawls, &c. Winter Dress Goods and Tweeds for Coats, &c. Damask Curtains and Lace Curtains. Men's and Boys' Ready-to-wear Suits and Overcoats. Lumberman's Rubbers and Sox, also Overshoes. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums and Floor Oilcloth. Buttons, Buttons, Buttons ; all kinds of Buttons. ALL THE ABOVE LINES AT 25 PER CENT. OFF !.1 „ 4$ ONE-THIRD OFF ALL FURS BIG long skirt, regular 75c 69c ; some 'BIG for $2.25 ; $t.00 Bags SALE OF CORSETS. -Three new lines of Corsets, short waist, 4 to 6 . suspenders ; regular $1.25 for. 98c ; regular $ i .00 for 75c ; for 58c ; some $1.5o Corsets for $ t .00 ; some $ t .00 Corsets for .75c Corsets for 49c. SALE OF HAND BAGS.--$4•oo Bags for $3 .00 ; $3.Oo Bags $2 00 Bags for $1.5o ; $1.5o Bags for $1.13 ; $1.25 Bags for 84c ; for 69c ; 75c Bags for 49c. A quantity of Men's Shirts at 25 per cent. off. All the above lines must New Spring Goods that are be cleared out at once to make roorn for coming in every day now. FARM ERS. --We want large quantities of Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Bring in your Seed Onions and Seed Beans now. r CENTRAL STJ ATPORD., ONT. i The best practical training school in On- ? tario. Three departments- COMMER- ( CIAL, SHORTHAND and TELOGRA- PHY. All courses are thorough and practical. Teschear are experienced and Lgraduates are placed in positions. Wo give individual attention and students may enter at any time. Write for our free catalogue at once. D. A. MCLACRLAN . - PrinCipal 1 Dr. de Van's Female Pitts A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating tho • generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at 55 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. Th. Soobell Drug Co., pt. Catharines, Out. Capital Paid Up $3,005,000. Reserve $3,750,000. Total Assets Over $48,000,000. Your Present Salary "v"OU once earned a small - er salary than yon are now getting, avid managed Well enough. Yon also eu- j 'yed about as many plea. sures. Have you ever con- sidered how much the dif. ference between what you are milking now and what your wages were then would emounr to in a few years if deposited at interest with thebank ? Make up your mind to save tx certain part of your salary and deposit that a- mount eat b pay day in this bank, where it will earn the highest ctirrfnt interest. One dollar will open an account. C. P. SMITH AGENT .. WINGBAM IR ?e. 25 Per Cent. Off All Men's Suits and Overcoats. During the month of February we will` give 25 per cent. off all Men's Suits and Overcoats of all kinds, including Coon, Lorean Beaver, Dog, Calf, Astrican Lined, t.Fur Collars, &c. We do not wish to carry over any of these Coats and will give real bargains in same. 0 Following our Two Week Sale we find a lot of remnants in Prints, Ginghams, Dress Goods, &c., which will be cleared out at bargain prices. Also a few doz. cans of Peas to clear at1Occan. Seeded Raisins, 3 paekaget4 25c. Sultana Raisins, 3 lbs. 25c. All kinds Produce wanted --Butter, Eggs, White Beans. earnimelinsamontimmesmisumellemsausem A. Mills (Successor to T. A. MILLS) WI NGHAM